Ac-Machines-Transformerspdf 5addde227f8b9ae0198b4567
Ac-Machines-Transformerspdf 5addde227f8b9ae0198b4567
Ac-Machines-Transformerspdf 5addde227f8b9ae0198b4567
NGr-U-\2 \01.5.: M1:.'L- .0;)!'-1
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~VIEWG~NTER , ' "',,{. .
TEL NOS. (032)26:1.-2244 & (032)26:1-8452
,-- ,
rs J(s <Pm
~ IN lex
\P ..
I Es =Vs
I Ih+e
[hte ~.
. . Ep
lex = exciting or magnetizing current
The total induced emfin each winding of the transformer is proportional to the number of
turns of the winding i.e.
Np Ep
a"" - = -- = ratio of transformation
Ns Es .
f = frequency in HZ
<Pm = mufual flux in Wb
N = number turns for every windings
4.44 = a cOnS!anlequal to 4 (1.11) where 1.11 is the form factor of sinusoidal wave
Note: K r = ~.I'v/Svalue = 1/../2 max. value 1.11
A VE value (2/ 7r)max. value
rs Xs
I: Rc
lh+e ~~,
a -- -=-
Np Is
Ns- Ip
. .r::-2:2 v 2
ZOP = R op + X
J " 'p ~ VR
K ep + /\.e p
Re, XII] = core loss equivalent resistance (accounts for eddy current loss and hysteresis loss) &
equivalent magnetizing reactance respectively.
Res = total equivalent resi~tance referred to
. r
Secondary = rs + ~a-
X" = total equivalent leakage reactance referred to
~ p X
:Second ary = Xs + ?
Olltput - Losses 10
7J = -Output xl 0 007'0 =
.' )/
xlO 0°10=
x 0%
Input Olltpill + Losses Input
1. c.QRIL~- arc IlXed losses result of hysteresis and cddy cilITent losses in the magnetic
. circuit ( core) of the transformer
'/1.6 E
PI"'. '" \<.Z.j
HysteresL, Loss, Ph =!CJ, f 13m 1..6 = Kh ~
. f06
}\ a: f ; Ph = Kh f :::::>if ~,m & 0n, is constant
2. £QPPER J~ - varf with the load and result ofMttting of transformer windings.
11. Q/h"E.sJr.r;uiuw Xl HI
r .
I r\tV\.!;r I
VI \1
I ~ .;,,\l~
r.":\ ' ..,..""'.l~ n'l.
SuppJy of n:~rmal
V o!t~ge & ;:~equency \II q0 L.I. ~\\
a" ., H,V. side
I' I. «
; I .1 Xz r""LcL, 0
{0 ... V,'atlIHcte~ (!.. ~ 'e 1a"sv
reac1mg "" Gul' .
' <:>tl(Ficircall1ii.1c
. . , ---, Hi Xi
o. "'.. ,
\ ~v.
t. I'
. I ,
.-- Q
I somefi.'7JGs
I omit1,;;d,
Source o. reauc-
f :: H,T; . I
10 l,T.
L.V, side
voltage at the}nput ws . .
. Millrokj'"","'fln I
. iI. . HZ X.
Wattmeter reading (W) '" fuli - load copper loss
POUT VI cos ()
Tf= xIOO% = 2 xlOO%
POUT + PLOSSES VI cas () + I Re -1-PK
I'~ = PK
Variable loss = Constant loss
- , PK
kV A M".Efl"y- .,.. kV AFL ~-
V Pc"FL % loSs
max. eff',.. ~.n." 0.
,.,----'~ -
. I I 17
I I (
V- - PCUJul/ ~ad
0 Ful/load- kVA
It is the ratio of the energy delivered with in 24 hr period to 'the energy input in the same period of
time. For distribution transfOlmers whose primary energized for 24 hrsa day, thus the core loss of this
transfonner must be designed to be low as possible. It is always less than the commercial efficiency.
Tfall-da\' = - xlOOYo
. ENERGYOUTPUT / day + ENERGYwss i day
C~1Jl1ectiol1 :
H1. XI
Input Test
Voltage ( V; )
COllditiolls: (!) When voltmeter reading is greater than the input test voltage tlie polarity is
ADDITIVE. V = Vp' + 2-
, a
E> When voltmcter reading is less than the input test voltage the polarity is
Note: I3y industry standar,ds "lll<p, 200 kVA, 8660 Volts, or less are ADDITIYE .
