Night Shift Veterans of The Supernatural Wars Quick Start Kit

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The document provides an adventure scenario and introduction to the Night Shift RPG system.

The adventure scenario involves a series of thefts at a bookstore that lead investigators to an apothecary who may be responsible for creating monstrous vampires plaguing the town.

It explains the O.G.R.E.S. rules system, including ability checks, attack rolls, class checks, and other mechanics.

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

A series of thefts at a book store lead a group of supernatural investigators

to an apothecary that just may be responsible for a series of monstrous
vampires that have been growing like a plague throughout town. The answers
are not as simple as they should be, but then, nothing in The City ever is...
Welcome to the Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars
Adventure and Quick Start Kit! Within these pages you will
find everything you need to dive into your very first game of
dark horror and supernatural heroics. Herein you will find:
• A complete adventure scenario by Derek Stoelting
• Several pre-generated characters representing popular arche-
types from urban fantasy literature, film, and TV
• Detailed guidelines for how to use the rules to play through
the adventure for both the Game Master and players
• An explanation of the O.G.R.E.S. rules system, including
ability check, attack roll, class check, and Rule of 2 mechanics
• Tips on how to run (and play) an urban fantasy game

Whether you’re new to the game or just want an extra scenario

for your table, this kit is the perfect solution!

The plague of the Tainted Blood awaits...can YOU solve the mystery?

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Night Shift
Veterans of the Supernatural Wars

Tainted Blood
By Derek Stoelting

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Rules and System Design: Jason Vey
Concept by: Jason Vey and Timothy S. Brannan
Based on Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars by Jason Vey and Timothy S. Brannan
Story and Adventure by: Derek Stoelting
Interior Art by: Nikola Avramovic, Luigi Castellani, David Lewis Johnson, Joyce Maureira, Bradley
K. McDevitt, Miguel Santos. Page border by kjpargeter / Freepik. All artwork used by permission.
Suggestions and Input: Timothy S. Brannan and Derek Stoelting
Copyright ©2019 by Elf Lair Games. All Rights Reserved. This product may not be reproduced or
distributed in any way without express written permission from the publisher. Elf Lair Games, Night
Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars, O.G.R.E.S., Oldschool Generic Roleplaying Engine System,
City of the Twilight Queen, and all proper names and locales are trademark ™ Jason Vey and Elf Lair,
Elf Lair Games Website:

DESIGNATION OF OPEN GAME CONTENT: The following is designated Open Game Content
pursuant to the OGL v1.0a: all stat block information of characters, monsters, and traps that appears
in the parenthetical following the character, monster, or trap, including the names of items and spells;
and the general names of monsters, but not any unique named NPC, character, or monster, appearing
in any table or preceding any stat block. Also, the following open game content related words, phrases,
and abbreviations wherever they appear: Strength (Str), Dexterity (Dex), Constitution (Con),
Intelligence (Int), Wisdom (Wis), Charisma (Cha), Class, Hit Dice (HD), Hit Points (HP), Alignment,
Lawful Good (LG), Lawful Neutral (LN), Lawful Evil (LE), Neutral (N), Neutral Good (NG), Neutral
Evil (NE), Chaotic Good (CG), Chaotic Neutral (CN), Chaotic Evil (CE), Level, “to hit”, Damage,
Experience Point, Saving Throw, Player Character (PC), Non-player Character (NPC), Turn Undead,
Spell, Arcane, Divine, Magic, Spell Resistance, Item, Equipment, Armor, Weapon, Potion, Rod, Staff,
Wand, Scroll, Ring, Wondrous Item, Artifact, Cursed,d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d%, round, and turn.
Finally, any text that is open content by virtue of appearing in another work using the Open Game
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DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: Product identity is not Open Game Content. The
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& Swordplay, Chutzpah! A Certain Je ne Sais Quoi; (B) logos, identifying marks, and trade dress; (C)
all artwork, logos, symbols, graphic designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes
and graphic, photographic and other visual representations; (D) logos and trademarks, including
O.R.C.S., O.G.R.E.S., Optimized Roleplaying Core System, Oldschool Generic Roleplaying Engine
System, Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars, Night Shift, Night Worlds, Night Spots,
Spellcraft & Swordplay, Chutzpah! A Certain Je ne Sais Quoi, Cd8 System, identifying marks and
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other than those designated as open game content above, as well as places, locations, settings, and
environments and their descriptions and other accompanying text, though not their stat blocks.

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Tainted Blood
A Quick Start Adventure for Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars
Welcome to the quick start kit for Night use their basic peepers. The Survivor rolls their
Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars! percentile skill, while the GM rolls 1d6 for the rest
This adventure sees the heroes searching for of the characters. If any come up as a 1 or 2, they
the person or persons behind thefts from a find something. The Survivor, in turn, if she fails
book store and an apothecary that could be her Perception check, will still get a Rule of 2 check
related to an increase in vampire spawn (and if she succeeds, should find more detailed info
around town. As you play through, you will get than those who succeeded on a Rule of 2).
a feel for how the O.G.R.E.S. (Oldschool Generic
Roleplaying Engine System) works in practice. Some Terms
The locations used in this scenario are based Die Codes: When you see a code of "xdy," x is
in City of the Twilight Queen. However, the the number of dice rolled, d means "dice," and y is
locations are generic enough to transport them the type of die, so "4d6" means, "roll four, six-sided
to wherever the Game Master sets their game. dice." Sometimes you will total the results,
GMs who are interested in learning more sometimes you will keep the best subset. This will
about City of the Twilight Queen should check be described in the individual roll.
out the Night Shift: VSW supplement A
Faustian Dilemma. Hit Dice (HD): The number and type of dice a
creature or character has for health. The dice are
Throughout the adventure, you will see rolled and totaled. This has already done for you in
guidelines for how to use the system and play the creature and character stats.
the game. The intent is not to give you a full
breakdown of all of the options and rules of the Percentile Dice: Percentile dice are two, ten-
game, but a taste of how it works, and how it sided dice, with one rolled as "tens" and one rolled
plays out. as "ones." You must designate which represents
each before rolling. Most people use a die with two
You will notice many things are left to the digits as tens, and one digit as ones (so a die will
discretion of the Game Master (or GM). This is read 10, 20, 30, while the other will read 0, 1, 2…)
by design. Night Shift: VSW is built to be a but you can simply use two different colored dice.
very freeform and open game, where the GM is Read the dice as they fall, so if your tens die is 3
encouraged to make judgment calls and think and your ones die is 7, you have 37%. A roll of "00"
on the fly, as are the players. It's a collabor- means 100, not zero. When rolling percentile dice,
ative effort, where a player is encouraged to a low roll is almost always better. You're trying to
ask, "Can I try…?" and the GM should, unless roll under a percentage chance for success, so if the
there's a strong reason why the effort would be chance of success is 50%, anything from 01-49
impossible, learn to say, "Sure, give it a go," succeeds.
and then call for a roll.
Sample Characters
Three Mechanics We have included several sample characters at
There are three mechanics at play in the the end of the adventure for you to use in play. The
O.G.R.E.S. system. The first is the percentile archetypes they represent should be familiar to
check. In a percentile check, you will roll fans of urban fantasy television and films. We hope
percentile dice against a chance of success, to this wink-and-nod adds an extra dimension of fun
use a class ability, cast a spell, etc. to your play.
The second is the d20 check, wherein you'll
roll 1d20 plus applicable bonuses, and attempt
What Do I Need?
to get 20 or better. This is used for combat, To play this adventure, you just need this
saving throws, and ability checks. document (including the sample characters), a
pencil, some scratch paper, and dice—at least 1d6,
Finally, there's the Rule of 2. In the Rule of 1d20, and percentile dice (2d10). The GM may wish
2, the GM can adjudicate a situation on the fly to keep a d4, d8, and d12 on hand in case you wish
that isn't otherwise covered by the rules. to change the odds of your Rule of 2 checks.
Choose a die type based on how likely the
scenario is, and throw it. A result of 1 or 2
indicates the result you're adjudicating.
The Setting
City of the Twilight Queen is sort of a
Say, for example, characters are casing a kitchen-sink, "anything goes" supernatural setting
crime scene. The Survivor has a Perception that is more fully detailed in our Night Trip
skill they can roll, but everyone else just has to

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

adventure scenario, A Faustian Dilemma. A time to travel the distance, however long that
few neighborhoods of the City are detailed in may be. This has the unusual effect that
this adventure, but they are all general enough everything, everywhere, is "on the way" to
that you can easily move them anywhere you wherever you're going…but stopoffs literally
like, even your hometown. If you do stick with double the travel time.
the conventions of this setting, here's a few
things to keep in mind: What’s going on?
1. The sun never rises in the City. The vampire Randall Evans fed on and turned
Instead, the City is constantly lit by a the family of a powerful houngan, who cursed the
strange, dim, violet light in the sky. Nobody in vengeance, and he can no longer create progeny.
questions the lack of sunlight; everyone All of his vampire spawn are reborn as sickly, weak
just assumes that they are "night owls." vampires. He learned of a tome named Bàs Dubh
This is part of the Veil (see below) which may have a way to reverse the curse.
2. The Veil is a mystical effect that Randall located the tome at the Mandragora
washes over everyone in the City. It makes Used Book Store. After reading it, he discovered he
regular humans actively blind to the would need to obtain specific herbs to use in the
supernatural. A vampire could run right in ritual to reverse the curse. He found those herbs at
front of a car, full fangs and yellow eyes, or the Raven’s Tongue apothecary and stole them. He
a werewolf could bound out of an alley, and has begun experimenting with different processes
any onlookers would simply ignore them or outlined in the tome in an effort to remove the
rationalize what they see as somehow curse. So far, he has had zero success. He is leaving
normal, no matter how far they have to go vampire spawn all over town, creating a bit of a mess.
mentally for the rationalization.
It’s now up to the characters to stop him.
3. Sometimes people partially awaken
from the Veil. While they are still subject to
the delusion that the City itself is a normal Cold Open
place, they know about the supernatural. This chapter serves two purposes. The first is to
They are colloquially referred to as "In the introduce the players to the rules and combat and
Know," or the "In the Know Community." the second is to kick-off the scenario.
Most of the NPCs (non-player characters
controlled by the Game Master) in this Many movies and TV shows begin with a "cold
scenario are In the Know or are themselves open," or "pre-credits scene." This sets the tone for
Fey (the general term for supernaturals in the episode and gets things moving. In gaming
this setting). terms, it's usually expressed as "boxed text" that
you read aloud or paraphrase for your group. Read
4. Getting from place to place is equally the following or paraphrase it to your players:
strange here, as no matter where you are
going, and from where you originate, it
always seems to take the same amount of

