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Participatory Educational Research (PER), 7(3);38-58, 1 December 2020
An abundant number of cases had caught the society’s attention when college students
who graduated in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) strands
started choosing a non-STEM field as their major when they enrolled in college (Chen & Weko,
2009). Another alarming problem is when most of the students who entered college with an
original aim of pursuing a STEM field career, drop out of school, or choose a non-STEM
program. Similarly, the Higher Education Research Institute (2010) indicated a 20% to 50% of
student loss rates in college STEM disciplines. This is a particular manifestation that society is
currently experiencing a shortage of workforce in STEM fields.
Globally, the demand for STEM graduates is very high. Hill, Corbett & St. Rose (2010)
mentioned that many countries in the world face the task of recruiting more individuals into
STEM industries. However, students’ interest in STEM careers is declining. Several studies
reported a decline in student engagement with STEM and subsequent choices to pursue STEM-
related careers (American Institute of Physics, 2014; Barton, Tan, & Rivet, 2008; Bottia,
Stearns, Mickelson, Moller, & Valentino, 2015; Roberts, 2002; Stagg, Laird, & Taylor, 2003).
Undoubtedly, STEM had contributed vital importance in building the nation’s productivity. In
Australia, the prevailing view is that the workforce and economy require additional STEM
skills and knowledge to support the nation’s productivity and prosperity and thus remain
competitive on the international platform (Siekmann & Korbel, 2016). Relatively, a strong
focus was also given by the STEM-related industries in the United States just to alleviate the
number of students engaging in postsecondary participation in STEM education (Baber, 2015).
Moreover, Malaysia is in dire need of a workforce in the year 2020 (Vijaindren, 2018). But
despite the government’s commitment, Malaysia still had been struggling to meet the human
capital demand that is necessary for 2020. In recent years, STEM field enrollees had continued
to decline (Halim & Meerah, 2016).
In the Philippines, STEM graduates are insufficient; hence, the country does not have sufficient
scientists (Anito, Morales & Palisoc, 2019). The Philippines only has 189 scientists per million
which is very low compared to the UNESCO recommendation which is 380 per million (Anito
et al., 2019). The low number of scientists in the country is greatly attributed to the low
graduates of STEM-related careers. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) report
revealed that the completion rate across STEM areas based on the average 5-year data until
2016-2017 is only 21.10%. In particular, sciences had a completion rate of 25.52% followed
by mathematics (21.20%), information technology (19.56%), engineering and technology
(18.97%), and medical and allied fields with 14.38%. This scenario is further validated by
EduTECH (2016) that the Philippines is experiencing shortages in the workforce in the field of
In the school year 2016-2017, the Department of Education (DepEd) started implementing the
senior high school under the K to 12 program in the Philippines. The two additional years are
intended to supply enough time and to provide adequate knowledge and skills to prepare the
students for future employment. Four tracks were offered in the said program, including the
academic track where the STEM strand is included.
Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior… R. J. L. Rafanan, C. Y. De Guzman & D. V. Rogayan, Jr
The study explored the reasons why the senior high school (SHS) students enrolled in a STEM-
related field and whether they will pursue a STEM career. This research hopes to shed light on
the motivation, interest, and career path of students who enrolled in STEM in the basic
education schools in the Philippines. Moreover, the research gap that this paper also hopes to
address is the shortage of studies on career path of Filipino students who enrolled in STEM
strand with the end view of proposed recommendatory policies and practices to increase
students’ interest in enrolling and pursuing career in STEM, and producing more STEM-
oriented professionals in the country.
STEM Education
The review of the related literature for this study focused on the different studies
concerning the factors affecting the perception of high school students in choosing STEM
strand. STEM was meant to epitomize a significant connection that occurred among science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (Bolds, 2017; Patton, 2013). STEM strand focuses
on advanced concepts and topics compared to other strands. In this track, students are expected
to become a pilot, an architect, an astrophysicist, a biologist, a chemist, an engineer, a dentist,
a nutritionist, a nurse, a doctor, and a lot more, even the marine engineers could take this track.
