Year 8 Unit 2 Assessment Task 2022 2 2

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Assessment Task Sheet

Australian International Academy, Kellyville

NAME: Zayna Haoushar NOTIFICATION DATE: 13 / 09/ 22
YEAR LEVEL: 8 SUBJECT: Food Technology TEACHER: Shahbana Adel UNIT: 2
TASK NAME: Food glorious food
DUE DATE: 21 / 09/ 22 To be confirmed
KEY CONCEPT: Communication
RELATED CONCEPTS: 1.Sustainability
GLOBAL CONTEXTS Globalisation and sustainability - exploration - Human impact on the environment

Considering sustainable resources when designing and communicating effectively to create healthy

Nutrition is a valuable part of life and without it we become susceptible to many debilitating diseases.
You will be assigned one of the following diseases to research in depth looking at how it has evolved and
current media releases and statistics on this topic. Your research should be presented in the Design
Portfolio which will be provided and explained in class.
▪ Obesity
▪ Anorexia nervosa
▪ Bulimia
▪ Anaemia
▪ Dental related diseases
▪ Diabetes
▪ Cardiovascular disease
▪ Dietary Fibre Disorders
▪ i) Develop a daily menu for the allocated group. Include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
▪ ii) Analyse the diet (using food choices and other food guides) and justify your choices
▪ iii) Prepare and present ONE part of the menu (Checked by your teacher)
In the RESEARCH section in your design folio, write a persuasive essay to encourage young adults to
follow a prudent diet and healthy lifestyle to reduce diet-related disease in Australia. Focus on one diet-
related disease and reference your evidence to support your arguments and conclusions.
Final Practical Lesson: You are preparing and cooking your healthy dish for your allocated diet-related
disorder during your practical lesson in week 9. You need to design a menu for your target audience and
select one dish to cook from. You are to present and photograph your dish.
You may use an existing recipe BUT you will be required to modify the original recipe. You MUST include
the original recipe in the creative ideas component of your design folio.

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
NSW NESA Outcomes:
Identifying and defining
● investigate products and services for the individual and/or the community, considering ethical and social
● develop criteria to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions, the functionality, aesthetics and a
range of constraints, eg accessibility, cultural, economic, resources, safety, social, sustainability, technical
Researching and planning/ inquiring and analysing
▪ investigate the characteristics and properties of a range of materials and products(ACTDEK034)
▪ select from a range of materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to develop design
▪ generate and communicate the development of design ideas, plans and processes for various audiences
using appropriate technical terms and technologies including graphical representation techniques, for
▪ use appropriate project management processes when working both individually and collaboratively to
coordinate the production
Producing and implementing
▪ demonstrate safe, independent and collaborative work practices in the production of designed
▪ apply appropriate tools, equipment, materials, techniques and processes in the production of a
design project, for example:(ACTDEP034)
Testing and Evaluating
● evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of choices made during the development and production
of the solution
● assess the solution against the predetermined criteria

MYP Criteria:

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing

Maximum: 8
Students should be able to:
i. explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem
ii. state and prioritize the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem
iii. describe the main features of one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem
iv. present the main findings of relevant research.

Achievement Level descriptor


0 The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors below.  described by any of the descriptors below. 

1-2 The student: The student:

i. states the need for a solution to a I. states the need for a solution to a
problem problem to develop a daily menu for
ii. states some of the main findings of an allocated group.
relevant research. II. states some of the main findings of
relevant research to develop a daily
menu for an allocated group.

