Collins Radio Broadcast Equipment 1981
Collins Radio Broadcast Equipment 1981
Collins Radio Broadcast Equipment 1981
Introduction 1
Table of contents 2
FM Transmitters
2.5 & 1.25 kW 6
10 kW 8
25 & 20 kW 10
50 & 40 kW 12
Exciter 14
AM Transmitters
1kW 16
5kW 18
10 kW 20
50 kW 22
SW Transmitters
10 kW 34
50 kW 36
100 kW 38
250 kW 40
Transmitter Combiners 42
AM & FM Towers 48
FM Antennas 53
Audio Equipment
Consoles 72
Turntables 84
Turntable Preamplifiers 87
Turntable Cabinets 88
Headphones 106
% 3
Rated power output: 814R-1, 2.5
kW; 814R-2, 1.25 kW
Power consumption ( max.) @ 97 pF:
814R-1, 4.9 kva; 814R-2, 2kva
Frequency range: 88 - 108 MHz
Frequency stability: ± 500 Hz
Output impedance: 50 ohms vswr,
111111111111111111 2:1 max.
4 1M distortion: 0.25% max., mono;
0.5% max., stereo
RF power output control: ± 2% of
nominal ( automatic)
Modulation capability: ± 150 Hz
Audio input level: 10 dBm, -± 2dB
Audio frequency response: -_+_- 1dB of
pre-emphasis curve
Audio frequency distortion: -±- 0.25%
max., mono; 0.5% max., stereo
Stereo separation: 50 - 15,000 Hz,
35 dB min. reaching 50 dB (a
mid range
• Harmonic attenuation: exceeds FCC
FM noise level: 65 dB below 100%
AM noise level: - 55 dB, rms
Filament regulation: ± 1% of
Power source: 200 - 250 yac, 50/60
Hz, single phase
Permissible line voltage variation:
Type 510R-1 FM exciter Output frequency is crystal- ±5%
Continental's 510R-1 is the controlled for exceptional stability. Size, 814R-1 or 814R-2:
industry's most popular FM exciter: Output power can be controlled 35" ( 89 cm) W
more than 1200 have been sold to automatically from an external 24" ( 61 cm) D
customers throughout the world. source, or manually adjusted over a 69" ( 175 cm) H
The 510R-1 solid-state exciter is power range from 3to 20 watts. Weight, 814R-1: 750 lb ( 340 kg)
thoroughly field- proven and has an Weight, 814R-2: 700 lb ( 318 kg)
outstanding performance record. It
produces avery clean signal:
intermodulation distortion is
guaranteed to be 0.5% in stereo and
.25% in mono operation.
The 510R-1 uses aphase locked loop
AFC to provide typical frequency
stability of ± 100 Hz at any level of
modulation, regardless of program
input. Front panel metering
includes apeak reading meter for
measuring audio level. Plug-in
modules facilitate servicing.
The exciter accepts acomposite
baseband input which is compatible
with STL inputs.
Output Power: 10 kW
Output Impedance: 50 ohms, vswr
2:1, maximum
Frequency Range: 88 to 108 MHz
Frequency Stability: ± 500 Hz
(typical.-± 100 Hz)
Modulation Capability: ±- 150 kHz
Audio Input Level: 10 dB mW
± 2dB
Audio Frequency Response: ± ldB
at preemphasis curve
Audio Frequency Distortion: 0.25%
maximum monaural; 0.5%
maximum stereo
Stereo Separation: 35 dB
minimum, 50 to 15,000 Hz
(40 dB or more typical)
Harmonic Attenuation:
80 dB, minimum
FM Noise Level: 65 dB below 100%
modulation ( 70 dB, typical)
AM Noise Level: — 55 dB rms
( — 58 dB, typical)
Operating altitude: 7,500 ft. ( 2286
m) standard; optional to 10,000 ft.
(3048 m) with high altitude
• •
modification kit.
4 •
Power Source: 200 to 250 volts ac,
60 Hz, 3-phase. Available taps on
transformers are for 200, 210,
220, 230, 240 and 250 volts. 50 Hz
available on request.
Permissible Line Voltage Variation:
±5%. In addition, each phase
voltage shall be within 5% of
the average of all three phases.
Power Requirements: Nominal 10
kW output requires 22.2 kVA
at . 90 pf
Size: 68 15/16" (175.1 cm)H
71 1
/ " ( 181.6 cm)W
27 1
/ " ( 69.8 cm)D
Weight: 1875 lb ( 836 kg)
Type 816R-3 SCR power control brings the Other protection circuits and
25,000 watt FM Transmitter transmitter up to full power gently. indicators include ac and dc fused
Continental's 816R-3 is ahigh This exclusive "soft start" is easy on exciter; selectable 2or 4- shot
performance, state-of-the-art FM the total system, and helps promote overloads for PA Plate, PA Screen,
transmitter that uses the popular, long component life. Driver Plate, VSWR; phase
field- proven 510R-1 exciter to LED status indicators are used in loss/rotation; air pressure loss;
deliver acrisp, clean signal to the control ladder. overtemperature; indicator fuses
the antenna. for bias power sypply, cabinet fan,
Automatic power output control
FM exciter, power control and
The 816R-1 offers broadcasters high assures asteady, constant signal to
fidelity, dynamic balance, very little tube filaments; magnetic circuit
the antenna.
noise or distortion, good stereo breakers for ac mains supply, plate
23 protection circuits supply, screen supply, driver supply,
separation and excellent
frequency stability. An automatic overload/recycle 28- volt dc supply and blowers;
system will attempt to put the safety interlocks.
Modern, proven control circuits transmitter back on the air in the
Proven power amplifier
All control circuits are solid-state, event of amomentary external or A field- proven 4CX15000A power
and operate on 28- volts dc. Tuning internal power failure. After a amplifier tube is used to save on
and loading are handled with two predetermined number of tries, the operating costs. The high plate
motors. Meters and controls are recycle system will stop operating, dissipation rating and proven
set at eye level to facilitate thus protecting the transmitter design enhance long- life
accurate adjustments. system and components. performance. Continental's unique
Rated power output: 816R-3: 25 kW;
816R-2: 20 kW
Power consumption: 816R-3: 25 kW
(40 kW nominal) 816R-2: 20 kW
(32 kW nominal)
Frequency Range: 88 to 108 MHz
Output impedance: 50 ohms,
maximum VSWR 2:1
Frequency stability: ±. 500 Hz
(typical: ± 100 Hz)
Modulation capability: ±- 150 kHz
Audio input level: 10 dBm ± 2dB
Audio frequency response: ± 1dB of
standard 75 us preemphasis curve
Audio frequency distortion:
0.25% maximum monaural
(0.1 typical); 0.5% maximum
stereo ( 0.15 typical)
Stereo separation: 35 dB minimum
50 to 15,000 kHz ( 40 dB or
more typical)
Harmonic attenuation:
80 dB minimum
FM noise level: 65 dB below 100%
modulation ( 70 dB typical)
AM noise level: — 55 dB, rms
( — 58 dB typical)
Power source: 200 to 250 I/ ac,
60 Hz, 3- phase Available taps on
grounded screen tetrode design transformer are for 200, 210, 220,
eliminates screen bypass capacitors 230, 240 and 250 volts. 50 Hz
and provides excellent stability. available on request.
Permissible line voltage variation:
Designed for easy operation
±5% ( Each phase voltage shall
Filament and plate controls are
be within 5% of the average of all
located on the front panel, with
three phases.)
abuilt-in 30- second delay in the
Operating altitude: 7500 ft ( 2286 m)
plate circuit to allow tube warmup.
standard Optional to 10,000 ft
Power supply and harmonic (3048 m) with high altitude
filter are mounted in the modification kit.
transmitter cabinet. Size: 68 15/
16" ( 175.2 cm)H
in one 71 1
2 "wide ( 1816mm) cabinet.
/ Weight: approx. 1962 lb
All panels are easily removed or (890 kg)
opened; one person can remove or
replace most components.
Type 816R-2
20,000 watt FM transmitter
Continental's 816R-2 is identical in
operation and specifications to the
816R-3, except for power supplies
and output power.
Type 817R-1 Transmitter design, operation The control unit includes switching
50,000 watt FM Transmitter Control and protection circuits, the the station's monitoring to the
Continental's 817R-1 is ahigh power amplifier and general design exciter's dummy load for servicing
performance, state-of-the-art FM benefits are outlined in the section and testing the standby exciter.
transmitter that uses the popular, describing the Type 816R-3 25 kW It is designed to fit on the control
field- proven 510R-1 exciter to FM transmitter. panel furnished with the
deliver acrisp, clean signal to the 817R-1 transmitter.
antenna. It offers broadcasters high Optional automatic
fidelity, dynamic balance, very exciter control Optional automatic
little noise or distortion, good Continental's Type 377C-1 combiner controls
stereo separation and excellent automatic exciter control provides Continental's Type 377D-1 combiner
frequency stability. monitoring and control for two control provides automatic or
Type 510R-1 or similar exciters. manual control of two parallel FM
The 817R-1 consists of two 816R-3
If one exciter fails, the standby transmitters, and automatically
25 kW FM transmitters whose
exciter is automatically put on-line. assures maximum available power
outputs are combined in a90 degree
Indicator lamps show which exciter to the antenna at all times.
hybrid to achieve 50 kW output.
Through the optional use of coaxial is operating. If apower failure occurs in either
switching, either transmitter may While in the hot standby mode, the transmitter, the remaining
be put on the air independently. standby exciter is maintained at transmitter is switched to the
5to 10% of normal power. When antenna, and the other transmitter
switched to "on- air", it comes is switched to adummy load.
up to full power in less than
100 milliseconds.
SCA: — 10 to + 15 dBm adjustable
from 0% to 10% injection ( 67kHz
Audio Level: — 10 to + 15 dBm
and/or 41 kHz available)
11111111 I f
Type 314R-1 Designed For The User For high/low power requirements,
1,000 watt AM MW Transmitter For day-to-day operation and the power can be adjusted to the
Continental now offers the routine maintenance the 314R-1 correct value and thereafter
performance and technology of is designed with the broadcast changes from either power levels
pulse width modulation in an engineer in mind. The transmitter are accomplished by apush button
efficient lkW package. The has excellent accessibility and control which can be readily
314R-1 offers AM broadcasters utilizes modular circuit boards. remoted. The 314R-1 has the
the efficiency and reliability capability to come up to full power
LED status indicators are provided
of atube-powered final and on major circuits. By broadbanding from acold start in amatter of
the clear, crisp sound of full seconds at the push of abutton.
the driver only the PA need be
transformerless modulation. tuned. Control and overload
circuits, the exciter, driver module AM Stereo
and the SwitchMod module are all The 314R-1 is designed to convert to
plug-in units. The use of a3-500Z stereo operation. The left channel is
triode for both switching modulator initially wired as part of the main
and final amplifier simplifies audio chain with provisions for
maintenance future addition of the right channel
Built-in forward and reflected and audio matrix by PC board
power metering with VSWR component additions. Both mono
protection is easily read from the and future stereo versions of the
front of the cabinet as are all plug-in RF Exciter Cards will
meters. Remote control and be interchangeable with no
monitoring are made directly transmitter modification.
with no interfacing required.
final amplifier is agrounded anode :vemzefflue • ram. me.« atom» r••• ea..
, CEM, Ctn.., . .... I... Véntel .ren a ett,• on mow n
allow the use of smaller components flange standard Ye" ETA flange
neither sacrificing performance or or stud output also available
conservative component rating. The Harmonic and Spurious: Complies
Q-Taper network also has improved with FCC and CCIR regulations
phase linearity over conventional Carrier Amplitude Reg.: 2% max.
networks, an important adjustable to 0
consideration for AM stereo. Frequency Stability: ± 5 Hz. over
ambient temp. range ( below)
Grounded AnOde Power Requirements: 200-250 VAC
The anode of the final amplifier 34 3or 4 wire, wye or closed
operates at dc ground, reducing delta, 50/60 Hz 385-435 VAC
peak RF voltages with respect to available on special order
the chassis to about half the Overall Efficiency: Better than 55%
conventional configuration. at 5000 Watts, 95% sine wave
Metering is accomplished at ground modulation
reference for both local and remote Frequency Response: -± 1dB,
operation. There is no need for a 20-10000 Hz. @ 95% modulation,
blocking capacitor or feéd choke. 5000 Watts output
This technique is made practical by Total Harmonic Distortion: less
using fiber-optics to couple audio than 2% 20-10000 Hz @ 95% mod,
AM Stereo input to the audio driver. High 5000 Watts output
A Signal Access Card provides rear audio performance is maintained Noise: Better than — 60 dB
panel access to both audio and RF by using dc coupling throughout reference 400 Hz., for 100%
drive for use in either parallel the audio chain. modulation @ 5000 Watts
operation of two 315R-1 output
transmitters or for future use in 12- Phase Power Supply Audio Input: + 10 dBm ± 2 db
AM stereo. These terminals will The 12-phase power supply uses an 600/150 ohms for 100% modulation
make possible the connection of an Extended-Delta power transformer Modulation Capability: — 100%,
external stereo generator to the RF and two three-phase, full-wave + 125% standard
drive -line and to the audio chain. rectifiers to develop high voltage dc Size: 34 3
/ " (88 cm)W
with a 720 Hertz ripple frequency. 33 3/s" ( 85 cm)D
Because of the high ripple 69" ( 176 cm)H
frequency the absence of filter 7.9 sq. ft. ( 0.75 sq.
inductors and large capacitors help meters) floor space
reduce the size of the transmitter Weight: 1050 lbs (476 kg)
while at the same time eliminating Tubes: 3CX3000F7 ( 2)
several expensive and failure-prone Air Flow Requirement: 500 CFM
components. Inductors, which Humidity: 95%, max.
formerly cause resonances, are Ambient Temp. Range: To
eliminated. Power supply sag and 0° C to + 50° C. (meets FCC
Q-Taper Network bounce are no longer aproblem. requirements to — 20° C)
A Q-Taper network provides flatter Altitude: 7,500 ft.(2280 m) above
response across the audio pass band mean sea level
and very steep skirts above and
below the pass band. Unlike
conventional "Pi" networks, the
skirts of the Q-Taper network are
nearly symmetrial with second
harmonic suppression greater than
80 dB below carrier. The 3dB
Type 316F tubes, ablower for cooling and a modulation technique gives the
10,000 watt AM MW Transmitter minimum of relay contacts, the 316F the capability of providing
Type 315F 316F is easy to maintain and gives maximum positive modulation
5,000 watt AM MW Transmitter outstanding performance. Many peaks allowed by the FCC ( 125%)
Continental's Type 316F utilizes broadcasters cite examples of with very low distortion and ample
state-of-the-art concepts combined 30,000 hours or more of transmitter reserve.
with solid-state devices to give operation without amoment of
broadcasters consistent quality and Completely transparent
unscheduled down-time.
performance with high reliability. The 316F delivers superb audio
Transistors with conservative "Collector" modulation quality and faithfully reproduces
safety margins assure long-term The 316F has two sections: a the most sophisticated audio
reliability and contribute to completely transistorized exciter processing.
excellent audio frequency response, and atwo-tube, high-efficiency
A quality sound
low distortion and noise. amplifier.
The 316F uses ahigh-efficiency
A similar model, Continental's Type Modulation takes place in the linear amplifier for simplicity and
315F, operates at 5000 watts, and is exciter's 40 watt output stage. reliability. Two 4CX15000A tubes
identical to the 316F except for This "collector-modulation" are used in the final amplifier. This
tubes and power supplies. technique eliminates critical tuning conservative application assures
adjustments and is almost identical long tube life.
Proven "on- air" reliability to plate modulation except that no
All components, output networks An automatic Program Peak
transformers or chokes are used.
and power supply are rated Limiter Controller enables
Audio output is simultaneously broadcasters to achieve maximum
conservatively, to provide an extra applied to the RF driver and
operating margin. With only two loudness without overmodulation.
output transistors. This dual-level
DISABLE 28.4% kW @ 100% modulation
Power Consumption, Type 315F:
11.2 kW @ 0% modulation
ADJUSTMENTS Imie 11.5 kW @ 30% modulation
14.2 kW e100% modulation
Altitude: 7,500 feet ( 2286 meters)
higher by special order
Easy operation Ready for AM stereo Ambient Temperature: — 10°C to
The transmitter tunes easily in a The 316F is built to receive astereo +45°C
straightforward manner. Modulated exciter, and Continental guarantees Cooling: Forced air
output from the 40-watt solid-state compatibility with any AM stereo Size, Type 315F or 316F:
exciter drives the high-efficiency transmission system established 66 1
/"wide, 25 1
2 / "deep, 77 1
2 / "high
amplifier. Since the amplifier tubes by the FCC. (168 CM wide, 65 CM deep, 196
are not driven into grid current, Magniphase line CM high)
astable, resistant load is used to protection system Net Weight:
dissipate output from the exciter. Continental's Magniphase system Type 315F: 1,500 lbs. ( 680 kilos)
This allows grid and transistor protects transmission line, antenna Type 316F: 1,650 lbs. ( 748 kilos)
circuits to be fixed-tuned with and tuning equipment. Export Shipping: Gross weight 2480
predetermined coil-tap settings, Specifications* lbs. ( 1124.9 kilos); 173.1 cubic feet
without variations from tube (4.9 cubic meters)
Carrier Power, Type 316F:
to tube. *Taken from Type Acceptance
Rated; 10 kW
Drive level is adjusted by meter Capability; 10.6 kW data on file with FCC.
indication and the pate circuit is Carrier Power, type 315F: rfransmitters will meet or
adjusted by minimizing the PA Rated; 5.5 kW exceed all requirements of
plate current with the plate Capability; 5.5 kW FCC for Broadcast Service.
tuning capacitor. Modulation: Collector modulation Data taken at 10,600 watts
of rf driver stage for 316F, and at 5,500 watts
Emission: A3 for 315F.
