Nano Today: Marcel Alexander Heinrich, Byron Martina, Jai Prakash
Nano Today: Marcel Alexander Heinrich, Byron Martina, Jai Prakash
Nano Today: Marcel Alexander Heinrich, Byron Martina, Jai Prakash
Nano Today
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Article history: With the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002, the middle east respiratory
Received 14 June 2020 syndrome CoV (MERS-CoV) in 2012 and the recently discovered SARS-CoV-2 in December 2019, the 21st
Received in revised form 7 August 2020 first century has so far faced the outbreak of three major coronaviruses (CoVs). In particular, SARS-
Accepted 26 August 2020
CoV-2 spread rapidly over the globe affecting nearly 25.000.000 people up to date. Recent evidences
pointing towards mutations within the viral spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 that are considered the cause
for this rapid spread and currently around 300 clinical trials are running to find a treatment for SARS-
CoV-2 infections. Nanomedicine, the application of nanocarriers to deliver drugs specifically to a target
sites, has been applied for different diseases, such as cancer but also in viral infections. Nanocarriers
Nanoparticle-based vaccine can be designed to encapsulate vaccines and deliver them towards antigen presenting cells or function
Nasal drug delivery as antigen-presenting carriers themselves. Furthermore, drugs can be encapsulated into such carriers
Virus-mimicking nanoparticles to directly target them to infected cells. In particular, virus-mimicking nanoparticles (NPs) such as self-
assembled viral proteins, virus-like particles or liposomes, are able to replicate the infection mechanism
and can not only be used as delivery system but also to study viral infections and related mechanisms.
This review will provide a detailed description of the composition and replication strategy of CoVs, an
overview of the therapeutics currently evaluated in clinical trials against SARS-CoV-2 and will discuss
the potential of NP-based vaccines, targeted delivery of therapeutics using nanocarriers as well as using
NPs to further investigate underlying biological processes in greater detail.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Viral biology and clinical features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Replication strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Clinical features of coronavirus infections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Therapeutic interventions and nanomedicine strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Vaccines against CoVs and the role of nanomedicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Nanomedicines to deliver vaccines against CoVs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Targeting CoV’s life-cycle and nanomedicine strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Blocking receptor-mediated cell entry (extracellular) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Blocking cell entry and fusion of the virus envelop with the cell membrane (intracellular) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Blocking viral proteases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Inhibiting the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Nanomedicine strategy to target pathological cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Targeting the immune system and nanomedicine strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Supporting the immune system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Prakash).
1748-0132/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
2 M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961
Introduction gens to target cells and thereby stop the life-cycle of CoVs or prevent
The 21st century has so far experienced the emergence and In this review, we will critically discuss how nanomedicine can
epidemic of three major coronaviruses (CoVs): i) the severe acute play a crucial role to develop effective treatments for CoVs. First,
respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002, ii) the mid- we will provide a description and classification of CoVs and their
dle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in 2012, specific replication strategy within the host. We then focus on
and iii) the recently discovered SARS-CoV-2 in December 2019, therapeutics that are currently tested to treat CoVs and their spe-
which was first reported in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, cific mechanism of action within the cell as well as describing the
China [1–4]. After their discovery in 1960 up until 2002, human potential combination of these therapeutics with nanomedicine
CoVs (hCoVs) were mostly treated as a minor rather than a seri- to increase their efficacy, reduce side effects and enable directed
ous threat due to the fact that these viruses only caused minor treatment of SARS-CoV-2 target sites and cells (Fig. 1).
respiratory symptoms. However, starting with SARS-CoV in 2002,
different CoVs emerged that were associated with serious respi-
Viral biology and clinical features
ratory diseases including MERS-CoV and the recently discovered
SARS-CoV-2. Whereas the incidence of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV
CoVs were first discovered in the 1960s and were classified
were comparably low with 8.096 and 2.494 reported cases, respec-
under the subfamily of Orthocoronavirinae, within the family of
tively, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 is significantly higher [5,6].
Coronaviridae, which themselves form the largest family within the
Up to September 1st, 2020, around 25.251.334 cases have been
order Nidovirales [4,24,25]. SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2
reported worldwide with a total of 846.841 related deaths [7]. In
and the lesser known HCoV-HKU1 and HCoV−OC43, all belong to
particular, the rapid increase in cases over the last months causes
the so-called -CoVs, having a high potential to infect humans. CoVs
immense challenges to health care systems and societies, result-
are enveloped viruses containing a single-stranded positive-sense
ing in more than 50 countries worldwide announcing a ‘lockdown’
ribonucleic acid ((+)ssRNA) of 27 –
period to limit social contact and decelerate the spreading of the
32 kb [24–26]. The genome is protected within the nucleocapsid
virus. The high incidence and the drastic measures taken by the gov-
and encodes for four to five structural proteins, depending on the
ernments underline the need for therapeutic interventions against
type of CoV: spike (S), membrane (M), envelope (E), hemagglutinin
SARS-CoV-2. Different therapeutics and vaccines are being devel-
esterase (HE) and nucleocapsid (N) proteins (Fig. 2). Where only
oped and tested at rapid speed to treat or contained SARS-CoV-2,
the -CoVs HCoV-HKU1 and HCoV−OC43 encode for the additional
of which some are already reaching clinical trials, stoking the hope
HE protein. It is speculated that differences in the S protein and in
for a fast solution [8]. This includes repurposing the use of exist-
particular differences in the cleavage sites, including an additional
ing therapeutics developed for the treatment of other diseases
furin cleavage site, causes the rapid spread of the novel SARS-CoV-2
such as Remdesivir, Ivermectin, and others [8,9]. However, differ-
when compared to other types of CoVs [25,27–30].
ent promising therapeutics, such as hydroxychloroquine failed as
potential treatment for SARS- CoV-2 in the clinic due to severe side
effects or lack of efficacy [10], whereas other therapeutics such as Replication strategy
Remdesivir still need more evaluation before being considered as
successful treatment [11]. The replication process of CoVs within target cells is a cru-
In the recent years, nanomedicine offered promising strategies cial step in the infection and disease progression and one of the
to overcome limitations of current therapeutics by providing a plat- major targets for possible therapeutic intervention. As the exact
form that increases treatment efficacy, reduced side effects and mechanism of CoV infection and replication is already discussed
enabling specific targeting to achieve the desired responses on cel- elsewhere, this section will focus on key aspects and targets in this
lular level [12–18]. On the one hand, nanocarriers can hereby be process that form the basis for therapeutic interventions that will
used to function as either delivery vehicles of a specific vaccine be described in the next section of this review [1,25,28,31–33].
to achieve immunization of the host [12–14], or as nanocarriers to The life cycle of CoVs in host cells is similar (Fig. 3), although
deliver different therapeutics to the target site prolonging their cir- certain aspects between SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 are
culation time while protecting the therapeutics from degradation different resulting in slightly different uptake mechanisms and pro-
or by reducing side effects of non-encapsulated drugs [15,13–18]. cessing within the host cells. The initial attachment of the virion
In particular the use of liposomes as nanocarriers forms a promis- with the host cell is driven by interaction between the S protein and
ing approach that mimic the infection profile of viruses due to the specific receptor [28]. SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 bind to the
their high resemblance in structure, presenting a lipid bilayer sur- cellular receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) present
face and in high similarities in cellular uptake [19–21]. Another primarily in the lung, but also in endothelial cells of arteries and
strategy can be the use of empty virus particles themselves to veins, the intestine mucosal cells, the tubular epithelial cells of
function as nanocarriers for a different loading such as the use of the kidney and the renal tubules as well as cerebral neurons and
gene therapy [22,23]. The combination of aforementioned drugs immune cells [28,33–40]. MERS-CoV binds to the cellular receptor
or newly developed therapeutics with nanocarrier systems could dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4), also known as cluster of differenti-
form a promising strategy to deliver therapeutics or vaccine anti- ation 26 (CD26), present on epithelial cells in the kidney, alveoli,
small intestine, liver, prostate and on activated leukocytes as well
as human dendritic cells, T-cells and macrophages, demonstrat-
M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961 3
ing how this virus might be able to affect the immune system and
facilitate immune evasion [28,41–49].
After successful fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell
membrane, the viral genome is released into the cytoplasm of the
host, where the viral RNA is translated resulting in the produc-
tion of the RNA replicase-transcriptase complex also referred to as
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) [28]. This complex gener-
ates intermediate full-length negative- sense (-) RNA copies, which
are later used as templates for full-length positive sense (+) RNA
genomes. Further translation leads to the production of viral pro-
teins. Next, viral nucleocapsids are formed from viral genomic RNA
and N-proteins in the cytoplasm followed by budding of the nucle-
ocapsid and structural proteins in the lumen of the endoplasmatic
reticulum – golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) to form novel
virions, which are then released (egressed) by exocytosis. This pro-
cess is reported to be similar for all types of CoVs, including the
novel SARS-CoV-2.
