Rinri III 2.2
Rinri III 2.2
Rinri III 2.2
Volume 2, No. 2
Remembering the Sacred Way
Rinri Project Newsletter III, Mystery of the Stone Edition, Volume 2, No. 2
The Thirteen Moon/28-day synchronometer is the harmonic measure of Galactic Standard Time
(GST). Galactic Standard Time is not dependent on relative variables of different third-dimensional
astronomical measures, which of course differ for every planet and celestial body. The relative
measure of time on Earth in relation to the moon, sun, and other planet bodies is different than the
measure of time on Mars, Jupiter or Uranus. The Galactic Standard Time utilizes a harmonic measure
of the planetary orbit independent of any astronomical variables. The very nature of the harmonic
measure 28{(f) 4:7::7:13} is a fractal which can be adopted anywhere in the galaxy and adapted to
any orbit, hence Galactic Standard Time.
This is a thoroughly new definition and perception of time meant to overcome the relativism of third-
dimensional astronomical standards and measures. At the same time, the harmonic measure of the
GST synchronizes and incorporates these relative measures, hence the name of the GST harmonic
standard is not calendar but synchronometer.
The Thirteen Moon/28-day synchronometer actually places the mind in alignment with Galactic
Standard Time(GST). This is pure 4th-dimensional time that harmonizes all galactic life irrespective
of astronomical variables of 3rd-dimensional time. The use of the 13 Moon/28-day synchronometer
actually represents an evolutionary advance of a mental spiritual nature.
There are Seven Premises that accompany this clarified definition of the Thirteen Moon/28-day
synchronometer as the harmonic measure of Galactic Standard Time:
1. The passing of the old order is now an irrevocable fact. Global warming is irreversible. Do not be
deceived about this. Prepare accordingly.
2. To prepare for the new is the highest path. The first step is to reformulate your mind through
adopting the Thirteen Moon/28-day synchronometer, the attunement to GST - Galactic Standard
Time. This is a fourth-dimensional harmonic measure not to be confused with third-dimensional
astronomical measures (“calendars”).
3. Clear your mind of old conditionings. Cultivate egolessness through natural mind meditation
- train again and again in seeing the pure essence of non-conceptual reality, unceasing
wakefulness. This is your true essence.
4. This training, in combination with 13:20 reformulation of your mind, will prepare you for higher
Law of Time synchronic telepathic supermental exercise programs. Be on the alert for galactic
5. Cease the cycle of hatred and violence. Stop eating dead animals, slaughtered senselessly to
feed the lower self. Look at your own mind and soul and stop blaming others for your problems.
Practice universal forgiveness . Practice tolerance of all beings.
Rinri III, Volume 2, No. 2 - Remembering the Sacred Way. Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the 13 Moon 28-day Synchronometer
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
6. Submit your whole self to the Higher Power. Become as a child again. Give it up - your unceasing
struggle for identity, recognition, and self-importance.
7. Be compassionate, find a way to help others. Be of service. Cooperate to heal the Earth.
“The work you have to do is to take the knowledge which is yours and adjust its application to
the world’s need so that recognition of the truth may be rapid. In the heart of every man lies
the flower of intuition.”
— Alice Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations. p. 11.
That verse was transcribed from a notebook some twelve years ago. It contains the command which
launched the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement. It indicates very clearly that
the Thirteen Moon 28-day calendar (synchronometer) is a sacred instrument intended to lead us out of
this “earthly hell.” It also means that the movement to assert this calendar in place of the Gregorian
is a sacred movement. This sacred way was the basis of the seven years of prophecy in which great
effort was expended to communicate to the world the nature of the 12:60 hell and the 13:20 earthly
paradise that would result when humanity had been able to change its timing frequency.
This past year there has been a trend to incorporate the Thirteen Moon/Dreamspell into the Gregorian
calendar. The Crop Circle calendar, the Aura Soma calendar, a Dutch daybook, and a Japanese tear
off a day at a time 2006 calendar -- these are just some examples of this. On the positive side this
is a way of getting the 13-Moon to more mainstream 12:60 audiences who might have “trouble”
understanding the New Time.
Coupled with this tendency, however, there is a continuing habit of calling the Thirteen Moon
synchronometer “the Mayan calendar”, while using (neo-astrological) forms of fortunetelling in
describing the seals and tones, foregoing the galactic signatures altogether. This is lamentable,
because the Dreamspell Telektonon 13-moon 28-day synchronometer is a new dispensation meant
to challenge and expand the mind out of old neo-babylonian mental ruts. And when it is increasingly
cast into fortunetelling-style of interpretation inside of a Gregorian calendar format, it is also totally
missing the point, and even obscuring the possibility of seeking or experiencing the new.
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
The 260 code spells of the Dreamspell Book of Kin are galactic meditations that unlock the function
of your higher (4-d) self - the holon. To be appreciative of God (Higher Force) is to be endowed with
wisdom. That is, no matter what occurs or is presented to you, it is only a test or a means to strengthen
you, or perhaps even a reward, a new knowledge or perception of reality. When you appreciate
everything exactly as it is given, then you have overcome your lower self (who always wants to change
things its way) and prepared the way for the “other” (your 4-d holon) to become your 3-d operator.
An Earth Wizard is not a fortuneteller. Fortunetelling is a Babylonian program based on hope and
fear of the ego as a function of a materialist belief system. The Dreamspell is meant to overcome
and abolish fortunetelling. “The Book of Kin presents the spells that hold the keys to magic
flight.” Magic flight is time travel. Time travel is of an order of reality that has nothing to do with
fortunetelling. How can we ever learn time travel if we timidly reject the galactic signature codes in
favor of fortunetelling? To turn the codes of the Dreamspell - seals, tones, galactic signatures - into
fortunetelling is to revert to the Babylonian 12:60 spells of death, ego, powerlessness and superstition.
