HyperForm Tutorials
HyperForm Tutorials
HyperForm Tutorials
HyperForm Tutorials
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HyperForm 14.0 Tutorials
Tutorials 1
HF-0010: Introduction to HF Macros
............................................................................................................................................... 3
HF-0100: General Introduction
............................................................................................................................................... 9
RADIOSS One Step Tutorials
............................................................................................................................................... 29
HF-0150: Quick Setup
................................................................................................................................... 30
HF-0200: Geometry Cleanup
................................................................................................................................... 41
HF-0300: Automeshing
................................................................................................................................... 56
HF-0400: Mesh Quality
................................................................................................................................... 71
HF-0500: Model Preparation - Undercut Check and Autotipping
................................................................................................................................... 79
HF-1000: One-Step Stamping Simulation
................................................................................................................................... 83
HF-1010: Increasing Blankholder Pressures
................................................................................................................................... 93
HF-1020: Applying Drawbeads and Performing Circle Grid Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 96
HF-1030: Transferring Forming Results to Crash Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 102
HF-1040: Laser Weld
................................................................................................................................... 109
HF-1050: Trim Line Layout
................................................................................................................................... 113
Die Module Tutorials
............................................................................................................................................... 117
HF-2010: Creating a Basic Addendum
................................................................................................................................... 118
HF-2020: Creating a Parametric Addendum
................................................................................................................................... 123
HF-2030: Creating a Profile Binder and Parametric Addendum
................................................................................................................................... 131
RADIOSS Incremental Tutorials
............................................................................................................................................... 137
HF-3000: Auto Process
................................................................................................................................... 138
HF-3010: User Process
................................................................................................................................... 153
HF-3020: Setting Up a Multistage Simulation with the User Process
................................................................................................................................... 164
HF-3030: Post-Processing Forming Results in HyperView
................................................................................................................................... 170
HF-3040: Redraw Forming Analysis from the User Process
................................................................................................................................... 180
HF-3050: Gravity Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 182
HF-3060: Trimming Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 184
HF-3070: Springback Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 186
HF-3080: Hot Stamping Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 187
HF-3090: Composite Forming Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 193
HF-3100: Post-Processing Composite Forming Results in HyperView
................................................................................................................................... 195
HF-3110: HydroForming Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 202
HF-3120: Tube Bending Analysis
................................................................................................................................... 210
HF-3130: Blank Shape Predictor
................................................................................................................................... 216
Optimization Tutorials
............................................................................................................................................... 223
HF-4010: Mesh Morphing
................................................................................................................................... 224
HF-4020: Optimization Using RADIOSS One Step
................................................................................................................................... 231
HF-0010: Introduction to HF Macros
HF-0100: General Introduction and Functions
Die Module
HF-2010: Creating a Basic Addendum
HF-2020: Creating a Parametric Addendum
HF-2030: Creating a Profile Binder and Parametric Addendum
Incremental Analysis
HF-3000: Auto Process
HF-3010: User Process
HF-3020: Setting Up a Multistage Simulation with the User Process
HF-3030: Post Processing Forming Results in HyperView
HF-3040: Redraw Forming Analysis from the User Process
HF-3050: Gravity
HF-3060: Trimming
HF-3070: Springback
HF-3080: Hot Stamping
HF-3090: Setting Up a Composite Forming Simulation
HF-3100: Post Processing Composite Forming Results in HyperView
HF-3110: HydroForming
HF-3120: Tube Bending
Optimization Study
HF-4010: Mesh Morphing
HF-4020: Optimization 1-Step
HF-4040: Process and Shape Optimization Using RADIOSS Incremental
Result Mapping
HF-5000: Using Results Mapper in HyperCrash
Select the Utility tab. All the Radioss One Step macros are located on this page. These macros enable
you to quickly set up an analysis for a One Step simulation. The Radioss One Step macros are divided
into the following three sections.
Section Description
Setup Lets you setup the model for simulation using Radioss
One Step.
The following image shows the Utility Menu of the HyperForm interface with Incremental_Radioss and
Incremental_LsDyna user profile:
All of the macros are located in the RADIOSS or LS-DYNA page of the macro area. The incremental
process macros help you easily setup different application types. The following application types are
available under Application:
Form - 1st forming operation setup.
Bend - Tube bending setup.
Hydro - Hydroforming setup.
Blank Opti - Blank Optimizer
TL Opti - Trim Line Optimizer
Die Compensation - Die Compensation macro
Multi - 2nd or nth forming operation setup.
For information about specific macros that are available, see the online help.
HyperForm, a subset of Manufacturing Solutions, is a finite element based pre- and post-processor for
sheet metal forming. It combines an extremely fast one-step solver and incremental forming solution
using RADIOSS as the solver. It also integrates well with the LS-DYNA solver for incremental forming
simulation. With the customized geometry manipulation and mesh generation capabilities, HyperForm
enables you to build metal forming related finite element models, view their results, and perform data
HyperForm integrates the functionality of HyperMesh and provides engineers at any stage of product
design with quick, valuable, reliable information, reducing the overall product cycle. HyperForm's die
module enables engineers to create and analyze conceptual die designs in order to generate an
optimized die. Die concepts can then be read into any CAD system as a starting block for the actual die
build. Integrated with HyperView, HyperForm can export data in the .h3d format allowing results to be
visualized using HyperView Player with any web browser.
This tutorial introduces HyperForm, as well as many basic concepts and tasks that are needed to get
started with HyperForm, and which serve as pre-requisites for most other HyperForm tutorials. In this
tutorial, you will be introduced to HyperForm from the one-step analysis point of view. The HyperForm
interface for incremental analysis will be described in later tutorials.
This tutorial covers:
Session 1: Fundamental HyperForm user interface
o User Profiles
o Graphics Area
o Using the mouse
o Tool bar menu
o Main menu
o Toggles and switches
o Utility menu
o The pull-down menus
Session 2: Using the online help
Session 3: File input and output
Session 4: The concept of collector
Session 5: Secondary menus
o Menu items
o Entity selector
o Direction selector
o Input fields
o Pop-up menus
o Function buttons
Three exercises are provided in this chapter:
Exercise 1: Opening a database file and using the tool bar
Exercise 2: Understanding Collectors and using online help
Exercise 3: Translating elements
The HyperForm window consists of these main areas: the graphics area, the User Process tab, the
header bar, the main menu, Utility Menu, and the drop-down menu. You can access secondary menus
either through their main panel or by using keyboard function keys.
User profiles
Graphics Area
Status Bar
The status bar is located at the bottom of the HyperForm window, just below the user profile switches
on the Utility menu. It displays the name of the current panel and user profile, and model status
information. Messages also appear on the message bar, temporarily overriding the title and status
The mouse attached to your system is integral to HyperForm and can be used in almost every aspect of
user input. A two- or three-button mouse can be used with HyperForm.
The mouse buttons have these functions:
Collectors toolbar
Visualization toolbar
Display toolbar
The toolbars enable you to manipulate the view of the model, control which collectors are displayed in
the graphics area, set global modeling parameters, and edit solver-specific data.
Fit Model Resizes the model view to fit the model to the graphics area
Rotate Mode Rotate modes: this functions in one of two different ways:
Left-click to activate dynamic rotate mode. Once active, click-
and-drag in the graphics area to rotate the model. Right-click to
Right-click to activate dynamic spin mode. Once active, right-
click in the graphics area and hold the mouse button down to
make the model spin. Left-click to deactivate.
Pan modes Pan modes: this functions in one of two different ways:·
Left-click to activate pan mode. Once active, click-and-drag in the
graphics area to pan the model view. Right-click to deactivate.
Right-click to activate center mode. Once active, right-click in the
graphics area to change the graphics area center. Left-click to
Rotate (left/ Click the left mouse button to rotate the model leftward, and the
right) right button to rotate it rightward.
Rotate (up/ Click the left mouse button to rotate the model upward, and the
down) right button to rotate it downward.
3. From the toolbar, click the Shaded Elements & Mesh Lines icon to re-draw the model
geometry in shaded mode.
4. From the toolbar, click the Wireframe Elements icon to re-draw the model geometry in
wireframe mode.
5. From the toolbar, click the Element Color Mode icon and select By Mat from the selection list.
Notice that the Binder and Addendum components become a gray color. This indicates the two
components share the same material.
6. Repeat step 5 and change the setting back to By Comp.
13.From the toolbar, left-click Rotate Mode icon to enter dynamic rotate mode.
14.Click and drag in the graphics area to rotate the model.
15.From the toolbar, left-click Incremental Zoom icon to zoom in on the model.
16.From the toolbar, click Fit View icon to fit the model on the screen.
Main Menu
From the main menu you can access to a variety of panels grouped by the selected user profile.
The main menu with the RADIOSS One Step user profile loaded
Toggles and switches allow you to select and specify options that need to be determined before you
complete the function.
Utility Menu
The Utility menu is located on the left side of the graphics region and can be relocated by clicking View
> Tab Area. When Manufacturing Solutions and HyperForm working environments are loaded, the
Utility menu is automatically switched to the HyperForm working environment. It provides tools for
defining/reviewing/editing a model. The Model tab option enables the Model browser functionality.
The user profile selection buttons are at the bottom of the menu.
Quick access/switch to the RADIOSS One Step
user profile
Quick access/switch to the
Incremental_RADIOSS user profile
Quick access/switch to the Die Module user
Tools for visualization purpose
Utilities to perform operations at geometry
User-created macros only
Quick access/switch to Incremental_LS-DYNA
user profile
To hide the Utility menu:
From the View menu, uncheck the Utility
To display the Utility Menu:
From the View menu, check the Utility menu.
The menu bar, located just beneath the title bar, enable access to many types of functionality. Most
menu options access panels, but some options perform other tasks such as configuring the layout of the
HyperForm environment.
When the HyperForm environment is loaded, the menu bar also enables you to access to the
fundamental menus regardless of the customization of the HyperForm interface.
HyperForm includes a help system to provide information about using the interface. There are several
methods of accessing and using the online help system.
Option Description
Collectors store entities, grouping together all the data pertaining to an entity and allowing you to
handle the data as a group. Collectors in HyperForm consist of the Components, Materials and
Sections (for Incremental_RADIOSS and Incremental_LS-DYNA analysis) panels.
The component and material collectors in HyperForm have specific data associated with them. In one-
step analysis, the component collector contains thickness data while the material collector holds the
Young’s Modulus of Elasticity value and other constants.
All entities in a HyperForm database are stored in collectors. Based on the analysis type, each collector
may use a dictionary or card image to define the attributes assigned to the collector.
The Collectors panel allows you to create and update collectors and assign and edit card images or
dictionaries. Before you build a model, create a component collector for storing or organizing different
The secondary menu contains several stand-alone functions, like calculating the distance between two
points. Accessing the secondary menu interrupts the active main panel and allows you to perform a
function from the secondary panel and then return to the main panel. For example, a user can access
Menu Items
The menu items on each panel allow you to specify settings and enter information that is needed to
perform the panel’s function. Panels can contain subpanels, function buttons, toggles, switches, entity
selectors, direction selectors, data entry fields, input fields, and pop-up menus.
In the following discussion of menu items, you will be using the Translate panel. Access it from the
Geometry menu.
Entity Selector
The entity selector allows you to choose the type of entity to be modified when performing a function.
The entity selector may or may not have a switch ; some panels perform a function on only one type
of entity. The entity selector button is yellow; when it is surrounded by a blue box, the collector is active
and ready for you to select or pick the entities to be processed. You can click on the switch to change
the entity selector type.
Direction Selector
The direction selector allows you to define a plane or vector by using the global x, y, or z axis, or by
selecting a vector, or by selecting nodes in the database.
x-, y-, and z- Specify a direction along any one of the global
axis axes.
Input Fields
Input fields are used to enter text or numerical values. A description of the type of input precedes the
For numeric input fields, you can use the keyboard to enter the value or double-click the input field and
use the pop-up calculator to enter the value.
