Sepam Series 10 - Proteccion 50-51

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Sepam Series 10 - Functions and Parameters

Phase Overcurrent Protection (ANSI 50-51)

Applicable to Sepam Series 10

Phase overcurrent protection is used to detect overcurrents due to phase-to-phase faults. It uses the
measurement of the fundamental component of the currents produced by 2 or 3 phase CTs, with 1 A or
5 A secondary rating.
3 independent set points (I>, I>> and I>>>) can be set to offer optimum discrimination:
 The first two 2 set points (I> and I>>) have either a definite time (DT) or inverse definite minimum time
(IDMT) setting with different types of standardized curve (IEC, IEEE, RI).
 The third set point (I>>>) only has a definite time (DT) setting. The minimum setting can be used to
obtain instantaneous operation (ANSI 50 function).
These set points can be used:
 In all cases, to detect phase-to-phase ground faults with 1 or 2 set points depending on the protection
plan adopted (see example 1).
 In the case of a protection located at the connection point to the distributor network, to provide current
limiting and thus comply with the maximum subscribed demand defined in the contract for connection
to the distributor network. If the distributor imposes this limiting, this can be performed by the first I>
set point with an IDMT curve (see example 2).
Example 1: Example of typical application: Protection curve with a first IDMT I> set point and a second
DT I>> set point

I> I>>
Non tripping zone
Tripping zone

Example 2: Example of application with current limiting:

 Limiting curve with a first IDMT I> set point to limit the current to the subscribed demand defined in the
contract for connection to the distributor network
 Protection curve against phase-to-phase faults with the second IDMT I>> set point and the third DT
I>>> set point

I> I>> I>>>

Non tripping zone
Tripping zone

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Additional Functions
Sepam integrates functions that complement phase overcurrent protection:
 Reset time:
With an IDMT setting, the set point parameters are set in order to activate an IDMT reset time. This
enables coordination with electromechanical relays. By default, the reset time is not active. Refer to
Reset Time, page 93.
 Cold Load Pick-Up I (Cold Load Pick-Up I or CLPU I):
Operation of all 3 I>, I>> and I>>> set points can be associated with the CLPU I function, which is used
to avoid nuisance tripping of the protection when the installation is energized. By default, the CLPU I
function is not active. Refer to Phase Overcurrent Cold Load Pick-Up (Cold Load Pick-Up I), page 102
 Logic discrimination:
Sepam can be integrated in the logic discrimination system. This system can be used when the
installation requires the fault to be cleared within a short time. It is used to bypass the time interval
between the protection stages, imposed by time discrimination. By default, on the Sepam series 10 A,
output relay O5 is assigned to the logic discrimination blocking output. Refer to Logic Discrimination
(ANSI 68), page 121.

Block Diagram

T 0
IB I> delayed output

I> pick-up output

T 0
I>> delayed output

I>> pick-up output

T 0
I>>> delayed output

I>>> pick-up output

Standard Operation
If the 3 phase overcurrents exceed the I>, I>> or I>>> set point:
 The I fault LED flashes quickly.
 The corresponding pick-up output changes state.
 The 3 pick-up outputs are used by the logic discrimination function to send a logic discrimination
blocking order: refer to Logic Discrimination (ANSI 68), page 121.
 The state of these 3 outputs is available via the communication: refer to Communication, page 169.

After the time delay associated with the I>, I>> or I>>> set point has elapsed:
 The I LED flashes slowly.
 Output relays O1, O2, O3 change state.
 The fault screen is displayed with the tripping current values.
If all 3 phase currents drop back below the I>, I>> or I>>> set points, then output relays O1, O2, O3 and
the display remain in the same state (latching function).
Pressing the Reset key deactivates the latching function (refer to Fault Acknowledgement, page 146):
 The I LED goes out.
 The output relays return to their initial state.
 The fault screen is replaced by the screen displayed prior to appearance of the fault.
NOTE: If the I>>> set point time delay is set to INST (instantaneous), the I>>> delayed output is the same
as the I>>> pick-up output.

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Customization Option
Sepam's custom mode can be used to modify standard operation:
 Latching of the I LED can be disabled.
 Assignment of the I>, I>> and I>>> set points to output relays O1, O2, O3 can be modified.
 Latching of output relays O1, O2, O3 can be disabled.
 The activation logic of output relays O1 and O2 is configurable (contact closed or open on fault
Refer to Custom Operating Mode, page 147.


