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Version: 02

Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: July-19

Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Document Title: Specification for Polyethylene

liners in carbon steel flow lines and pipelines

Document ID SP-2094

Document Type Specification

Security Restricted

Discipline Materials & Corrosion

Owner UEC

Issue Date 30.07.2019

Version 2

Keywords: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor
any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise)
without prior written consent of the owner.

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i Document Authorisation
Authorised For Issue
Document Authorisation

Document Author Document Custodian Document Approved by

Rama Ramanahalli Talal Nabhani Nasser Al Behlani

Behlani, Nasser UEC NABHANI,TALAL UEC1 Ramanahalli, Rama UEC13

Date : 17-09-2019 12:00 Date : 04-08-2019 8:01 AM Date : 01-08-2019 8:31 PM

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ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Version Date Author Scope / Remarks

UEC125 Initial issue (ERD-43-15 revised to
0 08.09.2010
Rama Ramanhalli SP2094)
Revised based on the feed backs, trials
1 30.06.2018 UEC13 & UEC1X
& experience in PE lined CS lines
Revised based on the feed backs, trials
2 29.07.2019 UEC13 & UEC1E
& experience in PE lined CS lines

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iii Related Business Processes

Code Business Process (EPBM 4.0)

iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF)

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control
Documentation Register CMF.

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Table of contents
i Document Authorisation .................................................................................... 3
ii Revision History ................................................................................................. 4
iii Related Business Processes ................................................................................ 5
iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents ........................ 5
1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 8
1.1 SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 APPLICABILITY ....................................................................................................... 8
1.3 STANDARD DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................ 8
1.4 SPECIAL DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................. 8
1.6 ACRONYMS.......................................................................................................... 10
2.0 PE LINER PIPE PURCHASING REQUIREMENTS ................................................. 12
2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 12
2.2 PRESSURE RATING ............................................................................................... 12
2.3 UV PROTECTION .................................................................................................. 12
2.4 CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................................... 12
2.5 PURCHASE ORDER INFORMATION ........................................................................ 12
3.0 DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 13
3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 13
3.2 PE LINER DESIGN PROCEDURE .............................................................................. 13
3.3 VENT DESIGN ....................................................................................................... 14
4.0 MANUFACTURE ............................................................................................ 15
4.1 PIPE MATERIAL .................................................................................................... 15
4.2 FLANGE MATERIAL ............................................................................................... 16
4.3 ROTOLINED SPOOLS ............................................................................................. 16
4.4 FINISH AND WORKMANSHIP ................................................................................ 16
4.5 DIMENSIONS, WEIGHTS AND TOLERANCES ........................................................... 16
5.0 QUALITY PROGRAM ...................................................................................... 18
5.1 QUALITY MANUAL ............................................................................................... 18
5.2 PROCESS AND QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS ............................................... 18
5.3 QUALITY CONTROL EQUIPMENT ........................................................................... 18
5.4 QUALITY CONTROL TESTS ..................................................................................... 18
5.5 INSPECTION AND REJECTION ................................................................................ 20
5.6 QUALITY CONTROL RECORDS REQUIREMENTS ...................................................... 20

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6.0 MARKING ON THE HDPE LINER PIPE .............................................................. 21

7.0 HANDLING AND STORAGE ............................................................................. 22
7.1 STORAGE ............................................................................................................. 22
7.2 HANDLING........................................................................................................... 22
7.3 TRANSPORTATION ............................................................................................... 22
8.0 INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 23
8.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 23
8.2 LINER FABRICATION & BUTT FUSION WELDING .................................................... 23
8.3 END FLANGES AND IN-LINE FLANGED JOINTS ........................................................ 23
8.4 VENT POINT ASSEMBLIES ..................................................................................... 23
8.5 SHOP LINING ....................................................................................................... 24
8.6 SUPERVISION AND INSPECTION ........................................................................... 24
8.7 DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................... 25
9.0 Final Hydro test............................................................................................. 26
9.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 26
9.2 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................ 26
10.0 OPERATION ............................................................................................... 27
10.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................................... 27
10.2 NORMAL OPERATION ....................................................................................... 27
10.3 DE-PRESSURISATION ........................................................................................ 27
10.4 MONITORING................................................................................................... 27
10.5 RECOVERY PLAN............................................................................................... 28
11.0 REFERENCES............................................................................................... 29
11.1 COMPANY STANDARDS .................................................................................... 29
11.2 NATIONAL STANDARDS .................................................................................... 29
11.3 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ........................................................................... 29
APPENDIX B – STANADARD DRWAING FOR VENT DESIGNS ............................................. 32
APPENDIX C - COLLAPSE EQUATION ............................................................................... 37
APPENDIX D - PE MATERIAL PROPERTIES ........................................................................ 38
APPENDIX E - PURCHASE ORDER INFORMATION............................................................. 39
APPENDIX F - PE LINER DESIGN DATA SHEET ................................................................... 40
APPENDIX G - PE MATERIAL PROPERTIES ........................................................................ 41
APPENDIX H- INSTALLATION GUIDELINES ....................................................................... 42

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This Specification specifies requirements for the selection, design, manufacture and installation
of Polyethylene liners in carbon steel pipelines, flow lines and piping for water, oil and multiphase
(GLR≤300) applications.

This specification is intended for design, procurement, manufacturing, transport, installation
commissioning and operation of polyethylene liners. Applications are for flow lines and pipelines,
both buried and above ground, for oil, water and multiphase (GLR≤300) service.
If there is, any change to the specification requirements shall be approved by CFDH materials
and corrosion the owner of the document.


The list that follows tells you the meaning of some words applicable to all SPECIFICATIONs:
 Company: Petroleum Development Oman LLC.
 Contractor: the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering, procurement,
construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a facility. The
Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor
 Vendor: The person or organisation that supplies the company with materials and/or
 The word shall indicate a requirement.
 The word should indicate a recommendation.
 The word may indicate a permitted option.


The list that follows tells you the special meaning of some words in this specification.

1.4.1 Acceptance criteria

Defined limits placed on characteristics of materials, products, or services.

1.4.2 Annulus
Space between the PE liner outer diameter and the carbon steel inner diameter

1.4.3 Bell hole

Excavated area allowing access to a buried carbon steel pipeline for insertion of PE liner.

1.4.4 Butt fusion welding

A process of fusing of polyethylene materials that entails squaring and aligning the pipe materials,
heating the pipe ends, pressuring the two aligned ends together and cooling for a predetermined
time, all as specified by the qualified procedure which results in a joining of two pipe materials.
The joint will exhibit a hydrostatic strength equal to the parent pipe.

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1.4.5 Extrusion Welding

The principal of extrusion welding is that, a machine that heats a plastic filler material in the form
of a rod or pellets and at the same time heats the base material surface with hot air or halogen
lamps. The molten filler material is extruded through a die on the molten surface of the base
material (with some pressure applied) and allowed to cool.

1.4.6 Flanges
Steel raised face flanges with bolt circle per ANSI B 16.5. Incorporates use of PE flange and
metallic backup ring.

