03.TOP End Plate

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JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page


Allowable Force Summary Table ( 100% ) [ Unit : kN, kN-m ]

HN200 30.0 99.0 100 % 90 %
HN250 50.1 120.0 95 % 80 %
HN300 54.7 117.0 70 % 60 %
HN400 125.1 288.0 65 % 90 %
HN700 701.6 409.5 75 % 45 %
HM194 39.9 98.9 90 % 85 %
HM244 76.1 119.6 95 % 70 %
HM294 86.2 141.1 70 % 60 %
HM340 142.5 290.7 70 % 95 %
HM390 205.9 292.5 65 % 75 %
HM440 224.6 290.4 55 % 60 %
HM488 394.4 429.4 85 % 80 %
HM588 483.8 423.4 75 % 60 %
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.90

Load factor ( M ) 1.00
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HN200
Girder size H-200x100x5.5x8
Girder data d 200 mm
bf 100 mm
tw 5.5 mm
tf 8.0 mm
r 11 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 200152 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 30.00 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 99.00 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW150
Column size H-150x150x7x10
Column data dc 150 mm
bfc 150 mm
twc 7 mm
tfc 10 mm
r 11 mm
Ac 40.1 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 20 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 440 mm

no. 6 ea bp 150 mm
type 7 tp 24 mm
tension bolt no. 4 ea g 80 mm
Pf 42 mm
Pfb 90 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 6 Hori Stiff data b' 72 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 6 d' 130 mm
ts 10 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 10 mm

h 150 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK

Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 30 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 156 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 295 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pf1 - th / 2 + h
h1 = 205 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1)]
dbr = 11.10 mm < db = 20.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt x Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 314 mm2

Pt = 195 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1)
Mnp = 195 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 97 kN-m > Muc = 30 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s= 55 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 55 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+0.75 · Pfb)+h1 · (s+0.25 · Pfb)]+g/2
Yp = 2051 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 19 mm < tp = 24 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 - AISC(13) PART 16

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 360 kN > Ffu/2 = 78 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 2544 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 305 kN > Ffu/2 = 78 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 99 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 314 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 2
Ra = 104 kN > Vu = 99 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 461 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 20 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 24 mm
Rn/W = 230 kN > Vu/nb = 50 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 192 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 20 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 10 mm
Rn/W = 96 kN > Vu/nb = 50 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. - Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 162 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 6 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 4.2 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 150 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 1260 mm2

Rn = Fw · Aw 363 kN - Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa - Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 1260 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 182 kN > Vu = 99 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 54.77 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 50.00 mm c2 = 90.00 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 1302 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 24 mm > tfc = 10 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 19.49 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 102 kN < Ffu = 156 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 217 kN > Ffu = 156 kN No need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 21 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N= 12 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 128 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 272.3 kN > Ffu = 156 kN No need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 189 kN > Ffu = 156 kN No need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 55 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 366 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 29.83 mm < bs=b' = 72.00 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 4.00 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.18 in
tsmin2 = 4.57 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 1040 mm2 > Astmin = 366 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 3.14 mm < m= 6.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 1.60 mm < m= 6.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 311 kN > Rust = 55 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 ·ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 162 kN > Rust = 55 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 94 kN > Rust = 55 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.80

Load factor ( M ) 0.95
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HN250
Girder size H-250x125x6x9
Girder data d 250 mm
bf 125 mm
tw 6.0 mm
tf 9.0 mm
r 12 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 351861 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 50.07 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 120.00 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW150
Column size H-150x150x7x10
Column data dc 150 mm
bfc 150 mm
twc 7 mm
tfc 10 mm
r 11 mm
Ac 40.1 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 22 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 540 mm

no. 6 ea bp 150 mm
type 7 tp 24 mm
tension bolt no. 4 ea g 80 mm
Pf 51 mm
Pfb 90 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 6 Hori Stiff data b' 72 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 6 d' 130 mm
ts 10 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 10 mm

h 200 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK

Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 50 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 208 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 385 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pf1 - th / 2 + h
h1 = 295 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1)]
dbr = 12.30 mm < db = 22.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt x Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 380 mm2

