Yari Nag - Bis
Yari Nag - Bis
Yari Nag - Bis
1. Keep the hands fixed on the Yari, rarely slide the hands.
2. When you Tsuki, the front hand turns the Yari, so that it is on top of the pole, to help apply
pressure, during the Tsuki.
The Kukishinden Ryu, and the Kukishin Ryu Yari waza (Sojutsu) comes from the Amatsu Tatara
SOJUTSU makimono. They were used for many centuries, but it was Takamatsu Toshitsugu who finally introduced
them officially into the Kukishinden Ryu, and the Kukishin Ryu
Bow at the battlefield
(Standing Bow)
The Yari is held on the left side, with the tip to the
ground. Shift the left foot forward, and the right foot
KIHON Basics
turns out. The Yari is moved a little to the right.
With the left knee slightly bent forwards, do a short
2. ZA REI Start in seigan no Kamae, with the left leg forwrds. Shuffle step forwards with the left leg, and rotate the
(seated bow) left hand turning the Yari over. The left knee is bent almost to 90 . The Yari is raised so that it is level with
the right hand almost up to the breast.
Kneel on the right knee, with the toes raised. The
left knee is raised. The Yari is in the right hand,
and rests slightly on the right thigh. The left hand is
on the ground. The Yari is moved to the right, so
that it is across the back at 90 degrees to the body.
Bow. Come up to Shizen, with the Yari in the right
hand, angled so that the tip points to the ground.
(Yari book P. 74)
Postures This is the same as Bojutsu Ihen, but the body leans slightly forwards. The Yari is across the chest
Correct eye posture (Yari book
P. 56)
Upper level posture (Yari book
P. 71)
Hold the Yari in Jodan no Kamae, holding the bottom 3rd of the shaft. Drop the right hand to chest height,
and rock forwards. Slide the hands to normal Yari position, and hold at stomach height. Right Yoko Aruki
to Do Uchi. Rotate the Yari over, with the Butt at the ground. Turn into Do Uchi, and right step back at the
same time.
NOTE: If doing this against Uke, you can turn the ending into Ganseki Nage with the Yari.
HENKA (Kodachi)
(One strike in close distance) Yari book P. 71
This is the same as the Kata, except Uke has to
keep moving to his right to find an opening. Tori is Tori is in Jodan no kamae, Uke is in Seigan no kamae. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and rotates
in Kodachi Seigan no kamae. As The Tsuki come the Yari over head, and strikes Kasumi with the blade (left hand at the Ishizuki), Uke drops his body
in Tori uses footwork to keep away from the reach weight, and blocks with his katana holding it high. Tori then steps back with the left foot, and pulls the Yari
of the Yari. The Kodachi parries the Yari right, left through the hands (the body is low). Tori then does a Tsuki.
right. With the last Parry Tori steps in and slides
the Kodachi down the length of the Yari to Ukes NOTE: (UK TAIKAI 1994) After the Kasumi Uchi, you can drop down to the left knee and Tsuki from
hands. Then slicing over the hands to Tsuki Uke in here. The drop to the left knee can be used to gain a little distance, and keeping it pointed at Uke, keep
the ribs. Use the left hand on Ukes right shoulder him in check. You can as you go to your knees, cut to his Kote.
to control him if needed.
(Three strike at one time) Yari book P. 74
(All direction technique) Yari Tori is in Taihen no kamae. Uke is in Hasso, and steps forward with the right foot with Kesa giri, and as
book P. 61 the cut comes in lets go with the left hand so that the right hand can reach further for the strike. Tori shifts
back to Seigan no kamae. Tori steps forward, and to the side with the right foot, striking with the Ishizuki.