Pop-up Menus
Function Buttons
The Die_Mesh.hm file from the previous exercise should still be loaded in HyperForm.
The hm.cfg file is a default configuration file read on start-up. The hm.cfg file controls many aspects of
how HyperForm runs at your particular site. You can edit the commands in the hm.cfg file to your own
The command.cmf file is a standard ASCII file that HyperForm reads and writes. Command files allow
This tutorial shows you how to set up and run a one-step analysis from the RADIOSS One Step user
2. Click the Select Files icon and browse to the file, part1a.igs.
3. Click Import, and then click Close.
Note: The component name is recognized automatically as Part once the model is loaded into the
2. Pick the part from the screen.
3. Click proceed. The material CRDQ steel and a thickness of 1 mm is assigned to the part by
4. On the tree under Parts, right-click the part lvl1, and select Geometry > Remove Holes.
3. Click Mesh.
4. Click Close.
In the Autotip panel, use the vector selector switch to assign a direction. If the stamping
direction of the part is not one of the principal axes, use the N1, N2, N3 option and select 2
nodes on the model to define a direction.
Click set.
1. In the OneStep tab, right-click on Blankholders > New. If desired, you can double-click on
Blankholder1 to change the name.
2. Right-click on Blankholder1 > Elements…
1. From the OneStep tab, right-click on Drawbeads > New > Restrain….
2. Pick two nodes on the part as indicated in the image below to define the drawbeads.
Step 6: Tipping
1. Right-click on the OneStep tab anywhere in the red box as shown below and select Autotip.
After the successful completion of the run, right-click on the white space of the OneStep tab to see
the Blank Shape, %thinning and Formability options, which were not available before running the
2. Use the Part drop down menu to select the component on which the one step analysis was run.
3. Keep the default values for Density and Cost per Kg.
4. Under PLOT OPTIONS, click the checkbox next to %Thinning and Formability. Notice that %
Thinning and Formability buttons becomes active.
5. Rotate the model to a desired direction and click %Thinning. This contours the model with %
Thinning result type.
6. Left-click to capture the image to include it in the report. A right-click will abort the function and
return to the Blank Fit macro. This is indicated by the image on the right hand bottom corner of
the graphics area .
11.Click Close.
When designers create CAD geometry, their priorities are different from those of analysts trying to use
the data. A single smooth surface is typically split into smaller patches, each a separate mathematical
face. The juncture between two surfaces often contains gaps, overlaps, or other misalignments.
To make the geometry more appropriate for meshing, analysts need to combine a number of faces into a
single smooth surface. A single, smooth surface not only allows the elements to be created on the entire
region at once, but also prevents unnecessary artificial or accidental edges from being present in the
final mesh.
Sometimes, the gaps, overlaps, and misalignments present when surface data is imported can affect the
mesh quality. By eliminating misalignments and holes, and suppressing boundaries between adjacent
surfaces and unnecessary details, you can automesh across larger, more logical regions of the model
and improve the overall meshing speed and quality.
In this tutorial, you will use a variety of tools to prepare surface geometry for meshing.
In this exercise, you will first review a variety of common geometric problems after reading a CAD file.
The solutions are discussed in Exercise 2.
2. From the toolbar, select Geometry Color Mode and change to By Topo. Notice the color of
the model is changed and topology definitions are displayed on screen.
3. From the toolbar, click Shaded Geometry & Surface Edges icon to shade the surfaces on
The model comes in with several geometric problems after importing. You will first review the
problems to have a better understanding of the nature of the model.
In Topology color mode, each color represents different topological modes:
Free (Red color): The edge is owned by one surface. On a clean model,
edge free edges appear only along the outer perimeter of the part and
internal holes. Free edges that appear between two adjacent
surfaces indicate the existence of a gap between the two surfaces.
Shared (Green color): The edge is owned by two adjacent surfaces. When
edge the edges between two adjacent surfaces are shared (green), there
is no gap or overlap between the two surfaces, and they are
geometrically continuous. The automesh utility always places seed
nodes along their length and will produce a continuous mesh
without any gaps along that edge. The automesh utility will not
Suppres (Blue color): The edge is owned and shared by two adjacent
sed surfaces but it is ignored by the automesh utility. They are blue
edge dotted lines by default. Like a shared edge, a suppressed edge
indicates geometric continuity between two surfaces but, unlike a
shared edge, the automesh utility will mesh across a suppressed
edge as if were not even there. The automesh utility does not place
seed nodes along their length and, consequently, individual
elements will span across it. By suppressing undesirable edges you
are effectively combining surfaces into larger logical meshable
Non- (Yellow color): The edge is owned by three or more surfaces. They
manifol typically occur at "T" intersections between surfaces or when 2 or
d edge more duplicate surfaces exist. The automesh utility always places
seed nodes along their length and will produce a continuous mesh
without any gaps along that edge. The automesh utility will not
construct any individual elements that cross over a nonmanifold
edge. These edges cannot be suppressed and can sometimes be
indication for duplicated geometry.
2. From the Visualization tab, select the Topology icon and clear the Shared, Suppressed and
Non-manifold check boxes. Only the red free edges display.
3. Click Close to close the Visualization tab.
4. Press T on your keyboard and input thetax = -101.154, thetay = -59.845 and thetaz =
5. Click set angles to set the true view.
6. Notice several pinholes, as shown in image below.
Notice the biggest pinhole as indicated in the left side of the image is considered as a part of the
feature and will be kept. The smaller holes on the flange area are considered removable.
7. Press F4 on the keyboard to go to the Distance panel.
9. In the Distance panel, select the two nodes option. Notice a halo is surrounding N1.
10.Hold the left mouse button and move the mouse cursor to the N1 location on top of the hole
(location A in the image) until the hole is highlighted. Release the left mouse button and click
again to create a temp green node created on top of the hole.
11.Repeat the same procedure for N2 to create a second blue temp node as shown as location B in
the image.
12.Notice the diameter of the hole (value next to distance = ) is about 3.2.
The approximate diameter of the largest hole is about 3.2. Remember this value so you can apply
it when you remove pinholes later.
13.Press F on the keyboard to fit the model to the screen.
14.Click return to close the panel.
Free edges that appear between two adjacent surfaces indicate the existence of a gap between the two surfaces.
3. From the Visualization tab, select the Topology icon and check Shared, Suppressed and
Non-manifold to turn on the display of all definitions.
4. Click v on the keyboard to open the dialog with saved views.
5. Click restore 1 to display the previously saved missing surf view.
6. Notice the missing surface as shown in the image below.
You will use the Automesh panel to verify the quality of the surface in the following procedures.
3. Click Mesh > Auto Mesh.
4. Click surfs and select only the surface with dark shadow. Notice two surfaces are selected as
shown in the image below. This is a first indication of distorted surface.
6. Click (Delete line) to delete the second row under Surface hole recognition.
7. In the first row under Surface hole recognition, input 4.0 under R< and check Remove. The
final result should look like the image below. Since the largest diameter of the holes on the flange
is about 3.2, using the value 4.0 can make sure all the holes on the flange will be removed.
8. Change Target element size: to 3.0. The target element size is the desired mesh size after
geometry cleanup.
Step 2: Fix the missing surface using the Quick Edit panel
In this step, you will manually clean up geometry using the Quick Edit panel.
1. From the toolbar, select the Visualization icon and activate all topologic definitions.
2. From the toolbar, click the Shaded Geometry & Surface edges icon to shade surfaces.
3. Click v on the keyboard to open the dialog with saved views.
4. Click restore 1 to withdraw previously saved missing surf view.
5. Click F11 to access the Quick Edit panel.
6. Click the line(s) button right next to filler surf:. A blue halo appears and surrounds the line
7. Click any red edge of the missing rectangular surface. A surface is created to fill the missing
surface. Notice the previous four free edges are now changed to a green shared edge.
8. Click return to close the panel.
Notice a new surface is created at the same location. The new surface has three shared (green)
edges and one free (red) edge as indicated in the image below.
8. From the Visualization tab, select the Topology icon and uncheck Shared, Suppressed and Non-
manifold to turn off the display of all definitions EXCEPT free edge (red line).
10.From the toolbar, click the Shaded Geometry & Surface edges icon to shade surfaces.
11.Press F2 on the keyboard to go to the Delete panel.
12.Change the entity selector to surfs.
13.Hold the left mouse button and move the cursor to the red circular line until the circular surface
edge is highlighted. Let go of the left mouse button and click delete entity to delete the surface.
Refer to the image below.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to merge point C and point D by moving point D to the location of point C.
Notice the fixed point is released and some free edges are generated.
5. Click return to close the panel.
5. Click replace. Notice the gap is closed and a new share edge is generated.
Step 8: Toggle the remaining red edges into shared edges and un-suppress
4. Press the t key and input thetax = 145.968, thetay = -79.495 and thetaz = 30.150.
5. Click set angles to set the true view.
Notice three blue suppressed edges are indicated in the image below. You will toggle the blue
suppressed edges and turn these two suppressed edges to green shared edges.
In this tutorial, you are introduced to the meshing capabilities provided in HyperForm.
Several meshing tools are available:
R-Mesh (available in RADIOSS One Step, Incremental_LS-DYNA and Incremental_RADIOSS user
B-Mesh (only available in the Incremental_RADIOSS and Incremental_LS-DYNA user profiles)
The BatchMesher is an external tool that can perform geometry feature recognition, cleanup and
automatic meshing (in batch mode) for given CAD files without user interaction. Detail of the
BatchMesher will not be discussed in this tutorial. Refer to the HyperWorks online help for more
information about BatchMesher. In this tutorial, you will be introduced to the three meshing modules:
AutoMesh, R-Mesh and B-Mesh.
In HyperForm, most of the element creation panels use the AutoMesh module, which supplies as much
automated assistance as possible. AutoMesh allow you to adjust mesh interactively with a wide variety
of parameters and choose from a suite of algorithms. You can interactively control the number of
elements on each edge or side and you can immediately determine the nodes that are used to create
the mesh. You can adjust the node biasing on each edge to force more elements to be created near one
end than near the other, which allows you to see immediately the locations of the new nodes. The new
elements can be specified as quads, trias, or mixed and can be first or second order elements. The
created mesh can be previewed, which allows you to evaluate it for element quality before choosing to
store it in the HyperMesh database. While you are in the meshing module, you can use any of viewing
tools on the visual options menu to simplify the visualization of complex structures in your model. You
can also re-mesh existing meshing interactively or automatically on surfaces or groups of elements. You
will learn to use a variety of AutoMesh features later in this tutorial.
R-Mesh (Rigid tool surface mesh) allows you to quickly mesh a rigid tool surface by specifying the max
length of element, minimum length of element, chordal deviation, and fillet angle.
B-Mesh (Blank surface mesh) allows you to quickly mesh a blank component. You can specify an
average edge length and mesh selected surfaces. B-mesh is discussed in incremental analysis tutorials.
The tools in this tutorial can be found in the RADIOSS One Step user profile.
The Midsurface panel allows you to extract the midsurface representation of a solid part.
The AutoMesh panel allows you to create meshes or re-mesh existing meshing.
R-mesh macro
Rapidly generates a quad/tria shell mesh ideal for representing rigid tool surfaces.
1. From the visualization toolbar, select the Geometry Color Mode icon and change to By Topo.
Notice the color of the model is changed and topology definitions are displayed on screen.
2. From the toolbar, click Shaded Geometry & Surface Edges to shade the surfaces on screen.
The model is a pre-cleanup geometric model with thickness. In reality, it is common to have CAD
data with thickness. You will learn how to extract midsurface in the next steps.