According to Orbeta, Lagarto, Ortiz, Ortiz, and Potestad (2018), one of the reasons provided
by proponents of the K to 12 law is that SHS graduates can work or engage in entrepreneurial
activities if they choose to do. They view K to 12 programs as a way of help for the students to
land on better job opportunities after graduation even if they can’t enroll themselves in college
right away. The curriculum also aims to teach the students to become entrepreneurs by adding
classes that tackle about managing businesses. The entrepreneurship component offers basic
business management, which encouraged the students to generate business ideas and make a
profit according to their passion. More than half (50%) of high school graduates directed in the
STEM field are not prepared for their tough college coursework (ACT Inc., 2015).
Several researches revealed that STEM majors were academically prepared especially in
mathematics and science test scores, were successful when it comes to GPA, and persistent in
earning a STEM degree (Chen, 2013; Chen & Ho, 2012; Mattern, Radunzel, & Westrick, 2015;
Shaw & Barbuti, 2010).
Honey, Pearson, and Schweingruber (2018) stated that in educational practice and research, the
term integrated was used loosely and was typically not carefully distinguished from related
terms such as connected, unified, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, or
transdisciplinary. Defining integrated STEM education was further complicated by the fact that
connections can be reflected at more than one level at the same time: in the student’s thinking
or behavior, in the teacher’s instruction, in the curriculum, between and among teachers
themselves, or in larger units of the education system, such as the organization of an entire
school (Honey et al., 2018). The multidimensional nature of integrated STEM education led to
one of the significant tasks to identify and characterize existing approaches to integrated STEM.
Evolving learners’ understanding and appreciation utilizing integrated content, abilities, and
methods of thinking interactions, encompassed in what way they upkeep and accompany one
another, and was not a stress-free task (English, 2016).
Participatory Educational Research (PER), 7(3);38-58, 1 December 2020
Song and Glick (2004) stated that igniting the interests of students in STEM careers
may be influenced by their perception of their potential careers and potential earnings.
Southeast Asian women, particularly for the Chinese, Filipino were more inclined to STEM
major rather than White women mainly because of the influence of possible earnings. Better
STEM careers activity arises where subject teachers see the preparation of young people for
work, as an integral part of their professional role, and where they have the professional skills
and confidence to act on this (Finegold, Stagg, & Hutchinson, 2011).
According to Harackiewicz, Rozek, Hulleman, and Hyde (2012), without the proper knowledge
about STEM-based careers, students who prefer to take a STEM field career might be
discouraged with the decreasing number of students pursuing the strand. This may result in
misconception and diminish their desire to participate in activities that may open awareness and
knowledge about the STEM career.
According to Franco and Patel (2017), there are five related categories regarding the
understanding and experiences of the students: students’ thinking of engagement, challenges
influencing engagement, teachers’ facilitation of engagement, course assignments, and
engagement, and facilitation of content utility. Trusty (2002) states that the likelihood of women
choosing STEM major is affected by encouraging students to take the most academically
intensive math courses such as trigonometry, pre-calculus, and calculus. A strong positive
STEM identity is a predictor of future career choice in a STEM field (Martin-Hasen, 2018).
McCharen and High (2010) said that there are higher enrollment and persistence rates in STEM-
related postsecondary degree programs to those students who were able to complete their high
select high school pre-engineering programs. According to Villena (2017), the K to 12 program
implementation helped the students to be prepared in their future career, as they finish the SHS,
the career guidance program assisted them in deciding the best career to be taken in the future.
Rask (2010) states that the STEM program is very costly in terms of one’s motivation and future
career potential as well. STEM education is one of the most in-demand strands in DepEd’s
senior high school. With the K to 12 curriculum, more students became more competitive,
especially in the field of science and technology, as well as in engineering and mathematics
using advanced concepts and topics. As a result, the Philippine education system is
continuously improving, and it also helps the students to be more globally competitive. But due
to lack of scholarship opportunities, lack of parental support, and some other factors, many
STEM students fail to finish their chosen careers.
Theoretical Framework
The present study is anchored on the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT).