Frequency Range: Any single
frequency 535-1620 kHz
Type 317C-2 Overall efficiency is better than designed for maximum personnel
50,000 watt AM MW 60% at any level of modulation. safety.
Transmitter Conservative operation of the
The 317C-2 is a field-proven design power amplifier leads to extended Superior audio
that offers broadcasters excellent tube life. Audio frequency response is a 2=0.5
performance with high overall Completely transparent dB amplitude variation from 10 to
efficiency, reliability, simplicity The 317C-2 delivers superb audio 10,000 Hz; less than 5° phase
and easy maintainability. quality and faithfully reproduces variation from 10 Hz to midband;
The first 317C was installed in the most sophisticated audio essentially phase linear to 30 kHz.
1965. Its introduction followed an processing. Yet, it can be operated The 317C-2 has aflat top response,
extensive review and analysis of very cost-effectively. with less than 5% tilt or overshoot
transmitter circuit and modulation on trapezoidal waveforms generated
Proven reliability
techniques. Out of this research by clipping asinewave 6dB below
All components, output
came Continental's unique and peak amplitude from 30 Hz to 10
networks and power supplies are
patented* screen- impedance kHz at 90% modulation.
conservatively rated. This provides
modulation technique. The 317C-2
extra operating margins with Extra power for high peaks
applies this system, with its
extended life. 317C "on-air" A husky 12-phase plate power
current refinements, to the final
performance has been proven
amplifier tubes in the Doherty supply eliminates the need for a
over many years of operation. filter reactor, provides extra power
system to achieve high
performance with high efficiency. for the high positive peak demands
Easy operation
of low frequency programming, and
The design concept has been The 317C-2 has motor-driven
minimizes audio phase shift.
thoroughly tested and accepted by tuning and power adjustments,
Improved regulation virtually
broadcasters around the world for and is designed for unattended
eliminates carrier shift.
transmitter requirements ranging operation by remote control. It has
from 50,000 to 2,000,000 watts. complete instrumentation, and is
kHz with output lagging 45° at 15
Audio distortion: less than 2.5%, 20
to 10,000 Hz at 95% modulation
0 190 01.• Intermodulation distortion: 3.5% at
SO V 90% total modulation by SMPTE
test method using 60 and 7,000 Hz
: 1 _0
in 4:1 ratio
Carrier shift: 2% or less at 100%
Tilt and overshoot:
IPA PO% II TUNING Clipped sinewave: 5% variation in
modulation percentage using 6 dB
symmetrical clipping, 30 to 10,000
Hz at 90% modulation
Squarewave: 5% variation in
modulation percentage,
squarewave frequencies from 30 to
7,500 Hz at 60% modulation
Modulation capability: 100%
continuous at any frequency
20-10,000 Hz + 125% positive peak
with asymmetrical input
Noise unweighted: — 60 dB below
100% modulation
Spurious & harmonic emission:
—80 dB
Magniphase line protection
Output impedance: 40 to 300 ohms
as specified by customer
Continental's Magniphase system
Power source: 460V, 3phase, 50/60
protects transmission line, antenna
Hz, other available by special
and tuning equipment. It reduces
power automatically and shuts
Permissible combined voltage
down transmitter if permanent
variation: ± 5% voltage; ± 2.5%
antenna fault occurs.
High positive modulation frequency
The 12-phase plate supply 'Continental Electronics Mfg. Co. holds the following Power factor: approximately . 95
patents for the high efficiency screen modulated amplifier:
transformer rating and output Canada 764,605; France 1,432,543; UK 1,044,479; USA
Overall efficiency: better than 60%
voltage are increased to provide 3,314,024. at any depth of modulation
+125% modulation with plenty of Specifications Altitude: 7,500 feet ( 2286 meters)
headroom, and a 100% sinewave Carrier Power: higher by special order
modulation capability down to Rated 50 Kw Ambient temperature: — 4° to 122°
10 Hz. Capability 60 kW F ( — 20° to 50° C)
Power reduction 25 kW Cooling: transmitter is air cooled
Program peak limiter or 10 kW Size: transmitter is 144" wide, 54"
An automatic Program Peak Modulation: High-level screen-grid deep, 78" high ( 365.76 cm wide,
Controller with adjustable positive impedance modulation 137.16 cm deep, 198.1 cm high),
and negative thresholds will hold Emission: A3 plate transformer enclosure is 24"
peaks to limits set by station Frequency range: Any single wide, 46" deep, 72" high ( 60.96 cm
personnel. LED flashers frequency 535-1620 kHz wide, 116.84 cm deep. 183.2 cm
indicate limiting. Frequency stability: ± 5 Hz high)
Audio input: ± 10 dBm ± 2.0 dB Total floor space: 62 sq. ft. ( 5.8 sq.
Ready for AM stereo at 100% modulation meters)
The 317C-2 is built to receive a Audio response: ± 0.5 dB, 10 Hz Net weight: transmitter ( all
stereo exciter, and Continental to 7500 Hz: — 1.5 dB, 15,000 cabinets) weighs 4,891 lbs.
guarantees compatibility with any Hz: ref. to 1000 Hz: at 70% (2,273 kilos); plate transformer
AM stereo transmission system modulation enclosure weighs 1,990 lbs.
established by the FCC. Phase response: ± 2° from 10 to (903 kilos)
- "
ak EEL al MIL St el la at ;1ln. 111 la al 11111 al
1111111E., Q Q
Carrier output power:
318C, 100,000 w; 318.5C,
150,000 w
Frequency range:
535 - 1605 kHz
Frequency stability: assigned
frequency ± 5Hz
Type of power amplifier: high
efficiency screen and impedance
Output impedance: 200 ohms, or
other specified
Audio frequency input impedance:
600 ohms
Carrier shift: 4% or less up to
100% Modulation
Audio frequency input level for
100% modulation: 10 dBM ± 2dB
Audio frequency response: ± 0.5 dB
100-5,000 Hz ± 1.0 dB 50 —
7,500 Hz ± 1.5 dB 30-10,000 Hz
Audio harmonic distortion: 4% or
less 50 to 7,500 Hz (a
95% modulation
Residual carrier noise: — 50 dB or
better below 100% modulation
Harmonic radiation: exceeds
CCIR requirements
Modulation capability: 100% 50 —
10,000 Hz
Overall efficiency: 55% or better
Power line requirements: 460 volts,
3phase, 3wire, 50 or 60 Hz,
±5% regulation
"Continental Electronics Mfg. Co. holds the following
patenta for the high efficiency screen modulated amplifier:
Canada 764,605; France 1,432,543; UK 1,044,479; USA
Mrrn"'" ,t11
Type 319D The rf signal to drive the first rf The transmitter is cooled by a
250,000 watt Transmitter amplifier stage is provided by a combination of forced air and
The Type 319D is ahigh crystal oscillator unit. The rf vapor-phase cooling. The water
performance medium frequency amplifier and audio stages are storage tank is installed within
broadcast transmitter that uses installed in the transmitter's main the transmitter cabinet; the heat
ahigh efficiency screen and cabinets. Plate transformers, exchanger is normally installed on
impedance modulated final power rectifier assemblies, reactor, filter the roof of the transmitter building.
amplifier to achieve reliable, cost- capacitor bank, distribution system Vapor-phase cooling is used to cool
effective operation.* and control circuitry system are the two 4CV2500,000B tetrode
The rf driver stage utilizes two located in an area adjacent to the tubes used in the rf final amplifier.
5CX1500A tubes in aparallel main transmitter. The remainder the transmitter is
configuration, and is operated Continental's unique toroidal air cooled; forced air is provided by
Class C. inductor is used for the carrier and ablower unit located in aroom
peak tank inductances. This unique adjacent to the transmitter room.
The rf driver, final power amplifier,
second audio amplifier and design achieves amuch higher Q
modulator stages use vacuum than other types of inductors, and
tubes; all other circuits use solid because the coil does not produce an
state amplifiers. external magnetic field, it can be
located in asmall compartment
within the transmitter. The
inductors are adjustable for
frequency change.
Carrier Output Power:
250,000 Watts
Frequency Range: 525 — 1605 kHz
Frequency Stability: assigned
frequency ± 5Hz.
Type of Power Amplifier:
high efficiency screen and
impedance modulated
Output Impedance: 50 to 200 ohms,
as specified by user
Audio Frequency Input Impedance:
150/600 ohms
Carrier Shift: 4% or less up to
100% modulation
Audio Frequency Input Level for
100% Modulation: + 10 dBM ± 5
dB ( or other specified)
Audio Frequency Response: ± 1.0
dB 60-7,500 Hz ± 1.5 dB 30 —
10,000 Hz
Audio Harmonic Distortion:
3.5 or less 50 to 7,500 Hz @
90% modulation
Residual Carrier Noise:
60 dB or better below 100%
modulation unweighted
Modulation Capability: 100%, 50 —
10,000 Hz
Overall Efficiency: 56%
Power Line Requirements: 4160
volts, 3phase, 3wire, 50 or 60 Hz,
±5% regulated ( Other voltage if
'Continental Electronics Mfg. Co. holds the following
patents for the high efficiency screen modulated amplifier:
Canada 764,605; France 1,432,643; UK 1,044,479; USA
Type 320F The final power amplifier utilizes Continental's unique torodial
500,000 watt Transmitter two X2170 water cooled tetrodes inductor is used in the peak tank
The Type 320F is ahigh which have plate dissipation of circuit. This unique design
performance medium frequency 650,000 watts each. When used in achieves amuch higher Q than
broadcast transmitter that uses Continental's high-efficiency screen other types of inductors, and
aunique screen and impedance and impedance modulated circuit*, because the coil does not produce
modulation circuit* to achieve the maximum plate dissipation per an external magnetic field, it can
extremely reliable, cost-effective tube is less than 200,000 watts for be located in asmall compartment
operation. Both carrier and peak the carrier tube, and less than within the transmitter. The
tubes are operated in Class "C" 120,000 watts for the peak tube inductor is adjustable for
condition, offering broadcasters with 100% sinewave modulation. frequency changes.
very high efficiency while The carrier tube provides the full The transmitter is cooled by a
limiting the peak voltage to 500,000 watts power output when combination of forced air and forced
values consistent with reliable no modulation is applied. water cooling. Modulator, rf driver,
operating conditions. Two Type 4CW25,000A water- carrier and peak tubes are cooled
The first rf amplifier uses a cooled tetrodes are used in the by aforced water system; the
solid-state amplifier to drive cathode follower modulator stage. remainder of the transmitter is
the grid of the intermediate When used in this configuration, cooled by aforced air system.
power amplifier. the two 4CW25000A tubes have a
The intermediate power amplifier very high overload capability and
consists of one 4CW25000A tetrode. thus assure high reliability.
The fixed power output of this stage
is 10,000 watts.
28 10
Carrier power output:
525 kW
Type of emission:
amplitude modulation (A3)
Frequency range:
535 to 1605 kHz
Frequency stability:
1part per 10 7
Modulation system:
high efficiency screen
and impedance*
Output impedance:
140 ohms, nominal
(other available)
Audio input impedance:
600 ohms
Audio input level for 100%
modulation at 1kHz:
+8dBm ( adjustable ± 5dB or
as required)
Audio frequency response:
± 1dB, 50 to 7,500 Hz
1.5 dB, 30 to 10,000 Hz
Audio harmonic distortion:
3% or less, 50 to 7,500 Hz,
at 90% modulation
Residual carrier noise:
—60dB, unweighted
—70 dB, C.C.I.R. weighted
Overall efficiency:
60% or better
'Coninental Electronics Mfg. Co. holds the following .
patents for the high efficiency screen modulated amplifier
Canada 764,605; France 1,432,543; UK 1,044,479; USA
Type 323C The final power amplifier utilizes Continental's unique torodial
1,000,000 watt Transmitter two X2159 water cooled tetrodes inductors are used in the carrier
The Type 323C is ahigh which have aplate dissipation of and peak tank inductor circuits.
performance medium frequency 1,250,000 watts each. When used in This unique design achieves a
broadcast transmitter that uses Continental's high-efficiency screen much higher Q than other types
aunique screen and impedance and impedance modulated circuit*, of inductors, and because the coil
modulation circuit* to achieve the maximum plate dissipation per does not produce an external
extremely reliable, cost-effective tube is less than 400,000 watts for magnetic field, it can be located
operation. Both carrier and peak the carrier tube, and less than in asmall compartment within the
tubes are operated in Class "C" 240,000 watts for the peak tube transmitter. The inductors are
condition, offering broadcasters with 100% sinewave modulation. adjustable for frequency change.
very high efficiency while limiting The carrier tube provides the full The transmitter is cooled by a
the peak voltage to values 1,000,000 watts power output when combination of forced air and forced
consistent with reliable no modulation is applied. water cooling. Modulator, rf driver,
operating conditions. Three 4CW25000A water-cooled carrier and peak tubes are cooled
The first rf amplifier uses a tetrodes are used in the cathode by aforced water system; the
solid-state amplifier to drive follower modulator. When used in remainder of the transmitter is
the grid of the intermediate this configuration, the 4CW25000A cooled by aforced air system.
power amplifier. tubes have avery high overload
The intermediate power amplifier capability and thus assure
consists of one 4CW25000A tetrode. high reliability.
The fixed power output of this stage
is 10,000 watts.
Carrier power output:
1050 kW
Type of emission:
amplitude modulation (A3)
Frequency range:
535 to 1605 kHz
Frequency stability:
±1part per 10 7 per month
Modulation system:
high efficiency screen and
Output impedance:
140 ohms, nominal
(other available)
Audio input impedance:
600 ohms
Audio input level for 100%
modulation at 1kHz:
+8dBm (adjustable ± 5dB
or as required)
Audio frequency response:
±1dB, 50 to 7,500 Hz
±1.5 dB, 30 to 10,000 Hz
Audio harmonic distortion:
3% or less, 50 to 7,500 Hz,
at 90% modulation
Residual carrier noise:
—60dB, unweighted
—70 dB, C.C.I.R. weighted
Overall efficiency:
60% or better
.Coninental Electronics Mfg. Co. holds the following
patents for the high efficiency screen modulated amplifier:
Canada 764,605; France 1,432,543; UK 1,044,479; USA
The transmitter is cooled by a Specifications
combination of forced air and forced Carrier power output to combiner:
water cooling. Modulator, rf driver, 1050 kW
carrier and peak tubes are cooled Type of emission:
by aforced water system; the amplitude modulation ( A3)
remainder of the transmitter is Frequency range:
cooled by aforced air system. 535 to 1605 kHz
Frequency stability:
±1part per 10 per month
Modulation system:
high efficiency screen and
Output impedance:
140 ohms, nominal
(other available)
Audio input impedance:
600 ohms
Audio input level for 100%
modulation at 1kHz:
+8dBm (adjustable ± 5dB or
as required)
Audio frequency response:
± 1dB, 50 to 7,500 Hz
± 1.5 dB, 30 to 10,000 Hz
Audio harmonic distortion:
3% or less, 50 to 7,500 Hz,
at 90% modulation
Residual carrier noise:
—60 dB, unweighted
—70 dB, C.C.I.R. weighted
Overall efficiency:
60% or better
*Coninental Electronics Mfg. Co. holds the following
patents for the high efficiency screen modulated amplifier:
Canada 764,605; France 1,432,543; UK 1,044,479; USA
34 t
RF Output Power:
10 kW Carrier; Reduced power
optional 1to 5kW
Emission: A3
Frequency Range: 3to 18 mHz
Harmonic Attenuation: 50 mw
(complies with CCIR)
Output Impedance: 50 Ohm,
1%" coaxial
Power Source: 208/230/380 Volts,
three phase, 50/60 Hz., 35 kva
Power Factor: . 90
Audio Input Impedance: 150/600
Ohms, balanced or unbalanced
Audio Input level: ( 100%
Modulation) + 10 dBm ± 2dB
@ 1000Hz
Audio Frequency Response: ± 1dB
50 to 10,000 Hz @ 90%
Carrier Output Power: 50 kilowatts
Types of Emission: Amplitude
Modulation (A3) and Frequency
Shift ( F1)
Type of Modulation: High-level
plate, Class " AB I"modulator
Final Power Amplifier: Class "C"
Frequency Range: 3.2 to 22 MHz
Output Impedance: 75 ohms
unbalanced or 300 ohms balanced
(optional). VSWR less than 1.5:1
Modulation Capability: 100%, 50 to
10,000 Hz sinusoidal.
Radio Frequency Harmonics and
Spurious Radiation: Less than 50
mW ( Complies with CCCIR
Audio Input Impedance: 600/150
ohms, balanced or unbalanced
Audio Input Levels for 100%
Modulation: + 10 dBm ± 2dBm
at 1000 Hz
Audio Frequency Response: ± 1dB
from 50-7500 Hz @ 90%
Audio Frequency Distortion: Less
than 3% rms, 50-7500 Hz @ 90%
Residual Carrier Noise: 55 dB
Control system (unweighted) below 100%
Operation of the 417D is simplified modulation level at 1000 Hz or
by the use of pushbutton control better
switches which have built-in, Carrier Shift: Less than 3% at 100%
lighted function labels that change Modulation exclusive of power
color to indicate status. line variations
Relative Humidity: 95 Percent
Overall control circuitry is aseries-
Altitude: 6000 feet above sea level
parallel ladder network, with
Power Consumption:
switching, timing, overloads and
Unmodulated, 98 kW
other interlock functions arranged
in ascientific manner in the
30% Modulation, 114 kW
network legs to provide a
50% Modulation, 125 kW
comprehensive protection system.
