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Solayao - Thesis Outline

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A Thesis Outline
Submitted to the Faculty of the
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
College of Engineering and Technology
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of



Tomato is one of the most popular and widely grown vegetable

crops in the world. It belongs to the family Solanaceae. According to Mohan

et al. (2016) and FAOSTAT (2015), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.), with a

total production of around 160 million tons per year, is the second most important

source of nourishment (after potatoes) for the World’s population. Tomatoes are

currently an important food component globally. Reports from the United States show

tomato as the second most consumed fresh vegetable with 6 kg/person in 2017

(USDA, 2016). Tomatoes are known as a source of vitamins and pro-vitamins

(vitamin C, pro-vitamin A, β carotene, folate), minerals such as potassium, and

secondary metabolites such as lycopene, flavonoids, phytosterols and polyphenols

(Beecher, 1998, Luthria et al., 2006).

Evaporative cooling is the process by which the temperature of a substance

is reduced due to the cooling effect from the evaporation of water. The

conversion of sensible heat to latent heat causes a decrease in the ambient

temperature as water evaporated provide useful cooling. This cooling effect has

been used on various scales from small space cooling to large industrial

applications (Liberty et al., 2013). Several researches have been done on various

forms of design of evaporative coolers (Rusten, 1985; Dzivama, 2000; Olosunde

2006; Sushmita et al., 2008). In developing countries, Storage has been observed

to pose a greater threat to fruits and vegetables because information on the

storage temperature, humidity requirements and the length of time they can be

kept without a decline in market value is either inadequate or unknown to those

who need the information (FAO, 2003). Deterioration of fruits and vegetable
during storage largely depends on temperature. One way to increase the shelf life

of fruits and vegetable is by lowering of the temperature. Too low temperature

can cause damage to agricultural produce and as soon as the product leaves the

region of controlled temperature, deterioration starts again (Bastrash, 1998). In

order to maintain the quality of stored fruits and vegetables, they are normally

kept in humid conditions (Sunmonu et al., 2012). For most perishable crops, the

higher the humidity the better it is in storage. However if the humidity is too high,

water may condense on top of the vegetables thus increasing rotting (Thompson,

1972). Deterioration of fresh tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) during storage

depends partly on temperature (Ajayi, 2011). One way to slow down deterioration

and thus increases the length of time tomatoes can be stored, is by lowering the

temperature to an appropriate level. If the storage temperature is too low the

product will be damaged and also as soon as the product leaves the cold store,

deterioration starts again and often at a faster rate. It is essential that tomatoes

are not damaged during harvest and that they are kept clean. Damaged and

bruised tomatoes have much shorter storage lives and very poor appearance after

storage. (Fabiyi, 2010). Sushmita et al, (2008), stated that keeping products at

their lowest safe temperature (0°C for temperate crops or 10-12 °C for chilling

sensitive crops) will increase storage life by lowering respiration rate,

decreasing sensitivity to ethylene gas and reducing water loss. Much of the

post-harvest losses of vegetables in developing countries are due to the lack of

proper storage facilities. Refrigerated cold stores are the best method of

preserving vegetables, but they are expensive. Consequently, in the developing

countries such as Nigeria and particularly in northern Nigeria where most

vegetable crops are grown there is an interest in simple, low-cost alternatives, many

of which depend on evaporative cooling which is simple (Nobel, 2003). As

water evaporates, it draws energy from its surroundings which produce cooling

effect. Evaporative cooling occurs when air, that is not too humid, passes over

a wet surface so that the faster the rate of evaporation the greater the cooling

and the efficiency of an evaporative cooler depends on the humidity of the

surrounding air (Nobel, 2003). Dry air can absorb moisture faster and no cooling

occurs in the extreme case of air that is totally saturated with water (Ajayi,

2011). This study, therefore, primarily aims to evaluate the performance of the

evaporative cooling system for the intermediate storage of tomato (Solanum


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study was to evaluate an evaporative cooling

system for the intermediate storage of tomato.

Specifically, it aimed to:

1. Evaluate the technical performance of the evaporative cooling system in

terms of the temperature difference between the outside and inside

temperature of the evaporative cooler.

2. Evaluate the storage life of vegetables outside and inside the evaporative

cooler and characterize the weight loss.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study is limited to the technical performance of the

evaporative cooling system in terms of temperature difference between the outside

and inside temperatures of the evaporative cooler and the storage life of vegetables

outside and inside the evaporative cooler, as well as characterizing the weight loss.

