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Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning Procedures

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Document No.: QF1461-7840-108

Rev: 00
Date: 28.02.2018
Pages :33

DOCUMENT TITLE : Pre-commissioning and Commissioning procedures

EIL JOB NO. : A545

PR CODE : A545-680-LM-PR-7840
DORC Reference No.: A545-7840-5041-VD-681-LZ-103 A/B/C/D-5006
THERMAX JOB NO. : QF1461/1462/1463/1464



Project Name:

0 28.02.2018 For Information NKR NKR NKR

05-APR-2018 Date Purpose Prepared Checked By Approved By

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4 x 400 TPH Oil & Gas Fired UB Boiler



Thermax Limited
Boiler & Heater Group
Pune, India


0 28.02.2018 SP PP CSG
Dy Executive (FE) Dy. Manager – FE Sr. Manager – FE

Note: This is a computer generated document and hence requires no Signature.


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1 PRE-COMMISSIONING CHECKS ....................................................................................... 4

1.1 PRESSURE PARTS .............................................................................................................. 4
1.2 FLUES & DUCTS ............................................................................................................... 4
1.3 ROTARY EQUIPMENTS ........................................................................................................ 5
1.3.1 Fans........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Pumps ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.3 Soot Blowers .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3.4 Burners ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.5 Safety Valves ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3.6 Piping ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2 COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES ......................................................................................... 9
2.1 FLUSHING OF PIPING ......................................................................................................... 9
2.2 TRIALS OF AUXILIARIES .................................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Burner Trials ............................................................................................................................ 11
2.2.2 Commissioning Checks for Electrical Equipment & Instruments .................................................. 16
2.3 REFRACTORY DRY OUT .................................................................................................... 17
2.3.1 Refractory Dry out Curve .......................................................................................................... 18
2.3.2 Inspection & Acceptance Criteria of Refractory Dry Out ............................................................. 18
2.4 ALKALI BOIL – OUT......................................................................................................... 19
2.4.1 Quantity of Chemicals (Considering Water Holding Capacity of boiler) ........................................ 20
2.4.2 Procedural for Oil & Grease Determination ................................................................................ 22
2.5 STEAM BLOWING ............................................................................................................ 24
2.5.1 Acceptance Criteria of Steam Blowing completion ...................................................................... 26
2.5.2 Sample Drawing of Steam Blowing Arrangement ....................................................................... 27
2.6 SAFETY VALVE SETTING ................................................................................................... 28
3 BOILER THERMAL EXPANSION TRAMP FIXING ............................................................31

4 COLD START UP PRESSURISATION CURVE ...................................................................32

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Boiler is the heart of plant and hence its safe, reliable & efficient operation decides the
entire plant productivity. To have a reliable unit, special care has to be taken during pre-
commissioning & commissioning, which is the last activity of the project that decides the
performance of the product.
Commissioning activity starts from the study of P & I diagrams and the contract to
understand the boiler supplied and contractual obligations.
Commissioning activities divided in different faces.
1. Pre-Commissioning Checks
2. Commissioning Activities
2.1 Flushing of Piping
2.2 Trials of Auxiliaries
2.3 Refractory Dry Out
2.4 Alkali Boil Out
2.5 Steam Blowing
2.6 Safety Valve Setting
3. Commercial Steaming
4. Load Trial
5. Controllers Tuning and Performance Monitoring
6. Performance Guarantee Test

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1 Pre-Commissioning Checks

The objective of these checks is to ensure completion of construction, compliance to critical
dimensions and tolerances as per the quality assurance requirements.

The following systems are addressed one by one briefly indicating the nature of checks to be
carried out during pre-commissioning.
• Pressure Parts
• Flues & Air Ducting
• Hangers, Expansion Joints and Dampers
• Rotary Equipments
• Safety Valves and mountings
• Piping

Commissioning engineers shall refer applicable general arrangement & detailed drawings, O
& M manuals (refer separately) and Protocols for various checks mentioned therein. The
acceptance criteria for all pre-commissioning checks shall be as per the various pre-
commissioning protocols.

1.1 Pressure Parts

To be checked for internal cleanliness, proper alignment, tube supports, expansion
clearances, gas baffles if any, thermocouple location and installation, proper fixing and
closing of all access doors, observation ports, buck stays installation, insulation, orientations
of drain valves and vent valves.
Steam Drum to be checked for internal fittings like primary and secondary scrubber, cyclone,
steam separator sealing, location and orientation of holes of feed pipe, CBD pipe and
Chemical dosing pipe.
Water drum to be checked for internal cleanliness, IBD piping and internal attachment.
Expansion tramps fixing for the pressure parts.
Completion of hydro test of boiler and piping.
Temporary supports removal & Loading of spring hangers.
Proper application of refractory over pressure parts and insulation as per drawing.
Proper installation of seismic stoppers and buckstay supports (As applicable).

1.2 Flues & Ducts

To be inspected for the following:

Completion of ducts as per drawing, Location of supports, direction of expansion joints,

proper operation of dampers, hanger location and its load ranges including loading of
hangers, tightness of flanged joints, manhole covers, removal of temporary locking on
expansion joints.
Access for easy operation of dampers, its lever position, open/close markings, if required
servicing of dampers to be done.
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Air leak test to be carried out for the entire air and flue gas ducting & furnace prior to
insulation and cladding as per the applicable erection procedure.

1.3 Rotary Equipments

1.3.1 Fans
To be inspected for completion of construction, foundation as per vendor GA drawing,
tightness of foundation bolts, internal clearances, position of fixed and free end bearing,
Position of locking ring on bearing, locking of bearings, Cooling arrangements if any, Shaft
sealing arrangement, Free movement of rotor, Suction cone & Impeller inside clearances,
Overlaps, IGV damper blades orientation w.r.t. impeller direction of rotation, Damper and
Actuator linkage arrangement, Alignment of motor and fan, Mechanical completion of fan
suction and discharge duct.

1.3.2 Pumps
To be inspected for completion of construction, tightness of foundation bolts, Cooling water
arrangements, Impeller free movement, alignment of motor and pump, Completion of pump
suction and discharge, balance leak off, Re circulation piping as per drawing, piping hydro
test if required, Support of pumps suction and discharge piping along with spring supports.