Tori then rotates the Yari over on the left side (release the left hand). Uke is off balance from the kasumi
uchi. Tori does a Tsuki down (Yari on the left) into
Ukes left shoulder. Tori does a switch step, and
rotates the yari over the head so that the Yari is on
the right with the blade to the front. With the Yari
held near the Ishizuki (right hand) Tori pulls the
right hand up under the right armpit, and with the
Yari straight, does a Tsuki to Ukes Uko. Tori then
pulls the Yari back, sliding it through his hands Uke 7. HISO
comes with the Yari as it is stuck in the neck. Tori (Secret spear) Yari book P. 83
then does a Tsuki pushing the Yari through the
throat. Tori is in Chudan, Uke is in Seigan. The distance is close the ends of the blades touch. Tori does a Tsuki
(no step). Then Tori steps forward with the right foot, and does a Do Uchi with the Ishizuki to Ukes groin
NOTE: As Tori does the first Tsuki, the left hand (also strike the forearms holding the sword). The end of the shaft hooks under the forearms, and lifts
is above the head, and the right knee is bent. The them high (Ukes arms are straight). Tori then steps back with the right foot (Yari on the right ). Tori steps
Yari is held at an angle with the blade pointing across to the right, and does a Tsuki to the navel area (can also cut the hands). Tori steps in with the right
down. foot, and strikes with the Ishizuki into the groin. Tori steps back with the right foot, and drops to the right
knee. The Shaft lies over the top of the Sword. Tori stands, and drops the Yari down, and to the right (anti
clockwise), bringing the sword with it. As it comes to the right, Tori gives it a hard sharp flick to the left
6. HASSAKU (Uke may lose the sword), and does a Tsuki to Ukes face.
(Destroying leap) Yari book P.
(Law of heaven and earth) Yari book P. 88
Tori is in Gedan no kamae. Uke is in Seigan no
kamae. Tori leans forward, and moves the right
Tori stands as in shizen with the Yari in the right hand Horizontal. He faces Uke who is also in Shizen
hand down to the belt level (hand does not touch
with the sword sheathed. Uke steps back, and draws his sword. Tori steps with the right then the left foot,
the hips or belt), and then pushes the right hand
and strikes upwards with the Ishizuki to the wrists (Ukes arms must stretch). Tori releases the left hand
out to the side, until it is straight. Tori steps a little
and rotates the Yari to strike with Do Uchi to Ukes side (Blade end). Tori turns the Yari in the right hand,
forward with the right foot (level with the left), and
and holds as if to throw (like a Javelin). From this position Tori does a Tsuki (rest the Yari on the
crouches with a Tsuki. Tori releases the left hand,
and rotates the Yari on the right side, and in front
of the body, for a Ashi Barai with the blade end.
Tori steps forward with the left foot, and moves the 9. HANE DORI YAKU
Yari to the right side. The left hand grabs the shaft. (Crushing by leaping) Yari book P. 92
Tori pulls the Yari right back (do not slide the Yari
through the hands). Tori then lunges a Tsuki to
Ukes throat. Tori is in Seigan. Tori does a soft Tsuki. Uke cuts at the Yari to parry. Tori pulls the Yari back after the cut,
and moves it back so that it is under the sword blade, and flicks the sword up in the air. Tori then does a
Tsuki to the stomach, Uke drops the sword down, and parries with the hilt. Tori lifts the hands up, and
drops the Yari down again. Uke attempts a cut. Tori parries with the blade. Tori does a Tsuki to the face.
Uke pushes the Yari up with the hands. Tori moves the Yari over the end of the sword, and pushes down,
stepping forward with the right foot, for a Tsuki.
Kata of secrets
(Form of the figure 1) Yari book P. 99
Uke is in Seigan, Tori is in Ryusui. Tori does a Tsuki to the stomach, sliding the Yari through the hands
(the hands are at head height). Tori then pulls the Yari back through he hands until the left hand touches
the fittings next to the blade. Uke moves to Daijodan. Tori steps forward with the right foot, slamming the
Ishizuki into Ukes knee. Tori then steps forward with the left foot, and strikes with the blade (for the Tsuki
lean forwards). Tori shifts to the right with the right foot, lifts the Yari up and does a Tsuki to Kimon.
