Precast Beam

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Summary Report

Concise Beam 4.65e, Copyright 2002-2022 Black Mint Software, Inc.



Design Code Used: ACI 318-14



** ON ** P1: Vary user defined losses along beam
** ON ** F5: Assume slipped partial-length strands carry no load and will be discounted (Martin-Korkosz)
** OFF ** F7: Reduce φ in the development length of strands (CSA A23.3 only)
** OFF ** F9: Include shear in check for minimum flexural strength
** ON ** F10: Use the cracking moment for minimum flexural strength (ACI and NZ codes for non-prestressed bea
** ON ** S4: Limit crack spacing to minimum of 300 mm or dv (A23.3 and S6 only)
** ON ** S10: Use the ultimate section capacity for horizontal shear (moment region check)
** OFF ** D3: Have Concise Beam calculate long-term deflection multipliers for prestressed Beams


Precast Beam Cast-in-Place Pour

Concrete Density, Wt 2497 kg/m^3 2497 kg/m^3
Compressive Strength, f'c 35.0 MPa 35.0 MPa
Flexural Modulus of Rupture, fr 4 MPa 4 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity, Ec 31550 MPa 31550 MPa


(schedule from time of casting precast beam at 0 days)

Cement Content 410 kg/m^3 Age at Stripping 0.75 days

Air Content 5.00 % Age at Erection 40 days
Slump 50.0 mm Age at Cast-in-Place Pour 50 days
Aggregate Mix 0.40 fines/total Age Cast-in-Place is Composite 53 days
Aggregate Size 20.0 mm Age Construction is Complete 143 days
Basic Shrinkage Strain 0.000780 mm/mm
Curing Method Moist Relative Humidity in Service 70 %
Concrete Hydration Rate Normal Ambient Temperature in Service 20 deg
Exposure in Service Inter
|Seg.| Segment Length | Section Identification | Offset |
| No.| From | To | Length | Folder | Section | Section | Z | Y |
| | m | m | m | Name | Name | Type | mm | mm |
| 1| 0.000| 5.560| 5.560| Rect. Beam | Rec. Beam | Solid Beam | 0.0| 0.0|
|Seg.| Segment Length |Slab/Topping Parameters| Haunch Parameters |Vertica|Composite Interfa| Total Width |
| No.| From | To | Length| Thick.| Width | Offset| Thick.| Width | Offset| Offset| Width | Offset | Actual |Effectiv|
| | m | m | m | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm |
| 1| 0.000| 5.560| 5.560| 65.0| 210.0| -15.0| 250.0| 210.0| -15.0| 0.0| 210.0| 0.0| 210.0| 210.0|
Beam is UNSHORED during the cast-in-place pour and superimposed dead load.

Beam is part of a slab.

Span Length at Transfer = 5.560 m, Centre of Supports, Left @ 0.000 m, Right @ 5.560 m
Span Length during Lift = 3.970 m, Centre of Supports, Left @ 0.795 m, Right @ 4.765 m
Span Length in Service = 5.380 m, Centre of Supports, Left @ 0.090 m, Right @ 5.470 m
Total Beam Length = 5.560 m, Bearing Length, Left = 180.0 mm, Right = 180.0 mm
(based on Ec of the precast beam - transformed area of rebar and strand NOT included)
|Seg.| Section Properties | Section | Section | Shear | Volume /| Section Moduli |
| No.| A | I | yb | Height | Width | Width | Surface | Sb | St |
| | mm^2 | mm^4 | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm^3 | mm^3 |
| 1| 249000| 8.276E+9 | 313.0| 650.0| 400.0| 290.0| 119.00| -26.442E+6 | 24.559E+6 |


(based on Ec of the precast beam - transformed area of rebar and strand NOT included)
|Seg.| Section Properties | Section | Section Moduli |
| No.| Ac | Ic | yb | Height | Sb | St | Sbc | Stc |
| | mm^2 | mm^4 | mm | mm | mm^3 | mm^3 | mm^3 | mm^3 |
| 1| 315150| 21.604E+9 | 416.8| 965.0| -51.833E+6 | 92.639E+6 | 92.639E+6 | 39.408E+6 |
|Note: Sb & St = bottom and top of the precast beam, Sbc & Stc = bottom and top of the cast-in-place pour. |

| | Net Precast Section | Transformed Precast Section | Transformed Precast Section |Transformed Composite Section|
| | at Transfer (based on Eci) | at Transfer (based on Eci) | at 28 Days (based on Ec) | at 28 Days (based on Ec) |
| |(include rebar,deduct strand)| (include rebar and strand) | (include rebar and strand) | (include rebar and strand) |
| x | A | I | yb | A | I | yb | A | I | yb | Ac | Ic | ybc |

Engineer: RJBL Company:

File: Precast Beam.con 1 of 8 Sat Aug 27 14:25:33 2022
Summary Report

Concise Beam 4.65e, Copyright 2002-2022 Black Mint Software, Inc.


| m | mm^2 | mm^4 | mm | mm^2 | mm^4 | mm | mm^2 | mm^4 | mm | mm^2 | mm^4 | mm |