Fig. 3. Replication strategy of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. Schematic representation of (i) attachment of the virus to the specific receptor (ACE2 for SARS-CoV
and SARS-CoV-2 and DPP4 for MERS-CoV), (ii) virus cell entry via endocytosis, (iii) fusion of the viral envelop with the endosomal membrane and release of viral RNA, (iv)
translation of non-structural proteins including the RdRP and RNA replication, (v) translation of structural viral proteins at the endoplasmic reticulum and the assembly of a
new virion in the ERGIC, (vi) packaging of replicated RNA into the novel virions and finally (vii) viral egress.
able for COVID-19 patients is also the high amount of inflammatory Therapeutic interventions and nanomedicine strategies
cytokines and chemokines, which eventually leads to the cytokine
release syndrome (CRS) [57–59]. Severe forms of CRS, in particular To date, there are no existing antiviral drugs that are known
in combination with ARDS, can lead to severe multi-organ failure to efficiently treat COVID-19 progression, although, there are sev-
and eventually the patient’s death. Although CRS is a life-threating eral therapeutics in clinical trials that show the potential to be
and severe diagnosis for the patient, the underlying mechanisms effective against the virus progression. Most of these drugs were
and cytokines and chemokines involved, such as interleukins 1 or originally designed for the treatment of other infections and
6 (IL-1, IL6) or tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF␣) are well understood, are now evaluated for their potential to be used for COVID-19
facilitating the use of already known drugs in the treatment of this (re-purposing). Currently, around 300 clinical trials falling under
syndrome. the European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials
M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961 5
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of potential target sites for SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics currently evaluated in ongoing clinical trials. Starting with (i) prophylactic
treatments, (ii) vaccines, (iii) therapies that target the life cycle of SARS-CoV-2 before and after entering the host cells, (iv) treatment to support the immune system and (v)
therapeutics to reduce COVID-19 symptoms including anti- inflammatory therapeutics to inhibit cytokine release syndrome as well as therapeutics to avert long-term tissue
6 M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961
ognized such antigens as hostile invaders and further produces vaccine within nanocarriers mainly aims on protecting the anti-
antibodies or trigger T cells to kill the invader. Memory B cells gens from proteolytic degradation and to allow directed targeting
furthermore develop virus specific antibodies on its cell surface, of the vaccine towards APCs [13]. These APCs take up the NPb-V
which upon recognition of the virus, trigger a fast immune response and either process the induced antigens towards the cell surface,
to clear the viral infection. Several different types of vaccines are or translate the infused RNA or DNA to the respective antigen before
currently in use depending on the type of infection, such as live implementing it into the surface [73]. Hereby, RNA might be prefer-
attenuated vaccines, inactivated vaccines, conjugated vaccines, or able when comparing to DNA as RNA can be directly translated in
more recently DNA or RNA vaccines [26]. Despite its presence for the cell cytoplasm while DNA must reach the nucleus of the tar-
nearly 20 years, so far no effective vaccine against human CoVs get cell first [73]. Encapsulating RNA or DNA into nanocarriers can
could be developed due to inefficiency of the vaccine or induced be a promising approach to create NPb-V against CoVs. As afore-
side-effects upon treatment, demonstrating the need of a novel mentioned, different RNA or DNA vaccines are currently evaluated
strategy to target CoVs [69]. in clinical trials, which makes the combination of these ribonucle-
In particular the importance of the S protein in CoVs, made ases with nanocarriers a highly promising strategy. Furthermore,
it a promising target for vaccines [70]. Currently different clin- NPb-V based on antigen encapsulation also show the potential to
ical trials are running to investigate the efficacy of mRNA, DNA exert a local depot effect, which prolongs the exposure of antigens
and non-replicating adenovirus vector-based vaccines. Moderna’s towards the immune cells [74]. The second strategy to create NPb-
mRNA-1273, BioNTech’s BNT162a1, b1, b2 and c2, Arcturus Ther- Vs is to directly attach or conjugate antigens onto the nanocarrier
apeutics’ LUNAR−COV19 and an unnamed vaccine candidate by surface [66]. In such way the NPb-V is not directly aimed to bring
CureVac are mRNA vaccines that target the S protein of CoVs or spe- a cargo to APCs but to mimic the virus itself. For instance, pre-
cific regions within. Similarly, Inovio Pharmaceuticals’ INO-4800, senting S protein specific antigens on top of a nanocarrier could
Genexine’s GX-19 and Zydus Cadila’s ZyCoV-D are DNA vaccines trigger a specific immune response towards these antigens, form-
targeting the S protein of CoVs [8]. Both, RNA and DNA vaccines ing a promising strategy against CoVs. In particular, the purification
have several advantages compared to conventional vaccines, in of immunoglobulins from patient plasma, as aforementioned, in
particular lower productions costs and simple purification, how- combination with a nanocarrier could create a promising NPb-V
ever, the delivery of such vaccine to the target cells is a challenge against CoVs.
due to stability and specificity, which makes them suitable for
nanomedicine-based delivery systems which will be discussed at Design considerations of NP-based vaccines. CoVs are thought to be
a later stage in this review. The University of Oxford in collabo- spread from human host to host by respiratory droplets, mainly
ration with AstraZeneca recently presented a different vaccine to produced when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Recently
tackle CoVs composed on a non-replicating adenovirus vector able it has been shown that the major route for SARS-CoV-2 to enter
to replicate the S protein of SARS−CoV-2 called AZD1222 (formerly the body is through the nasal cavity, in particular trough mucosal
ChAdOX1) demonstrating a different way for vaccine development. epithelial cells including mucus-producing goblet cells and ciliated
Similarly Ad5-nCoV from CanSino Biologics and Gam−COVID-Vac cells, forming the main target site of corona infections [75,76]. The
from the Gamaleya Research Insititute facilitate the same strategy present lymphoid tissue, called nasal-associated lymphoid tissue
to find a vaccine candidate against SARS−CoV-2. Recently, the use (NALT), comprises of lymphoid follicles (B-cell areas), interfollic-
of inactivated CoVs has also shown efficacy to induce immunity ular areas (T-cell areas), macrophages and dendritic cells, which
and are currently in phase III clinical trials including CoronaVac when activated or triggered support the clearance of infectious
from Sinovac or two vaccine candidates developed by Sinopahrm agent either by activated killer cells or by the production of antigen-
in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products or specific antibodies presented in the mucus layer, which forms a
the Beijing Institute of Biological Products. Furthermore, protein- liquid layer on top of the epithelial cells of the mucosa [66,77].
based vaccines such as NVX-CoV2373 from Novavax or COVAX-19 As a result of such response, the NALT is a promising target for
from Vaxine PTY Ltd. are currently in evaluation. In addition, several vaccines against respiratory virus and more interestingly for CoVs.
other candidates are currently developed that have not yet reach Ideally, NPb-Vs against CoVs should follow the same path as CoVs to
clinical phases [71]. reach the NALT and trigger a specific mucosal immune response. To
achieve this, NPb-Vs have to be designed presenting similar kinet-
Nanomedicines to deliver vaccines against CoVs ics as viruses within the host, which can be dependent on the size,
With the increasing interest in RNA and DNA-based vaccines, shape, charge and general surface properties. The size of CoVs has
the combination of such vaccines with nanocarriers has become an been measured to be between 50–150 nm using electron cryomi-
interesting strategy to overcome limitations of the current deliv- croscopy, with the average diameter size of 82–94 nm (excluding
ery of these vaccines. The combination of RNA with nanocarriers the spikes) [78]. Most nanocarrier systems are aimed to achieve a
has been an effective approach to deliver small interfering RNA size between 20–200 nm, making them suitable to mimic the size
(siRNA) for the treatment of several diseases such as malignancies, of CoVs as well to follow the same mechanism of infection to the
infections, autoimmune disease and neurological diseases [72]. For NALT [14,15].
instance, the aforementioned RNA-based vaccine mRNA-1273 from Another crucial aspect when targeting the NALT, besides the
Moderna is based on the combination of the RNA drug substance size, is the route of NPb-V administration. It has been shown that
with a nanocarrier system, which will be discussed later in this intravenous or intramuscular injections of vaccines induce a sys-
section in greater detail. Similarly, nanocarriers can be used for temic immunity, however, only a weak mucosal response [66]. The
the delivery of antigens avoiding premature degradation of such application of vaccines via the nasal route, similar to the infec-
molecules in the body, as well as assist in the translation of these tion mechanism of CoVs, is therefore more promising to trigger a
molecules into functional immunogens avoiding potential side- systemic immunity on the one hand, while also inducing immu-
effects caused by the treatment [12]. nity on the mucosal surfaces. It has been shown that the nasal
In general, the delivery of vaccines using NPs systems (NPb-Vs) route of vaccine administration resulted in increased proliferation
can be divided into two main strategies: (i) NPb-Vs where the anti- of antigen-specific lymphocytes, increased cytokine production as
gen or RNA/DNA is encapsulated within the nanocarrier and (ii) well as induction of antigen-specific antibodies when compared to
attaching antigens on the nanocarrier surface exposing it to the sur- subcutaneously or systematic administration [79–81]. A promising
rounding (Fig. 6) [13,66]. The encapsulation of antigens or RNA/DNA strategy to administer NPb-Vs is the use of a nasal spray that deliv-
8 M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961
Fig. 6. Strategiesto delivervaccines against CoVs using nanoparticles. Schematic representation of (i) nanoparticle- based vaccines encapsulating a gene or antigen for
the delivery towards antigen-presenting cells which causes an immune reaction or (ii) nanoparticle-based vaccines with an antigen conjugated to the nanocarrier surface to
function as antigen-presenting carriers themselves.