1.4.7 Lot (number)

For PE pipe a ‘lot’ is defined as being all pipes continuously produced from the same base polymer
batch with the same diameter and wall thickness, up to a maximum number of 200 pipe lengths
or 2000 m of coiled pipe.
For moulded or machined PE flanges a ‘lot’ is defined as being all flanges continuously produced
from the same base polymer batch with the same dimensions, up to a maximum number of 200.
For rotational moulded PE spools, a lot is defined as 20 spools produced continuously with same
base polymer batch. A lot number is a unique code to maintain traceability.

1.4.9 Ovality
This is a measurement of the deflected set in a cross section of pipe and is expressed as a
percentage. It is measured by taking the maximum measured diameter minus the minimum
measured diameter (the out of roundness value) and dividing that sum by the average measured
diameter and multiplying that resultant by 100.

1.4.10 PE liner
Internal PE pipe for corrosion protection of carbon steel pipelines or flow lines. A PE liner consists
of a number of PE pipe lengths, which are fused together and inserted into sections of new or
existing carbon steel pipelines and flow lines. The Carbon Steel pipe provides the pressure
containment and the PE liner provide corrosion protection. At the ends of the sections, the liners
are terminated by PE flanges.

1.4.11 Permeation
Diffusion of liquid and gas through the PE liner under the influence of pressure and temperature.

1.4.12 Point of fusion

The end of pipe available for trimming, heating, and pressing together during the heat fusion

1.4.13 Records
Retrievable information.

1.4.14 Standard Dimension Ratio

A specific ratio of the average specified outside diameter to the minimum specified wall thickness
(OD /h) for outside diameter-controlled plastic pipe.

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1.4.15 Vent point

Hole in the carbon steel outer pipe to allow the release of gas accumulated in the annulus.

1.4.16 Venting
The release of gas accumulated in the annulus.

1.4.17 Visual examination

Examination of parts and equipment for visible defects in material and workmanship.

1.4.18 Raw Material Manufacturer

Company that provides the raw PE material (granular) to the PE pipe supplier.

1.4.19 PE Pipe Supplier

Company that extrudes the PE liner pipe. Company approved suppliers listed in AVME shall be
used to supply the HDPE pipes.

1.4.20 Rotational moulding (Rotolining)

Production technique in which a PE lined spool is produced by heating and rotating a carbon steel
spool with PE powder inside. The PE powder melts and forms a liner on the surface of the carbon
steel pipe.

1.4.21 Crude oil service

Fluids with crude oil fraction of more than or equal to 1% by volume.

1.4.22 Water service

Fluids in which the volume fraction of crude oil is less than 1%.
1.4.23 5% Secant Modulus
Ratio of stress to strain at the 5% strain point on curve in a stress-strain diagram.
1.4.24 XLPE
XLPE also indicated as XPE or PEX is a cross-linked high-density polyethylene grade.

ANSI American National Standards Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
H Minimum specified wall thickness
ID Inside Diameter
ISO International Standards Organisation
MAOP Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
OD Outside Diameter

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PE Polyethylene
SDR Standard Dimension Ratio
HDB Hydrostatic Design Basis
PE-RT Polyethylene of Raised Temperature
SLT Standard Laboratoy Temperature
SGC Slow Crack Growth
RCP Rapid Crack Propogation

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This section provides requirements for purchase of HDPE liner pipe. HDPE Liner pipe shall be
purchased from only company approved vendors listed in approved vendors list.
Only PDO approved raw material shall be used to manufacture HDPE liner pipe. Pipe material
shall be HDPE grade PE100 and listed in PE100plus association.
Qualification of liner material shall comply with DEP31.40.20.39
Flange material requirements shall meet the section 4.2 requirements.


HDPE liner pipe & rotolining have no pressure rating requirements. Instead, section 3 of this
specification shall be used by the Contractor in conjunction with the minimum material properties
specified in Table 1 (section 4.1).

All HDPE pipe and fittings supplied to this specification shall be stabilised against degradation by
UV-light by a minimum of 2% (by mass) of Carbon Black.

Liner pipe supplied to this specification shall be joined by butt fusion welding. Connections
between HDPE lined carbon steel pipes shall be flanged. No other joining methods shall be
permitted unless agreed with the Company.
Extrusion welding is only allowed for spool shop lining.
Lining procedure shall be qualified and approved by PDO TA2 non-metallic.
All joining procedures and operators shall be qualified in accordance with Appendix A1 and A2 of
this specification prior to the commencement of production. All joining procedures shall be
approved by PDO quality Engineers, authorized by PDO non-metallic TA2.


The Company shall provide to the Contractor the information in Appendix E as part of the
purchase order.

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This section covers the design of HDPE liners for Piping, Carbon Steel flow lines and pipelines.
The minimum wall thickness of the HDPE liner pipe shall be 6mm.
The liner OD shall be determined by the Contractor in accordance with section 3.2.3, taking into
account the minimum ID of the Carbon Steel pipe and the requirements of the selected installation
The installed liner wall thickness shall be determined by the Contractor and shall comply with the
requirements in this specification. The Contractor shall propose to the Company the dimensions
of HDPE pipe to be purchased, demonstrating full compliance with this specification.
For sour service applications, sour rated CS as per SP2161 & ISO 15156 shall be used.

3.1.1 Basis of design

The wall thickness of the liner shall comply with the following requirements:

(a) Minimum wall thickness of the liner shall not be less than 6mm.

(b) It is the responsibility of the installation contractor to design the liner. Liner design
calculations shall be approved by PDO pipeline design TA2.


3.2.1 Water service

For the purpose of this specification water service is defined the total hydrocarbon fraction less
than 1 vol. percentage of total fluids.
The maximum Operating temperature for the use of HDPE liners in water service is 70 C. For
PERT Liner material, the maximum operating temperature can go up to 85C.
Liner shall be designed based on 1.5 bar collapse pressure. Use of loose fit liners shall be phased
out by end of 2020.

3.2.2 Hydrocarbon Service:

A pipeline may also be considered in hydrocarbon and multiphase services. For the purpose of
this specification hydrocarbon service is defined the total hydrocarbon fraction exceeding 1 vol.
% of total fluids.
For hydrocarbon service, the maximum allowable operating temperature shall not exceed 65oC
including PERT material.
For hydrocarbon service, HDPE liner pipe shall be designed with minimum 3 bar collapse
pressure for both loose and tight fit liners.