The autotransfomler is one having a single continuous winding, part of which is common to both
primary and sec:,ndary circuits. It can be used for either step-up or step-down application with a
relatively small change in voltage between the input and output voltages, and should not used when there.
is a large change in voltage because the circuits are connected, electrically, '
15 a = N ac = E'K =!.£ = Vp-
Vp Ncb Ecb II' Vs
I i Icb
This autotranSf0ll11Cr is equivalent, in its transformation, to an ordinary h'ansformer
if winding ab is regarded as primary winding, with winding Qs as the secondary winding as
N El I -- { !.
Such: --'l...b = ...".!z.""-<:2.= "s, 1:. = .2. -1 = a-I
Nhc Ebc II' {1' {1'
Hence: Using the approximate equivalent circuit:
Referred to f)rimanJ -- Referred tosecolldm)'
~ I Res
I Ip Rep I I Is
(o-/) Vs
Vp I Vpj(o -I)
Where: Where:
Rep =1'p +(a-l)2r, -r+~
Res - S (a-I)'
X,p = xp + (a - I)"xs - X +- - 2
Xcs- ~$ (a-I)
Step - Up A utotTansformer ( a < I)
1s N E. {.
Herc: a = --k... = ~ =-2-
b N nc Ene {l'
I Ip
Nbc = Ebe =!...£ = ~
Vp Ibcl Nab E nb 1be !P- 1s
. C
. .
Ai; an eqUiviilerit ordiriary two winding is
Nbc =~
Nob I-a
Power inductively transformed (thru ab) Power cot!ducdveJy Tramiformed (tbr" bcJ
a-I 1'
Pw=(Yr- Ys)Ip =Pm -;;- ( ) Pcon = Pin
() . ~
'Important conditions' that must be fulfilled if two or more transfonners are to be' operak
successfully in parallel to deliver a.common load:
1. Y ohage ratings of both primaries and secondaries must be identical, or the transformation rauo are
the same. (otherwise, cunent will circulate through the transformer windings which wi!! contribUte
to the lossc;sof the transformer). . .
2. The transformer must be propefly cOnnected with regards to polarity. (otherwise, a large CliITent will
circulate through the transfQrmer winding which could damage the windings ).
Z a -1 Ze,
-- =-52
e S Ze2 5', ""
b. The ratio of the equivalelit resistance to the equivalent reactance of the an ti-ansfouner should
be the same.( Otherwise, each transformer will not takes its correct fraction of the load) .
ReI ~. Re2
XeJ Xe2
Also the condition for two tcansformers cormected in parallel to operate at the same p_f.
1~1- (al -aj)VsJ. +ulZes2f--- Lcdd 1S2-- a, Zes,! LOad-(a2 -al)Vs,
UtZ«s,+a2Zes2 at Zes, +a2Zes2
3. !l"'- Y cOr\nection
Primarily' the yoltage.It is also used instep - do"Yllapplications where a
conventional distrilmtion voltage is reduced t? supply twovolt~~es, and power
loads' - .'
4. Y -,6 connection
use for stepping dowii voltages
5. Ibcott) connection .
used to convert 3cpto 2<porvice - versa.
7. Autotrllns'rQrmer - also called as a .. compensa'tor" used for reduced voltage starting, also
used for stepping down 91'up the voltages, -
Ii. .'
i y -¥ y-y ,6-,6 Y-,6
i; ,6 - y ,6-y y-y .6,- y,
y -,6 Y-Il y-y Y-Il
Ii; Utility
I~ ,6-,6 y-y
~ y -y ,6-11
I~ Bonk A Bonk B
. . ~~-
Notc: In dealing with 3cptransformer, calculations are made [or one phase only.
The Ultimate B.E. Review Center .
3. What is the maximum flux in a transformer with 200 turns at the primary when
supplied by 60 hertz, 200 volts source? .
. (Ad 0.0037 .' C. 0.375
. 'S: 0.0375 D. 3.75
5. Device use by transformer to adjust load voltage if line supply is above or below
nominalvoltage. ( BP Sept 2003) . .
