The Great Pyramid and The Bible (Antediluvian Ship Near Viminacium)
The Great Pyramid and The Bible (Antediluvian Ship Near Viminacium)
The Great Pyramid and The Bible (Antediluvian Ship Near Viminacium)
Petko Nikolic Vidusa,
reader of records in the circles of the Tree of Time.
Copyright © 2022 by Petko Nikolic Vidusa.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotation
in critical articles and reviews.
The Great Flood started on February 17, 2626.All prehistoric cultures
older than 2700 years BC belong to the predivulian time. There was a civi-
lization before the Flood and predivulian aristocracy had written language.
The first instance of the language in ideogram-writing from is a group of texts
dating to the Uruk IV period (3200 BC), later known as Sumerian pictogra-
The beginning and the spread of predevulian civilization began after
the Aliens created Adam and Eve (5718 years from the creation of the world,
or 4282 BC). The descendants of Adam and Eve received the knowledge of
the Aliens and began biologically to mix with the pre-Adamic race. Thus, a
new race of people emerged. Some of Adam's descendants became the first
kings. Their first kingdom was created in Mesopotamia, and it is a predivulian
Sumerian civilization. Here are the some of the first “Sumerian” kings who
ruled Sumer, Egypt and India:
“1ST DYNASTY (Sumerian Names in King List and Monuments):
3378-3349 BC: Uksi of Ukhu City or Udu, Uduin, or ODIN, Indar, Induru, Dur,
Pur, Sakh, Sagaga, Zagg, Gaur or Adar;
3348-3337 BC: Azam Ama Basam or Bakus,Tasia or Mukhla, Gin, Kan or
Gan, or Nimmrud;
3336-3273 BC: Azag Bakus or Gan at Unuk, Enoch or Erech City.” [1]
One of the names of the first king of the First Dynasty is ODIN: Odin is
the later supreme god of Norse mythology. Sumerian KA-A is the head of fire
[2], and Sumerian IN is an enclosure [3], i.e. a state with with its own border.
According to Sumerian AD, the name ADAR means habitat, protect-tor of the
house, guardian, principal [4]. The first king was KAIN (Hebrew qā-nâ means
gain, acquisition).
The names of the second king are Bakus, Tasia and Mukhla: Bacchus
was the Thracian and Roman god, Tasia or Mukhla: The names of the sec-
ond king are Bakus, Tasia, Mukhla (this is pre-Christian names of archangel
The first king of the Second dynasty was Enoch:
“And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he
builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, En-
och.” (Gen. 4:17)
One of the ancient names of the Sun is LA. Among the people of Central Af-
rica, the word LA means fire [8], and the word LATAA means the sun [9].
Irish LA means day [10]. Sumerian LA-A means multitude, abundance, full-
ness [11].
In the name LAMAH (LAMECH) MAH and MEH have the same root and
the same meaning as the English mach- in machine and mech- in mechanic.
Sanskrit MAH means great, exalted, revered; powerful, rich, mighty [12].
The Great Flood began on February 17, 2626 AD. In the period from
2655 to 2641, a king named Manis-Tisu ruled.ruled the king with the name
Manis-Tissu. The name Manis-Tisu is one of the names of the biblical No-
ah: Saskrit Manu is a term found with various meanings in Hinduism. In early
texts, it refers to the archetypal man, or to the first man and progenitor of hu-
manity. Mannus, according to the Roman writer Tacitus, was a figure in the
creation myths of the Germanic tribes. Fifteen years before the Great Flood,
Manis-Tissu left the throne and built the Ark. From the first to the last king
there are 42 kings in total.
[1] Laurence Austine Waddell, Egyptian Civilization: its Sumerian Origin
and Real Chronology; London, Luzak & Co., 1930, p. 150-152.
[2] John Dyneley Prince, Materials for a Sumerian Lexicon; Leipzig, J. C.
Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, 1908, p. 191.
[3] Ibid., p. 197 .
[4] Ibid., p. 17.
[5] Charles de Pougens, Trésor des origines et dictionnaire grammatical
raisonné de la Langue Françiase; Paris: De L’imprimerie Royale, 1819, p.
[6] Stephen Langdon, Sumerian Grammar And Chrestomathy; Pris: Li-
brairie Paul Geuthner, 1911, p. 214,
[7] Laurence Austine Waddell, Ibid. p. 29.
[8] Arthur James Johnes, Philological proofs of the original unity and re-
cent origin of the human race, Apendix A.; London: Samuel Clarke, 1843, p.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] John Dyneley Prince, Ibid. p. 215.
[12] Monier Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit-English Dictionary; Oxford, The
Clarendon Press, 1960, p. 794.
Figure 2. The water of the biblical flood entered the Pyramid through the
ventilation channels of the King's chamber.
Figure 4. Falling over the Great Step, the rapid flow of water from the
King's Chamber damaged the Great Step and the top of the right ramp
along the Step.
The Great Step is made of limestone and the rapid flow of water has
cut a large depression into the Step, just as a river cuts the ground around
its course.
When I say that the Pyramids of Giza were once under the water of the
Great Flood, some laugh and repeat what they have learned: "It's from the
impact of the wind with the sand!" They don't think why this top of Cheops'
pyramid is not damaged “by wind blows with sand”?
Figure 5. The top of the Cheops pyramid was not under water for a long
time and remained less damaged, and the edge parts of the top were
damaged by the waves of the south wind.
Everything is mysterious when it comes to the Viminacium fleet, the re-
mains of which stick out from the cliff of the mine, some in the sky and some
in the ground. The greatest mystery is from which time the remains of ships
come from, which in the long past were hermetically sealed by clay and silt,
so that even their metal parts are perfectly preserved.