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3.2.3 Liner design procedure

The following steps shall be followed to calculate the minimum required wall thickness of the
HDPE pipe for both water and hydro carbon applications.
Step 1. Determine the OD of the liner pipe taking into account both the ID of the Carbon Steel
pipe and the requirements of the installation technique. OD of the liner shall be higher
than the ID of CS in case of tight fit liners. For loose liners the OD of liner shall be
selected so that, minimum annulas gap maintained when the liner is installed. The
following conditions shall be applied in determining the OD of HDPE liner pipe in loose
liner design:
a. OD of PE liner ≥ CS pipe ID-4mm for 2” to 4” NPS .
b. OD of PE liner ≥ CS pipe ID-6mmfor 6” to 10” NPS.
c. OD of PE liner≥ 97.5% of CS pipe ID 12” to 24” NPS.
d. OD of PE liner ≥ CS pipe ID-15mm for 26”NPS & above. .
Step 2. Minimum wall thickness HDPE liner pipe shall not be less than 6mm.
Step 3. For PE100 material Use the material properties specified in Table D1. For PERT
material grade Use the material properties specified in Table D2.
Step 4. Calculate the required wall thickness based on radial collapse calculations using
collapse equation in Appendix C to meet the following as applicable:
 For water service the liner shall be designed with 1.5bar collapse pressure.
 For multiphase hydro carbon service tight fit or loose liner design, the liner shall
be designed to 3 bar collapse pressure resistance.
Step 5. In the pulling force calculations, thermal expansion shall be accommodated as per
Appendix H clause 4.2.
The required wall thickness is the higher of the thicknesses resulting from the previous steps.
Thickness design calculation & pulling force calculations shall be submitted to the company
pipeline design TA2 for Review and approval.


Every PE lined pipeline and flowline shall incorporate vent points. Vent holes shall be designed
and installed by the contractor. Vent holes shall be designed to prevent extrusion of the PE liner
through vent hole. The following are applicable for the vent design:

3.3.1 Water service

 One vent shall be provided for section length less than 150meters. For section length
greater than 150meters, two vents shall be provided. The vents shall be equally spaced
in the section.
 Vent hole size shall be either single 5mm or 2 number of 3mm diameter.
 For flange rating of 300# and below, vents may be flanged with U shaped vent points
facing down and continuously kept open during operation. Refer Appendix B for standard
 For flange rating of greater than 300#, vents shall be valved with U shaped vent points
facing down and kept closed during normal operation. Refer Appendix B for standard

3.3.2 Hydrocarbon service

 Each section shall have a minimum of 2 vent points.
 Vent point hole size shall be either single 5mm or 2 number of 3mm diameter.
 The vent points shall be valved with U shaped pipe facing down and only opened for
venting activity. Continuous venting is not permitted.

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Polyethylene liner pipe shall be produced and classified in accordance with a recognised Industry
Standard (API 15LE or ISO 4427); the raw material grade being selected by the liner manufacturer
shall be supplied by a PE 100+ Association member and shall meet the specified design,
installation and operational requirements. Only company approved raw material grades shall be
used for manufacturing the HDPE pipes. The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying any
supplementary requirements, such as special dimensional tolerances, necessary to meet the liner
design criteria.
Liner pipe furnished to this specification shall be produced by extrusion.
The inclusion of rework materials during pipe manufacture shall not be permitted. The form of
supply, whether as cut lengths or coils shall be as stated on the Purchase Order.
Minimum properties for the PE liner material are given in Table 1. The Contractor shall complete
the data sheets in Appendix G and supply these as part of the tender documentation.

Table 1 - Minimum Properties for Polyethylene Liner Pipe

Property Test Method Minimum requirement
Density (g/cm3) ≥ 0.941
Method A
Melt index
ISO1133 0.2-0.3
(g/10min; 190 ⁰C, 5000 gram load)
Modulus (MPa) ISO 527-2 ≥750
Yield strength (MPa) ISO 527-2 ≥ 21
% of Elongation ISO 527-2 ≥400
Environmental stress crack
ASTM D1639 Failure less than 20%
resistance(Condition C, 192 hours)
MRS value
ISO 9080 ≥10
(MPa at 20 ⁰C, 20 years)
Oxidation Induction Time
ASTM D3895 ≥ 20 minutes
(at 210 ⁰C)
Resistance to Slow Crack Growth
ISO 13749 ≥ 1000hours
(SCG) 9.2bar, 80°C
Carbon black content ISO 6964 ≥2%

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PE flanges, Stub End and extrusion flange ring shall be moulded or machined from extruded
material and shall be from the same HDPE grade as the pipe. Other PE grades may be used only
after agreement by PDO UEC1 team provided the material shall meet the minimum properties as
stated in Table 1. The wall thickness of the HDPE flanges shall be equal to the wall thickness of
the pipe.


Rotational moulded spools and the PE grades used are only allowed after agreement by PDO
UEC1 team. Rotolining shall be carried out only in the company approved facility listed in AVME
Detailed rotolining procedure indicating thickness and the sizes of rotolining shall be submitted to
PDO for review and approval. ITP of rotolining and Procedures shall be approved by PDO quality
or non-metallic material technical authority TA2.


Cut pipe ends shall be plain and square. Cut edges shall be clean and without ledges, shaving
tails, burrs or cracks. The interior of the pipe shall be blown or washed clean of cuttings and
Manufacturer shall ensure that, the interior and exterior of the pipe is uniform in finish without
voids, cracks, crazing, foreign inclusions or any scratches deeper than 5% of the nominal wall
Non-destructive testing techniques shall be subject to approval from UEC1 Team.


4.5.1 Size, tolerances
The Contractor shall specify nominal values of liner outside diameter and wall thickness in the
HDPE liner pipe wall thickness calculations. The tolerance on the liner wall thickness shall be -
0%/+10% of the specified value. Dimensions shall be measured once the product is cooled down
to ambient temperatures.
Tolerance on outer diameter of pipe shall be within the limits specified in ISO 4427-2

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4.5.2 Length of liner pipe joints

The length of individual joints of liner pipe shall be as long as possible, to minimise the number
of field welds, consistent with transportation, handling and any other project constraints.
The average, maximum and minimum liner joint lengths shall be agreed between the Contractor
and the Company.
4.5.3 Ovality and out-of-roundness
The ovality of the pipe shall as per ISO 4427-2 when measured in accordance with ASTM D 2513.
During production, both ovality and out-of-roundness shall be monitored and recorded at the
frequencies specified in (Table 2)

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The pipe supplier shall maintain a quality manual which describes the quality program. The
Manual shall conform to the requirements of SP-1171. All prior revisions shall be retained for a
period of not less than five years.


The pipe supplier shall establish and maintain a documentation programme to assure,
implementation of quality management system throughout the organization. Manufacturing,
quality control personnel & their respective supervisory personnel shall be well trained to skill
level to manufacture and supply the PE liner pipe materials to meet or exceed the specification
requirements. The following procedures shall be submitted to the Company for review and
a. Raw material acceptance
b. Extrusion procedures
c. Pipe manufacturing practices
d. process validation and In process Inspection
e. Welding procedures and qualifications
f. Inspection and test procedures
g. Acceptance criteria
h. Control of non-confirming products


5.3.1 General
Equipment used to inspect, test or examine material or other equipment shall be identified,
controlled, calibrated and adjusted at specified intervals in accordance with documented pipe
supplier instructions, and consistent with referenced industry standards to maintain the accuracy
required by this specification.