Time and Place of the Study

The study will be conducted at the Renewable Energy Research Center, VSU,

Baybay City, Leyte.


General Facts About Tomatoes

One of the most popular tomato-related debates is whether tomatoes are fruits

or vegetables. Botanically they are fruits of the nightshade family, specifically

Solanum lycopersicum. In terms of culinary practices they are often used in ways

similar to a vegetable. Tomatoes as a food originated in Mexico. However, due to

their versatility, taste, and ability to grow in different regions, they quickly spread

throughout most of the world following the Spanish colonization of the Americas in

the 1500s. (Semco, 2014)

Tomatoes are renowned for their nutritional value. They contain an important

and powerful antioxidant known as lycopene. Lycopene has been shown to have a

number of health benefits including possible prevention of cancer, particularly

prostate cancer, and skin protect against UV rays. There is also research being

conducted into whether or not tomatoes have heart-healthy benefits for people with

type 2 diabetes and whether or not tomatoes can improve urinary tract function.

(Semco, 2014)

Postharvest Handling Practices for Tomatoes

Physical handling can have a drastic effect on the postharvest quality and shelf

life of most harvested fruits and vegetables. For instance, rough handling during

harvesting and after harvesting can cause mechanical injuries which can affect the

postharvest quality and shelf life of harvested fruit like tomatoes (D. M. Beckles,

2012). It is therefore important to know suitable postharvest handling practices

needed to maintain the quality and extend the shelf life of harvested tomatoes for

producers in developing countries.

Harvesting- Tomatoes can be harvested in either matured green, partially ripe,

or ripe state. Tomato being a climacteric fruit can be harvested at the matured green

state allowing ripening and senescence to occur during the post-harvest period of the

fruit. Producers targeting distant markets must harvest their tomatoes in a matured

green state (K. M. Moneruzzaman, 2009). Harvesting tomatoes in matured green state

will not only give producers ample time to prepare the fruit for the market but also

prevent mechanical injuries during harvesting. Unfortunately, most producers from

developing countries especially those in Africa harvest tomatoes when they are

partially or fully ripened (I. K. Arah, 2015). Fully ripened tomatoes are susceptible to

mechanical injuries during harvesting resulting in shorter shelf life (C. B. Watkins,

2006). Care must therefore be taken when harvesting tomatoes in ripe state to avoid

these injuries which will hasten deterioration. Also, the use of harvesting and

packaging containers with sharp edges must be discouraged to prevent bruising and

puncturing of the fruits.

Precooling after Harvest - Field heat is usually high and undesirable at

harvesting stage of many fruits and vegetables and should be removed as quickly as

possible before any postharvest handling activity ( J. Bachmann and R. Earles, 2000).

Excessive field heat gives rise to an undesirable increase in metabolic activity and

immediate cooling after harvest is therefore important (B. Akbudak, N. Akbudak, V.

Seniz, and A. Eris, 2012). Precooling minimises the effect of microbial activity,

metabolic activity, respiration rate, and ethylene production [25] (N. C. Shahi, U. C.

Lohani, K. Chand, and A. Singh, 2012), whilst reducing the ripening rate, water loss,
and decay, thereby preserving quality and extending shelf life of harvested tomatoes

(M. D. Ferreira, J. K. Brecht, S. A. Sargent, and J. J. Aracena, 1994). The suitable

temperature range of about 13–20∘ C for tomato handling can be attained either in the

early hours of the morning or late in the evening ( A. A. Kader,1984). Harvested fruit

must be precooled to remove excessive field heat if harvested at times other than the

recommended periods. A cheap but effective way of precooling harvested tomatoes

for producers of developing countries can be by dipping fruits in cold water

(hydrocooling) mixed with disinfectants such as Advances in Agriculture 3

thiabendazole and sodium hypochlorite if availability of clean water is not a

challenge. This method is effective in removing field heat whilst reducing microbial

loads on the harvested fruits.

Cleaning or Disinfecting - Proper hygiene is a major concern to all produce

handlers, because of not only postharvest diseases, but also incidence of food-borne

illnesses that can be transmitted to consumers. According to a report by the

Government of India, Salmonella, Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and hepatitis A virus

are some examples of disease causing organisms that have been transmitted to

consumers through fresh fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, cleaning or disinfecting

tomatoes after harvest is not a common practice for most tomatoes handlers in

developing countries especially those from Africa. This practice may be attributed to

either the unavailability of portable water at the production sites or the sheer

ignorance of the practice. However, in places where water is not a constraint, the use

of disinfectants in water either for washing or for cooling can reduce both postharvest

and food-borne diseases in fruits and vegetables.The use of various disinfectants

during postharvest treatment of tomatoes is well documented. For instance, sodium

hypochlorite solution has been used to sterilize tomato fruits in order to reduce the

incidence of fungal infection before any postharvest treatment was applied (T.


