Z Cart
Z Cart
Z Cart
Z-Cart Multivendor
Nimra Qayum
Saleha Ashraf
Project Submitted in Partial Contentment of the Requirements for the Degree
This is to certify that Nimra Qayum, Saleha Ashraf bearing Registration No.
2017-GCUF-056010, and 2017-GCUF-0611319 has completed the final project titled
as “Z-cart Multivendor” at the Department of Information Technology, Govt.
Graduate College Samanabad Faisalabad, to fulfill the partial requirement for the
degree of BS – IT.
Muhammad Majid Signature: ____________
Committee Members
Muhammad Majid Signature: _______________
The work reported in this project was carried by me under the supervision of
Project Supervisor, Muhammad Majid, at Government College Samanabad
We hereby declare that this project and the contents of the project are the
product of my effort.
We further declare that this work has not been submitted for the award of any
other degree.
The institution may take action if the provided information is found inaccurate
at any stage.
In the name of ALMIGHTY ALLAH, the most merciful, the most beneficent.
Who is the Lord and Owner of all authorities and capabilities who endowed his great
less on us? He is the entire source of knowledge of wisdom and who blessed us with
the ability to do work. We all grateful to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who gave
us the spirit to learn. No doubt in it because of ALMIGHTY ALLAH that today we
can complete our project.
May all they live long to see our dreams being fulfilled. Ameen!
Our project (Z-cart Multivendor) Website that will provide a platform at which
the people belonging to the different profession sold their products online and buy from
the same website these products related directly to daily life such as smartphones,
laptops etc. On other hand people who want to conduct online business sell product
through the online platform have their different portal through which they can manage
their product. Peoples may be allowed to both buy and sell the same commodity in a
same website.
Also the buyer has their own portal through which they can manage their
activities such as search product, place order, giving reviews. Buyer and seller portal
are completely separate from each other, for the ease of manage website Admin has
complete control on buyer and sellers.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1
1.1 Purpose of Project .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 How it works....................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Project Scope ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.3.1 Cost ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Effort ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.3 Time.............................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Project Planning ................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Project Modules ................................................................................................................. 3
1.5.1 Admin Dashboard ....................................................................................................... 3
1.5.2 Easy Vendor Sign-Up and Login ............................................................................... 3
1.5.3 Separate Vendor Dashboard ...................................................................................... 3
1.5.4 Buyer Portal ................................................................................................................ 4
1.5.5 Seller portal ................................................................................................................. 4
1.5.6 Search Feature ............................................................................................................ 4
1.5.7 Responsive Behavior ................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 BACKGROUND and PROBLEM DEFINITION ............................................ 5
2.1 Background Research........................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Existing Technology ........................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1 Specifications ............................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1 Tools ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Reason for the Project ....................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Objective of the Project ..................................................................................................... 6
2.6 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 3 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS .................................................. 8
3.1 System Requirement Specification ................................................................................... 8
3.2 Function requirements ...................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Non-functional requirements .......................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 User Friendly ............................................................................................................. 10
3.3.2 Ease to Use ................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.3 Performance .............................................................................................................. 11
3.3.4 Availability ................................................................................................................ 11
3.3.6 Privacy ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.7 Quality........................................................................................................................ 11
3.3.8 Security Requirements ............................................................................................. 11
3.3.9 Longevity ................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Interface Specifications ............................................................................................... 11
3.5 Software and Hardware Requirements ......................................................................... 12
3.5.1 Software Requirements ............................................................................................ 12
3.5.2 Hardware Requirements .......................................................................................... 12
Chapter 4 SYSTEM DESIGN ........................................................................................ 13
4.1 Use Case Diagram ............................................................................................................ 13
4.1.1 Admin Side ................................................................................................................ 13
4.1.2 Vendor Side ............................................................................................................... 13
4.1.3 Buyer Side .................................................................................................................. 14
4.2 System Sequence Diagram .............................................................................................. 18
4.2.1 Admin Side ................................................................................................................ 18
4.2.2 Buyer Side .................................................................................................................. 19
4.2.3 Vendor Side ............................................................................................................... 19
4.2.4 Vendor Visiting a Product............................................................................................ 20
4.4 ER Diagram ...................................................................................................................... 21
4.5 Data Flow Diagram .......................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 5 TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION ..................................... 23
5.1 Testing Techniques .......................................................................................................... 24
5.1.1 Unit Testing ............................................................................................................... 24
5.1.2 Integration Testing.................................................................................................... 25
5.1.3 System Testing........................................................................................................... 25
5.1.4 Acceptance Testing ................................................................................................... 25
5.1.5 Black Box Testing ..................................................................................................... 25
5.1.6 White Box Testing ..................................................................................................... 25