1.3.3 Soot Blowers

To be inspected for the location of installation, blowing angle, nozzle alignment, lance
support, alignment, wall box mounting and sealing.

1.3.4 Burners
Check as per GA drawing, various parts, dimensions, gas spud orientation, Oil gun tip
specification & Gun Cooling arrangement, igniter location, hose connections, flame scanner
alignment and cooling air connection, cable connection to igniter & Cooling arrangement ,

1.3.5 Safety Valves

To be inspected for completion of installation, correct location w.r.t. tag numbers as per
drawing, Exhaust piping, supports expansion clearances, offsets in drip pan and exhaust
piping, tightness of flange bolts, erection of drip pan and its drains, freeness of hand
popping lever, exhaust piping silencers (If any) and it’s supports. Safety valve seat to be

Ensure the availability & suitability of safety gags.

1.3.6 Piping
Feed water, Steam, Drain, Blow down, Chemical dosing, Oil, Service air, Instrument air
piping to be checked for construction as per isometric and P & I diagram, valve glands
tightness, valve freeness, completion of Hydro / leak test (If required), flushing of piping by
substituting control valves with spool pieces, Removal of temporary supports, erection of
permanent supports, expansion clearance required as per drawing.
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Ensure “Open / Close" positions of control valves, lubrication of spindle/gear box etc. as per
supplier's instruction.
Ensure completion of Insulation.
Incorporate color coding for piping/direction marking etc.
Note: Please ensure that all activities are carried out in strict adherence to checklist

1.4 Pre-Commissioning Checks for Electrical Equipment & Instruments

The objective of these checks is to ensure completion of erection of various instruments
mentioned below as per hook-up drawings & P&ID’s. This also covers checks for installation
of PLC/DCS/SCADA/MCC/VFD/STARTER panels as per panel drawings.

The following items are addressed indicating the nature of checks:

1. Transmitters
2. Flow Elements
3. Temp. Elements
4. Gauges
5. Switches (Pressure/Temp)
6. Control Valves/Damper Actuators
7. Starters/MCC/VFD panels
8. Motors
9. Motorized valve

Commissioning engineers to refer applicable drawings, O & M manuals of various

Instruments (if required) to perform stated checks.
1. Check Instruments tapings, mountings and their location as per P&I diagram.
2. Check for the installation as per Hook-up drawing.
3. Check for the cable laying & termination.
4. For DP transmitters check HP & LP connections.
5. For Mass Flow Transmitters check the direction of flow sensor.
6. Power on the Transmitter.
7. Feed the mA input & observe the readings in DCS/PLC/SCADA.
8. Check Level transmitters HP & LP tapping distance.

Flow Elements
1. Check location as per P&I diagram with upstream/downstream distance.
2. Check for the installation as per Hook-up drawing.
3. Check for the direction of Element.

Temp. Elements
1. Check location as per P&I diagram
2. Check for the installation as per Instrument Specification for sensors (I34).
3. Check for the cable laying & termination.
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4. Check for Temp Element Length & Termowell length for suitable location.

1. Check location as per P&I diagram
2. Check for the installation as per Hook-up drawing

Switches (Pressure/Temp)
1. Check Instruments tapings, mountings and their location as per P & I diagram
2. Check for the installation as per Hook-up drawing.
3. Check for the cable laying & termination.
4. Check setting/resetting in DCS/PLC/SCADA

Control Valves/Damper Actuators

1. Check mountings, location and direction of control valve / actuator as per P & I
2. Check for the air connection at recommended supply pressure.
3. Check for the signal cable laying & termination for command and feedback.
4. Air line flushing before checking of valves/Actuators.
5. Feed the mA input to valve/actuators from source/DCS/PLC/SCADA & observe the
feedback in DCS/ PLC/ SCADA in % & if required calibrate.
6. Check air fail, signal fail condition.
7. Check control valve & damper and shut off valve air fail conditions.

Starters/MCC/VFD Panel
1. Check for the tightness of bolts (busbars, panels, etc).
2. Check earthing connections.
3. Check for the power and control terminal connections.
4. Check for the power supply as per requirement.
5. Check for the parameters as per parameter list in VFD (if VFD application)

1. Check for the tightness of bolts.
2. Check for the cable laying & termination.
3. Check for the tightness of motor terminals.
4. Check clearance inside terminal boxes after cable termination.
5. Check earthing connections.
6. Check free rotation of motor shaft.
7. Check motor shaft key.
8. Check for IR values of power cable & control cable.
9. Check for the resistance of winding (if required)
10. Check motor power cable R,Y,B Phase cable distance any short-circuit of motor

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Motorized Valve
1. Check for installation of motorized valves as per drawings.
2. Check for the IR values of the power cables.
3. Check for the control circuit & interlock logic.
4. Check for the manual operation (if any) for lock/unlock.
5. Check for the limit switch setting.
6. Check for the torque switch setting for auto stop.

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2 Commissioning Activities
Commissioning engineers shall refer applicable general arrangement & detailed drawings, O
& M manuals (refer separately) and Protocols for various checks mentioned therein. The
acceptance criteria for all commissioning checks shall be as per the various commissioning

2.1 Flushing of Piping

The purpose of carrying out flushing is to remove foreign matter, mill scale dirt etc. resulting
out of manufacturing, storing, fabrication & erection, vessels & piping. Such deposits in the
piping sometimes restrict flow through the pipes / tubes causing over heating and pressure/
flow fluctuations and even failures.
In order to commence flushing of piping, following prerequisites/ inputs have to be made

• Mechanical completion of piping (including permanent supports) to be flushed.