Sorting and Grading - Sorting is the removal of rotten, damaged, or diseased

fruits from the healthy and clean ones. The damaged or diseased fruits can produce

ethylene in substantial amounts which can affect the adjacent fruits (M. E. Saltveit,

1999). Grading is also the process of categorizing fruits and vegetables on the basis of

colour, size, stage of maturity, or degree of ripening. The two processes are vital in

maintaining postharvest shelf life and quality of harvested tomatoes. Sorting limits the

spread of infectious microorganisms from bad fruits to other healthy fruits during

postharvest handling of tomatoes.

Storage - Tomato has very high moisture content and therefore is very

difficult to store at ambient temperatures for a long time. Meanwhile, storage in the

value chain is usually required to ensure uninterrupted supply of raw materials for

processors. Storage extends the length of the processing season and helps provide

continuity of product supply throughout the seasons. For short-term storage (up to a

week), tomato fruits can be stored at ambient conditions (D. Znidarcic and T. Pozrl,

2006) if there is enough ventilation to reduce the accumulation of heat from

respiration. For longer-term storage, ripe 4 Advances in Agriculture tomatoes can be

stored at temperatures of about 10–15∘ C and 85–95% relative humidity (L. R.

Castro, C. Vigneault, M. T. Charles, and L. A. B. Cortez, 2013). At these

temperatures, both ripening and chilling injuries are reduced to the minimal levels..

Very low temperature storage too is detrimental to the shelf life and quality of many

tropical fruits like tomatoes. For instance, refrigerating a tomato will reduce its
flavour, a quality trait of tomatoes which is largely determined by the total soluble

solids (TSS) and pH of the fruit (C. L. Moretti, S. A. Sargent, D. J. Huber, A. G.

Calbo, and R.Puschmann, 1998). An understanding of the correct temperature

management during storage of tomatoes is vital in extending the shelf life of the fruit

whilst maintaining fruit qualities. Tomatoes handlers in tropical countries can store

tomatoes for short to intermediate time by using evaporative cooling system made

from woven jute sacks.

General Information About Cooling and Storing Tomatoes

Tomatoes are more complicated to cool and store than many other types of

produce because there is a very wide variation of correct storage temperature

depending on the ripeness of the tomatoes. Tomatoes also vary in shelf life depending

on ripeness at the time of harvest and storage conditions. (Semco, 2014)

Ripeness/Color – Tomatoes are often graded on ripeness based on the color of

their skin. The colors and criteria are as follows:

Green – Green tomatoes have a surface that is completely green. The

particular shade of green may range anywhere from light to dark. Tomatoes are called

“mature green” when they have reached the stage of ripening that will allow them to

fully ripen into red tomatoes. Immature greens are tomatoes that are not yet mature

enough to ripen fully and should be avoided. Mature greens on the other hand will be

indistinguishable from vine-ripened tomatoes by the end of the ripening process and

come with the added benefit of a longer shelf life.

Breakers – Tomatoes are called breakers when their green skin features

tannish yellow skin with pink or red spots that do not cover more than 10% of the

tomato’s surface.

Turning – Tomatoes are said to be turning when they have tannish yellow,

pink, or red skin that makes up more than 10% of their surface but less than 30%.

Pink – Tomatoes are said to be pink when they have more than 30% but less

than 60% of their skin a pinkish red or red color.

Light Red – Light red tomatoes have a pinkish red or red skin that comprises

more than 60% of their surface but less than 90%.

Red – Red tomatoes are those with more than 90% of their surface red.

Temperature – The correct storage temperature for tomatoes varies based on

their ripeness/color. As a general rule the more ripe the tomato the cooler its correct

storage temperature. Tomatoes stored at temperatures too cold for their ripeness stage

will suffer cold damage, reduced taste and quality, and may never fully ripen. By

contrast tomatoes stored at temperatures too high for their ripeness stage may be

subject to premature spoilage, decay, and damage. Mature greens may be stored at

58°F to 60°F, while pink tomatoes may be stored at 48°F to 50°F. Fully ripe tomatoes

may be stored at temperatures as low as 40°F. (Semco, 2014)

Humidity – The correct humidity level for storing and cooling tomatoes is

about 85% to 95%, with lower humidity levels running the risk of drying out or

dehydrating the tomatoes and higher humidity levels making the tomatoes more

susceptible to rapid decay. Some studies suggest an even more narrow range of about

85% to 90% with concerns that even humidity levels over 90% could hasten decay.