(Chrysanthemum water [Mon]) Yari book P. 102
Tori is in Chudan, moving into Ryusui (do this by rotate in the Yari anti clockwise blade twice). Tori does a
Tsuki towards Ukes right Toki. Tori rocks back holding the Yari to chest height. Tori then does Yoko Aruki
(right over left), and a Tsuki to suigetsu. Tori then jumps back with the Yari horizontal . Uke does a
Chudan Tsuki. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and strikes the Kasumi with the Ishizuki, knocking
Uke to the ground. Tori rotates the Yari on the left side of the body with the blade forwards, stepping
forward with the left foot, a Tsuki to Suigetsu.
(Wrapping Ivy) Yari book P. 106
Tori is in Chudan on the left. Tori does a Tsuki (slide the Yari through he hands). Tori drops to the left
knee, and does another Tsuki. Tori steps up, and forward with the left foot, with Ashi Barai (Ishizuki). Uke
tries to Tsuki to Toris legs, Tori steps back with the left foot. Releases the right hand, and rotates the Yari
over on to the right. Tori does a Tsuki down to Ukes stomach (the Hands are high Shaft level with the
(Demon stab) Yari book P. 109
Tori is in Seigan (right hand near Ishizuki). Tori leans forward (Yari horizontal), and a Tsuki to the chest.
Tori is in Chudan no kamae, Uke is in Daijodan. Uke strikes down, and Tori jumps back. Tori does a Yoko Aruki back (left over right) Yoko aruki back, and
Tori does a Tsuki (slide the Yari through the left Tsuki.Uke parries down. Tori Yoko Aruki's to the rear. Uke tries to Tsuki, and Tori jumps back, and Tsuki
hand keep the Chudan posture). Uke leans back to Ukes stomach.
from the Tsuki. Tori pulls back to Chudan. Tori
does a Tsuki (pull the shaft under the armpit). Uke
comes in with a Jodan Kiri. Tori shifts the right foot,
a little to the left, and pokes the yari at Ukes throat
as he cuts. Tori steps across the right, then leans
in and does a Tsuki to Toris right foot. Can finish
by stepping in with the right foot, and striking up
with the Ishizuki into the groin.
(Flying dragon) Yari book P. (Hidden Butterfly) Yari book P. 120
112 Tori in Shizen Yari in the right hand. Uke is in Ryusui no kamae with a Katana. Tori lifts the Yari up under
the armpit, and with a right step forward, and Tsuki. Tori jumps, and switches the feet, and grabs the yari
Tori is in a left low Gedan no kamae (lean forward, with the left hand, and Do Uchi with the ishizuki to Uke side. Tori turns the yari over (the left hand holds
with the Yari in line with the belt, left knee bent). the binding by the blade, right hand high above the head). Tori Yoko Aruki's forward, and drops the body
Tori slides the Yari through the hands to strike down. The right hand comes right down, and Tori Tsuki's up under the sword hands to the stomach.
Ukes foot. Uke moves back to Hasso, and steps
forward with Jodan Kiri. Tori jumps back with the
Yari rotating over to the right. The Yari is held at NOTE: If he is wearing armour, and he is not stabbed with the Yari, left step back , and Yoko Aruki to
chest level, and horizontal (right hand near the the right, striking with the Ishizuki into the legs.
