Nongui, Gelina Anne A. Che 508 - Prelim Exam

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COURSE 1 – ChE REVIEWER (ChE Thermodynamics 1)

PROBLEM 1 MATLAB EDITOR < NONGUIChEThermodynamics1Problem1.m>
disp('CHE reviewer Problem1( ChE Thermodynamics 1). A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads
87.9923 kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the condenser when the atmospherics pressure is 101.3
Pa=input('Enter the atmospheric of the condenser: ');
Pv=input('Enter the given vacuum pressure of the condenser:');
fprintf('The absolute pressure in the condenser is %0.2f. ',Pabs );


CHE reviewer Problem1(ChE Thermodynamics 1). A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads 87.9923
kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the condenser when the atmospherics pressure is 101.3 kPa?
Enter the atmospheric of the condenser: 101.3
Enter the given vacuum pressure of the condenser:87.9923
The absolute pressure in the condenser is 13.31. >>

PROBLEM 2 MATLAB EDITOR < NONGUIChEThermodynamics1Problem2.m>

disp('CHE reviewer Problem2( ChE Thermodynamics 1). If 6L of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa are
compressed reversibly according to PV^2=c until the volume becomes 2 liters and pressure becomes 900
kPa. Find the work in Joules. Note that when PV^2= c then it is equal to P1V1=P2V2.');
P1=input('Enter the initial pressure of the gas: ');
P2=input('Enter the final pressure of the gas:');
V1=input('Enter the initial volume of the gas:');
V2=input('Enter the final volume of the gas:');
Work=P1*V1^2*(1/V2 – 1/V1);


CHE reviewer Problem2(ChE Thermodynamics 1). If 6L of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa are compressed
reversibly according to PV^2=c until the volume becomes 2 liters and pressure becomes 900 kPa. Find the
work in Joules. Note that when PV^2= c then it is equal to P1V1=P2V2.
Enter the initial pressure of the gas: 100
Enter the final pressure of the gas:900
Enter the initial volume of the gas:6
Enter the final volume of the gas:2
The Work of the compressed gas is 1200.00. >>

PROBLEM 3 MATLAB EDITOR <NONGUIChEThermodynamics1Problem3.m>

disp('CHE reviewer Problem3( ChE Thermodynamics 1). Assuming CO2 to be an ideal gas, calculate the
work(in calories) done by 10g CO2 in expanding is isothermally and reversibly fromn a volume of 5L to 10L at
27C(300.15K). R= 1.987 calories. ');
m=input('Enter the mass of CO2: ');
MW=input('Enter the molecular weight of CO2:');
R=input('Enter the universal gas constant:');
T=input('Enter the given temperature:');
V1=input('Enter the initial volume of CO2:');
V2=input('Enter the final volume of CO2:');
fprintf('The Work done on the system is %0.2f. ',Work );


CHE reviewer Problem3(ChE Thermodynamics 1). Assuming CO2 to be an ideal gas, calculate the work(in
calories) done by 10g CO2 in expanding is isothermally and reversibly fromn a volume of 5L to 10L at
27C(300.15K). R= 1.987 calories, MW CO2
Enter the mass of CO2: 10
Enter the molecular weight of CO2:44
Enter the universal gas constant:1.987
Enter the given temperature:300.15
Enter the initial volume of CO2:5
Enter the final volume of CO2:10
The Work done on the system is -93.95. >>

COURSE 2 – Physical Chemistry 1

PROBLEM 1 MATLAB EDITOR <NONGUIPhysicalChemistry1Problem1.m>
disp('Physical Chemistry 1 Problem1. An ideal gas occupies a volume of 0.30 dm^3 at a pressure of 180000
Pa. What is the new volume of the gas maintained at the same temperature if the pressure is reduced to
115000 Pa. Note: P1V1=P2V2 ');
P1=input('Enter the initial pressure of the gas: ');
P2=input('Enter the final pressure of the gas:');
V1=input('Enter the initial volume of the gas:');
fprintf('The final volume of the gas is %0.2f. ',V2 );


