Percobaan JJThompson

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Masita Rais, Dewi Tika Yanti, Dwiyanti Fajri, Sultan Rustan

Modern Physics Laboratory Physics Department Mathematics and Science Faculty

State University of Makassar

Abstract. Has done measurement of e/m based on J.J. Thompson’s experiment. Objectives of this experiment
are understand the principle of J.J. Thompson’s experiment and determine the value of e/m. Collected data
consist of voltage, current, and radius of electron beam. By using equation e/m = 2V/(B2r2), values of e/m are
determined for each voltage and current. Based on the analysis of the observations, the value of e / m that is not
far the value of the theory is 1,7947 x 10 11 C/kg. From the result, we can conclude that circle trajectory of
electron beam to determine the value of e/m is caused by the direction and velocity change of electron in the
magnetic field.

KEYWORDS: e/m, radius, electron beam, magnetic field.

INTRODUCTION was discovered by Thomson, and its properties

are known, discovered and developed many
Cathode rays have been found since devices that use the basic emission or emission
1859. However, its characteristics are not yet of electrons, eg billboard lights, fluorescent
clearly known in the early days of its lights, television, etc.
discovery. There is some scientific evidence This experiment is important, because of
that appears to contradict the cathode rays. the experimental results JJ Thompson
Some researchers use this type of light to discovered the bizarre nature of the cathode
creates a charge on particle, for example, the rays. These peculiarities lies in the fact that the
ions in the electrolysis process. ratio of the mass of the charge of the order of
Perrin even determine the sign of the 1000 times smaller than the lightest ions are
charge that it has a negative type. Some hydrogen ions. In addition to determining the
physicists, among them Heinrich Hertz value of the ratio of electrons (e) and the
discovered that the type of light can not be electron mass (m) of this experiment can also
influenced by an electric field and a magnetic give information characteristics of cathode
field as it should be if the beam is moving rays. Furthermore, the experimental
charges. Hertz then categorize it as an measurement of e / m Experiment Based JJ
electromagnetic wave. Thompson is done by accelerating the electron
Thirty-eight years later, the specific beam through a known potential magnitude. A
charge of cathode rays is obtained. JJ Thomson pair of Helmholtz coils are used to generate a
(1856-1940) who first conducted an uniform magnetic field in the direction
experiment to determine the charge of cathode perpendicular to the electron beam so that the
rays. Measurement of the electron charge value magnetic field distorts the electron beam in a
can be determined after experiments by JJ circle.
Thompson by using vacuum tube equipment Determination of the value of the ratio
(cathode ray tube) and the Helmholtz coils. of electrons (e) and alektron mass (m) can be
Precisely in 1897 Joseph John obtained by measuring the radius of the
Thompson, along with Wiechert and cathode ray (r) at each value of the Helmholtz
Kaufmann, with each experiment, found that coil current (I) with some accelerator voltage
cathode rays are charged particles that actually value (V). The relationship between the three
has a strange nature. These peculiarities lies in can be seen from the properties of Helmholtz
the fact that the ratio of the mass of the charge coils which causes the centripetal force that
of the order of 1000 times smaller than the makes electrons circular trajectory of the linear
lightest ions, hydrogen ions. force arising from the electric voltage
Joseph John Thompson determine the difference between the cathode with the anode.
price value of e / m for cathode rays is 1.7589 The value of e / m was obtained from the
x 1011 C / kg. It is obtained by getting a relationship between the force and the
combination of electric field and magnetic centripetal force electrons Lorentz force.
field on the cathode ray trajectory. After the
THEORY From this equation we obtain the
expression for the charge-to-mass ration of the
The apparatus shown in Figure 1. electron, expressed through the experimental
consists of a glass tube that houses a small parameters:
electron gun. This gun has a cathode filament
from which electrons can be thermionically e v (3)
released boiled off), and a nearby anode which 
m Br
can be set to a potential which is positive
relative to the cathode. Electrons boiled off the V = electron velocity (m / s)
cathode are accelerated to the anode, where B = magnetic flux density (T) and
most are collected. The anode contains a slit, r = radius of the electron beam (m).
however, which lets a fraction of the electrons
into the larger volume of the glass tube. Some We shall calculate magnetic field B
of these electrons scatter inelastically with the using the Biot-Savart law for the two current
background gas, thereby emitting tracer light loops of the Helmholtz coils:
to define the path of the electrons.
8 𝜇0𝑁𝐼ℎ𝑐
𝐵= (4)
√125 𝑎

