Module 1 History of Computer
Module 1 History of Computer
Module 1 History of Computer
Learning module designed for BS Info Tech First Year students of the Aklan State University-
College of Industrial Technology for the First Semester of Academic Year 2022-2023
ELIE – Living in the IT Era
At the end of the chapter, students must be able to:
• Gain familiarity with the different discoveries during the different periods.
• Learn different inventions and discoveries during the electro-mechanical age
that lead to the inventions of today’s technology.
• Identify different technologies and their improvements during the different
Definition of Computer
• Computer is a programmable machine.
• Computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has
the ability to store, retrieve, and process data.
• Computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of
instructions (program).
• Computer is any device which aids humans in performing various kinds of
computations or calculations.
10. Communication
Computers have made real-time communication over the internet easy, thanks
to software and videoconferencing services such as Skype. Families can
connect with audio and video, businesses can hold meetings between remote
participants, and news organizations can interview people without the need for
a film crew. Modern computers usually have microphones and webcams built-in
nowadays to facilitate software like Skype. Older communications technologies
such as email are also still used widely.
11. Banking and Finance
Most banking in advanced countries now takes place online. You can use
computers to check your account balance, transfer money, or pay off credit
cards. You can also use computer technology to access information on stock
markets, trade stocks, and manage investments. Banks store customer account
data, as well as detailed information on customer behavior which is used to
streamline marketing.
12. Transport
Road vehicles, trains, planes, and boats are increasingly automated with
computers being used to maintain safety and navigation systems, and
increasingly to drive, fly, or steer. They can also highlight problems that require
attention, such as low fuel levels, oil changes, or a failing mechanical part.
Computers can be used to customize settings for individuals, for example, seat
setup, air-conditioning temperatures.
13. Navigation
Navigation has become increasingly computerized, especially since computer
technology has been combined with GPS technology. Computers combined
with satellites mean that it's now easy to pinpoint your exact location, know
which way that you are moving on a map, and have a good idea of amenities
and places of interest around you.
14. Working from Home
Computers have made working from home and other forms of remote working
increasingly common. Workers can access necessary data, communicate, and
share information without commuting to a traditional office. Managers are able
to monitor workers' productivity remotely.
15. Military
Computers are used extensively by the military. They are used for training
purposes. They are used for analyzing intelligence data. They are used to control
smart technology, such as guided missiles and drones, as well as for tracking
incoming missiles and destroying them. They work with other technologies such
as satellites to provide geospatial information and analysis. They aid
communications. They help tanks and planes to target enemy forces.
ELIE – Living in the IT Era
As the alphabet became more popular and more people were writing
information down, pens and paper began to be developed. It started off as just
marks in wet clay, but later the paper was created out of papyrus plant. The
most popular kind of paper made was probably by the Chinese who made
paper from rags.
Now that people were writing a lot of information down, they needed ways to
keep it all in permanent storage. This is where the first books and libraries are
developed. You’ve probably heard of Egyptian scrolls which were popular ways
of writing down information to save. Some groups of people were actually
binding paper together into a book-like form. Also, during this period were the
first numbering systems. Around 100A.D. was when the first 1-9 system was
created by people from India. However, it wasn’t until 875A.D. (775 years
later) that the number 0 was invented. And yes, now that numbers were
created, people wanted stuff to do with them, so they created calculators. A
calculator was the very first sign of an information processor. The popular model
of that time was the abacus.
b. Mechanical
The mechanical age is when we first start to see connections between our
current technology and its ancestors. The mechanical age can be defined as
the time between 1450 and 1840.
A lot of new technologies are developed in this era as there is a large explosion
in interest in this area. Technologies like the slide rule (an analog computer used
for multiplying and dividing) were invented. Blaise Pascal invented the Pascaline
which was a very popular mechanical computer. Charles Babbage developed
ELIE – Living in the IT Era
the difference engine which tabulated polynomial equations using the method
of finite differences.
There were lots of different machines created during this era and while we have
not yet gotten to a machine that can do more than one type of calculation in
one, like our modern-day calculators, we are still learning about how all of our
all-in-one machines started. Also, if you look at the size of the machines invented
in this time compared to the power behind them it seems (to us) absolutely
ridiculous to understand why anybody would want to use them, but to the
people living in that time, ALL of these inventions were HUGE.
c. Electromechanical
Now we are finally getting close to some technologies that resemble our
modern-day technology. The electromechanical age can be defined as the
time between 1840 and 1940.
These are the beginnings of telecommunication. The telegraph was created in
the early 1800s. Morse code was created by Samuel Morse in 1835. The
telephone (one of the most popular forms of communication ever) was created
by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. The first radio was developed by Guglielmo
Marconi in 1894. All of these were extremely crucial emerging technologies that
led to big advances in the information technology field.
The first large-scale automatic digital computer in the United States was the
Mark 1 created by Harvard University around 1940. This computer was 8ft high,
50ft long, 2ft wide, and weighed 5 tons - HUGE. It was programmed using punch
cards. How does your PC match up to this hunk of metal? It was from huge
machines like this that people began to look at downsizing all the parts to first
make them usable by businesses and eventually in their own homes.
d. Electronic
The electronic age is what we currently live in. It can be defined as the time
between 1940 and right now. The ENIAC was the first high-speed, digital
computer capable of being reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing
problems. This computer was designed to be used by the U.S. Army for artillery
firing tables. This machine was even bigger than the Mark 1 taking up 680 square
feet and weighing 30 tons - HUGE. It mainly used vacuum tubes to do its
There are 4 main sections of digital computing. The first was the era of vacuum
tubes and punch cards like the ENIAC and Mark 1. Rotating magnetic drums
were used for internal storage. The second generation replaced vacuum tubes
with transistors, punch cards were replaced with magnetic tape, and rotating
magnetic drums were replaced by magnetic cores for internal storage. Also
during this time high-level programming languages were created such as
FORTRAN and COBOL. The third generation replaced transistors with integrated
circuits, magnetic tape was used throughout all computers, and magnetic core
turned into metal oxide semiconductors. An actual operating system showed up
ELIE – Living in the IT Era
around this time along with the advanced programming language BASIC. The
fourth and latest generation brought in CPUs (central processing units) which
contained memory, logic, and control circuits all on a single chip. The personal
computer was developed (Apple II). The graphical user interface (GUI) was
Examples: UNIVAC III, RCA 501, Philco Transact S-2000, NCR 300 series, IBM 7030
Stretch, IBM 7070, 7080, 7090 series
Book, Living in the IT Era – Polytechnic University of the Philippines.