(Semco, 2014)
Ethylene – Like many other fruits and vegetables tomatoes produce and

release ethylene as they ripen, which in turn further hastens the ripening process.

Unripe tomatoes may be intentionally treated with ethylene to bring about more rapid

ripening prior to being sold to consumers. By contrast unripe tomatoes not yet ready

to be sold should avoid contact with ethylene. (Semco, 2014)

Storage – Because tomatoes are sensitive to ethylene it is typically a good

idea to keep them separate from other fruits and vegetables since these other types of

produce may unintentionally hasten ripening or, likewise, ripe tomatoes may hasten

the ripening of other produce. Along the same lines ripe tomatoes may also need to be

kept separate from unripe tomatoes. Once a tomato fully ripens its shelf life is much

lower. (Semco, 2014)

Shelf Life – The shelf life of tomatoes varies based on their ripeness, as well

as the other factors discussed above. Generally mature green tomatoes will have a

shelf life of about 21 to 28 days. Pink tomatoes have a shelf life of about 7 to 14 days.

Fully ripe red tomatoes only have a shelf life of about 2 to 4 days. (Semco, 2014)

Methods of Cooling Tomatoes

Tomatoes should be cooled using the room storage method, which involves

placing the tomatoes in a refrigerated room or cooler set to the correct temperature for

the tomato’s given ripeness level. It is important to ensure that the tomato boxes are

well ventilated to allow heat to escape and for proper air circulation. Tomatoes should

also be handled carefully as they are very prone to physical damage due to bruising,

dropping, or general mishandling. Semco offers industry-leading cooling equipment

that can be customized to handle the unique demands and cooling sensitivity of

tomatoes. (Semco, 2014)

Principle of evaporative cooling system

Evaporative cooling is a physical phenomenon in which evaporation of a

liquid, typically into surrounding air, cools an object or a liquid in contact with it.

When considering water evaporating into air, the wet-bulb temperature, as compared

to the air’s dry-bulb temperature, is a measure of the potential for evaporative cooling.

The greater the difference between the two temperatures, the greater the evaporative

cooling effect. Evaporation of water produces a considerable cooling effect and the

faster the evaporation the greater is the cooling. When the temperatures are the same,

no net evaporation of water in air occurs, thus there is no cooling effect. The principle

of working of this system is ‘when a particular space is conditioned and maintained at

a temperature lower than the ambient temperature surrounding the space, there should

be release of some moisture from outside the body’. This maintains low temperature

and elevated humidity in the space compared to the surrounding. This evaporative

cool chamber fulfills all these requirements and is helpful to small farmers in rural

areas (Dadhich et al. 2008).

Concept of evaporative cooling

Evaporative cooling is the process of lowering a substance's temperature

through the cooling impact of water evaporation. As water evaporates during the
conversion of sensible heat to latent heat, the ambient temperature drops, providing

effective cooling. From small space cooling to huge industrial applications, this

cooling effect has been applied on a variety of scales. Evaporative cooling varies from

conventional air conditioning and refrigeration in that it can deliver effective cooling

without the use of external energy. This impact is most noticeable when the body is

cooled by sweat draining from the skin during physical exercise. This basic form of

evaporative cooling serves as the foundation for more elaborate and mechanical

evaporative cooling systems. Evaporative coolers work on the premise of cooling

caused by water evaporation from the structure's surface. The high relative humidity

of the air in the cooling chamber from which the evaporation occurs arises from the

device's cooling. As a result, the atmosphere in the chamber becomes more favorable

to the storage of fruits and vegetables. When dry air travels over a wet surface,

evaporative cooling occurs; the faster the rate of evaporation, the greater the cooling.

The humidity of the surrounding air affects the efficiency of an evaporative cooler.

Because very dry air can absorb a lot of moisture, it cools down faster. In the extreme

situation of completely saturated air, no evaporation can occur, and no cooling can

occur. Evaporative cooling structures are often built of porous materials that are fed

with water. The material is blown with hot, dry air. The water evaporates into the air,

increasing the humidity while also lowering the temperature. (FAO, 1995)
Figure 1 The Evaporative Cooling System



Preliminary Evaluation

In the experiment, the Evaporative Cooler will be tested for preparation. This

examination includes inspecting the region as well as the components of the

evaporative cooler. The sensors and thermocouples were calibrated and tested. The

temperature was measured using thermocouple wires attached to a portable multi-data


Technical Performance of the Evaporative Cooler

The technical performance of the Evaporative Cooler was assessed based on

temperature and relative humidity data taken within and outside the structure at

certain periods of the day. A 12-point thermocouple attached to the portable multi-

data logger and a humidity meter was used to measure the temperature and relative

humidity within and outside the construction, respectively.