5.1.7 Grey Box Testing....................................................................................................... 25
5.2 Test Approach .................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.1 Bottom-up Approach ................................................................................................ 26
5.2.2 Top-down approach .................................................................................................. 26
5.3 Test Cases ......................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.1 Test Case: Login........................................................................................................ 27
5.2.2 Test Case: Product posting form ............................................................................. 28
5.2.3 Test Case: Add Categories ....................................................................................... 29
5.2.4 Test Case: Registration Form .................................................................................. 30
5.4 Validation and Verification............................................................................................. 30
5.4.1 Software Validation .................................................................................................. 31
5.4.2 From a testing perspective ....................................................................................... 31
Chapter 6 USER MANUAL ........................................................... 32
6.1 Login Page ........................................................................................................................ 32
6.2 Registration page ............................................................................................................. 33
6.4 Add to Cart ....................................................................................................................... 35
6.5 Sub-categories page ......................................................................................................... 37
6.6 Product Page .................................................................................................................... 38
6.7 Seller Portal ...................................................................................................................... 38
6.8 Admin Portal .................................................................................................................... 41
List of Tables
Table 1 Admin Login................................................................................................................. 15
Table 2 Vendors Login .............................................................................................................. 16
Table 3 Buyers’ Login ............................................................................................................... 17
Table 4 Login ............................................................................................................................ 27
Table 5 Product Posting Form .................................................................................................. 28
Table 6 Add Categories ............................................................................................................ 29
Table 7 Registration Form ........................................................................................................ 30
List of Figures
Figure 1 Software Development Life Cycle ................................................................................ 3
Figure 2 Waterfall Model ........................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 Use Case Admin Side .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 4 Use Case Vendor Side ................................................................................................ 13
Figure 5 Use Case Buyer Side ................................................................................................... 14
Figure 6 SSD Admin Side .......................................................................................................... 18
Figure 7 SSD Buyer Side ........................................................................................................... 19
Figure 8 SSD Vendor Side ......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 9 SSD Vendor Visiting a Product ................................................................................... 20
Figure 10 ER Diagram ............................................................................................................... 21
Figure 11 Class Diagram ........................................................................................................... 22
Figure 12 Login Page ................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 13 Registration Page ..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 14 Home Page ............................................................................................................... 33
Figure 15 Home Categories...................................................................................................... 34
Figure 16 Posted Products ....................................................................................................... 34
Figure 17 Order Form............................................................................................................... 35
Figure 18 Add To Cart .............................................................................................................. 35
Figure 19 About Us................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 20 User Profile .............................................................................................................. 36
Figure 21 Search a Product ...................................................................................................... 37
Figure 22 Sub Categories Page................................................................................................. 37
Figure 23 Product Page ............................................................................................................ 38
Figure 24 Seller Portal .............................................................................................................. 38
Figure 25 Seller Manage Orders .............................................................................................. 39
Figure 26 Seller Add Product ................................................................................................... 39
Figure 27 Seller Posted Products ............................................................................................. 40
Figure 28 About Us In Seller Portal .......................................................................................... 41
Figure 29 Admin Portal ............................................................................................................ 41
Figure 30 Admin Manage Sub Categories ................................................................................ 42
Figure 31 Admin Add Categories ............................................................................................. 43
Figure 32 Admin Portal Manage Users .................................................................................... 44
Figure 33 Feedback Page ......................................................................................................... 44
1.3.1 Cost
The cost required in the purposed system is comparatively higher than the
existing systems. Because the previous system works manually.
1.3.2 Effort
Compared to the existing system, the proposed system will provide a better
work environment in which there will be cases of work and the effort required will be
comparatively less than the existing system.
1.3.3 Time
The time required to selling and buying old and new books will be
comparatively less than the existing systems.
Verification: This is the process of testing the product to verify that it performs
according to the specifications.
Release: After the product has been fully verified it is packed and prepared for
release to Customers.
1.5.4 Buyer Portal
In the buyer portal there is a facility of Cart people search the product place
order and represent their reviews about a specific kind of product.
ZCart Multi-Vendor is an online web application where the customer can purchase
anything which they want. Through a web browser the customer can search for a
product by its name and price, later can add it to shopping cart and purchase their
product while sitting at home. The user can login using his account details or new
customer can make an account very quickly. They should give the details of their name,
contact number, complete address, email, profile picture.
2.3.1 Specifications
This is a software-based system and definitely, the system will run through a
web browser which must be able to run the system.