Setting the I> and I>> Set Points Authorized Values

Tripping curve The following values are allowed:
 OFF: Set point off
For more information on tripping curves and the  DT: Definite time (DT)
reset time, refer to Overcurrent Protection Tripping  SIT/A: IEC standard inverse time
 VIT/B: IEC very inverse time
Curves, page 91.
 LTI/B: IEC long time inverse
 EIT/C: IEC extremely inverse time
 MI: IEEE moderately inverse
 VI: IEEE very inverse
 EI: IEEE extremely inverse
 RI
I> or I>> set point DT curve 0.1...24 In (minimum: 1 A)
IDMT curves 0.1...2.4 In (minimum: 1 A)
Time delay DT curve 0.05...300 s in steps of:
 0.01 s, from 0.05 to 9.99 s
 0.1 s, from 10.0 to 99.9 s
 1 s, from 100 to 300 s

IEC, RI curves TMS: 0.02...2 (step: 0.01)

IEEE curves TD: 0.5...15 (step: 0.1)
Reset time Setting common to I> and Io> set points:
 OFF: Reset time off
 ON: Reset time on

Setting the I>>> Set Point Authorized Values

Tripping curve The following values are allowed:
 OFF: Set point off
 DT: Definite time (DT)

I>>> set point DT curve 0.1 In...24 In (minimum: 1 A)

Time delay DT curve Instantaneous (pick-up) or 0.05...300 s in steps of:
 0.01 s, from 0.05 to 9.99 s
 0.1 s, from 10.0 to 99.9 s
 1 s, from 100 to 300 s

NOTE: In is the phase CT primary rated current.

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Sensitivity to Transformer Inrush Currents

When a transformer closes, the magnetizing currents can reach amplitudes, in peak values, of around 5
to 12 times the rated transformer current. These transient currents can be the source of nuisance tripping
of the ANSI 51 protection functions.
These inrush currents have a strong aperiodic component:

extrait de CT192

I(t) = I(0).e t

Measurement of the Sepam currents is not affected by the presence of an aperiodic component (50 Hz
or 60 Hz), which permits a significant reduction in the ANSI 51 protection function setting.
In instantaneous protection (ANSI 50), the I>>> set point should be set to at least 37% of the peak value
of the inrush current stated by the transformer manufacturer.
With delayed protection (ANSI 51), the same rule applies, taking account of the current attenuation
according to the time constant stated by the transformer manufacturer.

Settings for Using the Function

Compulsory settings in the protection menu:
 Phase CT transformation ratio setting (PHASE CT screen)
 Network frequency selection (FREQUENCY screen)
 I> set point setting (I> 51 screen)
 I>> set point setting (I>> 51 screen)
 I>>> set point setting (I>>> 50-51 screen)

Additional settings in the parameters menu:

 Activation of the reset time (RESET TIME screen). This setting is common to the I> and Io> set points.
 Cold Load Pick-Up I setting (COLD LOAD I screen)

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Earth Fault Protection (ANSI 50N-51N)

Applicable to Sepam Series 10

Earth fault protection is used to detect overcurrents due to phase-to-earth faults. It uses the measurement
of the earth fault current fundamental component according to several connection diagrams (see below).
This protection can be used in various application scenarios:
 Incomer/feeder protection
 Neutral point protection
 Tank earth leakage protection

2 independent set points (Io> and Io>>) can be set to offer optimum discrimination:
 The Io> set point has either a definite time (DT) or inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) setting with
different types of standardized curve (IEC, IEEE, RI).
 The Io>> set point (Io) only has a definite time (DT) setting. The minimum setting can be used to obtain
instantaneous operation (ANSI 50N function).
Operation of both the Io> and Io>> set points can be associated with the Earth Fault Cold Load Pick-Up
(Cold Load Pick-Up Io) and Second Harmonic Restraint (see page 105) function, which is used to avoid
nuisance tripping of the protection when the installation is energized. In particular, the CLPU Io function
incorporates the option of activating restraint based on the detection of a second harmonic component in
the phase currents. Activation of this restraint is recommended on transformer applications, if the earth
fault current measurement is based on the sum of the 3 phase CTs. In this case, the aperiodic component
of the transformer inrush currents can cause transient saturation of the phase CTs and result in incorrect
earth fault current measurement likely to result in nuisance tripping of the earth fault protection. The
CLPU Io H2 restraint can be used to detect this incorrect residual current and inhibit the earth fault set
points during the transient currents linked to energizing.
Example: Curve for IDMT type Io> set point and DT type Io>> set point

Io > Io >>
Non tripping zone
Tripping zone

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Sensitivity and Principle of Connection Diagrams