According to Lent, Brown, and Hackett (1994), the developed SCCT empowered understanding
of career choice, interest, and performance processes. This theory acknowledges the aspects
that interchange when a particular track progressed on the chosen career path of the students.
Furthermore, using social cognitive processes provide a framework that explains
accomplishment and failure, educational outcomes, and career outcomes.
Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior… R. J. L. Rafanan, C. Y. De Guzman & D. V. Rogayan, Jr
SCCT has been divided into two levels of theoretical analysis; the performance of
cognitive person variables and the breakdown of the additional sets of variables that might
influence career-related interests and behaviour. Staunton (2015) mentioned that choosing the
best career or education program that fits the student’s personality will lead to better career
well-being, success-job satisfaction, good grades, and graduation on time.
This study aimed to explore the perspectives of STEM senior high school students in
pursuing science-related careers in the future. Generally, this study answered the following
research questions:
Research Model
According to Lambert and Lambert (2012), the purpose of qualitative descriptive studies is a
comprehensive summarization, in conventional terms, of specific events skilled by using
individuals or groups of individuals. To some researchers, such a qualitative format category
does not exist. Unfortunately, this has pressured other researchers, especially beginners, to the
methods of qualitative research, to experience they have to defend their research method by
way of giving it epistemological credibility. This had led to the labeling of many researches as
phenomenology, grounded theory, or ethnography, when in fact, these researches failed to meet
the requirements of such qualitative approaches. The present study is descriptive qualitative
research as it described the perspectives and experiences of Grade 12 STEM senior high school
students in their career interest, motivation, and aspiration concerning STEM.
The role of the researchers in qualitative research is to attempt to access the thoughts and
feelings of study participants (Sutton & Austin, 2015). In this research, the researchers sought
to gather information about the perspectives of STEM students. First, the researchers collected
data through a one-on-one interview. Second, they transcribed, analyzed, and interpreted the
data gathered. The researchers used audio recording for data collection during the interview.
Participatory Educational Research (PER), 7(3);38-58, 1 December 2020
Then, they transcribed the recordings into written form. They kept the audiotapes and the
transcripts into a secure folder and stored in a locked cabinet, as they contained sensitive
information relevant to the research.
Qualitative research is about putting oneself in another person’s shoes and seeing the world
from that person’s perspectives, the most crucial part of data analysis and management is to be
true to the participants (Sutton & Austin, 2015). As a return, the participants answered sincerely
in the interview. So, the information gathered was considered valid and reliable. The collected
data were subjected to validation, which involved one research expert who checked and
examined the transcripts for validity and accuracy.
The participants of this study were 20 Grade, 12 STEM students, in a public secondary
school in Zambales, Philippines. The study was conducted in the Schools Division of Zambales
for the school year 2018-2019. The school offers two tracks in SHS, which include the
Academic Track; and Technical, Vocational, and Livelihood (TVL) track. The Academic Track
offers four strands, namely Accountancy and Business Management (ABM), General
Academic Strand (GAS), Humanities and other Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
The selection criteria for the participants are the following: (a) currently enrolled in STEM
strand under academic track; and (b) enrolled in Grade 12. The study did not include (a) Grade
11 students; and (b) students who enrolled in other strands. There are 10 female and 10 male
participants aged between 16 to 19. The researchers interviewed the participants to explore their
perspectives in pursuing STEM-related careers.
In qualitative research, ethical principles were primarily centered on the protection of research
participants and the guided foundation of “do no harm.” Researchers faced ethical challenges
in all stages of the study, from design to reporting. These include anonymity, confidentiality,
informed consent, researcher’s potential impact on the participants, and vice versa (Speziale &
Carpenter, 2011). In this research, the most important ethical considerations include the
observance of respect for the decision making and dignity of the participants, minimization of
the risks of the participants, and protection of the attributes of the participants. The effect of the
researchers on the actual data collected were considered in this study as they also serve as
research instruments (Peters, 2018).
The structured interview guide served as the main instrument in gathering the data. The
first part consists of the demographic profile of the participants, including their age and sex.