/2. Thermal trip C. Differential Relay
.~} Tap changer D. Buchholz relay
6. A transformer has primary and secondary turns of 120 and 240 respectively. If the
120 turn winding has a 2:.2.5% tap, calculate the primary voltage ,applied to 97.5
percent of the winding that will permit the rated output voltage of 480 Volts?
A. 492 Volts ~ 468 Volts
B. 117 Volts e.g.) 234 Volts
, . ,
7. A1</>,100 kVA, 2400/240 Volt, 60 Hz transformer has a primary resistance a~d
secondary winding resistance of 0.828 ohms and 0.009 ohm respectively.
Calculare the equivalent resistance referred to primary.
A:' .1.728 ohms C. 1.6 ohms
B. 0.837 ohms D. 1.46 ohms
8. A transformer rated 2000 kva, 34,500/240 volts has 5.75% impedance. What is [\1"
the per unitimpedance (ap April2004) ~.
A. 0.0635 C. 0.0656 II
B. 0.0575 D. 34.2
9. A 500 kva, 13200/2400 volts 60Hz single phase transformer hass 4% reactance
and 1% resistance. The leakage reactance and resistance of the lovyvoltage
winding are 0.25 and 0.055 ohm, respectively. Calculate the leakage reactance
. ,and resistance in ohms of the high voltage winding. ,.' ";d
, (lY 6.38 & 1.82' C. 6.53 & 1.87
B. 4.86 & 1. 56 0.6.23 & 1.85
10.A 1<1> -250 kVA, 7967/240 Volt, 60 Hz transformer has 1.5% resistance. What is
. the full-load copper 19S5? .
11.The followi'ng information is given in connection with test performed ,on a 50 kva,
4600/230 volts 60Hz.Transformer: .
Short Circuit test: Esc~ 150 volts Psc= 615 wats Isc=1O.87 amperes
What is the percent resistance & percent impedance?
A. 1.26 & 3.62 C~ 1.16 & 3,58
1.23 & 3.26 D. 1.32 & 5.8
12.A 500 kva, 11,000/2300 volts 60Hz. Transformer has been tested and gives the
following data: "'. ':", .
Short Circuit test: Esc= 600 volts Psc= 6000 wats Isc=45A amperes
What is the percent regulation at full load 89:{'o power factor lagging?
A. 3.26 (c;J 4.21
B. 6.2'3"-0. 5.28
13.A 1~ transformer is rated 4,160 Volts primary and 250 Volts secondary. It has
1,500 turns in the primary and a voltage regulation of 8%. What should be the
number of turns in the secondary windings UBP Apr. '97) .
15.A small single phase transformer has 10.2 watts no-load loss. The core has a
volume of 750 cu em. The maximum flux density is 10,000 gauss and the
hysteresis constal1t of the core is 5 x 10.4. Using the Steinmetz law, determine the
eddy current loss. (BP Oct. '97) . .
tf:!;1 4.55 Watts C. 5.55 Watts . ~.
B. 3:55 Watts D. 2.55 Watts
16.Acertain !ransformer has a cqreloss of 100 watts at 30 Hz and core loss of 300
watts at 60 Hz. What is the hysteresis loss at 60 Hz? (J3P Ap(i/200;3)
(.A'J)100 ' ',' ',' C. '200' " '
Er:l50' \' D. 250
17. The eddy current loss in a ,2300vblts' 60Hz transforrheris 280 watts: What is the
eddy currentloss at 2400
" .' volts,50 Hz source?>
'~ :' L ," "
18. The hysteresis loss in a 6,600 Volts, 60 Hz transformer is 4'80 Watts. What will be
the loss when the tranSformeris connected to a 6,900 Volts, 40 Hz source?
A. 558 Watts C. 520 Watts
@) 657 Watts D. 417 Watts ~,. ",
I 21. The resistance of.a 500 kva, 11000/2300 volts 60 Hz transformer are respectively r
! 0.8 and 0.04 ohm for high and low voltage sides. The iron loss is 3,000 watts. !
This transformer1s loaded daily as follows: 2 hrs at full load, 3 hrs at three quarter l
load, 'and 6 hrs at one-quarter.fulllqad. Calculate the all day efficiency. '
A. 94.7 C. 97.1 t,
B. 96';1 D. 98.7 t:
, f;
! 22.A 20kv/7.97kv auto-transformer draws 100A at its secondary. What is the current r
at th&common winding? (ap Sept. 20,0,2) . i'"
A. 139.85A C. 60.15A !'
B. 100A D. 39.85A i.
23.A 2200/220 volts transformer has two 110-volt coils connected in series. Across
the first of these two coils is connected a resistive load drawing 15 ampere.
