SEM - ALIGNMENT - Luong and Flake 2021 PM MI Tutorial Preprint V1
SEM - ALIGNMENT - Luong and Flake 2021 PM MI Tutorial Preprint V1
SEM - ALIGNMENT - Luong and Flake 2021 PM MI Tutorial Preprint V1
* This paper was accepted for publication in Psychological Methods on 09/07/2021. This is
Author Note
We have no conflicts of interest to disclose. Materials and data are openly available on
the Open Science Framework here. An early version of this tutorial was presented virtually at the
2020 Canadian Psychological Association Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. There was no
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jessica Kay Flake and
Raymond Luong, 2001 Avenue McGill College, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 1G1. Emails:
[email protected], [email protected]
Measurement invariance—the notion that the measurement properties of a scale are equal
research. The traditional approach for evaluating measurement invariance is to fit a series of
traditional approaches are strict, vary across the field in implementation, and present multiplicity
challenges, even in the simplest case of two groups under study. The alignment method was
recently proposed as an alternative approach. This method is more automated, requires fewer
decisions from researchers, and accommodates two or more groups. However, it has different
assumptions, estimation techniques, and limitations from traditional approaches. To address the
lack of accessible resources that explain the methodological differences and complexities
between the two approaches, we introduce and illustrate both, comparing them side by side.
First, we overview the concepts, assumptions, advantages, and limitations of each approach.
Based on this overview, we propose a list of four key considerations to help researchers decide
which approach to choose and how to document their analytical decisions in a preregistration or
analysis plan. We then demonstrate our key considerations on an illustrative research question
using an open dataset and provide an example of a completed preregistration. Our illustrative
example is accompanied by an annotated analysis report that shows readers, step-by-step, how to
conduct measurement invariance tests using R and Mplus. Finally, we provide recommendations
for how to decide between and use each approach and next steps for methodological research.
that the psychometric properties of a scale are equal (i.e., invariant or equivalent) across groups
and/or measurement occasions like contexts or time. Without it, interpreting group differences
raises questions: Is an observed difference across groups due to a group difference on the
construct or due to differences in how the scale is measuring the construct? Ignoring
groups, such as erroneously concluding one group is higher on a construct than the other (Chen,
comparability across treatment and control groups. As such, it is broadly applicable to many
areas of psychology.
across two or more groups, with most using model comparisons in confirmatory factor analyses
(CFA) or item response theory (IRT)1 to test the equality of measurement properties across
groups or time (for an overview, see Millsap, 2011). We will refer to this model comparison
approach as the traditional approach. To address challenges in applying the traditional approach,
Asparouhov and Muthén (2014) developed an alternative, more automated approach known as
IRT is used specifically for binary or polytomous indicators and emphasizes identifying non-invariant items
(known as differential item functioning). In this tutorial, we focus on CFA due to the propensity of Likert-type scales
in psychology that are commonly treated as continuous rather than polytomous. Item scores are also usually
combined into composites (e.g., sum scores or averages) for analysis.
The alignment method makes no assumptions about the number of groups and can
accommodate two or more groups easily. Simulation studies showed good performance in two-
group cases for recovering factor model parameters (i.e., unbiased point estimates, and near or
above 95% coverage; Asparouhov & Muthén, 2014). The alignment method is also ideal for
smaller numbers of groups for which the data would not satisfy assumptions for a random effects
approach (e.g., multilevel measurement models which require many groups; see Muthén &
accompanying method to traditional approaches when there are only two groups. Despite the
potential for the alignment method’s use with two groups, it has generally not been considered as
a two-group alternative by applied researchers and use thus far has focused on many-groups
cases (Lomazzi, 2018; Muthén & Asparouhov, 2018). As of writing, there is no guidance or side-
by-side comparison of the two approaches for the two-group case. The alignment method has
also only very recently received a comprehensive methodological comparison to the traditional
approach with moderate numbers of groups (see Magraw-Mickelson et al., 2021). Few accessible
resources exist that aim to assist substantive researchers in considering when the alignment
approaches to measurement invariance testing, with a focus on testing two groups. Researchers
can use this as a resource to assist in planning, choosing between, implementing, and interpreting
either approach. We aim to facilitate the ease of appropriately using these methods as well as
support transparent practices for the planning and reporting of measurement invariance testing
consistent with Transparency and Open Practices Guidelines adopted by American Psychological
Association journals in 2021 (Center for Open Science, 2020). We will first explain and compare
the conceptual basis of each method and highlight their key similarities and differences in
assumptions and implementation. We will then provide an illustrative preregistered data analysis
dataset. Through this example, we will offer recommendations on how researchers can
appropriately decide between and then use either approach. We will close with recommendations
for the methods and suggest next steps for methodological research.
CFA is fundamental to both the traditional factor analytic approaches and the alignment
method. First, consider the confirmatory factor analysis model for continuous items in one group,
expressed in notation used by Asparouhov and Muthén (2014) for ease of reference:
yip = v pk + pkik + ip (1)
k =1
In Equation 1, the factor model is represented as a linear regression of the items on the factors
(or latent variables). Here, i = 1, , I where I is the total number of people (or observations),
the total number of factors. yip is the observed score for person i on item p , v pk is the intercept
for item p of factor k , pk is the factor loading for item p on factor k , ik is a factor score
for person i on factor k , and ip is the residual for person i of their observed score of item p
(which is yip ).
multiple groups:
yipg = v pg + pgig + ipg (2)
k =1
Equation 2 shows that MGCFA is represented in the same way as a one-group CFA with the
total number of groups. Furthermore, we assume that the residuals ipg are normally distributed
with a mean of 0 and some variance pg and that the factors ig are normally distributed with
The traditional factor analytic approaches involve conducting a series of MGCFAs and
using them to test the equality of measurement properties (i.e., factor structure, loadings,
intercepts, and uniquenesses/residual variances) across groups in increasingly strict stages. The
equality tests for model parameters are conducted on like items, meaning the same items across
groups (e.g., Item 1 in group 1 vs. Item 1 in group 2). Hence, under these approaches,
measurement invariance is a hierarchical property, and the level of measurement invariance for a
measure is determined by the best comparatively fitting model. This hierarchy is depicted in
Figure 1: The fit of the MGCFA corresponding to each level of measurement invariance is
compared to the next sequentially, starting from the bottom of the hierarchy and compared to the
level exactly above it (i.e., configural vs. metric, metric vs. scalar, scalar vs. strict). Below, we
provide a conceptual overview of these levels as per van de Schoot et al. (2012), Muthén and
Asparouhov (2018), and Bialosiewicz et al. (2013). Then in our illustrative data analysis
example, we present testing each level, for which accompanying data analysis code is reported in
Figure 1
Figure 1 shows the four hierarchal levels of measurement invariance: configural, metric,
scalar and strict (Horn & McArdle, 1992; Meredith, 1993). The first and lowest level of the
hierarchy is configural invariance (Horn & McArdle, 1992), which means that the configuration
of the indicators to their factors is the same across groups—that is to say, the number of latent
constructs and the specific items loaded onto them are the same across groups. Configural non-
invariance precludes comparisons of a scale’s scores (latent or observed) across groups: Having
different numbers or configurations of items to factors plainly suggests that different constructs
are being measured in different groups and scores from different constructs are not comparable.
Configural non-invariance may reflect a theoretical inconsistency such that further research is
required to understand the nature of the construct, including the content of the construct and the
construct’s meaning to different groups. This type of inquiry is well suited for qualitative or
Following configural invariance, metric invariance (Horn & McArdle, 1992; also known
as weak (factorial) invariance as per Meredith, 1993) is the next level of measurement
invariance. In addition to equality of the factor model configuration across groups by configural
invariance, achieving metric invariance means that the specific statistical relationships between
the scale’s items and their associated latent constructs also stay the same across groups—that is
to say, factor loadings are equal across groups. Metric non-invariance can bias observed factor
variances, factor covariances, and factor means (French & Finch, 2016; Shi et al., 2019; Yoon &
Millsap, 2007), which can lead to erroneous conclusions on downstream statistical tests.