The second part consists of nine open-ended questions that explored STEM students’ reasons
for choosing STEM and their career path that they intend to pursue after graduating from high
Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior… R. J. L. Rafanan, C. Y. De Guzman & D. V. Rogayan, Jr
The interview guide was content validated by experts. Specifically, the following key questions
were asked during the interview: (a) Are you interested in a STEM discipline? Why or why
not?; (b) Why did you enroll in STEM strand?; (c) What career do you want to pursue after
graduating from college?; (d) Why will you pursue or not pursue a STEM-related career?
Phase 2
Phase 1
Phase 3
Development and Securing of Conduct of
validation of the permission and interview.
structured approval from the Researchers
interview guide. concerned conducted the
The tool was authorities. interview to the
validated by the Researchers asked participants
experts. permission from the individually.
school to conduct
the study.
Data Analysis
The themes that emerged in the study were subjected to member checking procedure via
interview that allowed the participants to be approached to ensure accuracy and consistency of
transcription and interpretation (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Through informal interview and
member checking, the researchers assured the trustworthiness and truthfulness of the data
Nine Grade 12 senior high school (SHS) students indicated that they are interested in
biology. One participant said, “May aspects lang po ng science like biology po (There are only
specific aspects which I like in Science specifically biology).” Another student also mentioned,
“Hindi po talaga ako mahilig sa chemistry, mga biology lang po (I don’t like chemistry, I prefer
biology more).” This implies that almost half of the participants are more interested in Biology.
They are more interested in the parts of the human body and biology-related experiments.
Participatory Educational Research (PER), 7(3);38-58, 1 December 2020
Among the participants, six of them say that they are not really interested in science
even they enrolled under STEM strand. One male participant said, “kasi po yung ibang
branches niya po ayaw ko” (I am not interested in other branches). This implies that some of
the participants are not really interested in science because they don’t like the other branches
of science.
Three Grade 12 SHS indicated that they are interested in chemistry. One student said,
“Parang nandoon lang yung interest ko sa iba, halimbawa kapag ang pinag-uusapan namin
about experiment, doon natutuon yung attention ko (I think I just want an specific field of
science, for example, when we talk about the experiment, it can get my attention).” This implies
that only variant participants are interested in chemistry. Some of them are interested in doing
chemistry experiments.
Meanwhile, three of the participants indicated that they are interested in general science.
Two of them said that since their elementary days, they already have an interest in general
science. One student said, “kasi po sa science malawak yung kaalaman (Science has a wider
knowledge).” Some of them said they gain their interest in general science when they are still
in elementary.
Some of the students show that they are more interested in earth and space science. One
participant mentioned “kasi kapag sa solar system mga ganun at saka mga parts ng body,
interesting siyang pag aralan” (I am interested when the topic is all about the solar system and
other celestial bodies). This implies that students can be attentive in the discussion of celestial
Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior… R. J. L. Rafanan, C. Y. De Guzman & D. V. Rogayan, Jr
po sa chemistry (I lack conceptual understanding in chemistry).” This implies that only very
few participants are interested in physics. They both said that they prefer physics than
Only one of the participants shared that she is not interested in mathematics which is
another STEM discipline. This implies that other students are interested in other STEM
disciplines like mathematics, technology, and engineering.
Table 2 reveals the reasons of students in selecting STEM as their chosen strand.
Half of the participants cited that their reason for enrolling under the STEM strand is
because it was aligned in their preferred course in college. One of the participants said she
entered in STEM strand because she wanted to pursue Radiology Technician in college. This
implies that in choosing strand in senior high school, it must be aligned to your desired course
in college.
Five participants cited that STEM covers broader topics unlike other strands. One of the
participants believed that, “sa STEM po kasi mas wide yung knowledge kesa dun sa iba” (One
can have a broader knowledge in STEM). This implies that some students enrolled in STEM to
advance and widen their knowledge of different STEM disciplines.
Peer has a significant impact on the career choice of the students nowadays. Results
reveal that four participants stated that they chose STEM strand because of peer influence. This
implies that peer influence can be a significant factor in a student’s career decision.