3. From the menu bar, click Geometry > Midsurface.
4. Verify that the auto midsurface subpanel is selected. The default toggle is set to closed solid.
5. Click extraction options.
6. Input max thickness ratio = 2.0 and toggle extract by component to cross components.
7. Click return to exit the Extraction Options panel and return to the Midsurface panel.
8. With surfs activated, graphically pick a surface on screen. All surfaces are selected and
9. Click extract.
Midsurface extraction takes about one to four minutes depending on system performance. Notice
that once the operation is finished, a new component named Middle Surface is created that
contains the extracted midsurface. By default, HyperForm applies the transparent view to the
generated midsurface.
10.Click return to exit the panel.
1. Using the Model browser, expand the Components folder and hide all geometry EXCEPT Middle
2. Right-click on automesh. In the menu that appears, select Make Current. This sets the
automesh component as default working component.
3. From the File menu, select Save As and enter the file name as automesh_ready.hf.
4. Click Save.
In this step, you will learn how to interactively mesh a blank using size and biasing control. The size
and bias subpanel allows you to mesh surfaces or re-mesh existing meshes with some control over
how the mesh is created. You can also adjust a mesh on-the-fly during the creation process using this
1. Click Mesh > Auto Mesh.
2. Verify that the size and bias subpanel is selected.
3. Click surfs >> displayed.
4. Verify the following settings:
element size = 3.0
mesh type = mixed
elems to current comp toggle is set (generated elements will be stored in the current working
component automesh component)
first order toggle is set
next to map: the size and skew checkboxes should be selected
Toggle is set to interactive
6. With the density subpanel selected and the adjust: edge option activated, move the mouse
cursor onto any edge density number in the graphics area, and left-click to increase edge density.
7. After the edge density number is modified, click mesh again to preview the modified mesh.
Refer to the following images:
adjust: edge allows you to interactively increase/decrease mesh edge density by right-/left-click.
calculate: edge allows you to interactively modify individual edge or all edges based on desired
element size.
set: allows you to interactively modify individual edges or all edges based on a specified value.
8. Select the mesh style subpanel.
Mesh style allows you to specify the meshing and smoothing algorithm to use for each face of each
domain when you are following a surface-based approach to the Automeshing Secondary panel.
9. Under elem type: click the selector and select the trias element type.
10.Click the set all button and press the P key to refresh the screen.
Notice all the element type symbols are changed to tria. Refer to the image below.
In QI optimized meshing, the surfaces are meshed to optimize the quality index (QI) of the elements
generated. You can either provide a criteria file or update the Quality Index panel with the desired
quality criteria. The surfaces are then meshed with algorithms that produce the best quality index.
The placement of the nodes on the surface is also optimized to improve the QI.
1. Click File > Open.
2. Browse to select the previously saved automesh_ready.hf file and click Open.
3. Click Mesh > AutoMesh.
4. Select the QI optimize subpanel.
5. Input element size = 3.0.
6. Click edit criteria.
7. Set up all the criteria as shown in the following image:
The edge deviation subpanel allows you to set specific meshing parameters to limit how far the mesh
elements can deviate from the actual edges of the surfaces meshed.
The edge deviation normally occurs on curved edges, because individual elements have straight edges
and therefore can only approximate a curve. This automesh sub function automatically chooses the
best element size to approximate a curve, within limits that you specify. Note that this differs from
the size and bias subpanel, which only meshes with elements of a uniform size that you specify.
1. Click File > Open.
2. Select the previously saved automesh_ready.hf file and click Open.
3. Click Mesh > AutoMesh.
4. Select the edge deviation subpanel and set the following options:
min elem size = 0.5
max elem size = 15.0
max deviation = 0.1 (Defines the maximum allowable distance between an edge of the surface
being meshed and an element edge)
max angle = 15.0 (Defines the maximum allowable angle between two element edges).
mesh type = mixed
first order toggle is set
5. Click surfs >> displayed.
6. Click mesh.
7. Click return twice to accept the mesh.
8. Graphically review the mesh. Notice large element size occurs at planar surfaces and smaller
element size is applied to capture curved surfaces.
9. Click File > Save As and enter the file name as automesh_edge_deviation.hf.
10.Click Save.
Similarly to the edge deviation subpanel, meshing behavior on this subpanel is driven by distances
between flat elements and model geometry. When HyperMesh uses flat elements to approximate a
curved surface, there is always a discrepancy between each element and the actual curve of the
surface, because the element uses a straight line between two nodes.
The surface deviation automesh method chooses the mesh density based on the severity of this
deviation. Where the threshold deviation would be exceeded, HyperMesh uses a larger number of
smaller elements to reduce the deviation.
For more information, please refer to the online help.
Rigid bodies are surfaces that are expected to impact other model surfaces, but are rigid enough that
they themselves are not expected to deform as a result of the impact. When modeling the results of a
stamp pressing down on a metal sheet, it’s important to model the shape of the stamp because that
determines the shape of the metal sheet after being pressed. However, it is not important to model
the stresses placed upon the stamp tool. Therefore, the mesh quality of rigid tooling is less important
in the comparison of the captured shape of the tools.
The R-Mesh macro directly accesses the AutoMesh/rigid body mesh feature. You can find the R-Mesh
macro under both the RADIOSS One Step and Incremental_RADIOSS user profiles.
1. From the File menu, click Open.
2. Select the automesh_ready.hf file and click Open.
3. From the Mesh menu, select R-Mesh.
AutoMesh enables you to re-mesh elements. In HyperForm, you can remesh elements when no
geometry exists.
The remeshing function is activated when you switch the entity selector from surfs to elems. Elements
are remeshed with the use of the HyperMesh inferred surface algorithm, if geometry for the selected
elements needs to exist in the model. The inferred surface algorithm interpolates geometry data from
the selected elements in order to create new mesh.
When elements are selected to be remeshed, there is the break connectivity option and the vertex
angle parameter. The break connectivity option detaches the node connectivity between adjacent
selected and unselected elements. This allows you to adjust the node densities along the boundary of
the selected elements. The vertex angle parameter defines the placement of vertices along the
boundary of the selected elements. If the angle between two adjacent element edges along the
boundary is less than the specified angle, a vertex is placed at the meeting point of the two edges.
Anchor nodes create the effect of a fixed point on the inferred surface (which is derived from the
existing mesh) and keep the location of the anchor nodes intact.
1. Click File > Open.
8. Click mesh to refine a local region and click return. Review the result, as shown in the image
You are still in the Mesh panel.
In the next few procedures, you will rebuild the mesh’s transitional region by re-meshing elements
with applied anchor nodes.
9. Click elems and graphically select elements as shown in remesh region in the image below.
10.Click nodes and graphically select nodes as shown in anchor nodes in the image below.
11.Toggle break connectivity back to keep connectivity.
To ensure connectivity between the elements, you need to equivalence any coincident nodes in the
model. The equivalence operation identifies any location where two or more nodes exist within the
specified search tolerance. During equivalence, one of the nodes is retained, and any element
definitions referencing the other nodes are re-defined to use the retained node.
1. Click Mesh > Check > Components > Edges.
2. Click comps and select component by clicking any element on screen.
3. Click select.
4. Input tolerance = 0.2. (This specifies the minimum coordinate distance between two nodes.)
5. Click preview equiv. This identifies duplicated nodes and highlights them with a circle. The nodes
that preview equiv displays can be equivalenced.
It is always a good practice to check the quality of the mesh before running the analysis. HyperForm
allows you to check different quality criteria such as conformance to the surface topology, Jacobian,
warpage, length, skew angle, etc. Conformance to surface topology is a visual check that ensures that
the mesh lies on the surface and none of the elements are warped. Checks should be done to ensure
that features are being reasonably captured (fill plot check). Mesh connectivity is equally as important.
This can be checked using the edge check macro.
In general, the below element quality will be satisfied to acquire better analysis result accuracy:
Maintain connectivity
Remove duplicate elements
Avoid zero-length elements (recommended value larger than 0.1)
Warpage is recommended to be less than 30
Larger Jacobian values are better. No negative Jacobian value is allowed. It is recommended to
have a Jacobian value larger than 0.1.
The tutorial uses the Element Quality Report module and the following menu options:
Mesh > Check menu:
Elements > Check Elements
Elements > Quality Index
Components > Edges
1. From the toolbar, click the Shaded Elements and Mesh Lines icon and select Feature Line
mode .
2. From the toolbar, left-click the Dynamic Rotate icon and move the mouse cursor to the
graphics region and randomly rotate the model for reviewing. Notice two shaded areas as indicated
in the image below. Those areas are indications of elements with poor quality. (You can also use
the User Views icon and retrieve the saved views view1 and view2 to review them.)
3. From the toolbar, click the Shaded Elements and Feature Lines icon and switch to Shaded
Elements and Mesh Lines .
4. Visually review the two areas again with the mesh line displayed. Notice the mesh quality
In this step, you will use the split subpanel to manually fix an element quality problem. Four methods
used to split elements free-form are illustrated below.
HyperForm prompts you to build a line to split these elements using one of the four methods. Draw a
window as shown in the figure below.
Notice the selected node is relocated and element quality is improved. The associated element is
also changed to transparent mode.
8. Click return.
Undercut is a term used in part design that refers to situations that lead to die lock condition when the
part is being formed. In real-time forming applications, parts are designed in such a way that they get
locked if formed. Split dies and punches with negative rake angles are used to form such parts to avoid
this situation. But for the simulation purpose in One-Step analysis, the part is tilted in such a way that
the Z-axis of the part matches with the Z-axis of the punch and the die. This process of aligning the
part axis with the tool axis is called Autotipping. The angle to be tilted is calculated automatically by
Stamping can also be done in any of the three principal axes or an arbitrary axis in space by using
the stamping direction subpanel in the Autotip panel.
The autotipping option will reduce the draw depth by making the z-axis as the stamping direction.
In this tutorial you will learn to check for undercut and remove it in a part by using the Autotip feature.
This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with functionalities such as creating components, geometry
cleanup, and meshing. Information on these topics can be found in the online help.
The tools used in this tutorial can be found in the RADIOSS One Step user profile.
Allows you to set the user defined stamping direction for the part. It can also help you to tip (orient)
the part in the formable position along the user defined stamping direction.
N1 N2 N3 node selections
The imported part is considered to be clean. No free edges are present and all of the edges are stitched.
However, many small surfaces are present in the part. The following steps show you how to minimize
the number of these surfaces.
This tutorial uses the following panels available in the RADIOSS One Step user profile:
Remove Holes panel
Mesh panel
Component panel
Constraints panel
Blankholder panel
Blank Shape panel
Formability panel
2. Click the Select Files icon and browse to the file <installation_directory>\tutorials\mfs
3. Click Import, and then click Close.
1. Click lines again, and select the suppressed lines, as shown in the image below.
2. Click unsuppress. The selected blue lines become green lines to define the corner of the fillets.
(Green lines can be noticed when toggled to By Topo.) Later when you are meshing, node seeding
can be generated along the green lines for better mesh quality control.
3. Click return.
1. Click Geometry > Defeature. On the left of the panel, select the pinholes radio button.
2. Click the yellow surfs button. The surfs button is outlined in cyan indicating that it is active.
3. On the model graphics, click the flat surface.
4. Click the pinholes button and select all.
5. Enter 40 in the diameter field.
6. Click find.
7. Notice the xP display on screen indicating a pin hole has been identified with a diameter less than
8. Click delete.
9. Click return.
2. Verify that CRDQ steel is loaded under Materials in memory. If not, click >> and load CRDQ
steel under Materials in memory.
3. Click return.
1. Switch to shaded mode by clicking on this button from the header bar:
2. Click Setup > Constraints.
3. Click nodes and select on plane.
4. Set the direction selector to x axis.
5. Click B.
6. Pick a point on the symmetric plane, as shown in the image below.
7. Click select entities.
8. Below Constraint Type, click X.
9. Click size= and enter 10.
10.Click update.
11.Click return.
Blankholders can be defined as the upper and lower holding surfaces that control metal flow around a
shape to be formed in a draw operation. They supply a restraining force on the material during the
pressing process.