Baumgartner, 1998; also known as strong (factorial) invariance as per Meredith, 1993) is the
next level of measurement invariance. In addition to equality of the factor model across groups
by configural invariance and equality of factor loadings across groups by metric invariance,
scalar invariance is achieved when the meaning of the levels of item responses are also equal
across groups—that is to say, both the factor loadings and intercepts are equal across groups. If
scalar invariance is achieved, then groups can be compared by their observed or latent scores for
the construct; the former is the most frequent application in psychological research. Scalar non-
invariance precludes any observed mean comparisons; even one non-invariant intercept can bias
Finally, following scalar invariance is strict invariance (Meredith, 1993; also known as
error variance invariance as per Steenkamp & Baumgartner, 1998, or full uniqueness
measurement invariance as per van de Schoot et al., 2012), the strictest level of measurement
invariance. Strict invariance is achieved when the unexplained variance for each item is equal
across groups. This would imply identical measurement at the item level of the construct across
guarantees comparability of a scale across groups, but it has been considered too strict achieve in
practice. There is some disagreement on whether scalar invariance is sufficient for mean
comparisons in general (Deshon, 2004; Lubke et al., 2003), but scalar invariance remains the
observed scores.
The evaluations of fit and model selection from these levels are like other applications of
confirmatory factor analysis, such as chi-square tests, the comparative fit index (CFI), and root
mean squared error of approximation (RMSEA) (e.g., Chen, 2007; van de Schoot et al., 2012).
For instance, if a chi-square model fit test comparing two invariance models is not statistically
significant, then the stricter higher-level invariance model is supported because it has more
therefore more parsimonious than the lower-level invariance model. Although confirmatory
factor analysis forms the foundation of the approaches that will be discussed in this tutorial, the
various applications of this approach fall under a family because there is significant variability in
Partial Invariance
Although scalar invariance is the commonly accepted level of invariance for comparing
observed means, it is also in itself still a strict criterion that is rarely achieved in practice (van de
Schoot et al., 2015), in part because traditional factor analytic approaches test exact equality of
all model parameters. A poorly fitting scalar invariance model, for example, does not necessarily
imply that all the items are non-invariant; only one non-invariant item in the scale could be
enough to result in poor fit of the model. This reasoning similarly applies to the metric and strict
invariance models. Accommodating the possibility that parts of a scale may achieve
Under partial invariance, the model in which measurement invariance fails is examined
more closely and statistically adjusted to systematically identify and specify a model in which
the specific parameter estimate(s) that are non-invariant are estimated freely (Byrne et al., 1989;
Steenkamp & Baumgartner, 1998). Researchers may wish to identify the non-invariant parameter
estimate(s) for specific item(s) to remove them from the measure in a scale development study,
or they may wish to retain the item(s) on the measure but also estimate a model in which they are
estimated freely. A correctly specified partial invariance model can statistically adjust for non-
invariance and compare groups on latent (but not observed) means or variances: Once non-
invariant item parameters are identified, the invariant items are used as anchors (known as
anchor items or referent items), which correctly sets the scale across groups and allows for
There are different methods for identifying which items are non-invariant, which can
include backward selection via factor-ratio tests, modification indices, and forward selection
(Jung & Yoon, 2016). In all approaches, the measurement invariance model is adjusted by
removing the equality constraints for the identified non-invariant items. The factor-ratio test by
Rensvold and Cheung (1998) involves testing models representing each possible combination of
anchor item and potentially non-invariant item(s) against the configural invariance model, where
significant differences in model fit (e.g., chi-square ratio tests) indicate that the new model may
contain noninvariant items. Backward selection, as shown by Yoon and Millsap (2007), involves
using the largest modification index on a fully constrained metric or scalar invariance model and
relaxing the constraints until the largest modification index is no longer statistically significant.
Forward selection, an approach proposed by Jung and Yoon (2016), is analogous to backward
selection but tests in order of additions of constraints rather than removals and simplifies the use
Researchers should consider several points when using partial invariance models. First,
we recommend that partial invariance models only be used to make latent comparisons and not
justify comparisons with observed scores. Simulation studies indicate that non-invariant items
bias observed score comparisons even when a partial invariance model can be specified to adjust
latent comparisons (e.g., Chen, 2008; Hsiao & Lai, 2018; Guenole & Brown, 2014; Steinmetz,
2013). Second, there is considerable contention and uncertainty regarding how many non-
invariant items are acceptable in a partial invariance model to make valid group comparisons at
the latent level, and this problem requires future investigation. On one hand, it is generally
agreed that latent comparisons are statistically justified with just one invariant item in addition to
the anchor item that is assumed to be invariant because they set a comparable scale across groups
(Bryne et al., 1989; Steenkamp & Baumgartner, 1998). On the other, it is unclear how many non-
invariant items are acceptable for group comparisons to be conceptually justified in that the
originally operationalized construct has the same meaning as what is being compared with the
partial invariance model. Is a construct measured by an entire scale across groups the same as the
construct measured with two invariant items? Is a construct measured by five highly non-
invariant items across groups the same as the construct measured by the same five items with
only slight non-invariance? From this standpoint, researchers have suggested that at least a
majority of items should be noninvariant, confidence decreases as the number and degree of
evaluation of the non-invariant items whenever possible (e.g., Chen, 2008; Shi et al., 2019;
traditional factor analytic approaches for data structures with many groups. We outline the
conceptual basis of the alignment method as described by Asparouhov and Muthén (2014),
Under the traditional factor analytic approaches, mean comparisons in observed scores
across groups are justified if the factor model configuration, factor loadings, and item intercepts
are equivalent across groups (i.e., scalar invariance is achieved). Researchers can have different
goals when evaluating measurement invariance, but often the goal is to make unbiased factor
mean comparisons. The alignment approach works to address this by producing a factor model
that is sufficient to make factor mean comparisons—that is, a model with factor loadings and
item intercepts that are as close to equivalent as possible. Framed another way, the alignment
differences (approximate measurement invariance) present at the item levels across groups are
mathematical details, see Appendix A; for complete details, see Asparouhov & Muthén, 2014).
The alignment optimization procedure involves two models—the original model and the
transforming a baseline configural model which assumes the same configuration of items to
factors across groups, and M1 is produced by optimizing M0. The alignment optimization
procedure produces M1 by minimizing the differences between factor loadings and item
intercepts across groups. The factor means and variances that correspond to M1 are then used to
make group comparisons. Recall that scalar invariance in a traditional MGCFA requires
invariant factor configuration, factor loadings, and item intercepts. The logic of the alignment is
that an adequate configural model that has minimal differences in factor loadings and intercepts
across groups (i.e., has a majority of factor loadings and intercepts that are approximately equal)
should be good enough to make factor mean comparisons. There are no loading, intercept, or
residual equality constraints placed on the configural model, so model fit of the original M0 is
exploratory factor analyses. Rotation algorithms are designed to extract factors from items that
load highly on those factors, but not on others (i.e., to achieve a solution with simple structure
and no cross loading). To achieve a simple structure, rotation algorithms maximize big loadings
and minimize small loadings such that items load highly on one factor, but not others. The
alignment optimization works similarly to achieve a different kind of simple structure: one that
minimizes the differences between loadings and intercepts across groups. Just as rotation
attempts to select a loading matrix with large loadings on one factor and small loadings on the
others, the alignment attempts to find a solution in which most item parameters are
approximately equal and there are only a few larger intercept/loading differences across groups.
produces a factor model that is good enough to make unbiased latent mean comparisons by
selecting factor means and variances that minimize measurement non-invariance of the item-
level parameters. This is done such that most factor loadings and item intercepts are
approximately invariant, with a minority of item parameters that have substantial differences
across groups. As a result, there are enough invariant items to use this factor model to produce
aligned latent scores that are comparable across groups without achieving exact scalar invariance
After the alignment procedure produces optimized model M1, there is a separate ad-hoc
item-level testing algorithm. This algorithm produces item-level significance tests and non-
invariance effect size estimates for all possible pairs of factor loadings and intercepts across
groups. Given possibly large numbers of comparisons, these significance tests are interpreted at
the .001 level of significance. The non-invariance effect size estimates, denoted as R values by
Asparouhov and Muthén (2014), range from 1.00, indicating complete invariance, to 0,
indicating non-invariance. This testing algorithm is largely automated and does not require
researcher input, contrasting with the traditional approach which involves manual model
There are four key points for applying the alignment method due to how the optimization
procedure works. First, the alignment method does not optimize uniquenesses2 because the
primary goal is to estimate unbiased latent factor means for valid group comparisons. Second,
and intercepts are optimized in the procedure and an adequate configural model M0 is required
for this process. Third, because the optimization procedure works analogously to rotation
methods in exploratory factor analyses, the presence of a few large noninvariant parameters and
There is an extension of the alignment method which applies to uniquenesses (“alignment-within-CFA”) but will
not be discussed here. For interested readers, see Marsh et al. (2018).