Evaluation of Vegetables inside and outside the Structure
The evaluation was carried out with 20 kilograms of tomatoes. Prior to the

storage, sorting and grading was done to examine damages incurred during transport.

This is to eliminate possible early deterioration during the conduct of the study.

The evaluation with stored vegetables will be done using the evaporative pad

dripped with water from the open roof top storage structure. The suction fan was also

turned on.

Experimental Set-up. The experiment consists of two treatments. Treatment

1 is outside of the storage and Treatment 2 is inside the evaporative cooler. Two (2)

racks will placed inside the storage and one rack in a shaded area outside the storage.

The rack has three-layer and each layer has two trays. The labels to be used in this

evaluation are as follows:

Table 1. Experimental Set-up of vegetables inside and outside the storage


To, T1 Control Outside Top

To, T2 Control Outside Top

To, M1 Control Outside Middle

To, M2 Control Outside Middle

To, B1 Control Outside Bottom

To, B2 Control Outside Bottom

TF, T1 Evaporative Cooler Front Top

TF, T2 Evaporative Cooler Front Top

TF, M1 Evaporative Cooler Front Middle

TF, M2 Evaporative Cooler Front Middle

TF, B1 Evaporative Cooler Front Bottom

TF, B2 Evaporative Cooler Front Bottom

TB, T1 Evaporative Cooler Back Top

TB, T2 Evaporative Cooler Back Top

TB, M1 Evaporative Cooler Back Middle

TB, M2 Evaporative Cooler Back Middle

TB, B1 Evaporative Cooler Back Bottom

TB, B2 Evaporative Cooler Back Bottom

The relative humidity will be recorded every three hours during the three-day

evaluation. The temperature also measured and recorded at one-hour interval

throughout the storage period. Every 5:00 P.M., the weight of samples taken in each

tray will be also recorded. Each level of the racks and the outside area were placed

with thermocouple wires connected to the portable multi-data logger.

Figure 2. The portable multi–data logger used in the experiment

The study will be using a 2-factor factorial experiment in a one-way ANOVA,

two-way ANOVA, Post Hoc., and T-Test. The factors considered are the location

(outside and inside the evaporative cooler) and the level (top, middle, and bottom) of

the rack. The table below shows the experimental design of the study.

Quality Analysis.
This study's quality characteristics include physiological weight loss, color

changes, hardness, and environmental elements (temperature, relative humidity).

Physiological weight loss. The physiological weight loss of vegetables will be

measured by weighing the samples every day. The difference in measured weights for

three consecutive days will be noted. Kehrn's computerized top balance will be used

to weigh the samples. The calculation below will be used to calculate its % weight


W I −W F
W L ( % )= ×100

W L= weight loss in percent
W I = initial weight of sample (kg)
W F = final weight of sample (kg)

Figure 3. Kern’s digital top balance used in measuring

the weight of the sample

Temperature. The temperature inside and outside the evaporative cooler will

be recorded at the structure using thermocouples at one (1) hour interval.

Thermocouple wires will be inserted on each level of the rack inside the evaporative

cooler, while only one thermocouple inserted in the center of the rack outside the


Relative Humidity. At the same time as the temperature, the relative humidity

inside and outside the storage will be measured. A mini-thermo anemometer and

humidity will be used to measure it.

Figure 3. The instrument used in recording the relative humidity in the experiment

Statistical Analysis

The technical evaluation of the evaporative cooling system for the

intermediate storage of tomatoes will be conducted using a 2-factor factorial

experiment. One-way ANOVA will used in analyzing the temperature, two-way

ANOVA for weight loss, Post Hoc. for the positions of vegetables, and T- Test

method for the relative humidity. This is to investigate the influence of storage

location, position and the type of vegetables to be stored within the evaporative cooler

on the storage life of the vegetables. The factors considered are the location (outside

and inside the evaporative cooler) and the level (top, middle, and bottom) of the rack.

D. Znidarcic and T. Pozrl, “Comparative study of quality changes in tomato cv.

Malike (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) while stored at different

temperatures,”Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 235–243, 2006.

Evaporative Cooling Background. (n.d.).



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