Argumentative Essay - DLP

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Cagayan National High Grade

School 10
GRADE School Level
9 Learning
DAILY Teacher Rica Cielo M. Acoba English
LOG Teaching Dates
March __, 2021 Quarter 3
and Time

I. Objectives
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text
Standard types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among
individuals, groups and nature; also, how to use evaluative reading, listening and
viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, pronouns and structures of
B. Performance The learner skillfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through utilizing
Standard effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.
C. Learning
Compose an argumentative essay.
The learners should be able to:
D. Learning
1. identify the parts and elements of argumentative essay;
2. develop their reasoning and argumentation skills through an activity; and
3. write an argumentative essay.
MATTER Argumentative Essay
a. Topic
b. Learning English 10- Quarter 3 Self-Learning Module (SLM)
resources Learning Activity Sheets- Grade 10
YouTube video: Argumentative essay (video lesson) by English Teacher ni Juan
c. Resources Laptop
needed Slides (PPT)
III. Elements of
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
the plan
A. Priming Good morning, class. Before we start our lesson for (Students Pray)
today, let us acknowledge the presence of the Lord.
-Checking of
-Classroom rules
On your screen are the classroom rules that you are
expected to follow throughout our discussion.

Classroom Rules:
1. Listen attentively and stay focus on the discussion.
2. Click the raise hand button if you wish to recite.
3. You can also the chat box if you want to share an idea
or ask questions.
4. Be active and participative.
b. Motivation or Good morning, class! I hope you are all enthusiastic to
activating schema learn our lesson today. Let’s start off our morning
through a simple activity.

Look at the images. What idea can be extracted from

these given scenarios. They view things
differently ma’am.
Yes. That’s right! Is there any additional idea or
observation? Anyone? Ma’am, they have
different claims.
Yes, very good. They are looking in different
perspectives and support different claims which
eventually create disagreement between them. This is
when argumentation happens.

B. Establishing a Class, in connection to this, we will talk about

purpose for the “Argumentative Essay.”
But before we tackle our lesson, let me present to you
our objectives for today.

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. identify the parts and elements of argumentative
2. develop their reasoning and argumentation skills
through an activity;
3. write an argumentative essay
C. Presenting Before we discuss about Argumentative Essay, let us
examples/ first have an activity. I will be presenting an issue and
instances of the let’s see if you also have different sides to support. Tell
new lesson
me if you agree or disagree.

“Legalizing divorce in the Philippines”

: Agree
This time, on your sheet of paper, write three pros and : Disagree
cons of legalizing divorce here in our country. I’ll be
calling 2 students to share what they have listed after
three minutes. The students that I will call should start
their answer by the phrase “I believe that the pros/cons
of legalizing divorce in our country are…” and should
end by saying “I thank you.” Is that clear, class? Yes, ma’am.

Alright! Your time starts now. (After three minutes, 2

students will share
With the presented pros and cons, what is your stand or their answers.)
claim on the issue? Did it change? : YES
: NO
Alright! I believe that you have your own claims in
mind. Do you know that with those claims and stand
start an argument? It is with argument that a reason or
set of reasons aim to persuade others that an action or
idea is right or wrong.

In connection, let’s us learn more of it by learning

argumentative essay.
D. Discussing An argumentative essay is a written form of
new concepts and argumentation. It is a piece of writing that takes a stance
practicing new on an issue. It presents evidences for a claim in order to
skills #1 let the reader know why it is more favorable.

(Look at this class, it says here that in an argumentative

essay, you are expected to take a stance or in other
words, choose a side on an issue presented. Therefore,
you are typically asked to take a position. From our
activity a while ago, I asked you to which side you are in
with the issue “Legalizing divorce in the Philippines.”
And you are able to decide what your stance would be.)

In a good argumentative essay, a writer attempts to

persuade readers to understand and support their point of
view about an issue by stating their reasoning and
providing evidence to support it.

(In short, its purpose is to persuade or convince the

reader to agree with the argument being made. A while
ago, by presenting the pros and cons of the legalization
of divorce, others might have been taken the information
into account and change their decision regarding the
issue being presented. To have a better result of your
claim, remember that you need to investigate the topic
well and collect evidences to support it.)

(In order to understand more about our topic, let us now

tackle the different elements that can be found in an
argumentative essay.)

Class, let us now tackle the different elements that can

be found in an argumentative essay.

ISSUE: Should people be encouraged to travel by

bicycle rather than by car?
CLAIM: People should be encouraged to travel by
bicycle rather than by car.
ARGUMENT: Maintaining a bicycle is less expensive
than a car.
EVIDENCE: (NOTE) Evidence can be FACTS,
1. The parts of a bicycle are much cheaper than the parts
of a car.
2. Fixing a car may require the services of a mechanic
who would charge an expensive amount for labor. On
the other hand, many bicycles can be fixed by the
E. Discussing Since we already knew the elements of the
new concepts and argumentative essay, let us now tackle the parts of it.
practicing new
skills #2

Now that we already identify the parts of argumentative

essay, let’s take another issue as an example in order for
us to better understand it.
F. Developing Counter
Claim Argument Evidence Rebuttal Conclusion
mastery Argument

Direction: Identify each part of the following argumentation using the colors
listed above.

Dear Mom,

I think we should get a pet dog. Dogs make great pets because they are loyal. I
have heard of a dog who did not leave its master even when the master died.
According to scientists, dogs have evolved to be loyal to humans. They also help
deter criminals, like thieves. When dogs bark, criminals become afraid. Dogs
growl at people they think are a threat. They also help boost people’s moods
because they are friendly and playful. Doctors have even found that owning a dog
can improve a person’s health. According to them, dogs reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease and they help prevent allergies, asthma, and eczema in
children! You might think that I am not responsible enough to have a pet dog. But
I have demonstrated responsibility by making my bed every morning and doing
my homework every afternoon. I know that I would be responsible for walking
our pet dog and cleaning up after it. Getting a pet dog would be good for our
whole family!

Love, Natalie

G. Making Class, again, argumentative essay is an essay that uses

generalization evidences and facts to support the claim it’s making. Its
and abstractions purpose is to persuade and convince the reader to agree
about the lesson with the argument being made. Its elements include the
claim, argument, evidence, counterargument, rebuttal
and conclusion. On the other hand, introduction, body
and conclusion are its parts. Did you understand, class?
Yes, ma’am.

H. Evaluating Write an argumentative essay that revolves to this topic:

learning Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school?
You will be graded using this rubric:
Grade Equivalent:
A. Excellent= 12-15 points
B. Very good= 9-11 points
C. Good=6-8 points
D. Needs more practice= 3-5 points

J. Additional Advanced:
activities for
application or Study the next topic of your module on third quarter.
remediation Reference: Self Learning Module

Prepared by:

Rica Cielo M. Acoba


Checked by:

Ma. Jane M. Tungcul

Cooperating Teacher

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