Pt = 236 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1)
Mnp = 321 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 160 kN-m > Muc = 50 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s= 55 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 55 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+0.75 · Pfb)+h1 · (s+0.25 · Pfb)]+g/2
Yp = 2721 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 21 mm < tp = 24 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 - AISC(13) PART 16

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 360 kN > Ffu/2 = 104 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 2448 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 294 kN > Ffu/2 = 104 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 120 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 380 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 2
Ra = 125 kN > Vu = 120 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 507 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 22 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 24 mm
Rn/W = 253 kN > Vu/nb = 60 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 211 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 22 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 10 mm
Rn/W = 106 kN > Vu/nb = 60 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. - Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 208 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 6 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 4.2 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 196 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 1646 mm2

Rn = Fw · Aw 474 kN - Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa - Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 1646 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 237 kN > Vu = 120 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 54.77 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 60.00 mm c2 = 90.00 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 1859 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 25 mm > tfc = 10 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 27.82 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 115 kN < Ffu = 208 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 218 kN > Ffu = 208 kN No need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 21 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N= 13 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 128 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 272.3 kN > Ffu = 208 kN No need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 191 kN < Ffu = 208 kN Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 92 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 617 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 38.17 mm < bs=b' = 72.00 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 4.50 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.18 in
tsmin2 = 4.57 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 1040 mm2 > Astmin = 617 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 3.14 mm < m= 6.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 2.69 mm < m= 6.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 311 kN > Rust = 92 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 ·ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 162 kN > Rust = 92 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 94 kN > Rust = 92 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.60

Load factor ( M ) 0.70
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HN300
Girder size H-300x150x6.5x9
Girder data d 300 mm
bf 150 mm
tw 6.5 mm
tf 9.0 mm
r 13 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 522077 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 54.74 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 117.00 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW150
Column size H-150x150x7x10
Column data dc 150 mm
bfc 150 mm
twc 7 mm
tfc 10 mm
r 11 mm
Ac 40.1 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 22 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 640 mm

no. 6 ea bp 170 mm
type 7 tp 28 mm
tension bolt no. 4 ea g 100 mm
Pf 51 mm
Pfb 90 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 6 Hori Stiff data b' 72 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 6 d' 130 mm
ts 10 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 10 mm

h 250 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK

Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 55 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 188 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 485 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pf1 - th / 2 + h
h1 = 395 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1)]
dbr = 11.30 mm < db = 22.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt x Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 380 mm2

Pt = 236 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1)
Mnp = 415 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 207 kN-m > Muc = 55 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s= 65 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 65 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+0.75 · Pfb)+h1 · (s+0.25 · Pfb)]+g/2
Yp = 3216 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 22 mm < tp = 28 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 - AISC(13) PART 16

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 476 kN > Ffu/2 = 94 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 3416 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 410 kN > Ffu/2 = 94 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 117 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 380 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 2
Ra = 125 kN > Vu = 117 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 591 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 22 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 28 mm
Rn/W = 296 kN > Vu/nb = 59 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 211 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 22 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 10 mm
Rn/W = 106 kN > Vu/nb = 59 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. - Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 256 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 6 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 4.2 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 244 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 2050 mm2

Rn = Fw · Aw 590 kN - Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa - Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 2050 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 295 kN > Vu = 117 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 61.24 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 60.00 mm c2 = 90.00 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 2036 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 27 mm > tfc = 10 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 30.48 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 105 kN < Ffu = 188 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 228 kN > Ffu = 188 kN No need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 21 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N= 13 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 128 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 272.3 kN > Ffu = 188 kN No need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 191 kN > Ffu = 188 kN No need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 83 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 557 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 46.5 mm < bs=b' = 72.00 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 4.50 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.18 in
tsmin2 = 4.57 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 1040 mm2 > Astmin = 557 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 3.14 mm < m= 6.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 2.43 mm < m= 6.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 311 kN > Rust = 83 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 ·ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 162 kN > Rust = 83 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 94 kN > Rust = 83 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.90