100% Modulation, 135 kW
The preset transmitter tuning Primary Power Requirements: 360
system uses dc motors which are to 480 volt, ( ± 5regulation),
controlled by solid-state dc power three-phase, 50/60 Hz ( other on
amplifiers. A pushbutton switch on special order)
the control panel activates the Power Factor: 0.9 or better
tuning system. Multi- turn digital Ambient Temperature Range: + 5°C
readout potentiometers on the to + 45°C
control panel are used for initial
positioning and manual tuning. Transmitter Size:
Width 192" (487.68cm);
Depth 60" ( 152.40cm);
Height 84 5/ 6" ( 214cm)
Transmitter Weight:
6800 lb. ( 3060 kg)
Type 418D-2 A 4CX3000A tetrode drives a Five tuning controls make initial
100,000 watt SW Transmitter single 4CV100,000 tetrode final tuning straightforward and easy.
Continental's Type 418D-2, 100 kW amplifier in aconventional Ten preset channels ( frequencies)
SW broadcast transmitter is grounded cathode circuit. Solid- can be selected and activated from
designed for A3 operation over the state amplifiers are used in all low the front panel. After initial tuning
frequency range of 3.2 to 22 MHz. level audio and rf stages. is accomplished, frequency changes
The 418D-2 combines the best of Two 4CV100,000 tetrodes, operated can be made in less than one
semiconductor technology in power push-pull, provide high-level, 100% minute, without additional manual
supplies with the proven reliability modulation in Class A13 1. tuning.
of vacuum tube power stages to Modulator and final amplifier The 418D-2 uses a vapor system to
provide high-performance, cost- tubes are vapor- phased cooled. This cool the final rf and modulator
effective operation. cooling system is greatly superior amplifiers; forced- air cooling is
All power tubes are tetrodes. All in efficiency to awater-cooled used for the low level tube.
power supplies use solid-state system, removing almost 20-times
rectifiers. as much energy.
Carrier Output Power: 100
Types of Emission: Amplitude
Modulation (A3) and Frequency
Shift (F1)
Type of Modulation: High-level
plate, Class "AB ]. "Modulator
Final Power Amplifier: Class " C"
Frequency Range: 3.2 to 22 MHz
(2.3 to 26.5 MHz optional at
extra cost)
Output Impedance: 75 ohms
unbalanced, 300 ohms balanced
(optional at extra cost, VSWR less
than 1.5:1.
Modulation Capability: 100%, 50 to
7500 Hz sinusoidal.
Radio Frequency Harmonic and
Spurious Output: 50 mW
(Complies with C.C.I.R.
Audio Input Impedance: 600/150
ohms, balanced or unbalanced
Audio Input Levels for 100%
Modulation: + 10 dBM, ± 2dBM
at 1000 Hz.
Audio Frequency Response: ± 1dB
from 50 to 75.00 Hz
Audio Frequency Distortion: Less
than 3% rms, 50-7500 Hz @ 90%
Control system Modulation
Operation of the 418D-2 is Residual Carrier Noise: 55 dB
simplified by the use of pushbutton (unweighted) below 100%
control switches which have built- modulation level at 1000 Hz or
in, lighted function labels that better
change color to indicate status. Carrier Shift: Less than 3% at 100%
Overall control circuitry is a series- modulation exclusive of power
parallel ladder network, with line variations
switching, timing, overloads and Relative Humidity: 95 percent
other interlock functions arranged Altitude: 6000 feet above sea level
in a scientific manner in the Power Consumption:
network legs to provide a Unmodulated, 175 kW
comprehensive protection system. 50% Modulation, 220 kW
100% Modulation, 275 kW
The preset transmitter tuning
Power Factor: 0.95 or better
system uses dc motors which are
Ambient Umperature Range: + 5°C
controlled by solid- state dc power
to + 50°C
amplifiers. A pushbutton switch on
Primary Power Requirements: 360
the control panel activates the
to 480 volts, ( -± 5% regulation)
tuning system. Multi- turn digital
three-phase, 50/60 Hz (other on
readout potentiometers on the
special order)
control panel are used for initial
positioning and manual tuning.
Transmitter Size:
Width 192" (487.68cm);
Depth 60" ( 152.40cm);
Height 84%6" ( 214cm)
'fransmitter Weight:
6800 lb. (3060 kg)
Type 419F The rf power amplifier circuit Seven tuning controls make
250,000 watt SW Transmitter uses one 4CV250,000A tetrode. tuning straightforward and easy.
Continental's Type 419F is designed Continental's unique single-stage Un preset channels (frequencies)
for A3 operation over the frequency amplifier circuit uses special can be selected and activated from
range of 5.0 to 22.0 MHz. filiament and screen by-pass the front panel. After initial tuning
The 419F combines the best of capacitors to achieve very high is accomplished, frequency change
semiconductor technology in power stability, simplified modulation and can be made in less than one
supplies with the proven reliability tuning throughout the transmitter's minute, without additional
of vacuum power tube power stages frequency range. manual tuning.
to achieve high-performance with All transmitter control and The 419F uses avapor system
cost-effective operation. monitoring can be accomplished to cool the final rf and modulator
All power tubes are tetrodes. from asingle front panel. amplifiers; the rf drive tube, output
All power supplies use solid- tuning and loading components are
state rectifiers. water-cooled; forced-air cooling is
The modulator uses two used for other transmitter
4CV100,000C vapor-cooled ceramic components.
t,etrodes in apush-pull Class AB '
circuit. All modulator components
are compatible with 100% positive
modulation operation.
Carrier Output: 250 kW
Type of Modulation: High level
Type of Emission: A3
Frequency Range: 5.0 to 22.0 MHz
AF Input Impedance: 600/150 ohms
balanced or unbalanced
AF Input Level for 100% Sine Wave
Modulation: + 10 dBm ± 2dBm
---I LJ L
@ 1kHz
€.: AF Response: ± 2dB 50 to 7.500 Hz
@ 90% modulation
AF Distortion: Less than 5% THD
50-7,500 Hz @ 95% modulation
Carrier Shift: Less than 5% not
1 1 1.1 1e1 eI lilt I1 1 I
including line variations
eseQ 01 • tk:
' 4) Q g
Modulation Capability: 100%
r I es * ea ill 11
11 positive and negative peaks
I 1.1.1 la
I,. 1 - E, 1.1
Ibtb1Plitli 0, 9 e SO a i 1 50-7.500 Hz Sine
Ili lb lb e • lb oit Residual Carrier Noise: 50 dB
p • see lb OA
• a a (milli (unweighted) below 100%
-p • lb lb lb de a a, iiii11 IT modulation at 1kHz or better
p• • • • • - • • de RF Harmonic Output and Spurious
.164:4100-:-00000 C] g r Response: Complies with CCIR
Output Impedance: 75 ohms
unbalanced or 300 ohms balanced
(optional); max. VSWR 1.8
Power Source: 4160v, 3phase, 50/60
Hz ( other on special order)
Power Factor: 0.9 or better
Power Consumption:
Carrier-unmodulated: 475 kW
Carrier-modulated. 100% Sine
wave, 675 kW
Altitude: 6,000 feet above sea level
Control system (1828.8m)
The 419F uses a24 volt de control Relative Humidity: 95%
system. Most control functions use Ambient Temperature Range: 32F
conventional electro- mechanical to 113F ( 0C to 45 C)
control logic. Basic control circuitry Exciter: Any suitable exciter with
is in afamiliar series-parallel / watt output, 5.0-22.0 MHz
ladder; switching, timing and Dimensions, Main Cabinet Group:
interlocking functions are arranged Width 22' ( 6.71 m);
in alogical and consistent pattern. Depth 14' ( 4.27 m);
The transmitter .has all Height 7' ( 2.13 m)
instruments necessary for Power Supply Vault:
operational adjustment and Width 27' ( 8.23 m);
maintenance procedures. All major Depth 14' (4.27 m);
operating parameters are displayed Height 7' ( 2.13 m)
on easy-to-read meters which are Weight: 45,600 lbs. ( 20.520 kg)
located on the front panel. Meters packed for export.
are grouped in alogical and Volume: 3.000 cu. ft. ( 84.95 cu. m.)
functional manner.
Multi-colored indicators on the
front panel give status of various
interlock and control system logic.
e 41
42 %
Combiner circuit
The combining circuit provides
complete isolation of one
transmitter from the other. Thus,
the load resistance is constant and
independent of differences between
the two transmitters: the output of Combiner for Type 817R-1 Combiner for Type 817-2
one transmitter may be open or 50,000 watt FM Transmitter 40,000 watt FM Transmitter
short circuited without affecting the Continental's 817R-1 consists of two Continental's 817R-2 consists of two
other. As an option, the combiner Type 816R-3 transmitters combined Type 816R-2 transmitters combined
can be built so if one transmitter to achieve 50,000 watts of to achieve 40,000 watts of
fails, the full power of the output power. output power.
remaining transmitter will be The combining is accomplished in a The combining is accomplished in a
delivered to the antenna. 90 degree hybrid coupler that may 90 degree hybrid coupler that may
Waster load be used alone or in conjunction with be used alone or in conjunction with
The waster load terminates motor activated coaxial switches. motor activated coaxial switches.
networks of the combiner from The motor activated switch and The motor activated switch and
each transmitter. When both coupler assembly is appropriate for coupler assembly is appropriate for
transmitters are in phase and equal automatic switched operation of automatic switched operation of
in power, there will be no power in combined transmitters. The hybrid combined transmitters. The hybrid
the waster load. This method allows coupler introduces less than 0.1 dB coupler introduces less than 0.1 dB
maximum power to be delivered to loss and no more than a1.1 VSWR loss and no more than a1.1 VSWR
the antenna. in a50 ohm system. Isolation in a50 ohm system. Isolation
between the combined transmitters between the combined transmitters
is aleast 30 dB. is at least 30 dB.
The 50,000 watt hybrid coupler The 40,000 watt hybrid coupler
carries part number 124-3015-728; carries part number 124-0052-974;
the hybrid coupler and switch the hybrid coupler and switch
assembly carries part assembly carries part number
number 124-3015-729. 124-0052-972.
Continental Type 516F
5/10 kW AM Dummy Load
Continental's Type 516F is a
convection air cooled dummy load
that will handle a 10 kW
transmitter at 125% modulation. It
is supplied as an essentially flat
load on acustomer specified
frequency and impedance in the
standard medium wave broadcast
band. An rf ammeter is optional.
Size of coils and capacitors varies
with frequency and impedance.
Size: 40" ( 101.60 cm) W
26" ( 66.04 cm) D
12" ( 30.48 cm) H
Weight: 60 lb ( 27 kg)
to radiate rf output. The power range. Measured VSWR is less than for continuous and reliable
dissipation rating is 75 KW. The 1.1:1. The load, including its operation over the frequency range
dummy load is housed in asingle external heat exchanger and from 30 Hertz to 40 MHz. The load
cabinet having excellent shielding coolant tank, is equipped with an is available in three configurations:
properties and providing easy external interlock control having Type 4L23-1 for 50 ohm unbalanced
access. An rf current meter is used interface connections via aterminal input; Type 4L23-2 for dual 50 ohm
for determining power and can be board. Ambient operating inputs; Type 4L23-3 for 300 ohm
viewed through aglass panel in the temperature range is from 32° to balanced input. Pre-heated liquid
front door. An air-flow interlock 110°F ( 0° to 44°C). An ethylene element dissipators have aVSWR
switch shuts-off transmitter glycol mixture ( 35%) can be used to of less than 1.2:1 under stabilized
plate voltage if dummy load or extend lower temperature range. 50 conditions. VSWR is less than
transmitter doors are opened, or if Hz operation and acalorimeter 1.3:1 within 20 seconds after a
there is aloss in air pressure in the panel are available at additional substantial change in load
transmitter or dummy load cost. Measurement accuracy of the dissipation ( ie, 200 kW to 1000 kW).
cooling system. optional calorimeter is better Cooling is provided by an internal
than 5%. liquid-to-liquid loop, and an
Specifications external liquid loop. Front panel
Frequency range: 535 to 1620 kHz
Power Rating: 100 kilowatt control and monitoring can be
Power dissipation: 75 KW
average; 200 kilowatts PEP. modified for remote control and
Resistance: Factory-adjusted to
Impedance: 50 OHMS ( unbalanced) monitoring. Interlock line control
customer's transmitter rf output
Frequency Range: 0.1 to 100 MHz. protects the dummy load and rf
VSWR: Less than 1.1 to 1to 100 power source. Calorimetric power
RF connections: Insulator "bowl" on
MHz. measurement and water flow
top of cabinet
ac Power Required: 230 VAC, 30A, indicator meters are mounted on
Size: Width 42" ( 107 cm)
34), 60 Hz ( 50 Hz optional) front panel. Ambient operating
Depth 40" ( 102 cm)
Service: AM, FM, TV, SSB, FSK or temperature range is from 32° to
Height 78" ( 198 cm)
C.W. 110°F (0° to 44°C).
Weight: 950 Lbs ( 431 Kg)
Duty Cycle: Continuous Specifications
Size ( Load Unit Only): Width- 2 Power Rating: 1000 kW Average;
feet ( 61 cm); Depth- 1.5 feet ( 46 2000 kW Peak
cm); Height — 6feet ( 183 cm) Impedance: 4L23-150 ohms*
Shipping Weight: 2500 Lbs ( 1134 unbalanced, 4L23-2 two 50
Kg) includes load, heat exchanger ohm* unbalanced inputs, 4L23-3
and coolant tank ( crated) 300 ohm* balanced (two 150
ohm inputs)
Frequency Range: 30 Hz to 40
MHz (broadband)
VSWR ( Maximum): 1.2:1 after 20
seconds ( maximum) of stable
power input; 1.3:1 during first 20
seconds ( maximum) after apower
change of up to 5to 1.
Duty Cycle: Continuous
Service: AM, FM, FSK, TV, SSB
or CW
Input ac Power Required: 230 VAC
± 10%, 14), 50/60 Hz, 13 KVA.
(other voltages upon request)
*varies slightly — dependent
upon dissipator temperature,
Continental Type DL-418 refer to VSWR specification
100 kW Dummy Load Size: Width 6ft ( 183 cm); Depth 4ft
Continental's Type DL-418 is a (122 cm); Height 10 ft ( 305 cm).
high-power rf dummy load designed Shipping Wt: Approximately 2000
for continuous and reliable Continental Type 4L23*
Lbs ( 907 Kg) ( excludes external
operation over the frequency range 1,000 kW Dummy Load
heat exchanger)
from 0.1 to 100 mHz. The dummy Continental's Type 4L23 is a
load can be used without power high-power rf dummy load designed *U.S. Patent No: 3,742,188
derating over its full frequency
AM & FM Towers
Continental can supply avariety of
Continental offers broadcasters a
self-supporting and guyed antenna
complete antenna system service,
towers, custom designed to
including manufacturing, testing,
meet specific AM or FM
and field supervision of directional station requirements.
or omni-directional AM and FM
antennas; AM and FM towers; ibwers are normally supplied
antenna phasing and coupling with aprotective coating of rust
systems and related antenna inhibitive paint prior to shipment;
system equipment. they can be supplied with a
galvanized finish.
All hardware, fittings, guy
insulators, anchor steel and base
insulator are supplied with each
tower. Appropriate tower lighting
kits to meet FCC/FAA or ICAO
requirements, are also available;
see "Antenna System Accessories".
Towers available from Continental
include: Pi Rod, Rohn, Stainless,
Utility, V & B, and World. All of
the construction capabilities and
services of these companies are
available to Continental customers.
wide or four-inch copper strap,
depending upon power level, is
provided with each cabinet for
connection to the customer's
ground system.
Typical Network Construction Aluminum and copper parts are
The selection of stand-off insulators
Practice irridited, cadmium or silver plated,
and insulation materials is based on
Interconnecting bus matches or as specified. strength, low dielectric dissipation
associated inductor tubing, or is A cabinet that is located in a factor and low moisture absorption.
based on aminimum of V8-inch of transmitting room has an interlock
Tubing indicator taps are plated,
diameter per each 10 RMS amps of circuit, if requested.
solid brass to provide good electrical
current. The smallest diameter Epoxy-cast mica capacitors are connection and heat sinking.
tubing used is 3/
8-inch. Where provided with flanges for additional
flexible connections are required, Jacks are always positioned so that
heat-sinking, and to facilitate
1 inch x 20-mil copper strap is aplug-in ammeter will face the
connection and mounting.
used per 10 RMS amps of current. operator from ahorizontal position.
Front panel controls consist of
All co-ax input/output connections
The bus size will be selected to knobs or handles, counters and
are located to customer
minimize or optimize voltage insulated, flexible couplings.
specifications. If the customer has
gradient when adielectric-heating Co-ax outer conductor "U" clamps no preference, input co-ax
or ionization probability exists. are provided for transmission line connections will be located at the
All components are removeable termination unless other top of the phaser cabinet, output
from inside the cabinets or from the termination is specified. co-ax connections at the bottom.
front surfaces of wall panels. All Photo-etched nameplates are used Control connections will usually be
mounting screws fit in tapped holes on all phaser cabinet front-panel located at the bottom of all cabinets
or captive nuts, so separate nuts are meters and controls. or panels. ACU inputs will usually
not required. All hardware is be at the lower left; outputs at the
Phaser cabinets use overhead grills
non-ferrous. upper right.
to allow convection cooling.
lo 53
Series A 31/
8"interbay line, 31
/8"element stem
Female Power' Lbs. Lbs.
