PGDIS Syllabus

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Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety

(PGDIS) – Full Time

July 2021

GSFC University,
Fertilizer Nagar,
Vadodara- 391750

Semester – I

Course Code Course Title Course Type L T P C

PGDIS101 Safety Management Core 4 0 0 4
PGDIS102 Safety Engineering -I Core 4 0 0 4
PGDIS103 Safety in Chemical Industries Core 4 0 0 4
PGDIS104 Safety Engineering - II Core 4 0 0 4
PGDIS105 Case Study & Seminar AE 1 1 0 2
PGDIS106 Industrial Visit AE 0 0 0 2
PGDIS107 Internship - I AE 0 0 0 2

Semester – II

Course Code Course Title Course Type L T P C

Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining
PGDIS201 Core 4 0 0 4
Control Techniques
PGDIS202 Industrial Health & Hygiene Core 4 0 0 4
PGDIS203 HSE Legislations and Associated Statutory Provisions Core 4 0 0 4
PGDIS204 Professional Elective Core 4 0 0 4
PGDIS205 Safety Audit & Seminar AE 1 1 0 2
PGDIS206 Industrial Visit AE 0 0 0 2
PGDIS207 Internship - II AE 0 0 0 2

AE – Ability Enhancement

PGDIS101 Safety Management - I
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To learn the basic concepts of safety and its development process up to the modern concept of SHE i.e., Safety, Health and Environment.
2. To understand the basic concepts of safety, major concerns, important causation factors of industrial accidents.
3. To understand different aspect’s philosophy, psychology, behaviour and principal technological attributes all of which have bearing on any
given effective management system.
4. To understand the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling for industrial safety activities.
5. To learn safety techniques of imparting education and training, motivation and participation of employees in safety, costing of accidents and its
relevance to safety budget and finally the Management Information System (MIS) on safety

Course Content Weightage Contact

Hours Pedagogy

Unit 1: The Important Conceptual attributes of Safety Presentation,

Need, Nature & its Significance-Focus on “Human Resource” i.e., Safety of the “Man” at the center. - Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
An overview of perceptions vis-à-vis – facts pertaining to Safety; Appraisal on Various aspects of Chalk board,
Accident prevention, Occupational Health & Environmental Preservation, Protection and Notes
Conservation of nature-Modern concepts of HSE Management (as predominantly being identified
and notified among different organizations) Various concerns attributable to Industrial Safety
realization in terms of:
Incidents and consequential Accidents resulting into Injuries, disabilities and loss of limbs/ lives-
Occupational Health and Environmental Hazards-Nature and size of the problem. -Important Factors
which could be detrimental to safety. -Logical inferences with reference to accident prevention. -
Balancing of equation of between the inevitability factors that coexist in both Industrial development
and Safety Historical evolution on the application of Scientific, Engineering and Technological Safety
concepts in all Industrial establishments

PHILOSOPHY OF SAFETY: Introduction to the philosophical outlook in any walk of life and its
influence on creating a good safety management system -Explanatory review of various common
definitions, phrases and terminologies like:-Unsafe Act/ Condition In attention, Oversight, Error,
Casual approach, Mistake, Incapability, In competence, Error of judgment, Weakness, Stress related
aberrations, Little forgetfulness, Negligence (Willful or otherwise), Hazard, Risk, Incident, Near miss,
Accident (Minor/Major/Disastrous) etc.-Accident Causation Theories-H W Heinrich’s Ten Axioms of
industrial safety.-Heinrich’s Domino Theory and his ratio”. William Hadden’s Energy Theory. Frank
Bird theory of accident prevention. -Accident Prevention-Five Fundamentals of Accident Prevention –
Organization, Fact Finding, Analyses of the facts, Selection of Remedies and Application of corrective
actions. Five “E”s of Accident Prevention – Engineering control, Education and training, Enforcement,
Enthusiasm and Example setting.
SAFETY PSYCHOLOGY: Introduction to psychology and its linkage to safety at work areas,
psychology and various examples depicting scope for improvement. Psychological factors affecting
quality of work and Safety performance Perceptions, Myths, Attitudes, Aptitudes, Frustration, Conflict
of interests, Team spirit, Morale, Fatigue, Boredom/ Monotony etc., (especially in case of round the
clock shift duties and repetitive work schedule)
Positive or adverse Impact of the above factors in the removal of accident causation factors and
associated ill effects. Human Behavior: An introductory session covering various nuances of behavioral
nature and their concerns related to Safety. Individual differences-Behavior as function of own
personality and situation, different perceptions of good and poor behavioral patterns. Knowledge and
responsibility vis-à-vis safety performance. Old concept of “Accident Proneness” and a health debate
on its relevance or lack of it Motivation for Safety:-Significance, Need, Nature and Types of
Motivational techniques.-Theories of motivation and their application to safety.-Role of Management,
Supervisors and Safety Department in motivational upliftment at shop level.-launching session of
Behavior based safety (BBS) Management Program: -Criteria for estimation and strategies.-
Management techniques of accident control-Formulation of user friendly observation and survey
formats for BBS-Scheduling of surveys by engaging all the staff without a single exception-
Management review and action plan implementation on areas where either variances are observed or
there could be further scope of improvement-Linking of BBS with employee recognition/ appreciation/
incentive schemes/ career growth and development .
Unit 2: GENERAL MANAGEMENT: Presentation,
Origin and Evolution of Management Thoughts. -Definitions, Nature and Importance of Management.-
20% 9hrs presentation,
Elements of Management Functions - planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and Chalk board,
coordinating. -General Principles of Management. -Managerial Role, Their Powers, Execution of
Authority and Responsibility matrix with regard to safety. Levels of Managerial hierarchy. -Delegation
and decentralization of authority.
Planning: Definition, purpose, nature, scope and procedure- Range & variety of planning methods-
Strategic planning and tools of implementation. - Management By Objectives (MBO) and its role in
Safety, Health- and Environmental (SHE) functions. - Organizational Health & Safety Policy –
Understanding its concept- Formulation and implementation along with review of its prevalent
Statutory provisions
Unit 3:
ORGANIZING FOR SAFETY: Organizing: Definition, need, nature and principles-
Organizational aspects associated with the setting up of Safety or SHE Department. - Types, structure,
functions and responsibilities of SHE department- Line and Staff Functions for SHE as applicable to
an organization vis-à-vis statutory compliance. - Role/ Duties/ Responsibilities of Supervisors, Presentation,
Workers and Trade Unions in facilitating the safety movement at the organization. Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
DIRECTING FOR SAFETY- Direction: Definition, process, principles and techniques- Leadership- Chalk board,
Role, functions and attributes of a leader who is empowered to offer directives- Model Leadership Notes

attributes on safety management. Communication- Definitions, Purpose, Categories, Methods,

Processes, Types and Channel of communication- Essential rules of the game - Two-way system-
Barriers being encountered - Essentials as applicable to maintain effectiveness and acceptability-
Communication and group-dynamics. Team building - (role plays).
Unit 4: CONTROLLING FOR SAFETY : Controlling: Definition, need, benefits, types, areas,
elements and listing of available control techniques. -Management by Exception (MBE) – Concepts
and application strategy-Monitoring of management system through Safety Standards. -Application
and use of Indian Standards on Safety and Health: IS:14489 – 2018 and ISO 9001, :14001, ISO -
45001series-A review on ILO and EPA Standards-
SAFETY EDUCATION AND TRAINING:-Significance of sustainable training, notification and
execution requirements-Elements of training cycle.-Assessment of training needs, Strategy planning
and development-Objectives of various types of training activities.-Techniques of training.-Design,
planning and development of training programs.-Training methodologies and strategies.- Types of 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board,
safety training and execution methods.- Preview, Post evaluation and Assessment of participants’
performance and gauging the efficacy of training programs.- Modern system, methodologies and
practices of training- Thorough appraisal on all types of training aids and their general as well as
selective applications- Integration of adult training programs to enhance performance standards of
employees- Competence Building Technique (CBT)- Interlinking of for Safety and Job specific
training- Role of Multimedia and their need base applicability- Coverage on effective use of computer
aided training- An appraisal on World Trade Organization (WTO) initiatives to develop SHE training
(especially E-Learning)
Significant attributes of Employee Participation in Safety Management- Purpose, Areas and Methods Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
of participation.-Workers’ and Trade Union engagement in Safety developmental activities.-Safety Chalk board,
Promotion, Popularization and Mass communication- Effective Application of: Suggestion schemes.- Notes
Contests and competitions.-Establishment of incentive benefits.-Setting up of Audio-visual publicity
and other communication strategies.-Establishment of Recognition/ Appreciation/ Accreditation,
Award distribution programs based on individual and group wise Safety Performance evaluation and
rating.-Safety Committees, Conceptualization and need-Constitution, Inclusion of equal participation
between worker and management groups, setting up of agenda to ensure effective participation and
functioning, preparation/issue of Minutes of Meeting (MOM), and periodical review of compliance
recommendations.-Statutory provisions (including the defined roles, duties and responsibilities of
Chairperson, secretary all categories of committee members) -Legal Provisions available to members
to seek redressal of pending execution recommendations as indicated in MOM
ECONOMICS OF SAFETY: Cost of accidents- Direct and Indirect costs and their being
generally observed (indirect outweighing in number of cases)- Application of effective methodologies
to convince both management workers about the types of losses incurred to people and productivity due
to accidents-Listing and interpretation of financial implications affecting- Affected individuals, their
families, organization, society and country at large. -Cost compilation procedure. -Utility of data costing
including few of its limitations. -Budgeting for safety: -Purpose and procedure of safety budgeting -
Company turnover vis-à-vis Safety-Consideration of Performance Rating against budget allocation
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS): Sources of information on Safety, Health and
Environment Protection System - Compilation and collation of information, its analysis and application.
- “Benchmarking” on safety performance. -Modern methods of programming. -Storing and retrieval of
MIS for HSE. -Computer Software Application and Limitations. Causes for MIS failures. Advantages
and disadvantages of computerized information system. -Status and future goals of computer utilization
in SHE services in industries. -Setting up of departmental functions to match against MIS
Learning Resources