- The largest ship, 15 meters long and 2.65 meters wide, was found at
a depth of about seven meters below the surface of the earth, and Roman
graves end at a depth of two meters! That is why it is currently impossible to
say from which chronological period the vessels originate. They were found
in the same area as the million-year-old mammoth remains, at a depth of 19-
20 meters. According to that analogy, the ships would come from a period of
70,000 years ago, which is impossible. That's why we sent their exceptionally
well-preserved oak wood for age analysis using the C-14 method, as well as
others, because we found ourselves in front of a big and completely mys-
terious discovery - prof. told us excitedly. Dr. Miomir Korać, director of the
Archaeological Institute and head of the Scientific Project "Viminacium", as
he led us along the path along the dilapidated cliff of the surface mine made
by the mining excavator." [Boris SUBAŠIĆ, Vimination fleet emerged from
the coal mine: Sensational discovery near Kostolac, Serbia (Photo/Video);
News, 16 March 2020 at 08:02]
Do you see what is happening: the doctor of archeology is not allowed to da-
te the artifact that was found in his location, the ship is waiting for "geology
experts", i.e. he waits for the permission of his censors, and their decision
becomes official science, not his expert assessment. His doctorate is use-
less to him, he is only there to receive a salary and to publish statements
from censors. And the censors announce that the ship is from the Roman
period and that's it, the story is over. Today's people's brains work in such a
way that they only say their amen to every official decision, their reason is
rarely used, and reason asks questions: where did the foundations of Vimi-
nacium come from and the Roman graves two meters below the surface,
and this small boat and two smaller boats in a layer of gray loam on 7-8 m
below and the direction of loam stretches across the field below Viminacium
and the Roman graves. It is from these layers that coal is extracted from the
trees by the cataclysm of the flood, charred forests and fossilized trees are
found there.
Figure 7.
Figure 8. Drmno: coal is below 50 m depth, mammoth bones at 27 m, and
ships and boats at 19-20 m [drawing, without a boat,: Adrian M. Lister,
Vesna Dimitrijević, Zoran Marković, Slobodan Knežević and Dick Mol, A
skeleton of 'steppe' mammoth, Mammuthus trogontherii (Pohlig) from
Drmno, near Kostolac, Serbia; Elsevier, Quaternary International, 276-277
(2012), p. 131].
And look at the "scientific" logic: mammoth bones were found at an ave-
rage altitude of 58 m above sea level and at 27 m below the surface of the
ground [1], small boats and boats at about 19-20 m below the surface, and
Roman graves are only 2 m below surfaces:
“The skeleton, remarkable for its completeness and excellentstate of
presservation, is one of very few known skeletons of the Middle Pleistocene
‘steppe’ mammoth, Mammuthus trogontherii.” [2]
They date this evolutionary "Pleistocene epoch" of geology from about
2,600,000 to about 12,000 years ago, i.e. to about 10,000 BC. Since they
claim that the found mammoth bones date to the middle of this epoch, this
would mean that the mammoth bones are from around 1,300,000 BC, and
the ships in the same geological layer, only 7-8 m above the mammoth,
according to them are Roman ships from the 4th century of the Christian era,
i.e. from a time only about 1600 years ago. The devil is a kind of liar!
Figure 10. These deposits stretch for kilometers. Neither the Mlava river nor the
Danube can ever produce such sediments in any flood, they are the sediments
of Noah's biblical flood.
Figure 11.
Figure 12.
Figure 13.
Figure 14.
Figure 15.
Figure 16.
Figure 17.
Figure 18. Antediluvian boat and foundations of Viminacium among the corn.
Figure 19. The Time Pyramid from the beginning to the end of our world.
• A = the beginning of the creation of our world (A1 = the first thousand years
of the world's existence). Adam was redesigned 5718 years from the
beginning of the creation of our world;
• AF = 7374,882 years (from the beginning of creation to Noah's flood),
• F8 = 625,118 years,
• FC = 4625.118 years,
• AFC = 12,000 years from the beginning of the creation of our world to 2,000
years of the Christian era.
At the top of the Pyramid are 12,069.882 years from the creation to the
end of our world (2070 AD).
Figure 21.
Figure 23. Geometry and measurements of the King's Chamber.
The King's Chamber is the heart of the Great Pyramid and these are its
- length (a) = 412.1316378 inches = 2 x 206.0658189
- width (b) = 206.0658189 inches = 2 x 103.0329095 inches
- height (h) 230.3885895 inches = 206.0658189 x √1.25
- floor diagonal (d) = 460.7771789 inches
- volume diagonal (d1) = 515.1645473 inches = 206.0658189 x 2.5 =
= 412.1316378 x 1.25
Figure 24
• 412.1316378 inches = 1046.81436 cm = circumference of Circle T (Fi-
gure 24).
• d = 333.2116412 cm
• area of Circle T = 87 202.68274 square units = area of Square ABCDA;
• AB = 295.3010036 cm:
295.3010035 : 2 = 147.6505018 cm = one hundredth of the Pyramid's
If the width of the King's Chamber of 206.0658189 inches, i.e. 523.40718
cm, we take as the circumference of the circle T, then the length of AB is
147.6505018 cm.
Figure 25. The triskel divides the circle into three parts of 120 degrees.
In the calculation with the length of the King's Chamber as the circumfe-
rence of the Circle T, we obtained that the sides of the square ABCDA are
295.3010036 cm long. According to one of the codes of the Pyramid, time
can be coded into measures of length (and vice versa) so that 1 day =
= 2.46658650509 cm, and according to this code in 295.3010036 cm (length
AB, Figure 24) is coded 119.7205136 days:
In the Vedic time cycles, the duration and end of this world of ours is
coded. Here we will explain the codes and the meaning of those cycles!
The great cycle of time is called Mahayuga (Sanskrit: Mahā-yuga), and
the smaller cycles are divided into four groups called Chaturyuga (Sanskrit:
Chataryuga (four smaller cycles):
so-called 360 human years, what do we get? Let's look:
4,320,000 : 360 = 12,000 years
So, in the number of 4,320,000 "human years", human years are again
divided by 360 "human years" as the key to the true meaning, which is a total
of 12,000 years of true natural solar years on Earth. According to the Great
Pyramid, this is the time from the creation of our world to the end of the year
2000 AD. The Mayan calendar counted time until the year 2012, and that is
where the Mayan baktun (time) completed, ended.
All those interpretations of Sumerian and Vedic years according to some
kind of “big cycles of 4,320,000 years” are exoteric, layman's interpretations
and are big delusion and deception of the common people, because in that
number there are only 12,000 natural or divine, i.e. solar years. Let's not
forget: God is clothed in the Sun, and when we say "divine" we mean the
real natural years of the Sun.
1. Satya Yuga (Krita Yuga) = 1,728,000 human years:
1 728 000 : 360 = 4800 years from the beginning of the creation of our
world to 5200 years old era.
2. Treta Yuga = 1,296,000 human years. Sanskrit treta is triad, trinity, three
holy fires [5]:
1,296,000 : 360 = 3,600 years = 3 x 1,200 years = 50 cycles of 72 years
3. Dvapara Yuga = 864,000 human years:
864,000 : 360 = 2400 years = 2 pairs of 1200 years.