| 0.000| 249035| 8.278E+9| 313.0| 249035| 8.278E+9| 313.0| 249026| 8.278E+9| 313.0| 315178| 21.607E+9| 416.8|
| 0.090| 254102| 8.571E+9| 310.7| 254102| 8.571E+9| 310.7| 252792| 8.496E+9| 311.3| 319531| 22.072E+9| 415.0|
| 0.225| 261726| 9.006E+9| 307.4| 261726| 9.006E+9| 307.4| 258459| 8.820E+9| 308.8| 326077| 22.769E+9| 412.5|
| 0.493| 276975| 9.862E+9| 301.4| 276975| 9.862E+9| 301.4| 269792| 9.461E+9| 304.1| 338090| 23.923E+9| 406.2|
| 0.736| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 0.978| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 1.247| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 1.516| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 1.785| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 2.054| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 2.323| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 2.592| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 2.780| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 2.861| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 2.968| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 3.237| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 3.506| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 3.775| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 4.044| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 4.313| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 4.582| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 4.824| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 283983| 10.207E+9| 297.0| 275001| 9.724E+9| 300.7| 343298| 24.431E+9| 401.9|
| 5.066| 276975| 9.862E+9| 301.4| 276975| 9.862E+9| 301.4| 269792| 9.461E+9| 304.1| 338090| 23.923E+9| 406.2|
| 5.335| 261726| 9.006E+9| 307.4| 261726| 9.006E+9| 307.4| 258459| 8.820E+9| 308.8| 326077| 22.769E+9| 412.5|
| 5.470| 254102| 8.571E+9| 310.7| 254102| 8.571E+9| 310.7| 252792| 8.496E+9| 311.3| 319531| 22.072E+9| 415.0|
| 5.560| 249035| 8.278E+9| 313.0| 249035| 8.278E+9| 313.0| 249026| 8.278E+9| 313.0| 315178| 21.607E+9| 416.8|
|These section properties can used to calculate uncracked concrete stresses using the following guidelines. |
|- Net Precast Section at Transfer properties are used with the initial prestress after transfer (after elastic shortening loss).|
|- Transformed Precast Section at Transfer properties are used with the precast beam self-weight. |
|- Transformed Precast Section at 28 Days properties are used with external loads applied to the non-composite precast beam. |
|- Transformed Composite Section at 28 Days properties are used with external loads applied to the composite precast beam. |


|ID| Qty | Steel | Bar | | Bar |End Location & Type| Bar | | Cross |Vertical| Offset ** |
| | | Grade | Size | | Area | From | | To | | Spacing| | Spacing| Offset | Reference |
| | | MPa |C=coated| | mm^2 | m | *| m | *| mm | | mm | mm | |
| 1| 4.000| 420| #25 | | 1963.60| 0.000|SE| 5.560|SE| 300.0| | - | 60.0| Bottom of Precast Beam |
| 2| 4.000| 420| #25 | | 1963.60| 0.000|SE| 5.560|SE| 300.0| | - | 110.0| Bottom of Precast Beam |
| 3| 3.000| 420| #20 | | 942.60| 0.000|SE| 5.560|SE| 300.0| | - | 60.0| Top of Precast Beam |
| 4| 2.000| 420| #16 | | 402.20| 0.000|SE| 5.560|SE| 300.0| | - | 100.0|Top of Cast-in-Place Pour|
|* Straight Embeddment (SE), Fully Developed (FD), Standard Hook (SH), Headed Bar (HB) |
|** Offsets are measured up from the bottom or down from the top |
|See the "Development Length" text report for details of the bar and wire development lengths |
| From | To | Grade | | Size | # of Legs|Total Area| Spacing |
| m | m | MPa | | | | mm^2 | mm |
| 0.000| 1.200| 420| *| #10 | 2| 157.0| 100.0|
| 1.200| 4.360| 420| *| #10 | 2| 157.0| 250.0|
| 4.360| 5.560| 420| *| #10 | 2| 157.0| 100.0|
|* Useable steel strength limited by selected code. |
| From | To | Grade | | Size | # of Legs|Total Area| Spacing |
| m | m | MPa | | | | mm^2 | mm |
| 0.000| 1.200| 420| *| #10 | 2| 157.0| 100.0|
| 1.200| 4.360| 420| *| #10 | 2| 157.0| 250.0|
| 4.360| 5.560| 420| *| #10 | 2| 157.0| 100.0|
|* Useable steel strength limited by selected code. |

| Load Group | Stages Applied | Load Details ** |
| & Type | & Distribution | (left to right) |
|* Beam Weight |Stripping to Final Service |Segment #0: [V] 6.097 kN/m full length |
| D: DL, Factory Produced |No Load Distribution | |
| | | |
|SDL(erection) |Erection to Final Service |HCS 350=4.80KPA tw=5.91: [V] 28.37 kN/m full |
| D: DL, General |No Load Distribution | length |
| | |HCS 250=3.15KPA tw=3.79: [V] 11.94 kN/m full |
| | | length |
| | | |
|SDL(grouting) |CIP Placement to Final Service |75mm struc screed tw=9.7: [V] 17.8 kN/m full |
| D: DL, General |No Load Distribution | length |
| | | |
|* CIP Weight |CIP Placement to Final Service |Segment #0: [V] 1.62 kN/m full length |
| D: DL, Cast-in-Place Concrete |No Load Distribution | |
| | | |
|SDL AT |Composite to Final Service |SDL=3.1KPA tw=9.70: [V] 30.07 kN/m full |
| D: DL, General |No Load Distribution | length |
| | |SOLAR PANEL 10KPA (W=1.445M): [V] 14.45 kN/m |
| | | x= 0.73 to 4.83 m |

Engineer: RJBL Company:

File: Precast Beam.con 2 of 8 Sat Aug 27 14:25:33 2022
Summary Report

Concise Beam 4.65e, Copyright 2002-2022 Black Mint Software, Inc.


| | | |
|Live Load |Final Service stage only |LL=5.0kpa tw=9.70m: [V] 48.5 kN/m full length|
| L1: LL, Storage |No Load Distribution | |
| | | |
|* indicates load groups generated automatically by Concise Beam. |
|** [V] Vertical Load, [M] Moment, [T] Torsion. |


Serviceability (SLS) & Fatigue (FLS) Limit State Combinations (used individually)
SLS Stress : 1.00P + 1.00D + 1.00F + 1.00T + 1.00L + 1.00L1 + 1.00Lr + 1.00R + 1.00S + 1.00Ws + 0.60Wu
SLS Deflect : 1.00P + 1.00D + 1.00F + 1.00T + 1.00L + 1.00L1 + 1.00Lr + 1.00R + 1.00S
FLS Fatigue : 1.00P + 1.00D + 1.00F + 1.00L + 1.00L1 + 1.00Lr