Handbook of Industrial Safety by K.U. Mistry, Siddarth Prakashan, 108, Western Plaza, NearBhulka Bhavan School, Adajan Road, Surat –
395 009. (Gujarat).
Reference Books:
1. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, National Safety Council,425, North Michigan Ave,Chicago, Illinois, USA.
2. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Fourth Edition, ILO, Geneva.
3. Safety and Health for Engineers, by Roger L Brauer, Van Nostrain Reinhold, New York.
4. Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Frank P Lees, Butterworth Heinemann.
5. Safety at Work by John Ridley.
6. Handbook of Industrial Safety by K.U. Mistry, Siddarth Prakashan, 108, Western Plaza, NearBhulka Bhavan School, Adajan Road,
Surat – 395 009. (Gujarat).
7. Industrial Accident Prevention by H.W. Heinrich, McGraw Hill Book Co.
8. Techniques of Safety Management by Dan Pederson.
9. Effective Safety and Health Training by Hilyer.
10. Occupational Health and Safety by Confer.
11. Environmental Health & Safety Management. Nicholas Cheunisinoff& Madelyn Graffia.OriginalPublishers: Noyes
Publications. Indian Reprint: Jaico Publishing House.
12. Safety Management. John V Grimaldi& Rollin H Simonds Publication: All India Traveller Book Seller,Delhi. Industrial Safety and
Health Management – II Edition. C. Ray Asfahl. Publication: Prentice Hall, Englewood Chliffs, New Jersey 07632.
13. Safety Thoughts by Loss Prevention Association of India Ltd.
14. Responsible Care – A Public Commitment by Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association.
Journals & Periodicals: Nil
Other Electronic Resources: Nil
Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation Quiz 5 MARKS
Skill enhancement activities / case study 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To learn main engineering aspects of industrial safety.
2. To learn various design aspects of layout, machine tools, guarding/ fencing / securing of machinery, Humidity control, air changes
as well as ventilation, lighting and colour code, electrical safety.
3. Linkage of work area housekeeping, fire and explosion hazards, noise /vibration related concerns, material handling, hand and
portable tools (manual as well as powered) and safety while working at different levels.
4. To practice exercise including a term work is also incorporated for the measurement of temperature, humidity, illumination level and noise
level with practical experience of using specific instruments and equipment for this purpose.