Fourth, the alignment optimization model can be identified in two ways, which requires
researcher input (discussed later in the illustrative example): The factor mean and variance of the
reference group can either be fixed to 0 and 1 respectively (FIXED alignment optimization
option) or the factor mean can be estimated freely (FREE alignment optimization option).
There are several decisions that affect the choice of how to investigate and consider
measurement invariance, and as a result, there are many ways that researchers could decide to
conduct their analyses that could produce different results (i.e., many researcher degrees of
freedom). This makes planning an analysis and navigating those decisions difficult, particularly
if the researcher wants to develop an analysis plan before opening the data. Though it can be
difficult to develop a priori analysis plans for complex models, having some plan is better than
having no plan (Nosek et al., 2019). To address this, we provide an explicit list of considerations
and decisions researchers can use to plan their analysis and increase their transparency when
choosing between the traditional factor analytic approach, the alignment method, or a
combination of both. Then, using an illustrative dataset, we walk through a detailed example of
making these decisions and implementing them in a preregistered analysis plan. The list of
Appendix B.
Table 1
Decision 0: Prerequisites
Considerations Traditional Alignment
Factor structure Cite previous studies and Same as traditional
conduct CFA on current
Sample size Requires large sample sizes Same as traditional
based on literature review
and/or simulation studies
Assumptions Check number of scale points Same as traditional
and multivariate normality
Configural invariance Test configural invariance Same as traditional
Decision 1: Research Goal
Observed or factor scores Compare observed scores Compare factor means and
and/or compare factor scores variances
Model complexity Use with longitudinal Cannot use with longitudinal
designs, covariates, or cross- designsa, covariates, or cross-
loadings loadings
Decision 2: Model Identification
Identification: CFA Choose marker item or Same as traditional
variance standardization
Identification: MGCFA Consider based on research Use FIXED option if 2
goal groups, FREE otherwise
Anchor item Consider theory-based, No anchor items
iterative, or significance-
based selection strategies
Decision 3: Model Evaluation
Configural model Check model chi-squared and Same as traditional
fit indices (e.g., point
estimates, permutation tests,
dynamic, equivalence tests)
Metric/scalar/strict models Check model fit differences No subsequent models; check
(e.g., chi-squared difference number of non-invariant
test and model fit index 2
items (e.g., 25% rule, R )
differences) and impact of non-invariance
Partial invariance models Check model fit differences No partial invariance models
(e.g., modification indices)
See Lai (in press) for a very recent extension of the alignment method for longitudinal models.
basic psychometric requirements that are shared by both the traditional factor analytic approach
and the alignment method. Specifically, a tenable configural invariance model is fundamental to
both methods, and so a configural invariance test is the starting point for either approach.
Because an MGCFA underlies the configural model, the requirements for MGCFAs carry over to
both methods. Thus, before researchers can consider any measurement invariance analysis, they
should check and account for these three requirements in study planning and data.
invariance testing for scales that have a known factor structure in at least one group or sample,
ideally with existing confirmatory evidence (i.e., confirmatory factor analyses). Issues with
factor structure can be avoided by selecting developed scales with strong validity evidence, but
this is not always possible. However, regardless of whether previous evidence is available, we
recommend that researchers confirm the factor structure of the scale in their own sample by
conducting a confirmatory factor analysis on the entire sample. This is because a known factor
structure for the scale is a necessary requirement for testing configural invariance. There is little
point overall in testing measurement invariance across multiple groups if the scale’s factor
structure cannot be supported in even one group. There is also no way to test measurement
invariance if the factor structure is not known because it would be impossible to specify the
factor models in either method. Moreover, this preliminary check helps catch mistakes that can
cause subtle but disastrous downstream analytical errors—mistakes such as mislabeled items,
mistakenly mis-specified factor models, and scoring errors—so that they can be corrected before
Sample Size. Researchers should have a large sample size for each group when using
either approach because latent variable models rely on large sample sizes to achieve adequate
statistical power and precision. Existing simulation studies based on the traditional approach
appear to suggest a minimum of 400 participants per group (e.g., French & Finch, 2006; Meade
& Bauer, 2007; Meade et al., 2008; Koziol & Bovaird, 2018), but we emphasize that this should
be used as a starting point, and there is a need for further research and consideration of other
aspects that impact sample size requirements. For the traditional approach, sample size
requirements can increase depending on the complexity of the analysis because statistical error
rates are inflated by additional hypotheses. This can include when there are many items in the
scale, when there are more than two groups of interest, and when there are partial invariance
analyses. For the alignment method, such multiple comparisons are avoided as it was designed
with many-groups analyses in mind, but there is a trade-off as a result: Type I error is adjusted in
the item-level analyses, so as the amount of items and groups increases, statistical power
decreases, thus increasing the required sample size. The nature of this trade-off is not yet well
understood and requires further research (e.g., Flake & McCoach, 2018). Overall, both methods
are generally large-sample techniques, and this should be accounted for in study design and
using either approach. The two most pertinent assumptions pertain to maximum likelihood
estimation: The items should be measured on a continuous scale (or can safely be treated as
continuous) and follow a multivariate normal distribution. Multivariate normality can be tested
in various ways, including but not limited to examination of item-level distributions and
normality hypothesis tests. Likert-type items are, by definition, measured on an ordinal scale
(i.e., discrete or categorical), but methodological research suggests that they can be acceptably
treated as continuous for confirmatory factor analyses if they are measured on at least five scale
points (e.g., Rhemtulla et al., 2012). Violations of these assumptions can affect model fit tests
and fit indices, which consequently affect measurement invariance results (Lubke & Muthén,
2004). Researchers can account for this under both methods by selecting an alternative
estimation strategy for the MGCFA such as weighted least squares (Flora & Curran, 2004) or
Once the prerequisites are met, researchers can then consider which approach they
should use and how to conduct the analysis. We present three decisions, in temporal order, that
researchers should consider when planning a measurement invariance analysis, whether it is the
Perhaps the most important consideration when deciding between the two approaches is
the goal and purpose of the measurement invariance investigation. We suggest researchers
consider two main types of goals: (1) developing and evaluating a scale to modify or improve it
by ensuring there is invariance and/or (2) obtaining a model that allows for group mean
comparisons either via observed scores or latent scores. The researcher may have both goals or
may focus on one over the other. We discuss how these goals can guide choosing between when
Traditional. The traditional approach can be used to meet both goals and accommodate
the use of observed or latent scores to make comparisons of means and variances. The traditional
approach is more amenable to the first goal of scale development and modification because
targeted item-level analyses can be conducted to identify which items are non-invariant. Through
partial invariance testing, researchers can compare models with different specifications and
levels of non-invariance. However, the traditional approach requires the researcher to specify
which models to execute, in what order, and what item-level follow-up tests will be conducted.
Through this process, the researcher could determine a set of invariant items to continue in the
scale development process. We recommend replication analyses of any such model, given the
exploratory nature of the analyses and the number of model comparisons needed.
If the goal of the researcher is to evaluate whether a scale’s observed scores can be used
to compare groups, that can be achieved with the traditional approach by focusing on evaluating
scalar or strict invariance. If scalar or strict invariance is not met to justify the use of observed
scores, researchers can compare and test a series of models to identify a partially-invariant
Alignment. The alignment method can be used to meet both goals in most cases but is
more amenable to meeting the goal of using latent scores to make group comparisons of factor
variances and means. The alignment method does not allow for the testing of specific models
with differing levels of measurement invariance, but instead fully automates the procedure of
identifying non-invariant items. The alignment method is appropriate for practical use to answer
substantive research questions using optimized latent means and variances, particularly when
metric or scalar invariance fails under the traditional approach (Marsh et al., 2018).
Though the results indicate which items are non-invariant, the alignment optimization
was not designed to evaluate whether instruments can produce unbiased observed group means.