Each of the 260 code spells of the Book of Kin is a facet of a galactic meditation - the Galactic
Dreamspell - that is meant to lift the human out of the Babylonian battleground of ego. Something
or somebody else is meditating this higher reality. When we enter into the higher reality (without
our ego) then we participate in this galactic meditation. To say that the code spells are too hard to
understand is to avoid the challenge of evolution.
The Dreamspell and the 13:28 synchronometer are not the Mayan calendar. They are galactic
tools to enter us into a new order of reality - Galactic Standard Time and the synchronic order.
The Dreamspell 13:28 synchronometer did not come from the earthly Maya, but from the Galactic
Federation, among whom are numbered the Galactic Maya, and whose terrestrial surveillance outpost
is known as the AA Midway station. The Indigenous Maya are descendants who have consolidated the
original knowledge into their own local traditions which have their own indisputable validity, including
the Mayan calendar - the long count of days to 2012.
The Indigenous and Galactic Maya have a common root - 13:20 frequency. But at the closing of the
cycle with 6.5 billion planetary humans, the necessity of new knowledge to assist in the evolutionary
transcendence into the supermental superhuman required the new dispensation, Dreamspell. Only
in this way could the contemporary human of whatever racial or cultural origin learn about the
synchronic order and so become re-harmonized with the universe. There is no place for fortunetelling
in this process.
Learn the nature of natural mind and meditate the code spells free. Primordially pure from
beginningless beginning, recognize your cosmic essence to be no different than the face of all the
buddhas. “Do not lose heart. Though the world of the 12:60 is in shambles and brother fights against
brother, the codes of the Book of Kin contain the immediate harmony of the new time. ... Pace
yourself through the harmonics and wavespells of the Book of Kin and the magic of synchronicity will
increase on your behalf.” (Dreamspell Instruction Manual, p. 70) This, and not fortunetelling, is the
purpose of the Dreamspell and the New Time. Stick with the codes and evolve into the cosmic being
- homo noosphericus.
Note: A new edition of Spanish Dreamspell has just been printed in Argentina for the Spanish speaking
world. Please study this well and take the foregoing message to heart. We are in Middle Time. Let us
choose to swim forward on the 13:20 currents, rather than backwards in the 12:60 backwaters - they
are very polluted anyway!
Rinri III, Volume 2, No. 2 - Remembering the Sacred Way. Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the 13 Moon 28-day Synchronometer
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
Look around you - where are we now? Have we lost the track, or can we find our way back? “Back
where?” you might ask. Back to the sacred way - this is all a remembering, from the beginningless
beginning to the endless end - it is all a remembering, a forever returning to the sacred way. Six years
to 2012, the days slip by quickly. Yet, we have all been here before. Let us listen to the words of one
of our elders, a pioneer on the restless way to the Second Creation, Alice A. Bailey:
“The world situation today is not caused by the ambitions of any one person or race, or by
materialism, aggression and pride of any one particular nation. It is not basically the result of
the wrong economic conditions existing in the world at this time. It is caused entirely by the
widespread hatred in the world - hatred of people and of races, hatred of individuals and of
those in power, or of influence and hatred of ideas and of religious beliefs. Fundamentally,
it is caused by the separative attitudes of all peoples and races who, down the centuries and
also today, have hated each other and loved themselves, and who have diligently sought for
scapegoats whereby they may feel personal immunity for their share in the wrong thinking, the
wrong speaking and the wrong doing.
“This fact should be grasped and faced by all aspirants and disciples including members of the
seed groups. They are not immune from the prevalent failings and many of them have sought
to apportion the blame for world and conditions and to criticize those who are seeking, in their
own way and fashion, to deal with the situation. Clear thinking, a clear appraisal of causes and
a loving outgoing to all, should distinguish all disciples at this time. Where this attitude does
not exist, there is ever the danger of absorption into the vortex of hatred and separativeness
and the divorcing of the person by this (even if only temporarily) from the vortex of love.
This spells danger and glamour. The very fact that disciples are so pronouncedly individual
intensifies their reactions, good and bad.
“I stand almost bewildered ... at the little advance in loving thinking that some disciples
have shown. It is time now, in the face of the difficulty and seeming inadequacy, to begin
the intended group work, if such a beginning is ever to be made. Each group has been
organized to fulfill a specific task. This united group work has not yet been started. That
task must be begun.
“Group One can telepathically influence leading people and speak to their minds so that they
may be impressed with the need which has been described by one of the Great Ones as “the
loving salvage of the world.” They must be led to realize that their policies must be determined
by world good ...
“Group Two can work, if they are willing, in a constructive fashion to end some of the world
glamour. This they can do because several of their group members have successfully fought
glamour in their lives.
“Group Three can begin group healing under direction, once certain interior adjustments have
been made.
“Group Four can attempt to aid in the building of the world antahkarana (rainbow bridge)*,
working of course in group formation. This they can do if they divorce themselves, as
individuals, from all separative ideas and learn to work in the spirit of love and with a conscious
decentralization of their personalities.
“There are, my brothers, weaknesses to be found in all the group members. Personality
tendencies and errors exist and the mistakes which involve, primarily, a man’s own interests
and his own internal life; but these constitute no serious detriment to group work, for they can
be overcome or rendered entirely superficial with a very little effort ...”
— Alice A. Bailey, Externalization of the Hierarchy pp. 64-65
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
We are all involved in group effort. The Rinri Rainbow Bridge project is based on the successful
telepathic coordination of groups on both sides of the equator sending magnets to each other and
doing group visualizations of the rainbow bridge. 13 Moon Seminars are organized as experiments
with group formations based on the Earth families as a new model of social organization. But, as
we have indicated before, group effort is extremely difficult due to late “Piscean age” idealism and
individualism, which in the end times, atomizes itself into an egoic anarchy where each one has his or
her own ideal of who they are and their democratic right to be and express themselves in that way.
This is often heightened by a phobic response to any notion of hierarchy.