Course Content Weightage Contact Pedagogy

Unit 1:
PLANT DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Siting Criteria: -General and Environmental
Presentation, Video
guidelines while locating and deciding on site selection including Meteorological aspects.
presentation, Chalk
20% 9hrs
-Ensuring of safe Separation/ segregation distances. -Need for Planning and follow-up at board,
every stage of project implementation-Plant Layout and Design. General principles for
factory buildings, -plants & equipment layout and fire protection. Relevant Statutory
provisions gauged against various Acts and Rules as applicable-Factories’ Act and
respective state level Rules- Petroleum Act and Rules- Explosives’ Act & Rules.
Including Static/ Mobile Pressure vessels Rules (SMPVR)-Environmental Protection Act
& Rules including “Manufacturing, Storage and Handling of Hazardous Chemicals’
Rules (MSIHC). - Boiler Act, Rules and Regulations-Other specific ones as applicable
like Pesticide’s act, Mines Act. Dock safety Act etc., and associated rules- Appraisal on
Indian Standards. National Building Codes and other Codes of Practice. -Ergonomic
considerations during the design stage of layout pertaining to plants, equipment and
HOUSEKEEPING: -Housekeeping and its significant linkage with higher
productivity and improved safety-Indicators of good housekeeping conformity as
well as variances due to poor housekeeping. -Typical accident scenarios that arise
out of bad housekeeping. -Various other Benefits of good housekeeping than
accident prevention-Management of good house-keeping. -Safe and environment
friendly disposal of scrap and other inevitable manufacturing process related.
Methods of Prevention of spillages, leakages, emissions, water and soil
contamination.-Clear marking of aisles, equipment bays, gantries, emergency exits,
fire extinguisher locations etc., Explanations on standard signs, symbols, captions
along with sizes and mounting locations to ensure easy visibility. -Nuances of
Housekeeping campaigns, contests, rating etc., -Appraisal on effective use of color
codes as an aid for good housekeeping.-Cleaning Methods.-Employee assignment
for regular cleaning, upkeep and maintenance -Need to create regular Inspection
programs with Checklists to enable manages, executives, supervisors, safety
committee members for execution -Linkage of Preventive and Predictive
Maintenance with Housekeeping.-Need for Conceptualization/ Implementation of
proven and time-tested systems like Japanese “Five S” (5S). GHK initiative (1) Seri
(Segregation) (2) Seiton (Arrangement) (3) Seiso (Cleaning) (4) Seiketsu
(Maintenance of Standard) and (5) Shitsuke (Discpline).
Unit 2. MACHINE GUARDING: -Fundamental Principles of machine guarding
highlighting how it has been included in the statutory provisions from the very inception
Factories’ Acts of all countries. This must also encompass fencing, barricading, securing
etc., of moving machinery -Ergonomics associated with modern designs of machine
guards especially automatic -Types of guards-How to decide on appropriate Design and
Selection of guards for a given machinery-Choice of right Material for guard construction
Presentation, Video
based on durability, strength, corrosion resistance, ease for installation, removal and presentation, Chalk
20% 9hrs
maintenance etc., Guarding of different types of machinery including special precautions- board,
for wood working, rubber, centrifugal machines and paper mill machinery. through
discussion on pinch and nip points, coverage of maximum sharp surface areas, plunger
movements etc., -Built-in-safety devices like auto cut offs in case any hands, legs, other
body parts come closer to the vicinity of machines when guards need to be raised or slides
for certain operational work for material feeding. -Maintenance and repairs of guards. -
Zero Mechanical State (ZMS).-Incidental safety devices and tools.-Lockout and Tagout.
MACHINE TOOLS: Definition and Classification of Machine tools. -Safety in the use of
power presses, shearing, slitting, cutting, bending, rolling, drawing, turning, boring,
drilling, milling, shaping, planning, broaching, slotting, grinding and CNC machines.
-Total Predictive Maintenance (TPM) and Care. Periodic checks for safe-operation.
VENTILATION AND HEAT STRESS: -Purpose of Ventilation and Heat Control. -
Comparison among good. Poor or non -non - ventilated locations -Thermal Environment
and Measurement of temperature, humidity-and velocity of air movement.
Physiology of heat regulatory systems. -Heat stress measurements, thermo indices and
associated regulations. Thermal comfort. Ranges of comfort as recommended for
personal safety and work efficiency. -Control methods to ensure heat stress reduction.
Types of Ventilation: -Natural.-Mechanized.-Processed – Dilution and/or Local Exhaust
Ventilation (LEV).-Industrial Air Conditioning.-Testing and Maintenance methods to
ensure the efficacy ventilation systems.-Worked Examples using sketches and calculation
methods -Control of heat exposures - Methods and types of control equipment being
used.-Recommended values for air changes required for various areas as per-Factories’
Act, 1948 and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS): Appraisal on IS:3103. “Code of practice
for Industrial Ventilation, National Building Code Part VIII, Building Services”.
Presentation, Video
ASPECTS.-Purpose and benefits of good lighting vis-a-vis enhanced safety and higher presentation, Chalk
20% 9hrs
productivity-Principles of illumination.-Adequacy.-Glare, shadow, contrast and impacts board,
of colors.-Recommended standards of illumination.-Types of Lighting:-Natural,
artificial, direct and indirect.-Sources of illumination, Artificial lighting and types of
fittings/ fixtures.-Design of lighting, installation of fixtures. Coefficients of Utilization,
Day lighting and factors related to Light reduction or loss.-Effects of different Colors
with reg. to lighting -Listing of codified colors being used in Hazard warning and safety
guidelines system-Related Indian Standards.-Types of signs which can facilitate the
efforts towards accident prevention-Psychological effects of color which could be
observed among people-Maintenance/ upkeep of lighting and color factor integrity.-
ELECTRICAL SAFETY: Hazards of electrical energy. -Physiology interpretation on
shock occurrences. -Safe ranges of amperages & voltages. Guidelines on distance criteria
from - high voltage sources -Electrical resistance factors of human body – gender/
duration/ current rating based.-Capacity ratings related to protection of conductors, joints
and connection-Safety concerns associated with portable electrical apparatus and
requirements -of protective devices like MCB, ELCB etc.-Standard features for power
isolation including automatic cut offs & Protection against: -Overload and short circuit.-
No load,-Earth fault.-Surges and voltage fluctuations-Hazards associated with
“borrowed” neutral.-Earth insulation and continuity tests.-Earthing Standards.
Lockout and Tag-out system, procedures and practices-Safeguards against the required
application of electrical system and usage of appliances in Atmosphere having fire risk
vulnerability-Hazardous area classification in relation to Electrical energy as vulnerable
source of ignition- Restriction/prohibition on the use of ordinary electrical appliances in
certain zones of area classification.- An appraisal on the characteristics of ‘flame proof’
electrical fittings, fixtures and accessories which are permitted for use in certain
‘hazardous zones’-Criteria of selection, installation, maintenance and upkeep of electrical
appliances to be used-Listing of latest types of flameproof fittings and equipment
including intrinsically as well as increased safety rated appliances, pressurized enclosures
etc. Philosophy of Lightning protection and a discussion on “Lightning arrestors”
Introduction. -Electrostatic charges and discharges and resultant spark generation.-An
overview of the different Manufacturing cum allied operations, -Machines and equipment which
are prone to generate static discharge -Introduction on static discharge detection, resultant
risk identification and planning -of prevention/ control/mitigation strategies including
listing of all probable -locations/ equipment/ piping/ valves/other equipment which could
prove -vulnerable to static hazard.-Earthing and Bonding.-Recommended earthing
Presentation, Video
resistance for control of electricity.-Static charge eliminators.-Dip pipes.-Increasing presentation, Chalk
20% 9hrs
conductivity with additives/ humidity enhancement etc., -Handling solids with and board,
without the emission of flammable vapors but producing fine dusts which can get easily
ignited by static spark.-Control of flow liquid flow rates
FIRE & EXPLOSION: Fire Phenomena-Chemistry of fire. -Stages of fire. -Factors
contributing to fire. -Classification of fires. -Review of different Ignition sources and how
to keep them at bay-Common causes of industrial fires. -Spread of fire. -Determination
of fire load. -Design of building, plant, exits, etc. for fire safety and fire resistance-of
building materials. -Prevention of fire. -Types of Portable Fire Extinguishers. Water
systems. Carbon-dioxide systems. Foam extinguisher system. Dry chemical
extinguishing systems.-Halon Alternatives.-Hydrant and fixed installations.-Special
industrial fire detectors and alarms-Sprinkler systems.-Automatic fire detection and
extinguishing system.-Special safety precautions.-Control of fire and explosion in
handling/processing flammable liquids, gases, vapors, mists, dusts etc.-The Pipelines and
Informed Planning Alliance (PIPA) for automatic fire and gas detection and getting probable
scenarios on DCS.-Specific concerns on firefighting involving pesticide vapors.-
Handling strategies for fires involving Electrical Equipment – Panels. Cables, Fixtures,
Fittings, Computer server rooms etc., -Effects of combustion products involving different
materials -Explosion phenomena. -Deflagration. -Detonation. -Confined and unconfined
Vapor Cloud Explosion (VCE). -Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE).
-Fire emergency action plan and drill. Control room.
NOISE AND VIBRATION: Noise and Hearing Conservation-Generation, nature, types
and effects. -Health hazards and controls. -Temporary and permanent loss of hearing
capacity. -Ear protection. -Permissible exposure limits. -Audiometry and hearing
conservation program. -Measurement and evaluation of noise. -Control methods.
Control at source, substitution, isolation, absorption-techniques, sound proofing, silencers,
antiphase system, etc. Practical aspects of control of noise. -Vibration. -Generation,
nature, types and effects. -Vibrating Equipment-Health hazards and controls. White
Manual handling: -Kinetics of manual handling. -Maximum loads that could be lifted
or carried. -Safe method and procedure for lifting and carrying of objects of different
shapes, size and weight. -Safe use of accessories for manual handling. -Storage of
materials. Safety in stacking and un-stacking, floor loading conditions. Layout condition
for safety in storage.-Ergonomics of manual handling and storage.-Mechanical handling:-
Lifting machinery, lifts and hoists.-Safety aspects in design and construction, testing, use
and care, signaling, inspection and maintenance.-Safety in operation, inspection and
maintenance of industrial trucks, cranes, lifting tackles, loose gears, conveyors etc.-Types
of ropes including Nylon and PP ropes.-Hazards of remote operated lifting machines.-
Presentation, Video
Training of operators.-Safe working load for all mechanical material handling
presentation, Chalk
20% 9hrs
equipment.-Competent Persons in relation to safety legislation–their duties and board,
Responsibilities.-Worked examples
HAND TOOLS AND POWER TOOLS: main causes of tool related accidents.
Prevention and control of such accidents. -Centralized and personal tool issue system.
Purchase, storage and supply-of tools. -Inspection, maintenance and repair of tools.
Detectable causes of tool-failures. Tempering, safe ending and dressing of certain tools.
-Safe use of various types of hand tools used for metal cutting,- wood cutting and
miscellaneous cutting work. -Special hand tools such as torsion tools, shock tools, non-
sparking tools. -safe use of hand tools in hazardous area. -Portable power tools and their
selection, operation, inspection, maintenance, -repair and safe use. Double protection.
Dead man control (operation till the button is pressed)
WORKING AT DIFFERENT LEVELS:-Working at Heights: Types and seriousness
of fall accidents. -Safety features associated with design, construction and use-of
stairways, ramps, working platforms, gangways, ladders of different types, scaffolds of
different types including crawling board, Boatswain’s chair and safety harness for
working on roofs. Other safety requirements while working at heights. -Safety belts-their
types, use and limitations. Whole body harness with double lifelines.-Fall arrestor
devices.-Work permit system.-Working in a Confined spaces.-Definitions and detailed
appraisal noting on Meaning of confined spaces-Salient features of confined spaces of
different shapes, sizes, entry /exit limitations.-Types and nature of major accidents
involving confined spaces – asphyxiation, unconsciousness, Physical injuries, drowning,
trapping, injuries,-Specific Permit-To- Work system (PTWS) pertaining to confined
spaces supervision-Working Underground- Deep excavations-Important Hazards,
Causation factors and controls
1. Practice Work on Ventilation:
2. Measurement of temperature.
3. Dry Bulb Temperature.
4. Wet Bulb Temperature.
5. Calculation of Heat Stress Indices.
6. Determination of relative humidity and effective corrective temperature.
7. Use of Aspirator, Hygrometer, Kata thermometer, Globe thermometer and
8. Practice Work on Illumination:
9. Measurement of illumination level by Luxmeter.
10. Practice Work of Noise Measurement:
11. Measurement of sound pressure level in dBA and dB linear.
12. Frequency analysis of noise.
13. Use of sound level meter and Octave filter test
Learning Resources

1. Hand Book of Industrial Safety and Health by Dr KU Mistry

2. Safety and Health for Engineers, by Roger L Brauer, Van Nostrain Reinhold, New York.
3. Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Frank P Lees, Butterworth Heinemann.
4. Occupational Safety Management & Engineering by Willi Hammer.
5. Safety at Work by John Ridley.
Reference Books:
Journals & Periodicals: Nil
Other Electronic Resources: Nil
Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation Quiz 5 MARKS
Skill enhancement activities / case study 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To learn laws pertaining to hazardous chemical industries.
2. To understand the hazards and control measures for chemical industry are included as main aspects
3. To gain knowledge on the criteria for siting and safe layout of chemical plants, students will learn hazards and control measures
with reg. storage, process, transfer, loading/unloading and transportation activities.
4. To Learn inspection, testing, maintenance and pollution control