In this chapter, you will learn how to increase blankholder pressure and compare the results from
different pressure levels. The result from the previous tutorial, One-Step Stamping Simulation (HF-
1000), will be used to compare the result from this tutorial.
This tutorial uses the following panels, which are available in the RADIOSS One Step user profile:
Blankholder panel
Blank Shape panel
Formability panel
1. Click Setup > Blankholder. The blankholder parameters are already set up from the previous run.
2. Click blankholder and select Blankholder 1.
3. Set the pressure level to High.
In general, the material flow is controlled by the blankholder and a resultant restraining force is created
by friction between the tools and the blank. However, during a forming process, it is common that a
blankholder does not make contact with an entire blank. Therefore, material flow is usually not fully
controlled by the blankholder.
When a high restraining force is required, a higher blankholder force must be applied, which could cause
wear in the tools. A local control mechanism is therefore necessary to restrain the material flow
sufficiently at relatively low blankholder pressure. This is achieved by applying drawbeads.
The drawbead creates a restraining force by cyclically bending and unbending the sheet as it traverses
the drawbead, causing strain hardening and a change in the strain distribution with consequential
thinning of the blank.
HyperForm lets you define a restraining force for the drawbead in two ways: qualitative (pressure level)
or quantitative (restrain force). You can also define a lockbead, which will apply a 100 percent
restraining condition.
HyperForm provides drawbead function both for One-Step and Incremental analysis. The interface of
the Drawbead panel is switched automatically based on the currently-selected analysis type.
In this tutorial, you will learn to define drawbeads for One-Step analysis. You will also use the Circle Grid
panel to show relative magnitudes and associated direction of major and minor strains.
This tutorial uses the Drawbeads panel, Run Analysis macro and the Circle Grid panel.
7. Click create. A message shows "The drawbead set has been created". A line is created
representing drawbeads.
Modeling the exact drawbead geometry requires a large number of elements, which increases CPU
time dramatically. A practical approach is to use an equivalent drawbead model by representing the
drawbead analytically and providing a constant drawbead restraining force and closure force.
Use the calculate subpanel to determine the closure and restraining force based on drawbead
dimensions. The restraining force is the value of the force (per unit length) applied by the bead in
the plane of the blank surface. The closure force is the force (per unit length) required in the
perpendicular direction to keep the drawbead closed.
The HyperForm solver also outputs the estimated press tonnage required to form the part. The
press tonnage is written out in the output file.
1. Click Setup > Run Analysis.
2. Click view output.
3. Select 1- to view the text in graphics area. Scroll down toward the bottom. The estimated press
tonnage output can be seen as shown in the figure below.
4. When finished, click Close to close the report, and click return to close the panel.
HyperForm One-Step analysis can generate a LS-DYNA input file (a dynain file) containing forming
results. This effectively allows users to initialize a crash model with forming effects. The preferred
quantities to be used for forming initialization are thickness and plastic strains (the stresses are set to
This tutorial features the procedures for preparing an input file for a crash simulation, and illustrates
how to:
Perform autotipping on the model
Perform undercut checking
Create a dynain file using the HyperForm One-Step solver
Position the stamped part into a car coordinate position
Export the stamped part for use in a crash simulation
This tutorial uses the following panels:
Autotipping panel
Undercut Check panel
Advanced panel (Dyna/Nastran output option)
Position tool (Mesh menu)
Step 1: Load the model file and change the model orientation
1. In this step, you will request output format in LS-DYNA and Nastran solver formats for forming
analysis. This allows HyperForm to write out a results file that can be directly used to initialize a
structural analysis model. The names for the output files are:
[filename]_thk.nas and [filename]_dyna.k corresponding to Nastran and LS-DYNA solvers,
[filename]_thk.nas contains the mesh data along with the nodal thickness.
[filename]_dyna.k contains the mesh and the nodal thickness, followed by the stress tensor
and plastic strain at each integration point within an element.
2. Click Setup > Advanced.
3. Click RADIOSS/Dyna/Nastran output. This option will take you to another panel.
4. Toggle the option to w/o stress (zero stress will be written to the dynain file).
5. Click comps.
6. Click comps again and check the bump_car_co-ord component.
7. Click select.
8. Click return twice to close the panels.
Step 7: Delete the current session and load the resultant DYNAIN file with the
forming result
6. Click the folder icon and browse to the location where the previous analysis was run to select
the file bumper_car_co_ordinates_complete_dyna.k.
7. Click Open to select the file.
8. Click Import to import the file and Close to close the dialog.
The output file bumper_car_co_ordinates_complete_dyna.k has the identical format as the LS-
DYNA DYNAIN file. During the import of the *_dyna.k (dynain) file, only the node and element
definitions are read into HyperForm. The initial stress and plastic strain quantities are
automatically placed into a new file with an .hmx extension (i.e. filename_dyna.k.hmx) and
HyperForm automatically activates an INCLUDE control card to retain the information. More detail
regarding DYNAIN file will be discussed in HyperForm incremental analysis.
Notice the warning message "No renumbering or rotation is allowed. Stress and strain history will
get written to a .hmx file. Continue?"
9. Click Yes.
If the *_dyna.k (dynain) file contains stress quantities, no rotations of the component are allowed.
The stress tensors are written with respect to a global coordinate system, and would require a
In this step, you need to orient the model *_dyna.k file (dynain file) which has the information from
the One-Step forming run, back to the car co-ordinate system model for crash analysis. You will first
import the original bumper_car_coordinates.hf and re-position forming result in z-axis (*_dyna.k
(dynain) file) back to the original vehicle coordinate.
2. Click the folder icon . In the file browser dialog, switch the Files of Type field to All Files.
3. Select the bumper_car_coordinates.hf file.
4. Click Import.
5. Click the F key on the keyboard to fit the model to the screen.
6. Click Mesh > Position > Components.
7. Click the selector and choose comps.
8. Click comps.
9. Check the 1 component (import from *_dyna.k file) and click select.
10. Click from: N1, N2, and N3 and select three nodes on the part in forming coordinates (part in
gray color) as shown below.
11. Click To: N1, N2, and N3 and select three nodes on the part in car coordinates (part in blue color)
as shown below.
Note: The locations and selection sequence of N1, N2 and N3 nodes in "from" will need to
exactly match the corresponding N1, N2 and N3 nodes in "To". This ensures the
transformation (consisting of translations and rotations) that maps the differences between
the two sets of nodes is applied to the selected entities until they are relocated.
Step 10: Review the LS-DYNA input file and the *.hmx file
1. Open any text editor and load the bumper_crash_input.key file for reviewing.
D. Forming related control cards need to be deleted/modified accordingly before running the crash
A laser-welded blank consists of different thicknesses of metal that has been laser-welded together into
a sheet. In addition to achieving direct cost reductions through the more efficient use of materials,
tailored blanks also offer manufacturers the potential for greater flexibility in design. Manufacturers
currently apply several types of joining processes to weld coated-steel tailored blanks such as seam
welding, high-frequency welding, electron beam welding, and laser welding.
In this tutorial you will learn to simulate the welding of two blanks with different thickness and material
To set up the analysis for a laser weld, you need to define two (or more) components in the supplied
model. The components may be assigned to different materials and may have different thickness and
FLC curves. You use a default FLC curve for one component and create a user-defined FLC curve for
another component. In the next step, you will create a sample FLC curve using minor and major strain
On the left-hand side of the panel, under Curves in file, the name of the curve (FLD Curve)
should appear.
1. Click Mesh > Organize > Elements > To Component and select the collectors subpanel.
2. Click elems and select by windows from the pop-up menu.
3. Draw a window on the graphics area to include the top half of the elements of the entire model.
Refer to the image below.
Component 1 Component 2
7. Click return.
This feature allows you to track a line between the stamped part and the initial undeformed blank to
minimize material waste (part to blank). It also allows you to map trim lines between the intermediate
stages of stamping such as between the final flanged stage and the prior drawn stage (part to part).
The tutorial is divided into two exercises:
Exercise 1: Trimming the Line Layout
In this exercise, you will study the difference between the final part to the undeformed blank and
generate IGES data for a trim line selected from the part and mapped onto original blank.
Exercise 2: Mapping the Trim Line from Final Part to Intermediate
The purpose of the part-to-part line mapping is to allow you to map a line (or node list) between a
final part and an intermediate part.
This tutorial uses the Line Mapping panel.
1. From the main panel area, select the Line Mapping panel and the part to blank subpanel.
2. Click line and select the line on the final part shape as shown in the figure.
Note: This line is the one that will be mapped on to the flat blank.
The purpose of the part-to-part line mapping is to allow you to map a line (or node list) between a
final part and an intermediate part. This method can be useful for predicting where a part should be
trimmed prior to a flanging operation.
For example, if you have a part that is made using three operations (1st draw, trim, and 2nd draw),
and you want to predict where the flange line should be trimmed prior to the 2nd draw, you can use
the line mapping (part to part) feature. To do this, you will need to model the part shape at the end of
the 1st draw (intermediate shape) and at the end of the 2nd draw (final shape). Both of these parts
should be modeled in the same HyperForm file. After performing the 1Step analysis and loading the
results file, the line mapping function can be used. The flange line should be defined on the final
shape and trim part elements should belong to the intermediate part.
Step 1: Retrieve the file
1. Click Setup > Components to review the two components. There are two components that
represent the intermediate and the final part.
2. (optional) Click the letter D to open the Display panel. Change the entity selection to loadcols
to see how the parts have been constrained. This prevents the parts from moving with respect
to each other.
1. From the main panel area, select the Line Mapping panel and select the part to part option.
2. Pick the nodes or line you want to map as your flange line.
You can select the line in the ^feature component.
3. Click trim: comps and select the intermediate_part component.
4. Click flange part: comps and select final_part component.
5. Click map. A mapped line is generated and stored in the ^Mapping_line component.
The addendum is the part of the die face that facilitates the smooth and controlled flow of metal into the
die cavity.
This tutorial shows you how to use the Die Process utility to create a basic addendum. The process
includes constructing a binder; building an addendum that connects the part and binder surface; and
trimming the binder to get a complete die cavity.
This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with basic HyperMesh functions such as creating components,
geometry cleanup, and meshing. For information on these topics, see the online help.
Files for this Tutorial
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, under Dies > Die1, right-click Part: (none) and select
2. Select the part from the model graphics, and click proceed.
Note that the name of the component appears in front of the label Part. For this example, Part:
Die1 appears. A copy of the selected part is made in component Die1 to create the die surface.
Also the outer boundary of the part is automatically determined and assigned as the trim line.
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, under Dies > Die1, right-click Addendum Start Line, and
then select Auto.
The addendum start line is automatically added to the component ^Die1_ASL1 and assigned to
the object, Addendum start line.
2. Under Dies > Die1, right-click Binder, and then select Create.
A new object, Binder1, is created and the ASL created in the previous step is assigned to it.
3. Right-click Binder1, and then select Create > From Part:
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, under Die1, right-click Addendum, and then select New.
A new object, Addendum1, is created and the binder created in the previous step is assigned to it.
2. Right-click Addendum1, and then select Create > From Part.
The addendum is created in a temporary collector, ^Addendum, and assigned to the object,
Step 6: Create the Die Cavity
1. In the white space of the Die Process browser, right-click, and then select Trim Binder > With
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, right-click Punch: (None) and select By Offsetting Part
and Addendum….
2. Enter a value for the offset. The offset distance is the gap between the punch and the die, which
should be equal to the blank thickness + 20 percent of blank thickness.
3. Based on the direction of the vector, click Offset.
4. Click Return.
The punch is created in a collector named Punch. The object punch in the Die Process tree reflects
the name of the punch component.
5. Right-click Blank Holder: (None), and select By Offsetting Binder….
6. For Offset, enter a value.
9. To organize all of the elements and surfaces into one component, in the white space of the Die
Process browser, right-click and select Organize die.