In addition, as Alice Bailey points out, the endemic cultural-historical problems of separativeness and
hatred are prevalent everywhere and scarcely any one of us is unaffected by unconscious deep seated
antipathies toward others even within our own Movement. This is precisely what all spiritual teachings
tell us we must overcome. Especially now that we are on the brink of becoming an evolutionary mutation
on fast forward track toward cosmic consciousness. But this is not something to sit around and wait for.
It is a matter of exercising individual responsibility while decentralizing the ego at the same time.
“The human is manipulated by his emotions, while the superhuman manages and controls them.”
— Cosmic Science
In her time, Alice Bailey struggled to establish groups of World Servers working by various means to
help prepare for the world transformation and the coming New Age. Her ideas are vital and well-
thought out with a universal usefulness for any group activity, especially those who wish to effect
some kind of world transformation. The PAN-World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement is
exactly such a network calling for groups of planetary servers to “decentralize their personalities,” on
behalf of the Earth:
“Planetary service is the basis of the new time. Ask not what you can do for yourself, your
religion, or your country, but what you can do for your planet. New groups of planetary servers
are needed to transcend dogmas of money, nationalism, and sectarianism of every kind, who yet
understand the fundamentally spiritual nature and divine unity of all creation.
“Calling all planetary servers, those who can walk a Planetary Service Wavespell together on
behalf of the Earth beyond creed of self, sect, country or dogma of any kind, free in spirit,
knowing no authority but the one divine spirit of all creation! Planetary servers, wizards of the
Earth, the Earth is calling for all wizards to work a Planetary Service Wavespell. The Earth is
recruiting now for duty beginning Red Magnetic Moon July 26 2006, the wavespell of planetary
servers in action for the Earth.”
— (adapted from “The Religion of Truth is the Religion of the Earth”, Galactic Moon 2,
Kin 186, Second year of Prophecy, Red Lunar Moon “Victory Flows”,
Telektonon of Pacal Votan, p. 56)
The coming of the new year, Red Magnetic Moon, means we enter a new thirteen-year Wavespell,
the Red Moon sequence 2006-2019. This year we are completing the thirteen-year Seed Wavespell
1993-2006. The entire history of the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement is a function of
this wavespell of prophecy. That is something to think about. To follow the wavespell is to follow the
sacred way of regeneration in the New Time.
Since we will soon be starting a new thirteen-year Wavespell Cycle, it is a good time to renew the
pledge to be a planetary server, and think how we can work the Planetary Service Wavespell on
behalf of the Earth. The Magnetic tone calls us to unify. It is the perfect moment for all of us in
this Movement to unify. The Moon brings the power of purification and universal water, the cosmic
flow of reality. Let us truly purify ourselves, for in the midst of this 13-year wavespell cycle, in the
Rinri III, Volume 2, No. 2 - Remembering the Sacred Way. Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the 13 Moon 28-day Synchronometer
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
Resonant Storm year, comes the Closing of the Cycle, and, on the Galactic Seed, comes galactic
synchronization. That last thirteen years went by quickly. Now we have but six years to make good on
the meaning of the codes and tools of the Law of Time and to truly make our group work meaningful.
We should consider how we can work the Planetary Service Wavespell this Red Magnetic Moon year,
utilizing the pulsar and overtone pulsars to set our strategies and goals.
One important event that will set the tone not only for this year, but for the remainder of the closing
of the cycle is the forthcoming Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights to be held during the
Electric Moon 3-7 in Brasilia, Brazil. This is the sequel to the First Congress also held in Brasilia ten
years ago in 1996 (Third year of Prophecy), and the first such event sponsored by the Foundation for
the Law of Time/Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace movement since the Costa Rica World Summit
on Peace and Time in 1999 (Sixth year of Prophecy). So the time is ripe for a catalytic event to unify
the Movement and spell out the plans and goals of the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace
Plan for the next six years.
The Second Biospheric Congress will help us activate and engender many new forms of genuine
planetary service to work on for the next seven Planetary Service Wavespells on behalf of the
biosphere-noosphere transition. Apart from that, we can consider stepping up other forms of group
activity world wide, using the network possibilities of the Internet while it still exists to accomplish
critical strategies and goals. The four categories of groups listed by Alice Bailey can be easily adopted
to the needs of a Planetary Service Wavespell for the Red Magnetic Moon year and then extended
every year thereafter.
These group formations are also excellent ways of activating and unifying the PAN nodes everywhere,
both among themselves and worldwide. These are all group activities that could occur or be focused
on the PAN Crystal Day meetings. The first meetings in the Magnetic Moon could work out strategies
according to the pulsars and overtone pulsars and share the goals on <planetartnetwork.info>. Given
the degrees of success that occur by the Cosmic Moon of the Red Magnetic Moon year, then new goals
and strategies could be set for the following year - through 2012-2013, Blue Resonant Storm year.
Here are some suggestions and guidelines for these group formations and activities:
Group One can telepathically influence leading people. This group is formed by members who feel
their telepathy is particularly strong and who can act with pure motives, understanding and love.
People should very seriously consider, without self-deception, whether they are really qualified for
this level of work. At their initial meeting in the Magnetic Moon this group should identify a particular
“thought” they wish to telepathically communicate, for instance: “One Time One Earth One People
One Love” Then carefully identify a select group of world leaders to receive this thought. They should
very wisely and carefully consider the simplest and most direct form of communicating this thought,
including a consideration of language barriers, beliefs, symbolic forms to communicate the thought,
etc. They should set up times when they can all coordinate their group mind to send the thought. They
might wish to coordinate with other PAN groups. They should also consider pulsar benchmarks along
the way to evaluate whether there is any discernible alteration in the leader’s behavior, statements
or any other aspects of the leader’s character. They should also identify some kind of goal or outcome
that they would seek to anticipate occurring by the Cosmic Moon of that Planetary Service Wavespell.