5.3.2 Dimensional measuring equipment

Dimensional measuring equipment shall be controlled and calibrated by the pipe supplier's written

5.3.3 Pressure measuring devices

Test pressure measuring devices shall be either pressure gauges or pressure transducers. All
pressure measuring devices shall be calibrated to a certified standard annually.


5.4.1 Conditioning Quality control testing
Unless otherwise specified, all QC specimens shall be conditioned for a minimum of 4 hours prior
to test in SLT or 1 hour in water at 23  2 °C.

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5.4.2 Test conditions

Tests shall be conducted at the Standard Laboratory temperature of 23  2 °C unless otherwise
specified in the test methods or in this specification.

5.4.3 Test requirements

Tests shall be carried out on pipe, moulded/machined flanges or rotational moulded spools once
per lot to determine the material properties (and following the procedures) listed in Table 1 except
HDB, ESCR, SCG, RCP tests which were done during type tests during qualification of materials
and process. The results of the tests shall be within 5% of the material property data provided
by the pipe supplier before start of production. Alternatively, for short production runs or a small
number of flanges or spools (less than as defined for a lot), material data supplied by the raw
material manufacturer may be accepted after agreement by the Company.
In addition, Inspection and tests listed in Table 2 below shall be carried out.
Table 2 - Requirements for production tests on PE liner pipe
Property Acceptance criteria Frequency
Once every hour, once every
Outside diameter D2122 coil, whichever is less
ISO 4427-2 table 2 frequent
Wall thickness D2122

≥ values specified in
Burst Pressure D1599 Table 4 of ASTM Once per lot
D 2122 Within the limits Once per lot (production-
Out of roundness
specified in ISO 4427-2 run)

5.4.5 Retest and rejection

When the pipe, flange or rotolined spool fails to meet the specification requirements of any test,
the test shall be repeated on two more samples from the same production lot. Test results on
both the retested samples shall pass.

5.4.6 Hydro-testing
The mill hydro test shall be carried out minimum one pipe per production run.
Liner pipe sections shall not show any sign of leakage (burst or weep) or ballooning when
subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test. The test pressure shall be 1.5 times the “rated” pressure
for the stand-alone thermoplastic pipe and shall be maintained for 3 minutes. Ballooning
Any abnormal localised expansion of a pipe specimen while under internal hydraulic pressure. Bursting
Failure by a break in the pipe with immediate loss of test liquid and continued loss at essentially
no pressure.

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Failure that occurs through microscopic breaks in the pipe wall, frequently only at or near the test
pressure. At lower pressures, the pipe may carry liquids without evidence of loss of the liquids.


5.5.1 Inspection by the Company

All Quality Control tests shall be witnessed by a Company appointed representative at the start
of production and monitored thereafter at the discretion of the Company.

5.5.2 Injurious defects

Injurious defects are those which adversely affect the service life of the pipe such as foreign
inclusions, kinks, visible cracks, or contamination with foreign materials and any other defects
and imperfections reducing the wall thickness below minimum tolerance listed in the dimensional
Tables in API 15LE or ISO 4427, as specified in the Purchase Order. Pipe, flanges and rotationally
moulded spools with injurious defects shall be rejected.

5.5.3 Repair of defects

Repair of defects is not permitted


5.6.1 Purpose
The quality control records required by this specification are necessary to substantiate that all
pipe made to meet this specification conform to the specified requirements.

5.6.2 Records control

 Quality control records required by this specification shall be legible, identifiable,
retrievable and protected from damage, deterioration or loss.
 Quality control records required by this specification shall be retained by the pipe supplier
and Contractor for a minimum of five years following the date of manufacture.
 All quality control records required by this specification shall be signed and dated by the
pipe supplier's designated authorised person.

5.6.3 Records to be maintained and supplied by pipe supplier

1. Quality manual in accordance with 5.1.
2. Quality control test results in accordance with 5.4.
3. Design and material qualification data in accordance with section 3.1, 3.2 and 5.4.3, and
the Appendices E, F, G.
4. All procedures utilised by the pipe supplier in the process of fulfilling the order.
6. Quality assurance records for all materials supplied by the pipe supplier.

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Liner pipe manufactured in conformance with this specification shall be marked by the pipe
supplier as specified.
The required markings shall be paint-stencilled or printed on the outside surface of each length
or coil of pipe at intervals of not more than 1.5 m.

The markings on each length or coil of pipe shall include in any sequence:
1. Pipe supplier's name or trademarks
2. Base specification shown on purchase order, (e.g. API 15LE, ISO 4427)
3. Pipe OD and wall thickness
4. Date of manufacture
5. SDR
6. Pipe supplier's lot number
7. Appropriate material code used by the pipe supplier to uniquely identify the material
8. HDB at 20ºC and 20 years.
9. Additional markings, except pressure ratings, as agreed upon between pipe supplier and

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All liner pipes shall be packed and stored in accordance with a procedure agreed by the Company.
For periods longer than 3 months, polyethylene pipe shall be stored under cover with adequate
protection from direct sunlight to avoid UV degradation and/or deformation. If the pipe has to be
stored in the open air before, during or after shipment, it shall be suitably protected from
environmental contamination. The packing shall avoid ingress of moisture or dirt to the inside of
the pipe.
Coils shall be stored stacked flat one on top of the other. Straight lengths shall be stored on
horizontal racks in such a way to prevent damage to the pipe. In either form, PE pipe shall not
be allowed to come into contact with hot water or steam pipes and shall be kept away from hot

All pipes shall be cleaned, dried, packed, handled and transported to arrive at its destination
without distortion or damage. Dragging of HDPE Pipe or coils over rough ground shall not be
permitted. Storage & handling damages beyond acceptable limits shall be rejected.

The minimum requirements for transportation shall be as specified in the following Recommended
 API RP 5L1 for railroad transportation
 API RP 5LW for marine transportation
 SP-2000 Road Safety Standard

Pipe transported by sea shall not be shipped as deck cargo.

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This section outlines general requirements for field installation of PE liners in carbon steel
pipelines and flow lines. Detailed guidelines are given in Appendix H. The PE liner consists of a
number of PE pipe lengths which are fused together, pressure tested and inserted into sections
of pre-welded or existing carbon steel pipelines. The qualification and inspection of fusion welded
PE joints is specified in Appendix A of this specification.
Installation of PE liners shall be undertaken only by Company approved Contractors working in
accordance with written procedures and method statements approved by the company. The
procedures shall be detailed in a Quality Plan and shall cover as a minimum the following areas:
 Materials handling and control
 Site and pipe preparation
 Liner prefabrication
 Installation
 Testing and inspection
 Pre-commissioning
No work shall be commenced until the relevant procedures have been approved.
Requirements for leak and hydro-testing of the carbon steel line, the PE liner as well as the lined
carbon steel line are given in Section 9.