Course Content Weightage Contact

Hours Pedagogy
Unit 1: GENERAL: Overview on the Inevitable presence as well as the coveted status of
Chemical Industry in society along with the special significance of safety concerns associated
with it followed by a brief narrative on the Specific types and categories of chemical industries
functioning in India. Process flow chart and its importance for safety inspection. Types of 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board,
Chemical Hazards- Hazards due to material (property), Processing segments, Pipe line transfer,
Loading. Unloading and transportation, Reactors, Vessels and other equipment. Unit operations,
Utility functions etc., Hazards associated with pollution, fire, explosion, toxic release and
associated control measures. Interpretation use and training of material safety data sheets
(MSDS). including the prevalent “Safety Data Sheets (SDS)” as per the Globally Harmonized
System (GHS) OF Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (CLC) already in vogue among
developed nations. Legality on the need for Supervision by qualified and specifically trained
supervisors. Periodical examinations and preservation of medical case papers pertaining to all
workers employed in Hazardous industrial installations followed by their review in case of any
specific changes as well as signs/ symptoms of abnormal health conditions. -Hazard
Communication System. -U.N., HAZCHEM, NFPA and other classification of chemicals along
with their specific characteristics in relation transformation among solid, liquid and gaseous
phases during manufacturing processes, in addition to the probable fire, explosive, reactive,
toxic, radioactive, corrosive or other significant risks. -Safety and Risk Phrases. (Hazard and
Precautionary statements) as per newly evolved -GHS on CLC (as already mentioned against
Topic No. 1.4 above. -Criteria for siting and safe layout of chemical plants.-Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) as well as Public hearing (review) meetings (as applicable) at the
behest of civil administration with reg. the installation proposals for new Units of “high hazard”
nature as well as their expansion project plans.-Statutory provisions: An Overview of Factories’
Act, (their state level rules (as applicable), Other Acts like Explosives, Petroleum,
Environmental Protection, Insecticides and/or other types along with corresponding rules in
relation to Major Accident Hazard Units (MAH)-Establishment of Information sharing strategy
(communication) among Workers, Directorate of Industrial Safety & Health (DISH), Local
administration, Nearby Hospitals, Service departments like municipal fire brigades,
Neighboring society etc.- Appraisal of automation in chemical processing/ storage/ handling
units -Instrumentation for safe plant operations. Auto controls, trips, alarms, -interlocks, PLC,
DCS etc.,
Handling of Chemicals.-Safe receipt, unloading procedure to Bulk tanks, Stacking along Drum
storage sheds or warehouses.-Purpose and design of dykes, their floors, Impervious lining,
Sloping for gradient, Spill collection pits including split valve connection for draining water
collection, -Prevention of overflow, pressure, temperature and process flow.-Types of gauges
and valves (inlet/outlet).-Specific need of remote and automatically operable control valves for
usage during exigencies or emergencies-Appraisal on the installation, operation and
maintenance/upkeep of certain specific containment of materials like Oleum, Other Acids/ Presentation,
Alkalis, Liquefied or gaseous products such as Chlorine, Ammonia, LPG, Ethylene Oxide etc., 20% 9hrs presentation,
as indicative examples of safer storage facilities for critically hazardous materials-Safety Chalk board,
measures for storage of other items such as Petroleum Products (in general since specific ones
are to be covered under Topic No. 8 of CC- 104 coming up next) -besides radioactive substances
like isotopes being used for radiography examinations, automatic instrument action etc., Safety
aspects associated with the storing and usage of gas cylinders, color coding,- marking and
ensuring safe piping connections along with the design factors of storage sheds.-Design of
storage shed or go-down, retention basin, catch pot or dump vessel etc. Safe placement of
containers. Compatibility considerations.
Unit 3: PROCESS HAZARDS AND CONTROLS: Safe design of process vessels and their
fittings duly covering the aspects of Material of construction and lining depending on type of
chemicals and operational parameters.-Hazards and controls in Unit Processes and Unit
Operations including-exothermic or runaway reactions, solvent distillation, toxic/ highly
flammable materials, their mixing/ blending/ extraction reaction and other hazardous processes
with probabilities of vapor/ dust emissions.-Safe operation of measuring vessels (also known as
interim or day tanks) for during transfer/ charging operations.- Safe operation of vacuum system,
scrubbing facilities as well as columns (towers), condensers, catch pots, venting etc., Use of
appropriate gauges, valves, trips, alarms, interlocks, auto controls and other instrumentation.
Safety features associated with Distributed Control System (DCS) and related facilities. -Safety Presentation,
aspects of Analytical (Chemical) Laboratories, Sampling (including handling aspects of glass 20% 9hrs presentation,
wares, gas bombs etc.,), reuse, recycling and/or disposal of used up or left out samples- Chalk board,
Monitoring and control of hazardous exposures. Comparison with permissible limits and
inference. Implementation of control measures.
TRANSFER OF CHEMICALS: -Pipeline Transfer. -Safe transfer of chemicals through
pipelines within and outside installations, above and underground including deep sea-Safety of
pipelines. -Permit-To-Work System (PTWS) associated with the opening or repairing pipelines
of hazardous contents. -Color coding, earthing, bonding and testing of pipelines. -Information
about the hazards associated with the use of pressurized air to transfer fluids. - Need for the safer
methods of transfer including pumping of vacuum suction with appropriate controls and use of
PPE’s, -Safer methods of valves/pipe/pipe fitting connections.
Unit 4: TRANSPORTATION OF CHEMICALS:-Safety precautions for movement of
hazardous / toxic / flammable /explosive / radioactive/other hazardous substances by all modes
of transportation-Detailed appraisal on the safety concepts related to “Threshold quantities”.-
Guidelines as per MSIHC and associated Public Liability Insurance - Training to drivers, 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board,
including the appraisal on content coverage as duly recognized by the central Transportation
Ministry.-Safety checklists for vehicle inspection and distribution of-Transport Emergency
(TREM) Cards by the suppliers of respective cargos
Unit 5:
INSPECTION, TESTING & MAINTENANCE: Inspection techniques for plants, storage and
reaction vessels-Checklists for routine inspection, preventive and break down maintenance.-
Testing, Certification of equipment and recording/ documentation in prescribed Forms. -Types
of testing methods including different NDT & other methods like Liquid (Dye) Penetration,
Magnetic Particle/Ultrasonic/ Radiographic Testing as well as Micro and Macroscopy,
Hydraulic pressure testing- Fired and unfired pressure vessels, their design, construction, Presentation,
operation-and testing. Compliance of Codes and statutory provisions. Role of a Competent 20% 9hrs presentation,
Person- Corrosion, erosion, location, causes, inspection and prevention. Cathodic protection. - Chalk board,
Safe start up and shut down procedures Emergency shutdown. Detailed coverage on Permit- To-
Work System (PTWS) guided through model checklist along with class room exercise on permit
preparatory work.
POLLUTION CONTROL: Principles and practices for prevention/ Control of water/air/land
pollution & Hazardous Waste Management- Cleaner technologies. - Use of Eco-friendly
processes and manufacturing of products-Carbon Credit & Ozon Depleting Substances-
Methods to reduce plastic consumption and reduction of non-biodegradable waste generation
Learning Resources

1. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, National Safety Council,425, North Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
2. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Fourth Edition, ILO, Geneva.
3. Safety and Health for Engineers, by Roger L Brauer, Van Nostrain Reinhold, New York.
4. Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Frank P Lees, Butterworth Heinemann.
5. Occupational Safety Management & Engineering by Willi Hammer.
6. Safety at Work by John Ridley.
Reference Books:

Journals & Periodicals: Nil

Other Electronic Resources: Nil

Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100

Mid semester Marks 30 marks

End Semester Marks 50 marks

Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation Quiz 5 MARKS
Skill enhancement activities / case study 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To learn main engineering aspects of industrial safety.
2. To understand the process involved in various types of industries
3. To learn about the safety management principles in different industries

