Tensile Strength of Ferro Cement With Respect To Specific Surface

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-3, Issue-2, December 2013

Tensile Strength of Ferro Cement With Respect to

Specific Surface
Sayyed Shoheb Navid, Swayambhu S. Bhalsing, Pankaj B. Autade

Abstract— Ferrocement is a term commonly used to describe Small ferrocement tanks of less than 18.9 m3 (5000 gal)
a steel-and-mortar composite material .Essentially a form of capacity were being factory built in New Zealand (Bulletin
reinforced concrete, it exhibits behavior so different from CP-10, 1968), and elevated water tanks of 47.3 m3 (12500
conventional reinforced concrete in performance, strength, and
gal) capacity were successfully constructed in Bangladesh in
potential application that it must be classed as a completely
1989. Ferrocement silos can hold up to capacity of 10 metric
separate material. It differs from conventional reinforced
concrete in that its reinforcement consists of closely spaced,
tons (22400 lb) of grain/ food stuffs, fertilizer, cement and
multiple layers of steel mesh completely impregnated with pesticide. Ferrocement is more durable than wood/ timber
cement mortar. and cheaper than imported steel. Small capacity ferrocement
The use of ferrocement is a promising technology for bins upto 3 metric tons which are cylindrical in shape, and
increasing the flexural strength of deficient reinforced concrete size of 1.20 m (3.9 ft) in diameter and prefabricated in
members. The study reported herein investigates the increase in heights of 1 m (3.28 ft) is analysed and successfully tested in
tension due to increase in contact area between wire meshes and India and the results have proved that ferrocement bins are
mortar, i.e. increase in specific surface of ferrocement. For less expensive than the bins made of steel, reinforced cement
achieving higher values of specific surface, No. of Layers of concrete (RCC) or aluminium (ACI 549 R97). Two
meshes needs to be increased. feasibility studies have shown that the cost of ferrocement is
So in a beam if we use ferrocement in tensile zone of beam, we
less than that of steel or fiberglass in the construction of wind
will be in a position to replace steel bars used in R.C.C, saving in
steel is thus achieved.
tunnels (Report JABE-ARC-07, 1976) or hot water storage
Behavior of such Ferrocement is studied which includes tanks (Report No.E-40-1-4899, 1976). In 1984, a swimming
following mechanical properties for determining the relations pool of 25 m X 12.5 m (82 by 41 ft) was built of ferrocement
between the tensile strength of ferrocement with respect to the in Vila Loma Jlbacoa beach by the Enterprise Beaches of the
specific surface using various combination of mortar and East of Havana and its deeper part 1.80 m (5.9 ft) depth, with
meshes which is to be used in ferrocement. thickness of 25 mm (1 in.) in the walls were formed with
1. Tensile Strength. precast panels. The total cost was almost seven times lower
2. Compressive Strength. than one built with RCC of same size.
3. Split Tensile Strength.
Ferrocement is a thin construction element with thickness in
Shelter is one of the basic needs of human being. But more the order of 10-25 mm (3/8–1 in.) and uses rich cement
than 80 developing countries in the world suffer from mortar; no coarse aggregate is used; and the reinforcement
housing shortages resulting from population growth, internal consists of one or more layers of continuous/ small diameter
migration, war, natural disaster, to mention a few. Most steel wire/ weld mesh netting. It requires no skilled labour for
dwellings in rural areas are made of cheap local materials casting, and employs only little or no formwork. In
including low quality wood (which is easily attacked by ferrocement, cement matrix does not crack since cracking
termites), scrap metal, and/or earth products (like clay, mud, forces are taken over by wire mesh reinforcement
sand, rock/ stone) which are temporary and unsafe. There is immediately below the surface. an underground ferrocement
an urgent need to explore a building material that is shell structure which was built in 1993 at Ahmedabad, India
structurally efficient but at the same time, should be has not only withstood the 2001 earthquake but also has
lightweight, eco-friendly, cost effective and especially the remained crack-free till date. Such a structure involving
ones that can perform the desired functions. Ferrocement is complex curvatures can be constructed in a reliable manner
such a material that is slim and slender but at the same time using ferrocement technology, giving free reign to
strong and elegant which provides a potential solution to architectural expression. Ferrocement construction
roofing problems, with an history of ancient and universal technology is being popularized throughout the world in
method of building huts by using reeds to reinforce dried mud countries like Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, United
(ACI Committee 549-R97). Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil, the former USSR, Eastern
European countries, China, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and
Manuscript received December, 2013 in other developing countries due to its uniqueness and
Mr. Sayyed Shoheb Navid Student of ME Structure, Dr. VithalraoVikhe versality. Ferrocement is being explored as building
Patil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar. Life time Member of Ferrocement materials substituting stone, brick, RCC, steel, prestressed
Mr. Swayambhu S Bhalsing Student of ME Structure, Dr. VithalraoVikhe
concrete and timber and also as structural
Patil College of Engineering , Ahmednagar. Life time Member of Ferrocement components—walls, floors, roofs, beams, columns and slabs,
Society water and soil retaining wall structures; other applications
Mr. Pankaj B. Autade -ME Structure Asst. Prof. Dr.Vithalrao Vikhe Patil include window and door frames and shutters . Ferrocement
College of Engineering A’Nagar

