Venturimeter Experiment
Venturimeter Experiment
Venturimeter Experiment
The main objectives of this experiment is to obtain the coefficient of discharge from
experimental data by utilizing venturi meter and, also the relationship between Reynolds
number and the coefficient of discharge.
There are many different meters used to measure fluid flow: the turbine-type flow meter,
the rotameter, the orifice meter, and the venturi meter are only a few. Each meter works by its
ability to alter a certain physical property of the flowing fluid and then allows this alteration
to be measured. The measured alteration is then related to the flow. The subject of this
experiment is to analyze the features of certain meters.
The flow measurement apparatus consists of a water loop as shown above figure. The
supple line is connected to a gravimetric hydraulic bench. The flow rate controlled by a gate
valve located at the discharge side of the hydraulics bench. A venturi meter, wide-angled
diffuser, orifice meter and rotameter are arranged in series. Pressure taps across each device
are connected to vertical manometer tubes located on a panel at the rear of the apparatus. The
discharge from the apparatus is returned to the hydraulics bench.
Venturi Meter
A venturi meter is a measuring or also considered as a meter device that is usually used to
measure the flow of a fluid in the pipe. A Venturi meter may also be used to increase the
velocity of any type fluid in a pipe at any particular point. It basically works on the principle
of Bernoulli's Theorem. The pressure in a fluid moving through a small cross section drops
suddenly leading to an increase in velocity of the flow. The fluid of the characteristics of high
pressure and low velocity gets converted to the low pressure and high velocity at a particular
point and again reaches to high pressure and low velocity. The point where the characteristics
become low pressure and high velocity is the place where the venturi flow meter is used.
The Venturi meter is constructed as shown in Figure 2. It has a constriction within itself.
The pressure difference between the upstream and the downstream flow, Δh, can be found as
a function of the flow rate. Applying Bernoulli’s equation to points and of the Venturi
meter and relating the pressure difference to the flow rate yields.
P1 V12 P2 V22
+ + Z1 = + + Z2 (1)
γ 2g γ 2g
1 P − P2
V2 = 2 g + ( Z1 − Z 2 ) (3)
1 − 2
A2 P − P2
Qtheo = A2 V2 = 2 g 1 + ( Z1 − Z 2 ) (4)
1 − 2
P1 − P2
The term + ( Z1 − Z 2 ) represents the difference in piezometric head ( ∆h ) between
the two sections 1 and 2. The above expression for V2 is obtained based on the assumption of
one-dimensipnal frictionless flow. Hence the theoritical flow can be expressed as
Qtheo = A2 V2 = 2 g (∆h) (5)
1 − 2
2 g∆h
Qtheo = (6)
1 1
− 2
A2 A1
Because of the above assumptions, the actual flow rate, Qact differs from Qtheo and the
ratio between them is called the discharge coefficient, Cd which can be written as
Cd = (7)
The value of Cd differs from one flowmeter to the other depending on the flowmeter
geometry and the Reynolds number. The discharge coefficient is always less than due to
various losses(friction losses, area contraction etc.).
The modern venturi nozzle, Fig. 3, consists of an ISA 1932 nozzle entrance and a conical
expansion of half-angle no greater than 15°. It is intended to be operated in a narrow
Reynolds-number range of 1.5 x 105 to 2 x 106. The co-efficient of discharge is 0.95-0.98 for
venturi meter.
The orifice meter consists of a throttling device (an orifice plate) inserted in the flow. This orifice
plate creates a measurable pressure difference between its upstream and downstream sides. This
pressure is then related to the flow rate. Like the Venturi meter, the pressure difference varies
directly with the flow rate. The orifice meter is constructed as shown in Figure 5.
A rotameter consists of a gradually tapered glass tube mounted vertically in a frame with
the large end up. Fluid enters the tube from the bottom. As it enters, it causes the float to rise to a
position of equilibrium. The position of equilibrium is at the point where the weight of the float is
balanced by the weight of the fluid it displaces (the buoyant force exerted on the float by the fluid)
and the pressure due to velocity (dynamic pressure).
The higher the float position the greater the flow rate. Note that as the float rises, the annular
area formed between the float and the tube increases. Maximum flow is at maximum annular area
or when the float is at the top of the tube. Minimum area, of course, represents minimum flow rate
and is when the float is at the bottom of the tube.
Figure 8. (a,b) Rotameter
2V f ( ρ f − ρ )
Q =C d ( AT − AF ) = (8)
Af ρ
Cd = coefficient of efflux
At = pipe section
Af = maximum section of the float
Vf = Volume of the float
ρf = density of the float
ρ = density of fluid
The test unit will be introduced in the laboratory before the experiment by the relevant
• To find out the relationship between the flow rate and the load loss
• To find the cofficient of efflux
The necessary data for calculations will be recorded to the table given below
Calculations: Using the equation given below, calculate the cofficient of efflux.
𝛽𝛽 = 𝑑𝑑/𝐷𝐷
• To find out the relationship between the flow rate and the square root of the load loss
• To find the cofficient of efflux
The necessary data for calculations will be recorded to the table given below.
Calculations: Using the equation given below, calculate the cofficient of efflux.
𝛽𝛽 = 𝑑𝑑/𝐷𝐷
� 𝐴𝐴 2
1 − �𝐴𝐴2 �
• Then , Calculate Cd
• Fill a graph with the measured flowrate with the rotameter against the one obtain using
the volumetric tank.
• Carry out a linear interpolation; the obrtained straight line represents the calibration
line of the flow meter
Qrot (l/h)
V (l)
T (sec)
• Using the coefficients of efflux determined in the exercises 4.1 and 4.2, carry out a
series of measurements and calculate the measuremts error fort he flow meters.
4.5 Comparing the load losses
• Using the data obtained, draw a graph with the load loss as fuction of the flow for
three flow meters.
a) Cover
b) A short introduction