4. Kali Yuga = 432,000 human years. According to the Vedic scriptures, at
the end of the cycle of this yuga, there will be a black (Sanskrit: kali) fiery
time of the worst angry people, a time of discord and strife, a time of sub-
stitutes, a time of death and the world will be destroyed [6]:
432,000 : 360 = 1200 years
It is the cycle of black time, the time of the Dark Ages: the time of the last
Ecumenical Councils, the time of feudalism, the time of the extermination of
the followers of the Sun, the time of the Crusades, the extermination of "here-
tics", the time of the Inquisition, the time of the discovery of new continents,
the time of the public activity of Freemasons, the time of revolutions, the time
of colonialism, the time of the creation of America, the time of the First and
Second World Wars, and the Third is already ongoing since 2020. action -
sona, the time of revolutions, the time of imperialism and slaveowning colo-
nialism, the time of the creation of the United States of America, the time of
the First and Second World Wars, and the Third is already ongoing since
Deva vatsara is listed first as the key to the meaning of the Vedic cycles,
followed by Maha Yuga with its 12,000 years as the sum of the remaining
A. Satya Yuga = 1,728,000 human years = 4800 years
B. Third of the South = 1,296,000 human years = 3600 years
C. Dvapara Yuga = 864,000 human years = 2400 years
D. Kali Yuga = 432,000 human years = 1200 years
Total divine (true solar) years: A + B + C + D = 4800 + 3600 + 2400 + 1200
= 12,000 years from the beginning of the creation of our world to 2000 years
of the Christian era (our world is already in the phase of extinction).
We said that the Earth's axis moves 1° in 72 years in its circle around
the center of the Northern celestial pole, and for the axis to describe a full
circle it takes about 25,920 years or 360 shifts (degrees) every 72 years.
Now we share the full cycle of precession of the equinoxes of 25,920 years
with the cycles of human years listed above:
• 25,920 : 1,728,000 = 0.015 years = 5.47863 days of the solar year,
• 25,920 : 1,296,000 = 0.02 years = 7.30484 days,
• 25,920 : 864,000 = 0.3 years = 10.95726 days,
• 25,920 : 432,000 = 0.06 years = 21.91452 days
Total: 45.65525 days
a) 45.65525 x 2 = 91.3105 days of a sunny (tropical) year = 1 season,
b) 91.3105 x 4 = 365.256 days = 1 solar (tropical) year.
And finally about the time of the precession circle of about 25,920 years
and the Maha Yuga or the Mighty Yuga with its 4,320,000 "human years":
25 920 : 4 320 000 = 0.006 years = 2.191452 days and these days are
for checking the truth of everything said:
a) first and initial integer = 1
b) number Fi (φ) = 1.618033988...
c) number Pi = 3.141592654...
2.191452 x 1.618033988 = 3.545843819 days = perimeter of Square
ABCDA (Figure 26).
Figure 26.
The perimeter of the square ABCDA = 3.545843819 units of measure-
ment, and each side of the square is 0.886460954 units. The area of the
Square is 0.785813024 square units. The Circle T has the same area and its
diameter (d) is 1.000264496 units. The circumference of the Circle T is
3.142423593 units = Pi. So here we have three very specific numbers in
mathematics: the number 1, the number Phi and the number Pi and the
result of geometry correct to two decimal. Why is the result not correct to
more than one decimal? Because the number 25,920 is not 100% correct, it
is the nearest rounded correct number.
[1] Monier Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Oxford, The
Clarendon Press, 1960, p. 492.
[2] Ibid. p. 916.
[3] Ibid. p. 794.
[4] Ibid. p. 854.
[5] Ibid. p. 462.
[6] Ibid. p. 262.
Figure 28. The annual calendar in which ECTOR, MENELAS and
EUFORBOS are metaphors for the change of spring and summer.
On the plate from Rhodes next to the head of the warrior on the right is
written: EKTOR (EKTOR), and on the warrior on the left is written MENEΛΑΣ
(MENELAS), and above the fallen warrior on the ground is written EVΦOR-
ΒOΣ (EUFORBOS), They are characters from the beginning of the 17th Book
of Homer The Iliads. It is officially claimed that it says HEKTOR and MENE-
LAUS. In Greek translations it is written Μενέλαος (MENÉLAOS), Ἕκτορ
(EKTOR) and Εὔφορβος (EUFORBOS). What do these names mean, what
do the symbols on their shields mean, and what do the two eyes under the
spirals above the shields mean?
Figure 29.
Figure 30. Two eyes are two suns: the sun of the east and the sun of the
west (morning and afternoon; winter and spring, summer and autumn).
The original Iliad was not written in Greek, so the meanings of these na-
mes do not originally belong to the semantics of the Greek language. The
Greeks translated the name MENELAOS (MENELAS) as MENELAOS (Με-
νέλαος), and you can clearly see that it is not written on the plate MENE-
LAOS, but MENELΑΣ (MENELAS): MENE + LAS, so the plate was not pain-
ted and written by the Greeks, the plate isn’t Greek handcraft. The word
MENA is the Serbian word MENA which means CHANGE. The word LAS is
Serbian and Celtic LIGHT. So MENELAS literally means CHANGE OF
LIGHT, LIGHTCHANGER. According to the Iliad, MENELAS is BLUE, so he
is a metaphor for the cheerfulness of the BLUE SKY.
Figure 31. The symbols on Menelaus' shield are symbols of fire and light
(fire is the element of summer), and Hector's bird is a symbol of air (air is
the element of spring).
Figure 32. Fallen Euforbos.
“On Jove the father great Atrides calls,
Nor flies the javelin from his arm in vain,
It pierced his throat, and bent him to the plain;
Wide through the neck appears the grisly wound,
Prone sinks the warrior, and his arms resound.
The shining circlets of his golden hair,
Which even the Graces might be proud to wear,
Instarr’d with gems and gold, bestrow the shore,
With dust dishonour’d, and deform’d with gore.
As the young olive, in some sylvan scene,
Crown’d by fresh fountains with eternal green,
Lifts the gay head, in snowy flowerets fair,
And plays and dances to the gentle air;
When lo ! a whirlwind from high heaven invades
The tender plant, and withers all its shades;
It lies uprooted from its genial bed,
A lovely ruin now defaced and dead:
Thus young, thus beautiful, Euphorbus lay,
While the fierce Spartan tore his arms away.”
(Homer, Ilijada, 17, 48-66; translated by A. Pope)
The Trojan EUFORBOS is the son of PANTHUS (Πάνθου). PANTO is
an Illyrian name and means HOLDER, CARRIER, so it is SKY, GOD, and
Although Menelas and Euforbos are enemies, they have the same symbols
on their shields: FOUR FIRESTEELS as symbols of the FOUR SEASONS
OF THE SUN, because both Menelas and Euforbos belong to the seasons
of the falling western and southern sky from the first day of summer to the
first day of winter.