No. of Power DB Type 50 Ohm Input Calculated Calculated Approx.
Bays Gain Gain Feed Input Capability Weight Wind Load # Length
Series B 41/
8"interbay line, 41
/8"element stem
Series C 61/
8"interbay line, 41
/8"element stem
50-Ohm Power Calculated Calculated Approx.
No. of Power dB Type Input Input Weight Windload 3 Length
Bays Gain' Gain Feed 2 (mm) In. Capability lb. (kg) lb. ( kg) ft. ( m) 4
1 0.4611 -3.3623 End (41.3) PA 9kW 57 ( 25.85) 102 ( 46.27)
2 0.9971 -0.0128 End (41.3) 1% 9kW 114 ( 51.71) 212 ( 96.16) 10 ( 3.05)
2 0.9971 -0.0128 Center (79.4) 31/
8 12 kW 147 ( 66.68) 289 ( 131.09) 10 ( 3.05)
3 1.5588 1.9278 End (41.3) 1% 9kW 170 ( 77.11) 323 ( 146.51) 20 (6.10)
3 1.5588 1.9278 Center (79.4) 31
4 12 kW 204 ( 92.53) 399 ( 180.98) 20 ( 6.10)
4 2.1332 3.2903 End (41.3) 1% 9kW 227 ( 102.97) 433 ( 196.41) 30 ( 9.14)
4 2.1332 3.2903 Center ( 79.4) 31
4 12 kW 260 ( 117.93) 509 ( 230.88) 30 ( 9.14)
6 3.3028 5.1888 End ( 41.3) 1% 9kW 340 ( 154.22) 654 ( 296.65) 50 ( 15.24)
6 3.3028 5.1888 Center ( 79.4) 31
4 12 kW 373 ( 169.19) 730 ( 331.12) 50 ( 15.24)
'Power split is 50/50 vertical and horizontal only. Beam tilt and null fill, are available as extra cost options on center fed antennas, but will
change the gain figures given above and may reduce the power rating.
2End feeding is done with a6ft ( 1.83m) matching transformer section. Center feeding of an odd number of bays is done at apoint one-half bay
below the center of the antenna. 10 ft ( 3.05m) matching transformer is connected to an elbow at the center feed point and extends downward.
3Windload based on 50/33 psf ( 244.1/161.1 kgm). Brackets are included in weight and windload calculations.
Special power splits, other than
50/50 ( vertical and horizontal) beam
tilt and null fill are available at
extra cost. Radomes are also
available to reduce the effect of ice
on the VSWR of the antenna.
Frequency Range: 88 to 108 MHz,
factory tuned to one frequency
Polarization: Circular ( clockwise)
Power Gain: See tables
Azimuthal Pattern: ± 2dB in
free space, both horizontal
and vertical
Ellipticity: ± 3dB in free space
VSWR at Input ( without field
tuning): 1.1:1 top mounting, 1.5:1
or better side mounting
VSWR at Input (with field tuning):
1.1:1 or better
The rings of the antenna are (see tables for rest of specifications)
G4CPM Medium Power
Circularly Polarized mounted on 15/s" line but the
FM Antenna center feed point is a31
2 "
/ ETA,
The G4CPM medium power 50 ohm flange. A 10 ft. matching
antenna is arugged antenna but transformer is connected to an
lower in weight, windloading and elbow at the center feed point and
power handling capability than the extends downward from this point.
G4CPH antenna. This antenna is Factory-installed deicers are
built in 4to 12 bays and is designed available in powers of 300 and 500
to handle powers up to 12 kW watts per bay. Specify 120 or
input. The G4CPM is designed to 230-volt operation when ordering.
withstand wind velocities to 150 Shielded interbay heater cable and
miles per hour. All of these junction boxes are supplied as a
antennas are center fed, if an even part of the heater system. Heater
number of bays, or at apoint weight, including junction boxes
one-half bay below the center of the and cable is 7lb per bay. Heaters
antenna if an odd number of bays. are field replaceable.
The low dead weight and wind
loading make this antenna ideally
suited for mounting on lightweight
tower structures.
% 61
Orders for the G4D should 'Bible 1gives typical gain figures as aguide in determining the
for each of the patterns shown. number of bays required. The gain
specify the desired true azimuth
orientation, maximum ERP Table 2lists the pole length for figures will vary with the pattern
permitted, radiated power each antenna type, height of the shape, and the exact gain figures
limitations and their true electrical center above the support are determined when the final
orientation, transmission line tower, weight, wind loading, etc. antenna pattern is achieved.
efficiency (or type of transmission *The directional antenna may be The power gain for the vertical
line and length), and the purchased without the pole only on polarization component may be less
transmitter power output aspecial quotation basis; an added than the horizontal polarization
capability. Such antenna pattern engineering charge will be made, component since it will differ abit
requirements are normally specified and cost of the pole deducted from in shape. The RMS of the vertically
by the station consultant. A copy of the total price. polarized component can not
the FCC construction permit should exceed the RMS of the vertically
Note: The listed power gain figures
be provided with the order. polarized component. In the
are approximate only, but are useful
case of educational channels,
the vertically polarized component
can not exceed the horizontally
polarized component at
any azimuth.
Number Maximum Power Gain Maximum Power Gain Maximum Power Gain Maximum Power Gain
of Bays Horiz Vert Horiz Vert Horiz Vert Horiz Vert
Note: The listed power gain figures are approximate only, but are useful as aguide in determining the number of bays required. The gain figures will
vary with the pattern shape, and the exact gain figures are determined when the final antenna pattern is achieved.
The power gain for the vertical polarization component may be less than the horizontal polarization component since it will differ abit in shape.
The RMS of the vertically polarized.component can not exceed the RMS of the vertically polarized component. In the case of educational channels,
the vertically polarized component can not exceed the horizontally polarized component at any azimuth.
G4D-1A 0.75 0.68 -1.22 1.67 12 (4.1) 1% (6) 20 (275) 606 (361) 796 (1327) 9595 (4.8) 16 (23) 9
G4D-1B 0.75 0.68. -1.22 1.67 20 (7.9) 3% (6) 20 (284) 626 (372) 832 (1383) 10000 (4.8) 16 (23) 9
G4D-2A 1.62 1.47 2.11 1.66 12 (4.1) 1% (9) 30 (1016) 2240 (826) 1821 (4152) 30024 (6.4) 21 (43) 17
G4D-2B 1.62 1.47 2.11 1.66 40 (7.9) 3/
1 (9) 30 (1025) 2260 (842) 1856 (4231) 30593 (6.4) 21 (43) 17
G4D-3A 2.50 2.25 3.98 3.53 12 (4.1) 1% (12) 40 (1358) 2994 (1160) 2557 (7595) 54917 (7.9) 26 (43) 17
G4D-3B 2.50 2.25 3.98 3.53 40 ( 7.9) 343 (12) 40 (1367) 3014 (1176) 2593 (7700) 55682 (7.9) 26 (43) 17
G4D-4A 3.39 3.06 5.30 4.86 12 (4.1) 1% (15) 50 (1926) 4245 (1583) 3490 (12351) 89308 (9.4) 31 (43) 17
G4D-4B 3.39 3.06 5.30 4.86 40 ( 7.9) 3/
1 (15) 50 (1935) 4265 (1599) 3526 (12482) 90254 (9.4) 31 (43) 17
G4D-5A 4.29 3.88 6.33 5.88 12 (4.1) 1% (19) 62 (2677) 5901 (2123) 4680 (21189) 153210 (11.5) 38 (43) 17
G4D-5B 4.29 3.88 6.33 5.88 40 ( 7.9) 3/
1 (19) 62 (2685) 5921 (2139) 4716 (21354) 154407 (11.5) 38 (43) 17
G4D-6A 5.19 4.68 7.15 6.70 12 (4.1) 1% (22) 72 (3609) 7956 (2505) 5523 (28795) 208204 (13.1) 43 (43) 17
G4D-6B 5.19 4.68 7.15 6.70 40 (7.9) 3/
1 (22) 72 (3618) 7976 (2522) 5559 (28985) 209581 (13.1) 43 (43) 17
G4D-7A 6.05 5.46 7.81 7.37 12 (4.1) 1% (25) 82 (4196) 9250 (2880) 6350 (37523) 271315 (14.6) 48 (43) 17
G4D-7B 6.05 5.46 7.81 7.37 40 ( 7.9) 3/
1 (25) 82 (4205) 9270 (2897) 6386 (37738) 272872 (14.6) 48 (43) 17
G4D-8A 6.93 6.26 8.41 7.96 12 (4.1) 1% (28) 92 (5128) 11305 (3262) 7192 (47459) 343159 (16.1) 53 (43) 17
G4D-8B 6.93 6.26 8.41 7.96 40 (7.9) 3% (28) 92 (5137) 11325 (3278) 7227 (47692) 344847 (16.1) 53 (43) 17
Pattern 1 Pattern 2
330° o 30° 30° 0 330°
30° o 330° 330° 0 30°
60 0
300° 50°
300° 60° 300° •
270' 90° 270°
90° 270° 90°
Pattern 3 Pattern 4
30° 330° 30° o 330°
330° 30° 330° o 30°
Transmission Lines
Continental can supply
transmission lines and accessories
for use in flexible (foam or air
dielectric) and rigid applications.
Each production length of cable is
Andrew Rigid
tested for pulse reflection, high
voltage, leakage, and continuity.
Air dielectric cables are pressure
checked before shipment to the job
site, and are shipped with dry air
pressure. Cable lengths are
normally custom cut; fittings are
attached at the factory. Standard
cutting tolerance is — O + 2percent;
closer tolerance is available on
special order.
Andrew Air Heliax If desired, coaxial cables
can be phase-stabilized to
provide arepeating or "stable"
phase-temperature characteristic.
This stabilization is accomplished
by heat-treating the cable at
the factory.
Continental can supply any cable
item produced by Andrew,
Cablewave, Phelps Dodge, or
Prodlein; including Andrew 4" air
Andrew Foam Heliax
dielectric Heliax line for high power
FM applications, and Cablewave
TypeHCC 312-50J 31 /"air Wellflex
cable. Following are some of the
most commonly used items.
Flexible line, foam dielectric:
38", 1
/", 7/
2 8", 1/
Flexible line, air dielectric:
78", 1%", 3", 3/", 4", 5"
Cablewave Rigid
Typical Installations
Flexible Line
Rigid Line
90 ° ELBOW
90 ° ELBOW
Sampling Loop
The 601 series fixed phase sampling
loops manufactured by Electronic
Reasearch, Inc., sample the phase
relationship of rf energy in the 550
to 1600 kHz range. The sensitivity
is adjustable by varying the fixed
position of the shorting bar
provided. The loops are constructed
of heavy stainless steel and
terminate in aType N female plug.
Two sizes are available: 48" x 12";
91" x 12.
Type 425, 426, 427 Isolation Units
Frequency: 88 to 108 MHz
VSWR: Less than 1:05:1 at the
station frequency.
Bandwidth: Over 2MHz between
1.1:1 VSWR points, 50 ohm load
FM power: Type 425: 25 kW, 50
ohm line.
Type 426: 40 kW, 50 ohm line
Type 427: 50 kW, 50 ohm line
AM peak voltage: 40,000 volts.
AM shunt capacity to ground:
Approximately 60 to 70 pf
Lightning protection: Heavy-duty
dc shorts between inner and outer
conductors on input and output
Connectors: Type 425: 31/ 8" ( 7.9 cm)
male input; 31/ 8" ( 7.9 cm)
female output
Type 426: 3'/8" ( 7.9 cm) male
input; 31/8" ( 7.9 cm) female output
Type 427: 6'/8" ( 15.6 cm) male
input; 6i/8" ( 15.6 cm)
AM/FM Isolation Transformers Specifications: female output
Isolation transformers are designed Type 403-403A Isolation Weight: Type 425: 256 lb ( 116 kg)
to couple the FM power across the Transformers Type 426: 300 lb ( 136 kg)
base insulator of atransmitting Frequency: 88 to 108 MHz Type 427: 325 lb ( 146.25 kg)
tower used jointly as an AM and VSWR: Less than 1.05:1 at the Length: Type 425: 44" ( 111 cm)
FM radiator without introducing a station frequency. Type 426: 44" ( 111 cm)
mismatch into the FM feedline. An Bandwidth: Over 2MHz between Type 427: 51" ( 129.54 cm)
isolation transformer is especially 1.1:1 VSWR points, 50 ohm load Diameter: Type 425: 28 1 /" ( 72 cm)
desirable for feeding high FM power: 10 kW, 50- ohm line. Type 426: 28 1 / " ( 72 cm)
impedance AM directional antenna AM peak voltage: 7500 volts. Type 427: 28 1 /" ( 72 cm)
system which might be adversely AM shunt capacity to ground: Mounting: Cradle supplied with 3"
affected by a "bazooka" type Approximately 200 pf (7.6 cm) pipe flange on bottom.
isolation system. Each unit is Lightning protection: Quarter- wave Pipe stand not supplied.
factory tuned to station shorted stubs on input Pressurization: 10 lb ( 4.5 kg) line
FM frequency. and output. pressure maximum pass through.
70 %
Mark 8
8Channel Studio Console
Microphones: Nominal 150 ohms
Medium Level: Nominal 150
600 ohms
Microphones: — 50 dBm nominal
Medium Level: — 10 dBm
Number of Inputs: 26
medium level
Any two inputs may be strapped
for microphones
Level: ± 18 dBm nominal ± 30
dBm maximum
Impedance: 600 ohms
Mono Mix Output: 8dBm — 600
ohms ( 212P-2 Only)
Level: 25 watts rms into
8-ohm load
Impedance Total load must no be
less than 8ohms
Level: 5watts rms into
8-ohm load
Impedance: 4ohms minimum
— 125 dBm in 20-kHz bandwidth
Distortion: Less than 0.5%
Less than 0.25% IM
(60 Hz and 700 Hz: 4:1)
Response: ± 1.0 dB 30 Hz to 15 kHz
Power Source: 120/240 volts 50/60
Hz ac
Size: 9" ( 228.6 mm)H
34" ( 863.6 mm)W
18 1
/" (463.55 mm)D
Weight: 65 lb ( 29.25 kg)
Power supply
Size: 10" ( 254 mm)H
4.56" ( 115.82 mm)W
6.72" ( 170.69 mm)D
Weight: 15 lb ( 6.75 kg)
Machine control ( optional)
Size: 2.81" ( 71.37 mm)H
8.82" ( 224.03 mm)W
15.65" ( 397.51 mm)D
Weight: 2lb ( 0.90 kg)
Continental Rock 10 10-Channel modular amplifiers for program, •A digital timer with large, legible
Audio Console monitor, headphone and cue — numbers, is located in the center of
The Rock 10 is an exceptionally each with complete R.F.I. shielding the console. Count-up timer can be
engineered audio mixer: and separate fusing to protect strapped to automatically reset
•It can handle inputs from atotal of solid-state components. each time anew channel is
30 stereo or monaural sources Gold-plated contacts assure selected. The timer can be started
(microphones, turntables, carts, positive, noise- free connections. and stopped by an external
casettes, reel-to-reel decks). machine; it can be used in
The remarkable quietness of the
•It can assign any of these inputs production work as acumulative
Rock 10 is also due to its separate
to one of two "programs" (for timer for recording multiple cuts
external power supply which keeps
on-the-air or for taping, on asingle tape; it has front panel
transformer hum away from audio
for example). switches for manual resetting
circuits. There are provisions for
•And it processes these signals with and selecting internal or
muting, warning lights, and even
virtually no distortion and an auxiliary input and output. external modes.
astounding transparent quality. •Additional microphone
Options to the Rock 10 include:
In the Rock 10 you'll find the best of pre-amplifiers.
•Machine control interface ( MCI)
old and new— from push-button •Audition circuit for recording news
gives Rock 10 ability to handle
actuated, solid-state audio switches or network feeds or adjusting
start/stop operation of turntables,
(eliminating pops and clicks) and inputs in advance of airing.
cart decks, reel to reel machines.
multi- colored LED's to Fresnel •Mono mix-down (providing
The MCI can control up to 12
lenses and true rotary- step automatic AM feed when
internally programmed functions
attenuators. It's an amazing simulcasting in stereo).
to provide either momentary ( cart
package, the Rock 10.
decks) or latching (turntables)
And it's packed with sensible, action. Internal plug-in jumpers
sophisticated features, such as: are arranged for normally- open or
•Individual stereo meters for stereo normally- closed contact operation.
channels Program 1and Program The MCI is programmed by hand
2 (internally-lit, with quick- wiring at installation, but can be
to-spot numbers). reprogrammed for future
•Individually gain-controlled operation changes.
Rock 10
10 Channel Studio Console
Console Program:
30 stereo
10 stereo
OdBm 600 ohms balanced ( 30
stereo) Microphone
Preamplifiers — 50 dBm 150
ohms balanced
+18 dBm 600 ohms balanced
±0.5 dB 50 - 15,000 Hz
0.25% THD 50 - 15,000 Hz
0.25% IMD ( 4:1 SMPTE)
75 dB below + 18 dBm high level
— 125 dB Equivalent Input
Noise Microphone
Headphone and Monitor Amplifiers
(stereo, per channel)
Monitor 25 watts into 8ohms
Headphone 5watt headphone
±1.0 dB 50 - 15,000 Hz
0.25% THD
0.25% IMD ( SMPTE)
Size: 10" ( 254 mm)H
46" ( 1066.8 mm)W
20" ( 508 mm)D
Weight: 110 lbs ( 49.9 kg)
including power
Total: 5Mono
With Cue: 5
Type: Step Attenuator
Standard Factory Equipped:
Mic.: 2
Hi Level: 12
Optional Maximum:
Mic.: 4
Hi- Level: 14
Total: 14
Input Impedance:
Mic.: 150 ohms source, Trans. Bal.
