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4401 Manual

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FEATURES: The most compact of the JBL studio monitors,

the 4401 is ideal for use as a main monitor in
Smooth, accurate response from 70 Hz applications where space is at a premium. The
to 18 kHz (f 3 dB) tight driver cluster gives the 4401 outstanding
coherency in the near field, making it also an
88 dB SPL, 1 W 1 m (3.3 ft) excellent choice for a console-mount secondary
Components: 170 mm (6’12 in) low frequency loud- monitor.
speaker, 25 mm (I in) high frequency dome radiator The 4401 shares the design philosophy of the
larger JBL 4430 and 4435 monitors: smooth
Oiled walnut enclosure response over a wide coverage angle, with wide
Optional steel cradle mount dynamic range and clear, open sound. Particular
attention has been paid to the design of the
dividing network and to the physical placement of
the drivers. Each driver is the product of extensive
research and testing, and each has been designed
for optimum performance in the system.
1 l

HIGH FREQUENCY To take full advantage of the inherently excellent -/

transient response of the two drivers, JBL engineers
DOME RADIATOR applied a principle typically found only in active
Todays recording techniques place a premium high frequency electronics. Polypropylene and
on high frequency accuracy and definition, and JBL polystyrene bypass capacitors are wired in parallel
has designed the 4401’s high frequency dome with the network’s larger Mylar capacitors to reduce
radiator to meet these demands. The dome is the hysteresis effects on the signal. This provides
formed of a lightweight phenolic material and improved resolution of complex transient
coated with a microscopically thin layer of waveforms.
aluminum through a sophisticated vapor- The network’s iron-core and air-core inductors
deposition process. The hard dome construction are carefully chosen for their high current capacity
provides smooth response with higher efficiency and low DC characteristics. A high frequency level
and acoustic output than a comparable soft dome. control protrudes through the grille for individual
Additionally, the driver exhibits outstanding adjustments to the spectral balance.
linearity over its full operating range -there is To simplify wall or console mounting, the 4401
virtually no power compression. may be ordered with optional cradle mounts
manufactured of rugged steel.
The 4401 utilizes a low frequency driver specially SYSTEM:
designed for optimum performance in a compact Frequency Response I+ 3 dBI: 70 Hz to 18 kHz
enclosure. The 170 mm (6Y2 in) loudspeaker Power Capacity’: 60 W

exhibits unusually smooth frequency response, Sensitivity 88 dB SPL. I W, I m 13.3

Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms
superior transient response, and extremely low
Crossover Frequency 2 5 kHz
distortion. It features a die-cast aluminum frame LOW FREQUENCY LOUDSPEAKER
for structural integrity under the most adverse Nominal Diameter 170 mm (6% ml

operating conditions. Voice Cal 38 mm IIMInI

Maenetlc Assemblv Weleht I 3ke 13 lb1

Flux Density: 0.95 tesla (9.500 gauss1

Sensitivity’: 89 dB SPL, I W, I m 13.3

Diameter: 25mm II inl

Voice Coil: 25 mm II inl co~oer

The loudspeaker’s magnetic structure features Magnetic Assembly Weight 0 68 kg II% lb)
JBL’sunique Symmetrical Field Geometry (SFG) Flux Density I 4 tes1.3 114,000 gaussI
design to reduce second harmonic distortion to Se”sltlvlty’ 89 dB SPL I W I m (3 3 ftl

less than one tenth the level found in conventional GENERAL

designs. The cone is of laminated construction to Fmlsh OIled walnut

Grille Colnr. Dark blue
achieve the desired combination of light weight Optional Equipment MC 4401 Speaker Cradle for free standmg use or
and rigidity. The coating, and exclusive JBL wall mountine

formulation, adds a precise amount of mass and Dimensions: 375 mm x 238 mm x 183 mm deep
14% in x 9% in x 71/16 in deep
provides optimum damping characteristics. ShioDine Weight (Paid: I6 ke 135 lb1
Carefully engineered suspension elements reduce ‘Ratmg based on test slgnal of flltered random now conformmg to mternatvanal
standard IEC 268-5 lpmk no,se wth 12 dB/octave rolloff below 40 Hz and above
DC offsets and an unusually long voice coil allows 5000 Hz with a peak&-average ratio of 6 dBI, two hours duration.
exceptional excursion linearity. ‘Averaged from 100 Hz to 500 Hz within I dB.
‘Averaged above 3 kHz within I dB.


The sophisticated dividing network contributes
significantly to the overall performance of the
system. The carefully chosen transition slopes and
crossover point provide flat axial response and
minimize off-axis variation, so that power response
is also smooth. The design allows a more
predictable interface of the 4401 and the studio
environment. Stereo imaging also remains stable
over a wider area.
- Frequency Response at I W I meter, Impedance BeamwIdth (-6 dB) vs Frequency

.;Directivity vs. Frequency Delay vs. Frequency


Honzontal off-axls Response (normalized to on-axIs)

f20” Horizontal 3~40’ Horizontal

Vertical off-axls Response (normalized to on-axlsl

*IO” Vertical f20” Vertical
Control Range, Mid Power Compression at 85, 95, 105 dB

Distortion vs. Frequency :OW

Distortion Raised to 20 dB

IBL contrnually engages rn research related to product Improvement New

materrals productlon methods and desrgn refinements are Introduced Into
exrstrng products wrthout notrce as a routrne expressIon of that phrlosophy
For thus reason any current IBL product may doffer In some respect from Its
publrshed descrlptlon but ~111always equal or exceed the orrgrnal desrgn
speclfrcatrons unless otherwrse stated

q 5

JBL Incorporated, 8500 Balboa Boulevard, PO Box 2200, Northridge, California 91329 U.S.A.
XlL/harman rnternattonal
10M 62534 9164

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