Course Content Weightage Contact

Hours Pedagogy
Unit 1
METALLURGICAL INDUSTRY: Manufacturing/ Extraction process of basic Metals from Natural
resources (Ores) - Ferrous & Non-Ferrous: Listing of processes and basic operations involved in
the manufacturing activities - Hazards associated with Steel working and corresponding
safeguards - Conventional Metallurgical processes - Foundries - mixing of materials, mold and 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board,
core making, Melting (furnaces), Casting, Knockout and dressing, forging etc, working on hot
rolling and cold rolling mills, Hazards and safety measures of heat treatment operations, blasting,
welding and cutting, brazing, soldering, polishing, buffing, cleaning.
TEXTILE INDUSTRY: Introduction to Textile Industry. Flow chart of textile processes
including synthetic fiber and yarn, Machine guarding for Blow room, Spinning, Weaving and
Processing machinery for cotton and synthetic fiber industry, Fire, explosion and health hazards
and their control measures
Unit 2
CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY: Basic parameters governing the safety in construction such as
site planning and layout, safe access, safety work permit and checklist, good housekeeping, Safety
in the use of construction machineries like material, Handling & heavy earth moving equipment,
Underground and above ground works. Hazards and Controls. Statutory safety requirements,
Health and Welfare of construction workers – Dust, noise, vibration, heat, humidity and other
hazards. First aid, medical examinations and health records, Work at height & safe construction 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board,
& use of scaffolding, Excavation & shoring, Compliance of requirements 0f building construction
under BOC Rules.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Safety features of manufacture of electronic valves, tubes,
other electromagnetic devices, semiconductors and superconductors, Safety features of
Manufacture of Computers, Radio, Television and Communication equipment and apparatus,
Hazards involved in testing of IT equipment and their safety measures.
Unit 3
CEMENT INDUSTRY: Types of cement and manufacturing processes, Hazards due to bulk
storages of raw materials, conveyers and machineries, rotary kiln, mixers and driers, loading,
unloading and packing etc. Control measures for dust collection, noise, vibrations, heat exposure
etc, Cement pneumoconiosis.
FERTILIZER INDUSTRY: Types of Fertilizers and manufacturing processes including Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
associated hazards & their mitigating measures, Probable causes of major accidents/emergency
Chalk board,
& their mitigating measures, Hazards due to bulk storages, processes, transfer and transportation Notes
of chemicals, dust, noise etc. and their control measures, Various other safety challenges of
fertilizer industries.
PESTICIDES INDUSTRY: Types of pesticides and their lethal dosages, Marking, labeling and
safe disposal of containers, Manipulation processes, their hazards and controls, Medical treatment
in case of exposure.
Unit 4
and hazards due to petroleum products, Hazards of bulk storages, Crude Oil/Natural Gas Presentation,
Exploration. drilling/rigging extraction/ collection, storage, basic purification and transfer to Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
Refineries for further processing, Storage/ Loading/ Unloading/ Transportation of various Chalk board,
petroleum products commencing Crude oil, Petrol, Diesel, Aviation fuel, Kerosene, Other Notes
solvents. Naphtha, Heavier bottoms, LPG, Hydrogen, Ethylene, Propylene, Butadiene and related
hazards as well as control systems, Appraisal other hazardous by product formation in refineries
like H2S, Methane, Carbon Monoxide, Sulfur dioxide, Pyroforic sulfides etc.
POTTERY AND CERAMIC INDUSTRY: Products of Pottery and Ceramic Industries, Raw
materials and Process flow chart, Hazards of Raw material mixing and manufacturing processes,
Machine guarding, Control measures for dust, heat, noise, vibration and other, hazards.
Temperature control near kilns and glaze driers. Local exhaust ventilation. Medical examinations
of workers, Washing facilities, Statutory provisions.
Unit 5
GLASS AND QUARTZ INDUSTRY: Products of Glass Industries, Raw materials and Process
flow chart, Hazards of Raw material mixing and manufacturing processes, Hazards of quartz
grinding and handling, Machine guarding, Control measures against dust, heat, noise, vibration,
glass breaking and flying, fuel and exhaust gases. Other hazards. Temperature control near
furnaces and heaters. Local exhaust ventilation. LEV for Quartz, and Diamond grinding and
polishing, Medical examinations of workers, Washing facilities, Statutory provisions.
PAPER INDUSTRY: Products of Paper Industries. Pulp, paper and containers, Raw materials 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board,
and Process flow chart, Hazards of Raw material mixing and manufacturing processes, Machine
guarding. Nip Guards near moving rollers. Trips and interlocks. Guards near straw cutters and
paper cutting blades. Fencing or Conveyer feeding to Pulper for preventing fall accidents, Medical
examinations of workers, Washing facilities, Statutory provisions.
SUGAR INDUSTRY: Process flow chart commencing with sugar canes unloading and storage
go downs and molasses tanks, Hazards of moving machineries like crushers, juice makers and
other operations like, boiling, evaporating, centrifuging, sugar grading and packing, Machine
guarding for v-belt drives, gear wheels, fly wheels, rollers etc, Control of dusting from baggase,
coal, SO2, noise and vibration, Control of hazards associated with Juice Heaters, Evaporators,
Boiling Pans, Syrup and Molasses storage inside Tanks etc, Medical examinations of workers,
Washing facilities, Statutory provisions
Learning Resources
1. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, National Safety Council,425, North Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
2. Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Fourth Edition, ILO, Geneva.
3. Vibration and Noise for Engineers by Pujara, Dhanpatrai & Co. Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
4. Safety and Good housekeeping by NPC, New Delhi.
5. Material Handling Equipments by Alexandrov.
6. Safety in the use of Press Brakes by HMSO, London.
7. Site Safety by JC Landey.
8. Industrial Ventilation, ACGIH, Cincinnati., Ohio, USA.
9. Handbook of Industrial Lighting, Stanley L. Lyons, ECIBS, Butterworths.
Reference Books:
Journals & Periodicals: Nil
Other Electronic Resources: Nil
Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation Quiz 5 MARKS
Skill enhancement activities / case study 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS
PGDIS201 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining Control Techniques
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To learn the techniques of Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Control Techniques (HIRAC).
2. To provide sufficient knowledge to sharpen their skill/competence in this segment.
3. The course provides adequate knowledge about types of accidents and probable consequences, safety performance rates, accident
reporting, analysis and investigation methods, various safety appraisal and control techniques, the concept of major accident hazard
(MAH), criteria for classification of MAH units
4. To do assessment of fire, explosion and toxicity index, failure rates and reliability data, gas dispersion and computer modeling,
probability and consequence analysis, risk contours, F-N curves, study as well as preparation of safety audit and risk assessment
reports, on-site and off-site emergency response plans and codes of practice for major accident hazard controls.
5. To enable the students to deal with safety related issues of industries in general and modern units with complex and highly automated
processes as well larger capacity utilization and production rates

Course Content Weightage Contact

Hours Pedagogy
Unit 1:
Incidents. Accidents, Narrow misses/Narrow hits, Mishaps, Dangerous occurrences, Disasters, Injuries, 20% 9hrs Presentation,
- (Minor, Non-Reportable, Reportable, Disabling), Fatalities, Property damage etc., Accidents
reportable under the Factories Act, ESI Act, IBR, and Electricity Act.-Safety Performance Rates- presentation,
Chalk board
Frequency Rate, Severity Rate, Incidence Rate, Frequency/ Severity Index, -Safe-T Score.-Worked
examples.-Types of Disablement-Temporary and Permanent Disablement.-Partial and Total
Disablement.-Time Charges scheduled in Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923.-National and
International Standards. Worked examples-
Accident and Incident Investigation-Philosophy, purpose, process and types of investigations. -
Identifying the key factors and the immediate and basic causes. Corrective Action-Agencies Presentation,
investigating accident-Accident investigation Form.-Methods of writing of accident investigation Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
report-Accident reporting-Reporting to authorities in statutory forms-Essential elements to be covered Chalk board
in accident reports-Prescribed time limits for reporting of accidents-Reporting of dangerous Notes

occurrences.-Accident and Incident Analysis-Standard Classification of factors (conforming to BIS)

associated with accident-Methods of collating and tabulating data.-Record keeping.
Plant Safety Rules and Procedures-Safe operating procedures (SOP). - Safety Checklists-Safety work Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
permits-Plant safety inspections-Safety Sampling-Safety Survey-Job safety analysis (JSA)- Safety
Chalk board
inventory system-Product Safety-Safety tag system-Total Loss Control and Prevention. Notes
Hazards and Risks-Definitions & Terminology for hazard and risk assessment-Difference between
20% 9hrs presentation,
Hazard and Risk and their co-relation-Prioritization of hazards and risks.- Hazard and Risk Progression Chalk board
Chart-Hazard identification.-Hazard analysis-Risk analysis.-Risk assessment.-Risk management.- Notes
Hazard and Risk Analysis: (With examples)-Quantitative and Qualitative Risk analysis.-Failure Mode
and Effect Analysis (FMEA).-Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)-Maximum
Credible Accident Analysis. -Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) & Hazard Analysis (HAZAN).-
Hazard and Operability study (HAZOP).-Management Oversight Review Technique (MORT).-Incident
Recall Technique.-Critical Incident Review Technique etc.-Use of Safety Audit and checklists for
Hazard Analysis.-Risk Assessment: -Comparing analyzed risks with Acceptable criteria (permissible
limits) and giving Judgment for further Safety measures if necessary.-Types of risks and assessment
methods including FTA, ETA etc.-Use of Computer Models
Concept of MAH-Definition of “Major Accident Hazard”. -Identification and assessment of MAH
units. Criteria and Classification of Threshold Quantities of hazardous materials. -Applicability of
respective rules (MSIHC Rules or Rule 68-J, GFR). -Compliance of statutory provisions. -Assessment
of fire, explosion and toxicity by Dow & Mond index. -Assessment of Reliability of vessels and safety
fittings. Data of Failure rates-and its utility. -Gas dispersion, Fire and Explosion Events-Assessment of
probability (frequency) and consequence (effect)-of such hazardous events. Scenario identification and 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board
Consequence Analysis. -Computer modeling. -Population density, Vulnerable zones, Probit equation &
percentage fatality, Types of damage and damage distances. Risk counter. -F-N curves. -Criteria for
acceptable risks, Assessment and Areas of Evacuation. -Safety Audit, Safety Report and Risk
Assessment Report. -Preparation of Safety audit as per IS:14489.-Preparation of Risk Assessment
Report and its compliance. -Preparation of Safety Report. -Use of identified risks and scenarios from
Safety Audit, Safety Report and Risk Assessment Report for emergency -planning. Compliance. -
Emergency Planning (Disaster Management Plans): -Preparation and Rehearsal of On-site and Off-site
Emergency Plans. -Execution of Chemical Accidents (EPPR) Rules. Role of Govt., Role of
Management, Local Authorities and Public. -Standards and Codes: -ILO Code of Practice for Major
Accident Hazard Control
Learning Resources
1. Handbook of Industrial Safety by K.U. Mistry, SiddarthPrakashan, 108, Western Plaza, Adajan Road, Surat – 395 009. (Gujarat).
2. Chemical Process Safety Fundamentals with Applications by Daniel A Crawl & Joseph F Louvar,Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Reference Books:
1. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, National Safety Council,425, North Michigan Ave,Chicago, Illinois, USA.
2. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Fourth Edition, ILO, Geneva.
3. Safety and Health for Engineers, by Roger L Brauer, Van Nostrain Reinhold, New York.
4. Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Frank P Lees, Butterworth Heinemann.
5. Occupational Safety Management & Engineering by Willi Hammer.
6. Safety at Work by John Ridley.
7. Major Hazard Control – A Practical Manual, ILO, Geneva.
8. Gas Dispersion Modeling, Engineers India Ltd., Central Labour Institute, Mumbai.
9. Methodologies for Risk & Safety Assessment in Chemical Process Industries,
10. Raghvan K.V., Khan A.K., Commonwealth Science Council, London.
11. Hazard Factories/Installations by Central Labour Institute, Sion, Bombay.
12. Technical Guidance on Hazard Analysis by National Safety Council.
13. Emergency Preparedness by MOEF through ICMA publication.
Journals & Periodicals: Nil