Ishizuki). Tori leans forward (left knee bent), and
Tsuki to Ukes knee. Tori steps back with the left 8. MITSUDAMA
foot, so that it is level with the right, and rotates the
Yari over and Ashi Barai with the blade. Tori shifts
(Three balls) Yari book P.123
the left leg back, and lifts the yari up to point at
Ukes chest. Tori steps forward with the left foot, Tori is in Jodan no kamae. Tori does a Tsuki with the Yari level with the face (slide it through he left
and slides the yari through the hands (right hand hand). Tori releases the left hand, and Tori rotates the Yari above the hand with the right hand, and with
next to the binding by the blade). Tori strikes with one hand strikes to the lead foot. Uke is knocked off his feet, or he rolls. Tori advances with the Yari (both
the shaft on Ukes neck hands), and hold him down with the blade or Tsuki to finish
(Sideways drop) Yari book P. 135
Tori is in Jodan no kamae. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and rotates the Yari above the head. Uke
is stood in Shizen with the Katana in the right hand by his side. As the Yari comes around (strike with the
Ishizuki). He blocks by barring the sword, against his forearm. Tori rotates the Yari over the head, and
steps forward with the left foot, striking again with the Ishizuki (the blade, and binding lie along the right
forearm, hold by the binding
(Dragon head) Yari book P.138
Tori is in a low Gedan no kamae. Uke is in Hasso. Tori steps to the right, and goes down on the right
knee (whole body faces Uke). As Uke comes up into Daijodan, Tori strikes with a Tsuki to the waist. Tori
comes up onto his feet moving to the left. Moving with the Yoko Aruki to the left, Tori at the same time
rotates the yari over head, and drops to the left knee, as Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri (just missing). The Yari
blade strikes the rear leg. Tori then lift s the blade to the throat, and stands. The left hand is raised (the
blade is under the sword hands. The left hand, moves down, and the right up (suddenly) knocking the
Katana into the air.
first), and strikes with a Do Uchi to Ukes head or torso. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and moves
the ishizuki forwards (down) and strikes up into Ukes groin. Tori lifts the end of the Yari. levering Uke off
3. TOMOE his feet, and over onto Ukes left side. Tori turns the Yari over and Tsuki to Finish.
(Comma - design of three
circles) Yari book P. 141 6. SHIN MEI
(Apparent heart) Yari book P. 154
The Yari is held in Jodan no kamae (just below the
ridge of the head) with the right hand near the
Ishizuki. Tori jumps forward switching feet, rotating Tori is in Chudan no kamae. Uke is in Daijodan. Tori does Yoko Aruki, and a Tsuki (while legs are
the Yari, and striking with a Kasumi uchi to the crossed), and left step forward (legs open). Tori does a Tsuki, and pushes the Yari through. The Yari is
head (with the blade). Tori pushes the left hand removed, and again a Tsuki, and pushes through.
forward so that the yari blade moves to the rear.
Tori then hop / jumps back (feet keep same
position), and strikes on landing with the blade to
the head. Tori turns the Yari over on the right side
(blade first), with a left step forward, and a Tsuki. (Dragon take down) Yari book P. 158
Tori keeping the Yari in the same position as the
finished Tsuki jumps to the left, and moves around Hold the Yari in the right hand (same as holding a Javlin), right step forwards and throw the Yari.
the Ishizuki, switching hands so the Yari is on the
left. Tori does a Tsuki to Uke, and finishes him.
4. KUGI NUKI (Side throw) Yari book P. 160
(Nail remover) Yari book P. Tori is in Jodan no kamae. Uke is in a low stretching forward Tenchi no kamae. Tori rotates the Yari over
146 head, and strikes with the Yari n one hand to Do Uchi.
Tori is in Jodan. Tori does a Tsuki with a left step 9. TACHI NAGE
forward. Uke parries the block, but Uke knocks his
sword to Ukes left, and Tori steps back with the (Standing throw) Yari book P.163
right foot. Tori repeats this sequence twice.
Uke is in Daijodan. Tori holds the Yari, and picks it up as one holds a Javelin. Tori moves around Uke
with the shaft on his shoulder. When an opening is seen Tori moves forward with the right foot, and stabs
5. ARASHI Uke with the Yari (rest it on the shoulder). The Yari stuck in Uke the sword is taken away from him, and
(Storm) Yari book P. 150 used to finish him.
