Bamboo Method 3
Bamboo Method 3
Bamboo Method 3
were observed on a Nexus-470 spectrometer using region, as shown as follows (He et al. 2008; Sun et al.
KBr disc method. Cross polarization/magic angle 2008):
spinning (CP/MAS) 13C solid-state NMR measure- S1
ments were performed on a Bruker AV400 Xc ¼ 100%
S1 þ S2
where Xc is the crystallinity; and S1 and S2 are the
integrated areas of the crystalline and amorphous
Results and discussion phases, respectively.
The Xc values for the purified sample calculated
Bamboo pulp was treated with NaOH aqueous solu- using 13C NMR spectra were larger than those of the
tion to obtain BC fibers (Fig. 1a). The 13C-CP/MAS original sample. After treatment, the BC fiber
NMR spectra of the bamboo pulp and purified increased by * 10.3% due to the separate removal
products are shown in Fig. 1b, where the main of hemicelluloses and lignin and the destruction of the
resonance region ranges from 60 to 150 ppm. All amorphous phase in BC after purification by NaOH
samples showed high resolved spectra caused by the solution.
predominant crystalline fibrils in the cellulose matrix. Catalysts play a valuable role in the production of
The cellulose crystallinities in the samples can be cellulose acetate. The catalytic activities of the three
computed from the percentage of the integrals of the catalysts (i.e., H2SO4, PTSA, and DBSA) were
C4 signals centered at 86–95 ppm and 80–86 ppm, investigated in terms of the kinetics of the acetylation.
representing the crystalline and amorphous phasess, The kinetic study of the synthesis of B-CA derived
respectively, based on the fitting result of the C4 from BC was made as a function of reaction time in the
presence of different catalysts.
Fig. 1 a Photograph of BC fibers derived from bamboo pulp, b 13C NMR spectra of the bamboo pulp before and after purification, and
c, d result of the the C4 region fitting of a 13C NMR spectrum from bamboo pulp before (c) and after (d) purification
Acetylation refers to the reaction that introduces an Moreover, the initial mass of cellulose, volume of
acetyl functional group into a chemical compound, acetic acid, and initial concentration of acetic anhy-
which is known as the equilibrium limited chemical dride were defined as m, V, and [A]o, respectively. So,
reactions. The following model was assumed to
govern the CA reaction system: 162 V
DS ¼ ½Ao ½Ao ekt ð6Þ
A þ B
C þ D Changing Eq. (6) into a function yields:
K2 m
C þ E ! F þ A ln 1 DS ¼ kt ð7Þ
162 V½Ao
On the basis of the scheme (*), the following
According to Eq. (7), the catalystic effect on the
equation is obtained:
acetylation reaction is shown in Fig. 2.
1 ½A½B The rate contacts of acetylation reaction in different
¼ ð1Þ
kc ½C½D catalysts were calculated and are presented in Table 1.
Using H2SO4 as a catalyst showed a high rate,
where [] is the concentration of the reactants and
indicating that H2SO4 has good catalytic activity in
products. The concentration modification rate of
the acetylation reaction for BC. Therefore, H2SO4 can
intermediate can be expressed as follows:
be used as a catalyst to further produce B-CA for the
d ½C application to electrospun nanofibers in further
¼ k2 ½C½E k1 ½C½D k1 ½A½B experiments.
dt ð2Þ
d ½C Acetylation is the process of transformation from a
¼ k1 ½A½B ðk1 ½D þ k2 ½EÞ½C
dt heterogeneous medium to a homogeneous one. In the
The reaction rate equation for acetylation may be reaction system, the solvent is initially diffused at the
written according to Eqs. (1) and (2): exterior of the cellulose matrix. Then, the solvents
enter towards the center, which breaks the hydrogen
d ½A bonding of intra- and intermolecular with the appear-
¼ k1 ½A½B ðk1 ½D þ k2 ½EÞ½C
dt ance of the active and accessible hydroxyl groups
d ½A kc ½A½B
¼ k1 ½A½B ðk1 ½D þ k2 ½EÞ ð3Þ (Obataya and Minato 2007; Yang et al. 2008).
dt ½D
Moreover, the acetylation reaction destructed the
d ½A k2 kc ½E½B
¼ k1 ½B k1 kc ½B ½A crystalline of cellulose, which started from the amor-
dt ½D phous region into the crystallites as an erosion
To simplify the computation, the following mechanism. The increase in the degree of acetyl
assumptions were made: (a) equation equilibrium substitution of the resulted products may be caused by
could be easily obtained (1) within a temperature, and the fibriform destruction and polymerisation. B-CA
(b) catalyst and acetic acid concentrations remain was precipitated after the reaction process (see
unchanged during the reaction process. Therefore, Fig. 3c).
k1 ½B k1 kc ½B k2 kcD can be regarded as a con- The morphologies of BC and B-CA were detected
½ using SEM. Cellulose fibers showed obvious differ-
stant defined as k. Equation (3) is written as follow: ence from acetylated samples in their microstructure.
d ½A SEM images (Fig. 3a, b) show that the BC fiber is
¼ k½A ð4Þ circular with a diameter ranging from 10 to 15 lm,
whereas, the B-CA structure is randomly and loosely
The equation above follows a pseudo-first-order aligned rather than in fibriform structure. Many pores
reaction. By integrating it, Eq. (4) was changed to: were distributed on the surface of the B-CA particle.
½A ¼ ½Ao ekt ð5Þ These significant morphology differences between BC
and B-CA were caused by the substantial acetylation
Table 1 Constants of acetylation reaction rate for different absorption band increased with the stretching of the
catalysts carbon–oxygen (C–O) of the acetyl group
Catalyst S* k** (1043–1243 cm -1). (3) Finally, a decreasing intensity
of absorption peaks was sited at around
PTSA - 0.008 0.008 3200–3500 cm -1, which was assigned to the hydro-
DBSA - 0.028 0.028 xyl (O–H) stretching region. This decrease occurred as
H2SO4 - 0.051 0.051 the hydroxyl groups were replaced by acetyl groups in
*Slope, **rate constant the reaction (Barud et al. 2008; Li et al. 2008).
Cellulose has poor solubility in most solvents
because of the strong inter- and intra-molecular
The acetylation on BC was further confirmed by the interactions (Cai et al. 2016b; Minnick et al. 2016).
FTIR spectra, as shown in Fig. 3d. The formation of Thus, constructing nanofibrous assemblies via direct
acetylated products could be monitored by three major electrospinning is difficult. Alternatively, utilizing CA
differences between the chemical structures of the as a soluble cellulose derivative may enhance its
original BC and B-CA, as follows. (1) An absorption electrospinning capability to prepare nanofibers with
band appeared at 1731–l759 cm-1, corresponding to controlled morphology and alignment. On the basis of
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Agricultural University Scientific & Technological Biol Macromol 98:630–636
Selfinnovation Foundation (No. 2012SC21). Jie Cai also Kalia S, Dufresne A, Cherian BM et al (2011) Cellulose-based
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