Hi- Level: 600 ohms, Trans. Bal.
Input Levels
Mic.: selectable: -45 dBm, -55
dBm, -65 dBm
Hi- Level: 10 dBm
Program: ( + 8dBm = 0VU)
clipping level above + 22 dBm
Monitor: 3(à: 12 watts total
Cue: 1 @ 1watt with 5" internal
Headphones: 1, switchable
between Program or Cue
Program: 600 ohms, Trans. Bal.
Monitor: 2to 8ohms
Headphones: 200 ohms and up
Frequency Response:
Program: ± 1.0 dB 20 Hz + 20kHz
Monitor: ± 1.5 dB 20 Hz + 15kHz
Power Requirements:
Voltage: 117 Vac ( 234 Vac
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Power: 60 watts
Size: 9" ( 228.6 mm)H
10 3
/ " ( 501.65 mm)W
LPB Signature II Both the stereo and mono consoles 15" ( 381 mm)D
LPB's Model S-12 and S- 14A are five place output master level controls Weight: 29 lb ( 13.05 kg)
channel consoles ( stereo or mono) within convenient reach ( the same
with features normally found in holds true for program, headphone,
much larger units. 14 transformer- and cue gain controls). LED peak
coupled audio inputs ( 2mic, 12 line) level indicators— located in the VU
can be fed to either model. meters— are standard; they may be
Additional mic's can be connected adjusted to fire at various
with simple plug-in pre-amps. thresholds.
Muting monitors is asnap; the cue These units from LPB have cabinets
system is easy to operate ( including of 0.125" aluminum, with textured,
level control and a5inch speaker); scratch- resistant exteriors and gold
and the internal monitor amplifier anodized interiors.
is switch- selectable to monitor
either "program" or two external
monitor inputs.
Broadcast Audio
Corp. System 12 is an expandable, Operator conveniences include Outputs: 3balanced stereo line, 1
completely modular broadcast 4inch log taper slide faders for balanced mono line, plus stereo
mixer, with unprecedented features extremely accurate tracking cue, phone and monitor outputs.
and performance. It was designed between channels. In addition to a Output Levels: Line Outputs 8dBm
exclusively for broadcast and is not cue detent position on the fader, into 600 ohms for 0VU
ascaled down version of recording there is aseparate button for cueing indication, 24 dBm maximum
or sound reinforcement equipment, when the fader is up. The stereo cue output. Phones 1watt into 4
so it performs flawlessly even in amplifier is an industry first! The ohms. Cue 5watts into 8ohm
high RF environments. panel layout is easily understood external speakers. Monitor 0.5
and apleasure to operate. volts into 10K load.
An elegant low profile appearance Frequency Response: Within 1dB,
is accented by solid walnut end SYSTEM 12 features DC audio
20-20,000 Hz, mic input to
panels and armrest. This mixer sits switching, using LCR's for
line output.
on top of the desk and does not completely quiet audio control. This
also enables each mixing channel to Harmonic Distortion: Line Outputs
require recessed mounting, so it's less than 0.15% THD 20-20,000
easy to install, with all connections be turned off and on from aremote
location, such as an announce Hz (typically less than 0.05%
made from the top.
studio or news booth. rIbn plug-in at 1KHz).
SYSTEM 12 is amodel of IM Distortion: Line Outputs less
relays, with switch selection of
engineering simplicity, using than 0.05% SMPTE.
maintained or momentary contacts,
motherboard construction, with Noise: 70 dB below + 8dBm output,
can be used for muting or remote
only 2types of amplifier modules referenced to — 55 dBm input,
start from any combination
and aplug-in interconnecting 20-20,000 Hz unweighted.
harness. Two independent of mixers.
Equivalent input noise
industrial grade power supplies are Specifications
—125 dBm.
rack mounted in acommon housing, Mixers: 8standard, 12 maximum
Power: 117 volts, 5/60 Hz ( 230 volts
with front panel AC and DC status (log taper slider).
indicators. The power supply is Inputs: 24 standard, 36 maximum
Size: 35W x 8.75H x 25D ( inches).
short circuit proof and an optional (3 per mixer).
Shipping Weight: 110 pounds.
redundant supply is also available. Input Impedance: 150 Ohms mic,
600 ohms line. Transformer
balanced, switch selected.
Input Levels: — 55 dBm mic, OdBm
line ( sensitivity adjustable
±10 dB).
Broadcast Audio
Corp. System 16 is an expandable, Operator conveniences include Input Levels: — 55 dBm mic, 0dBm
completely modular broadcast 4inch log taper slide faders for line ( sensitivity adjustable
mixer, with unprecedented features extremely accurate tracking ±10 dB).
and performance. It was designed between channels. In addition to Outputs: 3balanced stereo line, 1
exclusively for broadcast and is not acue detent position on the fader, balanced mono line, plus stereo
ascaled down version of recording there is aseparate button for cueing cue, phone and monitor outputs.
or sound reinforcement equipment, when the fader is up. The stereo cue Output Levels: Line Outputs 8dBm
so it performs flawlessly even in amplifier is an industry first! The into 600 ohms for 0VU
high RF environments. panel layout is easily understood indication, 24 dBm maximum
An elegant low profile appearance and apleasure to operate. output. Phones 1watt into 4
is accented by solid walnut end SYSTEM 16 features DC audio ohms. Cue 5watts into 8ohm
panels and armrest. This mixer sits switching, using LCR's for external speakers. Monitor 0.5
on top of the desk and does not completely quiet audio control. This volts into 10K load.
require recessed mounting, so it's also enables each mixing channel to Frequency Response: Within 1dB,
easy to install, with all connections be turned off and on from aremote 20-20,000 Hz, mic input to line
made from the top. location, snch as an announce output.
SYSTEM 16 is amodel of studio or news booth. Ten plug-in Harmonic Distortion: Line Outputs
engineering simplicity, using relays, with switch selection of less than 0.15% THD 20-20,000
motherboard construction, with maintained or momentary contacts, Hz ( typically less than 0.05%
only 2types of amplifier modules can be used for muting or remote at 1KHz).
and plug-in interconnecting start from any combination IM Distortion: Line Outputs less
harness. Two independent of mixers. than 0.05% SMPTE.
industrial grade power supplies are Specifications Noise: 70 db below + 8dBm output,
rack mounted in acommon housing, Mixers: 8standard, 16 maximum referenced to — 55 dBm input,
with front panel AC and DC status (log taper slider). 20-20,000 Hz unweighted.
indicators. The power supply is Inputs: 24 standard, 48 maximum Equivalent input noise
short circuit proof and an optional (3 per mixer). —125 dBm.
redundant supply is also available. Input Impedance: 150 Ohms mic, Power: 117 volts, 50/60 Hz ( 230
600 ohms line. Transformer volts optional).
balanced, switch selected. Size: 44W x 8.75H x 25D ( inches).
Shipping Weight: 120 pounds
(2 containers).
10 81
Logitek Models 50/50 And 15/15 Logitek settles for nothing less 4ohms: 15 watts
Audio Power Amplifiers than the finest materials and Frequency Response ( 20 hz-
The extraordinary clarity and components— and all circuits are 20 khz): :_f_-0.25 dB
fidelity of these amplifiers from easily accessible for the rare Total Harmonic Distortion:
Logitek can be explained only maintenance which may -typical: 0.03%
by superb engineering and be required. -maximum: 0.20%
manufacturing quality control. One
Logitek amplifiers are available Signal/Noise (ref. rated
indication of the caliber of these power): 85 dB
in mono or stereo models.
units is their striking signal-to-
Specifications Gain Power Bandwidth: 100 khz
noise ratios ( 92 db for the 50/50,
Overload Protection: speaker fuse
85 db for the 15/15); and that's o'er MONO- 50 50/50 Muting: SPST switch- closure or
afrequency response range of RMS Power Per Channel ( load 3-24 VDC control signal
20-20 khz. 4ohms: 50 watts Input Impedance: 50,000 ohms
Logitek amplifiers are as FrequencS,Response ( 20 hz- unbalanced
dependable as they are true— 20 khz): ± 0.25 dB
Size: 312 " (88.9 mm)H
whether they're part of broadcast or Total Harmonic Distortion:
19" (482.6 mm)W
production systems. Their unique -typical: 0.08%
7" ( 177.8 mm)D
power- sensing protection circuits -maximum: 0.15%
limit maximum output power to a Signal/Noise ( ref. rated
safe level— even under improper power): 92 dB
load conditions. And they run with Gain Power Bandwidth: 200 khz
minimum heat — thanks to Overload Protection: Automatic
proprietary solid-state design and power limit circuit plus
conservatively- rated heat sinking. speaker fuse
Automatic muting circuits are Muting: SPST switch- closure or
standard. Inputs and outputs are 3-24 VDC control signal
connected through guarded, wire- Input Impedance: 50,000 ohms
capturing terminal blocks. This unbalanced
means fast installation without MONO-15 15/15
solder or connectors. RMS Power Per Channel ( load
Wow and Flutter: Less than 0.3% Weight; 5.9 lb. ( including rubber
Rumble: 38 dB below NAB level matting), Moment of inertia; 130
Size: 15 1/" ( 39.4 cm)H
lb • in 2
15 5/8" ( 39.4 cm)W
Turntable speed: 33 1 / ,45 and
71/" ( 13 cm)
78.26 rpm
below chassis Speed adjustment range: ± 9.9% in
Unit Weight: 20 lb ( 9kg) 0.1% steps
Starting torque: 2.61 lb • in
Start-up time: 0.4 sec. to 33 1 / rpm
platter rim. with the accuracy of quartz, makes Weight: 13.7 lb ( 6.17 kg)
•Fast acceleration ( 1
/6of a
2 the SP- 15 an outstanding value.
revolution at 33 rpm, Vio at 45). •ultra-stable rotation
•Solid cast aluminum chassis, •very low rumble
oilite bronze bearing, Lord •virtually perfect speed
shock mounts. •reaches 33 1/3 rpm from standstill
in 0.4 second
The Studio- Pro has both 33 and 45
•quartz synthesizer pitch control
rpm ( Cue- Master adds 78) and is
which allows increases/decreases
the heavier of the models ( 20 lbs
in speed in 0.1% increments
total vs. 16 lbs, with a61/ lbs.
within arange of -± 9.9%
platter vs 51/ lbs.) Because of this
added heft, the Studio-Pro has The SP- 15 is acoustically dead and
superb wow and flutter specs ( less highly immune to feedback. The TECHNICS SP-25 Quartz
than 2/io of 1% vs. less than 3/
10of power supply is aswitching or Synthesizer Controlled Direct
1% for the Cue Master). Both far "pulsed" type supply, operating with Drive Turntable
exceed NAB standards for rumble a20 kHz signal in place of the Technics quality in abasic
(minus 38 db down and minus 36 db normal 60 Hz ac line frequency: turntable without frilss makes
for the Studio- Pro and Cue- thus avoiding potential the SP- 25 very cost-effective.
Master, respectively). hum- induction problems. A •Quartz-controlled servo system.
mechanical/electrical braking •Platter speed adjustment up or
down within ± 6% of rated speed. And these are good-looking yet systems and for use with all Shure
•Reaches 33 1/ 3 rpm from standstill sturdy tone arms, too— with high trackability cartridges
in 0.7 seconds. impregnated wood bodies, high tracking at up to 11/ grams.
•Electronic braking system slows strength lamination, plug-in •Ultra- low friction pivot points
platter down quickly, then releases memory balancing heads, sapphire •Very low overall mass
to permit back-cueing. jewel bearings, and fluid anti-skate •Low distortion
•Platter is damped on the underside mechanisms. Tracking error from •Precise/accurate adjustments
to shut- out vibrations. 3.0 to 5.5 ranges from 0° to 2°. for every factor related to
Type: Quartz synthesizer 303: 12" ( 30.4cm) precise tracking
direct drive 306: 16" ( 40.6cm) •Accepts cartridges weighing
Motor: Ultra-low-speed, brushless, 4to 9grams and allows positive
DC motor tracking force adjustment in
Pitch control: All quartz- locked 1/
4-gram increments
control within ±- 6% range •Hydraulic cueing control
Turntable platter: Aluminum 3009: Non-removeable shell
diecast, Diameter; 13"/32", 3009/S2: Removeable shell
Weight; 4.4 lb. ( including S2: Extra shell for 3009/S2
rubber matting)
Ihrntable speed: 33 1 / and 45 rpm
SHURE SME - III Pickup Arm
Starting torque: 1.3 lb • in
Probably the best pickup arm in
Start-up time: 0.7 sec. to 33 1 / rpm
the world. Arm is constructed of
Braking system: Electronic brake
Nitrogen-hardened titanium; and ATP-12T
Speed fluctuation due to load
has asoft core with internal fibrous
torque: 0% within 1.0 lb • in
lining. It offers incomparable high
Wow & flutter: 0.025% WRMS (JIS
fidelity performance. lilt-
C5521), ± 0.035% peak ( IEC
•Unique balance system handles
98A weighted)
cartridges weighing from 0to
Rumble: — 56 dB DIN A ( IEC 98A
12 grams ATP-16T
unweighted), — 78 dB DIN B ( IEC
•Positive tracking adjustment thru
98A weighted)
rack and pinion
Size: 35/ 32" ( 80.17 mm)H
•Main pillar hardened and ground Audio-technica Model ATP- 12
13 3
/ " ( 349.25 mm)W
•Low friction pivots and ATP- 16 Stereo Tone Arms
14 41/64" ( 371.87 mm)D
•Precise tracking; 0to 15 grams ATP Professional Series tone arms
Weight: 10.6 lb (4.77 kg)
fine adjustment; 1gram have been specially designed to
coarse adjustment meet the needs of broadcasters.
•Bias ( antiskating) fine adjustment Dimensions are precise for
graduated from 0to 2.5 grams accurate tracking. Sealed ball-
•Fluid-damped raising and bearings insure smooth movement.
lowering control Installation is straightforward;
•Output: twin phono sockets plus compact dimensions assure
separate ground maximum versatility. Wide range
•All electrical contacts gold-plated of adjustments permits mounting
3009: Series III to almost any turntable.
S3CA-1SME: Extra headshell Models ATP- 12 and ATP-16
and carrier tube are identical except for overall
length. The ATP- 16 offers reduced
MICRO-TRAK 303-306 tracking error and the ability to
Tacking is central to tone arm accommodate 16" transcriptions.
evaluation— and the Micro-trak •Sealed ball-bearing pivots
Models 303 and 306 excel here: •Accurate, built-in VTF guage
With 1/10th of agram capabilities •Gold-plated connectors throughout
and resonance below 10 hz, these •Pre-wired, color-coded, low
instruments stand out for capacity cable with ground lug
professional broadcasters — •Decoupled counterweight shaft for
whether they be engineers or arm resonance control
managers ( who also will find SHURE SME - II Pickup Arm ATP- 12: 14- 1
/6" ( 357mm)
virtually no down-time an Recommended for all high quality ATP- 16: 15- 5/
64" ( 383mm)
important feature).
V 85
•Both flat and RIAA response. up). Stereo and mono units are
•Electronically-balanced 600 ohm available in either model— all
output with levels, curves and boasting 20-15 kHz response,
filters reachable from front of unit. —103 dbm equivalent noise, less
•Specially shielded case. than 0.1% thd, and output
maximum of + 18 dbm with 600
ohms ( + 22 dbm no load).
Single 29" ( 73.66 crn)H
pedastal 22" ( 55.88 cm)W
cabinet: 24" ( 60.96 cm)D
No charge for cut-outs, if
template supplied w/order.
Blank panels available for front.
Comes with standard E.I.A.
tapped rails. Grinnan cabinets
Size, Grinnan turntable cabinets have
Double 29" ( 73.66 cm di drop-down door at front of cabinet
pedestal 42" ( 106.68 cm)W for easy access to turntables and
cabinet: 24" ( 60.96 cm)D pre-amplifiers; record storage is
No charge for cut-outs, if below access door. Shelf above
template supplied w/order. turntables holds empty envelopes or
Blank panels available for front. next record to play. Shelf is
Comes with standard E.I.A. supported by 1" square tubular steel
tapped tails. frame above turntables.
i ' 44
la,f ,11, 1
ITC RP Series pulsing). The RP Series also lets The RP Series further features asix-
Recorder/Reproducer you add stop tones to previously position meter for operations such
Quite possibly the most outstanding recorded materials— or erase them as peak reading, program and cue
feature of this ITC cartridge with the defeat switch. Optional bias, cue play (to check cue tones).
machine is its combination of cue auxiliary 150 Hz and 8kHz tones The ITC deck has 0.2% RMS wow
tone add and defeat. With these permit the addition of "end of and flutter, maximum 2% thd, 55 db
switches, you can add a " stop" message" cues or controlling slide signal-to-noise, and afrequency
tone ( 1kHz) during recording or projectors in TV. Rapid cuing (4 response range of 50 Hz to 15 kHz.
playback— without going through times normal speed) lets you search Size: 51/4" ( 13.3 cm)H
In the space normally needed market today. 81/ " ( 21.6 cm)W
10 91
7 11•
' •
74. t
- Artrrerle MVP,. 7;)
; • ' . _ • • ••• • •• l ar ierPr..,. 741M
74 .. ,.k •
. .
Power: 117 V ac, 60 Hz, 275 watts at 600 ohms and + 20 dBu at
(50 Hz optional) 200 ohms.