Here N is the number of turns of wire that form

each loop, Ihc is the current (which is the same
in both loops), a is the radius of the loops (in
meters), and the magnetic permeability
constant is 𝜇0 = 4𝜋10−7𝑇 𝑚/𝐴.
Noting from Eq.(1) that the velocity is
determined by the potential Va as v = √ 𝑚
,and using Eq. (4) for the magnetic field B, we
FIGURE 1. The schematic for the e/m get:
apparatus e 2V (5)

To establish the uniform magnetic field m Br 2 2

a pair of circular Helmholtz coils are wound The accepted value for the charge-to-
and the tube centered in the volume of the coils mass ratio of the electron is e/m =
(see Appendix). The tube is oriented so that the 1,7588196x1011 C/kg.
beam which exits the electron gun is traveling
perpendicular to the Helmholtz field.We would EXPERIMENT METHOD
like the field to be uniform.
An electron released thermionically at In this lab, we need: e/m apparatus (EM-
the cathode has on the order of 1 eV of kinetic 1N), discharge tube power supply, stabilizer
energy. This electron “falls” through the 110 V, and cables. The wiring diagram for the
positive anode potential Va, gaining a kinetic apparatus is shown in Fig. 2 and 3. Do not turn
energy of: any equipment until an instructor have checked
1/2 m v2 = eV (1) your wiring.
The magnetic field of the Helmholtz
coils is perpendicular to this velocity, and
produces a magnetic force which is transverse
to both v and B: F = eV x B. This centripetal
force makes an electron move along the
circular trajectory; the radius of this trajectory
r can be found from the 2
second Newton law:
e𝑣𝐵 = 𝑚 (2)
FIGURE 2. Connection for the e/m
Based on the above data, the graph is
plotted the relationship between the radius of
the electron with the current as follows.

0,800 y = 292,65x + 0,0465
0,600 R² = 0,9987


0,0000 0,0010 0,0020 0,0030

FIGURE 3. Connection for the e/m experiment r (m)

After that set the Helmholtz the coil

current so it looks filament lights up. Then set
the anode voltage up to look out of the electron 𝐼2 × 𝑟2 = 292,6
beam electron gun (electron gun) and the 𝑚= = 𝐼2 1
𝑥 𝑟2 = 𝐼 2 𝑟2
electrons seem to be veering due to Lorentz 2𝑉
force arising from the magnetic field of the 𝑚 𝐵2𝑟2
Helmholtz coils. Experiments carried out by 2(170)
𝑚= (7,8×10−4×𝐼)2×𝑟2
observing the electron beam on the tube, with
constant applied voltage value and then set the 𝑚 60,84×10−8×𝐼2×𝑟2
coil current to the electron beam diameter of 340 292,6
10 cm. 𝑚= 60,84×10−8
Data collection was performed through a 99484
𝑚= 60,84×10−8
two-time activity with two different voltages. = 1,635 × 1011
the first activity created a constant voltage of 𝑚
170 volts and a current radius lowered so that 𝐷𝐾 = 𝑅2 × 100%
the electrons gets smaller. Data were collected 𝐷𝐾 = 0,9 × 100%
for each increment of 0.5 cm diameter. As for 𝐷𝐾 = 90%
the second activity was maintained constant
voltage of 200 volts and further data collection From the table and graph, we can
is done as in the first activity. calculate the value of e/m for each voltage and
current by using the following equations.
𝑚 𝐵 2 𝑟2
Based on experiment, we got the result
below: Then, to calculate the uncertainty of
Table 1. result of e/m experiment experiment result, we use:

