11-12 CCA Family Income Form
11-12 CCA Family Income Form
11-12 CCA Family Income Form
Children in Household
Enter information for each child in your household in the table below. Name, Date of Birth, Current Grade, and School District must be entered for each child. You may decline to disclose additional information. (* Indicates a required field.) * Name (Last, First Middle) * Date of Birth * Current Grade * School District Is student a Food Stamp or TANF recipient? (If Yes, you must list the case #.)
Yes No
Is student a ward of the court or a foster child? (If Yes, you must list personal-use monthly income.)
Yes $ /mo. No
Decline to Disclose
Case # _________________ Yes No Case # _________________ Yes No Case # _________________ Yes No Case # _________________ Yes No Case # _________________ Yes No Case # _________________ Yes $ /mo. No
Yes $
Yes $
Yes $
Yes $
Household Income
In order to determine if your school will receive Title I funds, you need to calculate the total amount of income in your household. A household includes all related family members and all unrelated persons, if any, such as foster children, wards, or employees, who share the housing unit. Include income from all household members when calculating monthly gross income below. (Please include all gross earnings from work, pensions, retirement income, Social Security, public assistance, child support, alimony, disability benefits, and any other monthly income that you are required to report to the IRS.) Please provide your income information OR check one of the statements below: Total number of household members (including children): Total gross annual income generated by household: $ per year I certify that our household does not qualify because our total annual income is above $100,000. I choose not to provide my income information. I understand that my decision not to provide this information may impact the Title I funding available for providing additional programs, benefits, and services for my student(s)s school.