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

This is the city. It's a city of shadows, where Fate Points
people get lost, where people fall through the Night Shift: VSW is a game that can be tailored
cracks. It's a city that thrives at night, where for multiple levels of “grit.” These include the
few can remember the last time they saw “Realistic,” or standard, Gritty, or Cinematic. Fate
daylight. It's also, however, a city teeming Points are a system that is intended for cinematic
with life, a city that is an intimate part of the games, though they may be added to realistic
hearts and minds of everyone who lives here, games to add a bit of extra player agency. They
whether born or transplant. should never be included in gritty play style games.
This package assumes a cinematic game for over-
The city has no name to those who live here. the-top fun. All players begin with a number of
It's just The City. Those who dwell in its Fate Points that they can spend to gain additional
towering skyscrapers, its shadowy alleys, its effects in game.
apartments and clubs, bars and shops, are
kept safe by thankless heroes, those who are A character always has a limited amount of Fate
In the Know, and who work the Night Shift. Points, and while the character replenishes this
These are the Veterans of the Supernatural supply with every new level he or she attains, the
Wars that normal people don't see, and most rate of attrition can far outstrip the rate of gain. As
don't even acknowledge. such, players must use them wisely. A character
can spend Fate Points to do any of these things:
The City is a place of contradictions—on Fortune’s Favor: Roll 1d6 and add it to an
one hand dark and shadowy, with its attack or ability check, or double the value to the
foreboding alleyways and oubliettes, and on percentage chance for success of a class ability or
the other hand full of activity and spell being cast.
celebration, where there's always something
going on. Shops and businesses operate 24 Mighty Blow: Treat the roll as a Natural 20
hours a day. People are certain they sleep, but and deal double damage on your attack, but make
can't remember the last time they woke up. an unmodified d20 roll; on a 9 or less the hero is
stunned for 1 round, unable to act.
The City has secrets buried in its clubs and Righteous Rage: Spend 3 Fate Points and gain
storefronts, inside its glass towers and simple +5 to all attacks and actions for an entire scene,
takeaway food stands. and +10% to all percentile abilities. Must have a
good in game reason ("they're the big bad" isn't a
Tonight, after you leave the local nightclub good reason to fly into a righteous rage).
where you all hang out, the air is thick with You Missed!: Avoid an attack. Costs 2 Fate Points.
tension. Tonight, you are about to be thrust
headfirst into the dangers of the City. It's Second Wind: Recover half of all lost hit points.
been a good night overall, but as you walk
down the streets, just about to go your Down But Not Out: Avoid death when reduced
separate ways, a roar erupts from a nearby to below -10 Hit Points. You're unconscious and
alley, and you find yourself under attack stable. Costs 3 Fate Points.
from wild-eyed, maddened creatures you can Providence Smiles: Gain a minor plot break or
only describe as vampires! scene edit ("good thing someone dropped a gun
here!" or "good thing the bolt was rusted out on
that ladder so I can kick it away!" etc.) with the
Rumble in the City GM's approval.
The characters are all walking home The Vampires
(together) or to their cars after a night out at a
local club and café. Along the way, a pack of The vampire spawn attacking the characters are
weakened vampire spawn attacks the weakened and crazed. Their statistics look like this:
characters. They are hungry for blood, have Weakened Vampire Spawn: HD 2d8 (9 hp),
animalistic intelligence, and cannot be AC 6, Move 30 ft. Attacks: 2 (claws, bite). Special:
reasoned with. There is one fewer vampire Immune to damage from non-supernatural attacks,
spawn than there are characters. The Regenerate 3 hit points per round unless damage
characters should not lose this fight. Allow the was from fire, holy water, or sunlight. Repulsed by
players to freely spend Fate Points during the holy items and garlic (Save or remain 10 feet away;
fight, as a way of learning how to use them. In new saving throw every 4 rounds).
this case only, any Fate Points spent during
the fight refresh after the battle.

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Monster and NPC Stat Blocks they need to harm creatures of a supernatural
origin—in this case, their weapons make use of
Monsters and NPCs (non-player characters things like wooden stakes, blades that can
run by the Game Master) have basic stat blocks decapitate, fire, and holy items in some way.
that you can use to reference their abilities in Characters that do not have the supernatural
game. The stat block can be read as follows: attack ability must either physically hunt down
HD: The number and type of dice that were the things that harm vampires, or take another
rolled to generate the creature’s hit points. This tactic in combat (such as casting spells).
number also determines the bonus to hit in Firearms: In an urban fantasy style game,
combat. In the above, “2d8” means 2 8-sided firearms are often anathema, and when one comes
dice were rolled for the creature’s hit points, out, someone is going to die. There are three levels
and it adds +2 to all attacks. of "grit" in Night Shift to deal with this trope. In a
AC: How difficult the creature is to hit. standard game, firearms deal 5d6 damage, added
Attackers will add the creature’s AC to their together, instead of 1d6. In a cinematic game,
attack rolls, trying to get 20 or better. This firearms are simply another weapon, dealing 1d6
means a lower AC is better than a higher one. damage. In a gritty game, firearms are simply
lethal. A firearm attack leaves the victim at 0 hit
Move: How fast the creature can move in one points, and they have to make a Constitution
round and still make an attack. saving throw or die. These numbers are for
humans. Supernatural creatures suffer only 1d6
Attacks: the number and types of attacks damage from firearms regardless of the grit level.
the creature makes. It's recommended for this quick start to adopt the
Special: Any special abilities or powers the cinematic (1d6 only) version of firearms.
creature has and a quick explanation (if Saving Throws: Saving throws, when neces-
necessary) of how they work. sary, work the same as attacks, but instead of
Running Combat adding the attack bonus, characters add their
check bonus and ability bonus to their 1d20 roll,
The first step in running combat is to attempting to get a 20. They also add a bonus or
determine initiative. Each player rolls 1d10 for penalty based on the difference between 10 and
their character, and the GM rolls 1d10 for the their opponent's hit dice. So a 2 hit die opponent
vampires, each of which goes in a group. The lets you add +8 to a saving thow.
highest result on the d10 goes first, and combat
proceeds in descending order. Non-Lethal Combat: If a character wants to
knock another character or monster out, they
Combat is structured in rounds, which are simply reduce them to 0 hit points in combat as
defined as however long it takes for each normal, and declare the combat as non-lethal at
character to accomplish one action. The entire that point. Non-lethal combat leaves an opponent
combat comprises a scene of play. unconscious and stable.
Movement: characters can move up to their Healing: Characters heal 1 point of damage
standard movement (usually 30 feet) and still plus their Constitution bonus per day of bedrest.
perform an action. Alternately, they can "dash" Under professional medical care, the healing rate
up to double their move without taking an action. is doubled. Non-lethal damage heals at Consti-
tution +1 per hour.
Attacking: To attack, you will roll 1d20,
adding your character's Attack Bonus, Ability Death: When a monster or NPC reaches 0 hit
Bonus (strength for melee, dexterity for points, it is dead (or unconscious, if non-lethal is
ranged), and the opponent's Armor Class to the announced). When a PC reaches 0 hit points they
roll, and attempting to achieve a result of 20 or are unconscious and bleeding out. They lose 1
higher. Monsters and NPCs add their hit dice additional hit point per round, until stabilized
and the opponent's AC to attack rolls. (another character simply takes an action to state
they are doing so), or they reach -10 hit points. If
A natural, unmodified result of 20 on the die they reach -10 hit points, they are dead.
always hits, and a natural, unmodified result of
1 always fails. At the GM's discretion, it may Casting Spells: To cast a spell, the witch’s
succeed or fail in some spectacular way, like player casts percentile dice. The base chance to
dealing extra damage, knocking a target prone, cast a spell is 50%, plus 5% per level of the witch.
losing or breaking a weapon, etc. Thus, a first-level witch has a base 55% chance to
cast a spell. This percentage is penalized by 10%
Damage: All weapons deal 1d6 damage. per level of the spell (thus, a second level spell
Most player characters have the ability to imposes a penalty of -20%). If the player beats the
make supernatural attacks—this doesn't base percentage chance to cast a spell by 10% or
necessarily mean they are magical. It repre- more, the spell goes off immediately. If they
sents their access to the tactics and equipment

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

succeed at less than a 10% margin, the spell
effect is delayed by one round. If a witch’s base
Post-Combat Moment
chance to cast a spell is over 100%, there is no After the fight, certain characters may realize
roll needed to cast; the spell always works at these vampire spawns are weaker than expected:
immediate effect.
• Chosen Ones realize it as soon as the fight is
Spell Backfire: Any time a witch fails to over, it was too easy to beat them
cast a spell, it can backfire, sometimes cata-
strophically. When a spell fails, the witch or sage • Sages that make a successful Lore check
must throw 1d20, add the spell’s level, and realize these vampire spawns were not text-
consult the following table to see what happens. book examples and indeed seem much weaker
and less focused than even a neophyte vampire.

Spell Backfire Table • Witches who succeed at a successful Arcana

check gain the sense that these vampire spawn
d20 + were not as strong spiritually, as most.
Level Result • Veterans who successfully make an easy (+10)
Intelligence check during the combat gain the
sense the vampire spawn were not as strong
1-10 Spell simply fails to work spiritually, as most.

11 Spell fails, is lost and cannot be cast Using Character Class Abilities
until the next day.
Each character has special abilities explained on
Caster is stunned and cannot act for their character sheet. Using these abilities is
12 1-4 turns. Spell remains available to simple: players roll percentile dice and try to get
use. under their score to succeed. Percentile dice means
rolling 2d10, or two, ten-sided dice. One should be
Caster is stunned and cannot act for designated as a "tens" die, and the other as a "ones"
13 1-4 turns. Spell is lost and cannot be die. Read the dice in order, tens first, then ones. So,
cast until the next day. if the tens die comes up a 1 and the ones die comes
up a 6, you have 16. If both dice come up as 0, that's
100 and not 0.
Caster is knocked unconscious; treat
14-15 as if affected by the sleep spell. Spell A result of "00" on the dice always fails, and a
remains available to use. result of "01" on the dice always succeeds. It may
succeed or fail spectacularly, if the GM desires.