• Identify the piping system / circuit to be flushed e.g. flushing is carried out for oil piping,
atomizing media piping, pneumatic air piping, steam piping, boiler feed water piping.
Commissioning engineer will identify the piping system / circuit to be flushed during site
• Check for adequate illumination and personnel safety in and around the piping flushing
• Check for adequate supports and expansion loops as per piping drawings. Supports are
to be completed before beginning of flushing activity. If temporary supports are required
they should be provided, as reactive forces resulting from flushing / blowing off media
are more than normal conditions.
• DM water @ ambient temperature with pH of 8.5 and at pressure of atleast 6 bar is the
preferred media for flushing the water and steam piping along with economiser.
• For fuel gas and instrument air piping flushing will be done by with service air at 7 bar
(g). Also see the availability for rupture disk for flushing of Fuel Gas and instrument air
• Check for flushing media isolating valve in good working order.
• Ensure that flushing media is connected to the starting point of piping.
• Check for flushing media isolating valve in good working condition.
• Remove all strainers, NRV plugs/internals, control valves (provide spool pieces in place
Pressure Control Valve/Flow Control Valve, Orifice plate / Flow nozzle.
• Isolate/remove instruments e.g. temperature gauges, pressure switches, flow meters.
• Cordon off the area where flushing is to be done and preferably post a person for
vigilance. As a safety measure, install signboards of caution to working personnel.
• Piping will be flushed with DM water @ ambient temperature. Slowly open the isolating
valve of the flushing media, allow the piping circuit to fill and allow muck, etc. to get
removed. Then continuous or intermittent flushing can be carried out at the specified
pressure. Intermittent quick opening and shutting off isolating valves will help in clear off
loose mill scales, silica and dirt with shocks. Once clear media comes out of the final point
of the circuit flushing can be stopped.
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• Instrument air lines shall be flushed with Air only.

• Fuel oil lines shall be flushed with water, then with air and finally with oil circulation.
• Card-board Blasting: Cardboard blasting is also preferred after flushing for Fuel
Gas/Fuel Oil lines. This process involves installation of cardboard/gasket (Up to 3 or 4
normal packing cardboards) at the exit end of the piping bolted between piping battery
limit flange & spare/plate flange. Piping is then pressurized with air. Due to rise in
pressure (above tolerance by cardboard/gasket) say above 4-5 kg/cm2, cardboard/gasket
bursts; creating very high velocity flow through piping. The blowing out air is observed
for color. Reddish color indicates rust being cleaned. The card board blasting will
conclude when blowing out air is observed clean and without any particles.
• After completing the flushing activities, Replace control valves, strainers etc., which had
been removed during the flushing operation.
Safety Precautions
Clear out / cordon off the area where flushing is being carried out as live pressurized
steam/water will flush off through the system end point.
Make available plenty of safety gear e.g. asbestos hand gloves, ear mufflers, transparent
eye protective goggles and first aid kit.
If control valves/isolating valves to be kept in on line position, while steam flushing, keep
their position to 100% open to avoid damage to seat of the valves or accumulation of dirt.

2.2 Trials of Auxiliaries

Trial of auxiliaries are conducted to ensure mechanical reliability and performance of the
equipment and to check whether site parameters match with its design parameters.
Boiler auxiliaries trials are conducted for equipment like motors, fan, feed water pumps,
Soot blowers (If any), etc.

• Ensure the availability of instruction manual for different auxiliaries from their respective
• It is essential that the persons conducting trials of auxiliaries must go through the
manufacturer’s instruction manuals, drawings before starting any work.
• Complete the pre-commissioning checks as per equipment supplier’s recommendations,
quality plan / drawing details.
• Ensure the driven equipment (if any) is ready for testing/conducting trial run.
• Ensure that the prime mover/driving (if any) equipment is ready for testing.
• Ensure that no load test/commissioning has been completed for prime mover / driving
equipment and is cleared for auxiliary trial run.
• Direction of rotation of prime mover is to be ensured before coupling with driven
• Alignment of prime mover w.r.t. driven equipment is to be kept within limit as per
manufacturer recommendation.
• Coupling to be done for prime mover and auxiliary and coupling guard to be provided.
• Lubricate coupling ( If specified)
• Lubrication of bearing to be done as per manufacturer recommendation.
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• Ensure the availability of concerned inspection authorities.

• Ensure the availability of calibrated instruments for recording the relevant data.
As a safety measure before trial run of any auxiliary equipment, functioning of Local
Emergency Push Button is to be ensured.

Run the equipment/auxiliary at specified conditions for specified number of hours as per
equipment supplier's recommendations but not less than 4 hours unless specified and record
the parameters.
Check whether actual site parameters, are matching with the design parameters. Note
deviations if any, for reference towards corrective action (refer supplier's instruction manual
for corrective action).
If no abnormality is found, proceed to normal operating conditions gradually; achieve
maximum specified conditions as per equipment supplier’s recommendations. Check whether
the actual site MCR parameters confirming with the design parameters.
Release the equipment/auxiliary for continuous operation.
During the trial runs record all relevant data in specified formats.

2.2.1 Burner Trials

Burner testing procedure is broadly divided into following stages;
• Burner Pre- Commissioning Check.
• Burner Logic Check.
• Burner Management System (BMS) Dry Simulation OR Cold Run
• Burner Gas Lighter Testing.
• Burner Light – up and startup trials.
• Burner performance trial. Burner Pre-Commissioning Checks

To make the burner mechanically ready for firing.

Pre- Requisites
For starting the Pre-Commissioning check of the burner following jobs should be completed.
Mechanical completion of Burner erection.
Refractory work of the burner and Boiler block.
Burner Fuel piping including supports.
Burner Wind Box and boiler assembly.
Check for adequate illumination and personnel safety in and around the piping flushing
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Check the burner erection as per GA drawing.
Check for Individual parts (Gas spuds, Gas lighter, Swirler, Scanner mounting
arrangement, DP measurement tubes, Peep hole Etc.) for mechanical integrity.
Check for gas spud orientation as per drawing.
Check for Burner various dimensions (Burner Sleeve to Swirler, Swirler to Gas spud, Gas
spud to Gas lighter Etc.) as per burner assembly drawing.
For multi-burner boiler, check the dimension between individual burners and the center
of the individual burner from sidewalls.
Check for Refractory integrity and burner throat dimensions as per drawing.
Check for air register free operation and “Open-Close” marking. Check for 100% open &
close position.
Check for Flame scanner mountings and peephole. Clear view inside the boiler through
the scanner pipe and peephole.
Check for air cooling connection to individual scanner.
Check for Gas spud, gas lighter, DP measurement tubes cleanliness.
Check for hose installation as per drawing. Burner Logic Check

To check the logic is as per the submitted Logic. And to make the burner ready for Dry-

Logic implementation in the PLC.
PLC logic hard copy.