Tori is in Chudan, and rotates the tip only twice 10. NICHI GETSU
anticlockwise. Tori releases the left hand, and
leans back moving the Yari vertical on the right (Sun and Moon) Yari book P. 165
side. Uke does a Tsuki, Tori leans back to the right
to avoid the Tsuki. Then Tori jumps in (right foot Tori is surrounded by many opponents. Tori takes hold of the Ishizuki, and moves through the crowd,
while at the same time twirling the Yari around the Ryu Yari dates from the 1330's, and is a large triangle shape. This is very strong, and is made from a
top of the head to keep the opponents away. It is single piece of iron that is not folded. The Nakago (Tang), should be twice as long as the blade. This
dropped to attack the feet. gives strength to the blade, and to the pole.
The longest Yari ever made was by a unknown smith in the Muromachi era. It is called "Nippongo" The
blade is 79cm long. The blade is ridged on one side, and flat on the other. The flat side bears a Horimono,
of a dragon wrapped around a sword. Because of it's length it is difficult to make as the blade bends
during tempering. One copy exists, and that was made 10 years ago (?) by Masamine, a living cultural
treasure swordsmith. The Nippongo is in the Kuroda collection in Japan
Nippongo photo's can be seen in the book "The Japanese sword" by Kanzan Sato page 65 (ISBN4 -
7700-1055-9 C1372 p5000E [in Japan])
2. Any cut which swings downward (Ura/Gyaku Kesa Giri). In this cut the weight of the Naginata is
not controlled, but taken advantage of, i.e. letting it fall. Again the cut is either diagonal, or straight down
(Jodan Kiri) as a chop.
3. To practice, cut up to the body, across, to the legs, down to the legs etc.
NAGINATAJUTSU 4. When holding the Naginata, the back of the hand, and the back of the wrist must be in line. It
should fit comfortably in the hand. If these points are not followed, the Naginata hold will not be strong.
5. It is important to measure the distance (Miai). Hold the Naginata in the rear hand, and cross the
blade with the Katana.
7. If you cut to the back of the knee while he is wearing armour, you must hit him three time.
Essence KAMAE
1. Any cut which swings in an upward
motion, cuts mainly to the body, legs, arms, etc
(Flat figure 1 posture) KAMAE
Jisen Gata
The Naginata is held across the front of the body
horizontal, with the blade edge down. The hands
are close to the side of the hips.
2. ICHIMONJI NO KAMAE (Flat figure 1 posture)
(Figure number 1 posture)
The Naginata is held across the front of the body horizontal, with the blade edge down. The elbows are
close to the side of the hips with the forearms out in front of the body. If the blade is to the right, the left
The Naginata is held horizontal across the front of foot is forward, and visa versa.
the body. The body is side on to the attacker.
3. HASSO NO KAMAE (Figure number 1 posture)
(8 ways posture)
The Naginata is held horizontal across the front of the body. The body is side on to the attacker. (Same
The Naginata is held vertical on the right side of as Kata Kamae)
the body. The left hand just above the belt. The
blade edge points forward.
4. SEIGAN NO KAMAE (8 ways posture)
(Correct eye posture)
The Naginata is held diagonally across the body with the bottom part of the Naginata pointing at Ukes
foot. The knees are bent. Almost looks as if you are being aggressive
The knees are bent, the body is side on to the
opponent, and the blade points at the face.
5. NAKA SEIGAN NO KAMAE (Correct eye posture)
The knees are bent, the body is side on to the opponent, and the blade points at the face. (Same as Kata
The Naginata is held horizontal, and is tucked
under the armpit.
8. Cut with Ura Kesa Giri L-R (right foot forward), left step across, and turn hip upwards, and cut
across the throat, sweeping the left leg back, cut down Kesa Giri (R-L). Practice both sides.
9. Uke cuts with Do Giri with the Naginata. From Hasso (Jisen Gata), bend the lead knee forwards as if pushing the base of the Naginata in the
Turn to face the Naginat, bend the knees (as if direction of Ukes lead foot. Step forwards and cut with Kesa Giri.
sitting on a horse), and hold the Sword out in front
of yourself, with the elbows tucked in. Block the Repeat on the other side
Naginata. Turn the sword edge to yourself, right
step back, and dropping the sword down a little NOTE: Make sure the toes of the lead foot are slightly out to the side. With this, as you step forwards,
sweep the Naginata, across the front of your body your movements will not detected by your opponent.
to the right. Stop your sword so that it points at the
Naginata (45 to the front right).