On the website of the Museum of London, there are two lengths of the
diameter of this plate: on one page it says 39.37 cm, on the other 87.5 cm.
The length of the diameter refers to the circle of one year and its 365,242
days. If we divide the circle of the year into three parts (like a triskel), we get
three times of 121.7473333 days:
121.7473333 : 3.14159 = 38.75341255 = diameter of cup in centimeters.
If the diameters of the other circles were known, the measure of the year
could still be found there.
[1] William Owen Pughe, A Dictionary of the Welsh Language, Vol. II;
London: Printed for E. Williams, 1803.
[2] Jean-Baptiste Bullet, Mémoires Sur La Langue Celtique, Tome II; Be-
sançon: Claudi-Joseph Daclin, 1759. p. 527.
[3] William Owen Pughe, Ibid.
[4] Ibid. Tome III. p. 427-428.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid. Tome II, p. 558.
[7] Ibid. p. 588.
[8] Ibid. p. 191.
Figure 35. Ayin = eye.
Hebrew AYIN means EYE and its sign is the Hebrew letter Y. Operative
Church Freemasons use two very similar signs as a sign for EYE: they are
two variants of the so-called "Blessings of Christ". One variant consists of
the tips of the thumb and ring finger put together in the shape of the letter O
(Figure 36). It is the sign for O = EYE. Together with the other slightly bent
fingers, that O means 666.
Figure 36. The tip of the thumb joined with the tip of the ring finger makes
a circle O = eye, the finger makes the letter O = EYE.
Figure 37. The joined tips of the thumb and ring finger make a circle O and
with the other slightly bent fingers point to three sixes: 666, the number of
the Antichrist.
Figure 38. The sign of the Hebrew letter AYIN in the Hollywood 1960
television series "Star Trek".
Figure 39. "Blessing of Christ" and the sign of the Hindu-Buddhist mudra
SURYA (AGNI) with the meaning of FIRE = LIGHT = SIGHT = EYE.
Second ecclesiastical sign of the Hebrew word AYIN is the crossed thu-
mb and ring finger, which thus form the sign of the Hebrew written letter AYIN
and the sign of FISH (IXΘΥΣ). It is also a form of the Egyptian hieroglyph
SHES with the meaning CORDAGE, BOND, TIE, and the sign of the Hindu-
-Buddhist mudra SURYA (AGNI) which means FIRE = LIGHT = SIGHT =
EYE (Figure 35).
Figure 40. Hieroglyph SHES with the meaning CORDAGE, BOND, TIE.
Figure 41. Christian symbol IXΘΥΣ is the sign of Jesus: the shape of the
Egyptian hieroglyph SHES and the cursive Hebrew letter AYIN fully
corresponds to the Christian symbol of Jesus.
The Hebrew AYIN corresponds to the Arabic ع, the 16th letter of the
Arabic script, which is very similar in shape to the modern Greek ξ (xι), which
is the ancient Greek Ѯ. Greek XANTHOS (ξανθός) means YELLOW, BRI-
GHT, GOLDEN [1]. This word was used by Homer in the Iliad as an epithet
of Apollo [2]: "Apollo is also ξανθός." [3]
The shape of the Greek ξ is similar to the shape of Greek ω (omega)
which phonetically corresponds to the Phoenician O with the same meaning
as the Hebrew AYIN = EYE = THE SUN.
[1] Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon;
Oxford: The Clarendom Press, 1883, pg. 1016.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
Figure 42. The Greek letter ξ is written in the circle as a symbol of the Sun.
Figure 43. Arabic عcorresponds to Greek ξ (on the icon is the ancient
Greek variant of that letter).
The foundations of communism were conceived by the apostle Peter in
the early Jerusalem church (see: Acts of the Apostles, 2, 44-47), and the
idea was elaborated by Saint Augustine in the book De civitate Dei (The City
of God), Thomas More in his Utopia and Thomas Campanella in the book
The City of the Sun. The theory of communism was elaborated in detail by
the Illuminati Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Through fierce reprisals and
genocide the theory of communism was practically implemented by the Illu-
minati Vladimir I. Lenin, Joseph V. Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel
Castro and other leaders of revolutions before and after them. Modern Free-
masons and the Illuminati were founded by the Jesuits, and they are super-
vised by the Church, so the Church i.e. the pope, is the leader of the idea of
communism, which it wants to realize in its planned New World Order.
How did the communists hide the symbol of the Masonic EYE in their
symbol of the crossed hammer and sickle? First, let's look at the HAMMER:
it is Tubalcain's iron smith's hammer, Thor's hammer, fire hammer, ruler's
and builder's (masonic) hammer, i.e. the hammer as a scepter of authority,
the biblical iron scepter of their Messiah. The direction of the hammer is
clockwise and shows 5 ͪ - 11 ͪ = 16 = AYIN as the 16th letter in the Hebrew
Figure. 44. The international symbol of the sound A as pronounced in the
Hebrew word AYIN (eye): the sign is SICKLE, the symbol of international
The SICKLE is a reaping tool. The SICKLE is a symbol of light, a symbol
of the crescent moon. This SICKKLE crossed over the HAMER is the inter-
national Illuminati sign for the sound A as in the word AYIN: ʕ.
Figure 45. The hammer is in the direction of 5 ͪ -11 ͪ = 16, and the
SICKLE is in the direction of 8 ͪ -12 ͪ = 20, the sum 16 + 20 = 36. The sum of
all numbers from 1 to 36 gives 666.
Figure 46. The Great Step in the Pyramid shows the beginning of the
Christian era: it is 36 inches tall.
Figure 47. The slogan of the communists is globalist:
"Workers of the world unite!"
Communist internationalism, scientific evolutionism and religious ecu-
menism are paving the way for the illuminati political globalism of the New
World Order (NWO), which practically began to be realized from the begin-
ning of 2020 through the fake coronavirus pandemic, with the purpose of glo-
bal killing by injecting poison through syringes of fake vaccines for the global
reduction of the number of inhabitants of the Earth. This is their first and fun-
damental condition for their planned strategy of NOW in 2030. Everything is
realized by the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and their founders are the Jesuits.