Group Two can work in a constructive fashion to end some of the world glamour. The problem of
glamour is related to the problem of illusion. For us, the entire world hologram created by the 12:60
belief system is an illusion. The motive to change the calendar is to dispel that illusion. This is a
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
mighty effort. Within this belief system are many good people who do not understand fully that they
are operating within a gross illusion. This gross illusion is perpetrated by the phenomenon of glamour
that cloaks virtually every aspect of the 12:60 way of life. The cornerstones of glamour as a way of
life are marketing and the media.
Marketing, for instance, is a form of glamour that perniciously denies or hides the truth in favor of a
gloss that has little substance. Decisions of taste and truth are based on marketing, that presumes some
hypothetical standard of morality or aesthetics which must be adhered to in order for a product or an
idea to “sell.” This means that most of the best ideas are not marketable. This is an effect of glamour.
Glamour pervades the media, the popular press, etc., and of course advertising of every kind. To end
some of the world glamour is to stand up for the truth and to become informed of world problems and
how they are presented or not presented and find constructive ways to state the truth. Stop seeing
movies, buying videos and playing video games. Stop consuming; boycott brand names. Meditate and
see how little you need. Become a vegetarian, a vegan or a raw-foodist. Start community gardens.
These all cut to the core of the glamorization of the food industry. Examples of glamour busting are
promoting TV Turn-Off Week, Planetary 21-27 Gregorian April 24-30, 2006, or organize your own
bioregional Buy Nothing Day (for more info e-mail: [email protected]). Organize educational
seminars examining the nature of glamour (media/marketing) and promote the meaning of the 13:20
world-view of time is art and back to the garden simplicity as a means of pulling out of the consumer
society supported by glamour.
This group is for activist types who seek creative pacifist non-aggressive outlets of communication
to create artistic vehicles for expressing the truth. This group meeting in the Magnetic Moon should
identify targets and strategies according to pulsar codes and create effective campaigns or events
that deal constructively with the problem of world glamour. Coordination with other bioregional “end
world glamour” groups will be very effective in staging synchronized events.
Group Three can begin group healing. Healing circles can be formed that focus first on healing within
our own families and/or our chosen kin groups. No group or world healing is effective if it is not
based in universal love - One Love. The focus on healing within our own family and PAN nodes can
extend to reaching out to widen our circle and embrace all points of view and types of people. The
decentralization of the personality should be one of the goals in order to be effective in the healing
process. This can be achieved through natural mind meditation, study and discussion sessions on how
to become a world server, methods for identifying egos and ego problems within group systems and
of defusing them through manifesting decentralization of the personality on the spot. To decentralize
the personality is to submit to the higher force - your guardian Angel, God, the Universal Spirit -
surrendering completely and asking for guidance in developing universal compassion.
Once the Magnetic Moon goals and methods have been set, then strategies can be developed in
accord with the pulsar codes. Networking with other bioregional group healing circles can result in
the creation of major synchronized world healing days and universal forgiveness circles for the Cosmic
Moon and Day out of Time.
Group Four can attempt to aid in the building of the world antahkarana. The antahkarana is
the “planetary rainbow bridge that unites humanity, hierarchy and Shambhala” (see p.535, The
Externalization of the Hierarchy. See also The Rays and the Initiations, “Science of the Antahkarana,”
pp.451ff.) It is the means by which energy flows from Shambhala and/or hierarchy in an electrical
fashion. Esoterically, the rainbow bridge or antahkarana has been under construction on the etheric
Rinri III, Volume 2, No. 2 - Remembering the Sacred Way. Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the 13 Moon 28-day Synchronometer
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
fourth-dimensional planes for hundreds of years. Our job in the present time is to make it manifest
by activation of telepathic force and power within ourselves. This is the essence of the Rinri project
as well as the CREST Centers for the Restitution of the Natural Mind. The anonymous self-identified
groups are already working on this project, but now the telepathic activation must be increased.
“Another matter to which the Hierarchy is at this time attending, in view of the coming adjustments
required, is the discovery of aspirants ... in all lands in order that the language problem will present
little difficulty. Having discovered such people, their next step is to subject them to a process of
training in telepathic susceptibility, so that they will be sensitive to hierarchical impressions.”
(Externalization of the Hierarchy p. 694) The Second Volume of the Cosmic History Chronicles,
Book of the Avatar presents some of the techniques for training in telepathic susceptibility to the
impressions of Hierarchy, understood as supermental civilizations now telepathically in contact with
the world mind or noosphere.
Groups organized in the activation of the Rinri Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge project should gather in
the Magnetic Moon, review the telepathic practices already given, and form within their own ranks
Cosmic History study groups to absorb the new information concerning the telepathic culture of
cosmic science as it is now being presented in these volumes. They can accordingly set new goals and
strategies utilizing the pulsar codes and efforts for major telepathic exercises by the Day out of Time.
Hierarchy isn’t the corporate ladder or male chauvinist social politics, but sacred order, the
manifestation of the Absolute. We haven’t known about true hierarchy because in our social cultural
constructs we have been cut off from the Absolute. To make the 2012 deadline a reality of universal
peace means we must learn to reconnect with the Absolute so it can manifest through us. This means
opening up a genuine means of allowing hierarchy to contact and work with us directly. This is the
only way we will gain the supermental power and knowledge to discover creative solutions that are
outside of the technological cybersphere box. Then, following the Planetary Service Wavespell as
world cooperators, we shall effect a return to the Sacred Way.
On Rhythmic Moon 9, kin 252, a ceremony occurred at Teotihuacan - place where humans learn their
godly powers - which opened the way to the final seven rings (years) to the Closing of the Cycle 2012-
13. (See Report filed by kin 70, www.lawoftime.org). Culminating the ceremony, “The Purification of
the Fifth Sun,” was a planetary rite of initiation, the Initiation of the Seven Caves of Tollan-Zuvuya
for the seven-year gestation of the new human, homo noosphericus. This ceremony occurred atop the
Pyramid of Sun, that is to say, directly above the cavern of the “serpent initiates of wisdom” that lies
beneath the pyramid. In the Nahuatl, these seven caves are known as Chicomoztoc, the seven caves of
origin or gestation. These are also the caves of emergence and return. The number seven refers to the
primal seven clans of origin, those in whom is the remembrance of the original order of the universe.