Caster is knocked unconscious; treat Attribute Checks

as if affected by the sleep spell; spell If characters fail their percentage check or don't
16-17 is lost and cannot be cast until the have an appropriate class ability, the GM can opt
next day. to allow them a second chance by making an
attribute check. An attribute check sees the player
Caster suffers 1d6 damage per 2 roll 1d20 and add their appropriate ability bonus,
18 spell levels (minimum 1d6). Spell plus a Check bonus based on their level, and a
remains available to use. difficulty bonus assigned by the GM, and try to get
20 or better.
Spell has the exact opposite effect A "natural," that is, without modifiers from your
intended (GM’s discretion). Spell is character, result of 20 always succeeds. Likewise,
19 lost and cannot be cast until the next a "natural," unmodified roll of 1 always fails. It
day. may, if the GM desires, succeed or fail specta-
cularly in some way.
Spell affects the wrong parties
(allies instead of enemies, enemies Your abilities are divided among Primary,
20-21 Secondary, and Tertiary. Your check bonus dep-
instead of allies). Spell is lost and
cannot be cast until the next day. ends on what level of ability you're checking and
your class level.
Spell summons a monstrous horror The GM will then add a bonus of 0 to +10 based
with a number of hit dice equal to the on how easy or difficult the task is. This is called
22-23 spell’s level. The creature is the difficulty modifier. The higher the bonus, the
immediately hostile towards the easier the task.
caster and their allies. In this case the check would be based on
Intelligence and the difficulty bonus would be +5 as

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

it's fairly common knowledge to someone who
as faced vampires before. So, if a character has
an Intelligence score of 13 (+1) and Intelligence
is a Primary ability, granting them a +2 check
bonus, they roll a d20 and add +8 (5+1+2=8),
trying to get 20 or better.
Don't worry if this seems like a lot; the
necessary numbers are all worked out on your
character sheet at the end of this adventure.
In movie or TV terms, this is where the
opening credits roll!

Act One: Investigations

Doctor’s Visit
Doctor Susan Anderson, or “Doc Susie” as
she is known to her clients, is a general
practitioner working out of the Narrows section
of town. The Narrows is a low-rent district
where many downtrodden and economically
disadvantaged people live. Doc Susie is funded
by Sanctuary, an organization dedicated to
providing help to those who have survived
supernatural attacks with shelter, therapy,
and resources to process what's happened to
them. This makes Doc Susie very much In the
Know. She is considered a pillar of the com-
munity and a de facto alderwoman for her neigh-
borhood. More information about Sanctuary She asks the characters to look into the
can be found in the Night Shift: VSW corebook. situation. If the characters need renumeration for
their services, she agrees to a reasonable amount.
The characters all receive a message from She suggests three leads: Erin Leakey at the
Doc Susie asking them to come to her office Mandragora Used Book Store, Ellee at the Raven’s
after hours. Tongue, and Kenny the Snitch at his bar, since he’s
a vampire. . . and a snitch.
Doc Susie’s Office
Doc Susie: 3d6 (9 hp) AC 9, Move 30ft. Attacks:
Doc Susie’s works out office is a one-story by weapon (if any). Special: Medical Knowledge
office building. There are five patient rooms, a 75%, Science! 65%, Supernatural Knowledge 40%
surgery suite, and X-ray room, in addition to
the office area and waiting room. The color Mandragora Used Book Store
scheme is best described as springtime with
pastel colors adorning the walls. Mandragora is a used bookstore near the
university. The contents of the store are varied and
Doc Susie explains to the characters that wonderful, including old classics, new bestsellers,
vampire spawn are coming to her for aid. They and tomes better left forgotten.
don’t realize they were turned into monsters
and think they are still human. They only know The bookstore began as a converted Victorian
that that they feel sickly and have a hunger home. When the house behind it went up for sale,
and thirst they cannot slake, but they throw up the original bookstore owner purchased it and then
normal food and drink. She is also seeing a high expanded the two homes to connect with each
number of vampire bite victims. She is other. Later, they purchased the home to one side
concerned this could lead to an increase in of the store. This building is now a café and the
vampires and vampire spawn, which could offices for managing the businesses which have
then lead to an increase in deaths in her expanded to not only include mail order book sales,
community. She’s also heard from her patients retail sales, and the café, but also hosting private
that both the Mandragora bookstore and Raven’s sales and procuring specific books for buyers.
Tongue apothecary have suffered from theft as The result is a four story (basement, ground,
of late. She fears all of this could be interrelated. first, and second floor) Victorian “Frankenstein”
building. The interior of the building is an endless
maze of bookshelves, windowless hallways along

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

exterior walls, stairways to even more books, told her when she was young. She is typically
and flooring that tends to sag a bit if you stay pleasant and enjoyable to be around. However, if
in one place too long. you waste her time, she will give you no time.
Erin Leakey Erin Leakey (Fae): HD 4d8 (16), AC 4, Attacks:
by weapon, Special: Arcana (as the Witch ability)
Today, Erin Leaky owns and manages the 25%, Lore (as the Sage ability) 35%, Regeneration 3
Mandragora. Erin appears to be in their early points per round unless the damage was from iron,
30s with short, wavy, brown hair and hazel Suggestion (as the spell of the same name) as an
eyes. She's not only In the Know but is herself innate ability, Temporal Senses (as the Psychic
secretly a Fey. Typical dress includes oblong, ability), and Iron Vulnerability (Normal weapons
wire framed glasses, black jeans, t-shirts do no damage. Only weapons forged of iron or super-
advertising the bookstore and café, and pearl natural attacks can harm Erin. Steel will not work,
jewelry. She is businesslike, but pleasant, greet- as it is an alloy. The weapons must be of pure iron.)
ing employees and most customers with a smile.
Black Death
If asked about vampire spawn, Erin can tell
the characters that she has heard there has Sages and Survivors may know Gaelic and if so,
been an increase in vampire activity near the they know that Bàs Dubh roughly translates to
university. She has not seen any, but she Black Death. Failing that, anyone can search the
overheard in the bookstore’s café that vampire Internet to learn the meaning of the words.
bite victims are wandering the area nightly.
Sages can make a Lore check at -20% to
According to Erin, someone stole a book determine the contents of Bàs Dubh. Failing that,
called Bàs Dubh last week. One of her em- a day’s worth of research turns up the following:
ployees found the storeroom trashed during
business hours and it took a few days to figure • The contents of Bàs Dubh include discussions
out what was missing. The book was purch- surrounding vampires, bringing souls back
ased as part of a collection and Erin knows from the grave, and other necromantic interests
nothing about it. She has no idea who would • Previous owners include the Warlock Michael
want the book. There is no video camera Scott, the accused Witch Janet Douglas the
recordings to review. Lady Glamis, and the Witch Margaret Neill Vayne
Erin will explain that she is a Psychic with • According to Vatican records, it was destroyed
the ability to see into the past (and sometimes by Bishop John Geddes in the late 1700s
the future) – in game terms, she has a psychic
ability called Temporal Senses. After learning So, the book was either never destroyed,
of the break-in, she used her powers to gain a multiple copies exist, the book may be so evil that
glimpse of what occurred. She saw a man in it cannot be destroyed, or someone summoned the
biker leathers lean into the storeroom door and book from the past to the current era. The correct
force it open. He enters the storeroom and beg- answer is not pertinent to this scenario. GMs are
ins looking at and through various boxes until free to make their own decision as to how or why
he finds the one he is looking for. He opens the the book is still in existence.
box and goes through the tomes within, pulling
out the one of interest. He tucks it under a The Raven’s Tongue
coat, turns, and walks out of the storeroom. The Raven’s Tongue is situated in the Bohems, a
She is sure the man is a vampire, and bohemian cultural and entertainment district. The
describes him as wearing biker leathers. A apothecary is located within a small shopping
silver dagger sticks out the top of a boot. He plaza that also includes a specialty grocer, game
has black hair and moustache. His eyes are store, outlet clothing retailer, and a hair salon. The
bright blue. front window advertises the company name in a
large, art nouveau script.
Erin’s Motivation: Erin knows that her
family is not originally from this plane of The interior of The Raven’s Tongue is dark and
existence. However, the stories her dusky, as one might expect. Jars of various sizes
grandmother told her when she was little and shapes line the walls. The contents range from
never mentioned where exactly they are from. known cure-alls to rare finds, and loose leaf teas to
She also does not fully understand her BBQ sauces. Tools and utensils for sale sit on
abilities. When she tells the characters that tables. Candles and incense burn on top of a
she has Psychic abilities, she’s lying. She display counter at the rear of the shop, while
doesn’t know what she has, but it is easier to athamé and mirrors rest in the case below. Past
perpetrate this lie than explain everything to a the counter is a blanket which hangs across a
bunch of strangers. Erin’s hope is to find a text doorway. It depicts Huginn and Muninn flying
that discusses the stories her grandmother upward with a Norse design in the background.