Ultimate (Strength) Limit State (ULS) Combinations (searched collectively to obtain envelope)
1: ULS Combo 1 : 1.40D + 1.40F
2: ULS Combo 2 : 1.20D + 1.20F + 1.20T + 1.60L + 1.60L1 + 0.50Lr
3: ULS Combo 3 : 1.20D + 1.20F + 1.20T + 1.60L + 1.60L1 + 0.50S
4: ULS Combo 4 : 1.20D + 1.20F + 1.20T + 1.60L + 1.60L1 + 0.50R
5: ULS Combo 5 : 1.20D + 0.50L + 1.00L1 + 1.60Lr
6: ULS Combo 6 : 1.20D + 0.50L + 1.00L1 + 1.60S
7: ULS Combo 7 : 1.20D + 0.50L + 1.00L1 + 1.60R
8: ULS Combo 8 : 1.20D + 1.60Lr + 0.80Ws + 0.50Wu
9: ULS Combo 9 : 1.20D + 1.60S + 0.80Ws + 0.50Wu
10: ULS Combo 10 : 1.20D + 1.60R + 0.80Ws + 0.50Wu
11: ULS Combo 11 : 1.20D + 0.50L + 1.00L1 + 0.50Lr + 1.60Ws + 1.00Wu
12: ULS Combo 12 : 1.20D + 0.50L + 1.00L1 + 0.50S + 1.60Ws + 1.00Wu
13: ULS Combo 13 : 1.20D + 0.50L + 1.00L1 + 0.50R + 1.60Ws + 1.00Wu
14: ULS Combo 14 : 1.20D + 0.50L + 1.00L1 + 0.20S + 1.40Es + 1.00Eu
15: ULS Combo 15 : 0.90D + 1.60L + 1.60L1 + 0.50Lr
16: ULS Combo 16 : 0.90D + 1.60Ws + 1.00Wu
17: ULS Combo 17 : 0.90D + 0.90F + 1.40Es + 1.00Eu


(external loads only)
| Station| SLS (stress) Load Combination | ULS Load Envelopes |
| | Moment | Moment | Shear | Moment |
| x | Sustained | Total Load | Total Load |Govern.| Total Load |Govern.|
| m | kN.m | kN.m | kN | Combo.| kN.m | Combo.|
| | | min | max | min | max |min|max| min | max |min|max|
| 0.000| 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1| 1| 0.0 | 0.0 | 1| 1|
| 0.090| -0.4 | -0.6 | -0.4 | -17.34 | -7.77 | 2| 15| -0.8 | -0.3 | 2| 15|
| 0.090| -0.4 | -0.6 | -0.4 | 258.83 | 553.85 | 15| 2| -0.8 | -0.3 | 2| 15|
| 0.225| 37.4 | 37.4 | 54.3 | 247.22 | 527.93 | 15| 2| 33.7 | 72.0 | 15| 2|
| 0.493| 107.8 | 107.8 | 156.3 | 224.00 | 476.10 | 15| 2| 97.1 | 207.0 | 15| 2|
| 0.736| 165.3 | 165.3 | 239.2 | 203.03 | 429.36 | 15| 2| 148.8 | 316.6 | 15| 2|
| 0.978| 216.7 | 216.7 | 313.2 | 178.99 | 378.51 | 15| 2| 195.0 | 414.4 | 15| 2|
| 1.247| 266.2 | 266.2 | 384.4 | 152.28 | 322.02 | 15| 2| 239.6 | 508.6 | 15| 2|
| 1.516| 307.7 | 307.7 | 444.2 | 125.56 | 265.52 | 15| 2| 276.9 | 587.7 | 15| 2|
| 1.785| 341.2 | 341.2 | 492.5 | 98.85 | 209.03 | 15| 2| 307.1 | 651.5 | 15| 2|
| 2.054| 366.8 | 366.8 | 529.3 | 72.13 | 152.53 | 15| 2| 330.1 | 700.1 | 15| 2|
| 2.323| 384.4 | 384.4 | 554.6 | 45.42 | 96.04 | 15| 2| 345.9 | 733.6 | 15| 2|
| 2.592| 393.9 | 393.9 | 568.4 | 18.70 | 39.55 | 15| 2| 354.5 | 751.8 | 15| 2|
| 2.780| 395.9 | 395.9 | 571.2 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1| 1| 356.3 | 755.5 | 15| 2|
| 2.861| 395.5 | 395.5 | 570.7 | -16.95 | -8.01 | 2| 15| 356.0 | 754.8 | 15| 2|
| 2.968| 393.9 | 393.9 | 568.4 | -39.55 | -18.70 | 2| 15| 354.5 | 751.8 | 15| 2|
| 3.237| 384.4 | 384.4 | 554.6 | -96.04 | -45.42 | 2| 15| 345.9 | 733.6 | 15| 2|
| 3.506| 366.8 | 366.8 | 529.3 | -152.53 | -72.13 | 2| 15| 330.1 | 700.1 | 15| 2|
| 3.775| 341.2 | 341.2 | 492.5 | -209.03 | -98.85 | 2| 15| 307.1 | 651.5 | 15| 2|
| 4.044| 307.7 | 307.7 | 444.2 | -265.52 | -125.56 | 2| 15| 276.9 | 587.7 | 15| 2|
| 4.313| 266.2 | 266.2 | 384.4 | -322.02 | -152.28 | 2| 15| 239.6 | 508.6 | 15| 2|
| 4.582| 216.7 | 216.7 | 313.2 | -378.51 | -178.99 | 2| 15| 195.0 | 414.4 | 15| 2|
| 4.824| 165.3 | 165.3 | 239.2 | -429.36 | -203.03 | 2| 15| 148.8 | 316.6 | 15| 2|
| 5.066| 107.8 | 107.8 | 156.3 | -476.10 | -224.00 | 2| 15| 97.1 | 207.0 | 15| 2|
| 5.335| 37.4 | 37.4 | 54.3 | -527.93 | -247.22 | 2| 15| 33.7 | 72.0 | 15| 2|
| 5.470| -0.4 | -0.6 | -0.4 | -553.85 | -258.83 | 2| 15| -0.8 | -0.3 | 2| 15|
| 5.470| -0.4 | -0.6 | -0.4 | 7.77 | 17.34 | 15| 2| -0.8 | -0.3 | 2| 15|
| 5.560| 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1| 1| 0.0 | 0.0 | 1| 1|

