Global Positioning System
Global Positioning System
Global Positioning System
2. GPS satellites.
The space segment includes the satellites and the Delta rockets that
launch the satellites from Cape Canaveral in Florida , United States .
GPS satellites orbit in circular orbits at 17,440 km altitude, each orbit
lasting 12 hours. The orbits are tilted to the equator by 55° to ensure
coverage in polar regions. The satellites are powered by solar cells to
continually orientate themselves to point the solar panels towards the
Sun and the antennas towards the Earth. Each satellite contains four
atomic clocks.
3. GPS receivers
When you buy a GPS, you are actually buying only the GPS receiver
and get free use of the other two main components, worth billions of
dollars - compliments of the Government of the United States . (If you
don't have a GPS, BUY ONE NOW, before somebody finds a way to
commercialize it and start charging for the service.)
The ground stations send control signals to the GPS satellites, The GPS
satellites transmit radio signals and the GPS receivers, receive these signals
and use it to calculate its position.
The calculations used to determine your GPS receiver's position is based on
very small time differences, from when the satellite transmitted the signal,
to, when the GPS receiver received the signal. These small differences are
then used to calculate the distance from the receiver to the satellite.
However, when receiving only one signal, we can only calculate how far
away from the satellite we are. When receiving two signals, we can
determine two likely positions where we are. We need three satellite signals
to determine our exact position on the earth's surface. (2D/2 Dimensional
positioning). When more than three satellites are 'visible' to the GPS
receiver, it will also calculate the altitude of the receiver (3D/3 dimensional
Your GPS receiver requires signals from at least three satellites to
determine your unique position on the earth's surface. With a fourth signal
your altitude can also be determined. Receiving signals from more than
four different satellites, the position of the GPS receiver can more
accurately be determined.
The GPS satellite constellation is designed in such a manner as to guarantee
that at least 4 satellites are visible from any place on earth at any moment
in time. Most of the time (+95%) however, you should have at least 6
satellites visible. Many commercial GPS receivers can receive and process
signals from 12 satellites for increased reliability and accuracy.
GPS satellites carry atomic clocks that measure time to a high degree of
accuracy. The time information is placed in the codes broadcast by the
satellite so that a receiver can continuously determine the time the signal
was broadcast. The signal contains data that a receiver uses to compute the
locations of the satellites and to make other adjustments needed for
accurate positioning. The receiver uses the time difference between the
time of signal reception and the broadcast time to compute the range to the
satellite. The receiver must account for propagation delays caused by the
ionosphere and the troposphere. With three ranges to three satellites and
knowing the location of the satellite when the signal was sent, the receiver
can compute its three-dimensional position.
To compute ranges directly, however, the user must have an atomic clock
synchronized to the global positioning system. By taking a measurement
from an additional satellite, the receiver avoids the need for an atomic
clock. The result is that the receiver uses four satellites to compute latitude,
longitude, altitude, and time.
Why should you use a GPS receiver? GPS receivers will become as
commonplace as cell phones, very soon!
GPS receivers are going to replace traveling maps - GPS receivers are
smaller to carry, easier to handle, much more versatile and updateable.
Personal navigation with a GPS also means you can customize maps as you
go along - plotting points of interest and marking all those wonderful places
in an easy, neat and ordered manner.
GPS receivers will also provide you with traveling support information,
such as:
the estimated time of arrival (ETA) at your selected destination, how much
fuel you have left (much more accurate than your fuel gauge in the car or
Your true speed (with an accuracy of +/- 0.1 km/h).
Log your route as you travel to keep an accurate record of your traveling in
case you need to trace back your steps. This is true for short hiking trips to
routes of many hundreds of miles.
Time information on all GPS receivers are continuously adjusted from the
atomic clocks used in the GPS system - the most accurate time and timing
sources available today.
So you better get on board and start using, for free, all this billions of
dollars worth of technology - with the compliments of the USA !