They are supervised and directed by the Babylonian freemasonry of the re-
ligious top of Judaism, the top of the Church, the British monarchy and the
world "Judeo-Christian" banking-technocratic elite. The executors of their or-
ders on the ground are the demonized followers of Darkness, i.e. Freema-
sons of Darkness and Warriors of Darkness. The sons of the Sun God,
followers of Light and warriors of Light are fighting against them, because
God is Light and there is no darkness in him! (1 John, 1, 5).
Figure 49. On the forehead of Nefertiti's crown was a snake (ouroboros).
Figure 50. Cobras (auroboros) on Nefertiti's crown (reconstruction).
Figure 51. The right side of the bust: the crown symbolizes the sky with the
Celestial equator, from which the direction at an angle of 23.5⁰ separates to
the southeast. It is the angle of sunrise on the winter solstice (first day of
winter) on the line of the Tropic of Capricorn (winter solstice, sunrise). The
equator line was divided into eight parts on the right and eight on the left, a
total of 16 divisions (the central front was covered by a cobra).
Figure 52. Above the line of the Celestial equator is the northern sky, and
below the equator is the southern sky showing the winter solstice: two
opposite directions separate from the equator at angles of 23.5⁰. These are
the sunrise and sunset on the line of the Tropic of Capricorn, the
southernmost position of the Sun at the winter solstice.
Figure 53. The left side of the eyeless face is the sky south of the Sun
(night), and Nefertiti is identified with the goddess Isis, i.e. Venus.
Figure 54. The right eye is the Sun, light, day; the left is the twilight,
darkness, night.
They assume that in the name of Queen Nefertita, the Egyptian nfr or
nfr˙t means heart, perhaps trachea, in a broader sense it means good, beau-
tiful [1] and they accepted the claim that NEF means GOOD, BEAUTIFUL.
Others claim that NEF means AIR, WIND, BREATH; BREATH OF LIFE;
WIND OF DAWN [2], so NEFER, according to them, means GOOD, PLEA-
TITI is a compound of two words: NEFER + TITI. What is TITI? TITI is an
adjective derived from TIT, with the meaning HIGH: TITI means HIGH, GRE-
AT, so NEFERTITI is titled as VENUS, i.e. goddess ISIS, because Akhena-
ten, Nefertiti's husband, had the title of the Sun.
above line no. 26). In relation to the original measurements, the scale of the
square on the drawing is 1:1.85542936, and the symbolism of the measu-
rements starts from line no. 9 (the line towards the bottom of the chin), and
goes towards the top of the crown. Here is the meaning of those lengths from
the drawing (Figure 55):
a) 1 - B = 1.85542936 cm = A – 1;
b) 9 - 11 = 2 x 1.85542936 = 3.65242 cm = symbolism of the 100th part
of the year;
c) 9 - 12 = 3 x 1.85542936 = 5.5 cm = symbolism of half of 11 days;
d) 9 - the line of the eye of the eye (direction of the line 14.3895881) =
= 5.3895881 x 1.85542935 = 10 cm = 10 days (the eye is a symbol of day,
the eastern sky, light; and the eye socket without an eye is night. The Jewish
letter YOD i Greek IOTA has a numerical value of 10. YOD means FIRE,
e) 9 - 17 = 8 x 1.85542936 = 15 days = half a month;
f) 9 - 21.5 = 12.5 x 1.85542936 = 23.192867 cm = P = symbol of the
length of the base of the Great Pyramid = 231.292867 meters;
g) 9 - M = 14.72435469 x 1.85542936 = 27.32 days = Moon's sidereal
period, the time from one to the other lunation;
h) 9 - S = 16.40419948 x 1.85542936 = 30.43683333 cm = symbolism of
30.43683333 days = 1 month;
i) 9 - the top of the crown goes in the direction of lines 9 - 26.18874838 =
17.18874838 cm:
• 17.18874838 x 1.85542936 = 31.89250841 cm
• 31.8925084 x 2 = 63.78501681 cm
• 63.78501681 x 2 = 127.5700336 cm
• 127.5700336 x 3.14159 = 400.7727419 cm = 10-millionth of the length
of the Earth's equator (the equator is 40,077.27419 km long).
Why was the number 1.85542936 cm taken as the scale of Nefertiti's
crown? Here's why: a circle has 360 degrees and each degree has 60 mi-
360 x 60 x 1.85542936 cm = 40 077.27418 cm = 100-thousandth part of
the Earth's equator, so 1.85542936 km is the length of one minute (1’) of
longitude on the Earth's equator.
Why is the celestial equator on Nefertiti's crown divided into 16 parts?
It is the size of a year and its 365,242 days:
• 365.242: 16 = 22.827626 days
• 22.827626 x 4 = 91.3105 days = 1 season
The length of the Earth's equator is 40,077.27418 km:
40,077.27418 : 500 = 80.15454836 km = 8,015,454.836 cm.
Solomon's temple numbers: 120 (height of the portal), 60 (length of the
temple), 30 (height of the temple), 20 (width of the temple):
• 8 015 454.836 : 120 : 60 : 30 : 20 = 1.85542936 cm
• 1.85542936 : 8 = 0.23192867 (length of the base of the Great Pyramid
= 231.92877 m).
is 20·62, and the mean value from the seven buildings named is 20·63 ± 02.
Here, then, by the earliest monument that is known to give the cubit, by the
mean of the cubits in seven early monuments, by the mean of 28 examples
of various dates and qualities, and by the mean of a dozen cubit rods, the
result is always within 1/50 inch of 20·63. On the whole we may take 20·62
± ·01 as the original value, and reckon that it slightly incrccised on an average
by repeated copyings in course of time.” [4]
The original royal cubit is 20.60658189 inches or 52.340718 cm long
and is 10th the width of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid, or 20th
the length of the Chamber (Figure 56). Let's take 1/100 of a royal cubit as
the diameter (d) of the Circle T and it will be 0.52340718 cm (Figure 57).
Figure 58. Cross section of the Great Pyramid in the north-south direction.
Pyramid measurements:
• length of the Pyramid's base = 365.242 sacred cubits = 9131.05 inch-
es = 231.92867 meters (m),
• height of the Pyramid 232.5204754 cacred cubits = 5813.011885 inch-
es = 147.6505019 m,
• 1 sacred cubit = 25 inches = 63.5 cm,
• 1 royal cubit = 20.60658189 inches = 52.340718 cm,
• length of the King's chamber = 20 royal cubits = 412.1316378 inches =
= 1046.81436 cm = 10.4681436 m,
• width of the King's Chamber = 10 royal cubits = 206.0658189 inches =
523.40718 cm = 5.2340718 m,
• ½ of the width of the King's Chamber = 5 royal cubits = 103.0329095
inches = 261.70359 cm = 4.121316378 sacred cubits (compare with the
length number of the King's Chamber).