The addendum is a part of the die face that facilitates the smooth and controlled flow of the sheet metal
into the die cavity. HyperForm enables you to rapidly create a parametric addendum and construct a
complete die with the part profile as the input. The process includes constructing a developable binder;
building an addendum to connect the part and the binder surface; and trimming the binder to get a
complete die face. You can create an addendum with single or multiple cross-sections depending on the
complexity of the part shape. You can also parametrically modify the cross-sections of the addendum in
order to create different die geometries.
1. From the tree in the Die Process browser, right-click Part, and from the context menu, select
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, under Dies > Part: Die1, select Flanges, right-click,
and from the context menu, select Auto.
The flanges in the part are identified and highlighted in white in the model graphics.
2. To complete the flange selection, click Proceed twice.
The identified flange surfaces are moved to the Die1_Flange1 component and assigned to the
Flange 1 object in the Die Process browser.
3. In the tree of the Die Process browser, select Flange1, right-click, and from the context menu,
select Hide.
The surface is hidden in the model graphics.
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, under Dies > Die1 > Part: Die1, select Filler, right-
click, and from the context menu, select Side Cutouts > Fill Cutouts.
A panel opens for you to pick lines.
2. To pick lines, in the panel, click line path, left-click, and then select Fill. Select lines as you see
in the following figure:
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, select Addendum Start Line, right-click and select
An addendum start line is created in component ^Die1_ASL1. This component is assigned to
2. In the tree, select Binders, right-click and select New.
A new object, Binder 1, is created and appears on the tree.
3. In the tree, select Binder1, right-click and select Create > Flat.
4. In the panel that appears, click below the part as you see in the following figure:
Locate the Maximum and Minimum value. In next step you translate the binder until the
minimum value is 30 mm.
8. On the panel, click Return.
9. In the tree of the Die Process browser, select Binder1:Die1_Binder1, right-click, and then
select show.
The binder display that was hidden while creating the contour returns.
10.Select Binder1:Die1_Binder1, right-click, and then select edit.
11.In the new panel that appears, do the following: select Manipulate binder; select the box for
translate; for axis, select Z-axis; for the magnitude value, subtract 30 from the minimum
value that you observed in Step 7; click translate +; click return.
12.To recheck the draw depth, repeat the actions from Step 6.
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, under Die1, select Addendum > New.
The Rib Editor is a two-dimensional interface for use in the design of parametric cross-sections
of an addendum. These cross sections are known as ribs. A rib can be constructed from one or
multiple basic shapes known as segments. After designing a rib, you can add it to a model. You
can also construct an addendum surface using all of the ribs created.
5. Verify that only Constrain to part and Show part profile are activated. If Show part profile
is off, click the Options tab, and next to the Show part profile option, select ON.
The part profile is displayed as a red-dotted section line.
Note: You can also draw the circle by clicking Circle Zoom from the viewing options.
Notice the two parameters, Length and Angle, are defined in the parameter display area. Also
notice the current action mode is still set to Append. The Append mode ensures that any new rib
created will be added to the end of the currently highlighted section. You can change the action
mode to Insert, Replace or Delete, however for this exercise, continue with the action mode set
to Append.
10.Select the box, Constrain to binder.
11.For Radius, enter 15.0, and then press the Enter key.
12.Click the Options tab. To enable modification to the rib sections, next to Enable handles, select
This tutorial shows you the process to create a profile binder and parametric addendum.
1. From the tree in the Die Process browser, right-click Part, and from the context menu, select
2. To select the part, on the model graphics, left-click, and then to accept the selection, middle-
The name of the component appears in front of the label, Part. For this example, Part: Die1
appears. A copy of the selected part is made in component Die1 to create the die surface. Also
the outer boundary of the part is automatically determined and assigned as a trim line.
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, select Addendum Start Line, right-click and select
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, select Binder1, right-click, and select Edit.
2. On the panel that appears, select the binder on section > create Section.
3. For axis, select X axis from the pull down menu, and then click on the edge of the binder as you
see in the image in the following step.
4. Click Create. A section of the binder is created.
5. Select edit section; for Method, select 2D; pick the line created in the previous step; and then
click Edit.
A section editor opens with a 3D view on top as you see in the following image. The section
editor lets you easily create a 2D profile that you can later apply to shape the binder.
7. Click the Drag Handles radio button, and then left-click and drag each handle to approximate
the following shape:
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, under Die1, select Addendums, right-click and select
A new object, Addendum 1, is created, and the binder created in the previous step is assigned
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, under Die1, select Addendum1, right-click, and then
select Edit.
The ribs of the addendum are highlighted and the edit panel appears.
2. Select edit rib parameters, and then pick a rib in the model as you see in the following figure:
1. In the tree of the Die Process browser, under Die1, select Addendum1, right-click, and then
select Edit.
The ribs of the addendum are highlighted and the Edit panel opens.
2. Select Cast rib.
3. For the model line selector, pick the rib that was modified in the previous step.
4. To define the candidate to edit, click lines selector.
5. As you see in the following figure, pick the ribs adjacent to the rib modified in the previous
6. Click cast.
The addendum is updated as defined.
7. To exit the panel, click return.
This tutorial teaches you how to use the Auto Process utility to set up and run an incremental stamping
analysis with RADIOSS or LS-DYNA.
Familiarity with basic HyperMesh functionality such as geometry cleanup, meshing and mesh editing. To
learn more about these functions, see the HyperMesh help and tutorials.
You can access Auto Process from the Tools menu in the Incremental_RADIOSS or
Incremental_LS-DYNA user profile.
You can choose to set up a simulation from either user profile, however you should not switch
between the two in the middle of the setup.
To set up an analysis for LS-DYNA, select the LS-DYNA user profile, and then apply the same
methodology for the RADIOSS user profile as shown in this tutorial.
The Auto Process tool leads you through two steps of the analysis process, Setup and Detail:
Setup Lets you specify an analysis type and the input parameters for
your simulation. The blank and tools of the forming process have
fields for you to enter values. After entering values, you can
select Auto Position to automatically adjust the position of the
An Apply option lets you save the current tool and blank settings,
generate load curves, and create input files for the RADIOSS
solver. After the Apply operation, you can verify that the tool
motion is correctly defined by reviewing animation control.
Detail Review the setup and make modifications to the input data as
1. On the toolbar above the modeling window, click the Single Action Draw icon.
2. On the error message that displays, click OK.
The Autoprocess panel appears:
Notice the components are recognized with a solid line in the Auto Process image.
7. Click the Autoposition button.
8. In the warning dialog that appears, click Proceed, and then do one of the following:
To apply the tool travel values calculated by the utility, click Apply.
To apply values that are user-defined, click Cancel, and then select a tool Name to activate
the column headings for that tool. Enter the appropriate values in the travel fields, and then
click Apply.
1. Click the space next to the component Blank1. The arrow activates the component and lets
you modify parameters for that component.
Note: In order to use your own values for tool travel and velocity, simply edit the values in the
respective boxes, and then click Apply. Do not click Autoposition.
1. Click the space next to Die. The arrow activates the component and enables you modify
parameters for that component.
Travel 1: The distance the die travels towards the binder (mm).
Velocity 1: The velocity at which the die travels towards the binder. The suggested velocity is
2000 mm/s.
Travel 2: The distance the die travels towards the punch (mm). Enter 70.0.
Velocity 2: The velocity at which the die travels towards the punch. The suggested velocity is
5000 mm/s.
1. Click the space next to Punch. The arrow activates the component and lets you modify
parameters for that component.
1. Click the space next to Binder. The arrow activates the component and lets you modify
parameters for that component.
1. Click the Blank1 field again. Under Material, click to open the material database:
51 0
210000.0 0.3
## Functions
##HWCOLOR curves 1 11
0.0 185.0
0.1 339.127251
When Drawbeads is set to yes in the Auto Process, you can launch the Drawbeads Editor using
the button. The Drawbeads Editor helps you quickly create analytical
drawbeads from lines and rapidly manipulate them. You can also edit drawbeads by clicking in the
modeling area.
1. To create the Drawbeads row in the table, in the Auto Process panel, next to Drawbeads,
select Yes.
Button Function
In the drop-down menu, select Both to display both the drawbeads and
lines in the model representation, Drawbeads to display only the
drawbeads in the model representation, or Lines to display only the
lines in the model representation.
Create a drawbead by clicking points to define the line. When the points
are in place, right-click to set the line and create a corresponding
drawbead based on the line.
Click to add a drawbead to the table. Then complete the fields for the
row in the table to define the drawbead.
Click lines to select them. Lines appear as blue dashes. When they are
selected, they become yellow.
Click to delete the active drawbead from the table. The active drawbead
in the table has a gray arrow next to it.
Click two drawbeads when the button is selected to combine them into a
single drawbead.
Click the button to undo the last action in the Drawbeads Editor. You
can also right-click to sequentially remove the most recently created
Zoom feature. Click once to fit the model in the window. Click and drag
to draw a rectangle to zoom in on that selection area.
Click and drag to move the viewing area when the model is zoomed in.
6. After selecting the points, click the create button to complete the first line. Notice the color
7. Repeat the same steps to create DB2 and DB3, as shown below.
8. Click the space left of DB1. Notice the corresponding drawbead line changes from green to
yellow in the graphics region.
9. Click after the Tstart column in the same row as DB1. This will open the Drawbead
Calculator as shown below.
10. Accept the current settings and click . Notice all the resultant conditions are calculated for
the given geometry, blank material, and thickness.
The Animation Control field makes it possible to verify that the motion is set up correctly. Click
the arrow buttons to move forward or back through the process, and observe how the tools move
with respect to the blank in the graphics area.
1. From the Auto Process macro module, click in the animation control field to visualize the
tool positions at the termination of the forming stage. .
This tutorial teaches you how to use the User Process utility to set up a model for a stamping analysis.
You can maintain a custom material database. To do so, create the data in RADIOSS keyword
format and copy it to
To define a user material library for incremental runs, define the following cards:
(Optional) Use any text editor to open and review CRDQ material data in the library.
51 0
210000.0 0.3
## Functions
##HWCOLOR curves 1 11
0.0 185.0
0.05 293.188135
0.1 339.127251
Tool Function
In the drop-down menu, select Both to display both the drawbeads and
lines in the model representation, Drawbeads to display only the
drawbeads in the model representation, or Lines to display only the lines
in the model representation.
Create a drawbead by clicking points to define a line. When the points are
in place, click Create to set the line and create a corresponding drawbead
based on the line.
Click to add a drawbead to the table. Then complete the fields for the row
in the table to define the drawbead.
Click lines to select them. Lines appear as blue dashes. When they are
selected, they become yellow.
Click to delete the active drawbead from the table. The active drawbead in
the table has a gray arrow next to it.
Click a drawbead to select it and then click and drag endpoints to change
the size of the drawbead.
Click two when the button is selected to combine them into a single
Click the button to undo the last action in the Drawbeads Editor.
Click once to fit the model in the window. Click and drag to area select and
1. From the tree in the User Process browser, right-click Drawbeads, and then select Edit
6. Under the Name column, click the space left of DB1. Notice that an arrow appears and the
corresponding drawbead line changes from green to yellow in the model graphics.
7. After the Tstart column, in row DB1, click the elipses button . The Drawbead Calculator opens:
Notice that all of the conditions are calculated for the given geometry, blank material, and
9. Click Back.
Notice that the calculated restraining force and normal force are automatically filled in.
10.In the Drawbeads Editor, follow the same steps for DB2 and DB3 and enter values for all
11.To create the force curves for the drawbeads, click Update.
12.To close the Drawbeads Editor, click Back.
Note: In the Model Browser, expand the Components folder. You will find three
components: ^db_line for DB1, ^db_line for DB2 and ^db_line for DB3. These
components are generated automatically, and correspond to the three drawbeads.