Physical Chemistry 1 Problem1. An ideal gas occupies a volume of 0.30 dm^3 at a pressure of 180000 Pa.
What is the new volume of the gas maintained at the same temperature if the pressure is reduced to 115000
Pa. Note: P1V1=P2V2
Enter the initial pressure of the gas: 180000
Enter the final pressure of the gas:115000
Enter the initial volume of the gas:0.3
The final volume of the gas is 0.47. >>

PROBLEM 2 MATLAB EDITOR <NONGUIPhysicalChemistry1Problem2.m>

disp('Physical Chemistry 1 Problem2. The standard atmosphere of pressure is the force per unit area exerted
by a 0.76 m column of Mercury. The density of which is 13595.11 kg/m^3 at 0(zero) degrees Celsius. If the
gravitational acceleration is 9.80665 m/s^2. Calculate the pressure of 1 atm in Pa. Note: P= rho*g*h. ');
r=input('Enter the given density: ');
g=input('Enter the gravitational acceleration:');
h=input('Enter the given height:');
fprintf('The Pressure is %0.2f. ',Pressure );


Physical Chemistry 1 Problem2. The standard atmosphere of pressure is the force per unit area exerted by a
0.76 m column of Mercury. The density of which is 13595.11 kg/m^3 at 0(zero) degrees Celsius. If the
gravitational acceleration is 9.80665 m/s^2. Calculate the pressure of 1 atm in Pa. Note: P= rho*g*h.
Enter the given density: 13595.11
Enter the gravitational acceleration:9.80665
Enter the given height:0.76
The Pressure is 101325.09. >>

PROBLEM 3 MATLAB EDITOR <NONGUIPhysicalChemistry1Problem3.m>

disp('Physical Chemistry 1 Problem3. The time required for a volume of N2 to diffuse an orifise is 35 seconds.
Calculate the molecular weight of a gas which requires 50 seconds to diffuse through the same orifise under
identical conditions? MW N2= 28 g/mol. Note that t1/t2=sqrt(MW1/MW2), therefore,
MW2(orifice)=MW1*(t2/t1)^2. ');
MW1=input('Enter the MW of N2:');
t1=input('Enter the initial time:');
t2=input('Enter the final time:');
fprintf('The MWOrifice is is %0.2f. ',MWOrifice );


Physical Chemistry 1 Problem3. The time required for a volume of N2 to diffuse an orifice is 35 seconds.
Calculate the molecular weight of a gas which requires 50 seconds to diffuse through the same orifise under
identical conditions? MW N2= 28 g/mol. Note that t1/t2=sqrt(MW1/MW2), therefore,
Enter the MW of N2:28
Enter the initial time:35
Enter the final time:50
The MWOrifice is is 57.14. >>

COURSE 3 – Transport Phenomena

PROBLEM 1 MATLAB EDITOR <NONGUITransportPhenomenaProblem1.m>
disp('Transport Phenomena Problem1. The distance between plates is y=0.5 cm and Vz= 10cm/s, and the
fluid ethyl alcohol at 273L having a viscosity of 0.0177 g/cm-s. Calculate the shear stress if the shear rate is
20/s. ');
v=input('Enter the viscosity:');
Vz=input('Enter the velocity:');
s=input('Enter the shear rate:');
ShearStress= (v*s);
fprintf('The Shear Stress is %0.2f. ',ShearStress );


Transport Phenomena Problem1. The distance between plates is y=0.5 cm and Vz= 10cm/s, and the fluid
ethyl alcohol at 273L having a viscosity of 0.0177 g/cm-s. Calculate the shear stress if the shear rate is 20/s.
Enter the viscosity:.0177
Enter the velocity:10
Enter the shear rate:20
The Shear Stress is 0.35. >>