Quota course issue is also a factor why students choose STEM as their strand in senior
high school. One of the participants shared his experience that he wanted to pursue accounting
but the ABM strand was not offered in the school he enrolled in. This implies that there’s a
student who enrolled in STEM strand because of quota course issue.
Participatory Educational Research (PER), 7(3);38-58, 1 December 2020
Only one of the participants enrolled under the STEM strand reasoned out personal
choice. Interestingly, personal choice is not a common reason among the participnats for
enrolling in STEM course.
Table 3 shows the career path that the students wanted to pursue after graduating in
Twelve participants in this research said that they want to pursue engineering and
technology after graduating from college. Almost half of the participants show interest in
engineering technology and show firmness they want to pursue it after graduating from college.
If the students are enrolled in STEM strand, it means that they also have the intention
to continue a STEM career. However, five participants stated that they wanted to pursue a non-
STEM career in the future. One of the students said that, “parang interest ko lang yung science,
pero ang balak ko talagang ipursue is military or criminology” (In some way science is m
interest, but my plan is to pursue military or criminology). It implies that some of the
participants wanted to pursue a non-STEM career even if they majored in STEM.
On the other hand, two participants choose to pursue medical allied as their career in
the future. This career path includes doctor of medicine, nurse, medical technologist, and
Theme 4. Mathematics
Only one of the participants wanted to pursue mathematics because he wanted to pursue
degree in mathematics teaching. Careers in mathematics education are diverse and rewarding
and are in demand especially in the basic education in the country.
Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior… R. J. L. Rafanan, C. Y. De Guzman & D. V. Rogayan, Jr
Theme 6. Science
More than half of the participants have chosen STEM because this is their personal
preference. Their passion and goals in life pushed them to do pursue what they want. One of
the participants said that, “Kasi po pangarap ko po yun, gusto ko po talagang mag doctor para
makatulong sa kapwa ko (This is my dream, I really want to be a doctor because I wanted to
help my countrymen).”
Participatory Educational Research (PER), 7(3);38-58, 1 December 2020
Family serves a significant influence on the life and career development of the students.
Family can shape their perceptions in choosing a specific career. Some of the students rely on
their families when they decide on their life. Two participants were inspired by their family to
pursue their preferred careers.
Students in this generation are pragmatic when it comes to their future plans. In
choosing their future career, they prefer to choose a career that fits their strengths and interess.
Furthermore, they pursue career that will give them the best opportunity to succeed in their life.
Two participants took up STEM to land on a better job. One of them shared, “Kasi po marami
po siyang project yung civil engineering. Hindi lang po dito sa Pilipinas, kung hindi pati na din
po sa abroad (Civil engineering is so in demand. Not only in the Philippines, but also in other
countries).” It suggests that the participants are mindful of having a better job opportunity to
raise their family from poverty and augment their family income.
Salary is one of the reasons why students choose a better course or a career to pursue.
One participant emphasized that, “Alam ko pong mas maganda yung opportunity dahil nga po
sa sahod na din po (I know it will give me a good opportunity because of a high salary).” This
implies that some students pursue career fin STEM due to attractive salaries.
One participant decided not to pursue STEM-related course because she is interested in
other disciplines. This implies that not all students who enrolled under STEM strand will pursue
a STEM career.
Lack of money can limit and control a person’s decision in life. One of the participants
cannot continue his chosen career because of monetary constraints. Financial constraints can
be a potential challenge for the students in finishing their career paths.
Skills and capabilities are beneficial to students as these give them the confidence to
perform the things entailed in their chosen fields. One participant will pursue his chosen career
because his skill fits the job he wanted to take. This indicates that skill can be an essential factor
in pursuing a career. In choosing a career, suitability to the interest of the students is given
utmost importance.
One of the participants decided not to pursue military training, a non-STEM career,
because of the need to serve her country. The participant shared her perception that “Gusto ko
pong makipaglaban para sa bayan (I want to fight for the glory of my country).”
Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior… R. J. L. Rafanan, C. Y. De Guzman & D. V. Rogayan, Jr
Interestingly, one student indicated his desire to help this family as one of the reasons
why he pursue career in STEM. This may suggest that Filipino students pursue college
education mainly to help their families.
