Intro and Anatomical Landmarks

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Introduction to Prosthodontics

Dr G S Aswal
Learning outcomes

• Define prosthodontics terminologies (GPT)

• Use the terms appropriately
• Differentiate between dentulous and edentulous
• Identify and classify parts & surfaces of a complete
• Enumerate qualities of a denture and the objectives
of complete dentures
• Classify impressions, casts and trays
• Artificial replacement of a missing part of
human body
Prosthodontics (Prosthetic dentistry)
• Dental specialty pertaining to
diagnosis, treatment planning,
rehabilitation and maintenance of
oral function, comfort, appearance
and health of patients with clinical
conditions associated with missing or
deficient teeth and/or maxillofacial
tissues using biocompatible
Dentulous (dentate) Edentulous
Condition in which Without teeth, lacking
natural teeth are teeth
present in the mouth
Complete Denture : Removable dental
prosthesis that replaces entire dentition and
associated structures of the maxilla or

Parts of complete denture

• Denture base
• Artificial teeth
Parts of denture base
a)Flanges: labial, buccal, lingual
b)Border areas
c)Palatal plate (maxillary)

Surfaces of complete denture

a)Fitting surface
b)Polished surface
c)Occlusal surface
Qualities of dental prosthesis

Retention : Resist the forces of dislodgment along

path of placement and away from tissues

Stability : Resist displacement by functional forces in

horizontal or rotational directions

Support: Area of foundation on which a dental

prosthesis rests. Resist vertically directed force.
Objectives of complete denture therapy

Mastication, Speech, Aesthetics

1- Restoration masticatory efficiency

2- Restoration of facial contour and appearance
3- Correction of speech defects
4- Preservation of the remaining tissues
5- Patient satisfaction and comfort
Impression: Negative likeness or copy in reverse of
surface of an object; an imprint of teeth and adjacent
structures is called as dental impression

Complete denture impression: negative likeness of the entire edentulous

areas (denture bearing area) and associated oral structures
• Primary/ diagnostic impression
• Final impression
• Virtual impression

Dental Cast: A positive life size reproduction of a part or

parts of the oral cavity
• Diagnostic cast
• Master cast
• Refractory cast
• Mounting cast
• Virtual cast
Parts of cast
• Anatomical area
• Artistic area (Land area +base)
Dimension specifications of a cast
• Base : 11-13mm from the deepest part of the sulcus.
• Land area : 2-3mm thickness.

Tray: A receptacle into which
suitable impression material is
placed to make a negative
likeness. A device used to carry,
confine and control impression
material while making an

Types of tray
• Based on availability - Stock
trays or Custom (special) tray
• Based on material -Metal
trays, Plastic trays or Resin
trays (Self cure/ Heat cure)
• Based on use -Edentulous
trays or dentulous trays
• Based on design -Perforated
trays or Non perforated trays
Rim lock trays
Record base (permanent): Part
of denture that sits on
foundation tissues and to
which teeth are attached
Record base (temporary):
Acrylic or shellac base template
on which teeth arrangement
and wax up is done. It is
eventually replaced by a
permanent denture base

Occlusion rims: Occluding

surfaces fabricated on interim
or final denture bases for
purpose of making
maxillomandibular relation
records and arranging teeth.
Also called as record rim.
• Record base along with the
occlusion rims is called as record
Fox plane

Facebow Articulator

• Glossary of prosthodontic terms 8

Basic requirements of impression making

• Knowledge of the oral anatomy

• Knowledge of reliable technique
• Understanding of impression materials
• Skill
• Patient management

(Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective)

Anatomical landmarks
Learning objectives

• Identify and mark all anatomical

• Describe the clinical significance
of each landmark
Grouping of landmarks
According to clinical significance
Landmarks of
edentulous jaws

Limiting structures Relief areas
Supporting areas

1)Primary stress bearing area – forces are perpendicular,

dense bone and mucosa
2)Secondary stress bearing areas – forces greater than right
angles to occlusal forces or are // to them
3)Non stress bearing or relief areas
Extra-oral landmarks
• Naso-Labial Fold
• Philtrum
• Angle of the mouth
• Modiolus
• Vermillion Border
• Wet Line
• Mento-Labial Sulcus

Supporting Structures Limiting Structures

 Residual Alveolar Ridge  Labial frenum

 Rugae (secondary)  Labial vestibule
 Mid Palatine Raphe  Buccal frenum
 Hard Palatal Vault  Buccal vestibule
 Maxillary Tuberosity  Hamular notch
 Fovea palatinae
 Posterior palatal seal area
Maxillary arch
Labial frenum
• Fold of mucous membrane at
the median line
• Moves with muscles of lip
• Adequate relief for muscle
• Proper denture seal
• Excessive relief weakens
denture base

Labial notch
Labial vestibule

• Record adequate
• Overextension causes
• Proper contouring gives
optimal esthetics

•Labial flange
Buccal frenum
 Single or double folds of
mucous membrane
 Broad and fan shaped
 Moves with muscles of cheek
during speech and mastication
 Adequate relief for muscle
activity-more clearence

Buccal notch
Buccal vestibule
• Buccal frenum to
hamular notch
• Record adequate
• Improper extension
causes instability/

Buccal flange
Maxillary tuberosity

• Distal end of denture must

have Coverage-stability/
• Gross enlargement (fibrous or
bony –surgical correction

Area of tuberosity
Hamular notch
•Distal to maxillary
•Aids in locating
posterior palatal seal.
causes soreness.