Field joining of liner pipe shall be by butt fusion welding techniques. Qualification of procedures
and operators shall be in accordance with Appendix A1. A full time inspector shall be dedicated
by the Contractor for every welding machine. A check list shall be used during fusion welding and
all relevant welding parameters shall be measured and recorded (including the identification of
the welder) for each and every fusion weld. Quality control parameters shall be defined including
the full circumferential fusion of the removed external roll-back weld bead at every joint (removed
by a trimming tool). To confirm that correct machine parameters are maintained, daily test
samples (strips) shall be taken of a butt welded joint and subjected to a 180º reverse bend test
without failure. The test shall also be conducted when machine settings are altered. The bend
test shall be in accordance with ASTM F3183/ASME IX.


Connections between PE lined pipes and CS piping shall be flanged. No other joining methods
shall be permitted unless agreed with the Company. End flange dimensions, joining and liner
stretching details shall be clearly specified in the contractor procedures submitted for company


Every PE lined pipeline and flowline shall have vent points. The minimum number of vent points
& arrangement shall be as stated in section 3.3 of this specification. Vent holes shall be designed
such that no extrusion of the PE liner will occur. Metallic chips resulting from vent hole drilling
shall be removed from the bore and sharp edges of the vent hole at the inner surface of the carbon
steel pipes shall be removed.

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The shop lining shall be carried out as per Appendix H section H4.6. Liner with but welded flange
shall be inserted in to the prefabricated carbon steel carrier pipe from one end and after tensioning
the liner, the second flange shall be joined to the liner by extrusion welding. Spools length less
than 3meter shall be rotolined. Qualification of welding procedures and operators shall be in
accordance with Appendix A. A full time inspector shall be dedicated by the Contractor for every
welding machine. A check list shall be used during fusion & extrusion welding and all relevant
welding parameters shall be measured and recorded (including the identification of the welder)
for each and every weld.
For fusion welds, quality control parameters shall be defined including the full circumferential
fusion of the removed external roll-back weld bead at every joint (removed by a trimming tool). To
confirm that correct machine parameters are maintained, daily test samples (strips) shall be taken
of a butt welded joint and subjected to a 180º reverse bend test without failure. The test shall
also be conducted when machine settings are altered. The bend test shall be in general
accordance with ASME IX section QW-466.
For extrusion welds, quality control parameters shall be defined including the geometry of the
weld joint, Filler material and size of the filler materials, melt temperature, welding speed, cooling
time and the type of welding extruder used. To confirm that correct parameters are maintained,
daily test samples (strips) shall be taken of a butt welded joint and subjected to a 180º reverse
bend test without failure. The test shall also be conducted when machine settings are altered.
The bend test shall be in general accordance with ASTM F3183 or ASME IX as applicable..


The Contractor shall ensure that all stages of the work are adequately supervised and that suitably
qualified and experienced inspection personnel are used to carry out the inspection requirements
detailed in the Quality Plan and individual procedures. Inspectors employed by the Contractor
shall be subject to approval by the Company.

8.6.1 Inspection notice

Where the Inspector representing the Company desires to inspect the pipes and/or flanges, or
witness quality control tests, a minimum of 48 hours notice by the Contractor shall be given of the
time at which the installation is to be made.
Installation, fusion welding or testing procedures required to be reviewed by the Company shall
be submitted by the Contractor a minimum of two weeks prior to the commencement of
installation, unless an earlier date is specified in the Contract Document.

8.6.2 Inspection of liner materials General
Material which shows injurious defects on site inspection or which proves to be defective when
properly applied in service may be marked and rejected and the Contractor so notified. Defects
a) Scratches in pipe: surface scratches and nicks in PE pipes may not exceed a depth of 5% of
the nominal PE wall thickness.
b) Scratches in flanges: PE flange surfaces shall be free of scratches and nicks
c) Dents: the maximum depth shall be the smaller of 6.5mm or 2%of the pipe OD.

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Repair of defects in any form is prohibited. Pipe lengths with defects exceeding the specification
under a-c in this paragraph shall be discarded and marked as rejects.

8.6.3 Compliance
The Contractor is responsible for complying with all of the provisions of this specification. The
Company may make any investigation necessary to satisfy that there is compliance by the
Contractor and may reject any material that does not comply with this specification.

The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining, fusion welding, inspection, test and as-built
documentation during installation and compiling a package of hand-over documentation on
completion of the work. The records shall comply with section 2.20 of Pipeline Construction
Specification SP 1208, unless these are superseded by specific contract provisions agreed with
the Company.

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9.0 Final Hydro test

The Contractor shall be responsible for the commissioning of the lined pipeline and shall hand-
over to the Company documentation with a detailed commissioning procedure before starting

Carbon steel piping, pipeline or flowline shall be handed over to HDPE liner installation after
completion of all the required inspection and testing as per the applicable piping, pipeline code or
specification. The PE liner itself shall be leak tested before insertion. After liner insertion PE lined
carbon steel line shall be hydro tested in accordance with the relevant piping, pipeline code and
specifications as applicable. During hydro testing, temperature and pressure shall be recorded
continuously unless otherwise agreed with the company. Company approved hydro test
procedures shall be used for hydro testing the line.
For loose fit liners : During the final hydro test the pressure shall be increased first to 3 times the
PE pipe freestanding pressure rating with all vents open to allow annular fluids to escape. If all
fluids have escaped or after one hour, which ever takes longer, the pressure shall be increased
to the required hydro test pressure.
Tight fit liners: Rate of pressurization can be followed as per SP-1212 clause 7.3. Vents shall be
kept in open at during the hydro test. When the pressure reaches the design pressure of flow line
or pipeline hold at least 1 hour to inspect the vents for any leak.
At the end of the hydro test the vents shall all be closed whilst the line is still under pressure. Two
to four weeks after commissioning all vents shall be opened and closed again to allow fluids which
may have permeated through the annulus to the vents to escape as well as to check whether any
liner defects have developed (e.g. through creep of the PE liner). This vent inspection shall
provide the basic indication of any liner breach of any in the line.

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Before commissioning the Contractor shall develop procedures and assign responsibilities for the
operation phase covering:
 Normal operation
 De-pressurization
 Start-up
 Monitoring
 Recovery after collapse


In order to limit the annular pressures and annular volumes in hydrocarbon services, vents shall
opened at regular time intervals to bleed off the annulus.
In case of manually operated valves, the amount of fluids and gas which escapes during bleeding-
off shall be measured in order to optimize the bleed-off frequency.
Venting of sour (H2S containing) gas may present an operational hazard. Classification of sweet,
sour and high risk sour shall be in accordance with SP1190. All the safety precautions as stated
in SP1190 shall be followed for venting the HDPE lined carbon steel for integrity inspection and
release of permeated gases.
For all HDPE Lined carbon steel pipelines and flow lines, vents have to be kept closed during
normal operation and opened during maintenance for releasing gas and liquid in the annulus and
appropriate safety procedures should be followed during routine venting.
Initially venting during normal operations shall be done in monthly intervals and the venting
operations shall be recorded in a dedicated venting log, with date, duration, purpose and a
quantitative estimate of the amount of gas discharged. For large diameter and/or long lines, the
amount of gas vented shall be measured accurately during a limited period and over a limited
section in order to be able to make a quantitative assessment of required venting frequencies.
The requirement for monthly venting may be revised when the amount of gas vented is negligible.