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
3-4 The student: The student:
I. outlines the need for a solution to a
I. outlines the need for a solution to problem to develop a daily menu for
a problem an allocated group.
II. states the research needed to II. states the research needed to
develop a solution to the problem, develop a solution to the problem,
with some guidance with some guidance to develop a
III. outlines one existing product that daily menu for an allocated group.
inspires a solution to the problem III. outlines one existing product that
IV. develops a basic design brief, inspires a solution to the problem to
which outlines some of the findings develop a daily menu for an allocated
of relevant research.outlines some group.
of the main findings of research.  IV. develops a basic design brief, which
outlines some of the findings of
relevant research. Outlines some
of the main findings of research to
develop a daily menu for an allocated

5-6 The student: The student:

I. explains the need for a solution to I. explains the need for a solution to a
a problem problem to develop a daily menu for
II. constructs a research plan, which an allocated group.
states and prioritizes the primary II. constructs a research plan, which
and secondary research needed to states and prioritizes the primary
develop a solution to the problem, and secondary research needed to
with some guidance develop a solution to the problem,
III. states and prioritizes the main with some guidance to develop a
points of research needed daily menu for an allocated group.
to develop a solution to the III. states and prioritizes the main
problem, with some guidance points of research needed
IV. describes a group of similar to develop a solution to the
products that inspire a solution to problem, with some guidance to
the problem. develop a daily menu for an allocated
V. develops a design brief, which group.
outlines the findings of relevant IV. describes a group of similar
research.  products that inspire a solution to
the problem to develop a daily menu
for an allocated group.
V. develops a design brief, which
outlines the findings of relevant
research to develop a daily menu for
an allocated group.

7-8 The student: The student:

I. explains and justifies the need for I. explains and justifies the need for a
a solution to a problem solution to a problem to develop a
II. constructs a research plan, which daily menu for an allocated group.
states and prioritizes the primary II. constructs a research plan, which
and secondary research needed to states and prioritizes the primary
develop a solution to the problem and secondary research needed to
independently. develop a solution to the problem
III. analyses a group of similar independently to develop a daily
products that inspire a solution to menu for an allocated group.

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
the problem III. analyses a group of similar products
IV. develops a design brief, which that inspire a solution to the problem
presents the analysis of relevant to develop a daily menu for an
research allocated group.
IV. develops a design brief, which
presents the analysis of relevant
research to develop a daily menu for
an allocated group.

Criterion B: Developing ideas

Maximum: 8
Students should be able to:
i. develop a list of success criteria for the solution
ii. present feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others
iii. present the chosen design
iv. create a planning drawing/diagram which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution. 
Achiev Level descriptor

0 The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors below.  described by any of the descriptors below. 

1-2 The student: The student:

i. lists a few basic success criteria for the i. lists a few basic success criteria for the
design of a solution design of a solution to develop a daily
ii. presents one design idea, which can be menu for an allocated group.
interpreted by others ii. presents one design idea, which can be
iii. creates incomplete planning interpreted by others to develop a daily
drawings/diagrams. menu for an allocated group.
iii. creates incomplete planning
drawings/diagrams to develop a daily
menu for an allocated group.

3-4 The student: The student:

i. constructs a list of the success criteria i. constructs a list of the success criteria
for the design of a solution for the design of a solution to develop a
ii. presents a few feasible design ideas, daily menu for an allocated group.
using an appropriate medium(s) or ii. presents a few feasible design ideas,
explains key features, which can be using an appropriate medium(s) or
interpreted by others explains key features, which can be
iii. outlines the main reasons for choosing interpreted by others to develop a daily
the design with reference to the design menu for an allocated group.
specification iii. outlines the main reasons for choosing
iv. creates planning drawings/diagrams the design with reference to the design
or lists requirements for the chosen specification to develop a daily menu for
solution. an allocated group.
iv. creates planning drawings/diagrams
or lists requirements for the chosen
solution to develop a daily menu for an
allocated group.

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
5-6 The student: The student:
i. develops design specifications, which i. develops design specifications, which
identify the success criteria for the identify the success criteria for the
design of a solution design of a solution to develop a daily
ii. presents a range of feasible design menu for an allocated group.
ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) ii. presents a range of feasible design
and explains key features, which can be ideas, using an appropriate medium(s)
interpreted by others and explains key features, which can be
iii. presents the chosen design and interpreted by others to develop a daily
outlines the main reasons for its menu for an allocated group.
selection with reference to the design iii. presents the chosen design and
specification outlines the main reasons for its
iv. develops accurate planning selection with reference to the design
drawings/diagrams and lists specification to develop a daily menu for
requirements for the creation of the an allocated group.
chosen solution. iv. develops accurate planning
drawings/diagrams and lists
requirements for the creation of the
chosen solution to develop a daily menu
for an allocated group.

