Project Proposal

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Project Title: Posible Improvement for Sharp Develop software application

Program Title (if applicable): Prepared By: Date: 5/19/2022

Neil Gabrielle C. Retuerto
Adrian Jame Naranjo
Kevin James Tolentino


Comparing Visual Studio Application Features and sharp Develop Features tools which will give a better
understanding what Sharp-develop Application Lack and have a opportunity to improve and provide
better service for the user.

Purpose Statement (Goals):

This proposal may provide developers with an opportunity to improve and receive feedback from users.
This research will be beneficial to both developers and users. We are conducting this research to
determine which is superior for use in programming. This research can be useful to users of sharp develop
and visual studio, as well as to the two applications in determining whether they have any weaknesses that
need to be addressed.

● Have a better experienced for the user.
● Make the two application creates some adjustment and improvement.
● Have a close interaction from the developers for the greatness of the community.
● By comparing this two it will give the user to have a knowledge which is better.


● We can use the two applications website and write a feedback and give them some suggestion to
help them to improve.
● We can use some google forms and give a it to people that has concerns for the two applications
which will give them an opportunity to provide feedback.
● This will give some impact on how the developers will approach this problem and make them that
user cares for their work.
● Any feedback given by the user's will be reviewed and must be acceptable for IT SECURITY
POLICIES so that the developers don't feel threaten and not to offend the developers of these two

Template adapted from:
Success Criteria:
● This is the measurable business value resulting from doing this project.
● What state must exist for the client to say the project was a success?
● Address quantitative and tangible business benefits in terms of what will be improved, what
problems will be reduced or what benefit will this be to the organization.

Risks and Dependencies:

● Identify any factors that can affect the outcome of the project including major dependencies on
other events or actions.
● These factors can affect deliverables, success, and completion of the project.
● Record anything that can go wrong during this project and the probability.

Required Consultations: The following consultations may be useful for any project. Identify which
consultation should be required for your project:
● Functional requirements from client community
● Budget and Resource Management Group budget review
● Procurement & Business Contracts (Purchasing) - if an RFP or any significant project expenditures
are expected, consult with Procurement early in the process
● Technical requirements
● CRM Technical and client impact review
● Design Review Board (DRB)
● IT Security Policy

● People – project staff, participants and those impacted (general classifications OK) technical lead
(if necessary) and functional lead (if necessary)
● Time - what is the time frame for this project? How long will it take?
● Pesos - direct and indirect costs, e.g., out of pocket expenses and absorbed overhead
● Other – software, expertise, procured items, outside expertise, etc.

Template adapted from:

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