Voltage Diameter Radius of

No. ∆𝑉 ∆𝐼 ∆𝑟 e
Current of Rays rays r + +
∆ = 𝑉 2𝐼 2𝑟 | 𝑥 𝑚
| 𝑚
V (Volt) I (A) d (x10-2 (x10-2m)
1 170 1,13 10,0 5,0 1. 𝐼2 ∙ 𝑟2 = 0,0032 𝐴/𝑚
2 170 1,19 9,5 4,75 2𝑉
3 170 1,25 9,0 4,5 𝑚 = 𝐵2𝑟2
4 170 1,33 8,5 4,25 2(170)
𝑚= (7,8×10−4∙𝐼)2𝑟2
5. 170 1,40 8,0 4,0 340
6. 170 1,47 7,5 3,75 𝑚= 60,84×10−8∙𝐼2∙𝑟2
7. 170 1,56 340 7,0 3,5
8. 170 = 1,68 6,5 3,25 𝑚 60,84×10−8∙0,0032
𝑚= 0,195×10−8
= 1,7464 × 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 −𝑝𝑎𝑐t𝑐u𝑚
� %𝑑ff = | |
∆ ∆
∆𝑚 =1 ||𝑉 |+2 |𝐼 |+2 |𝑟∆𝑟 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦
∙𝑚 1,7588×10 −1,74×1011

∆ 𝑚= || 0,01 0,002
|| ∙ 1,7464 × 10 11 %𝑑ff = | 1,7588×1011
| 100%
170 |+ 1,13 |+ 0,05
∆ 𝑚= |(0,005) + 2(0,009) + %𝑑ff = 0,7%
11 = | ± ∆ | × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
2(0,04)|1,7464 × 10 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚
∆ = (0,005 + 0,018 + 0,08)1,7464 × = |1,7464 ± 0,1763| × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
𝑚 𝑚
∆ = (0,103 ∙ 1,7464 × 1011) 3. 𝐼2 × 𝑟2 = 0,0032
∆ 𝑚= 0,1799 × 1011 a = 2𝑉
𝑚 𝐵2𝑟2( )
2 170
𝐾𝑅 = ∆𝑚
× 100% 𝑚= (7,8×10−4∙𝐼)2𝑟2
𝑚 =
0,1799×10 1 × 100% 𝑚 60,84×10−8 ∙𝐼2∙𝑟2
𝐾𝑅 = 1,7464×1011 340
𝐾𝑅 = 10% 𝑚= 60,84×10−8∙0,0032
− 340
𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐t𝑐u𝑚 𝑚= 0,195×10−8
%𝑑ff = | | 100% = 1,7464 × 1011
𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 𝑚
∆𝑉 ∆𝐼 ∆𝑟
%𝑑ff = | 1,7588×1011−1,7464×1011 ∆ = || | + 2 | + 2 | || ∙
1,7588×1011 | 100% 𝑚 𝑉 | 𝑟 𝑚
1 0,01 0,002
%𝑑ff = 0,7% ∆ = || |+2| |+2| || ∙
= | ± ∆ | × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔 𝑚 1,2 0,045
𝑚 𝑚 𝑚 1,7464 × 1011
= |1,7464 ± 0,1799| × 10 𝐶/𝑘𝑔 11
𝑚 ∆ = |(0,005) + 2(0,008) +
2(0,04)|1,7464 × 1011
2. 𝐼2 ∙ 𝑟2 = 0,0032 ∆ = (0,005 + 0,016 + 0,08)1,7464 ×
2𝑉 𝑚
𝑚= 𝐵2𝑟2
= (7,8×10−4∙𝐼)2𝑟2 ∆ = 0,101 ∙ 1,7464 × 1011)
𝑚 𝑚
340 ∆ = 0,1763 × 1011
𝑚= 60,84×10−8∙𝐼2∙𝑟2 𝑚
340 ∆
= 𝐾𝑅 = 𝑚
× 100%
𝑚 60,84×10−8 ∙ 0,0032
340 𝑚
𝑚 0,195×10−8 0,1763×1011
11 𝐾𝑅 = 1,7464×1011 × 100%
= 1,7464 × 10
𝑚 𝐾𝑅 = 10%
∆ = ∆𝑉 ∆𝐼 ∆𝑟
|| | + 2 | | + 2 | || ∙ 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦

𝑚 𝑉 𝐼 𝑟 𝑚
1 0,01 0,002
∆ = || |+2| |+2| || ∙ %𝑑ff = | | 100%
𝑚 1,19 0,048 1,7588×10 −1,7464×1011
%𝑑ff = | | 100%
1,7464 × 1011 1,7588×1011
∆ 𝑚= |(0,005) + 2(0,008) + %𝑑ff = 0,7%
11 = | ± ∆ | × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
2(0,04)|1,7464 × 10 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚
∆ = (0,005 + 0,016 + 0,08)1,7464 × = |1,7464 ± 0,1763| × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
𝑚 𝑚
10 11 4. 𝐼2 × 𝑟2 = 0,0032
∆ 𝑚= (0,101 ∙ 1,7464 × 1011) 2𝑉
a 𝑚= 𝐵 2 𝑟2
∆ = 0,1763 × 1011 2(170)
𝑚 = (7,8×10−4∙𝐼)2𝑟2
∆ 𝑚 340
𝐾𝑅 = 𝑚
× 100% = −8 2 2
𝑚 𝑚 60,84×10 ∙𝐼 ∙𝑟
11 340
0,1763×10 × 100% 𝑚 60,84×10−8∙0,0032
𝐾𝑅 = 1,7464×1011 340
= 1,7464 × 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 −𝑝𝑎𝑐t𝑐u𝑚
� %𝑑ff = | |
∆ ∆
∆ ==10%
|| | + 2 | | + 2 |∆𝑟 = 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦
𝐾𝑅 ∙ 𝑚 0,195×10−8
= 1,7464 × 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 −𝑝𝑎𝑐t𝑐u𝑚
� %𝑑ff = | |
∆ ∆
∆𝑚 = ||𝑉 |+ 2 |𝐼 | +2 |𝑟∆𝑟 ∙𝑚 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦
1,7588×10 −1,7989×1011

∆ = ||
|| ∙ %𝑑ff = | 1,7588×1011
| 100%
𝑚 1,3 0,043 %𝑑ff = 2%
1,7464 × 1011 = | ± ∆ | × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
∆ = |(0,005) + 2(0,0075) + 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚
𝑚 = |1,7989 ± 0,2140| × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
2(0,046)|1,7464 × 10 11
∆ 𝑚= (0,005 + 0,015 + 0,092)1,7464 × 6. 𝐼2 × 𝑟22𝑉= 0,0030
11 a =
10 𝑚 𝐵2𝑟2
∆ = (0,112 ∙ 1,7464 × 1011) 2(170)
𝑚 𝑚= (7,8×10−4∙𝐼)2𝑟2
∆ = 0,1956 × 1011 340
𝑚 𝑚
= 60,84×10−8∙𝐼2∙𝑟2
∆ 340
𝐾𝑅 = 𝑚
× 100% =
𝑚 𝑚 60,84×10−8∙0,0030
11 340
0,1956×10 × 100% =
𝐾𝑅 = 1,7464×1011 𝑚 0,183×10−8
= 1,8579 × 1011
𝐾𝑅 = 11% 𝑚
− 𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐t𝑐u𝑚 ∆ = || ∆𝑉 | + 2 ∆𝐼| + 2 ∆𝑟|| ∙
| |
%𝑑ff = | | 100% 𝑚 1𝑉 𝐼
0,01 𝑟0,002𝑚
𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 ∆ = || |+2| |+2| || ∙
1,7588×10 −1,7464×1011
𝑚 170 1,47 0,038
%𝑑ff = | | 100%
%𝑑ff = 0,7% 1,7588×1011 1,8579 × 1011
∆ 𝑚= |(0,005) + 2(0,007) +
= | ± ∆ | × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
𝑚 𝑚 𝑚 2(0,053)|1,8579 × 1011
= |1,7464 ± 0,1956| × 10 𝐶/𝑘𝑔 11
∆ = (0,005 + 0,014 +
𝑚 𝑚
5. 𝐼 × 𝑟2 = 0,0031
0,106)1,8579 × 1011
2𝑉 ∆ = 0,125 ∙ 1,8579 × 1011)
a 𝑚= 𝐵 2 𝑟2 𝑚
2(170) ∆ 𝑚= 0,2322 × 1011
𝑚= (7,8×10−4∙𝐼)2𝑟2
340 ∆
= 𝐾𝑅 = 𝑚
× 100%
𝑚 60,84×10−8∙𝐼2∙𝑟2