Other Electronic Resources: Nil

Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation Quiz 5 MARKS
Skill enhancement activities / case study 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS
PGDIS 202 Industrial Health and Hygiene
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date:19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives

1. To acquaint the students with adverse health effects arising out of industrial hazards, associated risks and consequential occupational

2. To provide adequate job knowledge on both engineering and medical controls.

3. The important aspects of Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics, Occupational Health, Physiology and Personal Protective Equipment are included.
4. To sharpen their knowledge about different aspects of Occupational Health and preventive measures including hygiene habits expected out of
the working force.
5. Deployment of Industrial Hygienists and their effective functioning in industry is still under developmental stage in our country. Accordingly,
knowledge of this area will facilitate the efforts to enhance better liaison among the work of Safety Officer, Industrial Hygienist and Occupational
Health Specialist or Factory Medical Officer.
Course Content Weightage Contact
Hours Pedagogy

Co-relation between Industrial Hygiene & Health-Definition of Industrial Hygiene (IH).-

Difference between Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health.-Work co-ordination between
Industrial Hygienist, Safety Officer and Factory Medical Officer to enhance overall development
of health and safety among employees-Occupational Health Hazards.-Introduction &
Classification of Occupational Health Hazards.-Dangerous properties of chemicals, dusts, gases,
fumes, mists, vapors, smoke and aerosols and their health effects.-Routes of Entry & Toxic Presentation,
Effects -Routes of entry to human system.-Recognition, evaluation and control of basic Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
hazards.-Concepts of dose response relationship and bio-chemical action of toxic substances.- Chalk board
Toxicity and Toxicology.-Types and Degrees of toxic effects.-Threshold Limits of Exposure – Notes

PEL, TLV- TWA, STEL-TWA, IDLH, LD/LC etc.-Air Sampling Methods and Strategies,
instruments and analysis.-Types of Monitoring:-Workplace or Area monitoring.-Air quality and
Stack monitoring.-Personal exposure monitoring.-Biological monitoring.-Methods of Sampling
& Analysis.-Control Methods:-Substitution, Changing the process, isolation, wet method, local
exhaust ventilation.-Personal hygiene.-Housekeeping and maintenance. Waste disposal. -Special
control measures.
Unit 2: ERGONOMICS: Introduction: -Introduction to Ergonomics and its constituents. -Application
of Ergonomics for Safety & Health. -Load Carrying:-Limits of load carrying. -Physiological basis of
work. Static and dynamic work. Occupational work capacity. -Muscle System and Muscular work. -
Lever systems in human body. -Physiological problems associated with load carrying- (injuries /
fatigue/ occupational disease etc.). -possible solutions to these problems and general guidelines to avoid
such problems. -Hand Tools and their use: Design of tools in relation to body postures. -Hand tools,
Power tools, Specialized tools, Body supports and Tool supports. -Safety while using tools. Training Presentation,
for usage. -Tool boxes / Kits. -Tool maintenance. -Work Station Design: -Introduction to Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
th th th
anthropometry. -Concepts of percentiles (5 , 50 , 95 ), averages and how and where to apply these. - Chalk board
Working heights – Standing, sitting, semi standing (high stools). -Correct postures – Static and Notes

functional reach. Health problems related to wrong postures, back pain etc. Fatigue due to sitting.-
Ergonomic office furniture and utility tools.-Precision tasks vs Gross tasks-Inspection tasks.-Key board
work station, Musculo-skeletal -disorders, Cumulative trauma disorders and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.-
Machine Controls and Displays: Location & Sequence of operation.-Natural expectation of control
movement.-Preventing accidental activation.-Emergency controls (creating accident scenarios).-Foot
controls.-Displays – digital, analog, arrays, audio signals, coding, -labeling, signs & symbols, warnings.
Introduction: Need for personal protective equipment (PPE)-Selection and applicable standards-
Appraisal of Indian Standards pertaining to PPE. -Procurement, stocking, issue of PPE; s, 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board
Classification and limitations of few of the respiratory and non-respiratory PPE. -Non-respiratory
PPE: -Head protection. -Ear protection. -Face and Eye protection. -Hand protection. -Foot
protection. -Full Body Protection-Fall protection – Safety belts, harnesses and fall arrestor
mechanism. -Respiratory) . - of hazards. -Classification and Selection of respiratory PPE. -
Instructions and training-Instructions and training for the use, maintenance and care of non-
respiratory PPE. -Instructions and training for the use, maintenance and care of respiratory PPE.
-Testing Procedures and Standards.
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH HAZARDS: Adverse health effects of noise, vibration, cold, heat
stress, improper-illumination, thermal radiation, X-rays, UV rays, ionizing and non-ionizing
radiations. -Effects of Threshold Limits: -Short term and long-term effects of exposures. -
Preventive and control measures.
Unit 4:
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH-Definition as per World Health Organization. -Occupational
Diseases: -Common occupational diseases. -Notifiable diseases under Schedule III of the
Factories Act 1948.-Occupations involving risk of contracting these diseases. -Mode of causation
of the diseases and their effects. - Diagnostic methods. -Biological monitoring. Methods of Presentation,
detection and prevention.-Evaluation of injuries.-Occupational Health Services at the work Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
place:-occupational Health Center.-Ambulance van.-Factory Medical Officer, Staff and Chalk board
Equipment.-Medical Examinations:-Pre-employment and periodical medical examinations of the Notes

workers.-Medical surveillance for control of occupational diseases and health records.-Different

Statutory Forms for filing medical reports-First-Aid-First Aid for Burns, Fractures, Suffocation,
Toxic Ingestion, Bleeding, Wounds and Bandaging. Artificial Respiratory techniques. -First aid
and Antidotes for poisoning of different types-
Unit 5: PHYSIOLOGY: Physiology of respiration:-Cardiac cycle, Muscle contraction, Nerve
conduction system, etc.-Assessment of Workload based on Human physiological reactions.-Permissible
limits of load for Manual lifting and carrying.-Criteria for fixation of limits.-Aerobic work capacity
(physical work capacity):-Methods of determination (use of bicycle, ergometer, treadmill, step-stool
ergometer).-Factors affecting Aerobic capacity and Work performance.-Working posture: Effect on 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board
Cardio-vascular and Musculo-skeletal system.-Implications on health.-Assessment of Work Capacity:-
Fatigue and Rest Allowances.-Physiological test for assessment of occupational health.-Good Nutrition
related requirements; intermittent dieting, types of appropriate workout exercises to remain physically

1. TLVs & BEIs by ACGIH 2021

2. The Indian Factories Act, 1948
3. The Occupational Environment — Its Evaluation, Control, and Management 3rd Edition by AIHA
4. Fundamental of Industrial Safety & Health BY Dr. K U Mistry
5. Toxicology Principles by William
6. Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene by Barabara Plog
7. Recognition of Health Hazards in Industry by William A
8. OSHA 1910.132 PPE
9. Occupational Disease by NIOSH Instructional Module
Reference Books:
Journals & Periodicals: Nil
Other Electronic Resources: Nil
Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100

Mid semester Marks 30 marks

End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Quiz 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation Skill enhancement activities / case 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives

1. Imparting knowledge about various legislations related to safety, health and environment.

2. To know statutory provisions for adequate compliance and to keep necessary records in this regard.

3. The knowledge about reportable accidents, dangerous occurrences, notifiable diseases and many statutory provisions will help the
students and the managements for successful execution of all legal requirements the law of the land and methods of its

4. Other contents deal with Factories’ Act and Rules, other legislations pertaining to boiler safety, electricity, flammable and toxic
chemicals, atomic energy, dock safety, construction safety, environmental protection and social well-being
Course Content Weightage Contact
Hours Pedagogy


Meaning of legislation, legislative process and other legal terminology such as Statement of objects
and reasons, Bill, Act, Rules, Amendment, Section, Rule, Schedule and Form, Preamble, Penal
section, Prosecution, Judicial process, Judgment, Citation etc. Presentation,
ILO CONVENTION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Role of ILO for Safety, Health & 20% 9hrs presentation,
Environment Conventions and Recommendations in the furtherance of Safety, Health and Chalk board
Environment. Some examples: 1981-155-OHS/164-OHS; 1985-161-OHS/171-OHS;1988 – 167-
safety & health in construction 175- safety & health in construction; 1990 – 170 – safety in the use
of chemicals at work 177- chemicals; 1993 – 174- prevention of major industrial accidents & 181 –
prevention of major industrial accidents.
History of the Safety Movement in the World and India, including the Factories Acts and their Presentation,
Amendments. Provisions of the Factories Act 1948 and Gujarat Factories’ Rules made there under, Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
with special reference to definitions u/s 2, Chapter 3, 4, 4-A, 5, 6, 9 & 10 and Schedules and Forms Chalk board
pertaining to dangerous operations and hazardous processes. Case Laws under the Factories Act and Notes