For the Maya, these seven caves are known as the Vucub Peck (Seven Caves) of Tollan Zuvuya.
According to the Popul Vuh, the four prophets, Balam Quitze, Balam Agab, Mahacutah and Iqi Balam
were the first to go to these seven caves of Tollan Zuvuya: “This was the name of the city where they
went to receive their gods.” “When they arrived at Tulan Zuvuya, Vucub Pec, Vucub Zivan (seven
ravines), the old traditions say they had traveled far in order to arrive there.” “There in Tollan
Zuvuya, whence they had come, they were accustomed to fasting, they observed a perpetual fast
while they awaited the coming of dawn and watched for the rising sun ... In Tollan, power came
instantly to them; great was their wisdom in the darkness and the night.”
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
These words speak directly to the prophetic nature of the initiation that occurred on the Pyramid of
the Sun. Tollan is the primal place of origins and the place of Return, the heavenly city. Zuvuya is the
path of the cosmic memory, the sacred way of return. Just as the seven caves were the place of the
first emergence, so they are the place of reemergence of the new human of the Second Coming.
According to cosmic science, the divine fifth-dimensional guardians of creation come together twice
for the gestating of the human type: once for the original humanoid type (Lemurian) and again for
the gestation of the Superhuman (homo noosphericus). The conception of the homo noosphericus/
superhuman took place on Solar Moon 1, 6 Star, 3 Seed year (March 7, 1970). Now come the final
seven rings of gestation, one ring each for each cave, seven rings, seven caves. We can each
participate in this process by psychically entering these caves. Know that the next seven years are the
seven caves. We are now passing through a planetary rite of emergence. Like the four prophets, by
becoming accustomed to fasting and purification, we may prepare ourselves for the dawning of the
sixth sun, the sun of solar consciousness. By disciplining body, emotions and mind, great power might
come to us instantly, giving us great wisdom in the darkness and night of the Closing of the Cycle.
The following ceremony is for initiatically entering the Seven Caves of Tollan Zuvuya, the Seven rings
of the Closing of the Cycle - Rhythmic Moon 9, kin 252, Yellow Cosmic Seed year to Rhythmic Moon 9,
Kin 207, Blue Crystal Hand, Blue Resonant Storm year. Once you have observed this ceremony, then
know you are in the seven caves, and will remain there until the emergence Rhythmic Solstice 2012.
All the Earth seeks from you during this gestation cycle is that you make a genuine effort at purifying
your body, mind and soul. Each cave is represented by a semiprecious stone and the two sacred
metals: gold and silver. If you can obtain any or all of these elements, no matter how small, to use in
your ceremony and keep in a sacred place, it will be helpful. This is a ceremony of Cosmic Dharma -
dharma is universal law. The transition into and from the caves occurs every Rhythmic Seli 9 Solstice:
Rinri III, Volume 2, No. 2 - Remembering the Sacred Way. Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the 13 Moon 28-day Synchronometer 11
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
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O n yst er y
Free of Life
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Con ryst Bod
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© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
For the annual practices, here follows the terma of the seven caves of the Ch’away U Ko’kan,
revealed by the Dweller between Time, Antonio Martinez to the Terton, Closer of the Cycle. With each
of the seven elements placed in the corresponding chakra according to the following text, you may
perform a self-initiation. You may follow the initiations on a weekly/heptad basis according to the
radial plasma corresponding to each chakra. Note that the sequence of the initiations does not follow
the weekly sequence, so adjust accordingly, i.e. Dali, the first day, is the fifth initiation, so begin with
this one; the fourth initiation is Seli, so this occurs on the second day of the week, etc.
Initiation into the Seven powers of the Seven Caves of Tollan Zuvuya
In the Cave of Crystal receive the initiation of the Crystal Serpent in your third eye. Be
empowered by knowledge of the terma (hidden treasure teaching) of the universal hologram.
By the power of the Crystal, may you be realized as the embodiment of the Universal Hologram of
Cosmic Consciousness. (Gamma)
In the Cave of Jade receive the initiation of the Jade Serpent in your Kuxan Suum. Be
empowered by knowledge of the terma of the immortality of the soul. By the power of the
Jade, may you be realized as the immortal soul of the cosmic time traveler. (Limi)
In the Cave of Turquoise receive the initiation of the Turquoise Serpent in your throat. Be empowered
by the knowledge of the terma of the knowers of the dawn. By the power of the Turquoise, may you
be realized as the knower and the singer of the dawn, for the awakenment of all beings. (Alpha)
In the Cave of Obsidian receive the initiation of the Obsidian Serpent. Be empowered by the
knowledge of the terma of the holders of the sacred power. This terma is received as the
obsidian blade of the sacred staff in your root center. By the power of the Obsidian, may you be
realized as the holder of the sacred power which seals the time within its cycle. (Seli)
In the Cave of Onyx receive the initiation of the Onyx Serpent. Be empowered by the knowledge
of the terma of the inscrutable mystery. This terma is received as the black onyx sphere of the
sacred staff in your crown center. By the power of Onyx, may you be realized as the living embodiment
of the inscrutable mystery which brings memory and awe of the One to every beholder. (Dali)
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In the Cave of Gold receive the initiation of the Gold Serpent in your heart. Be empowered
by the knowledge of the terma of the children of the sun. By the power of Gold, may you be
realized as the living embodiment of a child of the sun, a solar being exemplar to inspire the human
evolution. (Silio)
In the Cave of Silver receive the initiation of the Silver Serpent in your secret center. Be you
empowered by the Terma of the children of the moon. By the power of the Silver, may you be
realized as the living embodiment of a child of the moon, knower and revealer of the secrets of the
hidden side of things. (Kali)
In daily practice, the initiations follow the order of the sequence of the days of the heptad:
The process of sacred becoming of the Terma of the Seven Caves of Ch’away U Ko’kan
Through transfer of Crystal, you embody the universal hologram and acquire cosmic consciousness.