7-8 The student:  The student: 

i. develops a design specification which i. develops a design specification which
outlines the success criteria for the outlines the success criteria for the
design of a solution based on the data design of a solution based on the data
collected. collected to develop a daily menu for an
ii. presents a range of feasible design allocated group.
ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) ii. presents a range of feasible design
and annotation, which can be correctly ideas, using an appropriate medium(s)
interpreted by others. and annotation, which can be correctly
iii. presents the chosen design and interpreted by others to develop a daily
outlines the reasons for its selection menu for an allocated group.
with reference to the design iii. presents the chosen design and
specification. outlines the reasons for its selection
iv. develops accurate planning with reference to the design
drawings/diagrams and outlines specification to develop a daily menu
requirements for the creation of the for an allocated group.
chosen solution iv. develops accurate planning
drawings/diagrams and outlines
requirements for the creation of the
chosen solution to develop a daily menu
for an allocated group.


MYP Criteria:
Paragraph explaining and justifying the need
Identifying and prioritizing the research.
Report 1: Inquiry and Analysing
Analysing existing products.
Develop a design brief
Report 2: Developing Ideas Developing a design specification.
Developing design ideas.
Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:
Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
Presenting the chosen design.
Developing planning drawings/diagrams.

Report 1: Inquiring and Analysing
Strengths: Weaknesses

My strengths were when I was doing the I think my weakness would be trying to find
identify and need page because I did very well the recipe was a bit hard because I had to see
in that when thinking about the patient and which meal would be best
researching healthy foods for our patient with
cardiovascular disease.

Report 2: Developing Ideas

Strengths: Weaknesses:

My strengths for this document were the menu. My weakness would be finding the different
I kept editing it and restarting to make it recipes for our menu.
perfect in the end and in the end, I think I did
well in the menu.


Skill demonstration: Yes/No Yes/No
Use e-learning platforms appropriately to build and develop learning partnerships Yes
Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making Yes
Practice empathy and help others to succeed Yes
Take responsibility for one’s own actions Yes
Manage and resolve conflict and work collaboratively in teams Yes
Build consensus Yes
Make fair and equitable decisions Yes
Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas Yes
Negotiate effectively Yes
Encourage others to contribute Yes
Exercise leadership and take on a variety of roles within groups Yes
Give and receive meaningful feedback Yes
Advocate for one’s own rights and needs Yes

Skill demonstration: Yes/No Yes/No
Collect, record, verify, analyze and interpret data Yes
Access information to be informed and inform others Yes
Make connections between various sources of information Yes
Find and use appropriate sources Yes
Present information in a variety of formats and platforms Yes
Understand and implement intellectual property rights Yes
Identify primary and secondary resources Yes
Create references and citations and construct a bibliography according to recognized No

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
ATL skills comment:
What ATL skills did you use to complete this task?
I mainly used my research skills for this task because we had to research what food was best for our
Patient with cardiovascular disease and we also had to research for our menu and put how much sugars
They can take since they have cardiovascular disease.

How can you improve in the future?

If I could improve in the future, I would probably try to manage my self-management a little bit more
Because on the menu it took me a while to do the menu because I kept restarting and editing it but in
The I managed to get it done I did it well.

What were your strengths / weaknesses with regards to the requirements for each of the ATL?
I think my strength for this task was my research skills because I did very well when researching to
Find the recipe and my weakness would probably be self-management because I slacked off a bit when
Doing the menu because I kept re-doing it and kept editing it.

Teacher: Mrs Shahbana Adel Student: Zayna Haoushar


Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet Adapted from:

Understanding by Design, written by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe

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