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Ellee If the GM doesn't want to take this route, you
can ignore the werewolf lead entirely, or if the
Bjorn and his wife Eleanor (sometimes players do not realize that searching for the
“Ellee,” but never “Lenore) run the shop. Both werewolf is likely a waste of their time, the GM can
are In the Know, and Bjorn is a Fey (a lean heavier into the idea that Bjorn is prejudiced
werebear). Bjorn is a big man, who dresses in against werewolves, and call for Attribute, Lore, or
dark suits, while Ellee is more likely found in other checks that suggest a werewolf doesn't seem
peasant blouses, broom skirts, and bare feet. to fit with any of the information they have.
The couple are young and excited to run their
own business. When sales began to decline two If a character uses any sort of ability or super-
years ago, they expanded into selling loose natural senses to determine who the werewolf is,
teas, home-made BBQ sauces, and related they may gain a glimpse of her. However, she is not
accoutrements. While they are known for being the one who stole the jars full of herbs. The
one of the best apothecaries in the city, the werewolf is fairly tall with dark hair. The most
business currently makes most of its money memorable thing about her is the fact she has
selling teas. heterochromia eyes. If a Veteran hits the streets
making inquiries about her, they will learn that
If asked about vampire spawn, neither Ellee she is a singer who performs at the Khalsa Club, a
or Bjorn know anything. Ellee is quick to offer popular club in the Bohems.
herbs the characters can use to ward off
vampires. She then mentions they recently Club Khalsa may be the very club and café the
had something odd happen here at the store. heroes attended tonight, and they may actually
She isn’t sure that it is related. Ellee explains have seen her sing there before. If so, this should
someone broke in last week and stole several be further evidence that she's likely innocent. More
jars of herbs. Most of the herbs are fairly on Club Khalsa can be found later and in our A
common for apothecaries, but one or two were Faustian Dilemma adventure scenario.
specialized. Sages can make a Lore check and Eleanor’s Motivation: Ellee lives to help
Witches/Warlocks can make an Arcana check others. The break-in bothers her, because she
to realize what the herbs can be used for. would have given the herbs away to whomever
Failing that, Ellee will tell the characters that obviously needed them more than she does.
the herbs could be used to help with issues
related to blood. Depending on how they are Eleanor: HD 4d6 (12), AC 9, Move 30 ft.,
mixed, they might improve blood flow, increase Attacks: 1 (athame). Special: Lore (as the Sage
energy levels, or increase the amount of blood ability) 40%, Languages (as the Sage ability) 4 of
produced by the body. The break-in happened the GM’s choice.
when no one was in the shop and it was closed.
Bjorn’s Motivation: Bjorn’s sole purpose is to
If asked about who they think might have make sure Ellee is safe and happy. He is very
broken into the shop, Bjorn suggests (insists, angry about the break-in and is still being
in fact) it could be a female werewolf he noticed overprotective of Ellee. To that extent, he isn’t
in the shop a few times the week prior to the likely to let her out of his sight when people are in
break-in. The werewolf never made a purchase. the shop.
Bjorn also claims she was mostly interested in
his BBQ sauce, to which Ellee sighs and shakes Bjorn (Werebear): HD 8d8 (32), AC 3, Move
her head. Ellee describes the woman as having Attacks: 2 (bite and claws, roll 2d6 per die of
black hair, an animal sort of attraction, and damage and keep the better). Special: Danger Sense
heterochromia. While Bjorn insists that were- (as a fourth level Survivor), Immunity to Normal
wolf may be the criminal behind the theft (they Weapons, Silver Vulnerability (1 die of damage per
are not), Ellee waves it off and says her hus- round it is in contact, even in human form).
band just doesn't like werewolves.
Talking to the Snitch
If the characters want to know how Ellee
and Bjorn knew the woman was a werewolf, Kenny’s bar resides in a lonely part of the Flats,
Bjorn gives a toothy grin and says, "We can which is just how its patrons like it: quiet. The
smell our own." Flats are said to be the oldest district in the City.
Most of the buildings look dated to the 19th and
GM Improvisation 20th century, but a few appear even older than that.
A hallmark of a good Game Master is the The exterior of this building is dark with a large
ability to improvise. This werewolf lead could window looking in on the bar. A brightly painted
be an easily-dismissed red herring, or it could red door opens to four quick steps up into the room.
turn into an entire night of the heroes tracking The interior is long and skinny with the bar
down a false lead. Does the werewolf have counter running the length of it. There are two-top
some other nefarious purpose? Is she a crim- bar tables along the wall perpendicular to the bar.
inal or was she just innocently browsing the stock? A loft area looks down from above the rear of the

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

building where tables for groups often sit • Survivors can use their Perception ability to
empty. Bar service is all that is available as read Kenny’s reactions while being inter-
there is no wait staff. viewed by the characters
The classic mirror-behind-the-bar is not • Veterans can attempt a Wisdom check at +4 to
present. Instead, there are various medieval sense that something is off.
weapons on display, including an iron gáe
bolga (a celtic spear with an axe blade on one Kenny’s Motivation: not get dusted and get
end) and silver-bladed sword from Spain. revenge on anyone who has ever wrong him. Kenny
Between the weapons are neon signs is an angry, short vampire. Yet, he has no strength
advertising different drinks of choice. or fighting technique to back up the anger. He is a
sad, sad vampire.
Most patrons of the bar are members of the
Unseelie Court ("dark" fey), random vampires, Kenny (Vampire): HD 6d8 (24), AC 4, Move 40
and humans that don’t know any better. The ft., Attacks: 3 (claw, bite, by weapon). Special: Feed
bar is never more than half full. Rumor has it, on Blood (Life Drain) deal 1d3 points of Con-
Kenny can get his hands on non-standard food stitution damage instead of Hit Point damage on a
and drink for his patrons, such as blood and successful bite attack. Immune to Normal Damage.
mallow fruit. Otherwise, it’s cheap whiskey, Mind Control. Regenerate 3 hit points per round
cheaper beer, and on occasion, good bourbon. unless damage was from fire, holy water, or
sunlight. Repulsed by holy items and garlic (Save
Kenny or remain 10 feet away; new saving throw every 4
rounds). Shapeshifting (mist, wolves, bats, or
Kenny is a scrawny vampire with poor swarms of rats per the polymorph self spell),
fashion sense and no common sense. His Spawn. Strong and Fast. Vampire Vulnerabilities.
clothing typically consists of jeans and t-shirts
given to him by alcohol vendors. He talks a big
game, but the only people who listen to him sit
at the bar.
Generally speaking, any method used to get
Kenny talking about what he knows will work:
money, violence, threat of violence, or stroking
his ego. According to Kenny, there are two new
vampires living in a mausoleum in Highgate
Cemetery who are responsible for the crimes.
He is lying and buying time so that he can
contact the vampire that is actually involved.
In fact, he will quietly signal another vampire
in the bar to slip out during the questioning
and go warn the Randall that hunters are
snooping around his business. He might be a
snitch, but he is still a vampire.
A Survivor using their Perception ability or
any character using appropriate sensory
abilities or supernatural powers may see
through his ruse, but he will stick to his story.
If Kenny is asked about the weak vampire
spawn that Doc Susie mentioned, Kenny
claims to have heard rumors that someone is
creating vampire spawn who are so stupid,
they don’t try to hide from the sun (he is telling
the truth).
The following character abilities are useful
in this scene:
• The Chosen One grants everyone a +2/
+10% to all rolls interacting with Kenny as
he knows what a Chosen One can do
• Sages can utilize Suggestion or perhaps a


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Act Two: Confrontational Mary and Anne are not responsible for the thefts
and have no idea who is. If confronted verbally,
Confrontations they will sternly state they have no idea who is
responsible for the crimes. They suggest the
Highgate Cemetery characters go back to their source for more
information. If the characters physically confront
Highgate Cemetery is on the outskirts of the the sisters, they will try to fight back. As soon as
City. It’s impossibly old, and yet no matter how one of the sisters loses half of their hit points, they
many peole are interred here, it still always give up and cower in fear. They do not react to their
seems to have room for more residents. The packmates’ deaths.
grounds are surrounded by rock walls topped
with iron fencing. Ancient vampires, undead, Playing Mary and Anne
and other chthonic dwellers exist amongst the Mary and Anne smell horrible, and appear
crypts and mausoleums. gaunt, almost desiccated, with gray skin and
Once in the cemetery, the Veteran can use sallow, yellow, watering eyes. They speak in
their Tracking ability to locate the right gravelly voices and have a disconcerting habit of
mausoleum. If the Veteran succeeds in their answering questions in unison or finishing one
check, they find themselves near the Rose another's sentences. They are snarky, sarcastic,
family mausoleum. If they fail, their trail leads and above all, resent their lair being invaded.
them to the Rezick family mausoleum. That being said, they are not looking for a fight.
Rezick Mausoleum They will be dour and rude, but spend more time
demanding that the heroes leave them alone,
The Rezicks are an old family full of Witches, answering questions about vampires like, "Some-
Warlocks, Sages, and Psychics. They are well times someone we're eating wakes up. That annoys
known in the city amongst those with an us," and "Do we look like vampires? We eat corpses.
interest in spells. They own several mansions, Someone played you for fools."
a few political figures, and donated a building
to City University. Opening the door to this They really know very little (if anything at all)
mausoleum wakes a hell hound from its about Randall and his schemes. They will only
slumber. The hell hound is bound to the fight if pressed, and then only to get away, not to
mausoleum and cannot travel more than ten the death.
yards from it. The hell hound only attacks the Mary and Anne (Ghasts), and Ghouls: HD
characters if they attack it or attempt to gain 2d8, AC 6, Move 40 ft., Attacks: 2 (claws, bite), Pack
entry into the mausoleum. If left alone, it will Tactics (for each ghoul attacking a character, all
wander back into the mausoleum and go back ghouls gain _1 to hit and damage, to a maximum of
to sleep. Characters can safely close the door +8 as only 8 can attack a single target at one time;
and let this sleeping dog lie. if the target has their back to a wall, that maximum
Hell Hound: HD 4d8 (16), AC 4, Move 40 ft., becomes +5), Paralysis (any character struck by a
Attacks: 2 (claws, bite). Special: burning saliva, ghoul must succeed at a Constitution save or
sulphuric stench, iron vulnerability. become paralyzed and completely unable to move
for 1d6 x 10 minutes), Stench (ghasts only, coming
Rose Mausoleum within 10 feet triggers a Constitution save and
failure means the character suffers -2 to all attacks
The Rose family mausoleum is on the north and saves, and -10% to all class abilities while
side of the cemetery. A well-worn path through within 10 feet of the creature)
the grass leads past several other mausoleums
to this one. The family name and crest is prom-
inently displayed above the door and the con- Act Three: Throwdown
crete structure is surrounded by rose bushes. At some point, after the cast has pursued all
The newest residents of Highgate Cemetery their leads, one of them receives a phone call from
are a pack of ghouls led by Mary and Anne, Doc Susie’s phone. A deep male voice on the other
twins who are also ghasts. Kenny lied about end informs the character that he is the one they're
what they were, but that is a surprise to no one. looking for, that he knows they've been poking
The twins are using the Rose family around in his business, that he now has Doc Susie
mausoleum as their residence while feeding and if they don’t want her turned into a vampire or
from the newly buried dead in the north section worse, they should come to the courtyard along the
of the property. The twins are feral in appear- Clinton Close.
ance and still wear their death shrouds. The Clinton Close is a small, largely neglected urban
rest of their pack vary in appearance. There is park in the Narrows. The pathway to the park's
one ghoul per character, in addition to the sisters. main entrance is easily identified by an iron gate
spotted with surface rust and adorned with a