The two sides of the Pyramid's base are 463.8573403 m long = circum-
ference of Circle T:
• 463.8573403 : 3.14159 = 147.6505019 m = d = height of the Great Py-
• area of circle T = 17 122.19227 m² = area of Square ABCDA,
• AB = 130.8517951 m = 13,085.17951 cm = 5151.645475 inches = 25
the width of the King's Chamber or 12.5 the length of the King's Chamber,
• perimeter of Square ABCDA = 20,606.581889 inches = 100 the width
of the King's Chamber or 50 the length of the King's Chamber.
The length of the Pyramid's base = 231.92867 m = 23 192.867 cm =
365.242 sacred cubits, and the number 206.065819 is the number of the
width of the King's Chamber:
• 1 year = 365,242 days
• 365.242 : 206.065819 = 1.772453102 = AB
• perimeter of square ABCDA = 3.14159 square units,
• circumference of Circle T = 3.14159 units.
The height of the Great Pyramid is 5813.011885 inches and the angle of
ascent of its sides is 51.85399754°. Tangent 51.85399754° = 1.273240621
(angle β, Figure 62):
• 5813.011885 : 515.1645473 = 11.28379644
• 11.28379644² = 127.3240621 inches = height H (Figure 62):
Figure 62. The angle β is the ascent angle of the Great Pyramid.
Figure 63.
• 254 : 2.466586509 = 102.9763193 days,
• 365.242 : 102.9763193 = 3.546854291 days = circumference of Square
ABCDA (Figure 63),
• AB = 0.886713572 units,
• area of Square ABCDA = 0.78626096 square units = area of Circle T,
• d = 1.000549545
• circumference of Circle T = 3.143316446 units (Pi number with two cor-
rect decimals).
If we take a year with exactly 365 days and calculate everything in the same
way, let's see if there will be a big difference:
• 365 : 102.9763193 = 3.544504236 = perimeter of Square ABCAD,
• AB = 0.886126059
• area of Square ABCDA = 0.785219392 square units = area of Circle T;
• d = 0.999886606
• circle circumference T = 3.141233765 (Pi number with three correct de-
Figure 64.
Figure 66. Pyramid's Entrance Axis (E) and Pyramid's North-South Axis
(P): EP = 286.4690182 inches.
• A = the beginning of the creation of our world (A1 = the first thousand
years of the world's existence). Adam was redesigned 5718 years from the
beginning of the creation of our world,
• AF = 7374,882 years (from the beginning of Creation to Noah's flood),
• F8 = 625,118 years,
• FC = 4625.118 years,
• AFC = 12,000 years = from the beginning of the Creation of the world to
the year 2000 of the Christian era.
Figure 67. The axis of the Pyramid's entrance and the axis of the Pyramid:
EP = 286.4690182 inches.
The axis of the Pyramid Entrance is offset east of the main Pyramid axis
by 286.4690182 inches (the P axis is the North-South Pyramid axis and the
E axis is the Pyramid Entrance axis: distance EP = 286.4690182 inches
(Figure 67).
The length of the Pyramid's base is 365.242 sacred cubits = 231.92867
m = 9131.05 inches. According to the one of the Pyramid’s code for calcu-
lating time, 1 sacred cubit = 20.19176875 years. Let's see how many years
are encoded in 365.242 sacred cubits:
a) 365.242 x 20.19176875 = 7374.882002 years = AF (Figure 65, 66);
b) 9131.05 x 286.4690182 = 2,615,762.929 inches = 6,644,037.839 cm.
According to another of the codes of the Great Pyramid, time can be
coded in measures of length (and vice versa) so that 1 day = 2.466586509
cm. Let's see how much time is encoded in 6,644,037.839 cm:
6,644,037.839 : 2.466586509 = 2,693,616.386 days = 7374.881274
years = AF (Figure 65, 66).
The axis of the Pyramid's entrance is 286.4690182 inches offset east
of the Pyramid's axis:
Figure 68.
Figure 70.
The Pyramid is 5813.011885 inches tall:
5813.011885 x 0.88622655 = 5151.645468 inches = 25 width of the
King's chamber:
• 5813.011885 : 0.88622655 = 6559.284288
• 6559.284288 : 5151.645468 = 1.273240624 (tangent of the Pyramid's
ascent angle = 1.273240621).
At the time of the construction and completion of the Great Pyramid
around 3400-3200 BC, the pole star was the star Alpha Draconis, also known
as Tuban, a star in the Dragon constellation. Then the Earth's axis was in
the direction of Tuban, as it is today in the direction of Polaris.
• tan β = 0.494289196
• WE = 12,757.00336 km = Earth's equatorial diameter = AC = BD = GH =
a) 12,757.00336 x 0.443113275 = 5652.797538 km = AB = CD = GF = HM
b) 2 x 5652.797538 = 11,305.59508 km = KL = LP = PR = RK
• area of the Square KLPPRK = 127,816,480 km² = area of the Circle of the
Earth's cross-section;
• diameter of the circle of the Earth's section = 12,757.00334 km = EW.
Solomon's Temple numbers (in sacred cubits): 120 (height of the por-
tal), 60 (length of the temple), 30 (height of the temple), 20 (width of the
• KL = 11,305.59508 km = 1,130,559,508 cm = 445,102,168.5 inches:
• 445,102,168.5 : 120 = 3,709,184.738 inches,
• 3,709,184.738 : 60 = 61,819.74563 inches,
• 61,819.74563 : 30 = 2060.658188 inches,
• 2060.658188 : 20 = 103.0329094 inches = ½ of the width of the King's Cha-
Figure 78. Sun cross (stone relief, Nimrud, Assyria, 9th cenury BC).
Figure 79. Sun cross according to the geometry of the direction of the
Entrance passage of the Pyramid.
Figure 80. From the North Pole of the Ecliptic the direction towards the star
Thuban goes at an angle of 26.30268975° (angle β).
Figure 81. Dragon (Draco) in its lowest position above the horizon (angle
β = 26.30268975° = angle of the the Entrance passage of the Pyramid).
When, during its 24-hour rotation around the center of the Ecliptic pole,
Draco reaches its lowest position above the northern horizon, then the sky
shows the position of the stars as shown on the map above (Figure 80, 81).