(+ve = upwards, counter-clockwise)
| | Initial Lifting | Erection Lifting |
| Load Group | Left | Right | Left | Right |
| or Envelope | Vertical | Vertical | Vertical | Vertical |
| | kN | kN | kN | kN |
| Unfactored Load Group Effects |
|Beam Weight | 16.95 | 16.95 | 16.95 | 16.95 |
| | | | | |
| Load Envelope Effects |
|SLS Minimum | 16.95 | 16.95 | 16.95 | 16.95 |
|SLS Maximum | 16.95 | 16.95 | 16.95 | 16.95 |


(+ve = upwards, counter-clockwise)
| | During CIP Pour | In Service |
| Load Group | Left | Right | Left | Right |
| or Envelope | Vertical | Vertical | Vertical[*]| Torsion[*] | Vertical[*]| Torsion[*] |
| | kN | kN | kN | kN.m | kN | kN.m |

Engineer: RJBL Company:

File: Precast Beam.con 3 of 8 Sat Aug 27 14:25:33 2022
Summary Report

Concise Beam 4.65e, Copyright 2002-2022 Black Mint Software, Inc.


| Unfactored Load Group Effects |

|Beam Weight | 16.95 | 16.95 | 16.95 | 0.0 | 16.95 | 0.0 |
|SDL(erection) | 112.06 | 112.06 | 112.06 | 0.0 | 112.06 | 0.0 |
|SDL(grouting) | 49.48 | 49.48 | 49.48 | 0.0 | 49.48 | 0.0 |
|CIP Weight | 4.50 | 4.50 | 4.50 | 0.0 | 4.50 | 0.0 |
|SDL AT | | | 113.22 | 0.0 | 113.22 | 0.0 |
|Live Load | | | 134.83 | 0.0 | 134.83 | 0.0 |
| | | | | | | |
| Load Envelope Effects |
|SLS DL | | | 296.22 | 0.0 | 296.22 | 0.0 |
|SLS Sustain | | | 296.22 | 0.0 | 296.22 | 0.0 |
|SLS Minimum | 183.00 | 183.00 | 296.22 | 0.0 | 296.22 | 0.0 |
|SLS Maximum | 183.00 | 183.00 | 431.05 | 0.0 | 431.05 | 0.0 |
|ULS Minimum | | | 266.59 [15]| 0.0 [ 1]| 266.59 [15]| 0.0 [ 1]|
|ULS Maximum | | | 571.19 [ 2]| 0.0 [ 1]| 571.19 [ 2]| 0.0 [ 1]|
|* Governing ULS Load Combination (below) |


(+ve = compression, -ve = tension)
| | x | Stress | Limit * | |
| Location | m | MPa | MPa | |
|Critical Compression | |
| Top of Beam | 2.780| 0.35| 12.60| |
| Bottom of Beam | 0.795| 0.06| 12.60| |
| | |
|Critical Tension | |
| Top of Beam | 0.795| -0.07| -2.85| |
| Bottom of Beam | 2.780| -0.29| -2.85| |
|Critical Compression | |
| Top of Beam | 2.780| 0.35| 21.00| |
| Bottom of Beam | 0.795| 0.06| 21.00| |
| | |
|Critical Tension | |
| Top of Beam | 0.795| -0.07| -3.68| |
| Bottom of Beam | 2.780| -0.29| -3.68| |
|Critical Compression | |
| Top of Beam | 2.780| 8.52| 21.00| |
| Bottom of Beam | 0.090| 0.01| 21.00| |
| | |
|Critical Tension | |
| Top of Beam | 0.090| -0.01| -3.68| |
| Bottom of Beam | 2.780| -7.32| -3.68| |
|Critical Compression | |
| Top of Beam | 2.780| 11.93| 21.00| |
| Bottom of Beam | 0.090| 0.02| 21.00| |
| Top of CIP Pour| 2.780| 7.68| 21.00| |
| | |
|Critical Tension | |
| Top of Beam | 0.090| -0.01| -3.68| Not cracked |
| Bottom of Beam | 2.780| -12.84| -3.68| Check crack control requirements below |
| Top of CIP Pour| 0.090| -0.01| -3.68| |
|Critical Compression | |
| Top of Beam | 2.780| 10.15| 21.00| |
| Bottom of Beam | 0.090| 0.01| 21.00| |
|* Tensile stress limit shown for the precast beam is the flexural cracking strength for comparison only. |
| Crack control is required. |
|* Tensile stress limit shown for the CIP pour is the flexural cracking strength for comparison only. Crack|
| control is required. |
|* Compression limit shown is 0.6 times the compressive strength for comparison only. |
|** See the detailed Uncracked Stress reports for full extent of tensile reinforcing required to control |
| cracking during transfer and handling. |

(+ve = compression, -ve = tension)
| | Bottom | Top of | |
| | of Beam | CIP Pour | |
| kb | 1.00| 0.00| | Adjustment coefficient for prestressing steel |
| cc | 47.5| 0.0|mm | Clear concrete cover to steel closest to tension face |
| fs | -217| 0|MPa | Steel stress nearest to tension face after decompression |
| Max spacing | 365.1| 0.0|mm | Maximum centre/centre spacing of steel closest to tension face |
| | Bottom | Top of | |
| | of Beam | CIP Pour | |
| Before CIP? | Yes | No | | |
| Cracking at | 2.780| 0.000|m | Location of maximum crack width from left end of beam |
| Ms | 571.2| 0.0|kN.m | External service moment (DL + LL) |
| Pdc | 849.86| 0.00|kN | Prestress force at cracked centroid |
| Mint | 758.2| 0.0|kN.m | Internal moment about cracked centroid |
| c | 442.7| 0.0|mm | Concrete depth in compression |
| Steel type | Rebar| Rebar| | Type of steel in tension |

Engineer: RJBL Company:

File: Precast Beam.con 4 of 8 Sat Aug 27 14:25:33 2022
Summary Report

Concise Beam 4.65e, Copyright 2002-2022 Black Mint Software, Inc.