The status of auto positioning is shown and updated at the left hand bottom corner of the
window. Done indicates that tools have been successfully positioned with respect to blank.
2. Right-click any where in the red boundary as shown in the above figure and select Run.
3. At the prompt to create input, click Yes.
4. Enter a filename, and click Save.
This will create a RADIOSS input deck which consists of two files:
<file name>_0000.rad and <file name>_0001.rad
5. Right-click anywhere in the red boundary as shown in the above figure and select Check
Model. This action checks the model for any errors and opens a box that includes the following:
A Sequence tab that displays the tool kinematics sequence
A Messages tab that displays errors in the setup, if any.
Preview animation of the tool kinematics.
2. Click on the New .hm File icon . This deletes the existing model from the session. Note that
the parameters under the process tree is empty.
3. Click on Open Folder icon and browse for the file Forming_ReUse_User_Process.hf. Double-
click to open the file.
4. Right-click on Process and select Load Process… as shown below.
5. Browse for the file User_Process.up and double-click the file. A dialog box appears as shown
below. Click OK to bring the process file into HyperForm session.
Notice that the process tree gets populated as per the settings of the imported process file.
Step 2: Set up a second stamping model using the retrieved process file
The model and the retrieved process in the session look as below:
This tutorial teaches you how to set up a multistage simulation with the User Process utility.
The Multistage tab appears with setup options for your simulation. The options on this tab are
similar to the ones on the User Process tab for a single-stage forming setup.
3. On the tree, right-click Base Directory > Set, and then in the dialog that appears specify the
directory where you want to save the results of the forming sequence.
The multistage simulation for this tutorial uses the following forming sequence: Gravity, Double-
Action Draw and Trimming.
Stage 1: Gravity
1. On the Multistage tab, locate the forming template, and then double-click the Gravity tool: .
2. On the tree, right-click , and then select Details from the context menu. The Stage 1 tab
opens and displays the gravity settings.
3. Copy the file, multistage_gravity_radioss.hf, into your working directory.
If you are working with installed tutorials, copy the file from <installation_directory>
6. From the tree in the User Process, check that the Blank and Die objects are pointing to their
respective components. If not, under Blanks, right-click Blank, and then select Blank >
Component. Do the same for the Die. Under Tools, right-click die, and then select component.
The default settings for Material and Thickness appear under the Blank. To learn about modifying
these settings, see HF-3010: User Process.
7. From the top of the tree in the User Process, right-click Process: multistage_gravity_radioss,
and then select Autoposition.
8. Right-click Process: multistage_gravity_radioss, and then select Create Input. The setup is
captured and reflected in the tree.
1. Click the Setup tab, and then double-click the Forming tool: .
The Forming tool appears below the Gravity tool and the Stage 2 tab appears:
Stage 3: Trimming
1. Select the Setup tab, and then double-click the trimming tool: .
2. On the tree, right-click , and then select Details. The Stage 3 tab opens and displays the
trim settings.
3. Select File > Import > Geometry.
4. On the the Import tab that appears, navigate to the file: <install_directory>/tutorials/mfs/
hf/Incr/multistage_trim_line.iges, and then select Import.
1. Select the Stage 1 tab. Moving to the this tab ensures the simulation starts from Gravity.
2. Select the Setup tab.
3. On the tree, right-click MultiStage > Run Live. A pop up dialog appears asking if you want to run
the process from Stage 1. Click Yes.
During a HyperView session, you can access the HyperForm Utilities menu which includes all of the
relevant tools for post-processing stamping results.
The following exercises show you how to use the HyperForm post-processing tools:
5. In the tree of the Model browser, under Components, click next to Punch and Blank Holder.
The display of the Punch and Binder is cleared from the model graphics.
6. From the toolbar, select HyperForm > Distance Between Objects. The Distance Between
Objects dialog appears with the Component button for Part activated with a cyan border. If the
button is not activated, click it.
14.From the Contour options that appear, select the Legend tab, and then clear Max and Min.
15.Click Edit Legend.
16.On the Edit Legend dialog, in the legend, select the top value, enter 1.2, and then press Enter.
Blank–Tool Gap
Display the gap between the blank and tools at any given time step.
1. In the tree of the Model browser, under Components, click next to Punch.
The display of the Punch is cleared from the model graphics.
2. To move to the last step of the simulation, on the animation toolbar, click the last option:
3. Select HyperForm > Blank–Tool Gap, and the Blank-Tool Gap dialog appears.
4. Rotate the model to a convenient orientation and select the formed part.
5. On the Blank-Tool Gap dialog, click Calculate.
6. The HyperView window splits into two and shows a distance contour between the nodes of the
blank elements and the surrounding tools.
This option calculates the Forming Limit Diagram. The FLD is a measure to predict the formability
of a stamped part. The FLD is represented on graph with Minor strain on the x-axis and Major
strain on the y-axis.
The FLD calculation can be based on the following input:
The hardening coefficient (n) from the material inputs and the blank thickness.
A user-defined Forming Limiting Curve, FLC.
Values defined for the major and minor strain to draw the FLC.
The following exercise is based on the first method, the hardening coefficient (n) from the material
inputs and the blank thickness.
1. Select File > Open > Model.
2. Below the graphics area, for the Load model field, navigate to the results file: Thinning.h3d.
3. Click Apply.
4. To move to the last step of the simulation, on the animation toolbar, click the last option:
5. In the tree of the Model browser, under Components, click next to Punch and Binder.
The display of the Punch and Binder is cleared from the model graphics.
Section Cut
This option shows the blank thickness of a user-created section of a part at a desired time step. A
contour and graph are displayed with the blank thickness on the y-axis and the draw distance on the
x-axis. The animate controls let you automatically update the graph.
1. From the toolbar, select File > Open > Model.
2. Below the graphics area, for the Load model field, navigate to the results file: Thinning.h3d.
3. Click Apply.
4. To move to the last step of the simulation, on the animation toolbar, click the last option:
5. From the toolbar, select HyperForm > Section Cut, and the Plot Section dialog appears:
13.Click Close.
Draw-In Plot
This option calculates the distance between any point on a blank’s edge from a staring point to a
current position. The option is one of the measures for comparing a simulated part shape to test data.
1. From the toolbar, select File > Open > Model.
2. Below the graphics area, for the Load model field, navigate to the results file: Thinning.h3d.
3. Click Apply.
4. To move to the last step of the simulation, on the animation toolbar, click the last option:
5. In the tree of the Model browser, under Components, click next to Punch and Blank Holder.
The display of the Punch and Blank Holder is turned off in the model graphics.
6. From the toolbar, select HyperForm > Draw-in Plot. The Draw-in Plot dialog appears.
7. For Select the blank, click the yellow Component button. Component is activated and is
highlighted with a cyan border.
8. In the model graphics, click the Part component.
9. From the Draw-in Plot dialog, under Select the binder/die, click the yellow Component button.
10. In the model graphics, click the Die component.
Tensor Plot
This option lets you plot the strain tensor for each element representing major and minor axes. The
operation is equivalent to the deformation directions obtained for the circle grid analysis.
1. From the toolbar, select File > Open > Model.
2. Below the graphics area, for the Load model field, navigate to the results file: Thinning.h3d.
3. Click Apply.
4. To move to the last step of the simulation, on the animation toolbar, click the last option:
5. In the tree of the Model browser, under Components, click next to Punch, Die, and Blank
The display of the Punch, Die and Blank Holder is cleared from the model graphics.
6. From the toolbar, select HyperForm > Tensor Plot. The Tensor Plot appears:
H3d is the abbreviation for Hyper3d, the HyperView portable binary result file. The Export H3d
option exports the current contoured result as an H3d file. You can view this file with the
HyperView player which is a free to download from http://www.altairhyperworks.com/
Export STL
Export the shape of a part at any desired time step as an STL mesh file.
Publish Report
Publish an HTML report with Deformation, %Thinning, Plastic Strain and FLD results.
1. From the toolbar, select File > Open > Model.
2. Below the graphics area, for the Load model field, navigate to the results file: Thinning.h3d.
3. Click Apply.
4. To move to the last step of the simulation, on the animation toolbar, click the last option:
5. In the tree of the Model browser, under Components, click next to Punch and Blank Holder.
The display of the Punch and Blank Holder is cleared from the model graphics.
6. From the toolbar, select HyperForm > Publish Report, and the Publish Report dialog appears:
This tutorial shows you how to set up the second stage of a forming analysis with the User Process
1. The files for this tutorial, redraw_radioss.hf and cup_draw_001.sta, are zipped in the file
cup_draw_001.zip. Copy and unzip cup_draw_001.zip into your working directory.
If you are working with installed tutorials, copy the file from <installation_directory>\tutorials
If you are working with online tutorials, download the file from http://www.altairhyperworks.com/
2. In the tree of the User Process browser, right-click Blanks, select From File..., browse to
cup_draw_001.sta, and then click Open.
In the tree, under Blanks, Blank 1 loads with material and thickness information. The model that
appears on your screen should look something like this:
This tutorial shows you how to set up a gravity analysis with the User Process utility. The setup for the
example model includes:
Positioning the blank with reference to the die.
Assigning the appropriate material and section properties to the tool and blank.
A setup file containing the blank and die mesh provides the starting point.
4. Near the top of the tree, right-click Process Type, and then select Gravity.
5. Under Blanks > blank, right-click Material, select database > steel > CDRQ, and then click
6. Click Thickness:1, click the value, 1, and enter the blank thickness 1.25.
7. At the top of the tree, right-click Process: grav_implicit, and then select Autoposition...
Notice that the blank positions itself with respect to the die.
8. Right-click Process: grav_implicit, and then select Run.
9. At the prompt to create input, click Yes.
10.In the dialog that appears, browse to your working folder, for File name, enter a file name, and then
click Save.
The RADIOSS implicit solver launches and runs the gravity computation.
This tutorial shows you how to set up a trimming analysis on a simple box form. The part shape, stress,
and strain state at the end of a draw-forming operation are the inputs for this analysis.
Note: You can select either elements or components to indicate the area for the trimming operation.
Selecting components removes only the elements inside of the trim line.
1. The files for this tutorial, trim_line.igs and radios_trimming_sta, are zipped in the file
Radioss_trimming.zip. Copy and unzip Radioss_trimming.zip into your working directory.
If you are working with installed tutorials, copy the file from <installation_directory>\tutorials
If you are working with online tutorials, download the file from http://www.altairhyperworks.com/
2. On the bottom of the tree in the User Process, right-click Blanks, select From File..., browse to the
file radios_trimming_sta, and then click Open.
During a forming process, the elasto-plastic stress gradients across the surface build up and result in
accumulation of residual stresses. The residual stresses cause the material to bounce back after forming.
The resulting deviations from the profile often require manual adjustment before the component is
considered acceptable for assembly. Components that do not fit in the final assembly usually need
additional shimming and assembly time.
This tutorial teaches you the setup procedure for performing a springback analysis. The part-shape and
stress-and-strain states at the end of a simple draw forming operation are the inputs to the setup and
are available in the STA file. Appropriate material and section properties are assigned to the blank
1. The file for this tutorial, radios_springback_sta, is zipped in the file, Radioss_springback.zip.
Copy and unzip the file, Radioss_springback.zip, into your working directory.
If you are working with installed tutorials, copy the file from <installation_directory>\tutorials
If you are working with online tutorials, download the file from http://www.altairhyperworks.com/
2. On the bottom of the tree in the User Process, right-click Blanks, select From File..., browse to the
file radios_springback.sta, and then click Open.
The file loads and the model is displayed in the graphics area on your screen.
3. At the top of the tree, right-click Process Type, and then select Springback.
4. Under Blanks, right-click Material, and then select Database…. The Material Database dialog
5. In the Steel folder, click CRDQ, and then click Select.
6. At the top of the tree, right-click Process: Springback, and then select Run.
7. At the prompt that appears, select Yes.
8. In the dialog that appears, browse to your working folder, for File name, enter a file name, and then
click Save.