ers the vaccine directly to the target site, however, such systems a vaccine, so far it is unknown if other potential infection routes
currently display several limitations including insufficient antigen are possible. In such way, besides targeting the NATL, NPb-Vs
uptake in the mucosa, rapid mucociliary clearance or toxicity of might also be designed to target lymphoid systems in the intes-
the administered therapeutics as well as challenges in stable fab- tine or to reach immune cells in the brain to block viral infections
rication of NPb-Vs for nasal delivery [82]. Nonetheless, different of the central nervous system, of which the nasal administration
strategies have emerged over the last decades facilitating the use of could be a promising strategy as different drug delivery approaches
a nasal spray for vaccine delivery. One of the first nasal vaccines that use nasal administration to reach the brain environment [86]. To
reached clinical trials was developed in 2010, describing the use of potentially treat all target sites, a combination of intranasally and
dried live attenuated measles vaccines [83,84]. Although this vac- subcutaneously or intravenously injected NPb-Vs could form a
cine did not involve nanocarriers system, this study demonstrated promising strategy for SARS-CoV-2. For instance, a recent study
the potential use nasal spray for application. Besides sprays, nasal demonstrated that intranasal combined with intravenous injec-
application of therapeutics can also involve droppers or needleless tion of the antigen keyhole limpet hemocyanin in mice resulted
syringes, which are less complicated in the fabrication process [85]. in the increased production antibodies against this antigen when
Remarkable for the clinical symptoms of the recent SARS-CoV-2 compared to either injection alone [87]. However, subcutaneous
outbreak is also the high infection potential of the intestine, central injection did not demonstrate similar beneficial effects. A similar
nervous system as well as indications for infections of endothelial study to investigated the combined injection of intranasal and sub-
cells in blood vessels and capillaries as aforementioned. Although cutaneous vaccine injection against influenza also did not show a
the nasal route of access is considered the primary infection site significant additional value of subcutaneous injection compared to
of SARS-CoV-2 and potentially the most promising route to design the nasal administration alone [88], demonstrating in particular the
M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961 9
combination with an intravenous injection forms a promising strat- potential of this VLP against MERS-CoV infections. In a more recent
egy. Such combinational strategies should be taken into account in study, MERS-CoV VLPs were prepared including the full S protein
SARS-CoV-2 due to the rapid spread of the virus away from the of MERS-CoV to induce immunity by generating VLPs using insect
main target site towards other secondary sites. cells [100]. Although this approach lacks the evaluation in vivo so
far, VLPs expressing the full S protein of CoVs, might demonstrate
Promising nanocarriers for efficient vaccine delivery. Since the out- increased immunity compared to specific sequences such as the
break of SARS-CoV in 2002, several different vaccine candidates in RBD. Currently Medicago, a company from Quebec City, Canada,
combination of nanocarriers have been developed (Table 1), how- is evaluating a VLP-based vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2
ever, only with the recent outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, such vaccines aiming to start a phase I clinical trial including 180 patients soon
are now reaching clinical phases due to high urgency to develop [101].
a novel vaccine. Arguably, the most straight- forward strategy to Lipid-based NPs, such as liposomes or solid-lipid NPs (SLNs), dis-
fabricate a NPb-V to mimic an actual virus’ mechanism of body play high similarities to virus particles resembling a similar surface
entry, is the use of viral components as basis for the nanocarrier. structure as viruses, which can additionally be chemically modi-
A NPb-V approach that has recently been used to target respira- fied. Although the use of liposomes in NPb-V against respiratory
tory viruses, in particular human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), viruses is limited, the use of these systems is highly favorable in
is the use of self-assembling protein NPs (SAPNs) which are 20–100 vaccine development because the carriers can be altered to achieve
nm sized nanocarriers that are based on the oligomerization of similar characteristics as viruses without the use of virus-specific
monomeric proteins [89]. For instance, the N protein of RSV has peptides. 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLPC) lipo-
been used to create self-assemblied sub-nucleocapsid ring struc- somes containing either the adjuvants monophosphoryl lipid a or
tures that provoked an antigen-specific T-cell response towards trehalose 6,6’ dimycolate or short synthetic peptides which have
the protein. In vivo examination in a RSV BALB/c mouse model been derived from conserved regions of pathogen-derived proteins
displayed enhanced immunity towards RSV after treatment [90]. have been shown to induce immunity against influenza in mice
In a later stage, these N protein structures were combined with when nasally administered, demonstrating the use of liposomes
palivizumab, a FsII-protein antagonist, to further enhance immu- as NPb-V for nasal administration [102]. The same strategy has
nity against RSV [91]. In a similar fashion, the N protein of RSV been applied to induce immunity against SARS-CoV by coupling
was combined with the ectodomain of the influenza virus A matrix synthetic peptides mimicking the N protein of SARS-CoV that were
protein 2 (M2e) to induce immunity towards the influenza (H1N1) based on HLA-A*0201 transgenic mice and recombinant adenovirus
virus [92]. Furthermore, this study demonstrated the advantage of for expressing these peptides onto the surface of liposomes [103].
nasal administration when compared to subcutaneous injection. They observed induced CoV-specific T lymphocyte activity as well
The use of SAPNs has also shown application in CoVs, demon- as enhanced viral clearance in HLA-A*0201 transgenic mice after
strating the potential of such strategies to be used in the novel treatment, demonstrating a potential strategy to use liposomes
SARS-CoV-2 as well. For example, the purified S protein of CoVs combined with virus-specific antigens as NPb-V. In particular anti-
self-assembling into micellular NPs in combination with a Matrix gens purified from patient plasma combined with lipid-based NPs
M1 adjuvant was used to induce immunity towards CoVs in BALB/c forms a promising strategy to create immunity towards CoVs in
mice. It was found that the mice displayed enhanced presence of the near future. A different advantage of using these NPs for the
neutralizing antibodies after vaccination [93]. In a recent approach, development of NPb-Vs, is their unmet capability to encapsulate
a similar strategy of using purified S protein-based NPs formu- RNA and DNA, one of the major investigated type of vaccines at
lated with an adjuvant (Aluminum) displayed a similar response the moment. The use of liposomes has been widely applied for
in MERS-CoV [94]. Currently the use micellullar NPs based on the the delivery of different RNA cargos, for example of siRNA as well
S protein in combination with a Matrix M1 adjuvants, in a study as messenger RNA (mRNA), demonstrating how these system are
led by Novavax (NVX-CoV2373), is evaluated as potential vaccine able to project the cargo encapsulated while being rapidly taken
for SARS-CoV-2 demonstrating the potential use of S protein-based up by target cells [72,73]. It has been proven that mRNA liposome
vaccines for CoVs [8,95]. complexes were able to infect the lung tissue and translate the
Similar to SAPNs, VLPs are based on viral proteins, in particular induced mRNA into functional proteins, demonstrating the use of
viral capsid proteins, that self-assemble into spherical nanocarri- liposomes for efficient gene delivery [104]. Currently one of the
ers of 20–200 nm. Such VLPs have successfully been tested for their most promising strategies to develop a vaccine against SARS-CoV-
vaccination capability in influenza as well as RSV. For instance, VLPs 2 is based on nanocarrier systems encapsulating RNA to enhance
comprised of A/PR8/34 (H1N1) hemagglutinin and matrix (M1) their stability and performance such as Moderna’s mRNA-1273.