Depending on the sensitivity level required, three types of Sepam relay are available. Each type
authorizes one or more connection diagrams to measure the earth fault current.
Standard earth fault protection - Sepam series 10 • •1•:
There are two possible connection diagrams:

Diagram 1 Diagram 2
Earth fault current measurement using the common Current measurement from an earth CT with 1 A or 5 A
point of the 3 phase CTs, with 1 A or 5 A secondary secondary rating.
The connection is as follows: The connection is as follows:

25 15
14 25 IA
24 IB 14
13 24 IB
23 IC 13
23 IC
22 Io 12
11 1A/5A 22
21 11

This version allows a minimum protection setting of 10% of the phase CT rating (diagram1) or the earth
CT rating (diagram2).
Sensitive earth fault protection - Sepam series 10 • •2•
The authorized connection diagrams are the same as the standard version. However, the minimum
protection setting is divided by 10 compared with the standard version. It is 1% of the phase CT rating
(diagram1) or the earth CT rating (diagram2).
However, if the protection set point needs to be set with low-level current values, use of an earth CT is
strongly recommended (diagram 2). In the case of diagram 1, precision errors in the 3 phase CTs can
result in incorrect earth fault current measurement. For set points below 10% CT In, this inaccuracy could
lead to nuisance tripping of the protection.

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Very sensitive earth fault protection - Sepam series 10 • •3•

This version operates with specifically designed core balance CTs. The connection diagram is as follows:

25 IA
24 IB
23 IC

22 2-240 A
CSH120 11
CSH200 21 0.2-24 A

Three types of core balance CT are available:

Core Balance CT Ratio Type of CT Inner Diameter

CSH120 470/1 Closed 120 mm (4.7 in)
CSH200 470/1 Closed 196 mm (7.7 in)
GO110 470/1 Opening 110 mm (4.3 in)

This version of Sepam is particularly suited to application scenarios requiring low-level earth fault current
detection, wired as an alarm or as a trip.
Sepam has 2 sensitivity ranges, depending on the connection of the core balance CT to the Sepam relay:
 0.2-24 A range (primary current)
 2.0-240 A range (primary current)

For more information on connecting the core balance CT to Sepam, refer to Connecting a Core Balance
CT, page 40.

Additional Functions
Sepam integrates functions that complement earth fault protection:
 Reset time:
With an IDMT setting, the set point parameters are set in order to activate an IDMT reset time. This
enables coordination with electromechanical relays. By default, the reset time is not active. Refer to
Reset Time, page 93.
 Earth fault cold load pick-up (Cold Load Pick-Up Io or CLPU Io):
Operation of both the Io> and Io>> set points can be associated with the CLPU Io function, which is
used to avoid nuisance tripping of the protection when the installation is energized. By default, the
CLPU Io function is not active. Refer to Earth Fault Cold Load Pick-up (Cold Load Pick-Up Io) and
Second Harmonic Restraint, page 105.
 Logic discrimination:
Sepam can be integrated in the logic discrimination system. This system can be used when the
installation requires the fault to be cleared within a short time. It is used to bypass the time interval
between the protection stages, imposed by time discrimination. By default, on the Sepam series 10 A,
output relay O5 is assigned to the logic discrimination blocking output. Refer to Logic Discrimination
(ANSI 68), page 121.

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Block Diagram

Standard Operation
If the earth fault current exceeds the Io> or Io>> set point:
 The I fault LED flashes quickly.
 The corresponding pick-up output changes state.
 The 2 pick-up outputs are used by the logic discrimination function to send a logic discrimination
blocking order: refer to Logic Discrimination (ANSI 68), page 121.
 The state of these 2 outputs is available via the communication: refer to Communication, page 169.

After expiry of the time delay associated with the Io> or Io>> set point:
 The I fault LED flashes slowly.
 Output relays O1, O2, O3 change state.
 The fault screen is displayed, with the tripping current values.
If the earth fault current drops back below the Io> or Io>> set point, then output relays O1, O2, O3 and
the display remain in the same state (latching function). Pressing the Reset key deactivates the latching
function (refer to Fault Acknowledgement, page 146):
 The I LED goes out.
 The output relays return to their initial state.
 The fault screen is replaced by the screen displayed prior to appearance of the fault.
NOTE: If the Io>> set point time delay is set to INST (instantaneous), the I>> delayed output is the same
as the I>> pick-up output.