The RADIOSS implicit solver launches and runs the springback computation.
This tutorial shows you how to set up an arbitrary stamping analysis with the User Process. The steps
are similar to those for a single-action-draw analysis, but with the involvement of temperature for
forming sheet metal.
1. On the tree under Thermal, select Actual forming speed {mm/s}, click the current value, and
then enter the value 100. Note that temperature is in degrees Kelvin. Keep the default values for
the remaining thermal coefficients.
2. For Blank transfer time, enter 2.0.
3. For Tool approach time, enter 5.0.
4. For Quenching Time, enter 15.0.
On the tree, select Initial Temp, click the current value, and then enter 1073, which is the usual
initial temperature for hot stamping.
Step 5: Set up the Tools parameters
Because you are using the standard action draw template, the defaults for the Tools parameters can
be kept as they are, with the exception of the Temp value.
1. On the tree, under Die, select Temp, click the current value, and then enter 373.
2. Do the same for the remaining Tool components.
1. Right-click in the white space of the User Process. From the context menu that appears, select
The status of the auto positioning operation is displayed in the left, bottom corner of the
window. Done indicates that tools have been successfully positioned with respect to the blank.
2. To review the process sequence, click View > Process Sequence.
The Sequence tab displays the tool kinematics sequence.
The Messages tab displays the errors in the setup, if any.
Another method of stepping through a thermal process is to use the Auto Process feature available in
the Incremental_RADIOSS user profile.
1. To save the existing file in the session, select File > Save As.
2. Click the New Model icon . The existing model is cleared from the session. Note that the
parameters in the tree are cleared.
3. Browse to the file hot_forming.hf. Double-click the file to load it into the session.
4. Above the graphics area, click Single Action Draw . The Auto Process panel appears:
This tutorial shows you how to set up a composite forming analysis from the User Process, and post
process the results in HyperView.
The options for a single-action process appear. In the tree, Under Settings, adjust the settings
as follows:
2. Right-click Blank Type, and then select Composite.
3. Under Blank Type, right-click Blank Config, and then select Sandwich.
4. Right-click Symmetry, and then select no.
5. Under Animation: Count, click Count 10, click the value 10, change the value to 15, and
then press Enter.
6. For Draw direction, keep the default: Z.
7. For Motion Mode, keep the default: Velocity.
8. For Memory Mode, keep the default: Automatic.
9. Right-click Adaptivity, and then select On.
1. Under Blanks, right-click Blank, and then select Add Ply. Repeat until you have four plies.
2. For Ply 1, Ply 2, Ply 3, and Ply 4, click Thickness: 1.0, click the value 1.0, change the value
to 0.5, and then press Enter.
3. For Ply 2 and Ply 4, click Angle: 0.0, click the value 0.0, change the value to 45, and then
press Enter.
4. From the top of the tree, right-click Process: Single Action, and then select Run.
This tutorial shows you how to post-process the results of a composite forming simulation in
4. For the Load model field, navigate to the results file: CompositeA001.
The file loads in both the Load model and Load results fields.
5. Click Apply.
3. In the tree of the Model browser, next to the following elements: Resin1, Resin2, Punch,
Binder and Die, select .
The display of the selected elements is turned off in the model graphics. Only the plies are
6. From the Model browser, right-click, and select Create > Derived Result:
This tutorial shows you how to set up a basic hydroforming analysis for a tube.
Hydroforming is a metal forming process that uses fluid pressure to shape a metal piece into a specified
form. The process begins with placing a metal piece in a blank holder over a punch, followed by moving
the blank holder and punch next to a fluid filled dome. Pressure inside the dome is increased to form the
part. As the punch moves against the diaphragm of the dome, the pressure inside the dome is adjusted
to form the metal into the desired shape.
Familiarity with basic HyperForm functionality such as meshing and mesh editing. If you need help on
these topics, refer to the corresponding tutorials in the online help.
This tutorial uses the following panels which are available in the Setup menu:
Sections panel
Materials panel
Components panel
Run Analysis panel
1. Create a working directory where you intend to run the simulation for this tutorial.
2. Copy and unzip the file, tube_radioss.zip, into your working directory.
If you are working with installed tutorials, copy the file from <installation_directory>
If you are working with online tutorials, download the file from http://www.altairhyperworks.com/
3. Click the Import Solver Deck icon . The Import tab opens. Select the options as you see in the
following figure:
Note: During the import of the sta/dynain file, only the node and
element definitions are read into HyperForm. The adaptive
constraints, initial stress, and initial strain quantities are
automatically placed into a new file called filename.sta.hmx/
dynain.hmx. This extra information should be automatically
included in the new setup by the #INCLUDE in the D00
0000.rad file for RADIOSS or *INCLUDE card for LS-DYNA.
1. From the Setup menu, click Sections. The Section Definition panel is displayed.
2. In the section field, type tube_section.
3. In the thickness: field, type 1.3 (mm).
4. Click card image: and select the respective card image from the list:
1. From the Setup menu, click Materials. The Material Definition panel displays.
2. In the material: field, type CRDQ_steel.
3. Click card image:, and select the respective card image from the list:
For RADIOSS, select HillOrthotropic Tabulated
For LS-DYNA, select TransAnsioElasticPlastic.
4. Click import curve.
5. In the curve: field, type stress_strain_curve.
6. In the sigy = field, enter 185. (MPa)
7. In the k = field, enter 550. (MPa)
8. In the n = field, enter 0.21.
9. Click create.
10.Click back.
11.Click create.
12.For LS-DYNA, click edit card and set Lankford coefficient (R) to 1.6.
13.Click return.
Step 5: Assign section and material properties for the tube component
2. Click the file browser icon and browse to find the file hydro_die_geom_radioss.igs/
hydro_die_geom.igs and double-click to open the file.
3. Click Import.
4. Click Close.
1. In the Model Browser, click the icons as shown in the figure below to turn on lower_die and
upper_die components.
R-Mesh is a tool meshing utility available from the Mesh menu that allows you to specify several
parameters to create the mesh. The macro is intended for generating rigid tool meshes for
incremental analysis. For incremental analysis, the meshing parameters default settings are Minimum
Edge: 0.5, Maximum edge: 30.0, Chordal deviation: 0.1, and Fillet angle: 15.0.
The four parameters are defined as shown in the interface as shown below.
Step 11: Repeat Steps 9 and 10 using lower_die as the current component
Step 12: Set up pressure loads using the Hydro Setup macro
Note: For RADIOSS, D00 and D01 files are created at this step.
Save the file as in Step 13 and directly use the RADIOSS
Manager to run these files. The RADIOSS Manager can be
accessed from Start > All Programs > Altair HyperWorks.
Note: At the end of the computation, LS-DYNA will write out a file
named "dynain". This file contains all the stress and strain
information necessary to perform subsequent operations. This
file can be read directly by HyperForm and is essential for
performing multi-stage setups.
7. Click return.
8. Click dyna file and specify the name tube_hydro_complete.
9. Click run. A dyna input file tube_hydro_complete.bdf is generated. The file can be submitted to
LS-DYNA for solver analysis.
This tutorial shows you how to set up a simple tube bending analysis and assumes basic understanding
of the tube bending process.
For this tutorial, you create the following model and set up a tube bending analysis.
From the Tools menu, right-lick Bend and select Model Creator:
From the Setup menu, you can access the panels for this tutorial:
Materials panel
Components panel
Run analysis panel
1. From the Tools menu, select Bend and then select Model Creator. The following panel is
Tooling Parameters
Ball Parameters
Number of Balls 2
Tube Parameters
Note: Outer Dia = Tube diameter ( at mid surface of a tube) + Wall Thickness.
1. From the Tools menu, select Bend and then select Bend Setup. Type the file name as
tube_bending and specify the required location to save the file.
2. After saving, the bend setup utility appears:
156.2 0 56.2
5. Click Run. The folder where you saved the file will have <filename>_0000.rad and
<filename>_0001.rad installed. The number of <filename>_000* files depends on the number of
bends in the Bending setup. In this case, it is 6 files – 0001.rad, 0002.rad, 0003.rad,
0004.rad, 0005.rad and 0006.rad files.
The tube bending problem has been set up completely.
Note: All tool parameters from the Bending Model Creator dialog are automatically applied
to the "Bending Setup". However, if you create the tube and tool meshes without using
the Bending Model Creator dialog, you will need to manually modify
\TubeBendingInitDefaults.dat to suit your needs.
2.Make the following component selections in the Hydro Tube Bending dialog by using the
selector for the corresponding fields.
Mandrel: Mandrel
Tube: Tube
Number of bends 3
156.2 0 56.2
4.Click Run.
The tube bending problem has been set up completely.
Note: All tool parameters from the Bending Model Creator dialog are automatically applied
to the "Bending Setup". However, if you create the tube and tool meshes without using
the Bending Model Creator dialog, you will need to manually modify
\TubeBendingInitDefaults.dat to suit your needs.
1. Run the analysis from the RADIOSS Manager, which you can access from Start > All Programs
> Altair HyperWorks.
Note: Do not use the Run function from the Utility Menu or the
main panel area. This will rewrite the D00 and D0* files created
from the Bending setup.
2. Click run. An LS-DYNA input file named forming_complete.bdf is generated. The file can be
submitted to LS-DYNA for solver analysis (in the Incremental_LS-DYNA user profile).
The Blank development process for crash formed parts requires an initial guess based on die design
results. After you supply an initial guess, you run multiple iterations of forming simulations and visually
inspect the deviation of the simulated part boundary from the design CAD boundary.
To solve the blank-development problem, the blank shape predictor tool tracks the boundaries of the
CAD design boundary from the simulated part onto the initial blank. A resulting traced line on the initial
blank can be used to run a second simulation, the part boundary of which will be closer to the design
CAD boundary. Generally the Blank Predictor tool reaches the required blank shape after three to four
simulation iterations. Applying a rectangular blank for the first of these simulation events can minimize
the number of iterations required to reach the desired blank shape. Note that you can also use the Line
Tracing feature to trace the design CAD boundary in multiple stages.
3. In the Blank STA/dynain file field, navigate to the file, Form.sta, and then click Import. The
8. Click proceed.
9. Next to Select Target lines(s), click the Lines button twice, and then click lines >>
10.Click proceed >> Predict. HyperView opens in batch mode, and displays the predicted blank
The following image shows you an overlay of the .sta file elements in transparent mode, the
design CAD boundary, and the predicted blank shape:
4. From the Geometry menu, select Edit > Surfaces > Trim with Lines. On the panel that
appears, set the options as you see outlined in red in the following image:
10.Click Elems >> By Geom >> Surfs, and then pick the rectangular surface from the screen.
11.Click add to selection and then click delete entity. The following figure shows you the new
blank shape cut from the rectangular blank:
12.Use the new shape and follow HF-3010. Set up a new a forming simulation and compare the
simulated shape with the design CAD boundary. Repeat Exercise 1. to predict the new shape
until the simulated part shape matches with the design CAD boundary.
Step 1: Open HyperView from HyperForm and load the HyperForm profile
1. Launch HyperView.
Note: In any HyperForm user profile you can access HyperView from the toolbar by selecting
Applications > HyperView.
2. In HyperView, select File > Load > Preference File. The Preference file window opens.
3. Select HyperForm Utilities, and then click Load. From this point on, HyperForm appears on
the HyperView toolbar.
5. For Load model, navigate to your working directory, and then select the file,
Line_Trace_Result_file.h3d. Notice that the Load results field gets populated with the same
path as Load model.
6. Click Apply. The results file loads and the forming simulation of the b-pillar is displayed.
7. From the Model browser, turn off the tools, and from the animation controls, proceed to the last
time step. The part shape, the output from the rectangular shaped blank, is displayed as you
see in the following image:
Step 2: Trace the design CAD boundary and export the new blank shape
1. From the toolbar, select HyperForm > Import and Trace Line. The Import Line window opens.
2. Navigate to the file, Design_CAD_boundary.iges. The Line Trace panel opens at the bottom of
the screen.