Load factor ( M ) 0.65
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HN400
Girder size H-400x200x8x13
Girder data d 400 mm
bf 200 mm
tw 8.0 mm
tf 13.0 mm
r 16 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 1285952 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 125.13 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 288.00 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW200
Column size H-200x200x8x12
Column data dc 200 mm
bfc 200 mm
twc 8 mm
tfc 12 mm
r 13 mm
Ac 63.5 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 24 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 740 mm

no. 10 ea bp 200 mm
type 8 tp 30 mm
tension bolt no. 6 ea g 100 mm
Pf 57 mm
Pfb 110 mm
Pfb1 110 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 8 Hori Stiff data b' 96 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 10 d' 176 mm
ts 12 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 12 mm

h 250 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 125 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 323 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 574 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - th / 2 + h
h1 = 464 mm
h2 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - th / 2 + h
h2 = 354 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt· (h0+h1+h2)]
dbr = 13.59 mm < db = 24.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Pt = Fnt · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

Pt = 280 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1+h2)
Mnp = 781 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 390 kN-m > Muc = 125 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s = 70.71 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 70.71 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h2 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+1.5 · Pfb)+h2 · (s+0.5 · Pfb1)]+g/2
Yp = 4996 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 17.02 mm < tp = 30 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 600 kN > Ffu/2 = 162 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 SPEC.J4.2

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 4440 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 533 kN > Ffu/2 = 162 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 288 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 4
Ra = 299 kN > Vu = 288 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 691 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 30 mm
Rn/W = 346 kN > Vu/nb = 72 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 276 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 12 mm
Rn/W = 138 kN > Vu/nb = 72 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection. - Table J2.5
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 342 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 8 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 5.6 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 326 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 3651 mm2
- Eqn.(J2-4)
Rn = Fw · Aw 1052 kN - Eqn.(J2-5)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 3651 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 526 kN > Vu = 288 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 70.71 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 70.00 mm c2 = 110 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h2 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (Pfb1/2+c2/2)+h2 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 3507 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 29 mm > tfc = 12 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 75.6 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 195 kN < Ffu = 323 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 305 kN < Ffu = 323 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 25.00 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N = 18.66 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 174 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 299 kN < Ffu = 323 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 255 kN < Ffu = 323 kN Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 128 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 855 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 63 mm < bs=b' = 96 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 6.50 mm < ts = 12.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.24 in
tsmin2 = 6.10 mm < ts = 12.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 1824 mm2 > Astmin = 855 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 3.76 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 2.47 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 546 kN > Rust = 128 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 293 kN > Rust = 128 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 144 kN > Rust = 128 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.85

Load factor ( M ) 0.90
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM194
Girder size H-194x150x6x9
Girder data d 194 mm
bf 150 mm
tw 6.0 mm
tf 9.0 mm
r 13 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 296214 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 39.87 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 98.94 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW150
Column size H-150x150x7x10
Column data dc 150 mm
bfc 150 mm
twc 7 mm
tfc 10 mm
r 11 mm
Ac 40.1 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 20 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 484 mm

no. 6 ea bp 150 mm
type 7 tp 24 mm
tension bolt no. 4 ea g 80 mm
Pf 41 mm
Pfb 90 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 6 Hori Stiff data b' 72 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 6 d' 130 mm
ts 10 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 10 mm

h 200 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK

Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 40 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 216 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 339 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pf1 - th / 2 + h
h1 = 249 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1)]
dbr = 11.80 mm < db = 20.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt x Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 314 mm2

Pt = 195 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1)
Mnp = 229 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 115 kN-m > Muc = 40 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s= 55 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 55 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+0.75 · Pfb)+h1 · (s+0.25 · Pfb)]+g/2
Yp = 2402 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 19 mm < tp = 24 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 - AISC(13) PART 16

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 360 kN > Ffu/2 = 108 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 2544 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 305 kN > Ffu/2 = 108 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 99 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 314 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 2
Ra = 104 kN > Vu = 99 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 461 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 20 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 24 mm
Rn/W = 230 kN > Vu/nb = 49 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 192 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 20 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 10 mm
Rn/W = 96 kN > Vu/nb = 49 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. - Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 150 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 6 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 4.2 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 138 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 1159 mm2