Before a de-pressurisation all vents shall be bled-off and left open. During pressurisation all vents
shall be open to allow fluids and gasses to escape. After starting up all vents shall be closed.

The Company shall develop and implement a condition monitoring plan for the PE liner including
the monitoring of pressure drops (to confirm liner collapse) and regular venting of the annulus to
establish leaks.

The amount of annular fluids which is bled-off shall be monitored on a regular basis in order to
assess whether there are any problems with the integrity of the liner.

All monitored data shall be loaded into PDO's corrosion management system for analysis and to
be able to revise the plan based on the monitored data.

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In case the pressure in the annulus builds up quickly to the bore pressure as well as the annular
fluids keeps on bleeding off, the technical integrity of the liner is suspected. This should
immediately be reported to the Asset Owner. A leaking liner does not necessarily imply that there
is a serious corrosion threat in the short term; however, shut-in/down and start up procedures will
have to be adapted. A long term monitoring plan as well as a recovery plan has to be developed.


The Contractor shall develop a generic recovery plan in case of a leaking or collapsed liner.

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In this SPECIFICATION, reference is made to the following publications:
NOTE: Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used, together
with any amendments, supplements, revisions thereto.


SP-1171 Specification for Quality Assurance of design, construction and Engineering Works
SP-1208 Pipeline Construction Specification


B 16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
ASME Section IX Boiler pressure vessel code – welding & brazing qualification

D638 Test method for tensile properties of plastics
D1238 Standard Test Method for Melt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer
D1505 Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Density-Gradient Technique
D1599 Standard Test Method for Short-Time, Hydraulic Failure Pressure of Plastic Pipe,
Tubing and Fittings
D1693 Standard Test Method for Environmental Stress Cracking of Ethylene Plastics
D2122 Determining Dimensions of Thermoplastics Pipe and Fittings
D2657 Heat Joining Polyolefin Pipe and Fittings
D2837 Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials
D3035 Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based on Controlled
Outside Diameter
D3350 PE Plastic Pipe and Fitting Material
D3895 Standard Test Method for Oxidative Induction Time of Polymeric Materials by
Differential Scanning Calorimetry
DEP HDPE pipelines and piping systems for oil & gas applications.
15 LE Recommended Practice for Polyethylene Line pipe and Fittings
RP 5L1 Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Line pipe
RP 5LW Recommended for Transportation of Line pipe on Barges and Marine Vessels


ISO: 4427 Polyethylene (PE) pipes for Water Supply – Specifications
ISO: 13479 Environmental stress crack resistance
ISO: 9969 Thermoplastic pipes- Determination of ring stiffness

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This appendix covers the minimum requirements for the qualification of butt fusion & extrusion
welding procedures and welding operators for both shop and field welding of PE liner pipe.

Welding of HDPE liner shall be carried out by the butt fusion process for the site installation joints
and combination of butt and extrusion welding for shop lined spools with flange joints at both

The Contractor shall prepare a detailed procedure for each type and size of joint to be welded.
The procedures shall be qualified as required in Section A.3.

Welders(s) qualification shall be done as per SDR (OD/wt) of the pipe for each group of pipe
sizes. The grouping shall be done according to nominal diameter (DN) of the pipe below.

Group 1: up to DN315mm
Group 2: >315 to 630mm and
Group 3 :>630 to 1000mm.

If different sizes are covered in each group for same SDR, any one pipe size shall be done for
welder qualification as per the following procedure.

Each butt fusion/extrusion welding procedure shall detail the following information:
 Welding equipment type, model and unique identification number.
 Material grade and pipe supplier.
 Pipe/fitting dimensions at the joint (diameter and wall thickness) and SDR.
 Welding sequence.
 Essential parameters to be controlled are:
Temperatures, Times, Pressures, as well as the Hot plate condition in terms of roughness
and cleanliness, filler materials, weld joint geometry and dimensions, melt temperature, hot
air temperature & welding speed as applicable.
 Weld dimensions and tolerances
 Weld inspection procedure and records
WPS (Welding procedure specification) shall be prepared and qualified by the contractor/vendor
and approved by Company non-metallic materials TA2. Welding shall be done in accordance
with approved WPS.

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All but fusion welding procedures shall be qualified in accordance with DEP
In case of shorter spools in the shop lining, where the butt fusion welding is not possible to
accommodate on the other end of the spool, extrusion welding is used. Extrusion welding shall
be qualified by hydro testing the test spool after welding.
HDPE extrusion welding procedure shall be qualified as detailed below:
The HDPE spool shall consists of one pipe sections two flanges welded using extrusion welding.
The assembly shall be tested as follows:
 Weld dimensions and tolerances of proposed welding procedure.
 Visual inspection (no visible defects).
 Pressure test using water at SLT conditions and at a pressure 0.75 times the burst pressure
of the pipe (Table 3). No leakage after 2 hours.
All butt fusion/extrusion welding operators who successfully complete the above welding
procedure qualification can be considered qualified for butt fusion/extrusion welds of the same
type, material grade and diameter range as represented by the procedure.
All qualified welders shall wear an ID card including a pass photo and stating name, validity (6
months from the date of issue subject to renewal based on satisfactory performance without
continuous break more than 6 months) diameter range, wall thickness and material grade for
which they are qualified. The ID card shall be signed by the Company.

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The collapse pressure of the liner, Pc (bar), is given by (C1);

Where (swell) = Liner linear swell (%)

h = Liner wall thickness (mm)
R = Average radius of the liner (mm) = 0.5*(IDsteel-h)

E = Modulus (in MPa)

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Service PE Liner design Linear E Modulus Poisson’s Coefficient of
temperature (ºC) swell 5% secant Ratio thermal expn.
value (m/mK * 10-6)
Air/water 20 0 310 0.35 120
60 0 150 0.40
70 0 100 -
Crude 20 2 170
60 5 110
70 7 80


Service PE Liner design Linear E Modulus Poisson’s Coefficient of
temperature (ºC) swell 5% secant Ratio thermal expn.
value (m/mK * 10-6)
Air/water 20 0 310 160
60 0 150
85 0 80

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The following information has to be provided by the Company in the purchase order:

Process design data Unit Value

Tmax, Maximum design temperature C
Tmin, Minimum design temperature C
Minimum ambient temperature C
Maximum ambient temperature C
Minimum pressure bar
Maximum design pressure Barg
Pressure fluctuation during normal operation Bar
Pressure fluctuation frequency 1/s
Gross throughput m3/day
Water cut %
For crude oil lines:
Bubble point Barg
GOR at normal conditions m3/m3
H2S concentration in gas phase ppm
Well stimulation chemicals
Well lift mechanism (ESP, beam pump, etc.)
CITHP (closed in tubing head pressure) Barg
FTHP (flowing tubing head temperature) C
Carbon steel line details
ID carbon steel line mm (Inches)
Internal condition (corroded/new)
Internal condition (max weld penetration) mm
Design life Years
Buried or above ground
Coating (presence/colour/type)
Liner supply data
Pipeline length m
Specified length or coil size m
Delivery/shipping instructions