Unit 3: OTHER LEGISLATIONS: Sections pertaining to Safety, Health & Environment from the
following statutes (latest with last amendment):-The Gujarat Lifts & Escalators Act 2000 and Rules
2001.-Boilers Act 1923, Gujarat Boiler Rules 1966 and Indian Boiler Regulations 1950 (IBR).-
Electricity Act 2000 and Rules 2000.-Petroleum Act 1934 and Rules 1976.-Explosives Act 1884
and Rules 1983.-Static and Mobile (Unfired) Pressure Vessels Rules 1981.-Gas Cylinders Rules presentation,
20% 9hrs Chalk board
1981.-Insecticides Act 1968 and Rules 1971.-Atomic Energy Act 1962 and Radiation Protection
Rules 1971.-Rules for Transportation of Hazardous Goods from the Motor Vehicles Rules 2000.-
The Dock Workers (Safety, Health & Welfare) Act 1986, Rules and Regulations 1990.-The Building
and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act1996
and the Central Rules 1998.
Control of Pollution) Act 1974 & Rules 1975.Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 &
Rules 1982.-Environment (Protection) Act 1986 & Rules 1986.-Hazardous Wastes (Management &
Handling) Rules 1989.-Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989.-Rules Presentation,
for the Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and Storage of Hazardous Microorganisms, Genetically 20% 9hrs presentation,
Engineered Organisms or Cells.-Chemical Accident (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Chalk board
Response) Rules 1996.-Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules 1998.-Re-cycled
Plastics Manufacture & Usage Rules 1999.-Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules 2000.-
Ozone Depleting Substances Rules 2000.-Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules 2001.
Unit 5: LEGISLATIONS ON SOCIAL SECURITY: -Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 and
Rules 1924.-Compensation for death, injuries and occupational diseases. Worked examples. - Presentation,
Employees’ State Insurance Act 1948 and Rules 1950.-Gujarat Physically Handicapped Persons Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
(Employment in Factories) Act 1982 & Rules 1982.-Gujarat Payment of Unemployment Allowance Chalk board
to Workmen in Factories, Act 1981.-Public Liability Insurance Act 1991 and Rules 1991.-Social Notes

Learning Resources
1. ILO Conventions and Recommendations on Safety, Health & Environment.
2. The Factories Act 1948 and the Gujarat Factories Rules 1963.
3. Books of bare Acts & Rules mentioned in ‘Topics & Subtopics (Para 4 to 6)’.
4. Handbook of Industrial Safety by K.U. Mistry, Siddarth Prakashan, 108, Western
Plaza, Near Bhulka Bhavan School, Adajan Road, Surat – 395 009. (Gujarat).
Reference Books:
Journals & Periodicals: Nil
Other Electronic Resources: Nil
Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation Quiz 5 MARKS
Skill enhancement activities / case study 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS

4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To become familiar with different stages of building construction, and activities involved.
2. To understand the hazards associated with specific activities associated with building construction and control procedures and safety practices
currently employed.
3. To become aware of safety and welfare legislation for construction workers and its implementation on sites.
4. To appreciate the hazards involved in working at height and at depth, and become familiar with correct procedures, PPE and tools andtackles
required for such rescue operations involving building construction sites
5. To learn various occupational health and safety of the workers at construction sites

Course Content Weightage Contact

Hours Pedagogy
Basic philosophy peculiarities and parameters governing the safety requisites: in the use of construction 20% 12hrs presentation,
Chalk board
machinery. - Seismic structural soundness, structural safety, accident and hazards their causes and effects
Underground Works. -Excavation, drilling and blasting prematic- Trenching, Shorting, Porklain type of
Shoring. - Strutting, Tunneling, Piling. -safety in using and operating machinery and equipment relating
to the above works. -Foundation: Plant, Machinery and Structure. -Above Ground Works. -Scaffolding,
Shuttering form work. - Ladders, Concrete, Cofferdams and special operation connected with irrigation
work. -Safety in use and portion of related machinery and equipments.-4 Safety on working on fragile
roof-Working at Heights -Under Water Portions- Well sinking-Caissons under water concreting-
Cofferdams and special operations connected with irrigation work.- Safety in use of machinery and
equipments related to under water portions-Movement of Construction Machinery-Heavy/Long Items.-
Earth Movers Equipments-Railway wagons- Motor Trucks- Material Vehicles-Hazardous Material-
Material handling equipments-Special Works- High rise buildings- Bridges and Tunnels- Roads,
Railway-Asphalting, Pneumatic caissons.-Electrical installation and Lifts.-Safety in Prevention and
Protection at work site including the collapsing of the structure-Safety In use of explosives- Open cost
machinery, Quarrying- Project Management and Constructions in safety- Introduction- Manpower
utilization.- Utilization of material- Equipment and Tools.-
Planning and Permit. -Planning the sequence of demolition. -Safety Precaution to be taken for and 20% 6hrs presentation,
Chalk board
during demolition carrying out repairs, addition and alterations.
Health Hazards while handling construction material and chemicals-Safety Measures with respect to 20% 9hrs presentation,
handling of material used in Construction (a) Cement (b) limes (c) aggregates (d) fly ash (e) timber steel Chalk board
(f) glass (g) paints (h) varnishes (i) petroleum Products (j) Chemicals (k) Plastic and PVC materials
Occupational Health Hazards- Occupational diseases relating to construction work. -- Safety in the use Presentation,
and maintenance of personal protective equipment specific to construction industry. -Health and 20% 9hrs presentation,
Welfare measures at construction site. - Emergency Medical treatment of injuries and rehabilitation at Chalk board
construction site.
Regulation of Employment and condition of work in construction- Construction Safety Laws. -IS AND
NB Codes- Local Building and Development Laws- Accident Investigation and Reporting. - Structure Presentation,
stability and precautions to be taken. Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
Special precaution for works of Engineering Construction like (a) Distilling (b) Fractionating columns Notes

(c) Chimney (d) Silos-Oil and Gas (e) Installation of Transmission/Communication Lines
(f) Cable Installation (g) Air Fields
Learning Resources
1. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, National Safety Council,
2. 425, North Michigan Ave, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
3. Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Fourth Edition, ILO, Geneva.
4. Safety and Health for Engineers, by Roger L Brauer, Van Nostrain Reinhold, New York.
5. Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Frank P Lees, Butterworth Heinemann.
6. Occupational Safety Management & Engineering by Willi Hammer.
7. Safety at Work by John Ridley.
8. Handbook of Industrial Safety by K.U. Mistry, Siddharth Prakashan, 108, Western
9. Plaza, Near Bhola Bhavan School, Adajan Road, Surat – 395 009. (Gujarat).
10. Building Construction by Jha and Sinha, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
Reference Books:

Journals & Periodicals: Nil

Other Electronic Resources: Nil

Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Quiz 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation
Skill enhancement activities / case 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To gain knowledge about the process involved in various engineering industries
2. To understand the hazards and risks involved in engineering industries
3. To design suitable safety management plans for various engineering industries

Course Content Weightage Contact

Hours Pedagogy
Unit 1: Safety in Metal Working Machinery and Wood Working Machines
General safety rules, principles, maintenance, Inspections of turning machines, boring machines,
milling machine, planning machine and grinding machines, CNC machines, Wood working machinery, 20% 6hrs presentation,
Chalk board
types, safety principles, electrical guards, work area, material handling, inspection, standards and codes-
saws, types, hazards.
Unit 2: Principles of Machine Guarding
Guarding during maintenance, Zero Mechanical State (ZMS), Definition, Policy for ZMS – guarding presentation,
20% 9hrs Chalk board
of hazards - point of operation protective devices, machine guarding, types, fixed guard, interlock
guard, automatic guard, trip guard, electron eye, positional control guard, fixed guard fencing- guard
construction- guard opening. Selection and suitability: lathe drilling- boring-milling-grinding-shaping-
sawing-shearing presses-forge hammer-flywheels shafts- couplings-gears-sprockets wheels and chain
pulleys and belts-authorized entry to hazardous installations-benefits of good guarding systems.
Unit 3: Safety in Welding and Gas Cutting
Gas welding and oxygen cutting, resistances welding, arc welding and cutting, common hazards, Presentation,
personal protective equipment, training, safety precautions in brazing, soldering and metalizing – Video
20% 8hrs presentation,
explosive welding, selection, care and maintenance of the associated equipment and instruments – Chalk board
safety in generation, distribution and handling of industrial gases-colour coding – flashback arrestor – Notes

leak detection-pipe line safety-storage and handling of gas cylinders.