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

monkey motif. Fieldstones line the winding Randall ignores pleasantries and gets right to
walkway that is barely wide enough for two the point. He offers to give them Doc Susie in
people to walk side by side. The buildings exchange for them leaving him and his vampire
stretch upward and appear to lean in towards spawn alone. If pressed, he will tell the characters
each other above the characters. All the doors that he was cursed by a houngan to have weak
and windows facing in to the close are either blood and he is searching for a way to remove the
boarded up or broken out. A cautious three- curse. The curse is not letting him create vampires
minute walk leads to a grassy open courtyard properly. Even time he tries, he only creates
that is Clinton Close. In the small courtyard sit vampire spawn.
several picnic tables, trash bins, and the area
is littered with the remnants of children’s If the characters choose to fight Randall, he
toys—beheaded dolls, broken toy trucks, commands the vampire spawn to attack the
deflated sports balls and the like. characters and moves towards Doc Susie. He will
attempt to use her as a prisoner to guarantee his
Doc Susie sits at one of the picnic tables. On escape. If he is attacked before reaching the doctor,
the table in front of her is a large tome and a he turns attention to attacking the characters.
canvas bagged filled with contents. A male
vampire leans against her table watching the If the characters begin to agree to the terms set
characters with full fangs and demonic visage out by Randall, Doc Susie will remind the
on display as they enter the courtyard. He characters this means he will be able to continue to
wears biker leathers. A silver dagger sticks out create progeny and terrorize the community. If the
the top of a boot. He has black hair and characters choose to go this route anyways,
moustache. His bright blue eyes shine red if Randall will let the characters and Doc Susie leave
light is directly shone on them. This is Randall the courtyard.
Evans. As the characters near the exit gate with the
Standing throughout the courtyard are monkey, Survivors can make a Danger Sense
several weakened vampire spawn (one per check. Chosen Ones should make a Difficult to
character, use the stat block from the opening Surprise check and/or an Enhanced Senses check.
scene for them). If successful, they realize several people are
following them. Once the exit gate comes into view,


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Randall and half of the vampires are there Dubh are left to the imagination of the GM. The
waiting for them, smiling wide vampire smiles. title is Scots Gaelic, but that doesn’t mean every-
The other half of the vampires are behind the thing in the book is tied to Caledonia. Suggested
characters. If no one noticed the group content would be text related to black magic,
sneaking up behind the characters, the necromancy, second sight, curses, and maybe a
vampire spawns following the characters get a recipe for metheglin (spiced mead) or shortbread.
free attack before initiative is determined.
Randall Evans: HD 8d8 (32 hp), AC 2, Move GM Tips
50 ft., Attacks: 4 (claw, bite, 2 weapon). Special:
Feed on Blood (Life Drain) deal 1d3 points of The following are considerations for GMs using
Constitution damage instead of Hit Point dam- Tainted Blood.
age on a successful bite attack. Immune to Normal As designed, the scenario should take two to four
Damage. Mind Control. Regenerate 3 hit points hours in a single session of Night Shift: Veterans of
per round unless damage was from fire, holy the Supernatural Wars. This assumes a few things.
water, or sunlight. Repulsed by holy items and The first is that the players are new to the system
garlic (Save or remain 10 feet away; new saving and are learning the rules through playing the
throw every 4 rounds). Shapeshifting (mist, wolves, game. This always adds time to a game, but is com-
bats, or swarms of rats), Spawn. Strong and pletely understood and accepted as part of the hobby!
Fast (+2 initiative, +12 to attacks, 2d6 damage,
keeping the best 1d6). Vampire Vulnerabilities. The second is that the players will role-play their
characters and interactions with the NPCs. If you
Weakened Vampire Spawn: HD 2d8 (9 add enough details into the locations and play up
hp), AC 6, Move 30 ft. Attacks: 2 (claws, bite). personality traits of the NPCs, the players will cue
Special: Immune to damage from non-super- off of those items and are likely to do more role-
natural attacks, Regenerate 3 hit points per round playing. If the game is just run as a means to test
unless damage was from fire, holy water, or out how the rules work and dice are rolled, it will
sunlight. Repulsed by holy items and garlic take a much shorter time to work through it.
(Save or remain 10 feet away; new saving throw
every 4 rounds). Info Dumps
As it sits, it's possible for the characters to tear
Act Four: Follow-Up Visit through this scenario without ever finding out
Randall Evans' name or what he's actually trying
(Denouement) to do. If this happens and seems dissatisfying,
Randall's notebook can serve as an information
Now What? dump to fill in all the gaps for the heroes.
Doc Susie is thankful for the characters’ help
with Randall. If any of the characters need Extending the Game
tending due to injuries, she supplies any If the game is running shorter than desired or if
needed aid. If she agreed to renumeration, she the GM wishes to spread the game out over several
asks them to come by her office tomorrow. She sessions, the following scenes can be added.
will have it ready for them in the form of pre-
paid credit cards containing the amount owed. Bar Fight!
Doc Susie has a list of neighborhoods where While interviewing Kenny, he decides to not
more of Randall’s vampire spawn were sighted. cooperate. Several of his patrons take umbrage at
If the characters are interested in doing any the fact he is being harassed and stand up for him.
follow up in those areas, she provides the list to Now, instead of just slapping around a weakling
them. If not, she will pass it off to police allies vampire, they have to contend with additional
“in the know” about supernatural creatures. vampires (use Kenny’s stats), werewolves, and
even a down on their luck human who has no idea
Oh, by the way, Doc Susie heard from her what is going on.
friend Tanya that a new werewolf pack is town.
Dead bodies found near her café suggest that Hunting the Wolf
werewolf pack may be eating people on nights
of the full moon. The characters might want to The werewolf mentioned by Ellee is not very well
check that out. . . known. However, a few days of searching turns up
a clue that she sometimes works as a singer at the
What’s in the Bag? Club Khalsa in the Boehms. What the clues fail to
mention is that Tomasina, the werewolf, is the lead
The bag on the picnic table contains the Bàs singer of the a regular band, Siren’s Delight. She
Dubh, several jars of herbs, and a notebook. and her four-piece backup group perform here
The notebook contains Randall’s notes on Tuesdays through Saturdays, unless a guest
trying to reverse his curse. The contents of Bàs

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

performer is slated. If the heroes are familiar
with the club, they may well have seen the band.
The dress code at the club is upscale casual.
The club has low lighting and the décor is a
strange and eclectic blend of Goth and Middle
Eastern/Indian aesthetic. The drinks are
outstanding and poured strong. The music is
great and no matter what your tastes you’re
bound to hear something you like at some point
during the night. Best of all, it’s an All Ages
club, with a fenced-off bar area (wristbands
and hand stamps are required). A wide variety
of regional bands play there regularly.
Many of the employees and patrons of the
club are lycanthropes or Fae members of the
Unseelie Court. The proprietor is Alia Kovac.
She’s beloved by her patrons, many of whom
suspect she’s something more than human.
But she takes care of her clients, and there’s
been whispers that some of her favorites tend
to leave much happier than they came, even if
they do look a bit drained from the time they
spent there.
She’s flirtatious and friendly, always ready
with a smirk or seductive smile. She has a dry,
sarcastic wit, and treats everyone equally.
Still, there always seems to be something
behind her eyes, something she’s not telling
anyone, and most agree that she’s not someone
to whom you want to get too close.
In any case, Tomasina and her band are
popular with employees and patrons and as
such, they will not take it too kindly if the Young Bloods
characters decide to give Tomasina any When visiting the Highgate Cemetery, the
trouble. If politely asked about why she visited characters notice they are being followed. Two
Raven’s Tongue, she informs the characters younger vampires are out looking for dinner. If two
she was looking for a gift for her father but vampires are not enough to give your characters
could not decide what to get him. Characters pause, give ‘em more vampires to fight off. And if
who decide to play rough with Tomasina may that still isn’t enough, well, then bring in any of the
find themselves on the wrong end of teeth and ghouls left over from the scene with Mary and
claws, but that's left to the GM's discretion. Anne. Use Kenny’s stats for these vampires.
Weakened Vampire Spawn You could also alter the Hell Hound in the
secondary crypt, allowing it to escape and join the
If the pace of the game starts to slow down fray as well. Adjusting combat encounters is as
too much or you need to inject a bit of easy as adding extra monsters, removing
excitement, add more Weakened Vampire monsters, or adjusting the hit dice and hit points
Spawn. Randall has set at least 50 loose into up or down of any monsters already involved. Don’t
the city. While several of them have died due to be afraid to tinker!
sun exposure, there are still plenty around to
cause mayhem. This can also serve to reinforce
the mission to stop Randall, as the vampire Want More?
spawn do not necessarily need to attack the
characters. The innocent people in the food If you liked what you saw here, head over to
court where the characters are eating lunch for more adventures, complete
will do just fine, as will the people walking rulebooks to let you make your own characters
down rain soaked streets. and build your own adventures, tools for game
masters, and much more!


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Hell Hound Strong and Fast: Vampires gain +2 to
initiative rolls, and add half again their hit dice to
AC: 4 attack rolls. They also deal 2 dice of damage on
Move: 30ft. attacks, keeping the better.
Hit Dice: 4d8 Vampire Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to fire,
Special: 2 attacks (claws, bite), burning saliva, sunlight, decapitation, holy water, and stakes
sulphuric stench, iron vulnerability through the heart. Fire, sunlight, and holy water
deal normal damage to a vampire. Sunlight and
Abilities fire deal 1 die of damage per round of exposure.
Decapitation and stakes through the heart are the
Burning saliva: a hell hound's bite is method by which a vampire is destroyed when it
searing hot, and deals an extra d6 of fire dam- reaches zero HP. If the person fighting the vampire
age on a successful attack. does not have the means to destroy the vampire, it
cannot be killed.
Sulphuric Stench: anyone coming within
10 feet of a hell hound must succeed at a
Constitution saving throw or be at -2 to all
actions due to the overpowering stench.
Iron Vulnerability: Normal weapons do
not harm hell hounds. Only weapons forged of
iron, or supernatural attacks, can harm them.
Steel will not work, as it is an alloy. The
weapons must be of pure iron.