One participant enrolled in STEM because her preferred major is not available. The
participant indicated that, “Hindi po talaga mechanical engineering yung gusto ko po. Gusto
ko po talaga hotel and restaurant management (HRM) (Mechanical engineering is not really
my choice. I want to take HRM).” This infers that personal preference is sometimes sacrificed
due to the unavailability of the program in the school.
Due to immersion, one participant will likely pursue STEM-related career. The student
said that he will pursue engineering because he was inspired by the engineers he met during the
internship program which is part of their curriculum. Social environment can be an influential
factor in career path of the students.
Teacher touch the hearts and minds of the students. One participant shared that “Sa akin
pinapagawa yung gawain ng teacher kaya siguro ano, nainspire po ako (I was inspired by my
teacher because my teacher let me do the paperworks).” Her statement indicates that teaching
can be an attractive career for some students as they see their teachers as role models.
Some of the students rely on their friends for their futue plans. One participant
said,“Impluwensiya din po ng mga kaibigan ko yung Mechanical Engineering (I want to take
mechanical engineering because of the influence of my friends).” His statement clearly shows
that peers can influence one’s decision in choosing a career.
The study determined the perspectives of the senior high school students in their
selection of STEM discipline as their career path after graduation. For the first research question
on their interests in STEM field, majority of them are interested in science-related disciplines
such as biology, chemistry, physics, and earth and space sciences. According to Laut, Bartolini,
and Porfiri (2015), students are more interested in pursuing STEM careers and have a better
understanding of the relationship because they have participated in the program. Lack of
interest can be the effect if the content taught is not relevant to everyday life (Akram, Ijaz, &
Ikram, 2017).
Most of the participants are interested in biology and very few in physical sciences like physics
and chemistry. The interest of the students in chemistry courses can be increased through the
support of the chemistry teachers (Akram et al., 2017). Ivey, Colston, and Thomas (2015)
averred that to be able to achieve the desired outcome, there is a need to promote a great concept
and knowledgeable ideas of how space explorations will benefit society and contribute to the
Participatory Educational Research (PER), 7(3);38-58, 1 December 2020
innovation of STEM. Moreover, there are different factors affecting STEM career interest, such
as academic achievement, family support for mathematics and science, and gender (Hazari et
al., 2017). A total of 40% of the students who is planning to pursue engineering and science
major end up switching to other subjects (Drew, 2011).
For the second research question, participants were asked of their reasons for enrolling in STEM
strand. Five themes emerged from the participants’ responses. These themes include alignment
to the preferred course, interest in STEM disciplines, peer influence, quota of course issue, and
personal chpice. Most of them responded that they enrolled because STEM is aligned to their
preferred course in college. Intentions of pursuing a STEM career in college can be triggered
by an individual’s knowledge in STEM career (Compeau, 2016; Nugent et al., 2015; Zhang &
Barnett, 2015). Choosing STEM career is the effect of a student’s career interest and their
preferred future career activities (Blotnicky, Franz-Odendaal, French, & Joy, 2018). Moreover,
students’ interest in STEM disciplines is another reason why the students enroll in STEM.
Interest is a crucial factor in the field of science education because from the last two decades of
the 20th century, this concept expanded in the field of science educational societies (Akram et
al., 2017). Furthermore, science education is a quintessential component of economic progress
and self-sufficiency, and an impetus for sustainable development (Rogayan, & Macanas, 2020).
Peer influence also surfaced in the study as one significant reason. Friends or peer influence
can affect student’s decisions in choosing courses because this is their way to feel accepted in
the group (Ouano, Torre, Japitan, & Moneva, 2019; Robnett, & Leaper, 2013). Since schools
limit the number of students enrolling in the different programs or the quota course policy, not
all students can enrol in their preferred course. Quota students in STEM disciplines routinely
reported having failed their core math and science courses during the first year and experiencing
difficulty with others as they matriculate. This was attributed mainly to the fact that they entered
with a lack of a strong academic base. Additional barriers students faced were a lack of finances
and a lack of family support and cultural capital. While the university has implemented various
financial supports to address quota students’ needs, they lack structured academic supports such
as bridge programs, supplemental instruction, and tutoring (Childs, 2015). Nowadays, we need
to consider how students can be actively engaged in making their own education because
improving students’ interest in science alone might not lead to attracting more students in
choosing science. In this way, we can support them in making personal sense (Holmegaard,
Students’ career path after graduating from college is the focus of the third research question.