PROBLEM 2 MATLAB EDITOR <NONGUITransportPhenomenaProblem2.m>

disp('Transport Phenomena Problem2. An oil is being pumped inside a 0.01 m diameter pipe at a Reynolds
Number of 2100. The oil density is 855 kg/m^3 and the viscosity is 0.021 kg/m-s. What is the velocity in the
pipe? Note that Re=(d*v*rho)/v ');
v=input('Enter the viscosity:');
Re=input('Enter the Reynolds Number:');
r=input('Enter the oil density:');
d=input('Enter the distance:');
Vz= (Re*v)/(d*r);
fprintf('The Velocicity of the oil is %0.2f. ',Vz );


Transport Phenomena Problem2. An oil is being pumped inside a 0.01 m diameter pipe at a Reynolds Number
of 2100. The oil density is 855 kg/m^3 and the viscosity is 0.021 kg/m-s. What is the velocity in the pipe? Note
that Re=(d*v*rho)/v
Enter the viscosity:.021
Enter the Reynolds Number:2100
Enter the oil density:855
Enter the distance:0.01
The Velocicity of the oil is 5.16. >>

PROBLEM 3 MATLAB EDITOR <NONGUITransportPhenomenaProblem3.m>

disp('Transport Phenomena Problem3. For the vessel containing glycerin under Pressure(top)= 50 kPa and
sp= 12.34 kN/m^3 and distance d=2m. Find the pressure of at the bottom of the tank.');
Pt=input('Enter the pressure(at the top):');
s=input('Enter the sp:');
d=input('Enter the distance:');
Pb= Pt+(s*d);
fprintf('The Pressure at the bottom of the tank is %0.2f.',Pb );


Transport Phenomena Problem3. For the vessel containing glycerin under Pressure(top)= 50 kPa and sp=
12.34 kN/m^3 and distance d=2m. Find the pressure of at the bottom of the tank.
Enter the pressure(at the top):50
Enter the sp:12.34
Enter the distance:2
The Pressure at the bottom of the tank is 74.68.>>


MATLAB EDITOR <NonguiPrelim.m>
disp('CHE reviewer');
disp('What type of unit operation do you want to solve?');
A=input('\n 1. ChE Thermodynamics 1 \n 2. Physical Chemistry 1 \n 3. Transport Phenomena \n Choose 1, 2 or 3:');
case 1
disp('ChE Thermodynamics 1');
disp('Choose which sample problem:');
A1=input('\n 1. A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads 87.9923 kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the
condenser when the atmospherics pressure is 101.3 kPa? \n 2. If 6L of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa are compressed
reversibly according to PV^2=c until the volume becomes 2 liters and pressure becomes 900 kPa. Find the work in Joules. Note
that when PV^2= c then it is equal to P1V1=P2V2. \n 3. Assuming CO2 to be an ideal gas, calculate the work(in calories) done
by 10g CO2 in expanding is isothermally and reversibly fromn a volume of 5L to 10L at 27C(300.15K). R= 1.987 calories. \n
Choose 1, 2 or 3:');

case 1
disp('A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads 87.9923 kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the condenser when the
atmospherics pressure is 101.3 kPa?. ');
Pa=input('Enter the atmospheric of the condenser: ');
Pv=input('Enter the given vacuum pressure of the condenser:');
fprintf('The absolute pressure in the condenser is %0.2f. ',Pabs );
response = input('Do you want to solve another problem? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:');
if response == 1
run NonguiPrelim;
fprintf(' Bye! \n')

case 2

disp('If 6L of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa are compressed reversibly according to PV^2=c until the volume becomes 2 liters
and pressure becomes 900 kPa. Find the work in Joules. Note that when PV^2= c then it is equal to P1V1=P2V2.');
P1=input('Enter the initial pressure of the gas: ');
P2=input('Enter the final pressure of the gas:');
V1=input('Enter the initial volume of the gas:');
V2=input('Enter the final volume of the gas:');
Work=P1*V1^2*(1/V2 - 1/V1);
fprintf('The Work of the compressed gas is %0.2f. ',Work );
response = input('Do you want to solve another problem? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:');
if response == 1
run NonguiPrelim;
fprintf(' Bye! \n')