were investigated for their immunogenic potential in influenza This therapeutic is based on the encapsulation of the RNA drug
after nasal administration in mice [96]. Similarly, VPLs comprising substance within a SLN. Although their therapeutic is administered
of multiple ectodomains of matrix protein 2 (M2e5x VLPs) have intramuscularly and not via nasal administration, it demonstrates
been evaluated for induction of influenza immunity using nasal the potential of combining RNA-based vaccines with nanocarrier
administration [97]. Both studies displayed enhanced immunity systems to enhance their performance. Furthermore, a current clin-
towards influenza after treatment, which showed the potential of ical trial led by Arcturus Therapeutics evaluates the combination of
VLPs in vaccine applications. Chimeric VLPs, comprising of proteins self-replicating RNA with lipid NPs as potential vaccine candidate
from different types of viruses, have also shown the potential to for SARS-CoV-2 following a similar strategy as Moderna further
induce immunity. A VLP comprised of the F protein or G protein of demonstrating the high potential of lipid-based systems for vac-
RSV and M1 protein of influenza displayed enhanced immunogenic cine delivery [105]. Two additional studies led by the University
potential against RSV in mice [98]. Although not demonstrated of Washington (HDT-301) and CanSino Biologicals (NP-based Ad5-
in SARS-CoV, VLPs based on MERS-CoV viral proteins have been nCoV), respectively, facilitate the same strategy to combine RNA
demonstrated to induce immunity in mice. In this study, MERS-CoV vaccine with lipid-based nanocarriers to effectively deliver the vac-
VLPs were generated by using a chimeric approach of combining cine candidates towards the target site [106].
canine parvovirus VP2 structural gene with the receptor binding A different nanocarrier, which has recently been investigated
domain (RBD) of MERS-CoV to mimic the S protein binding site of for the use as NPb-V, are extracellular vesicles or exosomes [107].
this virus [99]. Intramuscular injection of these chimeric VLPs dis- Exosomes are vesicles that are released from cells upon fusion of
played increased immunity against MERS-CoV, demonstrating the multivesicular bodies with the plasma membrane, liberating intra-
Table 1
Overview of different nanoparticle-based vaccines for coronaviruses and the advantages and disadvantages of the respective nanoparticle platform.
Nanocarrier Characteristics & Pros/ Cons Target Formulation Vaccine Stage Ref
Based on structural viral proteins (e.g. MERS-CoV VP2 structural protein of canine parvovirus RBD (S protein) Early Stage [99]
capsid proteins) that form spherical with receptor binding domain (RBD) of
Virus-like particles NPs. Often obtained from plants, MERS-CoV
(VLPs) bacteria or inactive human viruses.
luminal vesicles into the extracellular milieu which are further Besides drug candidates, neutralizing monoclonal antibodies
called exosomes [108]. As the compositions of exosomes are similar (mAbs) form another promising therapeutic to prevent cellular
to the body’s own cells, they are widely considered non- entry of the virus. Since the outbreak of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV
immunogenic, which makes the them highly promising for gene several different antibody candidates have been developed that
or drug delivery [109]. Furthermore, exosomes have recently been show the capability to block cell entry by binding to different sites
demonstrating their potential for the delivery of RNA and DNA of the S protein and attenuate binding of the virion to the specific
for vaccination purposes [107]. Furthermore, similar to liposomes, ACE2 or DPP4 receptor for SARS- CoV / SARS-CoV-2 or MERS-CoV
exosomes can be modified to express viral antigens. In 2007, it respectively. Such candidates for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV have
was demonstrated that transfecting 293 T cells with S protein- been discussed in detail elsewhere [24]. Due to the high similarities
expressing plasmids resulted in exosomes that included the S in cell entry and binding site, mAbs that show promising applica-
protein into their compositions [110]. Animal experiments using tion for SARS-CoV might also form a promising strategy to target
BL57/6 mice showed induced neutralizing antibody levels upon SARS-CoV-2 [116]. In particular, the mAbs 80R, CR3014, 201 and 68
treatment, clearly showing how exosomes can be used as NPb-V. have shown effective blocking of SARS-CoV to the ACE2 receptor in
However, as exosomes are produced by cells, the amounts that can small animal models [117–123]. Promising mAbs for MERS-CoV,
be fabricated are currently limited. which have proven their performance in vivo, include 4C2, m336,
MERS-GD27, MCA1, CDC2-C2 and 7D10 [124–134]. Recently, the
Targeting CoV’s life-cycle and nanomedicine strategies human monoclonal 47D11 antibody has been identified to bind to
the SARS2-S-S1B domain of the S protein in SARS-CoV and SARS-
Therapies that directly target the CoVs life-cycle can have dif- CoV-2, inhibiting the binding to the cell receptor ACE2 [135]. In vitro
ferent targets or sites of action, including blocking the CoV-specific studies have shown that this monoclonal antibody can inhibit viral
receptor to prevent CoV binding, the fusion of the viral envelop with uptake in Vero cells transfected with SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-
the cell membrane, the viral proteases which among others facili- 2, however, did not affect the uptake of MERS-CoV. Clinical trials
tate the generation of the RdRP, or directly inhibit the RdRP. In this involving such neutralizing antibodies are currently performed to
subsection, we will describe the different therapeutics categorized ensure patient’s safety and efficacy. In particular the combination
based on their specific site of action, before discussing the potential of antibodies with nanocarriers might form a promising strategy
of nanocarrier systems to make the delivery of these therapeutics to enhance the stability of these antibodies in vivo as well as allow
more specific and efficient. for a targeting approach to the site of interest. Such combinations
have already shown beneficial characteristics for the treatment of
Blocking receptor-mediated cell entry (extracellular) different diseases compared to antibodies alone [136].
Arguably the earliest strategy of intervention besides govern- Another approach, that is currently evaluated in clinical trials,
mental lockdown or a vaccine, is avoiding the cell entry of the is the use of soluble human ACE2 called APN01. Recent studies
virus by blocking the CoV-specific receptors. Two drug candidates have shown that human recombinant ACE2 can block the uptake of
are currently evaluated that can block the entry of CoVs into the SARS-CoV-2 in human blood vessel organoids and human kidney
host cells – Umifenovir (brand name: Arbidol) and Camostat mesy- organoids as well as reduce the recovery of SARS-CoV-2 from Vero
late. Umifenovir, which so far is only licensed as a broad-spectrum cells by a factor of 1.000–5.000 displaying promising strategies to
antiviral drug in Russia and China, has shown to block different block early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infections [137]. Furthermore, as
life-cycle steps of the influenza virus including blocking the virion SARS-CoV is employing the ACE2 receptor, the overall ACE/ACE2
attachment to the cell by interacting with the viral S protein. This balance is disrupted leading to higher levels of angiotensin II (Ang
makes Umifenovir particularly interesting for blocking the cell II) in COVID-19 patients, which goes along with severe lung injury
entry for SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 [111]. Camostat and ARDS [138]. APN01 has shown the potential to reduce Ang II
mesylate is another therapeutic that shows promising application levels in the blood by covering the virus and thereby reconstitut-
for the treatment for SARS- CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 by ing the ACE/ACE2 balance [139]. Due to the combined working of
inhibiting TMPRSS2, eventually blocking the S protein cleavage and APN01 it might form a promising therapeutic for use in SARS-CoV-2
therefore the fusion with the cell membrane [112]. Furthermore, applications.
Camostat mesylate has also shown suitability to be combined with
nanocarriers for drug delivery, making it a promising candidate for Blocking cell entry and fusion of the virus envelop with the cell
future targeted delivery applications [113]. Similarly the inhibition membrane (intracellular)
of furin could also block the cleavage of the S protein and the medi- Chloroquine (CQ) and its more soluble and less toxic metabo-
ated cell entry, however such approaches are so far not investigated lite hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were first used as prophylactic
in clinical trials. Nonetheless, in particular due to the additional treatment for malaria and were long considered a promising treat-
furin-dependent cleavage site in the novel SARS-CoV-2, the inhibi- ment for SARS-CoV-2 due to its broad spectrum of functions
tion of furin could form a promising approach to block SARS-CoV-2 [30,140–146]. However due to severe side effects of CQ/ HCQ sev-
cell entry. Starting in 1994, different studies have investigated eral clinical trials failed and eventually studies were discontinued
the potential of furin inhibition in viral infections, however, such by the WHO [147–149]. Despite this fact, the combination of HCQ
approaches have not reached clinical trials [114]. Also a study which and nanocarriers, might reduce the found side effects and facilitate
successfully blocked furin in Ebola infections, did not show a reduc- the use of HCQ in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2. The combination
tion in the viral replication in vitro, demonstrating that Ebloa might of CQ with SLNs for example has shown promising performance in
have different mechanisms of cell entry besides furin-mediated S the treatment of CQ-resistant malaria in the past [150]. Mefloquine,
protein cleavage [115]. However, as differences between Ebola and a drug which is considered to be similar to CQ is currently evalu-
SARS- CoV-2 might alter the efficiency of therapeutics, the inhi- ated as prophylactic treatment for SARS-CoV-2 infections, however,
bition of furin might form a functional approach in CoVs, which the exact mechanism of action is not completely understood which
needs further investigation. For instance, Remdesivir, one of the limits its direct use [140].
