Coping Mechanism of Grade 10 Students in Modular Distance Learning
Coping Mechanism of Grade 10 Students in Modular Distance Learning
Coping Mechanism of Grade 10 Students in Modular Distance Learning
A Research Paper
Jezzyhan D. Olegario
Jade Mercado
Jovel D. Carbonel
X- Amorsolo
This chapter will present the background of the study, the statement of the
problem, the significance of the study, the scope and delimitation, and the
definition of terms.
The researchers want to conduct this study since many students are
having a hard time in modular distance learning these days.
According to Calo and Bustamante (2021), The emergence of the Covid-
19 pandemic has brought a lot of changes in many aspects of the people’s
lives and the community as a whole. Medicine, trade, and education
are just among the few fields severely affected by the said pandemic. And its
unprecedented occurrence challenged the readiness and initiative of the
government’s system. For the field of education, a continuity plan for
learning has been laid, and actions were taken to ensure that the learners
still acquire access to education despite the present situation. Distance
education is not a new way of teaching. It was believed to start in 18 th century
butts rapid growth began in late 1900s because of technological advances.
According to Kentnor (2015), Sir Isaac Pitman was the pioneer of distance
education by mailing his students with postcards and instructed them to
transcribe passages from the bible. Over the last 300 years, distance learning
run parallel with innovations in communications technology, and continued to
grow in popularity.
The main objective of this study is to determine the cause and impact of
Mangaldan National High School S.Y 2021-2022. Specifically, it aims the ff.
1. What are the causes why students are having a hard time in modular
distance learning?
2. What are the effects of students who fail to submit their modules on
National High School S.Y 2021-2022. The researcher will have 10 participants
The researcher
What are the The researcher will conduct a
causes why will conduct an presentation
students are interview among regarding the
having a hard Coping
the Grade 10
time in modular
Students of Mechanism of
learning? Mangaldan the Grade 10
National High Students of
School using the Mangaldan
What are the
Questionnaire National High
effects of
students who Method. School leading
fail to submit by the school
their modules administrators
on time? and teachers.
The researchers considered this study significant because the data can
provide the information about coping mechanisms of the respondents to school
administrators, teachers, parents, students and future researchers.
To the teachers. This study shall help the teachers on how to help their
students coping up in this new normal.
To the parents. This study shall help the parents to guide their children
to do better and cope up easily in modular distance learning.
To the future researchers. This study shall help the future researchers to
find more information and to discover new ideas about the effects of coping
mechanisms on modular distance learning.
Coping mechanism - The state of G10 SPA students during modular distance
SPA (special program in the arts) - is one of the special class in Mangaldan
national high school.
Modular Distance learning - It is the use of Modules made by teachers with
different tasks and learning activities based from the essential learning