The logic has to be check along with instrument Engineer as per the logic diagram for
timers, valve Tag Numbers etc. Burner Management Dry Simulation

To check actual sequence of operation of the valves without actual flame in the furnace.

Burner Logic Checking should be completed.
All burners Shut-Off Valves and Control valves erection and flushing of the piping should
be completed.
All burner SOV’s & CV’s loop checking should be completed.
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All air and flue gas transmitters loop checking should be completed.
All steam and water transmitters loop checking should be completed.
All air register actuator mounting should be completed.
Boiler mechanical erection should be completed.
Fan erection, Pre-commissioning & commissioning trials are completed.
Water in the steam drum should be upto normal water level.
Instrument air for all Instruments
Boiler Logic check should be completed.

To start the burner the following condition should be satisfied in sequence
• Pre-interlocks
• Purge Interlocks
• Purging
• Main Interlocks
Note: While satisfying the above interlock if some interlocks can not be satisfied actually
those can be forced through software or by hardwire. Burner Gas Lighter Testing

Establishing the gas lighter flame and set the scanner and make the burner ready for
Oil/Gas firing.

Scanner cabling and loop checking should be completed.
Scanner candle test should be completed.
Pilot gas line leak test should be completed.
Before charging, the pilot gas line should be flushed with Nitrogen.
Pilot gas for firing gas lighter should be available at required pressure.
Gas lighter cabling and loop checking to be completed.
Spark Gap checking to be completed.
Power for gas lighter should be available.
Instrument air for all Instruments.
Water in the steam drum should be upto normal water level.
BMS dry simulation should be completed.

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Start the FD fan and adjust the air flow at minimum air flow required for burner light-up.
Before taking the gas actually in gas lighter, the gas should be vented in to atmosphere
through header vent to remove the nitrogen or any incombustible gases present in the
Before going for Actual gas lighter testing all the Pre-Interlock, Purge Interlock, Purging
and Main Interlock needs to be satisfied.
Keep close main oil/gas manual block/isolation valves for all burners.
After satisfying the above condition burner is ready for start.
With burner start command spark will be generated in the gas lighter gun and gas SOV
will open.
With the above procedure the gas lighter flame can be established.
For proper checking and setting of the scanners the gas lighter timing can be increased. Burner Light-Up and Startup Trials

Firing the burner and taking different trials to establish the burner parameters.

Boiler should be ready mechanically, Instruments wise & electrically.
Fuel oil/gas line leak test should be completed.
Fuel oil/gas line flushing should be completed.
Fuel oil/gas line all valves should be erected.
Fuel oil/gas line vent/drain should be terminated to safe location.
Fuel oil/gas line SOVs & CVs loop check should be completed.
Fuel oil/gas should be available at required pressure and quantity.
Water in the steam drum should be upto ‘normal water level’.
Fire extinguisher should be available at all places.
Burner gas lighter trials should be completed.

Start the FD fan and adjust the air flow at minimum air flow required for burner light-up.
Before taking the gas actually in ignitor, the gas should be vented in to atmosphere
through header vent to remove the nitrogen or any incombustible gases present in the
Before going for burner light up all the Pre-Interlock, Purge Interlock, Purging and Main
Interlock needs to be satisfied.
After satisfying the above condition burner is ready for start.

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Adjust the Oil/Gas control valve at minimum position (Just Above turndown) of the
burner) to avoid heavy ingress of fuel in the boiler.
With burner start command spark will be generated in the gas lighter gun and pilot gas
SOV will open.
Main Oil/Gas block valve will open when pilot flame is proved OK.
With the help of pilot flame the Main fuel (Oil/Gas) will ignite
With above procedure, the burner flame will be established.
For proper checking and setting of the flame the burner can be kept running till all trials
are completed.
If it’s a multi-burner boiler different burner combination trials to be taken and the
startup parameter shall be established.
All the above established parameters should be noted for repeatability of start up of the
Note: While taking the burners in line, the bottom most burner should always be taken first. Burner Performance Trial

To check the performance of the burner along with boiler performance guarantee test.
All pre-commissioning and commissioning activities should be completed.
Constant steam Load up to boiler MCR should be available.
Constant fuel supply should be available.
All burner trials should be over.

The burner performance is established while the boiler full load/performance guarantee
test is in progress.
While carrying out the burner trials the boiler load is increased in steps like 25%-50%-
75% & 100% with all burners in line.
During the above trials, the burner to be check for the back pressure of the fuel at tip,
windbox pressure at different load, combustion air flow at different load etc.
It is to be noted that the emission norms are to measured when all the burners are in
operation and running at full load. Since at part load the emission norms will not mach
the full load emission due high excess air at part load.

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2.2.2 Commissioning Checks for Electrical Equipment & Instruments

The objective of these checks is to ensure completion of pre-commissioning of various
instruments as specified in “Pre-commissioning of Instrument” section as per approved
drawings and commissioning instructions by supplier.

The following items are addressed indicating the nature of checks:

1. Transmitters
2. Motorized valve
3. Starters/MCC/VFD panels
4. Motors
5. Interlock Simulation
1. Power on the Transmitter.
2. Check the range in transmitter & DCS as per I/O list.
3. Feed the mA input & observe the readings in DCS/PLC/SCADA.
Motorized Valves
1. Check for the full open & stop from Local & remote.
2. Check for the full close & stop from Local & Remote.
3. Check for the open & close limit switch feedback in DCS/PLC/SCADA.
Starters/Mcc/VFD Panels
1. Check the IR values of power cables up to motors & for control cables.
2. Check for the power and control terminal connections.
3. Check for the power supply as per requirement.
4. Check the operation of control interlocks by simulation with control supply only
(output power cable disconnected).
5. Overload relay setting to be done & ensured.
6. Complete the Motor ID (motor identification) run for VFD application VFD’s.
7. Check current for High/critical load.
1. Check the operation of control interlocks by simulation with control supply only.
2. Overload relay setting to be done and ensured.
3. Check free movement of motor shaft with driven equipment.
4. Check for the direction of rotation as per requirement.
5. Check starting & no load current.
6. Check vibration, noise, bearing temp.
Interlock Simulation
Interlock simulation activity is to be performed before start up of the unit. This shall ensure
safeguarding of boiler/heater in event of process parameters exceed than recommended
operation limit. Example:

Sr. Interlock Conditions Required Set Point Tested

No For Satisfaction If Required Okay
Suction damper close,
1 Start FD Fan Drum level >25% OK
Drum Level normal.
Check the interlocks as per approved drawing/documents by simulating values.
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2.3 Refractory Dry Out

The objective of this procedure is to ensure proper drying, curing of refractory applied in the
combustor and other components.
The castable usually undergo considerable chemical changes, during initial heating.
Controlled heating, through these reactions ensures maximum strength. While heating
there must be free airflow over the system to ensure removal of moisture.