Unit 4: Safety in Cold Forming and Hot Working of Metals
Cold working, power presses, point of operation safe guarding, auxiliary mechanisms, feeding and
cutting mechanism, hand or foot-operated presses, power press electric controls, power press set up and Presentation,
die removal, inspection and maintenance-metal sheers-press brakes. Hot working safety in forging, hot Video
20% 12hrs presentation,
rolling mill operation, safe guards in hot rolling mills – hot bending of pipes, hazards and control Chalk board
measures. Safety in gas furnace operation, cupola, crucibles, ovens, foundry health hazards, work Notes

environment, material handling in foundries, foundry production cleaning and finishing foundry
Unit 5: Safety in Finishing, Inspection and Testing Presentation,
Heat treatment operations, electro plating, paint shops, sand and shot blasting, safety in inspection and Video
20% 10hrs presentation,
testing, dynamic balancing, hydro testing, valves, boiler drums and headers, pressure vessels, air leak Chalk board
test, steam testing, safety in radiography, personal monitoring devices, radiation hazards, engineering Notes
and administrative controls, Indian Boilers Regulation. Health and welfare measures in engineering
industry-pollution control in engineering industry-industrial waste disposal.
Learning Resources
Text Books:
1. Accident Prevention Manual” – NSC, Chicago, 1982.
2. Occupational safety Manual” BHEL, Trichy, 1988.
3. Safety Management by John V. Grimaldi and Rollin H. Simonds, All India Travelers
4. Book seller, New Delhi, 1989.
5. Safety in Industry” N.V. Krishnan Jaico Publishery House, 1996.
6. Safety in the use of wood working machines, HMSO, UK 1992.
7. Health and Safety in welding and Allied processes, welding Institute, UK, High Tech. Publishing Ltd., London, 1989.
8. Safety and Health for Engineers - Roger L. Brauer, Ph.D & CSP (USA)
Reference Books:

Journals & Periodicals: Nil

Other Electronic Resources: Nil
Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Quiz 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation
Skill enhancement activities / case 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To become familiar with different stages of textile process and activities involved.
2. To understand the hazards associated in textile industries, control procedures and safety practices currently employed.
3. To become aware of safety and welfare legislation for textile workers and its implementation on industries.
4. To learn various occupational health and safety of the workers in textile industries

Course Content Weightage Contact

Hours Pedagogy
Unit 1: Process flow charts of i) short staple spinning, ii) long staple spinning, iii) viscose rayon and
synthetic fibre, manufacturer, iv) spun and filament yarn to fabric manufacture, v) jute spinning and
jute fabric manufacture-accident hazard, guarding of machinery and safety precautions in opening, 20% 12hrs presentation,
Chalk board
carding, combing, drawing, flyer frames and ring frames, doubles, rotor spinning, winding, warping,
softening/spinning specific to jute.
Unit 2: Accident hazards i) sizing processes- cooking vessels, transports of size, hazards due to steam Video
20% 8hrs presentation,
ii) Loom shed – shuttle looms and shuttles looms iii) knitting machines iv) nonwovens. Chalk board
Unit 3: Scouring, bleaching, dyeing, punting, mechanical finishing operations and effluents in textile Video
20% 8hrs presentation,
processes. Chalk board
Unit 4: Health hazards in textile industry related to dust, fly and noise generated-control measures-
relevant occupational diseases, protective equipment-health and welfare measures specific to textile 20% 8hrs presentation,
Chalk board
industry, Special precautions for specific hazardous work environments.
Unit 5: Relevant provision of factories act and rules and other statues applicable to textile industry Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
– effluent treatment and waste disposal in textile industry. Chalk board
Learning Resources
Text Books:
1. “Safety in Textile Industry”, Thane Belapur Industries Association, Mumbai.
2. Shenai, V.A. “A technology of textile processing”, Vol. I, Evak Pub-lications, 1980.
3. Little, A.H. ,“Water supplies and the treatment and disposal of effluent” the textile institute, Manchester, 1975.
Reference Books:

Journals & Periodicals: Nil

Other Electronic Resources: Nil
Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Quiz 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation
Skill enhancement activities / case 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS

4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To gain the knowledge on dock safety status
2. To understand the emergency action plan in docks
3. To gain knowledge on dock safety workers regulations

Course Content Weightage Contact

Hours Pedagogy
Unit 1: History of dock safety status in India-background of present dock safety statues- dock workers
(safety, health and welfare) act 1986 and the rules and regulations framed there under, other statues like 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board
marking of heavy packages act 1951 and the rules framed there under - manufacture, storage and import
of hazardous chemicals. Rules 1989 framed under the environment (protection) act, 1989 – few cases
laws to interpret the terms used in the dock safety statues. Responsibility of different agencies for safety,
health and welfare involved in dock work
Unit 2: Types of cargo ships – working on board ships – Safety in handling of hatch beams – hatch
covers including its marking, Mechanical operated hatch covers of different types and its safety features
– safety in chipping and painting operations on board ships – safe means of accesses – safety in storage Presentation,
etc. – illumination of decks and in holds – hazards in working inside the hold of the ship and on decks Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
– safety precautions needed – safety in use of transport equipment - internal combustible engines like Chalk board
fort-lift truck spay loaders etc. Working with electricity and electrical management – Storage – types, Notes

hazardous cargo – Oil, Chemicals and Flammable Liquids Tankers – Man Entry, Dock Entry & Hot
work of hazardous cargo ships.
Unit 3: Different types of lifting appliances – construction, maintenance and use, various methods of
rigging of derricks, safety in the use of container handling/lifting appliances like portainers, transtainer,
top lift trucks and other containers – testing and examination of lifting appliances – portainers – 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board
transtainers – toplift trucks – derricks in different rigging etc. Use and care of synthetic and natural fiber
ropes – wire rope chains, different types of slings and loose gears.
Unit 4: The different types of equipment for transporting containers and safety in their use safety
in the use of self-loading container vehicles, container side lifter, fork lift truck, dock railways,
conveyors and cranes. Safe use of special lift trucks inside containers – Testing, examination and 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board
inspection of containers – carriage of dangerous goods in containers and maintenance and certification
of containers for safe operation Handling of different types of cargo – stacking and unstacking both on
board the ship and ashore
Unit 5: Emergency action Plans for fire and explosions - collapse of lifting appliances and buildings,
sheds etc., - gas leakages and precautions concerning spillage of dangerous goods etc., - Preparation of
on-site emergency plan and safety report. Dock workers (SHW) rules and regulations 1990-related to 20% 9hrs presentation,
Chalk board
lifting appliances, Container handling, loading and unloading, handling of hatch coverings and beams,
Cargo handling, conveyors, dock railways, forklift.
Learning Resources
Text Books:
1. International Labour Organization, “Safety and Health in Dock work”, 2nd ed. 1997.
2. Indian Dock Labourers Act 1934 with rules 1948”, Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
3. Srinivasan “Harbour, Dock and Tunnel Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 2011.
Reference Books:

Journals & Periodicals: Nil

Other Electronic Resources: Nil
Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Quiz 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation
Skill enhancement activities / case 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS
4 0 0 4
Total lecture hours & practical: Total Marks: 100
1 Course Pre-requisites: NIL
2 Course Category: Core Course
3 Course Revision/ Approval Date: 19-06-2021
4 Course Objectives
1. To ensure that safety in ergonomics of conveying and hoisting mechanisms and handling of heavy equipment
2. To provide comprehensive knowledge on application of ergonomics in a work system

Course Content Weightage Contact

Hours Pedagogy
Unit 1: Man-machine system Concept – Human factors Engineering and its Applications - Man as Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
Information processor, Sensor, Controller. Chalk board
Unit 2: Human Behaviour – Individual difference –Motivation –Frustration and Conflicts – Attitudes Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
- Learning concepts. Chalk board
Unit 3: Ergonomic Principles – ergonomics Application in a work system – motion economy Principle
20% 9hrs Video
– environmental effects. presentation,
Chalk board
Unit 4: Impending safety factors – Technological factor –Physiological factor –Legal factor – Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
Administrative factors. Chalk board
Unit 5: Personal protective equipments (different types, specifications, standards, testing procedures, Video
20% 9hrs presentation,
and maintenance). Chalk board
Learning Resources
Text Books:
1. McCornick, E.J., Human Factors in Engineering and Design, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1982.
2. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, NSC, Chicago, 1982.
3. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, NSC, Chicago, 1982.
4. Alexandrov, M.P., Material Handling Equipment, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1981.
Reference Books:
Journals & Periodicals: Nil
Other Electronic Resources: Nil
Evaluation Scheme Total Marks 100
Mid semester Marks 30 marks
End Semester Marks 50 marks
Category Marks
Attendance 5 MARKS
Continuous Evaluation Quiz 5 MARKS
Skill enhancement activities / case 5 MARKS
Presentation/ miscellaneous activities 5 MARKS

1) Types of Industrial accidents & their analysis of Fertilizer plant of last five years

2) To prepare HAZOP study report of any one hazardous chemical manufacturing process

3) To prepared Emergency Action Plan for any MAH industry

4) To prepare fire protection system of any MAH Industry

5) HSE laws applicable to Petrochemical Industry

6) List of hazards & their mitigating measures of Textile Industries

7) List of hazards & their mitigating measures of steel plant

8) List of hazards & their mitigating measures of Pesticides Industry

9) To prepare safety management plan of any MAH industry

10) List out hazards & their mitigating measures of Foundry

GSFC University may also decide upon about the provision of offering few other options related
to “Elective topics”. This would depend upon the main resource of faculties with good experience
in those fields besides additional facilities organizing study tours of those industries around the
state of Gujarat or outside.

Suggested topics are:

a) Safety in Engineering industry.
b) Disaster Risk management
c) Textile Manufacturing
d) Construction.
e) Docks
f) Applied ergonomics
g) IT Industry
h) Pottery & Ceramics
i) Waste treatment Plants – Involving Liquid effluents,
Gas emissions, Solid waste disposal etc.,
j) Hospital Safety

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