Size: 19" ( 48.2 cm)W The PR-99 is sensible in its design,
24 1
/ " ( 62.2 cm)W
2 with easy access to all controls.
/ " ( 22.2 cm)D
Tape editing is unusually easy to
Weight: 100 lb ( 45.4 kg) do. Features include:
•Sel -
Sync on both channels.
•Internal bias, EQ, and level
calibration controls mounted
on asimple plane.
•Logic-controlled tape motion.
•Brushless ac motors with
direct-drive, servo-controlled
spooling motors.
The Revox PR-99 is functional,
durable and accurate.
Specifications: Revox B-77
Frequency Response measured via Revox has designed the B-77 series
tape, at — 20 VU: to be adaptable to avariety of tape
/ ips:
4 formats and recording demands
30 Hz... 16 kHz + 2/ — 3dB (including custom configurations, if
50 Hz 10 kHz ± 1.5 dB needed). But whether the speed be
/ ips:
2 extremely low (' 5/16ips) or broadcast
30 Hz... 20 kHz ± 2/ — 3dB standard 15 ips—or whether 1, 2, or
50 Hz 15 kHz ± 1.5 dB 4tracks are required— the B-77
15 ips: offers state-of-the-art technology
30 Hz... 22 kHz + 2/ — 3dB coupled with ease of operation.
50 Hz 18 kHz ± 1.5 dB Outstanding among the series
Wow and Flutter: ( DIN numerous features are:
45507/consistent with IEEE •3- motor tape drives.
standard 193-1971): •Wow and flutter of less and 0.08%
at 33/4 ips less than 0.1% at 7 + 1
/ ips.
at 71/ ips less and 0.08%
2 •10 + 1
Frequency Response Play or
Record/Play (Adjustments
optimized for 3M 176 tape:
15 ips:
60 to 20,000 Hz + 3dB
71/ ips:
30 to 18,000 + 3dB
33/ ips:
20 to 12,000 Hz 3dB
Amplifier Only (no tape):
20 to 20,000 Hz ± dB
Wow and Flutter:
0.22% DIN, 0.15% RMS or less
at 33/ ips
0.15% DIN, 0.1% RMS or less
at 71/ ips
0.15% DIN, 0.1% RMS or less
Telex-Magnecord 3000 Series at 15 ips
Recorder/Reproducer Tape Speed: Two speed switchs,
The 3000 Series combines current selectable 33 / - 71
4 / ips and 71
2 /
tape technology with traditional -15 ips
quality and reliability of Equalization: Per NAB open-reel
professional Magnecord broadcast standards (adjustable for most
equipment. standard or Hi output Lo noise
Three-motor unit accepts reels up to tapes) 33/ - 71
4 / ips as supplied,
10 1
/" (267 mm) with NAB type A or
2 71
/ - 15 ips by adjustment
type B hubs, and fits standard 19" Reel Size: 10 1/" (266:7 mm) and 7"
for 33/ - 71
4 / ips (
2 9.5 - 19 cm/s) 19" (483 mm)W
or 71/ - 15 ips ( 19 - 38 cm's)
2 10" (254 mm)D
operation. A hysteresis Weight,
synchronous drive motor Transport: Shipping 46 lbs.
maintains even tape speed (20.9 kg)
regardless of line voltage Net 39 Lbs. ( 17.7 kg)
•Transformer isolated CMOS logic
controls all tape motion smoothly
and positively. Computer-grade
push-buttons with adjacent LEDs
indicate operating mode.
•Automatic cycling.
•Automatic cue release.
•Interchangeable head blocks.
•RP85 record/reproduce
preamplifier offers excellent
performance and almost unlimited
Electro -Voice RE 50
Reporters— on the go, frequently in
less than desirable surroundings,
often with vexing sound problems:
Electro-Voice had them in mind in
designing the RE-50.
This omnidirectional mie is
shockproof, impervious to handling
noise and damage from mechanical
shock, and offers ahighly effective
pop filter. The low impedence RE-50
"hears" from 80 Hz to 13 kHz. Its
output is — 55 dB. Because of its
light weight (91/ oz.) and
exceptional strength (from
aluminum), the RE-50 is a
go-anywhere, take-any-pressure,
never-fail trouper.
Shure SM82:
hand-held line level
unidirectional mic
Self-contained mic has its own line
level amplifier, peak limiter and 9.8
volt battery. The SM82 is ideal for
applications/live remotes involving
long cable runs, even using
Shure SM63 unshielded cables. Built-in peak
looks and sounds great in front of limiter prevents overloading of mic
people and cameras. line amplifier or remote broadcast
This small, rugged omnidirectional amplifier. Rugged construction
dynamic mic has high output; can includes built-in "pop" and wind
be hand held or stand-mounted in filter; automatic switchover from
broadcast/recording studios; on simplex to battery power.
location for interviews and sports Frequency response: 40 to
broadcasts or on-stage and in 15,000 Hz
television productions. Frequency Weight: 14.4 oz ( 406 g)
Atlas Accessories
From Atlas' comprehensive line of
mic stands and other accessories,
Continental Electronics has
selected four top-of-the-line models.
Luxo arms are perfectly balanced to
carry microphones to any desired
position and remain there. LM-1
has a41-inch ( 104 cm) reach; LM-2 •SB-36 is aprofessional boom stand
26-inch ( 66 cm) reach. Mike weights with height ranging from 48" to
of 198 to 368 ( 7to 13 oz) can be 72" ( 121.9 cm- 157.5 cm). Boom is
accommodated. Heavier mike 62" ( 157.5 cm). This hefty, 36 lb ( 16
capacities are available on special kg) stand is exceptionally stable —
order. Order mounting brackets as in part because of its integral
aseparate item. (clamp bracket, air suspension system and its
wall bracket, horizontal accompanying boom counter-
mounting bracket.) balance. It is ahandsome unit,
with textured charcoal base and
Sennheiser Accessories chrome cover.
Sennheiser offers three mic stands
(the lightweight MZS 142, the taller
MZS 144, and the heavy-duty,
anti-vibration MZS 210). The latter
two extend from 33" to 62" (84 •The MS-25 stage and studio floor
cm- 158 cm), while the 142 can be stand is asolid 23 lb ( 10.4 kg)
raised from 16" to 54" (40.6-137.1 unit, extending from 38" to 67"
cm). All three accept the MZS 211 (96.5cm-170.2 cm). Because of its
boom arm. For desk or console integrated air suspension system,
applications, the MZT 421 stand it offers excellent mic counter-
is ideal. balance. It features oversize 11/ 8"
(2.9 cm) diameter tube assembly
Heavy duty shielded cable is •The DS-5and DS-7are desk with a5/ 8" ( 1.6 cm) -27 thread top
also offered with standard XLR stands. The 5is general purpose, adapter.
connectors at both ends. Sennheiser non-adjustable, and stands 4" ( 10
manufactures two wind screen/pop cm) tall from its base. The DS-7is
filters: the MZW 421 (made from adjustable from 8" to 13" (20.3
open cell sponge) and the cm-33 cm) from its 6" ( 15 cm) base.
fiberglass-reinforced polyester The stands weight 2and 3lbs,
MZW 22. respectively (0.9-1.3 kg).
Trimm Patchcords
Most widely used broadcast types.
Two live circuits go to tip when used
on balanced lines, grounded sleeves
of both plugs connected together
through shield. Standard
color black.
Sizes: 12" ( 30.5 cm)
24" ( 61.0 cm)
36" ( 91.4 cm)
Shown are some of the more and 68" high ( 75.25 cm x 75.25
frequently used modular units. cm x 172.72 cm).
Control console desk 30-minute cartridge cabinet
Sit-down style, CD-3695-L: Model BC-0550 holds 250
95" ( 241.30 cm) W 30-minute cartridges.
30" ( 76.20 cm) D 35 3/ " ( 90.81 cm) W
Studio Warning Lights Lazy Susan cartridge rack (213.36 cm) high. Pictured is
When lit, brilliant red lettering Model LS-0240 holds 240 Model GS-0748.
on jet black background can be cartridges, is available with Model GS-0724 holds 1200 7- inch
seen in even the brightest ambient 4" ( 10.16 cm) or 12" ( 30.48 cm) records, is 24" ( 60.96 cm) wide.
light conditions. Faceplate is base. Rack is 20" x 20" ( 50.80 Model GS-0736 holds 1800 7- inch
manufactured from unbreakable cm x 50.80 cm). records, is 36" ( 91.44 cm) wide.
plexiglas; the light includes lamps Model LS-0400 holds 400
Model GS-0747 holds 4200 7- inch
and mounting hardware. cartridges, is available with 4"
records, is 48" ( 121.92 cm) wide.
12 5/
8" (32.07 cm) deep and 84" (91.44 cm) wide.
(213.36 cm) high. Pictured is Model PC-0748
' holds 496 tapes,
Model GS-4812. is 75/
8" (19.37 cm) deep and 48"
This is Orban's second generation
compressor/limiter/stereo generator
—one that offers unsurpassed
loudness and brightness without
processing side effects.
The OPTIMOD-FM 8100A is a
system of components, including:
•aunique widebancl/multiband
compressor which can be
exceptionally transparent or as
punchy as you like:
•an innovative peak limiter with
total overmodulation control —
without overshoot, pumping,
clipping distortion, or aliasing;
•astereo generator— new in design
— with flawless performance.
Because the OPTIMOD-FM has
accessible controls and clear
instructions, you're free to tailor
your sound for the effect you
find best.
OPTIMOD-FM: self-contained,
state-of-the-art; and all you need for
the best FM signal possible.
Dorrough Model 310 outputs- 20-120 hz, 120-6.5 khz, The Discriminate Audio Processor
In one unit, Dorrough has combined 6.5-15 khz—ail with asubtle 3 expands through the control voltage
acompressor, alimiter, and an db/octave slope assuring agliding nullifying some 17 db of quiescent
equalizer for the studio transmitter tone from one band to the next. reduction— thus cutting hiss,
loop. The 310 Discriminate Audio Output from each filter is next fed rumble, and other unwanted noises.
Processor is as modern as can to the input of an individual Output from the three discriminate
be in its circuits, logic, and all processing system— each with a channels is then combined and
other parts. total capacity of from 17 db of amplified to produce acomposite,
The 310 has five quality signal expansion to 30 db of compression single signal, variable from ± 16db
processing systems: an EQ board, independent over the entire mW.
three AGC frequency controls, and audio spectrum. The 310's specs include a30-15 khz
an output peak limiter. Input is fed frequency response (± 1db), awide
to an active three way bandpass band 60 db signal-to-noise ratio,
filter network with three different and distortion of less than 1%.
Inovonics MAP II
•gated automatic gain control Still other advantages include a
Primarily for AM transmissions—
effectively erasing long-term input new integrated peak controller,
though expandable for FM stereo — level variations and establishing selectable low pass filter, built-in
Inovonics MAP II is asecond
constant RMS input values for pink noise source, portability, ease
generation multiband audio
subsequent processing stages; of installation, frequency response
processor which makes •amultiband compressor which of 50-15 khz, better than 65 db
transmission full, clean, and
guards against "swishing" or signal-to-noise, and thd of 0.3%
as loud as you like.
"phasing" effects; above 200 hz. All this in a 16 lb.,
Rs features are as impressive as •an inaudible phase-follower 7" x 19" x 19" package.
they are innovative: maintaining optimum
•aselectable high-pass filter with asymmetrical modulation without
three low-end frequency cut-offs "clicks" or "pops"
(50, 70, and 100hz);
FM Stero Ex-press Limiter The Ex-press has stereo
Audio & Design Recording input/output attenuators, variable
The FM Ex-press Limiter is a attack and release times and an auto
superb, compact compressor- release network. Ratios provided
limiter-expander, designed to are 1.5:1, 2:1, 5:1, and limit ( 20:1)
provide high quality, high level turning into alimit slope after 10dB
F.M. signals in 13
/ "of rack space.
4 of compression to ensure smooth
Function mode is controlled by overload protection. The softer
digital logic momentary switches ratios combine minimum dynamic
change with subtle compression
with no audio path contact to wear
ideal for "beautiful music" and
out. A memory system retains 'last
use' settings when switched off, "M.O.R.", while the tighter slopes,
with aseries of led indicators to with fast release, give extremely
show the status of functions when high modulation levels for
the unit is powered. maximum loudness and punch,
i.e. rock formats etc.
No worries about transients, the
C.C.C. ( clever clipper circuit) takes
care of those.
dbx Model 142 "encode" ( compressing input signal sound "live" so that program
The dbx 142 will permit recording by a2:1 ratio over a 100 db range), continuity is maintained and a
of spots, newsreports, interviews, "decode" ( expanding in precisely smooth sound is broadcast.
music, or anything else with no the same manner), and "by-pass" Thd is 0.1% typical, frequency
tape hiss whatsoever— whether the function select switches. There is response ranges from 30-20 Khz,
tape be cartridge or open-reel. no audible pumping, breathing, equivalent input noise is — 90 db
Employing proprietary circuitry, or other bothersome coloration typical. The 142 weighs aslight
the 142 provides aminimum of 30 of sound. 8lbs.
db broadband audio noise reduction The 142 does not eliminate hiss
with a 10% increase in system existing in previously recorded
headroom. This stereo unit features tapes. It does, however, let carts
dbx Model 165 competitive models— introduces release rates are built into the 165,
The 165 is considered by many to be nothing unwanted in programming. along with aspecial input to the
the most advanced compressor/ A balanced high impedance level detector to allow creation of
limiter in the world. It is monk- like differential input stage and an special effects.
in its silence, without ever being unbalanced out, terminating in a 20-20 khz frequency response,
heard, whether in compression or barrier strip, are used. This mono second harmonic distortion of
limiting mode. instrument is strappable for stereo 0.05%, variable output gain of
dbx engineers have incorporated operation ( amaster/slave switch —20 db to + 20 db, and a25 watt
the unique " Over Easy" is situated on the front panel). power consumption also distinguish
compression that — unlike Automatic or manual attack and the 165.
rr Doibv
Gregg Laboratories The system begins with avery slow band- limiting filtering and L + R
2560 AM Audio gated and weighted broad-band delay network are included. An
Broadcast Processor gain control amplifier with a24dB optional 5kHz filter is available.
The 2560 audio processor provides control range. The primary purpose
AM broadcasters aremarkably Audio performance
of this amplifier is to decrease
Frequency response: 40 to 12,000
clean, loud, high fidelity signal. noticeable operator level errors
Hz ± 0.5 dB with equalization
Gregg Laboratories has developed and/or STL protection. (Two
OFF, all VCAs, band- limiting
an all new AM audio processing isolated outputs are provided for the
and crossover filters IN.
system which will solve bandwidth optional broad-band gain control
reduction problems, as well as main frame.) The control circuitry Distortion: Less than 0.1 THD and
loudness and audio quality has audio controlled attack and IMD below broad-band and
problems faced by broadcasters. The release times and weights low multi-band gain reduction
frequency components to eliminate threshold and in disable.
Gregg Laboratories 2560 AM Audio
Broadcast Processor is offered to the severe gain changes on low Signal-to-noise: Better than — 75
broadcaster as acomplete AM frequency transients, which cause dB below 100% modulation at
broadcast audio processing system the traditional pumping effects. threshod of broad-band and
available in one complete package. The overall release time is switch multi-band gain reduction.
The 2560 includes abroad-band selectable between two fairly slow Power: 115/230 vac ±- 20%, 50/60
gain control, band-limiting filters, release times. Hz, 80 w
specialized equalization, a All processing status is displayed by Size: 19"W x 7"H x 15"D ( 48.26 cm
symmetry synthesizer, afive-band means of LED bar graphs. Inputs W x 17.78 cm H x 38.10 cm D)
compressor, afive-band clipper, and outputs are balanced or
low-pass filters, atransmitter unbalanced, and RFI suppressed.
phase/amplitude corrector, and two Instrumentation circuitry is utilized
line amplifiers. The system may be throughout. Gain control is
divided in two using the optional accomplished with voltage
main-frame to house the controlled amplifiers for accurate
broad-band gain control in the consistency and tracking. All filters
event an STL is utilized. have been computer generated for
The Gregg Laboratories 2560 is extreme accuracy. Stereo adaptation
designed to be fed flat, high quality is made possible by replacing mono
unprocessed material. No circuitry cards with stereo circuitry
pre-processing is necessary or cards. Multi-band processing is in
recommended, except for the the L + R, L — R format to insure
occasional touch-up of poor audio maximum modulation of the L + R
quality material. on mono receivers at all times.
All main frames are stereo;
the necessary matrix, L — R
Marti YC Antennas
The YC series of antennas is
ideal for mobile, portable or base
installations. Capable of handling
100 watts input power, the
antennas have an average gain of
9dB, rear signal rejection of 25 dB,
and may be either horizontally or
vertically polarized. Six different
Marti R-30/150 Receiver Marti R-50/450 Receiver
models are available ( depending on
This rack-mounted receiver mates This rack-mounted receiver mates frequency range selected).
with Marti's RPT-40 Transmitter, with Marti's RPT-25 Transmitter,
YC-153 Antenna
for operation in the range of 150 to for operation in the range of 450 to
(152.80 — 153.40 MHz)
172 MHz. A crystal filter provides 470 MHz. A crystal filter provides
YC-161 Antenna
maximum selectivity: 6dB at ± 17.5 maximum selectivity: 6dB at ± 17.5
(161.40 — 162.00 MHz)
kHz with a10.7/F30 filter module kHz with a10.7/F30 filter module
YC-166 Antenna
(other filters are available). Audio (other filters are available). Audio
(165.95 — 166.55 MHz)
output is 600 ohms at + 10 dB mW output is 600 ohms at + 10 dB mW
YC-170 Antenna
level. The receiver comes with level. The receiver comes with
(169.85 — 170.45 MHz)
provisions for dual frequency provisions for dual frequency
YC-450 Antenna
operation: second crystal and operation; second crystal and
(450.05 — 450.95 MHz)
switching assembly are extra switching assembly are extra
YC-455 Antenna
cost items. cost items.