At that time, from the center of the Ecliptic pole, the angle towards the star
Thuban (angle β) is equal to the angle of the Pyramid entrance passage:
26.30268975° (3.69731025° below 30°, angle δ). The horizontal line of this
angle shows on the circle of the Ecliptic the point of the Earth's north celestial
pole 4443 BC when the Vernal equinox from Gemini entered the sign of
Taurus. Our world was created 10,000 before the Christian era. From the
beginning of the Creation to 4443 BC passed 5557 years, and during that
time with a general annual precession of 0.013970786° (50.2948296 arc-
-seconds) the Earth's axis has traveled 77.6356578° to the position in 4443
BC. In order for the Earth's axis to cross the next 26.30268975° (the angle
of the Pyramid's entrance passage) 1882.692194 years had to pass. That is
a total of 103.9383476° or 7439.878989 years from the beginning of the cre-
ation of our world, i.e. 2560.307806 years BC (2561st BC).
Figure 82. On the spring equinox (Vernal equinox) of 4443, the Sun
entered Taurus from Gemini.
The first to describe the transition of the Sun from the sign of Aries to the
sign of Pisces on the Vernal equinox was the Greek Hipparchus of Nicaea
around 150 BC. According to Albert Pike, the Sun entered the sign of Pisces
on the spring equinox from Aries around 300 AD [1] and according to Pike
from the sign of Pisces it entered the sign of Aquarius around 1872 [2]. Ac-
cording to the astronomy of the Great Pyramid, the Sun entered the sign of
Pisces in the middle of the 148th BC, and from Pisces in Aquarius entered
on the spring equinox 2013 AD. Ancient astronomers took a full 72 years for
1° of displacement of the Earth's axis on the Ecliptic circle, or 2160 years for
the Vernal equinox to pass from one to the next zodiac sign. This means that
according to these measures of 4443 BC, the Vernal equinox, after passing
through the signs of Taurus, Aries and Pisces, will enter the Aquarius in 2037
AD (according to the Pyramid, the end of our world is between 2035-
[1-2] Albert Pike, Morals And Dogma Of The Ancient And Accepted Scot-
tish Rite Of Freemasonry; Charleston, 1871, p. 449-450.
Figure 84. This map shows Earth's North Celestial Pole 1690 (Johannes Hevelius,
Uranographia, 1687). At the point 4443 BC was the Earth's North Celestial Pole. From
4443 BC (point 0) to 1690 is 6133 years. According to the annual general precession of
0.013970786 degrees, from 4443 BC to 1690, the Earth's axis around the ecliptic circle
moved about 85.682 degrees, and the Earth's North Celestial Pole was near the star
Figure 85. At the time of the construction and completion of the Great Pyramid around
3400-3200 BC, the pole star was Thuban. The angle of the Entrance passage of the
Pyramid (β) shows 26.30268975º in the direction of the star Thuban. It takes
1882.692194 years for such a displacement of the Earth's axis.
The time from the beginning of the creation of our world to Noah's flood
is encoded in the length of the base of the Great Pyramid: AF = 7374.882
years. That's the 2626th BC (Figure 86). The time of 4695 years since Noah's
flood is encoded in the height of the Pyramid (the highest point of the top of
the Pyramid shows 2070 AD). All this was recorded in the measurements of
the Pyramid and plotted in the astronomical map over the angle of the Pyra-
mid's Entrance passage towards the star Tuban.
Figure 87.
And now we return to the beginning of this topic and to the parallels of
the northern and southern tropics, the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Cap-
ricorn, the lines that surround the Earth at 23.44° north and as much south
of the Earth's equator (Figure 83, 89), so let's go to the meaning of Figure 89
and 90.
Figure 90. At the time of the creation of our world 1000 BC, the Earth's
North Pole was at the point 10,000 BC (the point slightly to the right in the
bottom middle of the map). The flood was in the year 7375th from the
beginning of our world (4695 BC), and the Earth’s North Ecliptic Pole at
that time was at the star Thuban. All this marks the angle of the Entrance
Passage to the Great Pyramid: = 26.30268975° = angle β.
• β = 26,30268975°
• sin β = 0.443113275
• tan β = 0.494289196
• Pyramid's angle of ascent = 51.85399754°
• tan 51.85399754° = 1.273240621
• diagonal Earth’s diameter between 51.85399754° N - 51.85399754° S =
= 12,732.40621 km,
• circumference of the Earth between 51.85399754° N - 51.85399754° S =
= 40,000 km;
• 1° of the Earth's circle between 51.85399754° N - 51.85399754° S =
= 111.1111111 km;
• exterior cubic size of the coffer in the King's chamber = 2335.225124 liters,
• number of the length AB = 2335.225124
• number of the length B-Thuban = 1154.276551
• number of the length A-Thuban = 2604.92433
2604.92433 : 111.1111111 = 23.44431897
The number 23.44431897° = the angle of the Sun's ecliptic and the largest
angle of the Earth's axis to the center of the North celestial ecliptic pole in
the constellation Draco (Figure 83, 84; point A, Figure 90).
So, there is no excuse, no escape, no matter how economically and po-
litically powerful a person is in this transient world: according to the Pyramid,
the end of our world is between 2035-2070. In the time of today's overly rich,
but crazy people who think of impiety, lies and evil to transform man into a
biorobot and to create a Nazi-communist New World Order, their great impi-
ous evil will crash on their own heads.
is 116,260,237.7 km. And behold:
116,260,237.7 x 3.14159 = 365,242,000.2 km and this would be the
circumference of the circle of Mercury's orbit. A solar or tropical year has
365.242 days and the symbolism of that number appears at a certain time in
the length of Mercury's orbit. Let's also look at this sign:
365.242 : 3.14159 = 116.2602377 days: every 116 days Mercury aligns
directly with the Earth, and as they pass each other, 116.2602377 days pass,
and this is Mercury's synodic period.
And now we compare the measurements of the Great Pyramid and the pla-
net Mercury:
• height of the Pyramid = 147.6505019 m,
• angle of ascent of the Pyramid = 51,85399754°
• tan 51,85399754° = 1,273240621
• diagonal Earth’s diameter between 51.85399754° N - 51.85399754° S =
= 12,732.40621 km (Figure 89, p. 86),
• Earth's equatorial radius = 6378,50168 km
Solomon's Temple numbers: 120 (height of the Portal), 60 (length of the
Temple), 30 (height of the Temple), 20 (width of the Temple):
6378,50168 : 120 : 60 : 30 : 20 = 1.476505019 m = 147.6505019 cm =
100th part of the Pyramid’s height = AB (Figure 92).
Figure 92.
