Nunez Et Al., 2019
Nunez Et Al., 2019
Nunez Et Al., 2019
Nuñez Javier et al. Field Methods to Estimate … Int J Sports Med 2019; 00: 00–00
F. Javier Nuñez1, Diego Munguia-Izquierdo1, Cristian Petri2, Luis Suarez-Arrones1
1 University of Pablo de Olavide, Physical Performance &
Sports Research, Seville, Spain Abs tr ac t
2 Experimental and Clinic Medicine, University of Florence,
Based on the high financial and logistical costs associated with
Florence, Italy
the assessment of body composition with dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry (DXA), this study determined which field meth-
Key words
od has the best correlation with DXA data, and developed an
body composition. DXA, team game, indirect methods
equation to estimate fat-free mass (FFM) using the field anthro-
pometric data in international soccer players. A total of 17 in-
sessed FFM using DXA in young [3, 7] and professional soccer play- the participant was immobile in the position described previously.
ers [1–3], but we have no evidence of the existence of studies of The mean of two measures was used for analysis.
international soccer players.
DXA provides a reliable method for assessing FFM in elite pro- Anthropometry
fessional soccer players [1–3], but its high costs do not allow fre- Stature was measured with a stadiometer (seca 213; seca, Ham-
quent use [10]. In soccer it is therefore more common to use low- burg, Germany) with an accuracy of 0.5 cm. Body mass was meas-
er-cost methods such as bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and ured with an electronic scale (OHAUS Corp., Florham Park, NJ, USA)
anthropometric measurements (circumference, skinfold, and with an accuracy of 0.1 kg. The formula for the body mass index
breadth) to estimate FFM [7]. Few studies have used anthropomet- (BMI) was body mass (kg) / height (m2). Six circumferences (calf,
ric equations in professional players to predict FFM [5, 13], but only thigh, waist, hip, relaxed arm and flexed arm), eight skinfold thick-
one, which compared its data with DXA, has determined which nesses (medial calf, anterior thigh, iliac crest, abdominal, subscap-
method is more effective in elite youth male soccer players [7]. As ular, supraspinale, biceps, and triceps), and two bone biepicondy-
far as we know, we have no record of the application of these meth- lar breadths (femur and humerus) were measured with a tape, skin-
ods to international soccer players. Consequently, the aims of this fold calliper, and calliper (Holtain, Crymych, United Kingdom),
study were determine which field method has the best correlation respectively. All anthropometric measurements were taken accord-
with DXA FFM data, and to develop an equation to estimate FFM ing to standard methods [16]. The mean of two measures of each
using the field anthropometric data in international soccer players. anthropometric variable was used for analysis. Ten equations were
used to estimate the percentage of FM [8, 17–25]. The Siri equa-
tion [10] was used to estimate the percentage of body fat when the
Materials and Methods body density was calculated from an equation. FM was subtracted
Results Discussion
The physical characteristics of the participants are shown in ▶Table 1. The aims of this study were to determine which field method has
The technical errors of measurements were ≤ 2.78 % for skinfold the best correlation with DXA FFM data, and to develop an equa-
measurement and ≤ 0.52 % for circumferences and bone breadths tion to estimate FFM using the field anthropometric data in inter-
(▶Table 2). national soccer players. The main findings of this study were as fol-
Correlations; biases; limits of agreement; systematic, standard- lows: 1) the adult equation developed by Deurenberg et al. [18]
ized, and qualitative differences between DXA FFM; and other prac- applied to international soccer players was accurate and highly cor-
tical estimates of FFM for international soccer players are shown in related with DXA FFM data; 2) the data obtained by Deurenberg
▶ Table 3. All skinfold equations and BIA FFM data showed a posi- equations was the least biased compared to other field methods;
tive correlation (r from 0.90–0.96) with DXA. Only one set of equa- 3) the relaxed arm circumference was the best predictor of FFM in
tions showed no standardized or substantial differences compared our cohort; and 4) relaxed arm and hip circumference variables
with DXA and had the lowest bias [18]. were included in the equation to estimate FFM in international soc-
BMI = body mass index; %BF = percentage of body fat; FFM = fat-free BMI = body mass index; %BF = percentage of body fat; FFM = fat-free
mass; DXA = dual X-ray absorptiometry. mass; DXA = dual X-ray absorptiometry.
▶Table 3 Cross-sectional validity between criterion (DXA) fat-free mass and other practical estimates of fat-free mass in international-level elite soccer
players (n = 17).
Significant differences between criterion (DXA) fat-free mass and others practical estimates of fat-free mass using paired t-test * . CI = confidence
interval; LoA = level of agreement; CL = confidence level; BIA = bioelectrical impedance analysis.
Model 1: relaxed arm circumference. Model 2: relaxed arm circumference, hip circumference. R2 = coefficient of determination; SEE = standard error of
the estimate.
The present study does have several limitations. DXA FFM as- [6] Lopez-Taylor JR, Gonzalez-Mendoza RG, Gaytan-Gonzalez A,
Jimenez-Alvarado JA, Villegas-Balcazar M, Jauregui-Ulloa EE,
sessment has some limiting factors because it does not provide in-
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formation about muscle water or glycogen content, which may in- body fat in professional male soccer players compared with DXA.
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