Ensure the following pre-commissioning checks, for the completion of refractory drying out
is over.
• Ensure the availability of adequate feed water as per recommendations, Oil or Gas & Oil
firing-system (If applicable), Draft system and instruments required for boiler firing.
• Make sure that test gags are removed from safety valves.
• FD OR/AND ID fan is ready for service etc.
• Fill the drum with the specified quality feed water 50mm below the normal water level. .
• Ensure the availability of adequate qualified boiler operating staff/ operators.

The boiler exit /Economiser Inlet flue gas thermocouple to be considered for
refractory dry out cycle.

Refractory baking / dry-out cycle requires very slow and controlled heating of refractory as
recommended by the refractory manufactures. Please refer a typical heating schedule for
refractory baking which are as follows.

Ensure the readiness of the boiler for firing i.e. BMS is ready for burner light up; FD fan is
ready for service etc. Then light up burner (preferably lower) and control the firing rate as
explained below.

Raise the temperature of flue gas at boiler outlet (i.e. Economiser inlet) at the rate of
approximately 25 Deg C in one hour. On reaching 100 Deg C hold at that temperature for 4-
6 hr for soaking refractory castable. Soaking is keeping the boiler without firing and stopping
the FD fan, at that temperature.

Raising the flue gas temperature at this rate can be achieved by modulating the fuel firing.
If the temperature falls, increase the firing rate and maintain the required temperature and
vice versa.

After refractory soaking, raise temperature of flue gas boiler outlet again @ of 25ºC/Hr to
125ºC and hold the temperature for 4 to 6 Hr for setting of refractory castable.

Once the above heating schedule is over, the boiler may be cooled down with natural
cooling by stopping the firing and the FD and/or ID Fan. Fan damper should be kept in fully
closed position.
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Keep open the start up vent 100% through out the refractory dry out period.
Maintain Normal water level through out the period.

Temperature mentioned are indicative as the rate of raise is depends upon the firing rate,
and maintained close to these values with less variation and may be around 5º C. Practically
it may not be possible to follow the curve exactly.
Ensure adequate steam flow through the super heater coils, throughout the period.
2.3.1 Refractory Dry out Curve






75 75

50 50

25 25

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Temperature mentioned are indicative as the rate of raise is depends upon the
firing rate, and maintained close to these values with less variation and may be
around 5º C.

2.3.2 Inspection & Acceptance Criteria of Refractory Dry Out

• Refractory lining shall be free from soft & crumby appearance
• Refractory lining shall be examined throughout for thickness variation and for cracks
after curing
• After initial drying if superficial hair line cracks found, then the same are acceptable

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2.4 Alkali Boil – Out

Purpose of alkali boil-out is to remove deposits like oil, grease, mill scale etc., resulting out
of manufacturing, fabrication and erection procedures from boiler internals. Such deposits in
the boiler tube walls restrict heat flow across the tube walls resulting in failure due to

• Completion of boiler hydro test and other commissioning activities including refractory
dry out.
• Mechanical completion of boiler including auxiliaries and piping.
• After visual checks, close all access to the boiler unit internals.
• Availability of adequate quantity of fuel.
• Readiness of burner for firing.
Electrical and Instrumentation
• Readiness of Electrical, controls and Instrumentation.
• Readiness of DCS / PLC and operation of related equipment from DCS.
• Adequate illumination in and around the boiler house.
• Electrical power for motorised valves, gauge glass illuminator, etc.
• Readiness of boiler associated safety protections like Controls, necessary interlocks etc.
• Readiness of field & panel instruments
• Availability of communication system from control room to field.
• Availability of required Alkali boil-out Chemicals
• Feed water through boiler feed water pumps.
• Readiness of sample collection system.
• Water testing facilities including pH and oil detection by purchaser.
• Readiness of chemical dosing system.
• Verify the blow down and drain connections are terminated to safe location.
• Cooling water is available for sample coolers.
• Operation Staff

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2.4.1 Quantity of Chemicals (Considering Water Holding Capacity of boiler)

For boiling out, 4600 ppm of hydrous Tri-sodium phosphate (Na3PO412H2O), 1000 ppm of
anhydrous Di-sodium phosphate (Na2PO4) and 225 ppm of wetting agent (surfactant) will
be used. Wetting agent is being added to enhance the process of degreasing.
Hydrous Tri-Sodium Phosphate (Na3PO4.12 H2O) 1100 kg
Anhydrous Di-Sodium Phosphate (Na2HPO4) 250 kg
Wetting agent (Surfactant / Detergent) 55 lit

Ensure that all dampers are in good working condition and "OPEN" / "CLOSE" positions are
marked correctly.
Ensure that the feed water pumps operate satisfactorily.
Fill the drum with the specified quality feed water, 200mm below the drum manhole
Exact quantity of chemicals is to be carried in dry form to the drum level platform. Chemicals
are to be dissolved in DM water externally in a container near the drum manhole in batches.
The concentrated solutions so prepared are to be poured into the drum through the
manhole. When the entire quantity of chemical has been charged into the drum, close the
Then raise the drum level 50-mm below the normal water level by viewing the direct level
gauges. Fill the drum through normal feed water connections.

Boiler Light Up
After ensuring the above, start the burner with minimum firing and follow-up the
pressurising curve of the boiler.
Ensure that the normal water level is maintained in the drum throughout the boilout
Also monitor the thermal expansion of the pressure parts and in no case pressure raising
should exceed cold start up pressure raising curve.