Rn = Fw · Aw 334 kN - Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa - Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 1159 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 167 kN > Vu = 99 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 54.77 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 50.00 mm c2 = 90.00 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 1527 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 24 mm > tfc = 10 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 22.86 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 124 kN < Ffu = 216 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 218 kN > Ffu = 216 kN No need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 21 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N= 13 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 128 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 272.3 kN > Ffu = 216 kN No need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 191 kN < Ffu = 216 kN Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 92 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 614 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 46.5 mm < bs=b' = 72.00 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 4.50 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.18 in
tsmin2 = 4.57 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 1040 mm2 > Astmin = 614 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 3.14 mm < m= 6.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 2.68 mm < m= 6.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 311 kN > Rust = 92 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 ·ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 162 kN > Rust = 92 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 94 kN > Rust = 92 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.70

Load factor ( M ) 0.95
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM244
Girder size H-244x175x7x11
Girder data d 244 mm
bf 175 mm
tw 7.0 mm
tf 11.0 mm
r 16 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 534772 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 76.10 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 119.56 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW200
Column size H-200x200x8x12
Column data dc 200 mm
bfc 200 mm
twc 8 mm
tfc 12 mm
r 13 mm
Ac 63.5 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 22 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 584 mm

no. 6 ea bp 175 mm
type 7 tp 24 mm
tension bolt no. 4 ea g 85 mm
Pf 49 mm
Pfb 90 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 8 Hori Stiff data b' 96 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 8 d' 176 mm
ts 10 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 10 mm

h 250 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK

Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 76 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 327 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 429 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pf1 - th / 2 + h
h1 = 339 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1)]
dbr = 14.26 mm < db = 22.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt x Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 380 mm2

Pt = 236 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1)
Mnp = 362 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 181 kN-m > Muc = 76 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s= 61 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 61 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+0.75 · Pfb)+h1 · (s+0.25 · Pfb)]+g/2
Yp = 3137 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 21 mm < tp = 24 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 - AISC(13) PART 16

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 420 kN > Ffu/2 = 163 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 3048 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 366 kN > Ffu/2 = 163 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 120 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 380 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 2
Ra = 125 kN > Vu = 120 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 507 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 22 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 24 mm
Rn/W = 253 kN > Vu/nb = 60 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 253 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 22 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 12 mm
Rn/W = 127 kN > Vu/nb = 60 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. - Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 190 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 8 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 5.6 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 174 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 1949 mm2

Rn = Fw · Aw 561 kN - Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa - Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 1949 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 281 kN > Vu = 120 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 65.19 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 60.00 mm c2 = 90.00 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 2142 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 25 mm > tfc = 12 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 46.18 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 198 kN < Ffu = 327 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 286 kN < Ffu = 327 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 25 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N= 17 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 174 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 299 kN < Ffu = 327 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 252 kN < Ffu = 327 kN Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 128 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 858 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 54.33 mm < bs=b' = 96.00 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 5.50 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.24 in
tsmin2 = 6.10 mm < ts = 10.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 1520 mm2 > Astmin = 858 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 3.14 mm < m= 8.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 2.48 mm < m= 8.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 455 kN > Rust = 128 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 ·ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 244 kN > Rust = 128 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 144 kN > Rust = 128 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.60

Load factor ( M ) 0.70
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM294
Girder size H-294x200x8x12
Girder data d 294 mm
bf 200 mm
tw 8.0 mm
tf 12.0 mm
r 18 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 822600 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 86.17 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 141.12 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW200
Column size H-200x200x8x12
Column data dc 200 mm
bfc 200 mm
twc 8 mm
tfc 12 mm
r 13 mm
Ac 63.5 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 24 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 684 mm

no. 6 ea bp 200 mm
type 7 tp 28 mm
tension bolt no. 4 ea g 100 mm
Pf 48 mm
Pfb 90 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 8 Hori Stiff data b' 96 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 8 d' 176 mm
ts 12 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 12 mm

h 300 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 86 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 306 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 528 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pf1 - th / 2 + h
h1 = 438 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1)]
dbr = 13.53 mm < db = 24.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt x Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

Pt = 280 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1)
Mnp = 542 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 271 kN-m > Muc = 86 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s= 71 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 71 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+0.75 · Pfb)+h1 · (s+0.25 · Pfb)]+g/2
Yp = 3806 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 23 mm < tp = 28 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 - AISC(13) PART 16

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 560 kN > Ffu/2 = 153 kN OK SPEC.J4.2