most promising therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2, which will be Other potential drugs that are able to inhibit virus endocytosis
discussed in more detail in a later section of this review, did not are Imatinib and Baricitinib. Imatinib on the one hand is protein-
show efficacy in Ebola but promising results in SARS-CoV-2 clinical kinase inhibitor that inhibits the bcr-abl tyrosine kinase, which has
trials. been shown to be involved in the cell entry and fusion of the viral
12 M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961
envelope and the cell membrane in hepatitis C and ebola, and might bies [169]. Similarly different nanocarriers have been evaluated
be similarly involved in the life-cycle of CoVs [151–153]. Baric- for the delivery of antibodies [170,171]. These studies demonstrate
itinib, on the other hand, is a Janus kinase inhibitor, which was that the combination of currently evaluated drug candidates with
previously used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It might nanocarrier systems is feasible and capable to improve the drug
also be used for blocking CoV cytosis due to its affiliation with the characteristics and properties. Due to the big variety of possible
AP2-associated protein AAK1 [154,155]. candidates and drug- nanocarrier combinations, this review will
focus on possible delivery strategies that are capable to delivery
Blocking viral proteases drugs towards CoV infected cells as well as cells involved in the
Viral proteases are crucial for the generation of non- structural COVID-19 disease progression.
viral proteins, such as the RdRP as well as transport of viral proteins
to the nucleus [9]. Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic agent, which has Targeting the nasal mucosa. As aforementioned, the main target
previously been used for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and cells of CoVs are mucus-producing goblet cells and ciliated cells
dengue virus [156]. It dissociates the IMP␣/1 homodimer related located in the nasal mucosa. Targeting these cells with nanocarriers
with the nuclear transport of viral proteins. Ivermectin additionally is a promising strategy to deliver drug candidates to the infected
showed to reduce viral RNA in Vero cells up to 5000 fold demon- cells (Fig. 7). A particular barrier found in the nasal administra-
strating its potential for the use in CoVs [157]. Another therapeutic tion of therapeutics is the mucus. The mucus forms an aqueous
that was mentioned in relation with the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 layer on top the mucosal endothelial cells, which based on the
is the HIV therapeutic Darunavir, which, however, is not confirmed secretion of mucin, cilia action and cough is kept in constant flow
as potential treatment for CoVs and is still in premature trials to facilitating rapid clearance of agents present in the mucus film
show its potential as stated by the manufacturer Janssen [158]. [172,173]. Additionally the mucus contains several secretory anti-
bodies forming a first line of defense against pathogens, which,
Inhibiting the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase as aforementioned, makes the nasal mucosa a promising target
The RdRP is a crucial protein in the life-cycle of CoVs and thereby for vaccines aimed against respiratory viruses [174]. Although the
blocking the RdRP is a promising strategy to stop the viral spread- rapid clearance from the mucosa is favorable against pathogens, it
ing within the body and treat CoVs. One of the most promising creates a hard to penetrate barrier for nanocarriers to reach under-
treatments against SARS-CoV-2 and other CoVs is Remdesivir, a lying epithelial cells. In the nose, the mucus is reported to have
therapeutic developed by Gilead Sciences (USA) under the brand a thickness of around 15 m, including a rapidly flowing loosely
name GS-5734 [159]. Although it did not show efficacy against its adherent mucus layer on top of a firmly adherent slowly flowing
original target Ebola, it was proven to be safe for patient use, which layer covering the epithelial cells [175]. Clearance of agents form
facilitated rapid clinical testing against CoV [160]. Furthermore, the mucus can occur within 30 min, giving applied nanocarriers a
studies have proven its efficacy to inhibit the replication SARS-CoV limited time to overcome the barrier and being taken up by or pass
and MERS-CoV in primary human airway epithelial cell cultures as the epithelial lining [175]. Nonetheless several mucus-penetrating
well as being effective against bat CoVs and circulating contempo- NPs (MPPs) have been developed over the last years, as extensively
rary human CoVs. Its efficacy has also been demonstrated in vivo discussed elsewhere [173,175,176]. A general inspiration for the
in a SARS-CoV mouse model [161]. Remdesivir has been shown to design of such MPPs are viruses, such as CoVs, that are able to
be effective in vitro using SARS-CoV-2 infected Vero cells. A recent penetrate the mucus with similar diffusion rates compared diffu-
study performed in the US was able to show a recovery time of sion in water. Different studies suggested that the surface charge
patients from 15 days to 11 days in the treatment groups as well and related hydrophilicity as well as the size play a crucial role in
as a drop in patient mortality from 11.6 % in the placebo to 8% in the penetration of viruses through the mucus [175]. Furthermore,
the treatment group, demonstrating its potential to also treat the glycolyzed viruses or particles display enhanced penetrating prop-
novel SARS-CoV-2 [162]. erties, indicating the PEGylation (the conjugation of polyethylene
Favipiravir, a therapeutic designed for treating influenza, dis- glycol onto a nanocarrier surface) can increase the efficacy of MPPs
plays a similar mechanism of action as Remdesivir by inhibiting and explains how CoVs, with their heavily glycolyzed S proteins
the RdRP, however, it is less experimentally supported compared can penetrate the mucus as well [177]. Generating nanocarriers for
to Remdesivir [163]. Nonetheless, Favipiravir has been recently the delivery of therapeutics should therefore be greatly inspired
approved by the National Medical Products Administration of China by such virus-like properties. As described aforementioned, viral
for the treatment of COVID-19 patients after a clinical trial where particles or liposomes can be tuned in terms of charge, size and
Favipiravir was combined with interferon-␣ showed clinical ben- surface chemistry (conjugation of PEG or other peptides to cre-
efits of the drug combination [164,165]. Furthermore, Tenofovir, a ate a muco-inert surface) to reach these characteristics facilitating
different RNA transcriptase inhibitor, is currently in evaluation for delivery of therapeutics towards goblet cells or ciliated cells in the
the use a prophylactic treatment [166]. mucosa. For instance, nanocarriers modified with the goblet cell-
targeted peptide (CSKSSDYQC (CSK)), have demonstrated enhanced
Nanomedicine strategy to target pathological cells mucus penetrating characteristics, reduced mucus clearance as
As aforementioned, nanocarriers are promising for the stable well as specific uptake into goblet cells. Studies demonstrate the
delivery of drug candidates towards target cells avoiding rapid CSK peptide enhanced nanocarrier uptake in the oral mucosa for
clearance by the immune system while preventing side-effects the delivery of insulin or exenatide for the treatment of diabetes
[18,64]. Due to variety of different nanocarriers available and the [178–181], as well as enhanced uptake of gemcitabine in intestinal
possibility to tune these to fit the drug load as well as the tar- goblet cells for the treatment of breast cancer after oral adminis-
get, most of the aforementioned drug candidates against CoV can tration [182]. The combination of nanocarriers loaded with drug
be included into nanocarriers to target the lung, prevent early candidates focusing on the treatment of CoVs combined with such
degradation or clearance as well as avert side effects [167]. In fact, surface peptides could form a promising strategy for the nasal deliv-
different studies of drug-loaded nanocarriers have been reported in ery towards CoV-infected epithelial cells.
the past, involving CQ-loaded SLNs to treat CQ-resistance malaria An additional strategy to rapidly allow targeting of the mucosal
[150], Tenofovir-loaded PLGA NPs to induce long- acting pre- epithelial cells is disrupting the mucus to enhance drug delivery
vention of HIV vaginal transmission [168] or Ivermectin-loaded towards underlying cells. Such adjuvant therapies can be particu-
SLNs to facilitate transdermal delivery for the treatment of sca- larly advantageous in diseases including a change in the mucus,
M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961 13
Fig. 7. Strategies to delivertherapeutics to target cells using nanoparticles. Schematic representation of different nanocarriers delivering therapeutics towards nasal
mucosa (primary target site) as well as secondary target sites including the central nervous system, intestine or blood vessel endothelium. Nanocarriers include mucus
penetrating particles and their characteristics, specific goblet cell targeted nanoparticles, DNAse strategies to increase mucus penetration of nanoparticles and different
strategies to directly target the ACE2/DPP4 receptor including virus-like particles based on coronaviruses or targeting ligands involving synthetic S proteins, targeting
peptides and antibodies.
rendering it highly viscous, such as cystic fibrosis or chronic demonstrating the capability of these VLPs for efficient protein
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Given the symptoms of delivery. Although this is so far the only attempt to use a CoV-based
cough and sometimes bloody mucus in COVID-19 patients [183], VLP for the delivery of therapeutics towards infected cells, the use
it is likely that the mucus of these patients present abnormal of VLP might form one of the most promising strategies for efficient
mechanical properties which can directly affect the penetration drug delivery, as these VLPs, similar to the virus, are able to escape
of nanocarriers towards mucosal epithelial cells. Dornase alfa, a immune clearance, penetrate the mucus and might display similar
recombinant human DNAse (rhDNAse), has shown to hydrolyze characteristics in infecting not only the main target site of the lung
DNA involved in the dense crosslinks of glycoproteins within the but also secondary target sites, that are also affected by SARS-CoV-
mucus [184]. It is also currently evaluated in COVID-19 patients 2.