Kenny, Vampire
AC: 4
Move: 40ft.
Hit Dice: 6d8
Special: 3 attacks (claw, bite, weapon), vam-
pire abilities

Immune to Normal Damage: Vampires
suffer no damage from non-supernatural
attacks. In a Cinematic game, they may suffer
half-damage from non-supernatural attacks,
but may not be killed by non-supernatural
Regenerate: Vampires regenerate 3 hit
points of damage per round, unless they have
taken damage from fire, holy water, or sunlight.
Repulsed by Holy Items and Garlic:
Presenting holy items or garlic requires the
vampire to attempt a Charisma saving throw
or remain at least 10 feet from the object
presented. The creature may attempt a new
saving throw once every four rounds; if it
succeeds it manages to overcome its fear and
knock the object away.
Spawn: Those killed by vampires may rise
as new vampires, if their sire wishes it. Any
killed by vampires rise as Vampire Spawn
within 24 hours (the following midnight) if the
vampire who killed them wishes it. Vampire
spawn are under the control of the vampire
who created them.

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Mary, Anne, and their Ghouls Spawn: Those killed by vampires may rise as
new vampires, if their sire wishes it. Any killed by
AC: 6
Move: 40ft. vampires rise as Vampire Spawn within 24 hours
Hit Dice: 2d8 (the following midnight) if the vampire who killed
Special: 2 attacks (claw, bite), Paralysis, them wishes it. Vampire spawn are under the
Stench (Mary and Anne only), Group Tactics control of the vampire who created them.
Strong and Fast: Vampires gain +2 to
Abilities initiative rolls, and add half again their hit dice to
attack rolls. They also deal 2 dice of damage on
Pack Tactics: A group of ghouls is a attacks, keeping the better.
dangerous thing. For each ghoul attacking a
character, all ghouls gain +1 to hit and Vampire Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable to fire,
damage, to a maximum of +8 (only 8 can attack sunlight, decapitation, holy water, and stakes
a single target at one time). If the target has through the heart. Fire, sunlight, and holy water
their back against the wall, the maximum is +5 deal normal damage to a vampire. Sunlight and
(5 maximum at once). fire deal 1 die of damage per round of exposure.
Decapitation and stakes through the heart are the
Paralysis: Any character struck by a ghoul method by which a vampire is destroyed when it
must succeed at a Constitution save, or become reaches zero HP. If the person fighting the vampire
paralyzed and completely unable to move for does not have the means to destroy the vampire, it
1d6x10 minutes. cannot be killed.
Stench: About 10% of ghouls are of a
greater variety, ghasts, which have a horrible Weakened Vampire Spawn
stench about them. Merely coming within ten AC: 6
feet of such a creature triggers a Constitution Move: 30ft.
save. Failure means the character suffers -2 to Hit Dice: 2d8 (weakened species)
all attacks and saves, and -10% to all class Special: 2 attacks (claws, bite)
abilities while within 10 feet of the creature.
Randall Evans Immune to Normal Damage: Vampires suffer
AC: 2
Move: 50ft no damage from non-supernatural attacks. In a
Hit Dice: 8d8 Cinematic game, they may suffer half-damage
Special: 4 attacks (claw, bite, 2 weapon), from non-supernatural attacks, but may not be
vampire abilities killed by non-supernatural attacks.
Regenerate: Vampires regenerate 3 hit points
Abilities of damage per round, unless they have taken
damage from fire, holy water, or sunlight.
Immune to Normal Damage: Vampires
suffer no damage from non-supernatural attacks. Repulsed by Holy Items and Garlic:
In a Cinematic game, they may suffer half- Presenting holy items or garlic requires the
damage from non-supernatural attacks, but vampire to attempt a Charisma saving throw or
may not be killed by non-supernatural attacks. remain at least 10 feet from the object presented.
The creature may attempt a new saving throw once
Regenerate: Vampires regenerate 3 hit every four rounds; if it succeeds it manages to
points of damage per round, unless they have overcome its fear and knock the object away.
taken damage from fire, holy water, or sunlight.
Repulsed by Holy Items and Garlic: Tomasina, Werewolf
Presenting holy items or garlic requires the AC: 5
vampire to attempt a Charisma saving throw Move: 40ft.
or remain at least 10 feet from the object Hit Dice: 4
presented. The creature may attempt a new Special: 3 attacks (2 claws, bite), Enhanced Senses,
saving throw once every four rounds; if it Controlled Transformation, Immunity to Normal
succeeds it manages to overcome its fear and Weapons, Silver Vulnerability
knock the object away.
Shapeshifting: Randall can take the form
of mist, a wolf, a bat, or a swarm of rats. Changing Controlled Transformation: Most werewolves
shape takes one action to accomplish and Randall are affected by the cycle of the full moon, but not
keeps his own abilities plus gaining those of this one. This werewolf can transform at will as
the creature or form whose shape he assumes (as a many times per day as it has hit dice.
bat he can fly, as a swarm of rats he can scatter,
as mist he can move through minute cracks, etc.)

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Enhanced Senses: Werewolves have
enhanced hearing and smell, even in human
form. They possess Danger Sense as a 4th-level
Survivor, hear noises on a 1-4 on a d6, and can
follow a trail by scent on a 1-4 on a d6.
Immunity to Normal Weapons:
Werewolves cannot be killed by normal
weapons. Only silver or the attacks of another
supernatural creature can kill them.
Regeneration: Werewolves regenerate 3 hit
points of damage per round, unless they have
taken damage from silver.
Vulnerabilities: Werewolves are affected
by silver in much the same way as vampires are
afflicted by holy water, dealing 1 die of damage
per round the werewolf is in contact, even while
in human form. Silver bullets deal normal
damage to werewolves, whereas other weapons
don’t harm them at all, but silver bullets do not
continue to deal damage due to being "inside"
the werewolf—its body rejects the metal after
the initial impact. Werewolves are also allergic
to wolfsbane, and if forced to eat wolfsbane,
must make a Constitution save or die. They are
affected by the presence of the plant the same
as vampires facing a holy object.


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Appendix B: Spell Descriptions
Bane: Bane fills your enemies with fear and spell lasts for 1 round per level, and the target may
doubt. Each affected creature takes a -1 pen- make a saving throw with Wisdom to resist.
alty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving
throws against fear effects. Bane counters and Magic Missile: This spell conjures a bolt of
dispels bless. magical energy that automatically strikes its
target, dealing 1d6-1 damage (minimum 1 point).
Bless: The caster instills his allies with For every four levels of the caster, another missile
divine aid, adding +1 to attack rolls and saves fires (a fourth level caster fires two missiles, an
against fear. Lasts for 1 round per level. Bless eighth level caster three, etc.), though all missiles
counters and dispels bane fire simultaneously and strike the same target.
Cure Light Wounds: This spell heals Hold Person: This spell holds a single medium-
1d6+1 points of damage to a character touched. sized or less humanoid target rigidly in place. It is
Requires a melee spell attack against unwil- aware and breathes normally but cannot take any
ling targets. physical action. It can, however, execute purely
mental actions. The spell lasts for 1 round per
Detect Evil: The caster can sense the level, and the target may make a saving throw
presence of supernatural evil within a 60 foot with Wisdom to resist.
radius, as well as how relatively powerful the
source of the evil is (minimal, slight, moderate, Protection from Evil: This spell creates a
great, obscene). The spell notes the general magical barrier around the subject at a distance of
direction, but not the exact location or distance 1 foot offering protection against evil creatures. It
of the evil. This spell will detect undead, but does not defend against chaotic characters of less
not evil characters of lesser than eighth level than 8 levels/Hit Dice, but will defend against
(and those of eighth to tenth level will powerful characters, undead, and other supernatural
generally register as “slight.”) The spell lasts evils. The GM determines whether a creature
for one turn per level of the caster. qualifies as a supernatural evil. Demons certainly
do, while ghosts may or may not. The barrier moves
ESP: The caster can detect the living with the subject and grants a +2 bonus to AC and
presence of other creatures, and their general +1 to saving throws against evil creatures as the
intent and state of mind. The amount of spell works to prevent bodily contact: the melee
information revealed depends on how long you attacks of such creatures fail and the creatures
study a particular area or subject. On the 1st recoil from the protective magic.
round, the presence or absence of thoughts and
emotions (from conscious creatures with The protection ends if the warded creature
Intelligence scores of 1 or higher), as well as makes an attack against, or tries to force the
whether the presence is of human, beast, or barrier against, the blocked creature. Magic
supernatural. On the 2nd round, detects the resistance can allow a summoned or conjured
number of thinking minds and the Intelligence creature to overcome this protection and touch the
score of each. This spell does not determine the warded creature by making a save. Otherwise, no
location of the thinking minds if the caster save is allowed. The spell lasts for one hour.
can’t see the creatures whose thoughts he is
detecting. On the 3rd round, detect the general Suggestion: You suggest a course of activity
intent of any mind in the area (hostile, afraid, (limited to a sentence or two) and magically
attack, hide, etc.) and the exact location of a influence a creature you can see within range that
single mind upon which the caster concen- can hear and understand you. Creatures that can’t
trates. Any in the scanned area can attempt a be charmed are immune to this effect. The
Wisdom saving throw to prevent detection. suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to
Each round, you can turn to scan a new area. make the course of action sound reasonable.
The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of Asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto
stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously
lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. This harmful act ends the spell. The target is entitled to
spell lasts for 1 round per level so long as the a Wisdom saving throw to resist. You can also
caster concentrates and affects a 10-foot per specify conditions that will trigger a special
level area. While the spell is active, the caster activity during the duration. For example, you
always senses danger and cannot be surprised. might suggest that a knight give her warhorse to
the first beggar she meets. If the condition isn’t met
Hold Person: This spell holds a single before the spell expires, the activity isn’t performed.
medium-sized or less humanoid target rigidly
in place. It is aware and breathes normally but
cannot take any physical action. It can,
however, execute purely mental actions. The