Because you possess cosmic consciousness, your soul can achieve immortality and travel the jade
highway of the cosmic time traveler.
Because your soul has attained immortality, you can practice and realize the enlightened mind na-
ture of the Dawn that is unceasing and become a transmitter of the dawn - a turquoise singer.
Because you have realized the mind made of dawn and are its transmitter, you may place the ob-
sidian blade in your a sacred root of being and become a holder of sacred power, a divine ruler,
an Earth holder.
Because you have become a holder of sacred power, you must realize your identity with the inscru-
table mystery - this is the highest use of your power by which everyone recognizes the divine in
themselves merely by encountering and beholding you. You are the black onyx sphere.
Because you have become an embodiment of the inscrutable mystery, you may receive the knowl-
edge and power of the Solar Logos. You are now a transcendental exemplar - child of the Sun, a
member of the future race, a golden one.
Because you are now a child of the sun, a transcendental exemplar, you are granted knowledge of
all that is hidden; the hidden side of things becomes the silver treasure chest of your wisdom.
You are now a child of the Moon.
This is called the terma - hidden treasure teaching - of Ch’away U Ko’kan because it was the
mysterious Shape-shifting One, one of the higher-dimensional founders of the city of Nah Chan
(BC 252), who left this terma for the dweller between time, Antonio Martinez. Keeper of the
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
Book of the Seven Generations as well as the terma of the Seven Caves of Tollan Zuvuya, Antonio
Martinez finally released these to the Closer of the Cycle as sequences of the final prophecy
Telektonon-Mystery of the Stone.
It should not be thought that all that is needed is a mere recitation of these initiations but earnest
endeavor to release from the 12:60 mind altogether. This can only be achieved by systematic fasting,
meditation and prayer, and a removal of oneself from the prevailing mental stream. Each year, you
must envision yourself living in one of these seven caves, and although your physical third-dimensional
body may be going about its daily activities, your soul is actually residing in one each of these caves
every year. In the cave there can only be the practice of purifying austerities in preparation for the
final moments of the closing of the cycle, the final purifications of the Fifth Sun, in anticipation of
the long awaited dawning of the Sixth Sun. There is no need any longer to immerse yourself in the
artificialities of the robo-culture of the last days of the 12:60 world. The world is in devastation and
danger, and greatly in need of a great re-arising of natural mind and simple ways. Thirteen Moon
Middle Time requires an exertion of the will to leave the addicting complexities and luxurious sensual
lures of the 12:60 Babylon and to adopt natural ways and natural life styles.
Consider the time. We are now in Middle Time. Fifty-seven years have gone by since Hierarchy posed
its question to its aspirant, Alice Bailey. It is evident that the “race of men” have not even considered
renouncing their material objectives, but instead have succeeded in spreading them throughout the
global civilization. At the same time, the “great revelation” has come, unheeded, except for the few
who understand the meaning of the Thirteen Moon synchronometer, the Law of Time and its prophecy,
“We tested Adam in the past, but he forgot and we found him indecisive.”
— Qur’an 20:115
This tells the whole story. On Earth, Adam - the collective human - has been given the final chance to
make a stand and submit to a higher law, but he has forgotten his original purpose and seeks instead,
material objectives. As a consequence, he has become increasingly indecisive - this is the essence of
the religion of choice which is promoted by the free-market philosophy of historical materialism. (At
the shopping mall, consider: Freedom’s just another word for too much to choose from. This is the
religion of choice at work.)
Because of Adam’s forgetfulness and spiritual indecision due to his pursuit of material objectives,
the great revelation of the Law of Time descended on Earth as the final vehicle for the Galactic
Federation to implement a plan to reestablish a link to the higher mind before 2012. The culminating
goal of this link is the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge (planetary antahkarana), the making permanently
manifest the interdimensional circuit by which all creation is bound as a single unity. When the
Rainbow Bridge becomes a reality, it will be as if a cleansing fire descends down its arching pathway,
cleansing forever the erroneous mindset spawned by false time resulting in the material suffocation
of the soul and near-destruction of the terrestrial biosphere. Instead, there will be the glory of the
telepathic unity of the noosphere - an unprecedented moment in cosmic evolution on Earth.
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As the Rinri Project and the subsequent revelations have demonstrated, the building of the Rainbow
Bridge is an actual constructive activity that employs the imaginal realm of the human mind to the
utmost. The visualization of the planet holon, the sending of the magnets, the coordination with the
human holon and its chakra system, the activation of the radial plasmas, the building of the time
atoms and moonly time molecule, the creation of the Heptagonon of Mind of Earth and the placement
of the three mental particles - double extended electron at the South Pole, mental electron at the
North Pole and the mental electron neutron at the center of the Earth - all of these are actual mental
activities that must be carried out in telepathic coordination worldwide by genuine planetary servers
working anonymously a Planetary Service Wavespell on behalf of the Earth. This is the great work!
Now, with the Closing of the Cycle a palpable reality, the work is being augmented by the
establishment of the CREST Centers for the Restitution of the Natural Mind so that we can sharpen
our telepathic focus through normalizing the non-egoic experience of the natural mind as an everyday
reality. Besides the emphasis on the natural mind cultivation, there is the final tool of the revelation
of the Telektonon Prophecy, the Seven Years Mystery of the Stone.
The Foundation for the Law of Time has now available approximately 9,000 of these amazing tool kits
designed to establish the link between the higher solar mind, the soul and the objective reality of 13:20
time. This is the navigational guide that helps you get through the treacherous landscape of Middle
Time - the final climax of matter - and to the farther shore of the Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness. The
fundamental premise, of course, is that life is a spiritual journey - the premise that Adam forgot. The
purpose of the Law of Time Thirteen Moon synchronometer is to reestablish this memory of the life of
harmony which is the essence of the spiritual journey. Now the Mystery of the Stone is here to engage
your soul in completing the journey to 2012 as a spiritually renewed and purified being.