related to reduction of ARDS [185]. Dornase alfa is an adjuvant, A different strategy to target the ACE2 or DPP4 receptor is using
which can be administered in form an aerosol, enabling it to be com- a targeting ligand, such as peptides or mAbs, and conjugate these
bined with anti-CoV therapeutics and being administered using the onto the surface of nanocarriers, enabling the active targeting of
nasal delivery route in form of a spray or syringe [186]. these receptors as frequently applied in recent nanomedicine appli-
cations [188,189]. These peptides are specifically designed to bind
Nanocarrier systems specifically targeting the ACE2/ DPP4 receptor. to CoV-specific receptors similar to the actual SARS-CoV, MERS-
Although the nasal mucosa is the primary target site of CoVs, sev- CoV or SARS-CoV-2. In recent studies, such peptides or mAbs were
eral other sites and tissues affected by CoVs have been announced mostly applied to work as ACE2 or DPP4 antagonist and block
recently with the potential that other tissues can also be affected, the function of the receptor to prevent cell entry of CoVs during
which are yet to be discovered. Targeting the virus-specific recep- their life-cycle [190,191]. However, these inhibitors also show the
tors, ACE2 and DPP4 is a promising strategy to deliver therapeutics potential to be used as targeting ligand combined with nanocar-
to all CoV-infected cells throughout the host’s body. Efficient target- riers to direct therapeutics towards infected cells. In such way,
ing of these receptors can be achieved by different means including these nanocarrier might exert a double-sided effect by delivering
the conjugation of a targeting agent (peptide or antibody) onto therapeutics towards infect cells, while blocking the virus entry
a nanocarrier surface or by the use of a VLPs comprised of CoV- on non-infected cells. Nonetheless, as these and potential novel
based proteins. Using the virus’ own characteristics and behavior inhibitors are not directly designed as targeting ligands and have
to target ACE2 expressing has been demonstrated recently, using been extensively described elsewhere for ACE2 [190–193] and
structural proteins (M, E, S) from HCoV-NL63 to generate VLPs that DPP4 [194–197], respectively, this review will not focus on such
could effectively transfect ciliated cells of the nasal mucosa [187]. inhibitors in greater detail. So far, no studies describe the use ACE2
Furthermore, these VLPs could be loaded with a fluorescent cargo or DPP4 antagonistic peptides or mAbs in the context of targeted
14 M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961
delivery of drugs towards SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV or SARS-CoV-2. sites of infections. The proper in vivo evaluation of such strategies is
However, a recent study describes the targeting of the angiotensin crucial to avert potential side effects and ensure the targeted deliv-
II receptor type 1 to specifically deliver PLA/PLGA- PEG NPs towards ery of treatments. A different strategy to avert side effects might
mesangial cells for the potential treatment or detection of diabetic be the search for different shared surface receptors except ACE2
nephropathy. Hereby, angiotensin-I was covalently bound onto the or DPP4, however, due to the variety of affected cells, a common
surface of the NPs to allow binding to ACE receptors of the first tar- receptor that does not exert side effects upon targeting might be
get cell. The binding to ACE allowed for enzymatic processing of challenging to find.
angiotensin-I towards angiotensin-II, which further allowed uptake
of these NPs through AT1R mediated endocytosis by a second tar- Targeting the immune system and nanomedicine strategies
get cell. This strategy was mainly inspired by the cellular uptake
of influenza A viruses, which first undergo ectoenzymatic activa- As described before, SARS-CoV-2 is characterized by a rapid
tion of hemagglutinin by one cell which facilitates the uptake of the progression of the disease where an exceedingly high number
virus by a secondary target cell. Although their study did not aim for of patients experiences severe pneumonia or ARDS. In particu-
ACE-mediated cellular uptake, the strategy of using angiotensin- lar patients with a weak immune system based on age or other
coated nanocarriers is a promising strategy to specifically target pre-existing conditions are more prone to a lethal outcome of the
ACE2 expressing cells. A different strategy is based on the recent disease compared to younger healthier patients. Currently differ-
sequencing of the S protein, enabling deeper understanding of the ent strategies are developed to inhibit the progression of COVID-19
protein structure of the S protein, which further allows to generate and reduce patient mortality. Such strategies mainly focus on sup-
a synthetic peptide mimicking this structure. The synthetic S pro- porting the immune system to enhance the clearance of the virus
tein can potentially be conjugated onto the surface of nanocarriers from the body or to inhibit the inflammatory response caused by
functioning as targeting ligand. Studies have reported the potential the viral infection and related to ARDS and severe lung damage.
of such synthetic S proteins for their antiviral capability in SARS-
CoV-2 by blocking the ACE2 receptor similar to the actual virus
[198]. Such synthetic proteins would allow for the targeting of the Supporting the immune system
ACE2 receptor without the need for purification of the S protein A strategy that is currently evaluated for the use in COVID-
from actual CoVs. 19 patients is the administration of interferon beta 1a (IFN), a
The surface properties of nanocarriers have also shown to facili- body-own cytokine with extensive antiviral functions [202,203].
tate binding to CoV-related receptors. It has been described recently The administration of interferon has been investigated to treat
that cationic NPs, in particular polyamidoamines (PAMAMs), SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV demonstrating promising results in vitro
bind to ACE2 receptor, subsequently blocking the cleavage of and in vivo which, however, could not be translated to clinical set-
angiotensin, which can cause ARDS [199]. Interestingly, anionic tings in the past [203–205]. Also the exact role of interferons in
nanocarriers did not display such binding properties, demonstrat- viral infections can be highly dependent on the infection type and
ing how the surface charge of nanocarriers can also facilitates progress as interferons are also reported to promote inflamma-
specific receptor binding. However, it is unclear whether such char- tory responses and increase patient mortality [202]. Nonetheless,
acteristics would allow for the targeting of ACE2-expressing ciliated administration of IFN might form a promising strategy for certain
or goblet cells in the nasal mucosa, as cationic nanocarriers might COIVD-19 patients.
not be able to successfully penetrate mucus layer. Another strategy to facilitate antibody therapy in the target-
This study also demonstrates a particular challenge when tar- ing of CoVs, is the use of purified plasma for patients that are
geting the ACE2 receptor. The blocking of this receptor has shown already recovered from CoVs [206]. The plasma of such patients,
to reduce the enzymatic cleavage of angiotensin-II, disrupting the when proven safe to have no traces of the specific pathogen left,
renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and eventually increasing its blood might include sufficient antibodies/ immunoglobulins to support
levels, which subsequently can promote ARDS [38,200,201]. Addi- the body’s own immune system against the CoVs. As the plasma
tional targeting of this receptor might further block ACE2 receptor from SARS, MERS of COVID-19 patients would include specific Abs
levels which can enhance this cascade. Nonetheless by applying a against these viruses, it might form a promising strategy to support
multilayered therapy, such as for instance a treatment using ACE2- viral clearance before entering the host cells and when given intra-
targeted delivery of therapeutics followed by the administration of venously (referred to as intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIGs)) in
the previously described APN01, a soluble form of ACE2, could avert combination with antiviral drugs could form a promising treatment
such side effects, however, these hypothetical strategies remain to against CoVs.
be proven in experimental settings. Another potential challenge
in the targeting of ACE2 or DPP4 receptors for the directed deliv- Inhibiting the inflammatory response
ery of therapeutics to infected cells, is the reduced presence and As mentioned before, COVID-19 patients often experience
expression of these receptor after infections with SARS-CoV, MERS- increased levels of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (CRS)
CoV and SARS-CoV-2, which eventually might reduce the overall related to ARDS, which forms one of the main reasons for the
amount of therapeutics that can be delivered towards target cells high mortality of patients [57,58]. In particular, ARDS might also
[38,200]. Similarly, despite that DPP4 targeting might allow for the cause severe long-lasting damage to the lungs involving scarring
targeted delivery of MERS treatment towards infected cells, DPP4 of the lung tissue and substantial reduction of the patient’s quality
blocking or inhibition has shown profound influence on T cell- of life, which is why a treatment to attenuate the inflammatory
specific immunity, downregulating T cell activity and maturation. response leading to ARDS is a promising strategy to treat the
Although the exact consequences of DPP4 blocking on the immune consequences of a CoV infection [207]. Such treatments involve
system are so far not well understood, the probable side-effects cell-based treatments, treatments with intravenous immunoglob-
of DPP4 targeted peptides or mAbs must be taken into considera- ulins, general immunomodulatory drugs or drugs targeting specific
tion when designing targeted systems for delivery towards ACE2 pathways involved in the CRS.
or DPP4 expressing cells. Besides the use of antibodies or immunoglobulins to tar-
Despite these different challenges, direct targeting of ACE2 or get and neutralize CoVs, IVIGs, isolated from healthy donors,
DPP4 might form a promising strategy to not only deliver thera- have also shown the potential to exert anti-inflammatory
peutics to the major target site but also specifically reach secondary properties in patients with severe pneumonia by suppressing
M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961 15
inflammatory cells, inhibit phagocytosis and interfering with Although different strategies to target macrophages have
antibody-dependent cytotoxicity [206,208,209]. been emerged over the last years, directed targeting of pro-
A common strategy to attenuate the inflammatory response inflammatory macrophages remains challenging and studies that
is the use of already known therapeutics that function as target macrophages with context of the CRS are rare [230].
