Action Plan - JPLSHS - CSE
Action Plan - JPLSHS - CSE
Action Plan - JPLSHS - CSE
3. Conduct of the
orientation on CSE
Integration on
subject areas.
2. Conduct School Learning 1. Propose School School Head School Proposal
Action Cell on CSE Integration on Learning Action Cell on
selected learning areas. CSE Integration on CSE Trained Activity Completion Report
Selected Subject Areas. Teachers
Monitoring Tool crafted by the CSE Team
2. Conduct SLAC on Teachers and the teachers.
CSE Integration.
Instructional materials that will be used
3. Develop tools on during the implementation (teachers
how CSE Integration may opt to prepare before the start of
will be evaluated. classes).
3. Orientation of Parents and 1. Set schedule on School Head Invitation to parents and stakeholders.
other stakeholders on the parents/stakeholder’s
integration of CSE to selected orientation on the CSE Trained Activity Completion Report.
subject areas. integration of CSE Teachers
across learning areas. Attendance
2. Invite/Inform parents
and stakeholders on the Parents and
orientation. other
3. Conduct of the
5. Evaluate efficiency and impact 1. Administer evaluation School Head Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
of CSE program integration in on teachers, learners and
school. parents/stakeholder’s CSE Trained ActivityCompletion/Accomplishment
using the developed Teachers
school CSE evaluation Reports
tool. Teachers