The optimization assumes that most items are approximately invariant to estimate unbiased
latent means. Thus, it is unclear whether items are invariant enough to produce unbiased
observed means if the item testing procedure results indicate all items are approximately
invariant. Further, no research points to what pattern of results would indicate that the instrument
will produce unbiased observed scores (e.g., number of tolerable non-invariant items). This is an
important area for future investigation, but we currently cannot recommend that the alignment
results inform the usage of observed scores. The alignment method could be used as an
exploratory analysis to identify non-invariant items, but we suggest that if researchers want to
evaluate the use of observed scores, they should plan to conduct a sensitivity analysis comparing
any latent estimates to observed estimates. If results differ, that may suggest the observed scores
are biased. Further, the alignment method cannot accommodate longitudinal models3 (Marsh et
analysis and structural equation modeling more broadly are present in the traditional approach
(Bollen, 2014), as is the requirement of setting a scale to provide a metric for the latent construct
(Johnson et al., 2009). Additionally, to compare the measurement of items across the groups, at
least one item in the scale must be fixed as an anchor item and assumed to be equal across
groups (Johnson et al., 2009). However, anchor items carry with them the assumption of
invariance that cannot be understated but is also rarely substantiable: How can a researcher be
The alignment method was very recently extended to apply to longitudinal models (an extension of “alignment-
within-CFA”) but will not be discussed here. For interested readers, see Lai (in press).
sure that their selection of an anchor item is correct? Approaches to selecting an anchor item or
items can vary (e.g., theory-based, iterative, significance-based), and the results and performance
of measurement invariance tests can vary based on the choice of anchor item (e.g., Wang & Yeh,
2003; Meade & Lautenschlager, 2004; Stark et al., 2006; Meade & Wright, 2012). Specific
details on methods for choosing anchor items and their implications are beyond the scope of this
tutorial, so for demonstration purposes, we will opt for an informal content review of the items.
Alignment. The alignment method assumes minimal non-invariance: Most of the items
should be approximately invariant, but researchers do not indicate any specific non-invariant
items ahead of time. However, researchers must choose how to identify the model with respect to
the scaling of the latent factor means and variances. There are two options: The factor mean and
variance of the first group can either be fixed to 0 and 1 respectively (FIXED alignment
optimization) or can be estimated freely (FREE alignment optimization). As per Asparouhov and
Muthén (2014), the decision is generally straightforward and can be made by the number of
groups being compared: FIXED must be used if there are only two groups, and FREE can be
Traditional. CFA underlies all aspects of the traditional approach, making model fit criteria
crucial. However, researchers are faced with a variety of recommendations: Many cite guidelines
such as from Hu and Bentler (1999) to compare a set of model fit indices (e.g., the configural
model might be considered to fit well if its CFI > .95, RMSEA < .06, and standardized root mean
square residual (SRMR) < .08). This is because chi-square model fit tests are sensitive and
almost always rejected with large sample sizes, and CFA is a large-sample technique, meaning
the test will likely be rejected in most cases. Thus, for the configural model, we recommend that
the chi-square test be reported but the evaluation of model fit be based primarily on model fit
To determine whether metric, scalar, and strict measurement invariance are supported,
researchers would conduct chi-square model fit difference tests between successive models at α
= .05 and examine changes in fit indices between the models. Here, failing to reject the null
implies that the two models fit equally well and thus provides support to the higher measurement
invariance model (fewer estimated parameters or higher degrees of freedom makes the higher
model preferable due to parsimony). Researchers should consider how much model misfit is
needed to reject the next model. Chen (2007) suggests increases in RMSEA by more than .015 or
decreases CFI by more than .01, can be interpreted as failure to support the higher-level
measurement invariance model. Conventionally, we recommend that researchers report all three
methods and clearly specify decision rules for how they will interpret them ahead of time. For
example, researchers could specify that they will report both chi-squared model fit difference
tests and model fit index difference guidelines but provide rationale for their interpretation (e.g.,
acceptable model fit index differences will be interpreted as adequate fit regardless of the chi-
squared test results due to large sample sizes). Though these decisions rules are difficult to
develop a-priori, they provide guidance in the face of conflicting findings and can limit the
recommendations. Hu and Bentler’s (1999) guidelines, for example, are popular but are one of
several guidelines of only a subset of fit indices (e.g., Hooper et al., 2008; Kline, 2015) and only
apply to the specific conditions that the original authors investigated (Hu & Bentler, 1998, p.
446). These points are also true for the model fit comparison criteria suggested by Chen (2007).
Indeed, recent research suggests the use of dynamic fit index cut-offs that are computed based on
the characteristics of the examined factor model and not universally fixed (McNeish & Wolf,
2021). Moreover, equivalence testing approaches with multi-group structural equation modeling
have demonstrated some evidence of superior performance to both the chi-square test and fixed
fit index approaches with respect to error control, but may require greater sample sizes to achieve
adequate statistical power (Yuan & Chan, 2016; Counsell et al., 2020). Permutation methods,
which generate empirical distributions for model fit measures, also present Type I error control
recommend that the choice of model fit criteria be clearly specified a priori and, if feasible, in
Partial Invariance. Model fit criteria are also necessary for researchers to determine
whether partial invariance analyses will be conducted. Here, we recommend that researchers
specify the following: (1) whether partial invariance analyses will be conducted or not upon
failure of achieving metric or scalar invariance based on the specified criteria, (2) how non-
invariant items will be identified and accounted for, and (3) how the final partial invariance
model will be used to address the research goal, e.g., to remove non-invariant items or to retain
them but estimate them freely in a structural equation model. We encourage researchers to
consider under what circumstances they will conduct a partial invariance analysis ahead of time
because downstream results (latent versus observed means) could differ across models. For
example, a preregistration could specify that a partial invariance analysis will only be conducted
if one of the model evaluation criteria indicates a lack of invariance, or only if all model
Alignment. Model fit criteria are relevant only to finding a well-fitting baseline model.
The fit does not change from the baseline configural model because alignment does not apply
constraints or formally test any additional models. Like the traditional approach, researchers
should focus on deciding their criteria for a well-fitting measurement and configural model
ahead of time. The other aspect of model evaluation for the alignment is ensuring minimal non-
invariance: The performance of the alignment solution is evaluated via assumption checks and
item-level analyses, primarily the number of significantly non-invariant items, their degree of
non-invariance, and the contribution of each item to total non-invariance. Based on Monte Carlo
simulations, Muthén and Asparouhov (2014) suggested a rule of thumb that no more than 25% of
items should be non-invariant based on the item-level significance tests for good performance
(interpreted at α = .001). This was supported in simulations from Flake and McCoach (2018)
with good performance when less than 29% of items are non-invariant.
Furthermore, researchers can assess the R invariance effect size measure, which
quantifies how much variability in the item parameter estimates can be explained by the groups’
factor means and variances. An R near 1 indicates complete invariance because the variability
in item parameters is completely explained by group mean differences, whereas an R near 0
indicates that group mean differences explain none of the variability in the item parameter.
