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• Leading Innovation
• Driving Change
• Creating Advantage AlltechNaturally @Alltech

About Alltech
Founded in 1980 by Irish entrepreneur and scientist Dr. Pearse Lyons, Alltech is
a cutting-edge technology company in a traditional industry, agriculture. Our
products improve the health and nutrition of plants and animals, resulting in more
nutritious products for people as well as less impact on the environment.
With expertise in yeast fermentation, solid-state fermentation and the sciences of nutrigenomics and
metabolomics, Alltech is a leading producer of yeast additives, organic trace minerals, premix and feed.

Together, with our more than 5,000 talented team members worldwide, we believe in “Working Together for
a Planet of Plenty™.” With the adoption of new technologies, the adaptation of better farm management
practices and the ingenuity inherent in the human spirit, we believe a world of abundance could be ours.

Alltech is a private, family-owned company, which allows us to adapt quickly to our customers’ needs and
stay focused on advanced innovation. Headquartered just outside of Lexington, Kentucky, USA, Alltech has a
strong presence in all regions of the world.

Alltech founder Dr. Pearse Lyons had a vision to ensure that the
business would have an impact on our industry and our planet
far into the future. In 1989, he took the stage at our Symposium
and shared our company’s commitment to a guiding ACE principle,
emphasizing the importance of delivering benefit to Animals,
Consumers and the Environment. He fervently believed that the well-
being of each depended on maintaining harmony between all three. It
was a radical idea at the time — so radical that some customers walked out.

With diminishing natural resources, a changing climate and a growing

population, sustainability is becoming a non-negotiable for businesses and for
agriculture. Our Planet of Plenty vision propels our founding ACE principle into
the future and into a new world of possibility.

We at Alltech, along with our partners, believe that leading innovation, driving change
and providing benefits will allow the aquaculture industry to continue to flourish. We are
committed to following this path in both our global development and our general goal of
working toward creating a Planet of Plenty™ for all.

A planet of plenty? The choice is ours. Join us on our journey to create a world of abundance
for the Animal, the Consumer and the Environment.
Alltech Aquaculture
The aquaculture industry is changing rapidly, making it vital for the industry
to meet the needs of the entire food production chain. Through a network of
global strategic research alliances and partnerships with leading producers and
governmental bodies, Alltech develops and applies innovative scientific insight
directly at the industrial level. We work with producers across the globe to address
the issues most important to them, including feed efficiency, antibiotic-free
production, food enrichment and the management of mycotoxins, gut health,
protein, enzymes and minerals.

Alltech is invested in innovative research and development to enable our partners to meet these challenges.
Our technological breakthroughs directly impact fish and shrimp performance for farmers around the world.
We provide advanced feeds and feeding solutions that help improve survival and product quality, which
is essential for maintaining competitiveness. Healthy, robust animals cope better with the rigors of the
environment and with daily farming practices, promoting productivity, feed efficiency and profitability.

Solutions for the aquaculture industry

Alltech provides nutritional technologies
to overcome challenges faced by
aquaculture species throughout the
production process, from first feeding
and juvenile development to proper
growth and harvesting. Our solutions
are tailored to provide customers with a
competitive advantage throughout the
entire production process.

The needs of the producer are Alltech’s priority. Our

five primary areas of expertise enable us to overcome
the challenges faced by an aquaculture industry under
increasing demand.

1. Science
Our nutritional technologies — created through the innovative study of nutrigenomics and
metabolomics — help animals maximize the nutrients in their feed to achieve optimal well-being and performance.

2. Ingredients
Our nutrigenomics research is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between what we eat and our health
and wellness. We have developed a range of technology to address dietary requirements at different life stages in
aquaculture production. AQUATE™ provides a complete solution to improving the health, performance and filet quality
in fish and shrimp is based on proprietary yeast, enzyme and mineral components, specifically designed to include in-feed
formulation that can be delivered on-farm.

3. Feed
We fully understand the production chain, including feed formulation, applied research, production and on-farm support.
We have built upon years of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) expertise, and by applying AQUATE™ technologies
in our aquatic feeds, producers can produce more with less.

4. On-Farm Support
Our global team of aquaculture experts, all of who have expertise in their local markets, regularly plan on-farm visits to
provide nutritional advice. They can also conduct farm audits and tailor cost-effective diets with no compromise to fish
health and performance.

5. Consumer
At Alltech, we believe that adopting new technologies that contribute to healthier plants, animals and people
throughout the food chain is the secret to achieving a more sustainable world. One way to foster consumer confidence is
to encourage value chain transparency. We work closely with food safety institutions in developing strategies and policies
to ensure traceability and safety, from farm to fork.