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The following information has to be provided by the Contractor during the tender:

Installation technique to be used:

Step 1
OD mm
R = 0.5 * (IDsteel - h) mm
Step 2
Maximum allowable stress during pulling N/m2
Maximum load during pulling N
Minimum Wall Thickness (h; h >= 6 mm) mm
(step 3 to 7 only for crude oil or multiphase service)
Service (crude oil or multiphase)?
Maximum design temperature C
Maximum linear swell, (swell) %
PE modulus (E) at service conditions (ISO 9969) MPa
Step 4
Well stabilised crude: Wall thickness (h) for liner stability mm
and a minimum collapse pressure specified in section 3.2.3
step 4 (Appendix C):
Step 5
Maximum continuous pressure fluctuation during normal bar
Minimum collapse pressure Pc specified in section 3.2.3 bar
step 4 (Appendix C):
Step 6
Live crude: Minimum Wall Thickness (h) taking into mm
account continuous pressure fluctuations (step 5) and
swell using Appendix C:
Step 7

Minimum Wall Thickness mm

(maximum of step 2, 4, 6)

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The following information has to be provided by the Contractor during the tender for:

- PE pipe material
- PE flanges
- PE lined spools

Property Test Method Minimum Manufacturer data


PE pipe flanges or spool? - -

PE Raw Material manufacturer - -
PE Grade (unique identification as - -
used by manufacturer)
PE pipe supplier - -
Poisson ratio - -
Coefficient of thermal expansion - -
(m/mK * 10-6)
Carbon black content ISO 6964 2%
Density (g/cm3) ISO 1183-1 ≥ 0.941

Melt index (190oC / 5Kg) ISO 1133 0.2-0.3

Tensile strength at yield (MPa; 50 ISO 527-2 ≥21

Environmental stress crack ASTM D1693 Failure less
resistance (Condition C, 192 hours) than 20%
Hydrostatic design basis ISO 9080 ≥ 10

(MPa at 20o C, 20 years)

Oxidation Induction Time ISO 11357-6 ≥ 20 minutes
(at 210o C)
Burst pressure (MPa) ASTM D1599 ≥ the values
specified in
table 4 of
ASTM 3035

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This appendix reviews the typical precautions to be applied during liner installation. Detailed procedures
shall be provided by the Installation Contractor.

Two distinct types of liner design are in use: Loose liners are of sufficiently small OD to enable them to be
pulled directly through the pipeline and subsequently expanded against the steel pipe inner wall by
hydrostatic pressure. Tight fit liners are of similar OD to the pipe ID and are inserted by a combined
mechanical squeezing and pulling operation (swaging) to achieve a diameter reduction of around 5%
(depending on the installer design and PDO approved design), from which the material spontaneously
recovers over a period of hours to achieve a close fit to the host pipe. Experience with liners installed by
both techniques is good and there are no demonstrated advantages of one technique above the other in
PDO operations.


H.2.1 Steel pipe
Prior to liner installation the following checks and provisions are required on the steel line:
 For existing lines, the condition of the steel pipe shall be assessed to determine that sufficient
mechanical strength is retained to meet the design pressure rating for the proposed service, based on
hydro test and/or inspection survey data.
 The internal condition and dimensions of all lines must be evaluated to ensure that the liner can be
pulled through each segment without significant damage e.g. due to excessive local weld penetration.
These should be checked by gauging pigs/plates and/or by pulling a test sample of liner through every
flanged pipe section.
 Locations for cutting and flanging of the line and any requirement for separate spooled sections need
to be determined. The longest continuous length of liner which can be installed in straight pipe depends
on diameter and wall thickness, but is generally reduced in practice by local curvature of the line.
Breaks are also required at road crossings, changes in ID and any bends of radius. (In general,
minimum bend radius should not be less than:
-25D for pipe NPS of less than 8”
-30D for pipe NPS 8” to 16” and
-40D for pipe NPS of over 16”)
 Field installations, pulling through a maximum of one bends is permitted. Pulling through more than
one bend shall be qualified subject to the following conditions:
a. Trail liner pulling shall not indicate any scratch in the liner equal to more than 5% of the liner
wall thickness.
b. Pulling force recorded during pulling shall be within the limits specified in the approved pulling
force calculations.
c. There shall not be any indication of wall thickness loss in the CS elbow due to wire rope friction
during pulling. UT measurement of thickness on the CS elbows before and after pulling the
liner shall not show any decrease in wall thickness.
d. Pulling direction should be in such a way that it minimises friction between the wire rope & the
carbon steel bends. This can be optimised by ensuring that pulling head is inserted as close
as possible to the bends location and exit at the straight section.
e. The above qualification shall be witnessed and approved by company pipeline design TA2.
 Two 25D bends are permitted in shop lining.
 Flanges welded to the steel line must be of matching bore and with a minimum radius at the inside
edge of about 6 mm.

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H.2.2 Lining of buried pipelines

For lining existing buried pipelines, bell holes are required at the ends of the line and at any other locations
where breaks in the liner need to be made. In addition to the normal safety considerations in excavating,
sizing and ensuring stability of the bell holes, the following factors should also be considered:

 The working area within the bell hole is required to be of sufficient size to accommodate the pipe fusion
machine and operator.
 The entry slope shall be sufficiently shallow to enable the liner pipe to bend smoothly from ground level
to the pipeline depth without severe abrasion against the steel flange during pull-through. (Provision
may also be required for pulling from two directions within a single bell hole)
 Provision of sufficient length and width to enable the pipe ends to be offset for flange welding and
pulling in of the liner.

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The wireline unit should be suitably instrumented with footage and weight indicators, an overload control
set to a maximum of 100% of the calculated maximum allowable pulling force and fitted with a speed
controllable reel with cable spooling and braking facility.
The Contractor is required to provide suitable pigs and launching equipment to propel the wireline and pig
train through the pipeline

A typical pig train should include:

 Sizing pig,
 Cleaning pig
 Cup pig
 Segment of liner pipe (for loose liner)

Once the wireline has been passed through the pipeline section, the pig train is pulled through, the pulling
force being continuously monitored to determine the location of any constrictions.

The disc plate diameter shall be of sufficient diameter to verify that internal weld beads do not protrude
excessively taking into account the dimensional tolerances of the steel pipe. Disc plate size shall not be
less than 97.5% of ID or max 15mm less than ID of carbon steel whichever is higher.
The liner test segment attached to the pig train should emerge without serious damage. Minimum length
of test liner segment shall not be less than the two complete 90 ° bend length plus 2 meters. Scuffing of
the liner surface is permissible but sharp longitudinal scars or other penetration damage exceeding 0.5 mm
or 5% of the wall thickness, whichever is larger, is unacceptable. Weld protrusion shall not exceed 1.5mm
and would require rectification by further pigging using a breaker pig or by other means prior to continuing
with liner installation. After rectification another liner test segment shall be pulled through.