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 4144 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 497 kN > Ffu/2 = 153 kN OK SPEC.J4.2

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 141 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 2
Ra = 149 kN > Vu = 141 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 645 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 28 mm
Rn/W = 323 kN > Vu/nb = 71 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 276 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 12 mm
Rn/W = 138 kN > Vu/nb = 71 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal. - Table J2.5

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 234 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 8 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 5.6 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 218 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 2442 mm2

Rn = Fw · Aw 703 kN Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa - Eqn.(J2-4)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 2442 mm2 - Eqn.(J2-5)

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 352 kN > Vu = 141 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 70.71 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 60.00 mm c2 = 90.00 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h1 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 2398 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 29 mm > tfc = 12 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 51.69 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 183 kN < Ffu = 306 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 298 kN < Ffu = 306 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 25 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N= 18 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 174 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 299 kN < Ffu = 306 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 254 kN < Ffu = 306 kN Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 122 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 817 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 62.67 mm < bs=b' = 96.00 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 6.00 mm < ts = 12.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.24 in
tsmin2 = 6.10 mm < ts = 12.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 1824 mm2 > Astmin = 817 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 3.76 mm < m= 8.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 2.36 mm < m= 8.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 546 kN > Rust = 122 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 ·ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 293 kN > Rust = 122 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 144 kN > Rust = 122 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.95

Load factor ( M ) 0.70
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM340
Girder size H-340x250x9x14
Girder data d 340 mm
bf 250 mm
tw 9.0 mm
tf 14.0 mm
r 20 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 1360024 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 142.52 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 290.70 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW250
Column size H-250x250x9x14
Column data dc 250 mm
bfc 250 mm
twc 9 mm
tfc 14 mm
r 16 mm
Ac 92.2 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 24 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 730 mm

no. 10 ea bp 250 mm
type 8 tp 30 mm
tension bolt no. 6 ea g 130 mm
Pf 46 mm
Pfb 110 mm
Pfb1 110 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 8 Hori Stiff data b' 121 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 10 d' 222 mm
ts 15 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 15 mm

h 300 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 143 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 437 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 573 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - th / 2 + h
h1 = 463 mm
h2 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - th / 2 + h
h2 = 353 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt· (h0+h1+h2)]
dbr = 14.52 mm < db = 24.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Pt = Fnt · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

Pt = 280 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1+h2)
Mnp = 778 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 389 kN-m > Muc = 143 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s = 90.14 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 90.14 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h2 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+1.5 · Pfb)+h2 · (s+0.5 · Pfb1)]+g/2
Yp = 4755 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 17.42 mm < tp = 30 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 750 kN > Ffu/2 = 219 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 SPEC.J4.2

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 5940 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 713 kN > Ffu/2 = 219 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 291 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 4
Ra = 299 kN > Vu = 291 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 691 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 30 mm
Rn/W = 346 kN > Vu/nb = 73 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 323 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 14 mm
Rn/W = 161 kN > Vu/nb = 73 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection. - Table J2.5
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 272 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 8 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 5.6 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 256 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 2867 mm2
- Eqn.(J2-4)
Rn = Fw · Aw 826 kN - Eqn.(J2-5)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 2867 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 413 kN > Vu = 291 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 90.14 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 60.00 mm c2 = 110 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h2 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (Pfb1/2+c2/2)+h2 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 2838 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 32 mm > tfc = 14 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 83.28 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 255 kN < Ffu = 437 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 389 kN < Ffu = 437 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 30.00 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N = 19.66 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 218 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 340 kN < Ffu = 437 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 320 kN < Ffu = 437 kN Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 182 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 1214 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 79 mm < bs=b' = 121 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 7.00 mm < ts = 15.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.3 in
tsmin2 = 7.62 mm < ts = 15.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 3030 mm2 > Astmin = 1214 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 4.70 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 2.62 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 907 kN > Rust = 182 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 490 kN > Rust = 182 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 202 kN > Rust = 182 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.75