case 3
disp('Assuming CO2 to be an ideal gas, calculate the work(in calories) done by 10g CO2 in expanding is isothermally and
reversibly fromn a volume of 5L to 10L at 27C(300.15K). R= 1.987 calories.');
m=input('Enter the mass of CO2: ');
MW=input('Enter the molecular weight of CO2:');
R=input('Enter the universal gas constant:');
T=input('Enter the given temperature:');
V1=input('Enter the initial volume of CO2:');
V2=input('Enter the final volume of CO2:');
fprintf('The Work done on the system is %0.2f. ',Work );
response = input('Do you want to solve another problem? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:');
if response == 1
run NonguiPrelim;
fprintf(' Bye! \n')

case 2
disp('Physical Chemistry 1');
disp('Choose which sample problem: ');
A2=input('\n 1. An ideal gas occupies a volume of 0.30 dm^3 at a pressure of 180000 Pa. What is the new volume
of the gas maintained at the same temperature if the pressure is reduced to 115000 Pa. Note: P1V1=P2V2 \n 2. The standard
atmosphere of pressure is the force per unit area exerted by a 0.76 m column of Mercury. The density of which is 13595.11
kg/m^3 at 0(zero) degrees Celsius. If the gravitational acceleration is 9.80665 m/s^2. Calculate the pressure of 1 atm in Pa.
Note: P= rho*g*h. \n 3. The time required for a volume of N2 to diffuse an orifise is 35 seconds. Calculate the molecular weight
of a gas which requires 50 seconds to diffuse through the same orifise under identical conditions? MW N2= 28 g/mol. Note that
t1/t2=sqrt(MW1/MW2), therefore, MW2(orifice)=MW1*(t2/t1)^2. \n Choose 1, 2 or 3: ');
case 1
disp('An ideal gas occupies a volume of 0.30 dm^3 at a pressure of 180000 Pa. What is the new volume of the gas maintained at
the same temperature if the pressure is reduced to 115000 Pa. Note: P1V1=P2V2 '); disp('');
P1=input('Enter the initial pressure of the gas: ');
P2=input('Enter the final pressure of the gas:');
V1=input('Enter the initial volume of the gas:');
fprintf('The final volume of the gas is %0.2f. ',V2 );
response = input('Do you want to solve another problem? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:');
if response == 1
run NonguiPrelim;
fprintf(' Bye! ) \n')
case 2
disp('The standard atmosphere of pressure is the force per unit area exerted by a 0.76 m column of Mercury. The density of
which is 13595.11 kg/m^3 at 0(zero) degrees Celsius. If the gravitational acceleration is 9.80665 m/s^2. Calculate the pressure
of 1 atm in Pa. Note: P= rho*g*h.');
r=input('Enter the given density: ');
g=input('Enter the gravitational acceleration:');
h=input('Enter the given height:');
fprintf('The Pressure is %0.2f. ',Pressure );
response = input('Do you want to solve another problem? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:');
if response == 1
run NonguiPrelim;
fprintf(' Bye! \n')

case 3
disp('The time required for a volume of N2 to diffuse an orifise is 35 seconds. Calculate the molecular weight of a gas which
requires 50 seconds to diffuse through the same orifise under identical conditions? MW N2= 28 g/mol. Note that
t1/t2=sqrt(MW1/MW2), therefore, MW2(orifice)=MW1*(t2/t1)^2. ');
MW1=input('Enter the MW of N2:');
t1=input('Enter the initial time:');
t2=input('Enter the final time:');
fprintf('The MWOrifice is is %0.2f. ',MWOrifice );
response = input('Do you want to solve another problem? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:');
if response == 1
run NonguiPrelim;
fprintf(' Bye! \n')