H.4.1 Pre-fabrication
Each segment of liner is first fabricated from the supplied pipe lengths by butt fusion welding to form a
continuous length. Welding procedures shall be prepared and qualified in accordance with Appendix A of
this specification. The following are applicable to the welding process and its control:

 Welding procedures shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the liner supplier.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for providing the fusion machine, ancillary equipment and any
necessary environmental protection.
 Detailed production and inspection records shall be maintained, including, for each joint, location, pipe
identification, batch number, operator etc.
 Trimming with an approved tool of the external bead, and, if required by the Company, the internal

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The following testing and inspection of field joints shall be carried out:
 Visual inspection of the welds and the full circumference of trimmed beads for evidence of lack of
 Production testing to confirm the correct machine parameters are maintained. A test sample (strip) of
butt welded pipe should be subjected to a 180º reverse bend test without failure. The test should be
conducted daily, for every flanged section, whichever is more frequent, and additionally whenever
machine settings are altered.
 Low pressure air test of completed liner prior to installation (maximum pressure approximately
0.3MPa). All fusion joints should be checked for leakage with a soap solution, witnessed by a Company

H.4.2 Liner insertion

The liner is pulled through the pipe section at a controlled rate using an adequately designed pulling head.
The following points are to be noted:
 Pulling shall be at a controlled rate consistent with safe working conditions.
 Pulling force shall be monitored to ensure that 50% of the PE pipe yield stress listed in the Table H1
below at various surface temperatures measured on the surface of the HDPE liner pipe section before
start of pulling. The temperature shall be measured at four locations (12, 3, 6 & 9 O’clock positions).
Surface temperature shall be average of the four readings measured at four locations (12, 3, 6 & 9 O
clock positions). Pulling shall not be carried out at the average surface temperatures more than 60°C
or any single reading exceeding 65° C.
Table H1 – Yield stress
Sl # Temperature Yield stress in
in °C MPa
1 ≤23 21
2 24 to 30 19
3 31 to 40 16
4 41 to 50 14
5 51 to 60 12
6 61 to 70 8

 Precautions shall be taken to ensure that no debris is introduced into the line on the external or internal
surface of the liner.
 If the use of a friction reducing agent is proposed by the Contractor the type and application method
shall be approved by the Company.
 The stretch required for site liner pull to accommodate the thermal expansion coefficient shall be
calculated using the following formula (stretching is applicable only for loose liners, tight liners this
stretching is not applicable as the liner sits as interference fit):

0.2 mm/ m/∆ °C where

m-represents the total length of the spool
∆T is the difference between ambient and design temperatures.

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H.4.3 Flanging of liner ends

When the liner has been pulled in, flange adapters are fusion welded to each end. The method shall be
detailed by the Contractor but will generally involve the following steps:
 Welding a flange adapter to the liner segment trailing end and pulling in to the steel flange.
 Clamping and stretching the liner from the leading end, sufficient to trim to required length and butt the
second flange adapter. (Normally a minimum 100 m segment length is required for this technique to
accommodate the necessary elastic strain).
 Releasing the clamp to allow the liner to contract on to the steel flange face.

 Fitting metal retaining rings around the liner flanges. These are designed to a controlled thickness to
limit compression of the PE flanges to a pre-determined value when bolting adjacent segments and to
prevent spreading of the PE material under load.

H.4.4 Liner installation temperature:

HDPE liner pulling activity shall not be carried out at liner pipe surface average temperature measured
more than 60°C or individual reading more than 65°C as stated in section H.4.2.

The HDPE liner surface temperature shall be measured and recorded in the pulling report .

H.4.5 Expansion and hydrostatic testing

All installed liners shall be subjected to a leak test per segment and a hydrostatic test of the complete line.
For loose installed liners a separate expansion operation may be required. Detailed procedures shall be
submitted by the Contractor for Company approval.
H.4.6 Testing after commissioning
All vents should be opened between two to four weeks after commissioning to check the integrity of the
Shop lining is permitted to short spools of maximum length of 19 meters in length and size from 3” to 48”
 Before commencing any activity, the contractor representative shall inspect the flanged steel pipe
for its lining suitability. Carbon steel flanges inside edges shall be ground to a radius of 6mm and
the internal welding bead should be flush ground.

 Flange weld shall be smooth or ground flush from weld penetration.

 The spool shall be hydro tested and dewatered.

 The Contractor inspector shall inspect the spool for any sign that may indicate the internal condition
is unacceptable. The pipe internal surfaces shall be ensured that, the internal surface shall be free
from burrs, sharp edges, and any other substance which may create obstruction to insert the liner.

 HDPE liner fusion and extrusion procedure and technician shall be qualified prior start-up of any
activity in accordance with Appendix A.

 Contractor liner fusion procedure shall be approved by PDO UEC1 team and shall be detailed to
cover all the technical details including the bed trimming and vent holes.

 The liner shall be fully inserted into CS spool until the stub end is in full contact with CS flange.
Insertion of liner is can be done either by pushing or pulling method for straight spools. Pulling

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method shall be used for spools with bend(s). The excess length of the liner is marked at the other
end using pencil at 200 from the face of the CS flange.

 The stretch required for shop lining shall be calculated using the following formula:

0.2 mm/ m/∆ °C where

m-represents the total length of the spool

∆T is the difference between ambient and design temperatures.

 Heating is not permitted as a mean of expansion.

 Pulling force shall not exceed 50% of the HDPE yield strength at any stage during liner stretching.

 During HDPE liner stretching, CS spool at both ends and pulling machine shall be bolted together
with steel frame to arrest any longitudinal and transverse movement of the steel pipe.

 Once the maximum expansion/stretch accomplished the liner pipe shall be arrested within the CS
spool by a restraining mechanism. The cutting location on the liner which shall include the width of
the slip-on flange to be extrusion welded to the liner shall be marked and the liner cut to remove
the excess length. After cutting, the joint preparation and fit-up shall be carried out before
commencing extrusion welding. The slip-on flange shall be clamped to the steel flange by a
minimum of two diametrically opposed clamps to prevent any movement. Only qualified welding
procedure, welder, welding rods and welding equipment shall be used for the extrusion welding
operation. The expansion length, temperature details shall be recorded in the approved format. All
the welding parameters shall be recorded in the extrusion welding joint record.

 The detailed clamping/holding arrangement for expanded this extrusion welding shall be submitted
for company quality or materials for approval. Installer shall ensure that, the arrangement shall not
allow any movement of the liner pipe and flange being welded until the welding operation is
completed including the cooling of the joint.

 The welded joint shall be allowed to cool to ambient temperature before removing any defects.
The joint shall be flush externally and suitable grinders shall be used to achieve a good finish.

 The installed liner shall be leak tested by hydrostatic pressure test as described in Section 9.

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