Rosary cut
Cut from the shoulder down to the oppersite hip
From Hasso (Jisen Gata), bend the lead knee
forwards as if pushing the base of the Naginata in URA KESA KIRI
the direction of Ukes lead foot. Step forwards and
cut with Kesa Giri.
Cut up from the hip to the oppersite shoulder.
Repeat on the other side
Inside Rosary cut Cut across the waist above the hips, but below the ribs.
Torso cut
(Hooking and raising)
1. NAGI TAOSHI Tori is in a left Seigan no kamae. Uke is also in Seigan with a katana, and does Chudan Tsuki. Tori pulls the left foot behind the
(Mowing and dropping) right with Yoko Aruki, but keeps the blade pointing towards Uke. Tori steps forward with the right foot, to the inside of Ukes cut,
and cuts Uke with Gyaku kesa Giri to Do. Tori then steps to the left to Ukes outside, switches the hands, and cuts with Gyaku
Kesa Giri to Do.
Tori stands in Hasso no kamae. Tori steps forward with the
right foot, and cuts with Gyaku Kesa Giri from left hip to right
shoulder. Tori switches the hands on the Naginata. Tori then 5. ASHI BARAI
does a switch step, and cuts the other side with Gyaku Kesa (Leg sweep)
Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae. Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori blocks and cuts with the Naginata blade by lifting
NOTE: Kesa Giri, and Gyaku Kesa Giri, are the two most the left arm (the blade is to the right), and by moving the right foot back. Tori then pivots on the right foot, dropping to the to left
important cuts with the Naginata, and must be practiced knee, and cutting to Ukes lead leg. Tori rotates the Naginata above the head, and cuts the other leg. Tori then comes up into
extensively. Ichimonji no kamae.
In Hasso-no-kamae. If the opponent is in Seigan, pull back Uke is in Daijodan. Tori is in Naka Seigan. Tori steps back with the left foot, and cuts to the left side as he steps. Tori then steps
your left leg and cut down onto the enemy's left wrist from the across to the right with the right foot, rotating the Naginata over the head cutting his left side again.
left. If the opponent is in Dai Jodan, step forward with your
right leg and cut into their left armpit. Turn your wrist and cut 7. SASHI CHIGAE
back to their right hem, then turn your wrist and cut into their
left shoulder. Pull back one step to the original position, in (Exchanging stabs)
Hasso-no-Kamae. There is a Kuden.
Uke is in Daijodan. Tori is in Hira Ichimonji. Tori cuts to the insides of Ukes wrists, and to the body. Then Tori keeps cutting the
feet until Uke drops to the ground.
(Snapping up and felling)
(Jumping cut)
This is the same as Bojutsu Seigan no kamae, but it has the blade forwards pointing towards Ukes face.
This kamae is the same as the Bojutsu Tenchijin no kamae. The blade is at the top. The cutting edge of
the blade faces to the right
BISENTOJUTSU This is the same as the Bojutsu Ichimonji no kamae, with the blade forwards.
(Parting reversal)
No Information
(Bamboo diagonal)
No Information
(Wave blade)
BISENTOJU No Information
1. OBURI (Drawing a sword)
(Deep and broad swinging)
Uke is in Daijodan. Tori is in Hasso no kamae. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and drops the
Uke is in Daijodan and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Bisento's Ishizuki down onto Ukes toes. Tori then steps forward with the right foot, and cuts down with
Seigan with the Bisento. He steps to the right, and the Bisento, onto the right side of the neck. Tori then rotates the Bisento over the head, and cuts down on
attempts to cut to the left side of Ukes waist. Uke the left side of the neck.
evades this attack by jumping to the rear. Tori then
(Sunlight tip)
No Information
(Stretching sword)
No information
(Clean sword)
(Bewitched sword)
No information