Evidence of Plate Tectonic - 123715
Evidence of Plate Tectonic - 123715
Evidence of Plate Tectonic - 123715
Activity 3. A Journey from
the Past to the Future
Geological "fit" evidence
• is the matching of large-scale
geological features on different
continents. It has been noted that
the coastlines of South America
and West Africa seem to match
up, however more particularly, the
rock terrains of separate
continents confirm as well
The originator of the Continental
Drift Theory by ALFRED WEGENER
hypothesizing in 1912 that the
continents are slowly drifting
around the Earth and is once a
large landmass called Pangaea, a
Greek word which means "All
• The Continental Drift Theory
is being supported by the
following evidence:
continental fit, matching of
rocks, fossils of ancient
organisms, coal deposits in
Antarctica, ancient climates,
and glaciers carvings.
• Despite Wegener's gathered evidence
supporting his idea about drifting
continents during his time, the scientific
community rejected him for some
problems: Wegener was not a
geophysicist, he estimated the speed of
continental motion, 250 cm/year, was
unbelievably high, and he cannot
explain what causes the continents to
• Arguments Favoring Continental Drift
• Fit of continents
• Apparent discrepancy in inferred latitudes
of ancient rocks Rocks of same age and
similar characteristics on different continents
• Distribution of similar plants and animals
on different continents (how did they cross
the oceans?)
• 1. What evidences do scientists use to support the
Continental Drift Theory?
• A. rocks, fossils, air C. rocks, fossils, climate
• B. rocks, water, ice D. rocks, fossils, human beings
• 2. The youngest crust is found _________ the mid-ocean
• A. far B. near C. beside D. away
• 3. If you are a cartographer, what would give you an idea that
the continents were once joined?
• A. ocean depth C. position of the South Pole
• B. shape of the continents D. size of the Atlantic Ocean
• 4. What discovery provided strong support for Continental
Drift Theory?
• A. Geology C. Electromagnetism
• B. Fossil evidence D. Paleomagnetism
• 5. Which is not evidence of seafloor spreading?
• A. molten magma constantly erupting C. fossil evidence
• B. drilling samples of rock D. magnetic stripes
• 6. The magnets point north when Earth's magnetic field has
• A. magnetic reversal C. mid-ocean ridge
• B. reversed polarity D. normal polarity
• 7. Why was Alfred Wegener's Continental Drift Theory not
accepted immediately by the people during his time?
• A. He cannot explain what causes the continents to drift.
• B. He explains that South America and Africa fit together like a
• C. He described that the rocks and mountains at the edges of
the continents were similar.
• D. He explains that fossils of ancient plants such as
"Glossopteris" can be found in almost all continents.
• 8. Why were magnetic patterns found on the ocean floor
• A. They did not show alternating bands of normal and
reversed polarity.
• B. They showed alternating bands of normal and reversed
• C. No rocks were magnetic.
• D. All rocks were magnetic.
• 9. What do you call the process that forms and moves new
oceanic crust?
• A. magnetic reversal C. convection
• B. seafloor spreading D. trenching
• 10. What do you call the supercontinent landmass formed
million years ago?
• A. Pangaea C. Asia
• B. Panthalassa D. Eurasia
• Badjao or Bajau means man of the seas, this
tribal group is known as the Sea Gypsies because
they move with the wind and the tide on their
small houseboats called vintas, they can be found
in many coastal settlements and inhabit the
waters and shores of the Sulu
archipelago.The Badjao / Bajau tribe is an
indigenous population whose culture and
livelihood are tied to the sea. They scattered
along the coastal areas of Tawi Tawi, Sulu,
Basilan, and some coastal areas of Zamboanga
If the continents
will continue to
move, try to
predict their '
location 25
million years
from now.
• For the gifted learners who had different
abilities, your multiple intelligence can be
shown through :
• Drawing/illustration if you are spatial/visual
• Compute their location using 250 cm/ year if
your mathematician
• Create a song if you are music lover
• Make a poem about their future situation.
• Make an essay if you are verbal – linguistic
Thank You
Lucy S. Blasco, MAEd
Science Teacher
• Libertad NHS