(455.05 — 455.95 MHz)
N1OEIEL . 0E-101
111111111111r3 •
0 ELI"' AtOClA TES onsc. LUQAL eTt RECE,VISE reonEt. 1.Ct. 109
Moseley ICU-
Moseley PCL-101 System subcarrier capability, all solid-state
Consuming only 31 2 "of height in
/ circuits, modular construction,
Housed in tough epoxy-fiberglass
standard rack space, the PCL-101 front panel metering and ease of
tubes, these units from Moseley
STL is self contained (including servicing. The companion receiver
Associates help link remote pickup
power supply). Moseley pioneered is dual conversion superheterodyne,
transmitter or receiver or Aural
direct frequency modulation in with two complete IF •
STL transmitters or receivers to
aural STL, and the 101 series amplifier sections.
antennas mounted on ungrounded
incorporates it, along with FM
standard AM broadcast towers. The
efficiency of these couplers at
designed operating frequencies is
better than 90%. Using this series,
there is no need to employ aquarter
wavelength insulated transmission
line section when installing remote
pickups or STL antennae.
e e e #####
go it •a
e ail ins
Moseley MRC-1
This microprocessor-based system
incorporates 64 command lines, 32
telemetry channels, and 32 status
channels. Its keyboard calculations
and automatic logging also
distinguish it. And the MRC-1
is apersistent, nosey instrument,
checking all operations every four
seconds, performing internal
calibration procedures to assure
long, accurate, stable operation.
It is self-alarming, should
malfunction occur.
Among the MRC-1's other advanced
features are:
•random assignment of
control functions;
•cross-functioning channels to
allow indirect power calculations;
•automatic muting for main/
alternate or directional patterns
•elimination of potentiometers
through programmable
display tracking.
This Moseley instrument also
has optional long-term
memory available.
;OWL. •
- Off
IL 22
IL 23
OMITS 12 z,
« MOTE 12 ;
Moseley DRS- 1A Digital Remote contact closures and are typically Subaudible telemetry is optionally
vstems identified as Raise and Lower. The available. DRS-1A can be expanded
The basic DRS- 1A Digital Remote Raise and Lower command outputs to atotal of 20 or 30 telemetry
System is divided into three units— can switch external loads of up channels by the addition of Selector
Control Terminal, Remote Terminal to 50 watts, non-inductive at Units. System includes one each of
and Selector Units ( s). The Control potentials of 120V AC or DC. Control Terminal with command
Terminal is located at the remote Telemetry inputs accept aDC subcarrier generator ( frequency
control point, normally the studio sample voltage representing the to be specified), Remote Terminal
location in broadcast transmitter desired analog parameter. This DC with command and subcarrier
remote control. The Remote voltage is typically in the 1VDC to demodulator (frequency to be
Terminal and Selector Units 10 VDC range. specified) and Selector Unit.
are situated at the transmitter DRS-1A DIGITAL REMOTE Specifications:
site. Each Selector Unit provides SYSTEM— for operation over Power: 30 channel configuration;
10 telemetry/command channels, single voice-grade telephone line or Control Terminal 120/240 VAC,
which allow for field expansion or equivalent interconnecting circuits, 50-60 Hz, 30 W; Remote Terminal
tailoring of the DRS- 1A to fulfill to provide 10 telemetry/command 120/240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 35 W
specific channel requirements. A channels. DRS-1A can be expanded Control Terminal: 8.9 cm H ( 31 /") x
maximum of 30 channels (3selector to atotal of 20 or 30 telemetry/ 48.4 cm W ( 19") x 30.5 cm D ( 12")
units) may be used. command channels by the addition Remote Terminal: 8.9 cm H (31 /") x
Each telemetry/command channel of Selector Units. 48.4 cm W ( 19") x 25.4 cm D ( 10")
provides asingle telemetry function DRS-1A DIGITAL REMOTE Selector Unit: 4.4 cm H ( 13
/ ") x
and two command functions. These SYSTEM— for wireless operation 48.4 cm W ( 19") x 24.1 cm
command or control functions are with audible telemetry, to provide D (91/")
individual Form A, isolated dry 10 telemetry/command channels.
Oat** _WMIC1110011CS
svmlampww. :.040,44
40'00t o
" tst,
06 T2 0.877 Ra 741iFM1
07 T2- I30.3 Deg 75 FM2
08 13 0.750 Ra
09 T3 27.3 Deg 90 Fire
10 14 0.982 Ra
11 T4- 26.4 Deg
eq ,.›.1Tt4USS *AM
pdaVir •
Moseley Model TSK-3A -±15% of the normal plate voltage or accurate indications of modulation.
Temperature Sensing Kit current. The MBB-1 will withstand Input requirements are 60011
Providing an accurate means of peak voltages of 10,000 VDC above balanced, — 20 to + 10 dBm. Power
measuring transmitter building ground potential. External shunt is derived from the Model TRC-15A
inlet, exhaust, or similar air or series resistance required. analog Remote Control System,
temperatures, the TSK-3A earlier Moseley analog systems, or
Moseley Model RFK-1 AM RF
functions with all current Moseley an externally regulated supply of
Voltage Kit
Associates Remote Control and + and — 10 VDC at 15 ma.
This unit is an RF voltage- to- DC
Automatic Logging Systems. Moseley Model DC A-2 DC
converter and is useful for sampling
A truly linear indication of Amplifier
common- point or antenna base
temperature is provided — The DCA- 2DC Amplifier enables
currents of standard AM broadcast
no conversion table or graph the sampling of low-level or
or HF transmitters. The input
is required when read on an sensitive DC circuits such as are
coaxial cable functions as one leg of
appropriate analog meter scale or found in monitoring equipment and
acapacitor voltage- divider network
digital system. The TSK-3A senses RF reflectometers. Having a
to facilitate sampling awide range
air temperatures of — 20°C to floating input, the DCA- 2can
of RF voltages. The output is
+60°C. The temperature sensing accept apositive, negative, or
connected to the Remote Control
element within the TSK-3A is isolated- from- ground input.
System and is aDC voltage
socketed enabling extension fron 'Pwo separate outputs are provided
proportional to the antenna or
the unit up to 25 feet. A single- by the DCA- 2. The first of these is
feedline voltage.
conductor shielded cable with RCA simply alinear application of the
phono connector are used for this Moseley Models RFK-2 and
RFK-3 FM RF Voltage Kits input. Gain of the DCA- 2is such
extension. When the sensing that 10µA, applied to the
element is extended, temperatures These kits are designed to sample
the power output of FM or TV impedance strappable input ( 1of
of — 40 to + 80°C may be observed. 51(11), will produce an output of 1.5
A power supply is included for transmitters in an unpressurized
section of transmission line. The VDC, nominal. The second output
operation from a 120/240 VAC has been processed by amplitude-
50-60 Hz power source. RFK-2 is designed for a31 /"line,
and the RFK-3 is designed for a15/ 8"
squaring circuitry to perform the
Moseley Model TLK-2 Tower necessary linearity conversion to
line. These units are supplied with
Light Kit enable direct reading of power on
BNC-type output connectors so that
Designed to monitor AC currents, digital or linear- scale equipment.
shielded line may be used to
this sampling kit can be used for Gain and zero ( bias or offset)
minimize stray RF pickup on the
observation of tower light circuits controls are provided.
sampling line to the telemetry
or any other AC current. Inductive The operating temperature range of
system. Stainless steel, screw- lock
sampling by means of acurrent the DCA- 2is 0°C to + 60°C, with
straps are provided for attaching
transformer enables sampling over power requirements of 120/240
the unit to the line.
awide current range. As acurrent VAC, 50-60 Hz. An optional 19-
transformer is used, it is not Moseley Models PVK-1A,
PVK-1B and PVK-2 Plate inch, multiple unit, rack adaptor is
necessary to make aphysical also available. Individually, the
connection to the circuit being Voltage Kits
Plate voltages from lkV DC to DCA- 2is small- sized; 23 cm ( 9
sampled. inches) x 15 cm ( 6inches) x 5cm
20kV DC may be sampled by these
Moseley Model LVK-3 Line (2 inches).
kits. These units consist of awell-
Voltage Kit Moseley Model RMK-1
insulated resistor network. The
The LVK-3 enables operation of Reversible Motor Kit
PVK-1A samples 1-3kV DC; the
AC power mains or other AC power The RMK-1 contains areversible
PVK-1B samples 3-10kV DC; and
circuits. AC voltages in the range 120 VAC, 1rpm motor. Coupling
the PVK-2 samples 10-20kV DC.
of 120 VAC to 440 VAC may be can be made directly to a 1/"shaft
sampled by the LVK-3. Moseley Model MMA-1
Modulation Monitor Adaptor or through the 6" flexible shaft
Moseley Model MBB-1 Universal which is supplied with the unit. The
The MMA-1 provides aDC voltage
Plate Current Kit motor develops 120 inch- ounces of
output proportional to the audio
The MBB-1 can be used to sample torque and incorporates an
output of any modulation monitor.
either plate current or plate adjustable clutch to prevent damage
Functioning as apeak audio
voltage. It is particularly suited to from overtravel. A local- control
detector, response is limited only by
sample acircuit where neither side push button is an integral part of
the ballistics of the remote analog
is at ground potential, or where a the assembly. The RMK-1 can be
meter. When used with FM or TV
positive ground is employed. This supplied for 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz
aural monitors, internal strapping
unit is designed to operate within operation on special order.
provides "repre-emphasis" for
Frequencies Used for Standard each. Following is alist of standard further reference and additional
Broadcast Stations broadcast channels and the information, see FCC Rules, and
The band 535-1605 kHz is used conditions under which each may be the 1950 North American Regional
for standard broadcasting. It is used in the United States. For Broadcast Agreement.
divided into 107 channels of 10 kHz
Use Under
Channel Classification NARBA Class IPriority FCC Rules
540 Clear Canada ( I-A) Mexico (I-A) II
550 Regional Cuba ( I-C) III-A, III-B
560 Regional III-A, III-B
570 Regional Cuba ( I- D) III-A, III-B
580 Regional III-A, III-B
590 Regional Cuba ( I-D) III-A, III-B
600 Regional
610 Regional
620 Regional Dominican Republic ( I-C) III-A, III- B
630 Regional Cuba ( I-D) III-A, III-B
640 Clear USA ( I-A) Canada ( I-C) I, II
Cuba ( I-C)
650 Clear USA ( I-A)
660 Clear USA ( I-A)
670 Clear USA ( I-A)
680 Clear USA ( I- B)
690 Clear Canada ( I-A) Cuba (I-C)
Mexico ( I-B) II
700 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
710 Clear USA ( I-B) I, II
720 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
730 Clear Mexico ( I-A) II
740 Clear Canada ( I-A) Cuba ( I-D) II
750 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
760 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
770 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
780 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
790 Regional III-A, III-B
800 Clear Mexico (I-A) II
810 Clear USA ( I-B) I, II
820 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
830 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
840 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
Clear USA a-B) Mexico ( I-B) I, II
Clear Canada ( I-A) Cuba ( I-C) II
870 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
880 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
890 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
900 Clear Mexico ( I-A) II
910 Regional
920 Regional Cuba ( I-D) III-A, III-B
930 Regional
940 Clear Canada & Mexico ( I-B) I, II
950 Regional Cuba ( I-D) III-A, III-B
960 Regional III-A, III-B
970 Regional
980 Regional Cuba ( I-D) III-A, III-B
990 Clear Canada ( I-A) II
1000 Clear Mexico & USA (I-B) I, II
1010 Clear Canada ( I-A) Cuba ( I-B) II
1020 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
1030 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
Use Under
Channel Classification NARBA Class IPriority FCC Rules
1040 Clear USA (I-A) I, II
1050 Clear Mexico ( I-A) II
1060 Clear Mexico & USA ( I- B) I, II
1070 Clear Canada & USA ( I-B) I, II
1080 Clear USA ( I-B) I, II
1090 Clear Mexico & USA ( I-B) I, II
1100 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
1110 Clear USA ( I- B) I, II
1120 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
1130 Clear Canada & USA ( I- B) I, II
1140 Clear Mexico & USA ( I-B) I, II
1150 Regional III-A, III-B
1160 Clear USA ( I- A) I, II
1170 Clear USA ( I-B) I, II
1180 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
1190 Clear Mexico & USA ( I-B) I, II
1200 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
1210 Clear USA ( I-A) I, II
1220 Clear Mexico ( I-A) II
1230 Local IV
1240 Local IV
1250 Regional III-A, III-B
1260 Regional III-A, III-B
1270 Regional III-A, III-B
1280 Regional III-A, III- B
1290 Regional III-A, III-B
1300 Regional III-A, III-B
1310 Regional III-A, III- B
1320 Regional III-A, III-B
1330 Regional III-A, III-B
1340 Local IV
1350 Regional III-A, III- B
1360 Regional III-A, III-B
1370 Regional III- A, III-B
1380 Regional III-A, III-B
1390 Regional III-A, III-B
1400 Local IV
1410 Regional III-A, III-B
1420 Regional III-A, III-B
1430 Regional III-A, III-B
1440 Regional III-A, III-B
1450 Local IV
1460 Regional III-A, III-B
1470 Regional III-A, III-B
1480 Regional III-A, III-B
1490 Local IV
1500 Clear USA ( I-B) I, II
1510 Clear USA ( I-B) I, II
1520 Clear USA ( I-B) I, II
1530 Clear USA ( I-B) I, II
1540 Clear Bahamas ( I-A) USA ( I- B) II
1550 Clear Canada & Mexico ( I-B) I, II
1560 Clear USA & Cuba ( I- B) I, II
1570 Clear Mexico ( I-A) II
1580 Clear Canada ( I-A) II
1590 Regional III-A, III-B
1600 Regional III-A, III-B
Frequency Designation of FM 90.9 215 100.9 265 94.5 233 104.5 283
Broadcast Channels 91.1 216 101.1 266 94.7 234 104.7 284
Freq. Channel Freq. Channel 91 .3 217 101.3 267 94.9 235 104.9 285
(MHz) No. ( MHz) No. 91.5 218 101.5 268 95.1 236 105.1 286
88.1 201 98.1 251 91.7 219 101.7 269 95.3 237 105.3 287
88.3 202 98.3 252 91.9 220 101.9 270 95.5 238 105.5 288
88.5 203 98.5 253 92.1 221 102.1 271 95.7 239 105.7 289
88.7 204 98.7 254 92.3 222 102.3 272 95.9 240 105.9 290
88.9 205 98.9 255 92.5 223 102.5 273 96.1 241 106.1 291
89.1 206 99.1 256 92.7 224 102.7 274 96.3 242 106.3 292
89.3 207 99.3 257 92.9 225 102.9 275 96.5 243 106.5 293
89.5 208 99.5 258 93.1 226 103.1 276 96.7 244 106.7 294
89.7 209 99.7 259 93.3 227 103.3 277 96.9 245 106.9 295
89.9 210 99.9 260 93.5 228 103.5 278 97.1 246 107.1 296
90.1 211 100.1 261 93.7 229 103.7 279 97.3 247 107.3 297
90.3 212 100.3 262 93.9 230 103.9 280 97.5 248 107.5 298
90.5 213 100.5 263 94.1 231 104.1 281 97.7 249 107.7 299
90.7 214 100.7 264 94.3 232 104.3 282 97.9 250 107.9 300
Decibels Vs Ratio
70 / ¡ Ill 1
2 4 6 8 2 4 68 2 4 68 2 4 68
1 10 100 1000 10 , 000
550 545 1787.6 893.8 446.8 1080 277.8 911.1 455.5 227.7
560 536 1758.0 879.0 439.5 1090 275.2 902.6 451.3 225.6
570 526 1725.3 862.6 431.3
580 517 1695.7 847.8 423.9 1100 272.7 894.4 447.2 223.6
590 509 1669.5 834.7 417.3 1110 270.3 886.5 443.2 221.6
1120 267.9 879.0 439.5 219.7
600 500 1640.0 820.0 410.0 1130 265.5 870.8 435.4 217.7
610 492 1612.7 806.3 403.1 1140 263.2 862.6 431.3 215.6
620 484 1587.5 799.7 396.8 1150 260.9 855.7 427.8 213.9
630 476 1561.2 780.6 390.3 1160 258.6 847.8 423.9 211.9
640 469 1546.3 773.1 386.5 1170 256.4 840.9 420.4 210.2
650 462 1515.3 757.6 378.8 1180 254.2 834.7 417.3 208.6
660 455 1492.4 746.2 373.1 1190 252.1 826.8 413.4 206.7
670 448 1469.4 734.7 367.3
680 441 1446.4 723.2 361.1 1200 250.0 820.0 410.0 205.0
690 435 1426.4 713.2 361.2 1210 247.9 813.1 406.5 203.2
1220 245.9 806.3 403.1 201.5
700 429 1407.1 703.5 351.2 1230 243.9 799.1 399.5 199.7
710 423 1387.4 693.7 346.8 1240 241.9 793.7 396.8 198.4
720 417 1367.7 683.8 341.9 1250 240.0 787.2 393.6 196.8
730 411 1348.0 674.0 337.0 1260 238.1 780.9 390.4 195.2
740 405 1328.4 664.2 332.1 1270 236.2 774.7 387.3 193.6
750 400 1312.0 656.0 328.0 1280 234.4 768.8 384.4 192.2
760 395 1295.6 647.8 323.4 1290 232.6 762.9 381.4 190.7
770 390 1279.2 639.6 319.8
780 385 1262.8 631.4 315.7 1300 230.8 757.0 378.5 189.2
790 380 1246.4 623.2 311.6 1310 299.0 751.1 375.5 187.7
1320 227.3 746.2 373.1 186.5
800 375 1230.0 615.0 307.5 1330 225.6 739.9 369.9 _ 184.9 _
810 370 1213.6 606.8 303.4 1340 223.9 734.7 367.3 183.6
820 366 1200.4 600.2 300.1 1350 222.2 728.8 364.4 182.2
830 361 1184.0 592.0 296.0 1360 220.6 723.2 361.1 180.5
840 357 1170.9 585.4 292.7 1370 219.0 718.3 359.1 179.5
850 353 1157.8 578.9 289.4 1380 217.4 713.4 356.2 178.1
860 349 1144.7 572.3 286.1 1390 215.8 707.8 353.1 176.5
870 345 1131.6 565.8 282.9
880 341 1118.4 559.2 279.6 1400 214.3 703.5 351.2 175.6
890 337 1105.3 552.6 276.3 1410 212.8 696.9 348.4 174.2
1420 211.3 693.7 346.8 173.4
900 333 1092.2 546.1 273.0 1430 209.8 688.1 344.0 172.0
910 330 1082.4 541.2 270.6 1440 208.3 683.8 341.9 170.9
920 326 1069.2 534.6 267.3 1450 206.9 678.6 339.3 169.6
930 323 1059.4 529.7 264.8 1460 205.5 674.0 337.0 168.5
940 319 1046.3 523.1 261.5 1470 204.1 669.4 334.7 167.3
950 316 1036.4 518.2 259.1 1480 202.7 664.2 332.1 166.5
960 31,3 1026.6 513.3 256.6 1490 201.3 660.2 330.1 165.0
970 309 1013.5 506.7 253.3
980 306 1003.6 501.8 250.9 1500 200.0 656.0 328.0 164.0
990 303 993.8 496.9 248.4 1510 198.7 651.7 325.8 162.9
1520 197.4 647.8 323.4 161.7
1000 300 984.0 492.0 246.0 1530 196.1 643.2 321.6 160.8
1010 297 974.1 487.5 243.7 1540 194.8 639.6 319.8 159.9
1020 294.1 964.6 482.3 241.1 1550 193.5 634.6 317.3 158.6
1030 291.3 955.3 477.6 238.8 1560 192.3 631.4 315.7 157.8
1040 288.5 946.2 473.1 236.5 1570 191.1 626.8 313.4 156.7
1050 285.7 937.1 468.5 234.2 1580 189.9 623.2 311.6 155.8
1060 283.0 928.2 464.1 232.0 1590 188.7 618.9 309.4 154.7
1070 280.4 919.7 459.8 229.9
1600 187.5. 615.0 307.5 153.7
Conversion Table
X 10 -2 X 10 X 10 2 X 10 6
1 10 10 6
Decibels above and below reference level lmw into 600 ohms
Voltage applies to 600 ohm circuits only. Power applies te any impedance.