Across the second coil is connected a pure capacitor drawing 10 amperes. Across
the two 110 volt coil in series is an 80% lagging power factor circuit drawing 20
amperes. Calculate the current to the 2200 volts coil.
A. 4.50' . , C. 8045
B. 3.45 ' D. 2.45
24.A 5 kva 60 Hz single phase transformer has a full load efficiency,,0f:~6'%'and an
iron loss of 40 wattsuhderrated condition. If the transformer is'cohn~cted as an
autotransformer aperating frOm a 240 volts mains and deliver"iilg 5 kw at unity
power factor to a '120 volts circuit, calculate the percerlt efficiel)cy,
A. 95.6C. 98.7" ",
B.9Q.8, D. 98.4 i.,,"
27. Two (2) 1~ transformers having equal turns, ratio and ratings are operated in
parallel to supply a load of 280kW at 80 % pJ. lagging~ Transformer A has 2 %
resistance and 8 % reactance, while transformer B has 1% resistance and 6 %
reactance. What is the power delivered by each of the transformers to the load'?
A. 123and 157 kW . C. 130 and 150 kW
B. 142 and 138 kW D. 127 and 153 kW
29.An induction motor rated 500 hp 2400 volts 80% power factor, 95 percent
efficiency is working at rated load when supplied from 3-250 kvEisingle phase
transformerconnecteddelta secondary.If one of the transformer is brought for.
repair, determine the overload kva of the remaining transformers connected open-
delta. (ap Sept 2'004)
A. 73. . C. 58
B. 3~., D. 64
30, Three transformers are delta connected, one connection has been cut, what is the i
percent reduced? (ap April 2004) j, l
A. 33%' C. 67% .§!
B. 57.7 % D. 42%
- --- ---
31.A 2000 KW,2400 volt, 75 percent power factor load is to be supplied from a
34500 V,3 phase line through a single bankof transformers. Give the primary
and secondary voltages in volts of the transformer for the following cases wye-
. wY~Solln~pt.ipn,,(f3P\Ap~iI 200!j)
, A.. ~P.o.opZ13aO'. '.' " " C. 1869011,300
. B.18590/13500 D. 19000/13'~0
. , , , ,
34. A 750 hp, 2400 V, 3-phase motor of 90 percent power factor and 95 percent
efficiency is to be operated from a 13.2 kVutility service through a wye-delta
c;;onnectedtransformer. What is the KVA rating Of each transformers? (BP
A. 218 C.175
B.250 D.150
35. The pot~'ntial transfomier of a line have a ratio of 132,000/66. 'These are
connected wye-delta. The voltmeter connected at the secondary reads 64 Volts.
What is the voltage of the line? (BP Oct. 1!J98) .
A. 221.7 kV C. 135.2 kV
B. 112.5 kV D. 132 kV
36.ln a Scott-connection, calculate the line ,current in Amperes on the 3(pside if the
load()n the 2(p side both draws 5000 A at 100 Volt and the 3~ line voltage is
3,300 Volt,Negleqttra(1sformerloss. .
. A~'195 A C. 152 A
B.175A D..140A
Sept. 2007
3. Transformer connection to convert two phase to three phase (BP Sept 2003)
,~ Open delta C. Scott. connection
B. Wye-delta D. Delta
4. Two 230 hp 24QO-volt 3-phase motor of 90% power factor 93% efficiency are
suppliedfrqm 34500 volt transmission line by 3-single phase transformer connected
I delta-delta. Specify the bank KVA. (BP Sept 2003)
I A. 50.0., " C.400
B.446 D.550
8. A three phase customer has a maximum demand of 85 kVA. What transformer rating
shall be used if connected open-wye -open delta? (BP April 2001)
A. 45 kVA .C. 33 kVA
B.50 kVA 0.100 kVA
9. A 100 kva transformer with 4% impedance is connected in parallel with a 75 kva with
3% impedance. The secondary voltage is 220 volts. What is the division of load when
the total load is 125 kva, 80% power factor? Both transformer have the same voltage
ratio. The resistance of each transformer can be neglected. (BP Oct.2000)
I A. 71.43kva/53.57kva C. 62.5 kva/62.5 kva
B. 82.5kva/42.5 kva D. 75 kva/50kva
. 10. A 69/13.8 KV, 10MVA t~ree phase transformer is connected wye-grounded-delta.