case 3
disp('Transport Phenomena');
disp('Choose which sample problem: ');
A3=input('\n 1. The distance between plates is y=0.5 cm and Vz= 10cm/s, and the fluid ethyl alcohol at 273L having
a viscosity of 0.0177 g/cm-s. Calculate the shear stress if the shear rate is 20/s. \n 2. An oil is being pumped inside a 0.01 m
diameter pipe at a Reynolds Number of 2100. The oil density is 855 kg/m^3 and the viscosity is 0.021 kg/m-s. What is the
velocity in the pipe? Note that Re=(d*v*rho)/v. \n 3. For the vessel containing glycerin under Pressure(top)= 50 kPa and sp=
12.34 kN/m^3 and distance d=2m. Find the pressure of at the bottom of the tank. \n Choose 1, 2 or 3: ');
case 1
disp('The distance between plates is y=0.5 cm and Vz= 10cm/s, and the fluid ethyl alcohol at 273L having a viscosity of 0.0177
g/cm-s. Calculate the shear stress if the shear rate is 20/s.');
v=input('Enter the viscosity:');
Vz=input('Enter the velocity:');
s=input('Enter the shear rate:');
ShearStress= (v*s);
fprintf('The Shear Stress is %0.2f. ',ShearStress );
response = input('Do you want to solve another problem? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:');
if response == 1
run NonguiPrelim;
fprintf(' Bye! \n')

case 2
disp('An oil is being pumped inside a 0.01 m diameter pipe at a Reynolds Number of 2100. The oil density is 855 kg/m^3 and the
viscosity is 0.021 kg/m-s. What is the velocity in the pipe? Note that Re=(d*v*rho)/v. ');
v=input('Enter the viscosity:');
Re=input('Enter the Reynolds Number:');
r=input('Enter the oil density:');
d=input('Enter the distance:');
Vz= (Re*v)/(d*r);
fprintf('The Velocicity of the oil is %0.2f. ',Vz );
response = input('Do you want to solve another problem? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:');
if response == 1
run NonguiPrelim;
fprintf(' Bye! \n')

case 3
disp(' For the vessel containing glycerin under Pressure(top)= 50 kPa and sp= 12.34 kN/m^3 and distance d=2m. Find the
pressure of at the bottom of the tank.');
Pt=input('Enter the pressure(at the top):');
s=input('Enter the specific volume :');
d=input('Enter the distance:');
Pb= Pt+(s*d);
fprintf('The Pressure at the bottom of the tank is %0.2f.',Pb );
response = input('Do you want to solve another problem? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:');
if response == 1
run NonguiPrelim;
fprintf(' Bye! \n')


CHE reviewer
What type of unit operation do you want to solve?

1. ChE Thermodynamics 1
2. Physical Chemistry 1
3. Transport Phenomena
Choose 1, 2 or 3:1
ChE Thermodynamics 1
Choose which sample problem:

1. A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads 87.9923 kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the condenser when the
atmospherics pressure is 101.3 kPa?
2. If 6L of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa are compressed reversibly according to PV^2=c until the volume becomes 2 liters and
pressure becomes 900 kPa. Find the work in Joules. Note that when PV^2= c then it is equal to P1V1=P2V2.
3. Assuming CO2 to be an ideal gas, calculate the work(in calories) done by 10g CO2 in expanding is isothermally and
reversibly fromn a volume of 5L to 10L at 27C(300.15K). R= 1.987 calories.
Choose 1, 2 or 3:1
A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads 87.9923 kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the condenser when the
atmospherics pressure is 101.3 kPa?.
Enter the atmospheric of the condenser: 101.3
Enter the given vacuum pressure of the condenser:87.9923
The absolute pressure in the condenser is 13.31. Do you want to continue? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:1
CHE reviewer
What type of unit operation do you want to solve?