However, exact guidelines for assessing this degree of invariance or performance are not yet
clearly established and require further investigation. Because of this, we also recommend
examining the magnitude of the item differences via raw and/or standardized effect sizes (e.g.,
Gunn et al., 2020) for each item-level test to gauge whether potential deviations due to non-
Next, we demonstrate the conceptual and empirical implications of the traditional model
invariance analysis using the Consideration for Future Consequences Scale (CFC). The CFC
measures how people consider the future consequences of their current behavior and how much
their behaviors are influenced by those future consequences (Strathman et al., 1994). Participants
Extremely characteristic). Construct validation evidence from Petrocelli (2003) and Joireman et
al. (2008) suggests that the CFC scale, as originally developed, measures two future consequence
constructs: a future concern sub-factor, which is measured with four items (e.g., “I am willing to
immediate concern sub-factor, which is measured with eight items (e.g., “I only act to satisfy
immediate concerns, figuring the future will take care of itself.”). For simplicity of illustration,
we limit our example to a test of one of the subscales across two groups. We evaluate the
sex (male and female) with the goal of comparing mean scores (latent or observed) on
The data for the CFC was acquired from the Open Source Psychometrics Project (openly
missing data on any of the eight items of interest or on sex on a listwise basis, resulting in an
effective sample size of 14,598 participants (54% female; original n = 15,035). We performed
the analyses for the traditional factor analytic approach using R version 4.0.3 with the lavaan
package version 0.6-7 (as of writing, the alignment method can only be correctly implemented in
Mplus). We duplicated the analyses for the traditional factor analytic approach and performed the
alignment method in Mplus version 8.4. All materials can be accessed in the Supplementary
Below, we walk through the decisions in example form of how researchers could
structure, develop, and rationalize an analysis plan with each approach. Though we provide
examples of decisions researchers can make, we want to emphasize that other decisions can be
made with adequate justification. Our goal is to demonstrate how to make and justify decisions
ahead of time to develop an a priori analysis plan, not to dictate the only way one can proceed
with a measurement invariance analysis. This can be used as an example template for a
preregistration of a measurement invariance analysis (see Appendix B). First, we will examine
the prerequisites to determine whether measurement invariance testing is feasible with either
approach. We will then walk through the decisions for both the traditional factor analytic
Evidence of Factor Structure. The CFC scale is a relatively well-known scale with a
evidence from Petrocelli (2003) and Joireman et al. (2008) suggests that the CFC scale, as
originally developed, measures two future consequence constructs: a future concern sub-factor,
which is measured with four items; and an immediate concern sub-factor, which is measured
with eight items. We subsequently conducted a CFA on the overall sample using this factor
structure specification (estimated with MLR due to multivariate non-normality; see Assumption
Checks). As per Hu and Bentler (1999), we deemed the CFA to fit well if its CFI > .95, RMSEA
< .06, and standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) < .08. We found that the factor
structure was indeed supported in our sample with good model fit, Y2−B (20) = 919.74, p < .001,
Robust CFI = 0.972, Robust RMSEA = 0.060, 90% CI [0.057, 0.064], SRMR = 0.023. Overall,
we can conclude that there is adequate knowledge and evidence of factor structure of the CFC
Sample Size. We had over 7,000 female participants and over 6,000 male participants,
which far exceeds the suggested sample size of 400 participants per group as determined from
our review of simulation studies in the measurement invariance literature (e.g., French & Finch,
2006; Meade & Bauer, 2007; Meade et al., 2008; Koziol & Bovaird, 2018). We were also only
investigating two groups with a single 8-item subscale, which greatly minimizes the possible
complexity of the analyses, even when considering possible partial invariance analyses. Overall,
we could justify that we had an adequate sample size to consider conducting measurement
invariance tests.
meets the minimum amount of scale points required to be safely treated as continuous. However,
we found that our data violated the assumption of multivariate normality (e.g., clearly non-
normal item-level distributions, which necessarily imply multivariate non-normality; see Figure
2). To account for this, we used robust maximum likelihood estimation with the Yuan-Bentler
scaled chi-squared statistic (MLR; Yuan & Bentler, 2000) and robust standard errors for all
CFAs and measurement invariances tests. Overall, we could conclude that we have met the
Figure 2
Now we can decide between the traditional factor analytic approach and/or the alignment
method. As mentioned previously, the illustrative goal is to evaluate the measurement invariance
of the 8-item immediate concern subscale across sex to ultimately compare mean scores (latent
Traditional. The traditional approach can accommodate this research goal regardless of
whether the comparison is made on latent or observed means. If we can conclude at least
complete scalar invariance of the model we can use the observed means or if we can identify a
Alignment. There are no expected cross loadings, covariates, or other sources of model
complexity that the alignment method cannot accommodate. Therefore, the alignment method
freedom based on the data and varying model identification strategies available to researchers
under the traditional approach (see Supplementary Materials). To identify each model, we fixed
the loading of the anchor item to 1 and factor means to 0 respectively to both groups. As
mentioned previously, we reviewed the content of the items and selected the item Q2 that was
Alignment. We fixed the factor mean and variance to 0 and 1 respectively because we
were only comparing two groups (i.e., the FIXED alignment configuration).
Traditional. We followed the most popular conventional recommendations for model fit
indices, chi-squared model fit tests, and model fit differences. For all models, we reported both
the chi-square model fit test and multiple additional fit indices. To evaluate the overall factor
model across both groups as well as the baseline configural model, we reported the total model
chi-square and the CFI, RMSEA, and SRMR. If the chi-square test was significant, which was
likely given the large sample size, we deemed the overall factor model and configural model to
have acceptable fit to move forward with invariance testing if CFI > .95, RMSEA < .06, and
standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) < .08 (Hu & Bentler, 1999). Then, to determine
whether metric, scalar, and strict measurement invariance were supported, we reported the chi-
squared model fit difference tests and model fit index differences between successive models.
We concluded that the next level of invariance was not supported if the chi-square test was
significant at α = .05 and/or the higher-level model increased RMSEA by more than .015 or
decreased CFI by more than .01 (Chen, 2007). Thus, if the two criteria disagreed, we returned to
the level of measurement invariance that failed and conduct a partial measurement invariance
Partial Invariance. Given that the research goal was to compare means across sex,
regardless of whether they are latent or observed, we planned to proceed with partial invariance
analyses if metric or scalar invariance was not supported by either the chi-square difference test
failed, identified the first item that is most non-invariant (i.e., the item parameter with the
greatest modification index), constrained the loadings and/or intercepts of all items except the
non-invariant item to be equal across groups, and compared the fit of the new model to the old
model in which measurement invariance was achieved. If there was no evidence that the models
differed in fit, as determined by chi-squared model fit difference tests and differences in model
fit indices, then partial invariance was established. However, if there was still a comparative
difference in fit between the new and old model, we proceeded to the next most non-invariant
item, allowed its loading and/or intercept to freely vary alongside the first item, and re-tested the
new model’s fit again against the model in which measurement invariance was achieved. We
repeated this process until partial invariance is established or modification indices no longer
indicated significant improvements in model fit (MIs < 3.84, which is the critical value for chi-
squared tests for df = 1 at α = .05). Once the final partial invariance model was established, we
used it to estimate latent factor scores to use for statistical analysis instead of the observed
Alignment. For the baseline configural model, we followed the most popular
conventional recommendation for model fit indices: As per Hu and Bentler (1999), we deemed
the configural model to fit well if its CFI > .95, RMSEA < .06, and standardized root mean
square residual (SRMR) < .08. For evaluating the performance of the alignment optimization, we
followed Muthén and Asparouhov’s (2014) rule of thumb in which no more than 25% of
We show how overall model fit comparison results can be summarized in a manuscript in
Table 2.
Table 2
CFC-Immediate Fit Indices for Configural, Metric, and Scalar Invariance Models
conducted a multi-group confirmatory factor analysis where all loadings, intercepts, and error
variances are freely estimated (only the Q2 loading and factor means are constrained to equality
across sex for identification). The configural invariance model met our criteria for good fit based
on fit indices, Y2−B (40) = 943.05, p < .001, Robust CFI = .972, Robust RMSEA = .061, 90% CI
[.057, .064], SRMR = .023. As discussed previously, the chi-square test is likely to be rejected
even in the presence of adequate fit indices. Based on our model evaluation criteria, we
test metric invariance. To test the scale for metric invariance across sex, we built upon the
previous multi-group confirmatory factor analysis by constraining the seven loadings to be equal
across sex. After specifying this new model, we determined whether metric invariance was
supported by comparing the configural invariance and metric invariance models using the Yuan-
Bentler scaled chi-squared model fit difference test and the differences in CFI and RMSEA.