Tensile Strength of Ferro Cement With Respect to Specific Surface

can be fabricated into any desired shape or structural load-elongation curves for the readings. The load-elongation
configuration that is generally not possible with standard leads to the tensile stress —strain curve of the ferrocement
masonry, RCC or steel. composites. Moreover the curve can be used to estimate the
ultimate strength. Unlike reinforced concrete, tensile
III. PREAMBLE behavior of ferrocement is considerably different. This is
From the experiments carried out, the main idea was to find mainly because the reinforcement is spaced closer and
out the contribution of tensile strength by bonding in uniformly than in reinforced concrete and its smaller
Ferrocement composites. So we have tested the samples diameter results in a larger specific surface area. This in turn
accordingly. From this we want to study tension taken by affects cracking behavior in Ferrocement.
steel mesh, tension taken by mortar, and the increase in Work indicated that the stress level at which the first crack
tension due to bond between wire meshes and mortar. So our appeared and the crack spacing were a function of specific
Objective is that for any other type & size of mesh, if the surface of reinforcement. The ultimate load of ferrocement
specific surface is known, then its contribution to increase in specimen was the same as the load carrying capacity of the
strength can be calculated. reinforcement in that direction. The tensile strength of
The use of ferrocement is a promising technology for Ferrocement is a result of the volume of reinforcement used
increasing the flexural strength of deficient reinforced in the structure.
concrete members. The study reported herein investigates the A ferrocement member subjected to upwards tensile stress
increase in tension due to increase in contact area between behaves something like linear elastic material until the first
wire meshes and mortar, i.e. increase in specific surface of crack appears. Beyond this, the member will enter the
ferrocement. For achieving higher values of specific surface, multiple cracking and eventually continuing to a point where
No. of Layers of meshes needs to be increased. Many a time, the mesh starts to experience yielding. Once at this stage the
it becomes difficult to force mortar in this layer. The fine number of cracks will continue to grow with the increase in
diameter wires, with smaller openings pose more problems. the tensile force or stress. The specific surface area of the
So in a beam if we use ferrocement in tensile zone of beam, ferrocement member or element has been found to influence
we will be in a position to replace steel bars used in R.C.C, the first crack in tension, as well as the width of the cracks.
saving in steel is thus achieved. Behavior of such The maximum stress at first crack for ferrocement matrix
Ferrocement is studied in this Literature with respect to the increases in proportion to the specific area. Direct tensile
Tensile Strength. strength of ferrocement using commonly available steel
meshes can reach up to 25 MPa. Higher stresses can be
III. DISTINCTIVE BEHAVIOUR OF FEROCEMENT IN achieved with meshes having higher yield strength. Tensile
TENSION strength of ferrocement is directly proportional to the volume
fraction of reinforcement in the loading direction .
The behavior of ferrocement in tension is extremely
interesting since ferrocement seems to adapt slowly to
increasing its extensibility. Typically the tensile strength of
ferrocement is directly proportional to specific surface.
Numerous experimental studies have observed that, The stress-strain Curves reported are shown below
everything else being equal, the tensile stress at first cracking
in ferrocement is directly related to the specific surface of
Tensile strength of ferrocement is limited by the tensile
strength of its reinforcement taken alone in the direction of
loading. The tensile strength of ferrocement also depends on
the mesh orientation, and whether the applied load is
uniaxial or biaxial. The specific surface of the reinforcement
strongly influenced the cracking behavior of ferrocement.
The relatively large specific surface for ferrocement may
account for the combination of very small width of cracks and
high tensile strength.