1. ChE Thermodynamics 1
2. Physical Chemistry 1
3. Transport Phenomena
Choose 1, 2 or 3:1
ChE Thermodynamics 1
Choose which sample problem:

1. A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads 87.9923 kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the condenser when the
atmospherics pressure is 101.3 kPa?
2. If 6L of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa are compressed reversibly according to PV^2=c until the volume becomes 2 liters and
pressure becomes 900 kPa. Find the work in Joules. Note that when PV^2= c then it is equal to P1V1=P2V2.
3. Assuming CO2 to be an ideal gas, calculate the work(in calories) done by 10g CO2 in expanding is isothermally and
reversibly fromn a volume of 5L to 10L at 27C(300.15K). R= 1.987 calories.
Choose 1, 2 or 3:2
If 6L of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa are compressed reversibly according to PV^2=c until the volume becomes 2 liters and
pressure becomes 900 kPa. Find the work in Joules. Note that when PV^2= c then it is equal to P1V1=P2V2.
Enter the initial pressure of the gas: 100
Enter the final pressure of the gas:900
Enter the initial volume of the gas:6
Enter the final volume of the gas:2
The Work of the compressed gas is 1200.00. Do you want to continue? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:1
CHE reviewer
What type of unit operation do you want to solve?

1. ChE Thermodynamics 1
2. Physical Chemistry 1
3. Transport Phenomena
Choose 1, 2 or 3:1
ChE Thermodynamics 1
Choose which sample problem:

1. A vacuum gauge mounted on a condenser reads 87.9923 kPa. What is the absolute pressure in the condenser when the
atmospherics pressure is 101.3 kPa?
2. If 6L of a gas at a pressure of 100 kPa are compressed reversibly according to PV^2=c until the volume becomes 2 liters and
pressure becomes 900 kPa. Find the work in Joules. Note that when PV^2= c then it is equal to P1V1=P2V2.
3. Assuming CO2 to be an ideal gas, calculate the work(in calories) done by 10g CO2 in expanding is isothermally and
reversibly fromn a volume of 5L to 10L at 27C(300.15K). R= 1.987 calories.
Choose 1, 2 or 3:3
Assuming CO2 to be an ideal gas, calculate the work(in calories) done by 10g CO2 in expanding is isothermally and reversibly
fromn a volume of 5L to 10L at 27C(300.15K). R= 1.987 calories.
Enter the mass of CO2: 10
Enter the molecular weight of CO2:44
Enter the universal gas constant:1.987
Enter the given temperature:300.15
Enter the initial volume of CO2:5
Enter the final volume of CO2:10
The Work done on the system is -93.95. Do you want to continue? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:1
CHE reviewer
What type of unit operation do you want to solve?

1. ChE Thermodynamics 1
2. Physical Chemistry 1
3. Transport Phenomena
Choose 1, 2 or 3:2
Physical Chemistry 1
Choose which sample problem:

1. An ideal gas occupies a volume of 0.30 dm^3 at a pressure of 180000 Pa. What is the new volume of the gas maintained at
the same temperature if the pressure is reduced to 115000 Pa. Note: P1V1=P2V2
2. The standard atmosphere of pressure is the force per unit area exerted by a 0.76 m column of Mercury. The density of which
is 13595.11 kg/m^3 at 0(zero) degrees Celsius. If the gravitational acceleration is 9.80665 m/s^2. Calculate the pressure of 1 atm
in Pa. Note: P= rho*g*h.
3. The time required for a volume of N2 to diffuse an orifise is 35 seconds. Calculate the molecular weight of a gas which
requires 50 seconds to diffuse through the same orifise under identical conditions? MW N2= 28 g/mol. Note that
t1/t2=sqrt(MW1/MW2), therefore, MW2(orifice)=MW1*(t2/t1)^2.
Choose 1, 2 or 3: 1
An ideal gas occupies a volume of 0.30 dm^3 at a pressure of 180000 Pa. What is the new volume of the gas maintained at the
same temperature if the pressure is reduced to 115000 Pa. Note: P1V1=P2V2
Enter the initial pressure of the gas: 180000
Enter the final pressure of the gas:115000
Enter the initial volume of the gas:0.3
The final volume of the gas is 0.47. Do you want to continue? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:1
CHE reviewer
What type of unit operation do you want to solve?