2.3.1 Tools
We have used many tools which we had used during the designing and
development of the system like:
Java Script
Web Browser
Xampp Server
Ms. Word
2.6 Methodology
We have used the “Waterfall Model” for the development of our project.
Waterfall Model is a sequential model that divides software development into pre-
defined phases. Each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin with no
overlap between the phases. Each phase is designed for performing specific activities
during the SDLC phase. It was introduced in 1970 by Winston Royce.
The sequential phases in the Waterfall model are:
System Design: The requirement specifications from the first phase are studied
in this phase and the system design is prepared. This system design helps in
specifying hardware and system requirements and helps in defining the overall
system architecture.
Implementation: With inputs from the system design, the system is first
developed in small programs called units, which are integrated into the next
phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its functionality, which is referred
to as Unit Testing.
Integration and Testing: All the units developed in the implementation phase
are integrated into a system after testing each unit. Post integration the entire
system is tested for any faults and failures.
A functional requirement describes what a software system should do Let
me elaborate. An example of a functional requirement would be that a system must send
an email whenever a certain condition is met (e.g. an order is placed, a customer’s sign
Responsive Behaviour
The goal of responsive design is to build web pages that detect
the visitor's screen size and orientation and change the layout accordingly.
User Authentication and Password resets
Only the authorize user can access the website
Runtime notifications through web interface (UI)
Notifications will be sent to all the type of users through email and
web interface (depending on the type of operation).
Administrators Portal
In the online multi-vendor market place there is a main Admin portal
through which the admin of the website performs the following tasks
Managing categories
Managing Brands
Managing users
Managing Product Approval
Buyers Portal
In the Z-cart Multi-Vendor Buyer have their own portal through
which they perform the following task
Managing Profile
Managing addresses
Managing orders
Managing favourite stores
Managing Wish lists
Managing cart
Giving review for already bought products
Sellers Portal
A web portal designed for sellers to perform the following tasks
Checking insights of the store through home\dashboard page such as No.
of items,
Managing Store
Managing Profile
Managing address
Managing orders
Managing Products
Soft Delete
Edit Product
Listing a product
o Product have the following information:
Product Name
Product Model
3.3.2 Ease to Use
We provide the complete documentation of this project that is helpful for the
users of this project that how to use this product.
3.3.3 Performance
Using this Website in case of Buying/selling, system shall response fast and
relative to the content.
3.3.4 Availability
The system should be available at any time of use so that the users can use it at
any time without any difficulty
3.3.6 Privacy
We provide complete privacy to the contractors. Everything in the project is in
the privacy between the Patient and us. There is no problem with privacy for the Patient.
3.3.7 Quality
The quality of the project is so good everything in its full fill all the requirements
of the Owner of the website and the process is done in a good manner.
3.3.9 Longevity
We are using HTML and CSS with JAVASCRIPT and PHP for Database that
is easy, understandable and flexible tools so our system will perform its working for
maximum of its capacity.
The system quality attributes are assumed as under:
Accurate and hence reliable.
Fast speed.
3.5 Software and Hardware Requirements
3.5.1 Software Requirements
Operating System : Windows 2000/XP/8.1/10
Languages : HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery
Backend : MYSQL
Browser : Opera, Mozilla Fire Fox, Google Chrome
4.1 Use Case Diagram
Use case Diagrams of our website are given below
Manage users
Manage products
User product
manage profile
manage product
manage store
manage buyers
manage order
4.1.3 Buyer Side
Manage profile
search products
Manage cats
4.1.4 Usage Scenarios
Table 1 Admin Login
1. Admin must have a username and password to log-in to the portal
2. The database should be in online form to provide access
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. Admin login
2. Manage users
3. Manage categories
4. Manage products
5. Logout
Post Conditions: admin login successful
Unresolved issues:
Authority: administrator
Modification history: 1.0
Author: Nimra Qayum, Saleha Ashraf
Table 2 Vendors Login
Table 3 Buyers’ Login
4.2 System Sequence Diagram
4.2.1 Admin Side
4.2.2 Buyer Side
4.2.4 Vendor Visiting a Product
4.4 ER Diagram
Figure 10 ER Diagram
4.5 Data Flow Diagram
Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and
represents the ultimate review of specification, design, and code generation. Testing is
an internal part of any system or project. If a system is implemented without being
tested it may lead to erroneous working and dissatisfaction on part of the customer. It
will also prove disastrous to the reputation of the organization or the person who
developed the system and lead to a loss in business.