Customization Option
Sepam's custom mode can be used to modify standard operation:
 Latching of the I LED can be disabled.
 Assignment of the Io> and Io>> set points to the O1, O2, O3 output relays can be modified.
 Latching of output relays O1, O2, O3 can be disabled.
 The activation logic of output relays O1 and O2 is configurable (contact closed or open on fault
Refer to Custom Operating Mode, page 147.

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Io> Set Point Settings Authorized Values

Tripping curve The following values are allowed:
 OFF: Set point off
For more information on tripping curves and the reset time, refer  DT: Definite time (DT)
to Overcurrent Protection Tripping Curves, page 91.  SIT/A: IEC standard inverse time
 VIT/B: IEC very inverse time
 LTI/B: IEC long time inverse
 EIT/C: IEC extremely inverse time
 MI: IEEE moderately inverse
 VI: IEEE very inverse
 EI: IEEE extremely inverse
 RI

Io> set point DT curve Standard version 0.1...24 Ino (minimum: 1 A)

Sensitive version 0.01...2.4 Ino (minimum: 0.1 A)
Very sensitive 0.2-24 A rating 0.0004...0.05 Ino (0.2...24 A)
version 2-240 A rating 0.004...0.5 Ino (2.0...240 A)
IDMT curves Standard version 0.1...2.4 Ino (minimum: 1 A)
Sensitive version 0.01...0.24 Ino (minimum: 0.1 A)
Very sensitive 0.2-24 A rating 0.0004...0.005 Ino (0.2...2.4 A)
version 2-240 A rating 0.004...0.05 Ino (2.0...24 A)
Accuracy Standard version +/- 5% or +/- 0.03 Ino
Sensitive version +/- 5% or +/- 0.003 Ino
Very sensitive 0.2-24 A rating +/- 5% or +/- 0.00015 Ino (+/- 0.07 A)
version 2-240 A rating +/- 5% or +/- 0.0015 Ino (+/- 0.7 A)
Time delay DT curve 0.05...300 s in steps of:
 0.01 s, from 0.05 to 9.99 s
 0.1 s, from 10.0 to 99.9 s
 1 s, from 100 to 300 s

IEC, RI curves TMS: 0.02...2 (step: 0.01)

IEEE curves TD: 0.5...15 (step: 0.1)
Reset time Setting common to I> and Io> set points:
 OFF: Reset time off
 ON: Reset time on

Io>> Set Point Settings Authorized Values

Tripping curve The following values are allowed:
 OFF: Set point off
 DT: Definite time (DT)

Io>> set point DT curve Standard version 0.1...24 Ino (minimum: 1 A)

Sensitive version 0.01...2.4 Ino (minimum: 0.1 A)
Very sensitive 0.2-24 A rating 0.0004...0.05 Ino (0.2...24 A)
version 2-240 A rating 0.004...0.5 Ino (2.0...240 A)
Accuracy Standard version +/- 5% or +/- 0.03 Ino
Sensitive version +/- 5% or +/- 0.003 Ino
Very sensitive 0.2-24 A rating +/- 5% or +/- 0.00015 Ino (+/- 0.07 A)
version 2-240 A rating +/- 5% or +/- 0.0015 Ino (+/- 0.7 A)
Time delay DT curve Instantaneous (pick-up) or 0.05...300 s in steps of:
 0.01 s, from 0.05 to 9.99 s
 0.1 s, from 10.0 to 99.9 s
 1 s, from 100 to 300 s

 For standard and sensitive versions, Ino is the earth CT primary rated current.
 For the very sensitive version, Ino is the primary rated current Ino for CSH200, CSH120 and GO110
core balance CTs, i.e. 470 A.

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Settings for Using the Function

Compulsory settings in the protection menu:
 Earth CT ratio setting (E/F CT or E/F RATIO CT screen)
If the measurement is taken on the common point of the 3 phase CTs, this setting is the same as the
phase CT ratio.
 Io> set point setting (Io> 51 N screen)
 Io>> set point setting (Io>> 50 N-51N screen)
 Network frequency selection (FREQUENCY screen)

Additional settings in the parameters menu:

 Activation of the reset time (RESET TIME screen). This setting is common to the I> and Io> set points.
 Cold Load Pick-Up Io setting (COLD LOAD Io screen)

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Overcurrent Protection Tripping Curves

Applicable to Sepam Series 10

Phase or earth fault overcurrent protection can be delayed using the following types of tripping curve:
 Definite time (DT): I>, I>>, I>>>, Io> and Io>> set points
 IDMT: I>, I>> and Io> set points only

In the case of standardized IDMT curves (IEC and IEEE type only), a reset time can be activated. This
reset time enables Sepam's coordination with electromechanical relays, placed upstream.

