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Engineering Mechanics C20-Aug-Sept 2021

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Time : 3 hours ] [ Total Marks : 80

PART—A 3×10=30

Instructions : (1) Answer all questions.

(2) Each question carries three marks.
(3) Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall
not exceed five simple sentences.

1. Name the SI unit and symbol for the following quantities :

(a) Force
(b) Stress
(c) Moment of'inertia

2. State the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body subjected to a

number of co-planar forces.

3. State (a) Varignon’s principle of moments and (b) Charecteristics of

* couple.

4. Locate the position of centroid of the following figures with a neat

sketch :
(a) Rectangle
(b) Triangle
(c) Semi circle
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*5. Explain (a) parallel axis theorem and (b) perpendicular axis theorem.

6. Write any three relationships among elastic constants.

7. Calculate the strain energy that can be stored in a steel bar 2 m long
and 500 mm2 cross-sectional area subjected to a tensile stress of
50 N/mm2. Take E = 2×105 N/mm2.

8. Define the following terms :

(a) Hooke’s law
(b) Young’s modulus

9. A simply supported beam of span 6 m carries a uniformly distributed

load of 10 kN/m over the left hand half of the span and a concentrated
load of 20 kN at a distance of 1 m from the right hand support .Find
the reaction at the supports.

10. List different types of beams with sketches.

PART—B 8×5=40

Instructions : (1) Answer either (a) or (b) from each question.

(2) Each question carries eight marks.
(3) Answers should be comprehensive and criterion for
valuation is the content but not the length of the answer.

11. (a) A pole is supported by a wire which exerts a pull of 720 kN at the
top of the pole .If the wire makes an angle of 40º with the pole,
then find the horizohtal and vertical components of the pull.
* (b) Find the magnitude and direction of resultant force for the
following forces acting at a point
(i) 200 N inclined at 30º to north of east
(ii) 250 N towards north
(iii) 300 N towards north 45º west
(iv) 350 N inclined at 40º to south of west
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* (a) In a circular sheet of 100 mm radius, a hole of 30 mm radius is
made as shown in below figure. Determine the position of centroid
of the remaining sheet from S.

100 mm
R G O1 S
30 mm

(b) A masonry dam is trapezoidal in section with one face vertical.
The top width is 4 m, bottom width is 10 m and height 12 m.
Find the position of centroid from base.

13. (a) The moment of inertia of an isoscles triangle with a base of

150 mm about its base is 1250×l06 mm4. Find the side of triangle.
(b) Determine the radius of gyration of a solid circular section of a
diameter 100 mm.

14. (a) A load of 80 kN is suddenly applied on a bar 4 m long and

1000 mm2 in cross-section. Calculate the maximum instantaneous
stress produced and strain energy stored in the bar if
E = 200 GPa.
* (b) A mild steel bar 25 mm diameter and 400 mm long is encased in
a brass tube whose external diameter is 50 mm and 8 mm thick.
The composite bar is heated through 55 ºC. Calculate the stresses
induced in each metal.
Take S=12×10–6/ºC B=19×10–6/ºC
EB=200 GPa EB=100 GPa

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* (a) A cantilever 5 m long carries three point loads of 20 kN, 30 kN
and 40 kN at 1 m, 2·5 m and 4 m respectively from free end.
Draw SF and BM diagrams. Calculate SF and BM at 4·5 m from
free end.
(b) A simply supported beam of span 8 m carries a UDL of 20 kN/m
in the right half of the beam and a concentrated load of 40 kN at
a distance of 2 m from left support. Draw the SF and BM diagrams.
Also show the maximum BM.

PART—C 10×1=10

Instructions : (1) Question number 16 is compulsory and carries ten marks.

16. Draw SFD and BMD for the following double over hang beam shown
in figure.

20 kN/m

1·5 m 6m 1·5 m


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