Keeping all these things in view, we left no stone unturned in testing our
systems. It was tested keeping in view the different possibilities on part of the user. As
human beings are prone to commit errors under different working conditions, we had
to keep our vigil on different possibilities that can occur on part of the user. The system
was tested for validation, functional implementation, and navigation.
Validation Testing
The user must log in to the system with his/her unique login name and password.
The user must enter all mandatory fields. If he/she fails to do so then a warning message
is issued.
Functional Testing
The entire system was divided into sub-modules. Adding/Updating user
Information in the database is done.
Navigational Testing
The system was tested so that all the pages are properly accessible with their
respective links.
1. Input Checking
In this phase, we tested the validation process only. When users enter the data
in the given text box or grids, the proper input format is checked. If entry required
numeric data user is bounded to enter only numeric. If text (alphanumeric)data, then
the user is bounded to enter text data only also check for null values. Like this, all entries
of all input areas are tested.
2. Condition Testing
Condition testing is a method that exercises the logical condition contained in
the program module. All relational statements were individually examined and tested.
Extreme case values are given for testing.
3. Loop Testing
Loops are cornerstones for the vast majority of all implemented in software.
Each loop is examined separately. Its endpoint values were given and the terminating
condition each case tested.
4. Output Testing
The First step of testing is checking how friendly it is. Then its accuracy is
checked, that is whether it can be present all relevant information, it can report missing
less, data, etc.
5. Acceptance Testing
In this type, we run the system live data by the actual user.
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
System Testing
Acceptance Testing
Black Box Testing
White Box Testing
Grey Box Testing
5.1.2 Integration Testing
Integration testing is a type of testing that occurs when two or more modules
are combined. This is necessary because if two modules are not working properly
together then your system fails. Hence we test multiple probability modules for the
proper working of the system.
Mastering the domain of a system always gives the tester an edge over someone
with limited domain knowledge. Unlike black-box testing, where the tester only tests
the application’s Customer interface, in Grey box testing, the tester has access to design
documents and the database. Having this knowledge, the tester can better prepare test
data and test scenarios when making the test plan.
5.2 Test Cases
5.2.1 Test Case: Login
Table 4 Login
Short Description: Enter username and password in the login form and press login
Software Xampp Local Host server Chrome browser, SQL Database and Windows
Tools & Operating System.
with version
5.2.2 Test Case: Product posting form
Table 5 Product Posting Form
Software Tools & Xampp Local Host server Chrome browser, SQL Database and Windows
Technologies Operating System
with version
5.2.3 Test Case: Add Categories
Table 6 Add Categories
Software Tools & Xampp Local Host server Chrome browser, SQL Database and Windows
Technologies with Operating System.
5.2.4 Test Case: Registration Form
Table 7 Registration Form
Software Tools & Xampp Local Host server Chrome browser, SQL Database and Windows
Technologies with Operating System.
as software quality control. It is normally the responsibility of software testers as part
of the software development lifecycle.
Validation checks that the product design satisfies or fits the intended use (high-
level checking), i.e., the software meets the user requirements. This is done through
dynamic testing and other forms of review.
Verification and validation are not the same things, although they are often
confused. Boehm succinctly expressed the difference between
In other words, software verification is ensuring that the product has been built
according to the requirements and design specifications, while software validation
ensures that the product meets the user's needs and that the specifications were correct
in the first place. Software verification ensures that "you built it right" Software
validation ensures that "you built the right thing". Software validation confirms that the
product, as provided, will fulfill its intended use.
6.1 Login Page
After entering all the required data click the register button to register. Now you
can log in to the Website. The login page is used to log in to the website.
6.2 Registration page
If you are a new user, you can register using the registration page or if you are
already a user you can log in to purchase a product. A user should enter all the required
field information. If he didn’t fill all the fields he cannot create an account.
6.3 Homepage
When we run the Zcart multivendor Website first login page is displayed. If you
have an account, then you can login to the website otherwise you make an account for
login. After login the home page appear.
The home page categories will appear as below.
The place order form will appear as below.
The About us page will appear as below.
Figure 19 About Us
The Profile page will appear as below.
Figure 21 Search a Product
6.6 Product Page
After selecting any category from homepage then select any sub-category the
related products of categories show in this series.
The Manage order page of homepage in seller portal will appear as below.
The Posted product page in seller portal will appear as below.
Figure 28 About Us In Seller Portal
Figure 30 Admin Manage Sub Categories
The Manage categories page in Admin portal will appear as below
Figure 31 Admin Add Categories
Figure 32 Admin Portal Manage Users
The View Feedback page in Admin portal will appear as below