• AB = 147.6505019 cm
• area of Square ABCDA = 21,800.6707 cm² = area of Circle T
• d = 166,60582007 cm
• circumference of Circle T = 523,4071801 cm = 206,0658189 inches =
width of the King's Chamber in the Pyramid.
And to remind ourselves:
• angle of ascent of the Pyramid = 51.85399754°
• tan 51.85399754° = 1.273240621
• circumference of Circle T = 523,4071801 cm (Figure 92)
The northern channel of the King's Chamber ascends at an angle of
32.48165854°. The tangent of this angle is 0.63662031, which is half of the
number 1.273240621, which is the tangent of the Pyramid's ascent angle.
If the circumference of a circle is 3.14159 cm (the number Pi), the diameter
of the circle is 1 cm, and the area of the circle is 0.7853975 cm². Each side
of a square of the same area is 0.886226551 cm long:
a) 100 x 0,886226551 = 88.6226551
b) 88.6226551 x 0.63662031 = 56.41898217 cm
A square with sides 56.41898217 cm long has an area of 3183.10155 cm².
The diameter of a circle with such an area is 63.662031 cm, and the circum-
ference of that circle is 200 cm:
a) length of the King's Chamber = 412.1316378 inches = 1046.81436 cm
b) 1046.81436 : 56.41898217= 18.5542936 cm = 10,000th part of one
minute of latitude at the Earth's equator (1' = 1.85542936 km).
The numbers of Solomon’s Temple: 120, 60, 30, 20:
56.41898217 cm x 120 x 60 x 30 x 20 = 2437.30003 km = mean radius
of Mercury:
“The first test on Mercury were carried out from space by automatic in-
struments on the US Mariner 10 on March 29, and September 21, 1974. Pho-
tographs of the planet surface were communicated to Earth. The radius of
Mercury inferred from radio-eclipsed measurements, is 2440 ± 2 km at a
latitude 2° and 2438 ± 2 km at a latitude 68°.” [9]
Proportions of the measures of the Earth, the Mercury and the Pyramid:
• equatorial radius of the Earth = 6378.50168 km
• radius of the Mercury = 2437.30003 km
6378.50168 : 2437.30003 = 2.617035901 km = 261,703.5901 cm =
= 103,032.9095 inches = 250 lengths of the King's Chamber = 500 widths of
the King's Chamber.
According to the Great Pyramid, the length of the Earth's equator is
40,077.27418 km, and the length of the King's Chamber is 412.1316378
inches, i.e. 10.4681436 meters. Let us assume that there is a symbolic pro-
portional relationship between these numbers:
40,077.27418 : 10.4681436 = 3828.498702 km = AB (Figure 93).
Figure 93.
• α = Pyramid's angle of ascent = 51.85399754°
• tan α = 1.273240621
• ½ AB = 1914.249351 km:
1914.249351 x 1.273240621 = 2437.300032 km = h = radius of Mercury.
Figure 94.
Mercury has a radius of 2437.300032 km, and of Mercurys diameter is
4874.600064 km:
4874.600064 x 3.14159 = 15,313.99482 km = Mercury's mean equatorial
15,313.99482 : 4320 = 3.544906207 km = perimeter of square ABCDA
(Figure 95).
Figure 95.
• perimeter of square ABCAD = 3.544906207 (km),
• AB = 0.886226551 (km),
• area of square ABCDA = 0.787397501 (km²) = area of circle T,
• d = 1 (km),
• circle circumference T = 3.14159 (km).
The meaning of the number 4320 in this context will be shown by the
numbers of Solomon's temple: 120 (height of the portal), 60 (length of the
temple), 30 (height of the temple), 20 (width of the temple):
4320 km = 4,320,000 m = 432,000,000 cm:
432,000,000 : 120 : 60 : 30 : 20 = 100 cm = 1 meter = 39.37007874 inches
= 1.57480315 sacred cubits.
The base of the Great Pyramid is 365.242 sacred cubits long and each
cubit is a symbol of one day of the year, because the year has 365.242 days:
365.242 : 1.57480315 = 231.92867 days = the length of the Pyramid's
base in meters.
And finally, let's mention this about Mercury's radius:
Earth's equatorial diameter is 12,757.00336 km. The King's Chamber is
206.065819 inches wide, i.e. 5.2340718 m. Is this a coincidence:
12 757.00336 : 5.2340718 = 2437.300031 km = Mercury's radius.
[1] Albert Pike, Morals And Dogma, Charleston, 1871, p. 78.
[2] Thomas J. Glover, Pocket Refeference Book, Second edition, Sequoia
Publishing, Inc., Littleton, Colorado, 1994, p. 216. ISBN 1-885071-00-0
[3] Petar Skok, Etimologijski rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika, Knjiga
II, JAZU, Zagreb, 1972, str. 436.
[4] John Groves, A Greek and English Dictionary, Boston: Hilliard, Gray
and Company, 1836, p. 386.
[5] William Owen Pughe, A dictionary of the Welsh language, Vol. II.,
Denbigh: Printed and published by Thomas Gee, 1832, p. 341.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Stephen Langdon, A Sumerian Grammar and Chrestomathy, Paris,
Libraire Paul Geuthner, 1911, p. 225.
[8] Robert Archibald Armstrong, Gaelic Dictionary, London, Printed for
James Duncan; 1825, p. 168.
[9] M. Ya. Marov and V. D. Davydov, Earth tipe planets (Mercury, Venus,
and Mars); Foundations of Speace Biology and Medicine, Joint USA/USSR
Publication in Three Volumes, Volume I, Speace as a habitat, Chapter 4; Sci-
enticif and Technical Information Oficce, National Aeronautics and Speace
Administration, Washington, D.C., 1975, p. 136.
"Some shot arrows into the sky, and they came down tinged with blood,
then they shouted and cried, ‘See, we have killed every one who is in hea-
ven.” [1]
Many Illuminati states have taken Nimrod's arrow as the logo of their astro-
nautic (space) agencies, so every rocket launch into the sky is a symbol of
Nimrod's arrow shot into the sky. God destroyed Nimrod's globalist tower of
Babel and as it was then, it will soon be again between 2035-2070, maybe
even earlier.
Figure 97. The Illuminati Man-God and Nimrod's Arrow.
Figure 98. Nimrod's arrow as the logo of the Hollywood TV series "Star
Figure 100. Nimrod's arrow in the logo of the USSR.
Figure 102. Nimrod's arrow in England's logo.
[1] Sabine Baring Gould, Legends of Old Testament Characters from the
Talmud and other sources; London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1871,
pg. 131.