Results indicated no significant difference in model fit between models, Y − B (7) = 7.80, p =
.350, ΔCFI = < .001, ΔRMSEA = .0047. Therefore, metric invariance is supported.
proceeded to test scalar invariance. To test scalar invariance across sex, we again built upon the
previous multi-group confirmatory factor analysis by additionally constraining the seven item
intercepts to be equal across sex. Like testing metric invariance, we determined whether scalar
invariance is supported by comparing the metric invariance and scalar invariance models by
again using the Yuan-Bentler scaled chi-squared model fit difference test and the differences in
CFI and RMSEA. Results from the chi-square test but not the fit indices indicated that the metric
invariance model fit significantly better than the scalar invariance model, Y − B (7) = 56.50, p <
There are two possible interpretations: Scalar invariance was not supported due to the
rejection of the chi-square test, or scalar invariance was supported due to no deterioration of
model fit indices when comparing the metric to the scalar model. If we conclude the former for
illustration, then we can make observed mean comparisons of the observed scale scores across
sex: There was no evidence that males (M = 3.19) differed from females (M = 3.17) on
consideration for immediate future consequences, t(13,898) = 1.78, p = .0748, d = -0.03 (95% CI
[-0.06, 0.00]). However, because we have a case of conflicting evidence between model
comparison tests and fit indices, we proceeded to conduct partial invariance analyses and
compare factor means from the final partial invariance model as per our analysis plan.
the original scalar invariance model and computed modification indices to identify the most non-
invariant item intercept. Modification indices indicated that freeing the Q9 intercept would result
in the greatest significant model fit improvement (MI = 16.29), so we freed that parameter,
compared the new partial scalar invariance model to the metric invariance model, and repeated
the process until an acceptable model was achieved. Through this iterative process, we
established a partial scalar invariance model by freely estimating item intercepts for Q9, Q12,
Table 3
Based on this partial scalar invariance model, males reported greater latent immediate
consideration for future consequences than females, M F − M = −0.030 , p = .021. Though this
mean difference comparison is statistically significant whereas the observed score analysis was
not, the results do not conflict substantively. The latent mean difference of .03 and the observed
standardized difference of .03 are nearly identical and small. Given the large sample size, an
applied researcher could interpret these results as consistent: There is no meaningful difference
between males and females on this construct. Comparing the latent mean difference from the
partial invariance model to the observed score difference provides a sensitivity analysis and
demonstrates that the mean difference (latent or observed) is not sensitive to the effect of the
non-invariant intercepts, even when the majority of items were non-invariant. This is logical
given that there were conflicting model fit results and the differences in the intercepts was small
Strict Invariance. Scalar invariance was partially supported as per our evaluation
criteria, so we proceeded to report the strict invariance model for illustrative purposes. We built
upon the full scalar invariance model by additionally constraining the uniquenesses of each of
the eight items to be equal across sex. Like testing scalar invariance, we determined whether
strict invariance is supported by comparing the scalar invariance and strict invariance models
using the Yuan-Bentler scaled chi-squared model fit difference test and the differences in CFI
and RMSEA. Results from the chi-square test but not the fit indices indicate that the scalar
invariance model fits significantly better than the strict invariance model, Y − B (8) = 15.75, p
= .0462, ΔCFI < .001, ΔRMSEA = .0034. Similarly, the strict invariance model indicated no
evidence that males differed from females in consideration for immediate future consequences,
M F − M = −0.024 , p = .056.
Alignment Method
invariance. Therefore, before beginning an alignment, we followed the same first steps for
establishing configural invariance as the traditional approach (i.e., the MGCFA across groups
with no constrained parameters). As was illustrated for the traditional approach, the configural
invariance model fit well, and this identification strategy does not affect model fit, so configural
invariance is established. We were thus justified to proceed with the alignment method.
Alignment. Because configural invariance was established, we used the configural model
for alignment with the FIXED specification (required when testing two groups). As discussed
previously, alignment produces a solution that allows for factor mean comparisons and ad-hoc
item invariance analysis, accounting for small amounts of measurement non-invariance. There
are three results of interest: pairwise comparisons for factors means in each group, pairwise
comparisons for invariance of factor loadings between each group, and pairwise comparisons for
invariance of item intercepts between each group. Prior to examining the factor means, we first
examined the pairwise comparisons for loadings and intercepts to identify any noninvariant
items. As per Asparouhov and Muthén (2014), these pairwise comparisons are corrected for
Factor Loading Invariance. Table 4 shows the estimated factor loadings and pairwise
comparisons between sexes. There was no evidence that factor loadings produced by the
alignment solution differed across sex for any of the items, ps > .01. The R statistic provides a
measure for the degree of invariance for the parameter in that it quantifies how much variability
in the parameter can be explained by the groups’ factor means and variances. Higher values
correspond to higher degrees of invariance, with values near 1 indicating complete invariance.
The presence of items with high R values is indicative of good performance of the alignment
method, even if some items have low R values (Muthén & Asparouhov, 2018). Indeed, most
items here showed high R values except Q9, which therefore indicates that the alignment
Table 4
Item Intercept Invariance. Table 5 shows the estimated item intercepts and pairwise
comparisons between sexes. There was evidence that three item intercepts produced by the
alignment solution differed across sex for Q2, Q9, and Q12 (ps < .001), which exceeds our
prespecified 25% rule of thumb (three non-invariant items out of eight). However, these intercept
respect to the scale of the measure (e.g., less than 0.1 on a 5-point scale, or less than 2%), and
they also differ in direction. This suggests that whatever bias may be present with these non-
invariant items will not meaningfully affect interpretation of factor means. Indeed, the sum of the
differences is about -0.012 points. We otherwise see several extremely low R values despite all
pairwise comparisons being nonsignificant, but the presence of high R values such as Q3
Table 5
Factor Mean Comparison. Though results indicated the alignment method did not
produce a valid solution in line with our preregistered cut-off of 25% or less non-invariant items,
our follow up investigation of the raw and standardized effect sizes of the item differences
suggested the solution was valid because the item differences were extremely small. Thus, we
compared the aligned factor means of the CFC-Immediate for each sex produced from the
solution (Male as reference group). There was no evidence that males and females differed in
instances arise, we recommend that researchers clearly state how their analyses, reporting, and
interpretation deviated from the original plan. Then, in subsequent preregistrations, they can
traditional approach using MGCFAs and the alignment method. We then illustrated how to
develop an analysis plan for both methods side-by-side by walking through considerations step-
by-step. Here, we will describe key similarities, differences, and future areas of research that
Procedural Comparison
As was illustrated in our step-by-step comparison, both methods begin with the same
prerequisite checks. Overall, the traditional approach works with many of the same steps and
considerations as the alignment method: The measure needs a confirmed factor structure and
evidence of configural invariance before additional testing can be carried out. Should the
configural model be untenable, both approaches would also not be feasible. Though not the focus
of this tutorial, it is worth noting that if there are more than two groups, evaluating configural
invariance is onerous, requiring an evaluation of the factor structure in each group and then in
comparison across groups, but this is necessary for both methods. Therefore, both methods share
Perhaps the starkest difference is in labour and specialized knowledge that a researcher
must possess to run and interpret the two methods. Whereas the traditional approach is largely
directed by researcher decisions and model specifications at every step, the alignment method
only requires specification of a configural model and otherwise handles the optimization
procedure and item-level analyses automatically. The additional knowledge requirement and risk
of error under the traditional approach is nontrivial: From a wide pool of options, researchers
must decide on model identification strategies across multiple models, selection strategies for
anchor items, and model fit criteria for interpreting many model comparisons—all of which are
not decisions needed for the alignment method. While navigating all the decisions, researchers
could also inadvertently engage in questionable measurement practices (Flake & Fried, 2020) as
they conduct many sets of slightly different analyses, potentially producing different downstream
conclusions. With just one error of inference or misspecification, the researcher could continue
along the wrong path and produce additional false positives (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2014;
Simmons et al., 2011). For example, a researcher could select the wrong anchor item or flag the
wrong non-invariant items when conducting the potentially dozens of statistical tests needed to
identify a non-invariant item and then, uncertain of if they made the right decision, select
different items and rerun the analysis. Overall, it is easier to get lost in a garden of forking paths
with the traditional approach (Gelman & Loken, 2014), whereas there is less planning involved
for the alignment method simply because there are fewer decisions that the researcher needs to
These risks were made clear by the partial scalar invariance analysis: Model evaluation
criteria were conflicting, and so we could have reasonably decided to conduct the partial
invariance analysis or not. Having taken a conservative approach by conducting the analysis if
there were any conflict in criteria, we manually identified and tested five different partial scalar
invariance models. Notably, the final partial invariance model produced a statistically significant
group difference whereas our observed score and alignment analyses did not. These conflicts can
significant? Here we suggest researchers consider what differences at the item and factor levels
differences ranged from 0.006 to 0.080 across both methods (less than 2% of the scale). Mean
differences were also consistently small across all methods: 0.026 points for the observed
difference, 0.030 for the latent mean difference with partial invariance, and 0.029 for the latent
mean difference with alignment (all less than 1% of the scale). Though these vary across
research questions, we encourage researchers to go through the same process while analysis
(e.g., Gunn et al., 2020) and to develop contingencies for interpreting results in the face of
On one hand, the alignment method substantially decreases the burden and possible
mistakes from the researcher by reducing input and number of manually-specified comparisons,
as well as the number of errors of inference at the model comparison level—especially when
there are large numbers of items or groups. But, on the other, we warn that this ease of use also
renders the alignment procedure liable to misuse and misinterpretation. Indeed, the onus is
largely on the researcher to properly interpret the performance and results of the item-level tests
in context, and measures for performance of the procedure are still poorly understood and require
understanding of the scale and context of its use for proper interpretation beyond rules of thumb.