We are already cruising through the second year of the Mystery of the Stone, so these 9000 soul-
edifying kits must be distributed swiftly to maximize the power of the journey for all of us. There
are ten kits per carton so that means that there are about 900 cartons waiting to be dispatched. The
Foundation for the Law of Time would like to make these kits available to ALL planetary kin as a gift
from the Galactic Federation. But the Foundation needs your help to accomplish this goal. Here’s
what you can do:
1. In these mind-numbing times, we need a spirit of adventure and cooperation. Come to Ashland
with your vehicle or any number of vehicles, and load up as many cartons of the Mystery of the
Stone as you can, and then embark on your personal Mystery of the Stone magical giveaway tour.
Do some advance research and on your way back to wherever you came from see if you can’t
stop off at a few other places where there might be a PAN node and plan a little giveaway event.
The guideline is: give what you can. Whatever cash you receive in donations, keep some for your
expenses, but please, send a portion back to the Foundation for the Law of Time to support the
source that makes possible these fourth-dimensional tool kits. Then when you get back to your
home base target destination, organize another Mystery of the Stone Giveaway, following the
same guidelines. If you find this successful and spiritually enriching, come back and do it again.
2. If you do not have the time to organize a Mystery of the Stone caravan, but still want to organize
a giveaway, then send the Foundation postage and handling money to have the number of car-
tons you wish for your giveaway sent to you. When you organize your potlatch, follow the same
guidelines, give what you can, even more if you wish! Keep a little for yourself for your efforts,
but again, please send a portion back to the Foundation.
This is not only for planetary kin in the USA, Canada Turtle Island Bioregion, but worldwide.
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
A Word about the New Year, Kin 209 (11 x 19) Red Magnetic Moon:
Anyone familiar with the Dreamspell knows that the Red Magnetic Moon signals the entrance into the
Green Central Castle of Enchantment. According to the Dreamspell Genesis, this is what the species
was promised in -3187 Dreamspell (= BC 3113) but was deceived instead by the 12:60 beam which
augured not Thirteen Moons of peace but 12:60 wage slavery and time is money. So here we are in
Middle Time, reaping the final karmic results of the 12:60 beam. It takes quite an effort to remain
untainted by mindless 12:60 gloom. But that’s the point. The Dreamspell and the Thirteen Moons
of Galactic Standard Time, as well as all the gifts and tools of the Law of Time are the promised
knowledge finally received and made available before the end of (12:60) time.
So this coming solar-galactic year of the Red Magnetic Moon is the Thirteen Moon cycle to resolve
and to exert in the establishment of the new 13:20 order of reality. We have about three years left
before the effects of global warming and the war on terror decapitate the 12:60 beast altogether,
including all of its high tech, high speed way of life. So whatever we need to do to utilize its means
to attain our ends, we had better make the best use of them right now. By the time we reach the
Self-existing Seed year we had better be in our seed communities practicing telepathy and two-
way galactic communication with the supermental order of reality who are waiting for us to get it
together so they can come and assist the Earth. This is why the leading event of the Red Magnetic
Moon year will be the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights in Brasilia, Brazil (Electric 3-7).
Here, the platform of action will be laid out to attain the 2012 noospheric ends of the Thirteen Moon
Calendar Change Peace Plan.
In the meantime, let us purify ourselves - our body, our speech, and our mind. Let us eat healthy and
vegetarian. Let us communicate with clear and pure intention - or not communicate at all! And let
us develop natural mind, free of addictions and vibrating at the highest 13:20 levels. The more pure
we are, the more and the better we shall attract to fulfill our goals. With nothing in mind, untainted
by mindless gloom, let us realize the telepathic truth of the synchronic order and become the matrix
of the coming cosmic civilization on Earth. Above all, let us submit our egos to the Higher Power and
learn that if we do not cooperate now we will not be able to build the galactic culture that the Earth
is requiring of us. Everyone is a rainbow thread in the great tapestry of galactic culture. Cease to
judge! Tolerate! Love all! Be all!
Rinri III, Volume 2, No. 2 - Remembering the Sacred Way. Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the 13 Moon 28-day Synchronometer 17
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
1. Red Eastern Quarter. Way of Wielding Power Informs Mind - Codon 18 Taming Mind
(Work on What Has Been Spoiled). Magnetic Moon 1 Kin 209 - Self-existing 7, Kin 39.
The theme of the beginning of the second year of the CA Planetary Manitou, Way of Wielding Power
is the great theme that we all need to deal with: Taming Mind. In the traditional I Ching this is called
“Work on What Has Been Spoiled.” What has been spoiled is the pristine original clarity of mind as it
has been obscured by 12:60 conditionings of every kind resulting in ego fixations of the most devious
and tenacious forms.
The codon is one of the eight “temple codons” constructed of the Temple/Meditation mountain gate
triplet above in the higher telepathic position, and the Wind/Breath thought penetrating triplet below
in the sensory position. This means that the breath has to be tamed by the mind, the very essence
of the natural mind practice. By calming the mind, the breath can be even and the words clear. By
controlling the breath, the mind can see itself through its torrent of thoughts, letting go, slowly but
surely, into its own original essence. It also means that once the breath has been tamed and the mind
is no longer controlled by the mob of unruly thoughts, that the clear thoughts can be focused through
the breath to stir and arouse the people to higher visions and goals. This is the way to work on what
has been spoiled, for the root of the errors we deal with in life is always in the delusory mind. With a
tamed mind, we can truly wield power and be certain that we are in the right way, for in this way, the
way of wielding power informs the mind.
The three binary letters: mind generates - radiance bridges - mind climaxes. The radiance between
the two mind letters refers to the experience of the natural radiance of original mind that is
perceived through the practice of Mind Taming.
