PT Lesson Plan

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Learning Plan in English 6

Rasthyl C. Borres

I. Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define what Indefinite Pronoun is
2. Compose a poem using indefinite pronouns; and
3. Appreciate the importance of indefinite pronouns

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Indefinite Pronouns
Reference: Cada, E. &Ternio, J. (2011) LANGUAGE FOR YOU AND ME.. Book
Wise Publishing House, Inc. p. 85-87

III. Instructional Materials

 Powerpoint Presentation
 Cartolina
 Marker

IV. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Good Morning class” “Good Morning Teacher”

“Kindly stand up and let us pray” (All students will stand up)

“In the name of the Father, and of the “Amen”

Son and of the Holy Spirit)

“Before you take your seat, let’s have (Students will be participating the
first an energizer” (There was a tree) energizer)

“Were you energized? Kindly pick up (The student will pick up some pieces of
some pieces of paper, arrange your chairs paper, arrange the chairs and will sit
and you may sit down.” down)

(Checking of Attendance) (Students will say present when their

name is called)
(The teacher will recapitulate the lesson
tackled last meeting.)

“Who among of you can still remember (Someone will raise his hand and
our lesson last time?” answer)
“Our previous lesson is all about

“Very good. So what is pronoun? “Pronoun is a word that takes the place
of a noun. Some examples are She, He, It,
They and many more teacher.

Excellent! You really listened to my


A. Exploration (Activity)

“Before we proceed to our new lesson, “Yes teacher”

we will be having an activity. Are you

“Do you have any idea about our “No teacher”


“Our activity is story-telling. I want you “Yes teacher”

to close your eyes and imagine the flow of
the story as I read. Did you get it?”
(The student will do as what is being
(The teacher will tell a story about the instructed by the teacher)
four animals named Everybody,
Somebody, Anybody and Nobody)

B. Firming-Up (Analysis)

(A student will answer the question raised

“I am very pleased that all of you closed by the teacher.)
your eyes while I am reading. So, I
assume that all of you also pictured out the
story in your mind. Can somebody tell me
what he/she notices in the story? Was the
job finished? Who did the job?

C. Deepening (Abstraction)
(A student will volunteer to read the
“Very good observation class. Well our definition of Indefinite Pronoun.)
activity has something to do with our “Indefinite Pronoun do not refer to specific
lesson today. Now, let me introduce to you persons, places, or things. They may be
Indefinite Pronoun. Would someone read singular or pronoun.”
the definition of Indefinite Pronoun?”
“Everybody, Somebody, Anybody,
“Thank you. So in the story that we had Nobody”
earlier, what do you think are examples of
Indefinite pronouns?”
(Everyone reads the given example)
“Excellent!. Those are singular indefinite
pronouns. I have examples here of plural
indefinite pronouns. Kindly read.
“Both teacher”
 Both of the girls want the red

In that sentence, what do you think is the “ Most teacher”

plural indefinite pronoun?
 Most of the members feel tired
In second sentence, what do you think is
the plural indefinite pronoun?

“Very good class. Now you know the

definition of indefinite pronoun and its
various examples. Remember that using
indefinite pronouns requires an extra care
to avoid misunderstanding.
D. Transferring (Application)
“The students will do as told
“Get one whole sheet of paper and
compose a two-stanza poem using a
minimum of 10 indefinite pronouns. You
only have 20 minutes to finish it. You may “Yes teacher”
now start”

“Are you done”

“Pass your paper in the count of 5”

E. Evaluation

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________

Section: ___________

Direction: Classify the indefinite pronouns (IP) inside the box whether they are singular
or pronoun.

Somebody neither/nor few any

Someone several each
Many no one much

Plural IP Singular IP

V. Assignment

Direction: Cut 5 pictures from a magazine and put a caption about it using indefinite
pronouns. Paste it on a long bond paper.
This will be passed next meeting.

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