As we saw in our example, our results violated the 25% rule we specified ahead of time, but
upon further consideration of the raw and standardized effect sizes of item differences,
interpreting the latent mean difference seemed justified. Asparouhov and Muthén (2014)
additionally suggested using simulation studies to evaluate performance, but this imposes a
Therefore, although there is less planning involved for the alignment method, there are outcomes
that make interpreting the results less straightforward, and researchers should be prepared to
Both methods essentially resulted in mean comparisons with similar conclusions: The
latent and observed mean comparisons under the traditional approach found no meaningful
difference in CFC-Immediate between males and females, and the latent mean comparison under
the alignment method found no difference as well. Despite ultimately arriving at these
conclusions through holistic model evaluation as specified in our illustrative analysis plan, both
methods also shared similar evidence suggesting the presence of small amounts of measurement
non-invariance sourced from the same items. For the traditional approach, the chi-square model
comparison test for scalar invariance was statistically significant, but the changes in model fit
indices were trivial. For the alignment method, the optimization procedure appeared to perform
poorly as per the 25% rule, flagging more than 25% of items, but the deviations in item
parameter estimates were trivial, e.g., intercept differences of less than 0.1 on a 5-point scale that
sum to a negligible effect on the overall score. Overall, the illustrative data analysis serves as an
example of how the alignment method can be a viable alternative to the traditional approach in a
two-group context. Because both approaches were viable analysis options, the similarity in
Although either method alone would have led to the same conclusions, it is possible that
we may have produced different results had we made different but defensible analytical
decisions, such as different strategies/criteria for partial invariance analyses. Errors of inference
are likely when specifying many models and following an analysis plan that is completely data
driven, as is done with the traditional approach (MacCallum et al., 1992). Given this, we propose
that the alignment method can be used as an exploratory tool to compliment the traditional
approach, assuming that both methods are appropriate for the research problem. For example, the
item-level tests from the alignment method can be used in an exploratory manner to empirically
guide partial invariance analyses as a sole strategy or in tandem with the numerous existing
strategies. If the non-invariant items identified by the alignment method match those that are
identified through the strategies decided by the researcher and the relative magnitudes of non-
invariance also match, then there is additional evidence that the selected items are correct. In our
illustrative example, we identified Q2, Q5, Q9, Q10, and Q12 as non-invariant items in the
partial invariance analysis. Based on the alignment optimization results, these selections were
defensible: Q2, Q9, and Q12 were flagged as non-invariant, and Q5 and Q10 had R values
close to zero.
Similarly, the alignment method can also compliment the traditional approach as an
empirical robustness check or additional sensitivity analysis. For example, the alignment method
substantially inflate Type I error rates under the traditional approach—particularly because of
numerous nested model comparisons—then the results can be compared against the alignment
optimization. We recommend against this strategy if there is reason to believe that the sample
size is too small due to the trade-off of Type I error control for increased Type II errors for the
item-level analyses, i.e., the alignment method is more likely to fail to detect measurement non-
invariance if it exists.
If both methods are used, it is important to match model evaluation criteria, including the
fit criteria for the baseline model and interpretation of invariance with effect sizes. For both
methods, we matched fit criteria for the configural model. Moreover, we considered not only
whether measurement non-invariance was present, but also whether the amount of non-
invariance is practically impactful on the downstream analyses with both methods. If using both
methods or interpreting the results of the traditional approach and the alignment method, we
recommend that researchers employ this holistic evaluation practice universally if results from
both the traditional approach and alignment method are considered together, and we caution that
asymmetrical model evaluation strategies can produce conflicting results, as was possible even in
simplified ideal cases such as the illustrative example (e.g., very large sample size, only two
However, the alignment method should not be treated as an accessory analysis that can be
added onto any traditional approach analysis without proper consideration, nor should it be
considered as a universal alternative. The alignment method imposes the restriction of unknown
generalizability and analysis of only latent means, the former of which is an obstacle for
generalizable research, and the latter of which is rarely practiced by psychologists using
conventional parametric analyses (e.g., t-tests, ANOVAs, regression). Therefore, the alignment
method should not be considered a universally superior option to the traditional approach, but it
identified gaps that are critical for researchers to plan, use, and interpret a measurement
invariance analysis: sample size planning, model evaluation criteria, and the general necessity
and role of the method in substantive research. First, sample size determination is currently
difficult for both approaches with no complete and user-friendly calculation tool, resulting in
overreliance on vague rules of thumb. More research is required to better understand how exactly
to increase sample sizes in response to multiple comparisons from larger numbers of items and
groups, and the measure’s psychometric properties. This is especially important for the
alignment method, which has no studies to date on sample size determination given its relative
novelty. Our starting sample size suggestion is only based on existing simulation studies
pertaining to the baseline configural model, and there is no statistical power research available
yet for the item-level analyses. Future simulation studies should manipulate these aspects on
varying levels of measurement non-invariance and group sizes to eventually incorporate them
Second, model evaluation criteria require further qualification across a larger pool of
possible situations. There are multiple plausible model fit criteria for the traditional approach and
determining what is an acceptable model using them is difficult. Here, for example, we
employed the common criteria developed by Hu and Bentler (1999) for illustrative purposes.
However, these criteria were developed on a limited set of models and may not generalize.
Despite these well-known limitations, there are few alternatives with accessible implementations
for applied researchers. As a result, different model fit criteria and/or the omission of certain
strategies can produce conflicting or misleading results. Analysis planning can partially address
this, and we provided our preregistration example to encourage researchers to consider which
model fit criteria are pertinent to them and decide ahead of time how they will use and interpret
them. We also noted that various new approaches to evaluating model fit are up and coming
(McNeish & Wolf, 2021), and we encourage applied researchers to consider incorporating these
With the alignment method, researchers not only need to evaluate the fit of the baseline
configural model, but also the number of non-invariant items. Currently there is a rough 25%
rule of thumb limit suggested by Muthén and Asparouhov (2014) based on limited empirical
evidence. The alignment method also provides values such as the R effect size measure of
measurement invariance that are not yet well understood. As seen in our illustrative example,
these important ambiguities include how to interpret this R when the results seem to conflict
with the significance test (e.g., non-significant invariance test but R = 0 ). When these fringe
cases or conflicts occur, what specific criteria can be used to gauge “high” as opposed to “low”
magnitudes of invariance? Further simulation research is needed to refine best practices for the
alignment method.
Third, the practice of conducting and reporting measurement invariance testing in applied
and substantive literature in psychology is limited despite the potential impacts of non-invariance
on downstream analyses (e.g., Boer et al., 2018). This may be partially due to the lack of
knowledge applied researchers have about measurement invariance testing, which is complex to
navigate without advanced quantitative training. This tutorial was written to address that
shortcoming by making these analyses accessible and incorporating modern open science
However, this is not the only reason these analyses are not often reported. Measurement
non-invariance can vary in pattern and magnitude: In some cases, non-invariance will be trivial,
whereas in others, not accounting for it will change the conclusion (Schmitt et al., 2011). More
non-invariance can have in applied research and how researchers can and do use the methods to
inform theory. From this, better guidelines for planning, use, and interpretation of such models
can be developed. Overall, transparency and reporting of measurement details is lacking in the
psychological literature (Flake & Fried, 2020; Flake et al., 2017), and while methodologists can
encourage applied researchers to do more and do better, methodologists themselves can also do
more to demonstrate the practical importance of such methods for applied researchers.
