Yamaha Nmax 155 - Front Brake Lever
Yamaha Nmax 155 - Front Brake Lever
Yamaha Nmax 155 - Front Brake Lever
ter position. To cancel the turn signal NOTICE Front brake lever
lights, push the switch in after it has re- Do not use the hazard lights for an
turned to the center position. extended length of time with the en-
gine not running, otherwise the bat- 1
tery may discharge.
Horn switch “ ”
Press this switch to sound the horn. EAU59011
Menu switch “MENU”
Start switch “ ” This switch is used to perform selec-
With the sidestand up, push this switch tions in the setting mode display of the
while applying the front or rear brake to multi-function meter unit. 1. Front brake lever
crank the engine with the starter. See See Multi-function meter unit on page
6-2 for detailed information. The front brake lever is located on the
page 8-2 for starting instructions prior
right side of the handlebar. To apply
to starting the engine. EAU76391 the front brake, pull this lever toward
Stop and Start System the throttle grip.
Hazard switch “ ” switch “ A / A ”
With the main switch in the “ON” posi- To turn on the Stop and Start System,
tion, use this switch to turn on the haz- set the switch to “ A ”. To turn off the
ard lights (simultaneous flashing of all Stop and Start System, set this switch
turn signal lights). to “ A ”.
The hazard lights are used in case of an
emergency or to warn other drivers
when your vehicle is stopped where it
might be a traffic hazard.