immunomodulators. Hereby, it can be differentiated between drugs Nonetheless, a few approaches have demonstrated the use of
that in general show immunomodulatory properties or drugs that nanocarriers designed to target pro-inflammatory immune cells.
target a specific cytokine that is related to CRS. Therapeutics that A promising target for specific delivery towards macrophages is
show immunomodulatory properties currently evaluated comprise the presence of mannose receptor (also known as CD206) on
Thalidomide [210], Methylprednisolone [209], Fingolimod [211], the surface of such macrophages. For instance, NPs were gener-
Ruxolitinib [212], Eculizumab [213], Leukine [214], Colchicine ated comprised of mannosylated bioreducible cationic polymers
[215], Vafidemstat [216], Melatonin [217], Nivolumab [218], Dex- facilitating the presence of mannose receptor for cellular uptake
amethasone [219] or Cyclosporine A [220,221]. [234]. These nanocarriers were designed to deliver siRNA against
Targeting specific pathways and cytokines forms another TNF␣ expression in macrophages, which eventually reduced the
promising, more focused, strategy to treat the inflammatory pro-inflammatory response in inflammatory bowel disease. How-
responses in patients. In particular, IL-6, IL-1 and TNF␣ have been ever, mannose receptor is not only expressed on pro-inflammatory
identified as the key players in CRS and form the most pro- macrophages, and in fact, displays overexpression in anti- inflam-
inflammatory cytokines in the human body [57–59]. Recently it matory macrophages as well. This highlights a challenge in the
has been also shown that IL-6 is directly involved in the need specific targeted delivery of therapeutics towards macrophages
for mechanical ventilation of patients and poor survival progno- – macrophage specific markers might be shared by both, pro-
sis [222]. Sarilumab is a mAb functiong as a IL-6 antagonist that is and anti-inflammatory markers, making the design of specifi-
currently evaluated in clinical trials, which binds to soluble as well cally targeted nanocarriers particularly challenging [230]. Different
as membrane bound IL-6 receptors (sIL-6R and mIL-6R), blocking potential surface markers for the targeting of inflammatory
the related receptor mediated IL-6 signaling [223,224]. Originally macrophages and averting CRS are CD80 or CD86, also being
applied in rheumatoid arthritis, Sarilumab is now a promising reported as surface markers for inflammatory macrophages [235].
agent for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Similarly, the IL- In general, nanocarriers that are aimed for the delivery of anti-
6 antagonists Tocilizumab, a therapeutic also used in rheumatoid inflammatory therapeutics for preventing CRS face similar barriers
arthritis, and Siltuximab, originally applied in multicentric Castle- as NPb-Vs and other lung-aimed nanocarriers described in detail
man’s disease, are currently evaluated for their efficacy in COVID-19 before including the mucus layer of top of the pulmonary lining
[225]. Besides IL-6, IL-1 is also directly related to CRS and shown as well as the need to cross the pulmonary barrier to reach the
to be highly expressed in COVID-19 patients [226]. Anakinra and capillaries and eventually inhibit the secretion of pro-inflammatory
Canakinumab are both IL-1 antagonists, which are currently inves- cytokines from macrophages and T cells.
tigated for their efficacy and their potential use for the treatment of
COVID-19 [227,228]. Lastly, targeting TNF␣, a cytokine well-known
for its pro-inflammatory potential, is also currently evaluated in Nanomedicines to understand CoV’s mechanisms
clinical trials for the treatment of COVID-19 using Adalimumab, a
TNF␣ antagonist, which has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis Remarkable for all the efforts of finding an efficient treatment
or Morbus Crohn in the past [229]. or vaccine against the novel SARS-CoV-2 or the related disease
COVID-19 is the fact that most drugs currently in clinical trials are
repurposed from other disease targets including other viral infec-
Nanomedicine strategies to target immune system tions, such Ebola or HIV, but also cancer or rheumatoid arthritis.
Besides facilitating targeting of the infected cells in CoV to With the increasing number of cases and related deaths, a fast treat-
prevent the virus from spreading throughout the body, nanocarri- ment was crucial and therapeutics already effective against known
ers also show promising capabilities to deliver anti-inflammatory pathways or already evaluated for safety in clinical trials are the
drugs towards immune cells to avert CRS. Different from the most rapid strategy to find a treatment against SARS-CoV-2 infec-
nanocarriers discussed before that aimed to reach the NALT tions. Nonetheless, SARS- CoV and MERS-CoV have been known for
and provoke an immune response towards presented antigens nearly 20 years, and so far, no efficient treatment against these dis-
causing immunity, such nanocarriers are aimed to deliver anti- eases is available and remarkable for the current outbreak and the
inflammatory agents towards inflammatory macrophages and T related clinical trials is that no drug is currently evaluated that is
cells, which are mainly involved in CRS and block the production directly aimed to treat SARS or MERS. As SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV
of IL-6, IL-1, TNF␣ and other cytokines. In particular the target- only had limited case numbers, which led to the outbreaks being
ing of macrophages has been recently in focus of countless studies, controlled comparably fast, funding for finding a vaccine or treat-
due to the involvement of macrophages in inflammatory diseases ment against these viruses was limited and efforts to find a vaccine
such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, systemic were shelved after governmental funding was stopped [236,237].
lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis or diabetes, cardiovascular Nonetheless, the fact that after nearly 2 decades no efficient treat-
diseases, cardiac diseases as well as cancer as summarized else- ment is available, also demonstrates that it is also crucial to further
where [230]. Similar to therapeutics aimed for the treatment of investigate and understand the virus, and the related processes
CoV- infected cells, several studies have been described in the involving cellular uptake and replication, to design an efficient
past that combined currently evaluated anti-inflammatory thera- treatment directly targeted to SARS-CoV-2, and potentially other
peutics with nanocarriers to enhance their stability and resistance CoVs. Recently, a wide range study analyzing protein interactions
to degradation, prolong drug exposure or allow targeted delivery involved in host cell-virus responses has identified 332 possible
of these therapeutics. For instance, Tocilizumab, an IL-6 antago- protein-protein interactions of which 66 demonstrated a drugable
nist, was combined with hyaluronate-gold NPs for the treatment profile [238]. These interactions can be targeted by 69 known drugs
of rheumatoid arthritis [231], dexamethasone acetate was loaded which are either already FDA-approved for different diseases or in
into SLNs for the delivery to the lung [232], or colchicine-loaded clinical trials. In particular, therapeutics targeting mRNA transla-
lipid bilayer-coated mesoporous NPs for the treatment of cancer tion and predicted regulators of the Sigma1 and Sigma2 receptors
[233]. demonstrated promising profiles for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2
16 M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961
infections. The detailed analysis of the protein interactions of SARS- treatments and vaccine for CoVs in a realistic biologically relevant
CoV-2 and host cells is crucial steps towards a more specialized and environment. Using such CoV models in vivo could help to identify
directed treatment of SARS-CoV-2 and highlights promising candi- secondary CoV target sites and due to the safety of working with
dates that might find their application in the treatment of these a CoV model instead of the actual virus enables research groups
viral infections soon. with limited virus-related facilities to research the virus in greater
As aforementioned, several different nanocarriers can be used detail, allowing for the application of multidisciplinary strategies
as NPb-Vs or drug delivery systems, whereas viral proteins, VLPs for understanding and treating SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV or SARS-CoV-
and liposomes are exclusively able to mimic the infection pat- 2.
tern and mechanics similar to actual viruses such as CoVs. These
nanocarriers have been demonstrated for the use in the vaccine
or therapeutic delivery towards CoV-infected cells presenting tun- Conclusions and future outlook
able characteristics and properties such as size, surface charge and
surface modifications. However, compared to liposomes, viral pro- The rapid spread and high incidence of the novel SARS-CoV-
teins and VLPs on the one hand display more limitations regarding 2 has sparked unprecedented joint scientific efforts to develop
their composition and architecture due to the pre-defined pro- novel vaccines or therapeutic agents for the prevention of SARS-
teins from the viral source. Liposomes, on the other hand, can CoV-2 infections or treatment of COVID-19, respectively. However,
be generated using a variety of lipids where the exact composi- several challenges and hurdles remain in the development of an
tion allowed for the specific tuning of liposome characteristics and effective treatment against SARS-CoV-2 as well as in the prevention
behavior as well as the encapsulation of various agents ranging of potential future outbreaks of novel CoVs.
from RNA/ DNA towards therapeutics and others [239,240]. Fur- Recently, the development of an effective vaccine has been in
thermore, liposomes can easily be modified by surface conjugation particular focus of different studies and several companies cur-
of peptide sequences such as PEG or targeting ligands to allow rently work and evaluate different types of vaccines, some in
immune escape, mucus penetration or drug delivery to specific combination with nanocarriers, for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2.