As thought leaders in the industry, we also educate consumers on aquaculture production, the future of farming and
consumer trends.
The success of aquaculture depends
on an advanced understanding of the
biology, nutrition and environmental


1. Marine Juveniles Advanced Alltech Aqua Solutions:
The supply of marine finfish juveniles is vital to developing • Support improved growth and specific growth rate
a diversifying and expanding marine aquaculture industry. • Optimize intestinal morphology
Understanding and meeting the nutritional requirements • Maintain a healthy immune status
of both the broodstock and their offspring will provide • Contribute to reduced mortality rates
the energy and nutrients essential for the production of • Support uniformity
healthy, robust juveniles. • Reduce fishmeal inclusion
Advanced Alltech Aqua Solutions: • Reduce parasite challenges
• Support larval development
• Boost live food mineral nutrition 3. Amberjacks and Tuna
• Optimize intestinal morphology These species come from some of the most important
• Improve growth and specific growth rate families of tropical marine fish. Their flesh quality is
• Maintain a healthy immune status particularly prized and must be of the highest quality in
• Contribute to reduced mortality rates the best condition. The lifecycle for several of these species
• Reduce skeletal deformations has recently been closed, and the commercial production
of feed is an important factor in meeting the nutritional
2. Sea Bass and Sea Bream requirements of the species.
Sea basses and sea breams are important economic species The farming success in any aquaculture operation is
in the sub-tropical regions of the world. In European dependent on optimal growth and performance to ensure
aquaculture, sea bass refers to the European sea bass, the product quality meets the consumer preferences. This
Dicentrarchus labrax, and sea bream to Sparus aurata, is particularly important with these species due to high
the Gilthead sea bream. Traditionally, these species are tissue fat levels and the requirement for good antioxidant
a prized delicacy of the Mediterranean, but supply to protection.
Northern Europe has increased and provides a high-quality, Advanced Alltech Aqua Solutions:
affordable product to the discerning consumer. • Optimize intestinal development
• Promote meat quality
• Reduce fishmeal inclusion
• Reduce parasite challenge


1. Carp Improving feed quality, feed management and the
Carp is the most commonly cultured of all aquaculture health status of the stock all help to address some of the
species. It is a freshwater fish that is hardy and can tolerate challenges faced by the industry.
a wide range of conditions. A very important food fish, Advanced Alltech Aqua Solutions:
it is presently cultured all over Asia-Pacific, most parts of • Support improved performance and reduce mortality
Europe, the Middle East and in some African countries. • Maintain a healthy immune status
Most production of carp traditionally took place in • Reduce fishmeal inclusion
extensive and semi-intensive production systems. However, • Reduce off-flavor
today the trend in production is moving towards intensive • Improve immune status
systems where compound feeds are essential.
For these reasons, farmers are looking for more effective 3. Tilapia
nutritional strategies and diets that are appropriate for Tilapias are an important warm-water aquaculture group
these intensive conditions and that promote cost-effective that are cultured all over the world, although endemic to
production. Africa and the Middle East. These species are generally
Advanced Alltech Aqua Solutions: important for the domestic markets but processed and
• Support overall growth, performance and FCR value-added products are exported. As culture methods
• Build natural defenses and maintain a healthy immune for tilapia have intensified, the use of compound feeds has
status increased, and these offer the farmer the ability to provide
• Support metabolism through proper mineral nutrition the nutrients that are needed for optimum performance.
• Reduce fishmeal inclusion Advanced Alltech Aqua Solutions:
• Improve skin quality • Improve growth, FCR and survival
• Improve immune status
2. Catfish • Reduce fishmeal inclusion
Many species of catfish are cultured globally: the channel • Reduce off-flavor
catfish in its native USA and Europe with the Pangasius • Increase protection through agglutination of
species in Asian countries. The rapid growth of the pathogenic bacteria
industry, particularly in Asia, has brought with it many
challenges that have necessitated the development of
more efficient management practices.
1. Shrimp 2. Lobster
Shrimp is one of the most important internationally Lobsters are not an easy species to culture in captivity,
traded commodities and is one of the most valuable and one approach is to rear them from egg to juvenile
fishery exports in many tropical developing countries, at which point they are released into the environment
providing significant employment in these regions. Feed for stock enhancement or “sea farming.” As crustaceans
can represent more than 50% of the production cost lack a specific immune system response, they rely on
of intensive shrimp production, with protein sources non-specific defenses during their vulnerable juvenile
accounting for at least 30% of the compounds found in life stages where highest mortality occurs. The ability
commercial diets. to aid the development of a healthy immune system is
In-depth knowledge of the nutritional requirements of crucial to increasing success during these early stages of
the species and its ability to digest and utilize nutrients development.
from alternative raw materials will aid diet formulation Advanced Alltech Aqua Solutions:
flexibility in order to take account of local raw materials • Improve larval survival
and fluctuations in prices. • Reduce potential harmful pathogens
Advanced Alltech Aqua Solutions:
• Improve attractability and palatability of feed
• Improve feed uptake through enhanced palatability
• Reduce potential harmful pathogens
• Improve growth and FCR
• Reduce fishmeal inclusion

