Evidencia 1 Effective Presentations

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Nombre: Matrícula:

Sarai Celeste Eloina Portillo Villafaña 2941326

Eduardo Olmos Robles 2984389

Daniela Patricia Acevedo Cotes 2832068

Nombre del curso Nombre del profesor:

Effective Presentations Workshop Dulce Renata Martínez Beltrán

Módulo:l Actividad: evidence 1

Fecha: 17/09/22


Preparing an effective presentation Results

1. Determine your purpose and objective. Our purpose is to raise awareness of what
is causing the extinction of the Polar Bear
animal and the objective is to impact and
inform how we can contribute to the care of
the environment to contribute our grain of
sand in the reduction of climate change,
which is what is causing the extinction of the
polar bear

2. Know your audience. Our audience is people interested in the

contribution of caring for the environment,
university students looking for hobbies, 10-
year-olds who are beginning to explore the
world, people whose topics of interest are
caring for the environment or animals in
danger of extinction.

3. Define your topic. The topic is about the danger of extinction

of the polar bear. the danger of this animal
concludes in the contamination of the

4. Define your TYPE of presentation. The type of presentation will be visual and

5. Define your estimated TYPE of Our estimated audience is 50 people


6. Brief description of what you are going To inform about the global warming and the
to do in the INTRODUCTION of your effects in the environment that are causing
video. the extinction of the polar bear.

7. Main points and transitions of your - The dangers of global warming and
video. the future impacts towards the world
- The importance of biological
diversities, especially with the polar
- The risks of losing species

8. Brief description of how you are going With a message to the spectators to inspire
to end your video in the CONCLUSION. and make a positive impact in the future.

9. Determine the who, what, and why. The people who can make an impact
towards the climate, no matter how little or
big it is.

To explain about global warming and the

effects of the polar bear and their

To make an impact on the people and

inspire them to maintain a better world for
the environment and its wildlife.

10. Arrange your material to make sense.

11. Compose your presentation/video


12. Analyze the room of the presentation.

13. Practice your presentation.

14. Make adjustments.

15. Record your video blog.

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