Area of hamular notch

Vibrating line
• Junction of movable
and immovable part of
soft palate.
• 2mm ant to fovea
• Aids to establish PPS

• Post palatal seal

• From hamular notch to
hamular notch
• Anterior to vibrating
• Aids in retention
Fovea Palatinae

• Bilateral indentations
near the midline of palate
• Formed by coalescence of
several mucous gland
• Posterior to junction of
hard and soft palate
• Aids in determining
vibrating line
Hard palate

• Support for the

maxillary denture
• Primary stress bearing
area- horizontal portion
of hard palate lateral to
• Secondary stress
bearing area –rugae
Alveloar ridge

• Residual bone with

mucous membrane
• Primary stress bearing

Alveolar groove
Incisive papilla
• Elevation of soft tissue over
the incisive foramen or
nasopalatine canal
• Location : on or labial to
• Impingement –burning
sensation, parasthesia and
•Incisive fossa • Relief necessary

• Irregular shaped rolls of

soft tissue
• Secondary stress bearing
• Should not be distorted in
the impression
Median palatine raphae
• Extends from incisive papilla
to distal end of hard palate
along the midline
• Thin mucosal covering and
• Relieve adequately to avoid
trauma from denture base

Median palatine groove

Mandibular landmarks

Supporting structures Limiting structures

• Slopes of Alveolar Ridge • Buccal and Labial Borders
• Labial Frenum
• Retro molar pad
• Labial Vestibule
• Buccal Shelf Area • Buccal Frenum
• Torus Mandibularis • Buccal Vestibule
• Massetric Notch Area
• Retromolar Pad

Lingual border Anatomy

• Lateral Throat Form
• Retro-mylohyoid Region
• Lingual crescent area
• Lingual Frenum
Mandibular arch

Labial frenum
• Shorter and wider than
the maxillary frenum
• Adequate relief for
muscle activity (mentalis)
• Proper fit around it
maintains seal without

Labial notch.
Labial vestibule
• Labial-buccal frenum
• Overextension causes
• Muscles attachment
close to the crest of the
ridge- limits the denture
flange extension
• Record adequate depth
and width
• Proper contouring gives
optimal esthetics

Labial flange
Buccal frenum

• Adequate relief for

muscle activity
• Proper denture seal

Buccal notch.
Buccal vestibule

• Buccal frenum-retromolar
• Record adequate depth
and width
• Impression is widest in
this area

Buccal flange
Buccal shelf

• Extends from buccal frenum

to retromolar pad.
• Between external oblique
ridge and crest of alveolar
• Primary stress bearing
area(cortical bone)- lies at
right angles to vertical
occlusal forces
External oblique ridge

• A bony ridge runs antero-

posteriorly outside the
buccal shelf
• Denture border 1-2 mm
beyond this ridge
• Shows as Groove in
Alveolar ridge

• Residual bone with

mucous membrane
• Crest to be relieved
• Buccal and lingual
slopes are secondary
stress bearing areas
Retromolar pad
• Triangular soft pad of
• Posterior end of lower
edentulous ridge
• Limiting landmark of distal
extension of complete
denture upto ant 2/3 rd of
retro molar pad
• Determines height and
width of the occlusal table

Retromolar fossa
Alveolo-Lingual sulcus
• Anterior region- lingual
frenum to mylohyoid ridge
• Sublingual crescent area
• Border of Impression to
make contact with the
mucosa of the floor of the
mouth when tongue
touches the upper incisor
• Overextension causes
Premylohyoid soreness and instability
eminence Lingual flange
Middle region
• From pre-mylohyoid
fossa to the distal end of
the mylohyoid ridge.
• Lingual flange extends
below the level of the
mylohyoid ridge- tongue
rests on the top of
flange and aids in
stabilizing the lower
Posterior region
• The flange passes into
the retromylohyoid
• Proper recording gives
typical S –form of the
lingual flange
• Lateral throat form
Mylohyoid ridge

• Attachment for the

mylohyoid muscle
• Sharp or irregular
covered by the mucous
• Trauma from denture
base –relief necessary
Genial tubercle
• Area of muscle attachment (Genioglossus and Geniohyoid)
• Lies away from the crest of the ridge
• Prominent in Resorbed ridges
• Adequate relief to be provided
Lingual frenum

• Fold of mucous
• Base of tongue to
supragenial tubercle
• Registered in function

Lingual notch
• Zarb, Bolender, Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patient,
12th edition, Mosby St. Louis, Pp 209-251

• Sheldon Winkler, Essentials of complete Denture prosthodontics,

second edition,1996, AITBS Publishers ,India, Pp 88-105

• Deepak Nallaswamy, Textbook of Prosthodontics, 1st

edition,2006, Jaypee Publications, NewDelhi , Pp 45-90

• John J. Sharry, Complete denture Prosthodontics, third

edition,Mc Graw Hill company, pp 123-144.

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