During the process of conducting the analyses for this illustration, we encountered two
areas of improvement regarding the practical implementations of the traditional approach and
alignment in lavaan and Mplus that could be improved to facilitate measurement invariance
testing in psychology. First, the alignment method is only available as originally specified by
Asparouhov and Muthen (2014) in Mplus. To date, there is no existing package in R that
replicates the alignment method functionality,4 which makes accessibility to the alignment
method difficult for researchers without the financial means to use Mplus. Second, the default
software settings for the traditional approach vary drastically across software and within software
(see Supplementary Materials for more details). Because of this, preregistrations and analysis
plans must be clear and specific in their model specifications beyond broad statements—and
ideally accompanied by the code to be used for analysis. Moreover, we recommend that models
Measurement invariance analyses are applicable to many areas of psychology but are
difficult to plan, conduct, and interpret. As psychologists move toward more transparent research
practices, applying these practices to measurement invariance testing is an upcoming area for
assessing measurement invariance, but it also presents challenges with model selection,
interpretation, and appropriate use. Here, we compared alignment to the traditional factor
analytic approach to help researchers decide which to use, and we provided recommendations on
how researchers can plan their measurement invariance analyses in a transparent manner. We
hope that this tutorial helps applied researchers integrate measurement invariance assessment
into their programs of research and facilitate transparent practices, consistent with the changing
The sirt package in R is closest but uses a procedure inspired by the alignment method in Mplus, requires manual
configuration, and may produce different results.
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Appendix A
and Muthén (2014). First, recall Equation 2, which represented the multiple-group confirmatory
factor model for the traditional factor analytic approach. M0 is estimated based on Equation 2
(MGCFA) where the factor in each group is transformed to have a factor mean of zero and
variance of 1, = 0 and g = 1 for every group g . Thus, in M0, factor loadings and
( g − g )
g 0 = (3)
optimization problem. The end goal of the alignment optimization is to produce a new model
with minimal measurement non-invariance, which we denoted as M1. The optimization process
Var ( y pg ) = pg
g = pg
,0 (4)
E ( y pg ) = v pg + pg g = v pg ,0 (5)
such that the loading estimates of the configural model M0, denoted as pg ,0 , can be found by
pg ,0 = pg g (6)
and the intercept estimates of the configural model M0, denoted as v pg ,0 , can then be found by
pg ,0
v pg ,0 = v pg + ( g ) (7)
For every set of group factor means g and variances g , there are intercept parameters v pg
and loading parameters pg that yield the same likelihood as M0, the configural model.
Therefore, we can obtain these loading parameters for M1, denoted pg ,1 , by rearranging
Equation 6
pg ,0
pg ,1 = (8)
pg ,0
v pg ,1 = v pg ,0 − (9)
Third, Equations 8 and 9 can be used to create a total loss function F that represents
total measurement non-invariance. Recall that scalar invariance requires invariant loadings and
intercepts. F is thus the sum of the differences between factor loadings and intercepts across
groups. Therefore, factor means g and variances g for M1 can be selected that minimize the
total loss function, and then they can be substituted into Equations 8 and 9 to find the optimal
loadings and intercepts of M1. That is, the total loss function F is minimized with respect to g
and g in order to find the parameters for M1 that minimize total measurement non-invariance.
In Equation 10, the differences between factor loadings and intercepts are weighed by w , which
is calculated by taking the square root of the product of the sample sizes of g1 and g2 . This is
done so that larger groups contribute more to F , the total loss function, than smaller groups,
accommodating unequal group sizes. Additionally, f represents the component loss function
(CLF), and these differences are scaled via the CLF. The CLF has been used in rotation methods
in exploratory factor analysis to minimize differences in the loading matrix to find a solution
with the simplest structure (e.g., Jennrich, 2006). The alignment method uses the following CLF
f ( x) = x2 + (11)
with some small positive value for (e.g., .01). This specific type of value is chosen so that the
CLF has a continuous first derivative, which mathematically simplifies the minimization of the
total loss function F . Overall, F is minimized when there are only a few large noninvariant
parameters and many approximately invariant parameters, so the presence of a few large
Fourth, M1 is identified by estimating all group factor means and variances except for the
1 g = 1 (12)
The alignment optimization procedure therefore takes two forms based on the decision to select
the factor mean and variance of the first group or not. The factor mean and variance can either be
fixed to 0 and 1 respectively (FIXED alignment optimization) or can be estimated freely (FREE
alignment optimization).
Appendix B
supplement Luong and Flake (2021). This example focuses on a series of statistical models and
does not include other details about a study that would go into a complete preregistration.
example here corresponds to the “Variables” and “Analysis Plan, Statistical Models and
Measured Variables
Grouping Variable
Outcome Variable
Consideration for future consequences, as measured using the Consideration for Future
Consequences Scale (CFC; Strathman et al., 1994). The CFC measures two future consequence
constructs: a future concern sub-factor, which is measured with 4 items (e.g., “I am willing to
immediate concern sub-factor, which is measured with 8 eight items (e.g., “I only act to satisfy
immediate concerns, figuring the future will take care of itself.”). Items are rated on 5-point
We will combine the 8 immediate concern items from the CFC to create a single measure
of concern for immediate consequences. We will use confirmatory factor analysis and alignment
optimization to estimate concern for immediate consequences factors scores from the 8 items. If
full scalar invariance is achieved, then we will also take the mean of the 8 immediate concern
items from the CFC to create a single, observed score measure of concern for immediate
Analysis Plan
This analysis plan covers a two-group measurement invariance analysis with two
optimization. It lists a series of decisions required for each method based on Luong and Flake
We will test a one-factor model for the CFC-immediate factor, consistent with literature.
Model fit will be considered acceptable at CFI > .95, RMSEA < .06, and SRMR < .08 (Hu &
Bentler, 1999). The CFA will be identified using the marker method with Q2 (i.e., loading of Q2
fixed to 1.00).
Sample Size
Each group should have a sample size of at least 400 for the analysis to proceed (French
& Finch, 2006; Meade & Bauer, 2007; Meade et al., 2008; Koziol & Bovaird, 2018).
Assumption Checks
Item level distributions will be used to assess normality visually. If items are non-normal,
robust maximum likelihood estimation will be used with the Yuan-Bentler scaled chi-squared
statistic (MLR; Yuan & Bentler, 2000) and robust standard errors for all CFAs and measurement
invariance tests.
Research Goal
The research goal is to evaluate the measurement invariance of the 8-item immediate
concern subscale across sex to ultimately compare mean scores (latent or observed) across males
and females.
Using multiple group confirmatory factor analysis, we will compare latent means if
partial but not full scalar invariance is achieved. We will compare observed means if full scalar
invariance is achieved.
Model Identification
We will fix the loading of the anchor item 1 and factor means to 0 respectively for both
groups. As mentioned previously, we informally reviewed the content of the items and selected
the item Q2 as the anchor item because we deemed it least likely to be non-invariant across
We will fix the factor mean and variance to 0 and 1 respectively because we are only
Model Evaluation
For all models, we will report the chi-square model fit test and multiple additional fit
indices. To evaluate the overall factor model across both groups as well as the baseline
configural model, we will report the total model chi-square and the CFI, RMSEA, and SRMR. If
the chi-square test is significant, which is likely given the large sample size, we will deem the
overall factor model and configural model to have acceptable fit to move forward with
invariance testing if CFI > .95, RMSEA < .06, and standardized root mean square residual
(SRMR) < .08 (Hu & Bentler, 1999). Then, to determine whether metric, scalar, and strict
measurement invariance are supported, we will report the chi-squared model fit difference tests
and model fit index differences between successive model. We will conclude that the next level
of invariance was not supported if the chi-square test is significant at α = .05 and/or the higher-
level model increases RMSEA by more than .015 or decreases CFI by more than .01 (Chen,
2007). Thus, if the two criteria disagree, we will return to the level of measurement invariance
using modification indices to identify non-invariant items. Specifically, we will free the item
parameter with the highest modification index first, then rerun the model with that freed. We will
repeat this process until partial invariance is established (i.e., until the models no longer differ in
fit) or modification indices no longer indicate significant improvements in model fit (MIs < 3.84,
the critical value for chi-squared tests for df = 1 at α = .05). If we successfully establish a scalar
partial invariance model, we will use it to compare the group factor means. We will also report a
partial strict invariance model by constraining the uniquenesses of the invariant items to equality
To evaluate model fit for the baseline configural model, we will use the same criteria for
the configural model using MGCFA. To evaluate the performance of the alignment optimization
(i.e., determine that most items were approximately invariant), we will follow Muthén and
Asparouhov’s (2014) rule of thumb in which no more than 25% of parameters are non-invariant
to conclude good performance. If we conclude good performance, we will use the aligned model
If more than 25% of items are deemed non-invariant based on the item-level significance
tests, we will examine the parameter differences to determine whether the amount of non-
invariance is meaningful. For non-invariant intercepts, we will deem any differences meaningful
if they exceed 0.25 points (5% of the 5-point scale). If the amount of non-invariance is not