The second quarter codon, is another of the eight temple codons, Temple of Time. Whereas in the
first quarter it is the breath within the temple of meditation that must be tamed, here it is Time
within the Temple that becomes the object and the means of meditation. Above, in the telepathic
position, is the Temple/Meditation mountain gate, and below in the sensory position is the heavenly
power of Time, the creative transmitting power of the cosmos.
In the traditional I Ching, this is known as the “Taming Power of the Great,” for it is the great creative
power of time that is being submitted to in the meditation process. To know the mind of time is to
know the time of mind. No one who attains this level of intrinsic knowledge can be stopped in their
efforts to further the cause of the cosmic order of reality. In the “judgment” to both this and the
first quarter Codon there is a reference to “crossing the great water.” This means that these are also
times for great undertakings, changes of character, or great projects to be generated. This could
be the time to make sure you reach the right location for your destiny or take the risk of expanding
the teachings of the Law of Time to have a greater effect in the world. The 12:60 world is weak and
degenerate spiritually, so this is the time to shape the world according to the Law of Time.
Binary letters: Time generates - radiance bridges - mind climaxes. Here, with the time generating
letter there is an indication of establishing an action momentum (the radiance letter) that is guided
by the higher mind. This could refer to the setting in motion of the action plan generated by the
Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights.
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
3. Blue Western Quarter. Mind Informed by Cosmic Order - Codon 34 Prayer (Power of the
Great) Resonant 15, Kin 131 - Planetary 21, Kin 221.
The Third Quarter Codon is Prayer. This is the meaning of mind being informed by cosmic order. Here,
prayer is the creative force of time generating an electrical energy in the higher dimensions of reality.
It is not the supplication of a weak subordinate begging for mercy, but of a genuinely submissive
servant of the higher truth seeking always the highest means of creatively implementing the divine
plan. This is the power of creative prayer and meditation.
Known in the traditional I Ching as “The Power of the Great,” like the Codon of the preceding quarter,
this Codon has the Time triplet in the lower sensory world position, while above, generated from it,
is the seed arousing Energy/Thunder triplet. Here there is even more of an indication that we are
in a time of action. But one must be careful to fit the action to the time and not be carried away by
energetic excess. One must allow the mind to be informed by the cosmic order. This means that the
quality of natural mind meditation that characterized the first Codon of the year must be maintained
while we are being drawn into the sphere of action. To be informed by the cosmic order means to
listen very carefully to the stillness within, trusting to the most subtle impressions, and then, without
hesitation, translating these impressions into means of energetic action in order to attain the proper
ends, as in the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Plan, and the advent of the noosphere.
Binary letters: time generates - radiance bridges - space climaxes. Here it is important that once the
action has been generated that one detaches and lets the space accommodate the action, otherwise
one may become egoically entangled - not a desired result of righteous action.
In the culminating quarter of the year, the emphasis on powerfully informed action reaches its climax
with Radiosonic Way. In the traditional I Ching, this is called “Increase.” It is the third Codon of the
year with a reference to Crossing the Great Water. This is a powerful sign of the energy to be put
into the telepathic exercises to prepare for the Rainbow Bridge and the development of the CREST
(Centers for the Restitution of the Natural Mind).
In the lower sensory position is the seed arousing Thunder/Energy triplet, which appeared above in
the previous quarter, while in the upper telepathic position is the thought penetrating Breath/Wind
which appeared as the lower triplet in the first Codon of the year. Wind and energy complement
each other. Here, the wind is the higher pranic or plasmic telepathic activity that is generated by the
electrical charge of the sensory world. This is a direct clue to the activation of the radiosonic way.
That is, through the electrical energy released through our sensory biology we are meant to channel
the pranic-plasmic breath into a telepathic coordination with the higher-dimensional field of Earth.
Everything depends again on maintaining a balance between power and compassion, between energy
and kindness - a consideration of the kind of action that will benefit the greatest number of beings.
Such action cannot have any selfishness to it. This is to benefit the entire world, to transform it into
a radiant realm of supernal beauty, the activation of the noosphere itself. This is how the principle
of Dynamic Construction evolves the mind - and ultimately ejects the Rainbow Bridge connecting the
higher and lower mind.
Binary letters: radiance generates - space bridges - time climaxes. Here the radiance of the
generating energy has the power of space to project itself becoming realized as the manifest power
of time itself. Something great can truly be attained. The Day out of Time is Kin 53, Red Magnetic
Skywalker. Anticipate a “Quetzalcoatl visitation.” According to the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time, we
will now be ready to reclaim the Monkey Genesis of Magic.
Rinri III, Volume 2, No. 2 - Remembering the Sacred Way. Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the 13 Moon 28-day Synchronometer 19
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
Coming Soon:
Cosmic History Chronicles Volume II Book of the Avatar:
Harmonic History, Cosmic Science and the Descent of the Divine.
The second of the seven volume series, Cosmic History Chronicles, Volume II, Book of the Avatar has
just been completed and is now in preproduction. It will be available through the Law of Time Press
by the end of the Crystal Moon. The grand theme of this volume is the inseparability of science and
spirituality and the meaning of avatars, revelation and divine descent. As a complete exposition of
Cosmic Science and the cosmocentric perspective, this book will be studied for a long time to come,
for in it are the recipes of the Second Creation. Containing some 76 full color graphics, Book of the
Avatar is a primer of cosmic consciousness with complete details and practices of the science of the
Rainbow Bridge.
© Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the Law of Time - www.lawoftime.org
» Dynamics of Time, 17.6 The Galactic Federation of hyperdimensional mind is the future order
and organization of all consciousness intelligently ramified in degrees and ranks, stored ac-
cording to a comprehensive knowledge of all phases of the evolutionary spectrum constituting
the galactic brain. The only purpose of the galactic Federation is to increase awareness of God
and the divine order, which can only be effected through subliminal feedback to input from the
lower orders of time.
Rinri III, Volume 2, No. 2 - Remembering the Sacred Way. Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the 13 Moon 28-day Synchronometer 21