| Method |Gergely-Lutz|Gergely-Lutz| | Crack width estimate equation used * |

| k1 | 11.000E-6 | 0.00 |mm^2/N | Coefficient dependent on steel type |
| h2/h1 | 1.13| 0.00| | Ratio of depth in tension to depth of steel from NA |
| Act | 68000| 0|mm^2 | Area of concrete in tension around crack control steel |
| dc | 60.0| 0.0|mm | Concrete cover to center of steel at tension face |
| A | 8500| 0|mm^2 | Area of concrete in tension around each bar |
| fs | -217| 0|MPa | Steel stress nearest tension face |
| | | | | |
|Est Crack Width| 0.21| 0.000|mm | Estimated maximum crack width |
| | | | | |
| fc | 16.56| -nan(ind)|MPa | Maximum concrete compressive stress |
| limit | 21.00| 21.00|MPa | Allowable concrete compressive stress for prestressed concrete |
|Crack width estimates are only approximations based on idealized behaviour and average crack spacing. These estimates |
| only represent a level of cracking and should only be used in comparison with appropriate limits such as those given |
| below. It would not be appropriate to compare these estimates to measured crack widths. |
| |
|* Gergely & Lutz equation: w = k1 x fs x h2 / h1 x CubicRoot(dc * A) |
Recommended Maximum Crack Width (mm)
(from PCI Design Handbook, 5th edition)
| | Critical | Prestressed | Reinforced |
| | Appearance | Concrete | Concrete |
| Exterior Exposure| 0.18| 0.25| 0.33|
| Interior Exposure| 0.25| 0.30| 0.41|

| | Net Deflection | Change in Deflection| Span/Deflection Ratio |
|Location| Net @ | Net @ | Net Sust.| Net Total| Sustained| LL | Net Total| Sustained| LL |
| x | Erection |Completion| @ Final | @ Final | Growth+LL| alone |Deflection| Growth+LL| alone |
| m | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | mm | | | |
| Column | B | C | D | E | E - C | E - D | L/E * | L/(E-C) *| L/(E-D) |
| 0.000| 0.1 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.3 | 0.0 | 249 | 678 | 2108 |
| 0.090| 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 0.225| -0.2 | -0.7 | -1.0 | -1.1 | -0.4 | -0.1 | 4985 | 13577 | 42186 |
| 0.493| -0.5 | -2.0 | -2.8 | -3.2 | -1.2 | -0.4 | 1671 | 4551 | 14123 |
| 0.736| -0.8 | -3.2 | -4.5 | -5.1 | -1.9 | -0.6 | 1055 | 2873 | 8915 |
| 0.978| -1.1 | -4.4 | -6.1 | -6.9 | -2.5 | -0.8 | 780 | 2126 | 6617 |
| 1.247| -1.3 | -5.5 | -7.7 | -8.7 | -3.2 | -1.0 | 615 | 1678 | 5248 |
| 1.516| -1.6 | -6.6 | -9.2 | -10.4 | -3.8 | -1.2 | 518 | 1415 | 4443 |
| 1.785| -1.8 | -7.5 | -10.4 | -11.8 | -4.3 | -1.4 | 457 | 1250 | 3938 |
| 2.054| -2.0 | -8.2 | -11.4 | -12.9 | -4.7 | -1.5 | 418 | 1145 | 3617 |
| 2.323| -2.1 | -8.6 | -12.0 | -13.6 | -5.0 | -1.6 | 395 | 1081 | 3421 |
| 2.592| -2.2 | -8.9 | -12.4 | -14.0 | -5.1 | -1.6 | 383 | 1049 | 3322 |
| 2.780| -2.2 | -9.0 | -12.5 | -14.1 | -5.2 | -1.6 | 380 | 1042 | 3303 |
| 2.861| -2.2 | -9.0 | -12.5 | -14.1 | -5.2 | -1.6 | 381 | 1043 | 3306 |
| 2.968| -2.2 | -8.9 | -12.4 | -14.0 | -5.1 | -1.6 | 383 | 1049 | 3322 |
| 3.237| -2.1 | -8.6 | -12.0 | -13.6 | -5.0 | -1.6 | 395 | 1081 | 3421 |
| 3.506| -2.0 | -8.2 | -11.4 | -12.9 | -4.7 | -1.5 | 418 | 1145 | 3617 |
| 3.775| -1.8 | -7.5 | -10.4 | -11.8 | -4.3 | -1.4 | 457 | 1250 | 3938 |
| 4.044| -1.6 | -6.6 | -9.2 | -10.4 | -3.8 | -1.2 | 518 | 1415 | 4443 |
| 4.313| -1.3 | -5.5 | -7.7 | -8.7 | -3.2 | -1.0 | 615 | 1678 | 5248 |
| 4.582| -1.1 | -4.4 | -6.1 | -6.9 | -2.5 | -0.8 | 780 | 2126 | 6617 |
| 4.824| -0.8 | -3.2 | -4.5 | -5.1 | -1.9 | -0.6 | 1055 | 2873 | 8915 |
| 5.066| -0.5 | -2.0 | -2.8 | -3.2 | -1.2 | -0.4 | 1671 | 4551 | 14123 |
| 5.335| -0.2 | -0.7 | -1.0 | -1.1 | -0.4 | -0.1 | 4985 | 13577 | 42186 |
| 5.470| 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 5.560| 0.1 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.3 | 0.0 | 249 | 678 | 2108 |
| Col. B |Net deflection at erection includes all dead loads applied before the cast-in-place pour plus |
| | long-time deflection growth of the beam weight up to erection. |
| Col. C |Net deflection at completion of construction includes all dead loads plus long-time deflection |
| | growth of the dead load up to completion. |
| Col. D |Net sustained deflection at final includes all dead loads, and sustained live loads, plus |
| | long-time deflection growth. |
| Col. E |Net total deflection at final includes all dead loads, and all live loads, plus long-time |
| | deflection growth. |
| Note |Sustained deflection or growth includes dead loads and sustained live loads. |
| * |Span/deflection ratio is maximized with or without the inclusion of live load. |