1. ChE Thermodynamics 1
2. Physical Chemistry 1
3. Transport Phenomena
Choose 1, 2 or 3:2
Physical Chemistry 1
Choose which sample problem:

1. An ideal gas occupies a volume of 0.30 dm^3 at a pressure of 180000 Pa. What is the new volume of the gas maintained at
the same temperature if the pressure is reduced to 115000 Pa. Note: P1V1=P2V2
2. The standard atmosphere of pressure is the force per unit area exerted by a 0.76 m column of Mercury. The density of which
is 13595.11 kg/m^3 at 0(zero) degrees Celsius. If the gravitational acceleration is 9.80665 m/s^2. Calculate the pressure of 1 atm
in Pa. Note: P= rho*g*h.
3. The time required for a volume of N2 to diffuse an orifise is 35 seconds. Calculate the molecular weight of a gas which
requires 50 seconds to diffuse through the same orifise under identical conditions? MW N2= 28 g/mol. Note that
t1/t2=sqrt(MW1/MW2), therefore, MW2(orifice)=MW1*(t2/t1)^2.
Choose 1, 2 or 3: 2
The standard atmosphere of pressure is the force per unit area exerted by a 0.76 m column of Mercury. The density of which is
13595.11 kg/m^3 at 0(zero) degrees Celsius. If the gravitational acceleration is 9.80665 m/s^2. Calculate the pressure of 1 atm in
Pa. Note: P= rho*g*h.
Enter the given density: 13595.11
Enter the gravitational acceleration:9.80665
Enter the given height:0.76
The Pressure is 101325.09. Do you want to continue? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:1
CHE reviewer
What type of unit operation do you want to solve?

1. ChE Thermodynamics 1
2. Physical Chemistry 1
3. Transport Phenomena
Choose 1, 2 or 3:2
Physical Chemistry 1
Choose which sample problem:

1. An ideal gas occupies a volume of 0.30 dm^3 at a pressure of 180000 Pa. What is the new volume of the gas maintained at
the same temperature if the pressure is reduced to 115000 Pa. Note: P1V1=P2V2
2. The standard atmosphere of pressure is the force per unit area exerted by a 0.76 m column of Mercury. The density of which
is 13595.11 kg/m^3 at 0(zero) degrees Celsius. If the gravitational acceleration is 9.80665 m/s^2. Calculate the pressure of 1 atm
in Pa. Note: P= rho*g*h.
3. The time required for a volume of N2 to diffuse an orifise is 35 seconds. Calculate the molecular weight of a gas which
requires 50 seconds to diffuse through the same orifise under identical conditions? MW N2= 28 g/mol. Note that
t1/t2=sqrt(MW1/MW2), therefore, MW2(orifice)=MW1*(t2/t1)^2.
Choose 1, 2 or 3: 3
The time required for a volume of N2 to diffuse an orifise is 35 seconds. Calculate the molecular weight of a gas which requires
50 seconds to diffuse through the same orifise under identical conditions? MW N2= 28 g/mol. Note that t1/t2=sqrt(MW1/MW2),
therefore, MW2(orifice)=MW1*(t2/t1)^2.
Enter the MW of N2:28
Enter the initial time:35
Enter the final time:50
The MWOrifice is is 57.14. Do you want to continue? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:1
CHE reviewer
What type of unit operation do you want to solve?