Boil-Out Pressure & Duration

Raise the boiler pressure to 50% of working pressure (Drum) or 40kg/cm2 whichever is
lower. Carry out the boil-out operation by maintaining this pressure for a period of 12 hours.
Pressure is to be maintained by controlling the fuel firing and modulation of the start up
• For safe operation of boiler, one drum level transmitter and one drum pressure
transmitter can be taken into line during alkali boilout.
• Do not take drum gauge glass into service.
• For oil & grease determination laboratory and chemist to be provided by Buyer. Oil and
grease determination procedure to be followed generally is as given at the end of this
paragraph. This procedure is for reference only.

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On attaining approximately 5kg/cm (g) drum pressure, quickly operate the intermittent blow
down for 10 sec. Restore drum water level to N.W.L. Allow drum pressure to raise upto a
value which is 50% of operating pressure or 40kg/cm (g) whichever is lower. Leave the
CBD valve slightly open to prevent choking of sample line and sample cooler. Operate the
IBD for 10-15 seconds once every hour. Ensure that water level in the drum is replenished
each time.
Boiler water sample is collected and analyzed for oil traces, every hour after 8 hours of
reaching the boilout pressure. At the end of boilout a sample of boiler water is tested for oil
traces. If oil is present, more than 5 ppm, the boil out process should be continued further
at the same pressure. Blow down will be given every half an hour. Sample test is repeated
every half an hour until the desired result is achieved.
If the oil levels are not reducing to the desired limit, even after adequate draining, chemicals
may be added to drum through HP dosing system.

Completion of Boil-out
Boiler water sample is analyzed for presence of oil. When analysis confirms that oil present
in the boiler water is within limits (=/< 5 ppm), the boilout operation is treated as complete.
For confirmation, it is advised to collect 3 samples within 5 minutes span at the end of
boilout operation and check for consistency of results.

Post Boilout Operation

Box up the boiler and allow the unit to cool by natural cooling. When the drum pressure
drops to 2kg/cm open the drum air vent & start up vent.
Rinsing is done until feed water pH is in close proximity with drain water sample’s pH. When
the drum pressure drops to atmospheric, start draining the boiler slowly and in the mean
time make up the level with feed water. Stop rinsing when the drain water sample pH is in
close proximity with the inlet feed water pH.
After rinsing drain the boiler completely, cut the inspection caps of all the bottom headers (if
applicable) or as suggested by Thermax Engineer for inspection and cleaning of sediments if

Open the drum manholes, clean drum with wire brush and feed water and remove the
sediments (if any).
Re-weld the end caps on headers as per the recommended procedures.
After welding, radiography and post weld heat treatment of the weld joints (if req.) to be
carried out prior to hydro test of the boiler.

Back flushing of super heaters and flushing of the drum down comers, supply pipes
convection tubes thoroughly.

Re-weld the end caps on headers as per the recommended procedures.

After welding, radiography and post weld heat treatment of the weld joints (if req.) to be
carried out prior to hydro test of the boiler.
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If the buyer prefers to neutralize the high pH drained water from blow down or from rinsing
during the boilout process, a neutralization pit to be installed by the client / buyer and the
boiler drain lines to be connected temporarily to that. To neutralize before draining the
water into trench acid can be added and mixed by a stirrer or by air bubbling.

2.4.2 Procedural for Oil & Grease Determination

Dilute Hydrochloric acid - 1:1
Light petroleum (petroleum ether) - boiling range 40 to 60 0C.

Separating funnels - of 1.5 to 2 litre capacity. The stopper or stopcock should not be
lubricated with matter soluble in petroleum ether.


Outline of the method

The oils and grease are extracted by an organic solvent. The solvent is distilled off and the
weight of the extracted matter determined. Some extractable, especially unsaturated fats
and fatty acids oxidize rapidly. Hence special precautions regarding temperature and solvent
vapour displacement are necessary to minimise the effect.

Storage of sample
Since many oil and hydrocarbons are utilised by bacteria, storage is obviously detrimental.
However, if it becomes necessary to store the sample before analysis is taken up, the
samples should be acidified with dilute (1:1) sulphuric acid, 5 ml/lt. Of the sample, to inhibit
bacterial activity.
Place the sample, usually 1 lt. In a separating funnel of sufficient size to allow the addition
of acid and solvent and still have space for proper agitation. Acidify the sample with dilute
hydrochloric acid, 5 ml/lt. Rinse the sample bottle carefully with 15 ml of petroleum ether
and add the ether washings to the separating funnel. Add an additional 25 ml of ether to
the sample bottle, rotate the ether in the sample bottle and add the ether tot he separating
funnel. Shake vigorously for 2 minutes. Allow the ether layer to separate. Withdraw the
aqueous portion of the sample into a clean container, and transfer the solvent layer into the
clean tarred distilling flask. If a clear ether layer cannot be obtained, filter the solvent layer
into the tarred distilling paper (whatman no. 40 or equivalent).
The filter paper should be washed with petroleum either after folding to avoid inclusion of
skin oils. Use as small as funnel and filter paper as practical.
While transferring the solvent layer from the separating funnel, a small quantity of it
remains at the stem of the separating funnel: it is advisable tow ash it with a few milliliters
of the solvent and to add the washings to the solvent layer.
Return the aqueous portion of the sample to the separating funnel, rinsing the container
with 15 ml of the ether. Add the ether washings and an additional 25-ml of ether to
separating funnel, and agitate for another 2 minutes. Allow the solvent layer to separate
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and discard the aqueous phase. Add the ether extract tot he tarred distilling flask and rinse
the separating funnel with 20 ml of ether. Add the ether washings to the tarred distilling
flask. After all the ether from the two extractions and the final rinsing are included, wash
down the funnel and filter paper twice with fresh 5 ml increments of petroleum ether.
Distill off or evaporate all but approximately 10 ml of the ether extract on a water bath or an
electric heating mantle, observing necessary safety precautions and keeping the heat source
at about 70 0C. Disconnect the condenser and boil off the remaining solvent from the tarred
flask at the same temperature. Dry on a water bath or steam bath. When dry, lay the flask
on its side to facilitate the removal of solvent vapour. Cool in a desecrator for 30 minutes
and weight. Using condenser is necessary only if solvent is to be recovered.