Definite Time (DT) Curve

In definite time (DT) protection functions, the tripping time is constant. The time delay is initialized as soon
as the operating set point Is is passed.
Definite time protection principle

IDMT Curve
In IDMT protection functions, the tripping time depends on the measured value (phase or earth fault
current), in accordance with standards IEC 60255-3 and IEEE C-37112.
Operation is represented by characteristic curves t = f(I/Is) or t = f(Io/Is) (where Is is the operating set
point), which look like this:

1 20 I/Is (Io/Is)

The curve is defined by:

 Its type (IEC, IEEE, inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse, etc.)
 Its current setting Is, which corresponds to the vertical asymptote of the curve
 Its time delay setting, which corresponds to a multiplying factor:
 TMS (Time Multiplying Setting) for IEC and RI curves
 TD (Time Dial) for IEEE curves

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When a high current is being measured, the following rules apply:

 When the value being monitored is more than 20 times the set point, the maximum tripping time
corresponds to a value of 20 times the set point.
 If the value being monitored exceeds Sepam's dynamic measurement range, the maximum tripping
time corresponds to the maximum dynamic range given in the table below.

Inputs Dynamic Range

Phase current inputs 40 In
Earth fault current input Standard version 40 Ino
Sensitive version 4 Ino
Very sensitive version 0.2...24 A rating 40 A
2...240 A rating 400 A

In and Ino: phase CT primary rated current or earth CT primary rated current respectively

Equation for IEC Curves

IEC curves are defined by the following equation:

Tripping curve parameters depending on the type of curve:

Characteristic Curve A p
IEC standard inverse time SIT/A 0.14 0.02
IEC very inverse time VIT/B 13.5 1
IEC long time inverse LTI/B 120 1
IEC extremely inverse time EIT/C 80 2

Equation for IEEE Curves

IEEE curves are defined by the following equation:

Tripping curve parameters depending on the type of curve:

Characteristic Curve A B p
IEEE moderately inverse (MI) 0.0103 0.0228 0.02
IEEE very inverse (VI) 3.922 0.0982 2
IEEE extremely inverse (EI) 5.64 0.02434 2

Equation for the RI Curve

The RI curve is defined by the following equation:

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Reset Time
When the I>, I>> and Io> set points use standardized IDMT curves (IEC or IEEE type), it is possible to
activate an IDMT reset time. This characteristic ensures coordination of a Sepam with an electrome-
chanical overcurrent relay, placed upstream.
Without a reset time, the tripping time delay counter is reset once the current drops back below the set
point (I < 95% Is).
With a reset time, when the current drops back below the set point, the time delay counter is decremented
in line with a curve that depends on the measured current value. The aim is to reproduce the operation
of the electromechanical relay disk. The reset time corresponds to the time it would take the disk to return
from its maximum position (fault current) to its off-position. This time depends on the current measured
by the Sepam relay.
The reset time curve is defined in standard IEEE C-37112.
It is defined by the following equation:

 Is: Tripping set point value
 I (Io): Current measured by the protection function
 TMS (or TD): Tripping curve setting

Tr, the value of the reset time for a zero current and TMS = 1, is defined in the table below:

Characteristic Curve Tr
IEC standard inverse time SIT/A 12.1
IEC very inverse time VIT/B 43.2
IEC long time inverse LTI/B 120
IEC extremely inverse time EIT/C 80
IEEE moderately inverse (MI) 0.97
IEEE very inverse (VI) 4.32
IEEE extremely inverse (EI) 5.82

The corresponding curve looks like this:


TMS = 1


0 1 I/Is (Io/Is)

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Example of Reset Time

The timing diagram below explains the operation caused by the current-dependent reset time:


Pick-up output

Value of T
time delay


IEC Standard Inverse Time Curve (SIT/A)










1 10 I/Is

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IEC Very Inverse Time Curve (VIT/B)




1 1.5





1 10 I/Is

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IEC Long Time Inverse Curve (LTI/B)

10 000



10 1.5






1 10 I/Is

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IEC Extremely Inverse Time Curve (EIT/C)








0.01 0.02 0.05

1 10 I/Is

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IEEE Moderately Inverse Curve (MI)



1 5


1 10 I/Is

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IEEE Very Inverse Curve (VI)




1 10

0.1 1


1 10 I/Is

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IEEE Extremely Inverse Curve (EI)






1 10 I/Is

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RI Curve





1 0.3






1 10 I/Is

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