What is the KV rating of the s~90ndarywinding?(BP OcL 19!#8} ,
11. Which of the following given below is the eddy current-loss not proportional' to? (BP
Oct: 1998)" . .' . ' .
A. square of the thickness C. square Of the freqUency
B. square of the load current D. square of the flux density' :
. 13. A 13.8 kv/480 V, '10MVA three phase transformer has 5% impedance. What is the
impedance in ohm referred to the primary? (BP March. 1998)
A. 0.9520hms C.5.1250hms
B. 0.03 ohms D. 9.01 ohms
14. A 3cp transformer is rated 30 MVA, 115i\'/13.8Y kV, and 2 % impedance, the
resistance is negligible compared with the reactance. Determine the percerit (%)
voltage drop at 'the secondary at 80 % load and at 75 % power factor. (BP Oct '97)
A. 4.1 % . C. 2.26 %
B: 1.05.% 0.3.15 %
15. A power transformer rated 5Q,00a kva, 34.5 kv/13.8 kv is connected wye-grounded at
the primary andde,lta on the secondary. Dete,mine the full load phase currents on the
secondary side. ( BP Oct. '97)
A. 2092 amperes C. 1449 amperes
B.1725 amperes D. 1208 amperes
. 16. A 1rjJtransformer is rated 4,160 Volts primary and 250 Volts secondary. It.has 1,500
turns in the primary and a voltage regulation of 8%. What should be the number of
turns in the secondary windings? fBP Apr. '97)
A. 88 turns C. 97 turns
B. 90 turns D. 86tUrns
17. A 3-phase transformer has a primary voltage rating of 34.5 kV, wye-connected with
tw0"-2.5 % taps' above and two-2.5 % taps below the rated voltage. The secondary
, winding israted460 Volts and is delta-connected. If it has 100 turns, what will be tJ:1e
effectiv~ number of turns in the primary winding if the voltage tap -is set at minus 2.5%
? (Bt/ Oct 1996) ,.'
A. 7,133turns C.7,312turns
B. 4,222 turns D. 4,333 turns
18. A 1 rjJ,440/110 Volt tra[lsformer takes a no-load current of 5 ~mpat 9.25 pJ. lagging.
If the secondary supplies a ,current of 100 Amp pta.s p.t: lagginfJ . Estimate the
current taken by the primary winding. .
A.. 32 Amp C. 25 Amp
B. 22 Amp D. 29 Amp
19. A transformer has primary ane:!secoridary turns of 60~nd 240 respectively. Ifthe 60
turn winding has a 5 % tap, calculate the primary voltage applied to 105 percent of
the wihding that willpermit the rated output voltage of 480 Volts?
A. 504 Volts C. 456 Volts
B.126Volts D.114Volts
20. A 1~, 30 kVp." 2400/240 Volt, 60 Hz transformer has 2% resistance. If the low voltage
winding resistance is 0.015 ohm, what is the high voltage winding resistance?
A. 2.43 ohms C. 2.34 ohms
B. 3.24 ohms D. 3.34 ohms
21. A 230/460 V transformer has a primary resistemceof 0.2 ohm and reactance of 0.5
ohm and the corresponding values for the secondary are .075 ohm and 1.8 ohm
respectiyely. What is the secondary terminal voltage when supplying 10 A at 460V,
0.80 p.f. lagging?
A. 455.~ V C. 450.6 V .
B. 425.3 V D. 430.8 V
23. A single phase 60 Hz transformer has its core volume of 1.5x10.3 cu m. The
maximum flux density is 1.0 tesla and the hysteresis constant of the core is 7500.
find the hysteresis loss.
A. 755 Watts C. 355 Watts
B. 675 Watts D. 255 Watts
25.A 4,400 Volt, 60 Hz transformer has a core loss bf 840 Watts, of which one-third is
eddy-current loss. Determine the core loss of this tn3nsformer when it is connected to
a 4,600 Volts, 50 Hz.
A. 779 Watts C. 879 Watts
B.. 679 Watts D. 977 Watts
26. A 25 kva, single phase transformer the core loss and full load copper loss are 320
and"380 watts respectively. What is the efficiency at half load and 0.866 power
fu~~ .