Span/Deflection Limits: Sustained Load Growth + LL = L / 480 for non-structural attachments

Sustained Load Growth + LL = L / 240 otherwise
LL alone = L / 360 for floors *
LL alone = L / 180 for roofs *
* See the Vibration Check in Service report for more specific vibration guidelines


(+ve = clockwise rotation)
| | Net Rotation | Change in Rotation |
| Support| Net @ | Net @ | Net DL | Net Total | DL growth | LL |
|Location| Erection | Completion | @ Final | @ Final | + LL | alone |
| | degrees | degrees | degrees | degrees | degrees | degrees |
| Column | B | C | D | E | E - C | E - D |
| Left| 0.0714 | 0.2912 | 0.4057 | 0.4601 | 0.1689 | 0.0544 |
| Right| -0.0714 | -0.2912 | -0.4057 | -0.4601 | -0.1689 | -0.0544 |


(-ve = shortening, +ve = elongation)
| | Total Change of Length | Difference in Change |
| | Erection | Composite|Completion| Final | | to Compl.| to Final | to Final |

Engineer: RJBL Company:

File: Precast Beam.con 5 of 8 Sat Aug 27 14:25:33 2022
Summary Report

Concise Beam 4.65e, Copyright 2002-2022 Black Mint Software, Inc.


| | mm | mm | mm | mm | | mm | mm | mm |
| | B | | C | D | | C - B | D - C | D - B |
| Creep| 0.00| 0.00| 0.00| 0.00| | 0.00| 0.00| 0.00|
| Shrink.| -0.54| -0.64| -1.08| -2.09| | -0.54| -1.01| -1.55|
| Total| -0.54| -0.64| -1.08| -2.09| | -0.54| -1.01| -1.55|
Elastic Shortening = 0.00 mm



| | Design | Cracking | Minimum * | Design | Depth in | Net Tensile| Flexural | Ø | Warnings |
| | Moment | Moment | Flexural | Strength | Compression| Strain |Classication| | & Notes |
| x | Mu | Mcr | Strength | ØMn | c | | | | |
| m | kN.m | kN.m | kN.m | kN.m | mm | | | | |
| 0.000| 0.0| 191.0| 0.0| 1.1| 348.1| 0.0000| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 0.090| 0.0| 196.2| 0.0| 152.3| 352.3| 0.0003| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 0.090| -0.8| 147.9| 0.0| -66.8| 132.2| 0.0006| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 0.225| 72.0| 182.0| 96.0| 377.2| 358.4| 0.0007| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 0.493| 207.0| 158.2| 189.8| 814.3| 374.3| 0.0016| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 0.736| 316.6| 135.7| 162.8| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 0.978| 414.4| 108.7| 130.5| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 1.247| 508.6| 82.7| 99.3| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 1.516| 587.7| 61.0| 73.1| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 1.785| 651.5| 43.4| 52.0| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 2.054| 700.1| 29.9| 35.9| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 2.323| 733.6| 20.7| 24.9| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 2.592| 751.8| 15.7| 18.8| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 2.780| 755.5| 14.7| 17.6| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 2.861| 754.8| 14.9| 17.8| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 2.968| 751.8| 15.7| 18.8| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 3.237| 733.6| 20.7| 24.9| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 3.506| 700.1| 29.9| 35.9| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 3.775| 651.5| 43.4| 52.0| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 4.044| 587.7| 61.0| 73.1| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 4.313| 508.6| 82.7| 99.3| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 4.582| 414.4| 108.7| 130.5| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 4.824| 316.6| 135.7| 162.8| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 5.066| 207.0| 158.2| 189.8| 814.3| 374.3| 0.0016| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 5.335| 72.0| 182.0| 96.0| 377.2| 358.4| 0.0007| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 5.470| 0.0| 196.2| 0.0| 152.3| 352.3| 0.0003| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 5.470| -0.8| 147.9| 0.0| -66.8| 132.2| 0.0006| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 5.560| 0.0| 191.0| 0.0| 1.1| 348.1| 0.0000| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| |
|Points of Maximum and Minimum Factored Moment |
| 2.780| 755.5| 14.7| 17.6| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 0.090| -0.8| 147.9| 0.0| -66.8| 132.2| 0.0006| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
|Points of Maximum Ratio of Factored Moment to Design Strength |
| 2.780| 755.5| 14.7| 17.6| 1144.6| 318.9| 0.0055| Tension | 0.90| |
| 0.090| -0.8| 147.9| 0.0| -66.8| 132.2| 0.0006| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
|Points of Maximum Ratio of Minimum Strength to Design Strength |
| 5.201| 141.2| 169.4| 188.3| 598.8| 366.3| 0.0012| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
| 0.000| 0.0| 145.2| 0.0| -0.2| 131.3| 0.0000| Tension | 0.90| 3 |
|Warnings & Notes |
|Note [3]|Design strength is based on a reduced maximum concrete strain to avoid steel slippage or rupture. See |
| | Flexural Design Detail Report and Help file's Technical Background for more information. |
| * |Minimum Flexural Strength is 1.2 Mcr or 4/3 Mu [ACI 318-14::9.6/Option F10] |
|ØMn(As,min) is the factored flexural strength based on the minimum required area for tensile steel required by the |
| selected code. |
| Note |A 1% overstress is allowed without a warning to allow for accuracy of numerical methods (Option G3). |
|See the Flexural Design Details text report for more details. |



