4401 Manual
4401 Manual
4401 Manual
Flux Density: 0.95 tesla (9.500 gauss1
formulation, adds a precise amount of mass and Dimensions: 375 mm x 238 mm x 183 mm deep
14% in x 9% in x 71/16 in deep
provides optimum damping characteristics. ShioDine Weight (Paid: I6 ke 135 lb1
Carefully engineered suspension elements reduce ‘Ratmg based on test slgnal of flltered random now conformmg to mternatvanal
standard IEC 268-5 lpmk no,se wth 12 dB/octave rolloff below 40 Hz and above
DC offsets and an unusually long voice coil allows 5000 Hz with a peak&-average ratio of 6 dBI, two hours duration.
exceptional excursion linearity. ‘Averaged from 100 Hz to 500 Hz within I dB.
‘Averaged above 3 kHz within I dB.
q 5
JBL Incorporated, 8500 Balboa Boulevard, PO Box 2200, Northridge, California 91329 U.S.A.
XlL/harman rnternattonal
10M 62534 9164