target cells [239,240]. One of the critical hurdles in the development of such a vaccine
The characteristics of liposomes also facilitate a unique use of is the time that is necessary to fulfil all criteria that allows for the
these systems in investigating viral infections. Liposomes can be approval of these vaccines for treating patients. Although the first
designed to mimic the viral composition, eventually rendering their vaccine candidates were already designed a few weeks after the
characteristics and behavior (Fig. 8) [19,241,242]. The use of lipo- composition and genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 was known, it
somes as model virus in CoV is an interesting approach in particular might take several months up to more than a year before a poten-
due to higher safety in handling compared to live viruses allowing tial candidates can reach the market. Although the development
laboratories that do not own facilities to handle SARS-CoV, MERS- and approval time, which can usually take several years, is drasti-
CoV or SARS- CoV-2 to investigate potential treatment in a realistic cally reduced in the current situation due to the desperate need of
fashion as well as due to the high tunability of the model properties an effective treatment or prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infections, this
and characteristics. In general, a liposome mimicking a CoV com- time period will lead to recurrent virus outbreaks and hotspots and
prises of (i) a liposomal bilayer that mimics the viral envelope, (ii) eventually increase the number of patient deaths. One of the major
peptides or purified protein conjugated onto the liposome surface hurdles in the development is also the lack of suitable in vitro and
mimicking the viral S protein and (iii) an encapsulated agent such in vivo models that precisely predict the immunization capabilities
as a drug or gene mimicking the viral genome. of novel vaccine candidates. In particular, a solid in vivo model that
Such virus mimics have been generated in the past to investi- presents clinically relevant characteristics of CoV infection could
gate the process of binding and fusion of the viral envelopes with limit the time necessary to develop and evaluate vaccine candi-
the endosomal membranes as well as potential pH triggered release dates for their efficacy in safety. Recently, a mouse model using
mechanisms [241]. Furthermore, the conjugation of viral antigens BALB/c mice showed similar clinical features found in COVID-19
(hen egg lysozyme) onto the liposome and encapsulation of nucleic patients after infection with an isolated SARS-CoV-2 [243]. This
acids, mimicking the viral genome, was used to study the specific model was also evaluated for the protective efficacy of a recom-
response of B cells towards these antigens, demonstrating the use of binant RBD virus demonstrating the potential of such a clinically
such systems to investigate underlying mechanisms in a controlled relevant in vivo model in the development and evaluation of vaccine
fashion [242]. Such systems can be similarly used to investigate the candidates before entering clinical phases.
behavior of CoVs in a realistic and well-controlled environment. In A different challenge in vaccine development is the prevention
particular the combination of such systems with purified or syn- of potential future outbreak of CoVs. Despite the tremendous effort
thetic CoV S proteins would allow for the detailed investigation of to develop a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, it is rather certain that
the cellular entry of these viruses and the exact mechanism of how there will be another outbreak of a different type of CoV in the
the virus is able to fuse with endosomal membrane. Furthermore, future. As shown in Table 1, the S protein of CoVs is currently
in vivo studies involving such CoV models could help in understand- in major focus for its use as antigen, however, other structural
ing the mechanism of viral spread throughout the body as well as proteins of viruses might have the potential to be used an anti-
help in identifying potential secondary target sites which so far gen as well and might provide a more solid vaccine compared to
have not been found or taken into consideration. By, for example, the S protein. One of the major antigens of influenza vaccines is
using a fluorescent cargo within the liposomal CoV model, novel the hemagglutinin protein, presenting the major surface protein
secondary target can easily be identified in vivo. Moreover, the sim- of this virus, similar to the S protein in CoV [244,245]. However,
ple modification of the CoV model composition might also facilitate the hemagglutinin protein is often target for mutation resulting
the research of a universal corona vaccine by, for instance, alter- in a constant need for an updated vaccine based on this protein
ing sites within a synthetic S protein to mimic a random mutation as antigen. An often discussed solution for the mutation of this
within. In such way a potential vaccine could be investigated in protein is the use of a so-called universal influenza vaccine that
more detail for its potential use in future CoV outbreaks. tries to present an antigen that does not undergo frequent muta-
In summary, mimicking CoVs with liposomal formulations tion and does not need to be updated on regular basis such as
forms a promising strategy to further investigate underlying bio- current influenza vaccines. For instance, the M proteins and N pro-
logical mechanisms as well as to evaluate current and future teins of influenza have been evaluated for immunization in the
M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961 17
Fig. 8. Design of a virus model using nanoparticles. Strategy to mimic a virus for the investigation of biological processes and virus behavior using nanomedicine strategies
displaying the use of targeting ligands or synthetic proteins to mimic the S protein of a coronavirus, a lipid bilayer to mimic the viral envelope and synthetic RNA/ DNA or a
drug to mimic the encapsulated viral genome.
past demonstrating their potential as antigen used in an universal longed circulation time makes such nanocarrier-based therapeutics
influenza vaccine [246]. Similarly the S protein of CoVs, in partic- also interesting for the use as prophylactic treatment. Especially
ular SARS- CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, displays significant healthcare workers or other people that are highly exposed to CoVs
differences leading to the different characteristics and behaviors of on daily basis could benefit from a prolonged prophylactic treat-
these viruses. Also the recent evidence of a specific mutation of the ment to eventual form a basic line of resistance.
S protein in SARS-CoV-2 compared to SARS-CoV underlines the ten- In general, nanomedicine offers an attractive approach to
dency of mutation within this protein. A universal corona vaccine further investigate the virus’ behavior and identify potential
could be a promising strategy, presenting antigens such as the M secondary targets sites, which are yet unknown. Virus mimics,
protein, onto the surface of a nanocarrier or a gene or direct cargo as previously described, can mimic the virus’ behavior using
within a nanocarrier. In such way future outbreaks of CoV could be nanocarrier-based replicates and study their kinetics and spread
prevented in a more efficient manner while providing a delivery through the body. For instance, fluorescently or paramagnetic NPs
system in form of a nanocarrier that can enable stable delivery via that display CoV-like kinetics and target binding can be used to
the intranasal or intravenous route. study the spread of the virus throughout the body without even-
A different hurdle in the development of an effective treatment tually using the actual virus. This also makes CoV research more
for CoV infections is a lack of understanding of the exact biological available to groups that are not directly focused on the research
mechanism of the infection as well as the related clinical features. with viruses or do not have the facilities to work with such bio-
Although the primary site of infection has been clearly identified, logical compounds. In such way understanding the virial behavior
the understanding of potential secondary sites is still limited. As can become a multidisciplinary research combining different fields
a result the long-term effects of CoV infections are hard to pre- such as immunology, biomaterials, biophysics and others. Such
dict. The repurposing of known drug candidates has presented a interdisciplinary approaches are needed to eventually find a suc-
highly promising and rapid solution to fulfil the urgent need of a cessful long-term treatment for CoV infections as well as form a
treatment for COVID-19. In particular the use of already approved strong basis to prevent or handle future CoV outbreaks.
drug candidates that were originally designed for a different virus In summary, the urgent efforts made by the scientific and health
were rapidly evaluated for their potential to treat COVID-19 as well. community, pharmaceutical industries and governing bodies to
Although such drugs might increase the overall disease progres- develop a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 and find a treatment for
sion and survival of patients in the first place, it is unclear whether COVID-19 demonstrate this infection as an unseen threat to the
such therapeutics prevent long-term damage of secondary targets human race. New insights into the infection pattern, secondary
which are yet unknown. Targeted delivery of different components target sites and efficiency of treatments are identified and pub-
to infected cells using nanocarriers, either by prolonging the circu- lished on daily basis. Data on SARS-CoV-2 is growing and evolving
lation time of therapeutics increasing the chance to reach potential rapidly and certain descriptions and conclusions in this review
secondary site or by active targeting of for instance the ACE2/DPP4 might change due to new and more detailed insights into the
receptors, presents a promising strategy to render treatments more viral characteristics and properties. Certain ideas and hypothetical
specific. Despite the current efforts of rapidly finding a treatment descriptions in this review might need to be adapted based on new
that increases the survival of current patients, further research findings and potential long-term effects of a SARS-CoV-2 infection
is needed into CoV-specific treatment strategies for future out- are yet to be found and explored. Furthermore, nanomedicine-
breaks, in particular as the development of a vaccine might take based strategies that already displayed promising application in
multiple months. The use nanocarriers can form a crucial aspect SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, might also find application in SARS-CoV-
hereby to increase the specificity of drug candidates, reducing their 2 and present treatment options that are currently not evaluated.
side-effects and prolonging the circulation time. In particular a pro- The constant progress and new insights into the mechanism and
18 M.A. Heinrich, B. Martina and J. Prakash / Nano Today 35 (2020) 100961
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