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Three Mechanics In general, attacks and magical effects
notwithstanding, ability checks and saves should
There are three mechanics at play in the slant towards the player making the check as
O.G.R.E.S. system: The percentile check, the opposed to the monster or NPC. Naturally, if you
d20 check, and the Rule of 2. cast command on a monster, it will save, but in
Percentile Checks: The first is the general…
percentile check. In a percentile check, you will Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Abilities:
roll percentile dice against a chance of success, Each character will have check bonuses marked
to use a class ability, cast a spell, etc. The GM with * and **. Those asterisks correspond to ability
can set a difficulty for a task, modifying your scores which are marked similarly, and the
base chance of success up or down. They need bonuses are added together for ability checks with
not tell you what the modifier is; they simply that attribute. So you might see a check bonus of
may ask you what your base chance of success +3*, and then the Strength bonus might be +3*.
is and secretly modify it, then ask you what For that character, Strength checks are at +6. Each
your result is and tell you if you succeeded. For character will have a single attribute and check
some tasks, the GM may even secretly roll the marked *, two marked **, and three without
ability for you—for example, when a Survivor abilities. In Night Shift, at character generation,
tries to move silently, they always think they're abilities are designated as primary, secondary, and
doing it right. Likewise, when you search for tertiary. Characters get higher check bonuses for
traps in a given area, you don't know if you primary and secondary abilities.
simply failed the roll or there's nothing there to
find. In either case, the GM may opt to roll Note that the check bonus is only added to
secretly, and simply tell you what happens. ability checks, and not to combat rolls, which add
the attack bonus instead of the check bonus.
The d20 Check: The second is the d20
check, wherein you'll roll 1d20 plus applicable Rule of 2. The Rule of 2 is largely reserved for
bonuses, and attempt to get 20 or better. This the GM, though it applies to PCs in terms of their
is used for combat, saving throws, and ability surprise chances, the GM can adjudicate a
checks. Difficulties for these checks are often situation on the fly that isn't otherwise covered by
modified based on the hit dice or level of the the rules. Choose a die based on how likely the
person you're challenging—if you try to seduce scenario is, and throw it. A result of 1 or 2 indicates
someone, for example, you may roll a Charisma the result you're adjudicating.
check, which will be modified by the difference Say, for example, characters are casing a crime
between your level and the opponent's level. scene. The Survivor has a Perception skill they can
Alternately, if an NPC (who doesn't have full roll, but everyone else just has to use their basic
statistics) tries to seduce you, you might roll a peepers. The Survivor rolls their percentile skill,
Wisdom saving throw, with the difference while the GM rolls 1d6 for the rest of the
between your level and their hit dice modifying characters. If any come up as a 1 or 2, they find
the check. something. The Survivor, in turn, if she fails her
Perception check, will still get a Rule of 2 check
(and if she succeeds, should find more detailed info
than those who succeeded on a Rule of 2).
The GM can alter the probabilities by changing
the die type thrown, or changing the range of
success (1 in 6, 3 in 8, etc.). Some GMs may do
away with the Rule of 2 altogether and simply use
percentile dice for probabilities. This is fine, too,
but we thing the Rule of 2 adds an elegant and very
basic symmetry to quickly adjudicating these


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Some Terms weapons incorporate iron in some way. Characters
that do not have the supernatural attack ability
Die Codes: When you see a code of "xdy," x must either physically hunt down iron, or take
is the number of dice rolled, d means "dice," another tactic in combat (such as casting spells).
and y is the type of die, so "4d6" means, "roll
four, six-sided dice." Firearms: In an urban fantasy style game,
firearms are often anathema, and when one comes
Hit Dice (HD): The number of 6-sided dice out, someone is going to die. There are three levels
a creature or character has for health. The dice of "grit" in Night Shift to deal with this trope:
are rolled and totaled. This has already been Standard or "realistic," Cinematic, and Gritty.
done for you in the creature and character
stats. In a standard game, firearms deal 5d6 damage,
added together, instead of 1d6. They are brutal and
Percentile Dice: Percentile dice are two, can be deadly, but can also be survivable.
ten-sided dice, with one rolled as "tens" and
one rolled as "ones." You must designate which In a cinematic game, firearms are simply
represents each before rolling. Most people use another weapon, dealing 1d6 damage.
a die with two digits as tens, and one digit as In a gritty game, firearms are simply lethal. A
ones (so a die will read 10, 20, 30, while the firearm attack leaves the victim at 0 hit points, and
other will read 0, 1, 2…) but you can simply use they have to make a Constitution saving throw or
two different colored dice. Read the dice as die. These numbers are for humans. Supernatural
they fall, so if your tens die is 3 and your ones creatures suffer only 1d6 damage from firearms
die is 7, you have 37%. A roll of "00" means 100, regardless of the grit level.
not zero. When rolling percentile dice, a low
roll is almost always better. You're trying to It's recommended for this quick start to adopt
roll under a percentage chance for success, so the cinematic (1d6 only) version of firearms. In the
if the chance of success is 50%, anything from full version of Night Shift, many aspects of the
01-49 succeeds. game offer "realistic," "cinematic," and "gritty"
levels to allow you to tailor aspects of the game to
Combat your tastes.

The first step in running combat is to Saving Throws: Saving throws, when
determine initiative. Each player rolls 1d10 for necessary, work the same as attacks, but instead of
their character, and the GM rolls 1d10 for the adding the attack bonus, characters add their
bikers and 1d10 for the hell hounds, each of check bonus and ability bonus to their 1d20 roll,
which goes in a group. The highest result on attempting to get a 20. They also add a bonus or
the d10 goes first, and combat proceeds in penalty based on the difference between their level
descending order. and their opponent's hit dice.

Combat is structured in rounds, which are Non-Lethal Combat: If a character wants to

defined as however long it takes for each knock another character or monster out, they
character to accomplish one action. The entire simply reduce them to 0 hit points in combat as
combat comprises a scene of play. normal, and declare the combat as non-lethal at
that point. Non-lethal combat leaves an opponent
Movement: characters can move up to their unconscious and stable.
standard movement (usually 30 feet) and still
perform an action. Alternately, they can "dash" Healing: Characters heal 1 point of damage
up to double their move without taking an plus their Constitution bonus per day of bedrest.
action. Under professional medical care, the healing rate
is doubled. Non-lethal damage heals at
Attacking: To attack, you will roll 1d20, Constitution +1 per hour.
adding your character's Attack Bonus, Ability
Bonus (strength for melee, dexterity for Death: When a monster or NPC reaches 0 hit
ranged), and the opponent's Armor Class to the points, it is dead (or unconscious, if non-lethal is
roll, and attempting to achieve a result of 20 or announced). When a PC reaches 0 hit points they
higher. Monsters and NPCs add their hit dice are unconscious and bleeding out. They lose 1
and the opponent's AC to attack rolls. additional hit point per round, until stabilized
(another character simply takes an action to state
Damage: All weapons deal 1d6 damage. they are doing so), or they reach -10 hit points. If
Most player characters have the ability to they reach -10 hit points, they are dead.
make supernatural attacks—this doesn't
necessarily mean they are magical. It Casting Spells: To cast a spell, the witch’s
represents their access to the tactics and player casts percentile dice. The base chance to
equipment they need to harm creatures of a cast a spell is 50%, plus 5% per level of the witch.
supernatural origin—in this case, their Thus, a first-level witch has a base 55% chance to
cast a spell. This percentage is penalized by 10%

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

per level of the spell (thus, a second level spell
imposes a penalty of -20%). If the player beats Fate Points
the base percentage chance to cast a spell by Fate Points are a system that is intended for
10% or more, the spell goes off immediately. If cinematic games, though they may be added to
they succeed at less than a 10% margin, the realistic games to add a bit of extra player agency.
spell effect is delayed by one round. If a witch’s They should never be included in gritty play style
base chance to cast a spell is over 100%, there games. All players begin with a number of Fate
is no roll needed to cast; the spell always works Points that they can spend to gain additional
at immediate effect. effects in game. There are a number of uses for
Spell Backfire: Any time a witch fails to these points in game, and they are as follows:
cast a spell, it can backfire, sometimes catas- A character always has a limited amount of Fate
trophically. When a spell fails, the witch or Points, and while the character replenishes this
sage must throw 1d20, add the spell’s level, and supply with every new level he or she attains, the
consult the following table to see what happens. rate of attrition can far outstrip the rate of gain. As
such, players must use them wisely. A character
Spell Backfire Table can spend Fate Points to do any of these things:
Fortune’s Favor: Roll 1d6 and add it to an
Spell Backfire Table attack or ability check, or double the value to the
d20 + percentage chance for success of a class ability or
Spell spell being cast.
Level Result
Mighty Blow: Treat the roll as a Natural 20
and deal double damage on your attack, but make
1-10 Spell simply fails to work an unmodified d20 roll; on a 9 or less the hero is
stunned for 1 round, unable to act.
Spell fails, is lost and cannot be cast
11 until the next day. Righteous Rage: Spend 3 Fate Points and gain
Caster is stunned and cannot act for +5 to all attacks and actions for an entire scene,
12 1-4 turns. Spell remains available to and +10% to all percentile abilities. Must have a
use. good in game reason ("they're the big bad" isn't a
good reason to fly into a righteous rage).
Caster is stunned and cannot act for
13 1-4 turns. Spell is lost and cannot be You Missed!: Avoid an attack. Costs 2 Fate
cast until the next day. Points.
Second Wind: Recover half of all lost hit points.
Caster is knocked unconscious; treat
14-15 as if affected by the sleep spell. Spell Down But Not Out: Avoid death when reduced
remains available to use. to below -10 Hit Points. You're unconscious and
stable. Costs 3 Fate Points.
Caster is knocked unconscious; treat Providence Smiles: Gain a minor plot break or
as if affected by the sleep spell; spell scene edit ("good thing someone dropped a gun
16-17 is lost and cannot be cast until the here!" "good thing the bolt was rusted out on that
next day. ladder so I can kick it away!" etc.) with the GM's
Caster suffers 1d6 damage per 2 approval.
18 spell levels (minimum 1d6). Spell
remains available to use.
Spell has the exact opposite effect
intended (GM’s discretion). Spell is
19 lost and cannot be cast until the next
Spell affects the wrong parties (allies
instead of enemies, enemies instead
20-21 of allies). Spell is lost and cannot be
cast until the next day.
Spell summons a monstrous horror
with a number of hit dice equal to the
22-23 spell’s level. The creature is
immediately hostile towards the
caster and their allies.