1000 W
Oils and grease, mg/lit = ------------- = (ppm)
W = Weight in mg of the residue in the flask, and
V = Volume in ml of the sample taken for the test
Express the result to the nearest milligram.

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2.5 Steam Blowing

Steam blowing is carried out for removing foreign particles like rust, dirt scale and welding
burr from the boiler system to prevent any impact damage to steam driven equipment.

Before proceeding with steam blowing the following activities need to be completed.
• Completion of temporary exhaust piping including reaction supports.
• Removal of FLOW ELEMENT on main steam line.
• Operability of boiler main steam stop valve.
• Readiness of boiler for operation.
• Readiness of start up vent valve for operation.
• Readiness of instrumentation namely drum level transmitter, Pressure indicators,
pressure transmitters, direct level gauge and necessary instrumentation for safe boiler
• Readiness of feed water system and feed water pump.
• Availability of qualified boiler operators and operating staff.
• Adequate safety equipment’s and first aid kit for operating personnel for protection
against high noise level and hot surfaces.
• Equipment’s start up in sequence along with all the safety protections for all the
• All the Boiler safety interlocks like drum level very low, furnace pressure high, steam
temperature high, equipment’s trip interlocks etc.
• Control valves readiness for boiler level, Deaerator level etc.
• Motorized valves.
• Temperature gauges and transmitters.
• Draft gauges and transmitters.
• DCS and other panel instruments.
• Alarm/Annuncitators.
• Sacrificing valve

The location for releasing the steam will be decided at site by both the parties. Preferably
from a flange joint nearer to battery limit or at the process end of the piping. Temporary
exhaust pipe with proper support shall be erected to release the steam to a safer area. This
temporary exhaust pipe shall be such that it is after the manual isolation valve on line and
adequate structural components like beams etc. are available for locking against reaction
To check the extent of removal of foreign particles, target plates are installed near the inlet
of the temporary exhaust pipe. Target plates are rectangular plates of material like SS,
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bronze, aluminum etc. which would get impingement by articles blowing off with steam. The
target plates are mirror finish on one face and fitted on a rigid M.S. mounting with the
machined face, facing the blowing steam.
When the impingement noticed on the target plates are within the limits, steam blowing is
declared as complete.

Fill the boiler with specified quality feed water to NWL
Ensure all the pre-requisites are completed.
Ensure the operation of the MSSV in remote mode and keep the valve in closed condition.
Light up the burner and follow cold start up curve of the boiler.
Steam blowing pressure:
• If the boiler pressure is below 60 Kg/cm2 ,raise the boiler pressure gradually to 80% of
working pressure or 40 Kg/cm2 whichever is lower by controlling fuel firing/ modulating
the start up vent as required
• If the boiler pressure is above 60 Kg/cm2 ,raise the boiler pressure gradually to 40
Kg/cm2 by controlling fuel firing/ modulating the start up vent as required
Initially, the steam blowing cycle is done at lower pressure @ half of the steam blowing
pressure as per the criteria mentioned below to flush pipeline, to remove the foreign particle
which may damage the line valve component and also to study the pipe support.
Before blowing ensure there is no condensation in the line & dry steam is coming out
through all the drains and from the main steam piping.
After warming up the steam line, through MSSV bypass valve, open MSSV. After full opening
of MSSV, open the sacrificing valve to start the blow and throttle the startup vent
simultaneously. However the steam blowing to be stopped at with the pressure drop of 5
bar (g). Stop blowing by closing the sacrificing valve and opening startup vent
simultaneously. MSSV to be closed afterwards.
Drop the steam drum level to ~ 35 %.
Repeat the lower pressure blowing @ half of the steam blowing pressure for 3 – 4 times.
Whenever the sacrificing valve is opened the steam drum level will shoot up which happens
due to swelling. Hence allow feed water flow gradually to make up the steam relieved and
closely watch the steam drum level in the field as well as in DCS during blowing.
Check the condition of main steam piping supports after initial blows and ensure no
abnormalities in the support system. Repeat the exercise and confirm integrity.
After ensuring pipe support, increase blowing pressure to 40 kg/cm2 or 50% of working
pressure which ever is lower. Follow the procedure of blowing, drop the drum pressure
drops to 20 kg/cm2, close MSSV. Maintain drum level at 50% ± 5%.
Leave sufficient interval (Appx. 3 hours) in between steam blowing cycle so that the main
steam piping cools down i.e., pipe skin temperature should drop at least by 100ºC.
Repeat the above steam blowing exercise several times as long as you could visually
observe the steam blowing is clear.

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To check the extent of removal of foreign particles, target plates are installed near the inlet
of the temporary exhaust pipe. Target plates are rectangular plates of material like SS,
bronze, aluminum etc. which would get impingement by articles blowing off with steam. The
target plates are mirror finish on one face and fitted on a rigid M.S. mounting with the
machined face, facing the blowing steam.
Now, isolate sacrificing valve and insert soft metal target plate in the target plate holder
provided for temporary piping. Raise steam drum Pressure to 40 kg/cm2. Repeat the blowing
one time with the target plate. Close sacrificing valve and remove target plate. If target
plate is not clean, repeat steam-blowing cycle for 4 to 5 times with out target plate.
Subsequently, soft metal target plate can be inserted and checked.
Target plate will be checked as per the acceptance criteria and upon acceptance, the steam
blowing is said to be completed.
Remove temporary piping and supports provided for steam blowing. Reinstate the main
steam piping.
Now the flow nozzle can be installed.
Ensure that the normal water level is maintained in the drum throughout the boilout

2.5.1 Acceptance Criteria of Steam Blowing completion

Normally the criteria for steam blowing is decided by end user/turbine vendor/consultant,
however the following guidelines can be used for reference:
1. When final steam to be delivered to Process plant: Once clear media/steam comes out of
the final point of the circuit flushing can be stopped.
2. Steam blowing of main steam line should be continued until clearing of the test coupon.
Test coupon shall be of aluminum/ stainless steel material with at least 50 mm in width,
5mm thick and length of pipe diameter. Acceptance criterion for steam blowing is not
more than 3 dents of 1 mm diameter in 1 sq cm area on the test coupon.