1. ChE Thermodynamics 1
2. Physical Chemistry 1
3. Transport Phenomena
Choose 1, 2 or 3:3
Transport Phenomena
Choose which sample problem:

1. The distance between plates is y=0.5 cm and Vz= 10cm/s, and the fluid ethyl alcohol at 273L having a viscosity of 0.0177
g/cm-s. Calculate the shear stress if the shear rate is 20/s.
2. An oil is being pumped inside a 0.01 m diameter pipe at a Reynolds Number of 2100. The oil density is 855 kg/m^3 and the
viscosity is 0.021 kg/m-s. What is the velocity in the pipe? Note that Re=(d*v*rho)/v.
3. For the vessel containing glycerin under Pressure(top)= 50 kPa and sp= 12.34 kN/m^3 and distance d=2m. Find the pressure
of at the bottom of the tank.
Choose 1, 2 or 3: 1
The distance between plates is y=0.5 cm and Vz= 10cm/s, and the fluid ethyl alcohol at 273L having a viscosity of 0.0177 g/cm-
s. Calculate the shear stress if the shear rate is 20/s.
Enter the viscosity:0.0177
Enter the velocity:10
Enter the shear rate:20
The Shear Stress is 0.35. Do you want to continue? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:1
CHE reviewer
What type of unit operation do you want to solve?

1. ChE Thermodynamics 1
2. Physical Chemistry 1
3. Transport Phenomena
Choose 1, 2 or 3:3
Transport Phenomena
Choose which sample problem:

1. The distance between plates is y=0.5 cm and Vz= 10cm/s, and the fluid ethyl alcohol at 273L having a viscosity of 0.0177
g/cm-s. Calculate the shear stress if the shear rate is 20/s.
2. An oil is being pumped inside a 0.01 m diameter pipe at a Reynolds Number of 2100. The oil density is 855 kg/m^3 and the
viscosity is 0.021 kg/m-s. What is the velocity in the pipe? Note that Re=(d*v*rho)/v.
3. For the vessel containing glycerin under Pressure(top)= 50 kPa and sp= 12.34 kN/m^3 and distance d=2m. Find the pressure
of at the bottom of the tank.
Choose 1, 2 or 3: 2
An oil is being pumped inside a 0.01 m diameter pipe at a Reynolds Number of 2100. The oil density is 855 kg/m^3 and the
viscosity is 0.021 kg/m-s. What is the velocity in the pipe? Note that Re=(d*v*rho)/v.
Enter the viscosity:0.021
Enter the Reynolds Number:2100
Enter the oil density:855
Enter the distance:0.01
The Velocicity of the oil is 5.16. Do you want to continue? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:1
CHE reviewer
What type of unit operation do you want to solve?

1. ChE Thermodynamics 1
2. Physical Chemistry 1
3. Transport Phenomena
Choose 1, 2 or 3:3
Transport Phenomena
Choose which sample problem:

1. The distance between plates is y=0.5 cm and Vz= 10cm/s, and the fluid ethyl alcohol at 273L having a viscosity of 0.0177
g/cm-s. Calculate the shear stress if the shear rate is 20/s.
2. An oil is being pumped inside a 0.01 m diameter pipe at a Reynolds Number of 2100. The oil density is 855 kg/m^3 and the
viscosity is 0.021 kg/m-s. What is the velocity in the pipe? Note that Re=(d*v*rho)/v.
3. For the vessel containing glycerin under Pressure(top)= 50 kPa and sp= 12.34 kN/m^3 and distance d=2m. Find the pressure
of at the bottom of the tank.
Choose 1, 2 or 3: 3
For the vessel containing glycerin under Pressure(top)= 50 kPa and sp= 12.34 kN/m^3 and distance d=2m. Find the pressure of
at the bottom of the tank.
Enter the pressure(at the top):50
Enter the specific volume :12.34
Enter the distance:2
The Pressure at the bottom of the tank is 74.68.Do you want to continue? If YES, press 1, and if finished, press any key:2

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