A tensile test of ferrocement composite can be used to
determine the effective modulus of the mesh system, its
ultimate tensile strength, and either its efficiency factor of
reinforcement or its yield strength.
Direct tensile tests of ferrocement elements can be
undertaken on rectangular specimens satisfying the same
minimum size requirements as those set for mesh
reinforcements. The test specimens should preferably be
additionally reinforced at their ends for gripping. The middle
half of the non-gripped (free) portion of the test specimen
should be instrumented to record elongations. Drawn

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-3, Issue-2, December 2013
point. A unique relationship between specific surface ratio
and composite stress at first crack was observed. It is clear
that the stress at first crack increases linearly with increase in
specific surface irrespective of size, type and spacing of the
wire mesh.

The contribution of tensile strength of ferrocement can be
evaluated by bonding with ferrocement composites. From the
experiment carried out it can be studied the tension taken by
steel mesh only, tension taken by mortar only & tension due
to bond between wire meshes & mortar. From the experiment
we observe regarding increase in tension due to increase in
contact area between wire meshes and mortar i.e. increases in
specific surface of ferrocement composite with different
From this stress-strain curve, following conclusions were Thus with this we can find out the relation of increase in
made: tensile strength of mortar with respect to the specific surface.
When a ferrocement specimen is subjected to increasing For future works; it will definitely prove that tensile strength
tensile stress, the three stages of behavior are observed. of ferrocement is much more than ordinary mortar used so it
(1) Elastic stage can be used for various structural members for increasing
The stress-strain curve is essentially linear in this stage. their tensile strengths.
No cracking is observed with magnifications up to 70
(2) Crack formation stage We have great pleasure for submitting paper on the topic
Stress-strain curve deviates from linearity and an ―TENSILE STRENGTH OF FERROCEMENT WITH
increasing number of cracks is seen with increasing RESPECT TO SPECIFIC SURFACE‖ This paper has helped
stress. The cracks are very fine in this stage 0.005 to us to express extracurricular knowledge with incredible help
0.05 mm and increasing mortar strains are due to and inspiring guidance from Dr. B.N. Divekar , President
increase in number of cracks rather than increasing Ferrocement Society , India and Asst. Prof.Mr. Pankaj B.
width of cracks. Autade from civil department P.D.V.V.P.C.O.E.
(3) Crack widening stage AHMEDNAGAR for timely help in completion of paper.
The maximum numbers of cracks that are going to
develop have already developed before this stage. REFERENCES
Increasing mortar strains are thus mainly due to [1] Antoine E. Naaman, ―Ferrocement & laminated cementitious
increasing width of cracks. composites.‖
[2] Bishwendu K.Paul & Ricardo P.Pama, ―Ferrocement‖
Ferrocement specimens have much finer and more numerous [3] S.P Shah & M.G Srinivasan , ―Strength & Cracking of ferrocement‖
cracks than conventional concrete. Considerable amount of [4] Ferrocement structural journal by ACT Committee 549
research has been done in trying to predict crack widths and [5] Ferrocement material & applications — Publication SP-6 1
number of cracks for conventional R.C.C structures. For [6] J.N.Chhauda & P.C Sharma, ―Quality of Cement Mortar for
Ferrocement Structures‖
these structures, it has been shown that crack width can be [7] IS 456:2000 ―Plain & Reinforced Concrete CODE of Practice‖
reduced by increasing the bond between steel & concrete, by [8] IS 10262 — 1982 ,Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design‖
increasing distribution of reinforcement and by reducing [9] Ferrocement journal — Prof. Dr. Balkrishna Divekar
[10] Ferrocement under combined bending and axial loads by M .A Mansur
cover (crack width is nearly zero at the interface between [11] Journal of Ferrocement - Asian Institute of Technology
steel and concrete and increases as you go away from the [12] Ferrocement Society journals 2011
interface towards the surface of the structure; i.e. the cover,
the smaller the crack width). All these factors are favorable
for ferrocement. A parameter which combines all these
factors is nothing but the specific surface of the
reinforcement. It is defined as the total surface area of
reinforcement per unit volume of the composite. The tensile
strength of ferrocement depends chiefly on the volume of
reinforcement and the tensile strength of mesh.
Types of sand, normal weight or light weight, and ratio of
sand and water have a little influence on the tensile strength
of ferrocement.


It can be observed that the stress-strain at first crack
increases with increasing specific surface, up to a certain


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