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Appendix D: Pre-Generated Characters
The following pages contain character sheets with pre-generated characters that you can use to play
this game. The character archetypes should be quite recognizable to fans of urban fantasy television,
film, and literature, and that’s intentional, to provide an easy way to jump in. They are also created in
pairs, but it’s not necessary for players to play a full pair. It’s possible, if you wish, to have the Chosen
One without her Sage, only one brother, or the Survivor without the Fey.
It is recommended that if you don’t have both sister witches, you remove “Arcane Bond,” and replace
it with the other witch’s secondary power, then elevate their prmary power to twice per day. Thus, if
you use only Witch #1, she loses Arcane Bond, gains Telekinesis, and can use Empathy twice per day.
It’s also recommended that if you have the witches or sage, they also be given a copy of the “spell
descriptions” page from this document so they know what their spells do!

Character Backgrounds
What follows are brief background notes for playing each character. You can cut them apart and pass
them out to the players so they know who their characters are, as well as what they can do.

The Chosen One is a member of an organization that dates to prehistory, and is absolutely
dedicated to battling demons, vampires, and all the forces of darkness. She is a teenaged girl and
would often much rather be dating or even doing homework than hunting demons, but here she is,
nevertheless, committed through no choice of her own to the death. After all, if she's not hunting
them….they're hunting her.

The Sage's job is to provide knowledge, information, history, and guidance to the Chosen One. He is
like a father figure to her, a relationship that neither of them ever expected to develop after a
strained beginning. Still, as much as she might try his patience at times, he loves her as a daughter
and she loves him as a father, and either would die to save the other.

The Fey grew up as a normal human until she one day accidentally killed her boyfriend while
making out in a car. She panicked and ran away from home, and has been living on the run ever
since. She quickly found herself the target of other supernaturals, who considered her a "rogue," and
became a veteran at hunting them before they could hunt her. Eventually, she made the
acquaintance of a young human thief and con artist, and together they have decided to make the
world the way they want it to be, while protecting humanity against the creatures of the night.

The Survivor is the best friend of the Fey, a thief and con artist who has seen one too many dark
things to continue to turn her back. While she'd prefer to run from a battle, her basic morals won't
let her do it. She grew up in a strict eastern European immigrant household, but was always
something of a black sheep, and ran away from home as a teenager after she stumbled upon a
mystical ritual she didn't understand, performed by her grandmother.

The Veteran Brothers follow a family business of demon hunting, when their father was killed by
a hellspawned creature that vanish, the two hit the road in a beat-up old jalopy. These days they
hunt the minions of hell wherever they go, moving from town to town, half hunting the creature that
killed their father, and half terrified of the day it finds them.

The Witches discovered upon the death of their mother that they had a legacy and an arcane bond
to defend the world against demons and the forces of darkness. When demons attacked them in their
home, they escaped and in horror, barely managed to overcome the creatures. In that moment, they
realized their destiny and have been seeking out and battling the spawn of hell ever since, wielding
what they call the Power of Two as best they can in defense of humanity.


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Chosen One 4
Supernatural (human-plus)

18 +3
18 +3 Stunning blow (on hit; 2d6 75
15 +1 Killing blow 25
9 +0 Supernatural attacks
12 +0 Hard to surprise (1 in 6)
15 +1 Improved defense (-2)
5 Open Locks 15
Find traps 10
5 21 Move Silently 20
Hide 10
+3/+2/+0 Climb 55
+5 Heightened Senses 35%
+5 +3 to all damage
+1 to all saves, +4 vs. supernatural Unarmed Combat (1 attack) 1d6+3
attacks, magic, and spells. Regenerate 1/hour

Stunning blow 75% (on hit; 2d6 rounds—opponent unable to act for first round, then
-4/-20% for the remainder of stun)
killing blow 25% (Natural 20 or beat score to hit by 8 or better, instant kill; can still
stun if doesn't kill)
GEAR: Sword, axe, crossbow, wooden stake (Mr. Stabbykins), smartphone,
tablet, stylish clothes 24

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Sage 4

12 +0
13 +1 Mesmerize 40%
14 +1 Lore 48%
18 +3 Speaks 18 lanuages
17 +2 Spellcasting 65%
10 +0 Suggestion
8 18
+3 against spells and magical

Bless 1
Cure light wounds 1
Protection from evil 2

Mesmerize (anyone who can hear—including allies—can do nothing but sit and
listen as long as the sage keeps talking and doing nothing else - 4/day; reduce
chance of success by 10% + 5% per HD above 4)
Suggestion (as spell but only while mesmerizing creature)
GEAR: Sword, crossbow, wooden stakes, smart phone, laptop computer, (access
to) occult library 25

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

The Veteran 5
Supernatural (Fey)

13 +1
18 +3 Tracking 70
15 +1 Regenerate 1/hour
12 +0 Supernatural attacks
13 +0 Combat Expertise
18 +3 +1 to all melee damage
5 +3 to ranged damage
Dmg: Roll +1D, keep best
5 27 Opponents -4 to hit
+2 to all saves, +5 vs. supernatural
attacks and magic

Combat expertise (4 attacks/rnd vs. 1 HD or less, 2 attacks vs. 2-3 HD opponents)

Succubus (2d6 damage if she successfully kisses a target on the mouth; heal
equivalent hit points instantly. Can use 2x per day)

GEAR: Sword, knife, small crossbow, smartphone


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

The Survivor 4

9 +0
18 +3 Open Locks 45
13 +1 Bypass Traps 40
15 +1 Sleight of Hand 50
16 +2 Move Silently 50
15 +1 Hide in Shadows 40
10 Climbing 80
Perception 55
4 14 Read Languages 80
Opponents -4 to hit
+3/+2/+0 Danger Sense 1-3 on d6
+2 Sneak Attack +4/x3
+3 vs death attacks / area effects.
For 1/2 dmg saves, take 0 dmg on success

A successful sneak attack counts as a supernatural attack

GEAR: Sword, knife, throwing knives, thieves' tools, smartphone


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Veteran Brother #1 4

16 +2
18 +3 Tracking 70
13 +1 +2 to melee damage
13 +1 +3 to ranged damage
11 +0 Roll +1d6 dmg, keep best
12 +0 Opponents -4 to hit
5 Supernatural attacks

3 22
+2 to all saves

GEAR: Shotgun, big knife, smartphone


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Veteran Brother #2 4

18 +3
16 +2 Tracking 70
13 +1 +3 to melee damage
11 +0 +2 to ranged damage
13 +1 Roll +1d6 dmg, keep best
12 +0 Opponents -3 to hit
5 Supernatural attacks

4 22
+2 to all saves

GEAR: Handgun, spiked baseball bat, smartphone


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Witch #1 4

10 +0
12 +0 Arcana 70
13 +1 Spellcasting 70
16 +2 Arcane powers (see below)
18 +3
13 +1
8 14
+4 vs. spells and magical effects

Bane 1 Arcane Bond (See below)

Detect Evil 1 Empathy
Magic Missile (2 darts/ 4 darts) 1
Suggestion 2

Arcane Bond (2/day): Join hands w/sister and both cast same spell at same time;
both make casting roll and if either succeeds, spell effects trebled, save as 8th level
Empathy: Read emotions of others; empathic bond with sister (always feels Prue's
emotions and knows where she is; control others' emotions (Wis save to resist)
GEAR: Book of shadows, spell components, pistol, tablet, smartphone

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

Witch #2 4

10 +0
13 +1 Arcana 70
13 +1 Spellcasting 70
18 +3 Arcane powers (see below)
16 +2
12 +0
7 14
+4 vs. spells and magical effects

Bless 1 Arcane Bond (See below)

Cure light wounds 1 Telekinesis (1/day, 7 lbs)
Magic missile (2 darts/4 darts) 1
Hold Person 2
Suggestion 2

Arcane Bond (2/day): Join hands w/sister and both cast same spell at same time;
both make casting roll and if either succeeds, spell effects trebled, save as 8th level
Telekinesis: 7 lbs maximum weight, can hurl objects as ranged attack, can control
objects so long as she maintains concentration, up to 1 minute. Can't cast spells
while maintaining concentration.
GEAR: Book of shadows, spell components, knife, laptop, smartphone

Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

This book is published under the Open Game License (OGL) version 1.0a by permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The Open Game Content appearing in this book is
derived from the 3.0 System Reference Document, copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and the 5.1 System Reference Document, Copyright 2016 Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. All contents, excluding the OGL, is property of and copyright 2018 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved.
All text, artwork, and maps appearing in this book is property of and copyright 2019 Elf Lair, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Night Shift, Veterans of the Supernatural Wars,
O.G.R.E.S., O.R.C.S., Optimized Roleplaying Core System, Oldschool Generic Roleplaying Engine System, Cd8 System, Chutzpah! A Certain Je ne Sais Quoi, logos, and
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.
Tainted Blood, Copyright 2022, Elf Lair Games, Author Derek Stoelting
Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars GM's Toolkit, Copyright 2022, Elf Lair Games, Author Jason Vey
Night Companion, Copyright 2022, Elf Lair Games, Author Jason Vey
By the blood of the New Moon, Copyright 2019, Elf Lair Games; Author Jason Vey.
Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars, Copyright 2019, Elf Lair Games; Authors Jason Vey, Timothy S. Brannan.
Amazing Adventures, Limited Preview Printing, Copyright 2012, Troll Lord Games; Author Jason Vey.
Amazing Adventures, 1st Printing, Copyright 2012, Troll Lord Games; Author Jason Vey.
Amazing Adventures, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2015, Troll Lord Games; Author Jason Vey.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2006, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 3rd Printing, Copyright 2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 4th Printing, Copyright 2009, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 5th Printing, Copyright 2009, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 6th Printing, Copyright 2014, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 7th Printing, Copyright 2017, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 2nd Printing Copyright 2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 3rd Printing Copyright 2009, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide, Copyright 2010, Troll Lord Games; Author Davis Chenault & Stephen Chenault.
Castles & Crusades Castle Keepers Guide, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2015, Troll Lord Games; Author Davis Chenault & Stephen Chenault.
Forbidden Kingdoms, Copyright 2002, Otherworld Creations, Inc.; Authors R. Hyrum Savage and Dave Webb
Conan Roleplaying Game, Copyright 2005, Mongoose Publishing. Author Vincent Darlage.


Timothy LeMaster (Order #36402117)

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