USE OF TABLE giving 16. Enter table at 16 dB mW, these two levels, so the table
Table is tabulated in 1-dB steps read volts column on left as 0.1228 shows the correct answer as
from 0dB mW to ± 20 dB mW; volt. Now enter table at 55 and 60 0.0003084 volt.
thereafter in 5-dB steps to ± 80 dB dB mW; - 56 dB mW is between
mW. However, the table may be these two levels, so table shows Exemple 3. What is the voltage
used in 1-dB steps to ± 80 dB mW correct answer as 0.001228 volt. produced by alevel of + 33 dB mW
by noting that, except for decimal on 600 ohms? Subtract 20 from 33,
locations, the power levels repeat Example 2. What is the voltage giving 13. Enter the table at 13 dB
themselves every ± 10 dB and the produced by alevel of - 68 dB mW mW, read volts column at right as
voltage levels repeat every ± 20 dB. on 600 ohms? Subtract 60 from 68, 3.460 volts. Now enter table at 30
giving 8. Enter table at 7dB mW, and 35 dB mW; + 33 dB mW is
Example 1. What is the voltage read volts column on left as 0.3084 between these two levels, so the
produced by alevel of - 56 dB mW volt. Now enter table at 65 and 70 table shows the correct answer
on 600 ohms? Subtract 40 from 56, dB mW; - 68 dB mW is between as 34.6 volts.
100 KW 1000W
1+ „
50 KW 500W SWR 50
5KW 50W
01KW 1W
10W 50W 100W 500W 1000W
1KW 5KW 10 KW 50 KW 100 KW
Attenuator Network
li, li, il
il, 1 FI, FI,
1 .1 J
FI, 3
3 1 I
2 100.. 100,
2 2 a 1 2 4
Impedance 600 Ohms 600 Ohms 600 Ohms 600 Ohms 600 Ohms 600 Ohms 600 Ohms
Loss, dB R1 Ohms R2 Ohms R1 Ohms R2 Ohms R1 Ohms R2 Ohms RIOhms R2 Ohms R1 Ohms R2 Ohms R1 Ohms R2 Ohms R1 Ohms R2 Ohms
0 0 . 0 . 0 .. 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 .
0.1 3.58 50204 1.79 50204 7.20 100500 3.60 100500 3.58 100500 7.2 50000 3.6 50000
0.2 6.82 26280 3.41 26280 13.70 57380 6.85 57380 6.82 57380 13.8 26086 6.9 26086
0.3 10.32 17460 5.16 17460 20.55 34900 10.28 34900 10.32 34900 21.0 17143 10.5 17143
0.4 13.79 13068 6.90 13068 27.50 26100 13.80 26100 13.79 26100 28.2 12766 14.1 12766
0.5 17.20 10464 8.60 10464 34.40 20920 17.20 20920 17.20 20920 35.4 10169 17.7 10169
0.6 20.9 8640 10.45 8640 41.7 17230 20.85 17230 20.9 17230 43.2 8333 21.6 8333
0.7 24.2 7428 12.1 7428 48.5 14880 24.25 14880 24.2 14880 50.4 7143 25.2 7143
0.8 27.5 6540 13.75 6540 55.05 13100 27.53 13100 27.5 13100 57.6 6250 28.8 6250
0.9 31.02 5787 15 51 5787 623 11600 31.2 11600 31 02 11000 654 5504 327 5504
1.0 34.5 5208 17.25 5208 68.6 10440 34.3 10440 34.5 10440 73.2 4918 36.6 4918
1.5 51.8 3452 25.9 3452 104.3 6950 52.1 6950 61.8 6950 113.4 3174 56.7 3174
2.0 68.8 2582 34.4 2582 139.4 5232 69.7 5232 68.8 5232 155.4 2310 77.7 2316
2.5 85.9 2053 42.9 2053 175.4 4195 87.7 4195 85.9 4195 200.4 1796 100.2 1796
3.0 102.7 1703 51.3 1703 212.5 3505 106.2 3505 102.7 3505 247.8 1452 123.0 1452
3.5 119.2 1448 59.6 1448 258.0 3021 120.0 3021 119.2 3021 297.6 1209 148.8 1209
4.0 135.8 1249 67.9 1249 287.5 2651 143.8 2051 135.8 2651 351.0 1025 175.5 1025
4.5 152.2 1109 76.1 1109 324.6 2365 162.3 2365 152.2 2365 407.8 883.7 203.7 883.7
5.0 168.1 987.6 84.1 987.6 364.5 2141 182.3 2141 168.1 2141 466.8 771.2 233.4 771.2
5.5 184.0 886.8 92.0 886.8 405.9 1.956 203.0 1956 184.0 1956 530.4 678.7 265.2 678.7
6.0 199.3 803.4 99.7 803.4 447.5 1807 223.8 1807 199.3 1807 597.0 693.0 298.6 603.0
6.5 214.6 730.8 107.3 730.8 492.6 1679 246.3 1679 214.6 1679 667.8 539.8 333.0 539.8
7.0 229.7 685.2 114.8 685.2 537.0 1569 268.5 1569 229.7 1569 743.4 484.3 371.7 484.3
7.5 244.2 615.6 122.1 615.6 584.7 1475 292.4 1475 244.2 1475 822.0 437.0 411.3 437.6
8.0 258.4 567.6 129.2 567.6 634.2 1393 317.1 1393 258.4 1393 907.2 396.8 453.6 396.8
8.5 272.3 525.0 136.1 525.0 685.5 1322 342.8 1322 272.3 1322 996.6 361.2 498.3 361.2
9.0 285.8 487.2 142.9 487.2 738.9 1260 369.4 1260 285.8 1260 1091 329.9 545.5 329.9
9.5 298.9 453.0 149.5 453.0 794.4 1204 397.2 1204 298.9 1204 1191 302.2 595.5 302.2
10.0 312.0 421.6 156.0 421.6 854.1 1154 427.0 1154 312.0 1154 1297 277.5 618.5 277.5
11.0 336 1 367.4 168.1 367.4 979.8 1071 489.9 1071 336.1 1071 1529 235.5 704.5 235.5
12.0 359.1 321.7 179.5 321.7 1119 1002 550.5 1002 359.1 1002 1788 201.3 804 201.3
13.0 380.5 282.8 190.3 282.8 1273 946.1 636.3 946.1 380.5 946.1 2080 173.1 1040s 173.1
14.0 400.4 249.4 200.2 249.4 1443 899.1 721.5 899.1 400.4 899.1 2407 149.6 1204 149.6
15.0 418.8 220.4 209.4 220.4 1632 859.6 816.0 859.6 418.8 859.6 2773 129.8 1387 129.8
16.0 435.8 195.1 217.9 195.1 1847 826.0 923.2 826.0 435.8 826.0 3186 113.0 1598 113,0
17.0 451.5 172.9 225.7 172.9 2083 797.3 1042 797.3 451.5 797.3 3648 98.68 1824 98.68
18.0 465.8 152.5 232.9 152.5 2344 772.8 1172 772.8 465.8 772.8 4166 86.4 2083 86.4
19.0 4g9.0 136.4 239.5 136.4 2670 751.7 1335 751.7 479.0 751.7 4748 75.8 2374 75.8
20.0 490.4 121.2 245.2 121.2 2970 733.3 1485 733.3 490.4 733.3 5400 66.66 2700 66.66
22.0 511.7 95.9 255.9 95.9 3753 703.6 1877 703.6 511.7 703.6 6954 51.72 3477 51.72
24.0 528.8 76.0 264.4 76.0 4737 680.8 2369 680.8 528.8 680.8 8910 40.4 4455 40.4
26.0 542.7 60.3 271.4 60.3 5985 663.4 2992 663.4 542.7 663.4 11370 34.66 5685 31.66
28.0 554.1 47.8 277.0 47.8 7550 649.7 3775 649.7 554.1 649.7 14472 24.87 7236 24.87
30.0 563.0 37.99 281.0 37.99 9500 639.2 4750 639.2 563.2 639.2 18372 19.58 9186 19.58
32.0 570 6 30 16 285 3 30 16 11930 630.9 5967 630.9 570.6 630.9 23286 15.46 11643 15.46
34.0 576.5 23.95 288.3 23.95 15000 624.4 7500 624.4 576.5 624.4 29472 12.21 14736 12.21
36.0 581.1 18.98 290.6 18.98 18960 619.3 9480 619.3 581.1 619.3 37200 9.66 18630 9.66
38.0 585.1 15.11 292.5 15.11 23820 615.3 11910 615.3 585.1 615.3 47058 7.65 23529 7.05
40.0 588.1 12.00 294.1 12.00 30000 612.1 15000 612.1 588.1 612.1 59400 6.06 29700 6.06
154 e
3400 1.3 1.8 2.1 2.6 3.2 4.0 4.8 6.0 7.3 9 12.5 15 18 20 23 26.5 30 34 38 42 46.5
3200 1.3 1.8 2.1 2.6 3.2 4.0 4.8 6.0 7.3 8.8 12 15 17 19 22 25 29 32.5 36.5 40.5 45
3000 1.3 1.8 2.1 2.6 3.2 4.0 4.8 6.0 7.1 8.5 11.5 14.5 17 18.5 21.5 24.5 28 31.5 35 40 43
2800 1.3 1.8 2.1 2.5 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.9 7.1 8.4 11.3 14 16 18 20 23 26.5 30 34 38 41.5
2600 1.3 1.8 2.1 2.5 3.2 4.0 4.7 5.8 7.0 8.1 11 13 15.5 17.5 19.6 22 25.5 29 32 35.5 40
2400 1.3 1.8 2.1 2.5 3.2 3.9 4.7 5.7 7.0 8.1 10.5 12.5 15 17 19 21.5 24.5 27.5 30.5 35 38.5
2200 1.3 1.8 2.1 2.5 3.2 3.8 4.7 5.6 6.8 8 10 12 14.5 16.5 18 20 23 26.5 29.5 32.5 36.5
2000 1.3 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.1 3.8 4.6 5.4 6.7 7.8 9 11.5 13.5 15 17.5 19.5 21.5 25 28 31 35
1900 1.3 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.7 4.6 5.3 6.6 7.7 9 11 13 14.8 17 19 21 24.5 27 30 34
1800 1.3 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.7 4.5 5.3 6.3 7.6 8.7 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 18.5 20.5 23 26 29 32.5
1700 1.3 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.9 3.6 4.4 5.2 6.1 7.3 8.4 10 12 14 15.5 18 20 22 25 28 31
1600 1.2 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.9 3.6 4.3 5.1 6 7.0 8.1 9.2 11.8 13.5 15 17.5 19 21.5 24.5 27 30
1500 1.2 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.8 3.6 4.2 5.0 5.9 7.0 8.0 9.0 11 13 14.5 17 18.5 20.5 23 26 29
1400 1.2 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.8 3.5 4.2 5.0 5.7 6.7 7.7 8.7 10.5 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 28
1300 1.2 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.7 3.4 4.1 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.4 8.3 10 11.5 13 15 17 19 21.5 24 26.5
1200 1.2 1.7 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 4.0 4.7 5.4 6.2 7.1 8 9.2 11 12.5 14.5 16.5 18 20.5 23 25.5
1100 1.2 1.7 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.2 3.9 4.6 5.2 6 6.8 7.8 8.7 10.2 11.5 14 15.5 17.5 19.5 22 24.5
1000 1.2 1.6 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.1 3.8 4.4 5 5.8 6.4 7.2 8.2 9.2 11 13 15 17 18.5 20.5 23
900 1.2 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.6 3 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.6 6.2 7.0 7.8 8.8 10.5 12 14 16 18 19 22
800 1.2 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.6 5.1 6.0 6.7 7.4 8.3 9.3 11.5 13 15 16.5 18 20
700 1.2 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.5 6.3 7.0 7.8 8.8 10 12 13.5 15.5 17 18.5
600 1.2 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.5 5.0 5.8 6.5 7.2 8 9.0 10.5 12.5 14 15.5 17.5
500 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.6 5.2 6 6.7 7.5 8.2 9.2 11 12.5 14.5 15.5
400 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.6 2.8 3.2 3.7 4.1 4.7 5.2 6.0 6.7 7.5 8.2 9.1 11 12.5 14.5
300 0.9 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.6 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.5 5.0 5.8 6.2 7.2 7.8 8.9 10.5 12
200 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.8 2 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.3 3.8 4.2 4.7 5.2 6.0 6.7 7.5 8.2 9.0
100 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.2 4.7 5.2 6.0 6.8
District Managers
P.O. BOX 13
(603) 436-4059
P.O. BOX 16
NEWTON, NJ 07860
(201) 383-8797
P.O. BOX 143
ALCOA, TN 37701
(615) 970-2572
(205) 822-1078
P.O. BOX 575
(815) 672-8585
ROUTE 3, BOX 106
(314) 896-5791-5365
(612) 479-2633
P.O. BOX 2008
PLANO, TX 75075
(214) 423-3644
Sales and Service Continental Electronics offers parts and TOM T. CAUTHERS
for Continental Electronics engineering service for all Continental 1215 SE 73rd AVE.
Broadcast Transmitters and Collins radio broadcast equipment PORTLAND, OR 97215
Continental broadcast equipment and 24- hours aday. (503) 254-2818
existing Collins radio transmitters are You can phone our service numbers day
serviced by aworld-wide Continental or night. STEVE KEATING
field support and marketing group
headquartered in Dallas, Texas. (214) 327-4532 parts 7225 HOLLYWOOD BLVD.
All products and prices in this catalog (214) 327-4533 service HOLLYWOOD, CA 90046
are subject to change without notice. Telex: 73398 (213) 851-6380
For price or delivery information, con-
tact your Continental representative.
Continental Electronics Mfg. Co.
10 District Managers handle sales for 4212 South Buckner Boulevard
stations in the United States. PO Box 270879; Dallas, Texas 75227
Sales to stations in Canada, Arizona, Ph: ( 214) 381-7161
New Mexico, Utah, Hawaii and Puerto
Rico are handled from the home office
in Dallas, Texas.
International sales are handled thru
local sales representatives.
A. V. Collins, Vice President/
Domestic Broadcast Marketing
E.L. King, Jr., Vice President/
International Broadcast Marketing
R.L. Floyd, Manager/
Domestic Broadcast Sales
Ç81,4,18ZIWSI VSfl ul Pa'Mud
Continental Electronics Mfg. Co. Box 270879 Dallas, Texas 75227 ( 214) 381-7161