Based on the analysis of the interview transcripts, six themes emerged. Students will pursue
careers in engineering and technology; medical and allied-related; mathematics; information
technology; science; and non-STEM career. Majority of the students chose engineering and
technology fields. Values play a vital role for every student who chooses to become engineers,
that is why we need to focus on values to increase their persistence rates, especially in helping
them to connect their personal identities to engineering identities (Matusovich, Streveler &
Miller, 2010). Students must also be equipped with the necessary scientific skills as they enter
the professional workforce (Rogayan, 2019).
Some of the students are also planning to take course not related to STEM such as psychology
and accountancy. About half of adults (52%) say the main reason young people don’t pursue
STEM degrees is they think these subjects are too hard (Kennedy, Hefferon & Funk, 2018).
Only a few would pursue medical and allied fields, mathematics, information technology, and
science teaching. Health care as a composite whole can only be improved if human resources
Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior… R. J. L. Rafanan, C. Y. De Guzman & D. V. Rogayan, Jr
for nursing and allied health services are nurtured and enhanced through education in a
systematic and planned manner (Jadhav, Yeravadekar, Shrivastava & Kulkarni, 2013).
According to Duke University (2019), employers correspondingly value skills as well as
capabilities developed as an outcome of the preparation to be mathematics major. Mathematics
is a challenging and demanding intellectual pursuit and it is also an interesting, exciting and
challenging major.
Some participants also mentioned that they will be taking information technology and science
teaching degrees. The most commonly known profession and the fastest developing industry is
the information technology or more commonly known as I.T. in all over the world (Florida
Career College, 2018). Meanwhile, teaching may not be a profitable career, but it has been
regarded as a great job that contributes mainly to non-material satisfaction to people who are
engaged in it (Rogayan, 2018).
For the fourth research question, the participants were asked of their reasons for pursuing or
not pursuing a STEM-relate career. A total of 13 emerging themes were identified in this
research question. The students will pursue a STEM-related career because of personal
aspiration, family influence, better job opportunity, prospect for attractive compensation,
interesting field to study, relevant skills, desire to help the family, preferred strand not offered,
influence of immersion, inspired by teachers, and peer influence. On the other hand, they will
not pursue a STEM-related career due to financial constraints and service for one’s country.
Most of them cited that pursuing a STEM career is due to personal aspiration and family
influence. STEM career aspirations of the learners have increasingly received attention all over
the world (Lee, Capraro & Viruru, 2018). Many young people grow up dreaming similar to
their parents’ profession (McQuerrey, n.d.). There is nothing wrong with it, especially if the
child really wants that dream. Family belonging incorporates approaches of inclusion within
the family member, as well as feelings of being understood, of having fun together, and of being
paid attention (King & Boyd, 2016). The love that comes from a family is the reason why a
person wants to give back the good things that they gave by means of helping them financially.
Those learners who take STEM strands are preferable to be employed and stick to one full-time
job instead of having a part-time job or multiple jobs after their study (Jacobs, 2014). According
to Jacobs (2014), learners who are studying science and mathematics in college have a greater
chance of employment and higher salary rate than the other field after graduation. Utilizing the
biggest influence on STEM entrance, intending to major in STEM is directly affected by 12th-
grade math accomplishment, exposure to math and science courses, and math self-efficacy
philosophies (Wang, 2013).
Meanwhile, the lack of money is one of the major problems of the students to achieve their
dreams in life (Dang, 2015). It is sad to think that some children do not achieve their dreams
because of this problem. Some of them stop studying and just working. It is also important for
the learners to know what course to pursue in college, their choice should be their interest and
it must fit their abilities so that it will not give them a hard time choosing the right career path
(Penedilla & Rosaldo, 2017).