Aquaculture species face many

challenges throughout the production
process, from first feeding and
juvenile development to growth and IMPROVED INCREASES
harvesting. These obstacles range INTESTINAL
from stressors associated with daily
operations, environmental threats
and nutritional challenges from the
increasing use of plant proteins,
contaminants in raw materials and
nutrient availability. AQUATE™ MAINTAIN IMPROVED
provides a complete solution to THE IMMUNE PERFORMANCE
improving the health, performance
and filet quality in fish and shrimp,
focusing on three key aspects:

1. Gut function:
Optimal gut function is necessary for optimal animal performance. The role of the gastrointestinal tract is to process and
digest feed into a form that can be easily absorbed by the animal.

2. Efficiency:
The interactions between the intestinal microflora, gut morphology, the immune system and nutrient uptake can have
a major influence on the animal’s health and performance. Understanding the structure and function of the intestine
enables the deployment of technologies that can protect and nurture a healthy gut environment.

3. Mucous production:
Components of mucous have been shown to play a role in the innate immune defenses of animals. Improving the
external and internal production of mucous plays a vital role in the defense mechanisms of each species and plays an
integral part of the immune system response.

Benefits - Supports improved intestinal function

- Helps to maintain the immune system
- Maximizes growth potential
- Supports feed efficiency
- Contributes to improved filet quality and composition
Our experts will work with you to implement a program to
monitor your success and performance on-farm

Mycotoxins seldom occur in isolation. Given the fact that one mold can produce
several mycotoxins, several molds can contaminate one feed ingredient, and several
ingredients make up a feed ration. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find multiple
mycotoxins in finished feed. This allows for interactions among mycotoxins, which
leads to synergistic or additive effects on the animal. Mycotoxin interactions result
in unexpected animal toxicity and make diagnosis difficult. To operate a successful
mycotoxin management program, we look at the whole challenge, from the farm to
the feed mill and from risk assessment to feed management.

The Alltech Mycotoxin Management Program provides a number of solutions to

help mitigate the threat of mycotoxins.


Mycosorb A+® is one of the most advanced mycotoxin binders available. It reduces mycotoxin absorption, negating
the damaging effects of mycotoxins on the health and performance of fish and shrimp. This sets it apart from other
competitor products.

Mycosorb A+® has been approved by the Carbon Trust. The Carbon Trust is a powerful endorsement, which enables us
to further help farmers reduce their on-farm carbon footprint while increasing their profitability.

Benefits - A proven, broad-spectrum mycotoxin binder, which tackles mycotoxin challenges as a

whole rather than dealing with individual mycotoxins
- Fast-acting, interacts with mycotoxins within 10 minutes
- Effective at a low inclusion level
- Proven by scientific research: 150 peer-reviewed published studies; 102 animal trials;
21 in vitro mode of action trials.

The gut is the first line of defense for optimal animal health and plays a major role
in immune function. The Alltech® Gut Health Management program is designed
to ensure a healthy foundation for performance and profitability in aquaculture.
It supports animal performance by promoting favorable bacterial communities,
building natural defenses and maximizing growth, enabling the animal to overcome
both environmental and physical challenges.



BIO-MOS® AND ACTIGEN® are unique products developed from a selected strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, selected
by Alltech and isolated to create a more effective product in order to optimize gut health. ACTIGEN®, a second-
generation strain, was developed to be a traceable form of yeast carbohydrate.

BIO-MOS® AND ACTIGEN® are nutritional solutions to enhance feed efficiency and contribute to immunity
development, improving performance and profitability.

Benefits - Maintains gastrointestinal integrity and stability

- Stabilizing the intestinal microflora
- Effective absorption of nutrients in the body
- Strengthening of immune system
- Supports growth
- Participates in normalizing gut microflora and promoting microbiome diversity

NUPRO® is a consistent, easily digestible and traceable high-quality protein source with essential nutrients to support
the overall health and performance of fish and crustaceans. Due to its high concentration of glutamic acid, specific
amino acids such as arginine and nucleotides, it enables a chemical reaction that promotes palatability enhancement

NUPRO® provides beneficial effects to gut health, supporting intestinal mucosal cell replacement and organic

Benefits - Aids gut development

- Supports uniformity
- Promotes profitability
- Maximizes growth potential
- Supports immune system response
Fish and shrimp have essential requirements for trace minerals, which must be met through
the diet. The Alltech® Mineral Management program uses Total Replacement Technology™
(TRT), which focuses on feeding organic trace minerals that are better absorbed, stored and
utilized by the animal than minerals provided in traditional inorganic forms. Alltech has
proven that this approach can optimize performance at significantly lower inclusion levels.