| | Design | Vertical | Concrete | Required | Strength Provided | Warnings |
| | Shear | Prestress| Strength | Stirrups | Stirrups | Total | & Notes |
| x | Vu | Vp | ØVc | ØVs | ØVs | ØVn | |
| m | kN | kN | kN | kN | kN | kN | |
| 0.000| 0.00| 0.00| -178.88| 0.00| -429.23| -608.12| 3 |
| 0.090| 0.00| 0.00| 145.91| 0.00| 341.76| 487.67| 3 |
| 0.090| 360.98| 0.00| 145.91| 215.07| 341.76| 487.67| 1 3 |
| 0.225| 360.98| 0.00| 196.66| 164.32| 429.24| 625.91| 1 3 |
| 0.493| 360.98| 0.00| 217.97| 143.01| 429.26| 647.23| 1 3 |
| 0.736| 360.98| 0.00| 229.41| 131.56| 428.66| 658.07| 1 3 |
| 0.978| 360.98| 0.00| 219.45| 141.53| 428.66| 648.11| 1 3 |
| 1.247| 322.02| 0.00| 206.93| 115.09| 171.46| 378.39| 1 |
| 1.516| 265.52| 0.00| 198.83| 70.52| 171.46| 370.29| 1 |
| 1.785| 209.03| 0.00| 192.98| 70.52| 171.46| 364.44| 1 |
| 2.054| 152.53| 0.00| 188.38| 70.52| 171.46| 359.84| 1 |
| 2.323| 96.04| 0.00| 184.49| 70.52| 171.46| 355.96| 1 |
| 2.592| 39.55| 0.00| 180.99| 0.00| 171.46| 352.46| |
| 2.780| 0.00| 0.00| 178.64| 0.00| 171.46| 350.11| |
| 2.780| 0.00| 0.00| -178.64| 0.00| -171.46| -350.11| |
| 2.861| -16.95| 0.00| -179.65| 0.00| -171.46| -351.11| |
| 2.968| -39.55| 0.00| -180.99| 0.00| -171.46| -352.46| |
| 3.237| -96.04| 0.00| -184.49| -70.52| -171.46| -355.96| 1 |
| 3.506| -152.53| 0.00| -188.38| -70.52| -171.46| -359.84| 1 |
| 3.775| -209.03| 0.00| -192.98| -70.52| -171.46| -364.44| 1 |
| 4.044| -265.52| 0.00| -198.83| -70.52| -171.46| -370.29| 1 |
| 4.313| -322.02| 0.00| -206.93| -115.09| -171.46| -378.39| 1 |
| 4.582| -360.98| 0.00| -219.45| -141.53| -428.66| -648.11| 1 3 |
| 4.824| -360.98| 0.00| -229.41| -131.56| -428.66| -658.07| 1 3 |
| 5.066| -360.98| 0.00| -217.97| -143.01| -429.26| -647.23| 1 3 |

Engineer: RJBL Company:

File: Precast Beam.con 6 of 8 Sat Aug 27 14:25:33 2022
Summary Report

Concise Beam 4.65e, Copyright 2002-2022 Black Mint Software, Inc.


| 5.335| -360.98| 0.00| -196.66| -164.32| -429.24| -625.91| 1 3 |

| 5.470| -360.98| 0.00| -145.91| -215.07| -341.76| -487.67| 1 3 |
| 5.470| 0.00| 0.00| 145.91| 0.00| 341.76| 487.67| 3 |
| 5.560| 0.00| 0.00| 178.88| 0.00| 429.23| 608.12| 3 |
|Warnings & Notes |
|Note [1]|Transverse shear steel is required. See the Shear Transvese Reinforcing Design Check |
| | report. |
|Note [3]|Design shear force at critical section near support used [ACI 318-14::]. |
| Note |Beam is part of a slab. |
| Note |A 1% overstress is allowed without a warning to allow for accuracy of numerical methods |
| | (Option G3). |
|See the Shear Design Check Details text report for more details. |


| |Shear Steel|Shear Steel|Shear Steel| Stirrup | Stirrup Spacing | Warnings |
| | Grade | Required | Provided | Provided | Provided | Max. Allow| & Notes |
| x | fy | Av/s | Av/s | Av | s | s | |
| m | MPa | mm^2/m | mm^2/m | mm^2 | mm | mm | |
| 0.000| 414| 0| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 0.0| 4 |
| 0.090| 414| 0| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 0.0| 4 |
| 0.090| 414| 988| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 158.9| 4 |
| 0.225| 414| 601| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 261.2| 4 |
| 0.493| 414| 523| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 300.2| 4 |
| 0.736| 414| 482| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 325.8| 4 |
| 0.978| 414| 518| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 302.9| 4 |
| 1.247| 414| 422| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 372.5| |
| 1.516| 414| 258| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 440.0| 1 5 |
| 1.785| 414| 258| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 440.0| 1 5 |
| 2.054| 414| 258| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 440.0| 1 5 |
| 2.323| 414| 258| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 440.0| 1 5 |
| 2.592| 414| 0| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 0.0| |
| 2.780| 414| 0| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 0.0| |
| 2.780| 414| 0| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 0.0| |
| 2.861| 414| 0| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 0.0| |
| 2.968| 414| 0| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 0.0| |
| 3.237| 414| 258| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 440.0| 1 5 |
| 3.506| 414| 258| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 440.0| 1 5 |
| 3.775| 414| 258| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 440.0| 1 5 |
| 4.044| 414| 258| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 440.0| 1 5 |
| 4.313| 414| 422| 628| 157.00| 250.0| 372.5| |
| 4.582| 414| 518| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 302.9| 4 |
| 4.824| 414| 482| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 325.8| 4 |
| 5.066| 414| 523| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 300.2| 4 |
| 5.335| 414| 601| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 261.2| 4 |
| 5.470| 414| 988| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 158.9| 4 |
| 5.470| 414| 0| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 0.0| 4 |
| 5.560| 414| 0| 1570| 157.00| 100.0| 0.0| 4 |
|Warnings & Notes |
|Note [1]|Amount of shear steel required represents minimum code requirements [ACI |
| | 318-14::]. |
|Note [4]|Design shear force at critical section near support used [ACI |
| | 318-14::]. |
|Note [5]|Required stirrup spacing represents maximum code requirements [ACI 318-14::].|
| Note |Beam is part of a slab. |
| Note |Shear steel requirements for pre-tension bursting have NOT been included (calculation |
| | option S8). |
| Note |A 1% overstress is allowed without a warning to allow for accuracy of numerical |
| | methods (calculation option G3). |
| * |Portion of the total stirrup area required to resist torsional shear flow (one leg |
| | around periphery). |
| ** |Allowable reduction within flexural compression zone [ACI 318-14::]. Limited to|
| | half the Total and Al minimum. |
|See the Shear Design Check Details text report for more details. |