In this study, service for one’s country, although a positive reason, was cited as a reason for not
pursuing a STEM career. The participant would like to serve the country through military
service which is not a STEM-related career. Patriotism is a great thing that one person can do
for their country.
Participatory Educational Research (PER), 7(3);38-58, 1 December 2020
According to Biliran (2018), one should not compare one strand to another because no strand
is beyond the other strands, and one should not look down on a particular strand even though it
seems easy. Learners of each strand experience diverse challenges and each of them have
different ways to deal with these problems. MohrSchroeder et al. (2014) said that informal
learning environments boost student’s awareness and interest in STEM as well as the chances
that the students will pursue STEM career (Kitchen, Sonnert, & Sadler, 2018).
Teachers and peers also influence students why they pursue STEM careers. An example of a
persons who play the role of catalyst in the talent improvement process of the learners are the
teachers (Margot & Kettler, 2019). The influence of the peer is much greater among adolescents
than adults when it comes to decision making (Steinberg & Monahan, 2007).
In this research, it is very evident that majority of those who enrolled in STEM courses will
likely pursue a STEM-related career in the future. The very reason why they enrol in the
program is that they see it as a preparatory program for the courses that they would take at the
tertiary level. Personal aspirations and family are strong influences in the students’ choice of a
STEM career.
The study focused on the perspectives of the students in choosing STEM and pursuing
STEM-related careers. Generally, senior high school students are interested in biology.
Alignment to the preferred course in college is the primary reason of the participants for
enrolling STEM. Almost all students wanted to pursue STEM-related careers after university
graduation. The participants’ personal aspiration is the main reason for pursuing a STEM-
related career.
The study recommends that senior high schools may design various activities during the career
week. These activities may include possible career path in STEM-related courses, students’
career, and motivation, and their career aptitude. Schools may also conduct career guidance
seminars for the students to be able to know what strands they may take to avoid quota of course
issues. The Department of Education (DepEd) may support the implementation of different
programs regarding the career preparation of the students. This program will help the students
to be more aware of what career path they may pursue later and to avoid pressures from peers
and other people.
The school administration may likewise conduct orientation about STEM and its demands to
the different industries and how STEM professionals can contribute to the growing economy
of the country. DepEd may provide seminars orientation to STEM teachers regarding career
preparations of the students. In this way, teachers will be trained in career coaching to assist
students in preparing their career which is appropriate to the interest and skills.
Since personal aspiration and family are the strongest influence of the students in pursuing a
STEM career, it is recommended that personal development programs and family mentoring
sessions may be conducted to guide students in their career selection better. A collaborative,
authentic, and goal-oriented learning environment concerning the demand of Industrial
Revolution 4.0 must also be strengthened.
Pursuing STEM Careers: Perspectives of Senior… R. J. L. Rafanan, C. Y. De Guzman & D. V. Rogayan, Jr
Further studies may be done to explore other dimensions of career choice of STEM
students. Also, career path of freshmen STEM tertiary students may be explored to see if they
will pursue STEM-related careers after graduating from college. The findings of the present
study are subjected to several limitations. The perceptions of the STEM students in the chosen
research site may not indicate generalizability. This means that the perceptions of the STEM
students may not be accurate to other STEM students in other senior high schools in the
Philippines. Future researchers may employ qualitative-quantitative research design to further
validate the derived perceptions of students in pursuing STEM-related career. A further study
involving larger population is likewise recommended.
The authors would like to extend their sincerest thanks to the Department of Education
– Schools Division of Zambales for the approval to conduct the study, to the school principal
of the respondent-school for the assistance, and to the STEM students for the active
participation to take part in this investigation. The authors are also indebted to the professors
and critics of the College of Teacher Education of the President Ramon Magsaysay State
University (PRMSU) – San Marcelino Campus for the constructive criticisms in the
improvement of the paper. To the journal editors and external reviewers for the suggestions
which enhanced this research article.
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