A. 97.8% C. 94.7%
B 95.3% . D. 96.3%
27. What is the ratio of capacity of open delta bank to the capacity of close delta bank?
A. 72'% C. 57.7%
B.63.2% 0.66.7%
28 In a SCQtt-conhection, calculate the values of the line currents in Amperes on the
3~00 vO,lts3~ sid.~ if the,lqSld On the 2~ side are both 300 kW i?t 100 Volt and 70. r%
'laggT@pJ:" , , ' ,
A, 157.2 G. .145.2
B. 148.5 D'.85.7
29. A 1~, 5 kVA transformer has 35 Watts iron loss and 40 Watts copper loss at full-load.
It operates at full-load, 0.80 p.f. lagging for. 6 hours, half-load ,0.75 p.f. lagging for 12
hours and ql.larter~load at 'unity pf for 6 hours. Its all-day efficiency in percent is
nearest to .. .
A. 98.9% C. 97.8%
B. 95.2% D. 96.5%
:30.A 120/180 Volt auto-transformer draw,? power at 12'0 Volt and supplies power to a 2
kyVload at 180 Volts with a p.f. of 0.80 lagging: An additional, load of 1 kW is supplied
at unity p.f. from the 60 Volt Winding. What is the current drawn from the 120 Volt
supply line?
A. 26 . . C.28 ""
B.30 D.32
31. Three-1 ~ transformers, rated at 50 kV A, 2,400/2,400 Volts {1: 1ratio) each, are lobe
connected as autotransformer to deliver 4800 V from a 2400 V line. What is the
maximum kVA that can be delivered by these auto-transformers if they are connected
in L\? .
A. 300 kVP, C. 275 kVA
B. 250 kVA D. 150 kVA
32. Three (3)-1~,75 kVAtransformers indeita-delta bank supplying a balanced load 160
kVA (3~) at 0.80 p.L lagging. If one (1) transformer is removed for-repair. The V-V
bank was overloaded, then to prevent overloading of the 'remaining units, capacitor
bank is connected across the 3<jJload. What is the minimum capacitivekYAR required
? '
A. 118.14 C.73.86
B.86.73 . D.114.18
33. A 500 kva, 13200/2400 volts 60 HZ,single phase transformer hasa4% reactance and
The core IO~sunderrated condition is 1800 watts. Calculate the
1% rll;<:1istance.§Jnsformer at fullloadand85% power factOr'.
A.98.4 C.96,8 '
B. 96.2 0.97.6
34. A power transformer rated 50,000 kVA, 34.5/13.8 kV is connected wye-wye, What are
thEJline currr;mtsin Amp atfulH()ad ? ( BP Oct. '97) , .
A. 525.2 & 1725 . . C. 836.7& 2092
B. 483.1 & 1207.7 D. 1449.3 & 3623.2'
35. A 750 hp, 2400 voits, 3-phase motor 90% power factor and 95% efficiency is to be
operated from 13.2 kv utility service through a wye-delta connected transformer bank.
Whatjs the,t,otalthe kva bank rating of the transformer? (BP Sept 2004)
A.750 . C:595 '
B.575 D.615
- 36. A 750 hp, 2400V, 3-phase.motorof 90 percent factor and 95 percent efficie;ncy is tq
,be operated from a 13,2 kV utility 'service throughawye~deltaconnected
, transformers. Compute the secondary or load current in ampere of the transformer.
(BP April 2005)
A. 180.6 ' C. 157.3
B. 125.6' D.. 175.4
/ 38. Name the transformer that provides an almost continuously variable stepless output
Ii from zero rated line voltage. (BP April 2005)
r A. Booster C. Variac
j 39. What is the normal secondary current rating of current transformer in amperes? (BP
April 2005)
11 A.20 C.5
i B.10 D.15
41. The chemical used in a bre~er for transformer should have the quality of
A. ionizing air .' C. absorbing moisture
B, cleansing the transformer oil D. cooling the transfo.rmer oil
42. The chemical used in breather is
A. asbestos fiber ' C. silica sand
B. sodium chloride D. silica gel
43. The following are protection device built-infor safe operation .ofa power transformer,
A. breather C. conservator
B. bushing insulator D. pothead