| |Horizontal| Strength | Maximum | Required | Tie Size | Spacing | Spacing | Strength | Strength | Warnings |
| | Shear | with no | Limit | Ties | Provided | Required | Provided | Required | Provided | & Notes |
| x | Vu | ties | ØVnh Max | Av/s | Av | s | s | ØVnh | ØVnh | |
| m | kN | kN | kN | mm^2/m | mm^2 | mm | mm | kN | kN | |
| 0.000| 0.00| 60.95| 380.92| 0| 157.0| 0.0| 100.0| 0.00| 380.92| 1 3 |
| 0.090| 0.00| 60.95| 380.94| 0| 157.0| 0.0| 100.0| 0.00| 380.94| 1 3 |
| 0.090| 107.96| 60.95| 380.94| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 100.0| 222.52| 380.94| 2 3 |
| 0.225| 360.98| 76.55| 478.46| 684| 157.0| 229.6| 100.0| 360.98| 478.46| 3 |
| 0.493| 360.98| 76.56| 478.48| 684| 157.0| 229.6| 100.0| 360.98| 478.48| 3 |
| 0.736| 360.98| 76.45| 477.81| 687| 157.0| 228.6| 100.0| 360.98| 477.81| 3 |
| 0.978| 360.98| 76.45| 477.81| 687| 157.0| 228.6| 100.0| 360.98| 477.81| 3 |
| 1.247| 322.02| 76.45| 477.81| 449| 157.0| 349.7| 250.0| 322.02| 351.34| |
| 1.516| 265.52| 76.45| 477.81| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 250.0| 279.10| 351.34| 2 |
| 1.785| 209.03| 76.45| 477.81| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 250.0| 279.10| 351.34| 2 |
| 2.054| 152.53| 76.45| 477.81| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 250.0| 279.10| 351.34| 2 |
| 2.323| 96.04| 76.45| 477.81| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 250.0| 279.10| 351.34| 2 |
| 2.592| 39.55| 76.45| 477.81| 0| 157.0| 0.0| 250.0| 39.55| 351.34| 1 |
| 2.780| 0.00| 76.45| 477.81| 0| 157.0| 0.0| 250.0| 0.00| 351.34| 1 |
| 2.861| -16.95| -76.45| -477.81| 0| 157.0| 0.0| 250.0| -16.95| -351.34| 1 |
| 2.968| -39.55| -76.45| -477.81| 0| 157.0| 0.0| 250.0| -39.55| -351.34| 1 |
| 3.237| -96.04| -76.45| -477.81| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 250.0| -279.10| -351.34| 2 |
| 3.506| -152.53| -76.45| -477.81| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 250.0| -279.10| -351.34| 2 |
| 3.775| -209.03| -76.45| -477.81| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 250.0| -279.10| -351.34| 2 |
| 4.044| -265.52| -76.45| -477.81| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 250.0| -279.10| -351.34| 2 |
| 4.313| -322.02| -76.45| -477.81| 449| 157.0| 349.7| 250.0| -322.02| -351.34| |
| 4.582| -360.98| -76.45| -477.81| 687| 157.0| 228.6| 100.0| -360.98| -477.81| 3 |
| 4.824| -360.98| -76.45| -477.81| 687| 157.0| 228.6| 100.0| -360.98| -477.81| 3 |
| 5.066| -360.98| -76.56| -478.48| 684| 157.0| 229.6| 100.0| -360.98| -478.48| 3 |

Engineer: RJBL Company:

File: Precast Beam.con 7 of 8 Sat Aug 27 14:25:33 2022
Summary Report

Concise Beam 4.65e, Copyright 2002-2022 Black Mint Software, Inc.


| 5.335| -360.98| -76.55| -478.46| 684| 157.0| 229.6| 100.0| -360.98| -478.46| 3 |
| 5.470| -107.96| -60.95| -380.94| 187| 157.0| 609.6| 100.0| -222.52| -380.94| 2 3 |
| 5.470| 0.00| 60.95| 380.94| 0| 157.0| 0.0| 100.0| 0.00| 380.94| 1 3 |
| 5.560| 0.00| 60.95| 380.92| 0| 157.0| 0.0| 100.0| 0.00| 380.92| 1 3 |
|Warnings & Notes |
|Note [1]|No ties required [ACI 318-14::]. |
|Note [2]|Ties required represent minimum requirement [ACI 318-14::]. |
|Note [3]|Design shear force at critical section near support used [ACI 318-14::]. |
| Note |Top of precast beam is considered intentionally roughened. |
| Note |A 1% overstress is allowed without a warning to allow for accuracy of numerical methods (Option G3). |

| Region of Beam | Shear | Peak | Horizontal| Strength | Maximum | Tie Area *| Tie Area | Maximum | Warnings |
| | Length | Moment | Shear | with no | Limit | Required | Provided | Spacing | & Notes |
| x | lv | M | Fh | ties | ØVnh Max | Acs | Acs | s | |
| m | m | kN.m | kN | kN | kN | mm^2 | mm^2 | mm | |
| 0.075 to 2.780 | 2.705| 755.5| 1751.88| 234.99| 2602.87| 5251.2| 2758.5| 609.6| B 1 |
| 2.780 to 5.485 | 2.705| 755.5| 1751.88| 234.99| 2602.87| 5251.2| 2758.5| 609.6| B 1 |
|Warnings & Notes |
| Warn.[B] |WARNING, Amount of tie steel provided does not meet minimum requirements [ACI 318-14::]. |
| Note [1] |Shear resistance based on shear friction [ACI 318-14::]. |
| * |Required ties should be distributed in proportion to distribution of shear force (or stirrups). |
| Note |Top of precast beam is considered intentionally roughened. |
| Note |A 1% overstress is allowed without a warning to allow for accuracy of numerical methods (Option G3). |

Engineer: RJBL Company:

File: Precast Beam.con 8 of 8 Sat Aug 27 14:25:33 2022

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