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2.5.2 Sample Drawing of Steam Blowing Arrangement

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2.6 Safety Valve Setting

The objective of this procedure is to outline the procedures involved in setting the safety
valves to the designed set pressures before allowing the boiler to go for commercial

• Ensure proper mounting of the safety valve exhaust pipe, such that no load is coming to
the safety valves. Follow instructions of vendor for safety valve exhaust piping support.
Check for the proper opening and closing of the start up vent (if provided). Ensure
the drain of main steam line is kept open. Close all other vents and drains.
• Normally the highest set pressure valve will be floated first (ex: drum safety valve) while
setting this valve the other drum safety valve and the safety valve on the main steam
line are gagged.

Start the boiler as per cold start up procedure by modulating the firing. When the drum
pressure reaches about 75% of operating pressure, gently tighten gags on one of the drums
and main steam safety valves. Raise pressure slowly by throttling the start up vent valve.
When 80% of popping up pressure is reached manually operate the safety valve under test.
This will blow off any debris or dust left over in the valve internals. Always maintain water
level 50mm below normal level in the drum.
Raise the boiler pressure by modulating the firing and startup vent valve. When the valve
pops, cut off fire and open start up vent valve. When the valve sits back, note down the
pressure. Restore drum level.
The set pressure is adjusted by either tightening or loosening the adjusting nut. Tightening
of the nut increases the set pressure and vice versa. Blow down which is the difference
between set & reset pressure should normally be within 5% of the set pressure.


Popping pressure
Before proceeding to check the popping pressure, the accuracy of the pressure gages to be
used should be ascertained. Otherwise pressure transmitter to be referred while floating the
safety valves. To adjust the popping pressure, remove the lifting gear, exposing the
adjusting bolt lock nut. Loosen the lock nut and raise the boiler pressure until the valve
pops. If the opening pressure is too low, tighten (turn clockwise) the adjusting bolt; if it is
too high loosen (turn counter clockwise) the bolt. A very slight adjustment will change the
popping pressure several pounds. When the desired pressure is reached - also for each
adjustment - the lock nut should be securely tightened to prevent loosening of the bolts.

The adjusting bolt should never be turned when the boiler pressure is near the set pressure
of the valve. Adjustments should be made when the boiler pressure is atleast 5 % below the
actual popping pressure of the valve. Unless this precaution is taken, the valve disc may
rotate while against the nozzle and damage the seats.
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Blowdown adjustment
When the popping pressure is changed a slight adjustment of the blow down may be
required. Raising the popping pressure lengthens the blow down, lowering the popping
pressure shortens.

Never make any ring adjustment when the boiler is under pressure without gagging the
valve properly.
If the blowdown is not as desired when the set pressure has been obtained, it will be
necessary to adjust the rings. The guide (adjusting) ring is the principal blowdown control
ring. To change its position, remove the guide set screw on the back of the valve body.
Insert a screwdriver or similar tool and engage one of the notches (these can be seen
through the set screw hole). The ring can then be turned to the right or left as desired. The
guide ring should never be turned more than ten notches either way without re-testing the
valve. After each adjustment always replace and tighten the set screw being careful that its
point engages a notch and does not rest on the top of the tooth.
Turning the guide (upper) ring to the right raises it and shortens the blowdown. Turning the
guide (upper) ring to the left lowers it and lengthens the blowdown.
If the guide ring is raised too high in attempting to shorten the blowdown it will no longer
control the valve, and further raising will have no effect. The opening lift may be very low
and the closing may be indistinct and dragged out. This can be corrected by lowering the
Every safety valve is fitted with a lower or nozzle ring which permits very close adjustment
when operating conditions make this desirable. This ring is carefully set before the valve
leaves the factory and rarely needs adjustment, as it main purpose is to do away with
"simmer" or "warn" preceding the "pop" without much effect on the blowdown. No attempt
should be made to eliminate a short "warn".
The nozzle ring is adjusted by removing the set screw and turning the ring with a screw
driver. Turning it counter clockwise to the right raises it and increases the popping power
and thereby eliminates "warn". The nozzle ring should be moved only one notch at a time,
and the valve action checked after each adjustment.
On high-pressure valve the nozzle ring can be very effective in reducing the blowdown. To
reduce blowdown, turn the nozzle ring clockwise to the left (lower it) one notch at a time
until the valve begins to warn or simmer before popping. When this notch is reached, raise
the ring one notch. Any further adjusting should be done with the guide (adjusting) ring.
This method will give the smallest possible blowdown.
Super-heater valve should be set and adjusted on steam, which is superheated nearly to the
operating temperature. This is essential, because the ring settings required for good
operation with superheated steam are different from those for saturated steam.
Whenever ring adjustments are changed, a record should be kept of the number of notches
and the direction in which the ring is moved. This will make it possible to return to the
original setting in case of error.
The same procedure shall be followed for floating the other safety valves. While floating a
safety valve other safety valves should be gagged.

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Boiler reaches to the maximum design pressure during safety valve floating. Hence, boiler
thermal expansion readings to be noted during this activity. Thermal expansion shall be as
per thermal expansion diagram.

Read carefully the supplier's O & M Manual before starting the activity and familiarize
yourself with the components of the equipment,
A detailed description of the key features of safety valves is provided in the safety valve
manual of operation & maintenance manual.

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3 Boiler Thermal Expansion Tramp Fixing

Expansion Tramp quantity required (to be decided by Commissioning Engineer as per
pressure part expansion diagram). Pointer holders to be fixed/ welded on boiler part. Pointer
is set move freely inside the holder. Reference plate shall be fixed to a non-moving
permanent boiler structure as available nearby. These tramps are preferably fixed in
presence of commissioning engineer, just before the commissioning of boilers.
Details of the location of Tramps will be as per Thermal Expansion Diagram

15 NB Pipe SCH
40 / 80
Length: 50 mm
50 x(>500*) x 3
M.S. Rod This needs to be
Dia. 12 mm
welded to boiler
& 150 mm part
long : Drums/ sidewall
peephole box

M.S. Plate
Dimension: 100 X
100 X 10
This plate has to be
firmly supported
from platform /
permanent structure

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4 Cold Start up Pressurisation Curve

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