340 𝑚
= 11
𝑚 60,84×10−8∙0,0031 0,2322×10 × 100%
𝐾𝑅 =
340 1,8579×1011
= 0,189×10−8 𝐾𝑅 = 12%
𝑚= 1,7989 × 1011 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 − 𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐t𝑐u𝑚

∆ = ∆𝑉 %𝑑ff = | | 100%
|| | + 2 ∆𝐼 +2 ∆𝑟 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦
| || || ∙
𝑚 𝑉 𝐼 𝑟 𝑚
∆ = ||
|| ∙ %𝑑ff = | 1,7588×1011
| 100%
𝑚 1,4 0,040 %𝑑ff = 5.6%
1,7989 × 1011 = | ± ∆ | × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
∆ = |(0,005) + 2(0,007) + 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚
𝑚 = |1,8579 ± 0,2322| × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
2(0,05)|1,7989 × 1011 𝑚
∆ 𝑚= (0,005 + 0,014 + 0,1)1,7989 × 7. 𝐼2 × 𝑟22𝑉= 0,0030
11 a =
10 𝑚 𝐵2𝑟2
∆ = (0,119 ∙ 1,7989 × 1011) 2(170)
𝑚 𝑚= (7,8×10−4∙𝐼)2𝑟2
∆ = 0,2140 × 1011 340
𝑚 𝑚
= 60,84×10−8∙𝐼2∙𝑟2
∆ 340
𝐾𝑅 = 𝑚
× 100% =
𝑚 𝑚 60,84×10−8∙0,0030
11 340
= 1,7464 × 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 −𝑝𝑎𝑐t𝑐u𝑚
� %𝑑ff = | |
∆ ∆
∆ =0,2140×10
|| | + 2 |× |100%
+ 2 |∆𝑟 ∙ = 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦
𝐾𝑅 = 1,7989×1011 𝑚 0,183×10−8
= 1,8579 × 1011
𝐾𝑅 = 10% 𝑚
∆ = || ∆𝑉 | ∆𝑟|| ∙
+2 ∆𝐼 | +2 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 − 𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐t𝑐u𝑚
| |
𝑚 𝑉 𝐼 𝑟 𝑚 %𝑑ff = | | 100%
1 0,01 0,002 𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦
∆ = || |+2 |+2 || ∙
𝑚 | 1,56 0,03 %𝑑ff = | 1,7588×1011−1,8579×1011
170 | 5 | 100%
1,8579 × 1011 1,7588×10 1
∆ = |(0,005) + 2(0,006) + %𝑑ff = 5.6%
= | ± ∆ | × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
2(0,057)|1,8579 × 1011 𝑚 𝑚 𝑚
∆ = (0,005 + 0,012 + 0,114)1,8579 × = |1,8579 ± 0,2582| × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔
𝑚 𝑚

1011 From this analysis could be obtained

∆ = (0,131 ∙ 1,8579 × 1011)
𝑚 eighth the value of e/m average namely as
∆ = 0,2434 × 1011 follows:
𝐾𝑅 = × 100% ̅ ∑
0,2434×10 11
𝑚 = 8
𝐾𝑅 = 11 × 100% + + + + + + +
1,1,8579×10 ̅ 𝑚1 𝑚2 𝑚3 𝑚4 𝑚5 𝑚6 𝑚7 𝑚8
𝐾𝑅 = 13% 𝑚= 8
𝑚tℎ𝑜𝑦 − 𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐t𝑐u𝑚
%𝑑ff = | | 100% (1,7464+1,7464+1,7464+1,7464+1,7989+1,8579+1,8579+1,8579)×1011