3. With the Components button highlighted, click the part shape from the screen. Notice that the
name of the blank as seen on the Model browser appears at the center of the part shape
confirming your selection.
4. Click Create. Notice the trace of the line from the final shape to the initial blank shape is
automatically displayed on the screen. The trace is shown for every time step by default. If you
don’t see the trace for every time step, then animate once by clicking play from the animation
controls toolbar.
5. On the animation controls toolbar, click to see the shape of the trace on the initial blank
(time zero).
6. To export the traced shape, from the Display Options on the bottom-right corner of the screen,
click Export.
The pink line is the design CAD boundary and the gray line is the trace of the design CAD
boundary at time zero.
7. Rerun the forming simulation using the traced shape and compare the results with the design
CAD boundary. If the two boundaries do not match, then repeat the trace and rerun the forming
simulation with the new blank shape.
The HyperMorph module helps you alter models in useful, logical, and intuitive ways while keeping mesh
distortion to a minimum. With the module, you can:
Make smooth changes to die geometry parameters like the draw wall angle.
Use the morph volume feature to create a volume around a group of elements, which allows you to
morph to the desired shape by dragging the handles at the corners of the volume.
This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with HyperForm functionalities and the HyperMorph module.
Information on HyperMorph topics can be found in the online help.
This tutorial uses the HyperMorph module, which can be found in the Tools menu.
Morph volumes within the HyperMorph module allows you to enclose a given mesh with morph
volumes, alter the morph volumes to fit your model, and then change the shape of your model by
modifying the morph volumes.
1. From the Applications menu, select HyperMorph.
2. Select the morph volumes button on the main menu.
3. Select the create subpanel.
4. Use the switch to select create matrix.
5. Enter the following values:
X density = 2
Y density = 10
Z density = 1
buffer % = 5
6. Uncheck auto-tangent. Keep all the other settings as they are.
7. Click elems and select displayed.
8. Click create.
The entire part is enclosed in twenty hexagonal morph volumes. These twenty morph volumes are
the result of 2 x 10 x 1 input for X, Y and Z in the create matrix as shown in the figure below. Red
color handles are created at the end corners of each of the twenty boxes.
12.Click split.
As a result of this split, ten more morph volumes will be created. The split is propagated to the
other end. Red color handles are created at the corners of the morph volumes.
This tutorial guides you through the setup of an optimization study using the link between HyperForm
and HyperStudy. This tutorial assumes you have familiarity with HyperForm, HyperMorph, HyperStudy,
and basic understanding of optimization.
Stamping processes typically deal with a large number of shape and process design variables. In order
to automate the process of arriving at an optimal choice of design variables, a link between the analysis
program and the optimization program is essential. For the example problem in this tutorial, you set up
process variables using Hyperform panels, and shape variables using HyperMorph, a mesh morphing
tool. To run the analysis, you use RADIOSS One Step.
You can easily extend this method to set up an optimization study with incremental analysis.
Problem Overview
A quality function that minimizes failure by tearing or wrinkling has been developed using the major and
minor strain ratios that correspond to the formability zones under a forming limit diagram. The objective
function is to minimize the distance between the major and minor strain coordinates for each material
point in strain space and the curve describing the quality function as illustrated in the following figure:
The shape variables are the blank edge profile. The die entry radius, the part depth, and the process
variables are the blankholder force and the drawbead restraining forces as illustrated in the following
1. From the OneStep tab, check that the part has an assigned material, thickness, blank holder
and drawbead as you see below:
4. From the Browse For Folder dialog that appears, navigate to the correct folder, and then click
5. Return to the OneStep tab and check that the options are set as below. To change a setting,
right-click the option.
6. On the OneStep tab, locate the Design Variables branch which contains the shapes and process
variables in the model, and then do the following:
From Blankholders, right-click bh.friction, and then select Remove.
Under bh.tonnage, left-click Upper bound, and then click the value next to it and enter 200.
Under bh.tonnage, left-click Lower bound, and then click the value next to it and enter 0.
7. From Drawbeads:
Under db1.restraintforce, left-click Upper bound, and then click the value next to it and
enter 200.
Alternatively, click the Animate button on the bottom, right of the screen.
Click Close to close the animate panel.
11.To run the optimization study, on the OneStep tab, move your cursor to the white space near the
scroll bar, right-click, and then select Run:
1. After the optimization converges, HyperView opens with the results of the optimized shape.
If the optimization does not converge, then an optimization summary dialog appears with a
prompt for you to open the closest results.
Follow the prompt. A screen appears with something like the following:
This tutorial guides you through the setup of an optimization study using the link between HyperForm
and HyperStudy. Familiarity with HyperForm, HyperMorph and HyperStudy is required. This tutorial also
assumes that you understand the basic principles of optimization.
Stamping processes typically deal with a large number of shape and process design variables. In order
to automate the process of arriving at an optimal choice of design variables, a link between the analysis
program and the optimization program is essential. For this project, you set up process variables in
HyperForm panels and shape variables in HyperMorph, a mesh morphing tool. To run the analysis for
this project, you use HyperForm’s RADIOSS Incremental solver.
Problem Overview
A quality function that minimizes failure by tearing or wrinkling has been developed using the major and
minor strain ratios that correspond to the formability zones under a forming limit diagram. The objective
function is to minimize the distance between the major and minor strain coordinates for each material
point in strain space and the curve describing the quality function as the following diagram illustrates:
The Blank Edge profile is considered to be a shape variable as in the following figure:
1. Set up the model in the User Process utility as described in the tutorial, HF-3010.
2. To change the setting of an option, right-click the option, and then select a setting. Change the
options as needed in the following steps.
3. Right-click Optimization Object, and then select On. Notice that the Optimization tab opens next
to the User Process tab, and captures all of the necessary model information required to set up an
optimization study.
4. Specify a working directory for your study. From the Optimization tab, under Settings, right-
click Base Directory, select Set, and then specify a directory in the dialog that appears.
5. Under Settings, right-click Type, and then select Part geometry and process parameter.
6. Under Settings, right-click Scope, and then select Full Part.
7. Right-click Objective, and then select Minimize distance to function.
8. Right-click Constraints, select Thinning, select Less than %, and then enter 25.
9. Under Constraints, right-click Number of iterations, and then enter 25.
10.From Design Variables, right-click Tool Loads, and then select Remove.
11.From Design Variables, right-click Thickness, and then select Remove.
12.From Design Variables, right-click Friction, and then select Remove.
13.To animate a shape, from Design Variables, right-click a shape, and then select Animate, as you
see in the following image. The Animate panel opens below the graphics.
Note: Only the Blank shape is considered for this study.
1. After the optimization converges, HyperView opens with the results of the optimized shape. The
following shows a comparison of results before and after optimization:
1. From the Optimization tab, right-click in the white space near the scroll bar, and then select
Publish Report.
2. The default web browser opens with the results of the optimization.
In this tutorial, you will learn the procedure for mapping forming results onto structural models using
the HyperWorks Results Mapper.
In real time practice, you may come across situation where the end results of formed parts have to be
considered when it goes as a part of an assembly for structural analysis to depict a more realistic
situation. To achieve this, HyperWorks Results Mapper is used.
HyperWorks Results Mapper (HWRM) is a HyperCrash based tool that provides a framework to initialize a
structural model with results from a forming simulation. You will go through a simple procedure loading
the structural model and forming simulation results followed by mapping the results and finally
exporting the mapped data in a structural solver format. For output, the structural solvers currently
supported are RADIOSS Y, RADIOSS STA, Abaqus and OptiStruct. The results are transformed as
necessary if the forming and structural models are in different co-ordinate frames.
In this tutorial, you will first import the structural model and find a region on it which is almost similar
to a region on the formed component. This region identification is the reference for the Results Mapper.
Then, you will import the results of the formed component, identify the same region, and map the
forming results to the structural model.
This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with HyperCrash. If you need help on these topics, please
refer to the corresponding tutorials in the online help.
Results Mapper can be accessed by clicking Start > Altair HyperWorks > Manufacturing Solutions
> Results Mapper.
Exercise: Mapping the forming data from a STA file onto a RADIOSS mesh
1. Click Start > Altair HyperWorks > Manufacturing Solutions > Results Mapper.
2. In HyperCrash, click on File, then click Import and select RADIOSS, as shown in the figure
4. The Import Choice for Units dialog is displayed. Click on Ignore and Import.
1. Click on the Load Stamping File icon inside the Result Mapper.
2. Click on RADIOSS and browse and locate the file EndOfFormingResults.sta.
3. Click on the file and click OK to bring the file into the session.
4. Click on the model name as shown in the red box below to highlight it and click on the glasses
icon to display the model in the small screen.
Upon loading the files, the STA file, which is in the forming coordinate system, and the target model,
which is in the car coordinate system, appear on top of each other, as shown below:
3. Click on the arrow next to node Id below the header First couple of nodes.
4. Pick the first node on the horizontal model shown on the left hand side of the image below.
7. Click on Optimize.
8. Click on Allow Rotation.
9. Click on Apply move.
10.Click on Ok in the bottom left hand corner to validate and accept the positioning.
2. Graphically select the structural model from the screen. The selected part name is displayed within
the Results Mapper in the right hand column.
3. Click Yes on the right hand bottom corner of the screen.
4. Click on Map Results at the bottom of the Result Mapper. The results are mapped and are shown
in the Results Mapper area.
The Die Structure Optimization process is a function used to automatically transfer tool contact forces
from stamping analysis to a structural model and an easy step-by-step setup of die structure
optimization model. The Die Structure Optimization process consists of two steps:
Die Stress Analysis
Die Optimization
Die Stress Analysis and Die Optimization features are under the Tools menu.
1. On the toolbar, select File > Open and browse to the file <installation_directory>\tutorials
2. From the toolbar, select Tools > Die Stress Analysis.
The Create/Open Process Instance appears:
1. In the panel area, Steel is shown as the default material in the Material field. Click Apply.
Notice that the white check mark turns green for Tool Material in the Process Manager tab.
Note: Clicking on Apply at each step will turn the white check
mark green in the Process Manager and a white check
appears for the next option.
2. For the Result file field, select either RADIOSS or LS-Dyna as the stamping solver.
3. Click on Browse… and locate and load the results of the forming analysis. In this exercise you
will use the file LawnMower2A001.
4. Click Apply. The Process Manager launches HyperView to query the model and create a list of
components that are available in the stamping model. Once the results are brought back into
HyperForm, you will be able to select which tool to extract the contact forces from.
5. For the Result part field, select Punch and click Apply. This is the tool from which forces are
extracted at the last step of forming analysis. This will launch HyperView for a moment and will
close on itself.
6. Click on Components: and select the skin of the Die component from the screen. This will be the
part onto which the loads will be mapped.
7. Click proceed.
8. Click Apply.
1. In the Model Browser, click on the plus symbol next to LoadCollector to expand the tree.
2. Turn off the loads display by clicking on the mesh icon next to operational.
3. Expand the Components folder, and click on the mesh icon to display the Punch_solid
Make sure that all the steps on the Process Manager tree has
a green tick mark which indicates that all the steps were
successfully completed.
Stress analysis on the punch is done in the background. The
results of the stress analysis will be the input for Die Structure
2. Click on Apply.
3. Enter 25.0 in the Min Member Size: field.
4. In the Draw Direction: list, select Z.
5. Click on Apply.
6. In the Volume Fraction: field, enter 0.3.
7. Click on Apply.
8. For Objective:, select Max Stiffness.
9. Click on Apply.
10.Next to the Export File: field, click on Browse and enter a file name with the extension .fem.
11.Click on Save.
12.Click on Export to create the input file for optimization.
13.Click on Export&Run to create the input file and run the optimization.