BIOPLEX® offers a range of organic trace minerals that are organically bound to amino acids and a range of peptides to mimic
nature as close as possible. They are easily absorbed and readily metabolized, optimizing animal performance. The BIOPLEX®
organic mineral line is composed of copper, zinc, iron and manganese, which are peptide-bound minerals. Its production
process follows strict quality control, avoiding contamination by heavy metals, dioxins, PCBs and other contaminants.

Benefits - Offers higher bioavailability than inorganic minerals

- Reduces concerns about negative mineral interactions
- Supports mineral retention and tissue reserves
- Reinforces mineral status, which leads to optimal overall health, immune status and
reproductive function in the animal
- Is readily absorbed, stored and utilized by the animal
- Is supported by more than 21 years of research
- Faster growth
- Optimum fertility
- Improve meat quality
- Natural improvement in color scores
- Increased mineralization in the tissues
- Improvement in enzyme function

Support Tools





Alltech developed the Alltech Q+ (Quality Plus) program,

unique to the Bioplex® range of trace minerals, to guarantee
quality, safety and performance in every batch. Its production
process follows strict quality control, avoiding contamination by
heavy metals, dioxins, PCBs and other contaminants.

SEL-PLEX® is Alltech’s proprietary organic form of selenium yeast. It is an excellent dietary source of selenium and is
manufactured to be as close to nature as possible. That is, the selenium in SEL-PLEX® is in the same form that is found
naturally in plants. SEL-PLEX® is the first European Union-approved and only U.S. Food and Drug Administration-
reviewed form of selenium-enriched yeast. Supported by more than 19 years of research,SEL-PLEX® is also the most
proven form of selenium-enriched yeast. Alltech is currently the world’s largest producer of natural selenium.

Selenium plays an essential role in metabolism, orchestrating normal growth, supporting normal reproduction,
neutralizing free radicals and supporting the body’s natural defense mechanisms against infection. Selenium allows
animals to optimize health status during periods of increased demand. SEL-PLEX® delivers a superior source of
selenium, offering great potential to increase the efficiency of fish and shrimp production through selenium nutrition.

Benefits - Better meat quality

- Improved pigmentation
- Higher Supports growth rate
- Reduced filet gaping
- Increased selenium muscle content
- Supports feed conversion ratio (FCR)
- Optimized immune performance

Getting the most from your feed can Products:

make all the difference in profitability
in your operation. The Alltech® Feed
Efficiency program is designed to ALLZYME® SSF is a complex that improves profitability
maximize nutrient release and reduce by maximizing nutrient release. Utilizing solid-state
fermentation (SSF) through an innovative production
overall feed costs. Understanding dietary
system, ALLZYME® SSF is a unique enzyme complex that
fractions present in feed ingredients works in synergy with the animal’s digestive system
and the complex interactions between to break down layers of feed that were previously
enzymes, substrates and the gut can inaccessible through digestion.

improve the digestibility of all nutrients.

Benefits - Promotes nutrient release

- Supports raw material flexibility
- Supports feed efficiency
- Assists in improving animal performance
ALLZYME® VEGPRO is a combination of naturally occurring enzymes (protease, cellulase, pentosanase [xylanase],
α-galactosidase and amylase) that improves amino acid and energy utilization of plant protein sources used in
aquaculture feeds.

Benefits - Greater formulation flexibility

- Decreases effects of anti-nutritional factors in feedstuffs
- Reduces batch to batch variability in nutritive value of plant protein sources

DE-ODORASE® is an all-natural product containing extract of the desert yucca plant, known for its ability to bind
gases, including ammonia. Unlike most yucca products, DE-ODORASE® also contains enzymes and beneficial bacteria
(Bacillus subtilis) that can improve digestion and help to break down solid waste matter.

Benefits - Binds ammonia, preventing accumulation of ammonia and nitrite in the water
- Active at a wide range of salinities
- Maintains water quality and facilitates normal functioning of aquatic animals
- Reduces the growth of filamentous algae
- Assists in overall performance: increase in feed intake, better conversion, optimal
growth, increased survival, higher yields and enhanced profit

For further information, please email [email protected]


Established in
5 Bioscience

by Dr. Pearse Lyons 100 Facilities

Trading in
More than
5,000+ Employees
Countries &

ACE 500

Animal Consumer
health Patents
company Principle Environment AlltechNaturally @Alltech

3031 Catnip Hill Road | Nicholasville, KY 40356 | USA

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