%𝑑ff = | 1,7588×1011−1,8579×10 11
1,7588×1011 | 100% ̅ 14,3583×1011
𝑚= 8
%𝑑ff = 5.6% ̅
= 1,7947 × 1011 C / kg
= | ± ∆ | × 1011𝐶/𝑘𝑔 𝑚
𝑚 𝑚 𝑚
= |1,8579 ± 0,2433| × 10 𝐶/𝑘𝑔 11
In experiments "Measurement of e / m
8. 𝐼2 × 𝑟2 = 0,0030 Experiment Based J J Thomson made
2𝑉 observations on the relationship between the
a 𝑚= 𝐵 2 𝑟2 accelerating voltage, and the diameter of the
2(170) coil current of the electron beam is formed.
𝑚= (7,8×10−4∙𝐼)2𝑟2 Current supplied to the device to determine e /
𝑚 60,84×10−8∙𝐼2∙𝑟2 m would be result in existence of a magnetic
340 field, then when given voltage will result in the
𝑚= 60,84×10−8∙0,0030 emergence of light is none other than the
= electron beam. From the results of experiments
𝑚 0,183×10−8
= 1,8579 × 1011 that have been done, when the voltage (V) and
∆𝑉 ∆𝐼 ∆𝑟 current (I) is changed, the radius of the electron
|| | | | | || beam would be become smaller due to rising
∆𝑚 = 𝑉 + 2 𝐼 + 2 𝑟 𝑚
1 0,01 0,002 strong currents. If the current is stronger the
∆ = || |+2| |+2| || ∙ greater the magnetic field generated at the
𝑚 1,6 0,033
1,8579 × 1011 greater of the Helmholtz coil. Large magnetic
∆ = |(0,005) + 2(0,006) + field would be deflect the electrons strongly so
2(0,061)|1,8579 × 1011 that the radius of the electron beam gets
∆ = (0,005 + 0,012 + 0,122)1,8579 × smaller, the radius of the electron beam is
𝑚 inversely proportional to the magnetic field,
1011 this is in accordance with the equation (5) in
∆ = (0,139 ∙ 1,8579 × 1011) the theory. At the time of V changed (enlarged)
∆ = 0,2582 × 1011 and strong currents remain, the greater the
𝑚 electron speed and as well as the radius of the
𝐾𝑅 =
× 100% electron beam getting bigger, so that V is
𝑚 proportional to the square of r (the radius of the
0,2582×10 1 electron beam), this is in accordance with the
𝐾𝑅 = 1,8579×1011 × 100% equation (5) in the theory section.
𝐾𝑅 = 13,8% The results obtained from this
experiment when V fixed at 170 volts and I
changed on the data is 1,7947 × 1011 C / kg.
From the analysis of the data obtained seem
only partially in accordance with the value of
e/m in theory that 1,758803 x 1011 C / kg, but
if in averaged experimental value, then the
value is quite near theoretical value and the
graph illustrates a linear.
As for the difference between the
difference value of e / m between theory and
experiment is caused by several things
including experiment inaccuracy in the reading
scale measuring tools (ruler in the tube), the
difficulty of setting the value scale with the
electron beam and the large voltage also
change when the current is changed.


Experiment e / m electron designed to

determine the properties of the magnetic field
generated by the Helmholtz coils as well as to
determine the value of e / m of electrons.
Helmholtz coils are used in order to produced a
uniform magnetic field. Based on observations,
it is known that the diameter of the electron
trajectory is inversely proportional to the
electric current, the greater the applied current,
the smaller the diameter of the electron. In
contrast, the diameter of the electron is
proportional to the voltage, the greater the
applied voltage, the diameter of the electron
will be greater.
Based on the analysis of the observations,
the value of e / m which is not far value theory
is 1,7947 × 1011 C / kg


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Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Indonesia

Giri, P.K. 2005. Physics Laboratory Manual

for Engineering Undergraduates. Indian
Institute of Technology Guwahati:
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Eksperimen physics 1 Team. 2014. Penuntun

Praktikum Eksperimen Fisika 1.
Makassar: State University of Makassar.

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