Load factor ( M ) 0.65
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM390
Girder size H-390x300x10x16
Girder data d 390 mm
bf 300 mm
tw 10.0 mm
tf 16.0 mm
r 22 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 2115610 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 205.86 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 292.50 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW300
Column size H-300x300x10x15
Column data dc 300 mm
bfc 300 mm
twc 10 mm
tfc 15 mm
r 18 mm
Ac 119.8 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 24 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 830 mm

no. 10 ea bp 300 mm
type 8 tp 30 mm
tension bolt no. 6 ea g 150 mm
Pf 54 mm
Pfb 110 mm
Pfb1 110 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 8 Hori Stiff data b' 145 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 10 d' 270 mm
ts 15 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 15 mm

h 350 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 206 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 550 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 663 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - th / 2 + h
h1 = 553 mm
h2 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - th / 2 + h
h2 = 443 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt· (h0+h1+h2)]
dbr = 15.97 mm < db = 24.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Pt = Fnt · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

Pt = 280 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1+h2)
Mnp = 930 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 465 kN-m > Muc = 206 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s = 106.1 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 106.1 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h2 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+1.5 · Pfb)+h2 · (s+0.5 · Pfb1)]+g/2
Yp = 5426 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 17.82 mm < tp = 30 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 900 kN > Ffu/2 = 275 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 SPEC.J4.2

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 7440 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 893 kN > Ffu/2 = 275 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 293 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 4
Ra = 299 kN > Vu = 293 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 691 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 30 mm
Rn/W = 346 kN > Vu/nb = 73 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 346 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 15 mm
Rn/W = 173 kN > Vu/nb = 73 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection. - Table J2.5
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 314 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 8 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 5.6 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 298 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 3338 mm2
- Eqn.(J2-4)
Rn = Fw · Aw 961 kN - Eqn.(J2-5)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 3338 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 481 kN > Vu = 293 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 106.1 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 70.00 mm c2 = 110 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h2 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (Pfb1/2+c2/2)+h2 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 3241 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 33 mm > tfc = 15 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 109.2 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 292 kN < Ffu = 550 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 466 kN < Ffu = 550 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 33.00 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N = 21.66 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 264 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 385 kN < Ffu = 550 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 387 kN < Ffu = 550 kN Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 259 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 1727 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 95 mm < bs=b' = 145 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 8.00 mm < ts = 15.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.36 in
tsmin2 = 9.14 mm < ts = 15.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 3750 mm2 > Astmin = 1727 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 4.70 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 2.95 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 1123 kN > Rust = 259 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 620 kN > Rust = 259 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 269 kN > Rust = 259 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.60

Load factor ( M ) 0.55
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM440
Girder size H-440x300x11x18
Girder data d 440 mm
bf 300 mm
tw 11.0 mm
tf 18.0 mm
r 24 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 2727644 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 224.57 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 290.40 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW300
Column size H-300x300x10x15
Column data dc 300 mm
bfc 300 mm
twc 10 mm
tfc 15 mm
r 18 mm
Ac 119.8 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 24 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 880 mm

no. 10 ea bp 300 mm
type 8 tp 30 mm
tension bolt no. 6 ea g 150 mm
Pf 52 mm
Pfb 110 mm
Pfb1 110 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 10 Hori Stiff data b' 145 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 10 d' 270 mm
ts 20 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 20 mm

h 350 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange

<Design Result Summary>

Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 225 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 532 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 710 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - th / 2 + h
h1 = 600 mm
h2 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - th / 2 + h
h2 = 490 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt· (h0+h1+h2)]
dbr = 16.01 mm < db = 24.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Pt = Fnt · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

Pt = 280 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1+h2)
Mnp = 1010 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 505 kN-m > Muc = 225 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s = 106.1 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 106.1 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h2 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+1.5 · Pfb)+h2 · (s+0.5 · Pfb1)]+g/2
Yp = 5923 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 17.78 mm < tp = 30 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 900 kN > Ffu/2 = 266 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 SPEC.J4.2

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 7440 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 893 kN > Ffu/2 = 266 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 290 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 4
Ra = 299 kN > Vu = 290 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 691 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 30 mm
Rn/W = 346 kN > Vu/nb = 73 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 346 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 15 mm
Rn/W = 173 kN > Vu/nb = 73 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection. - Table J2.5
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 356 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 10 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 7 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 336 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 4704 mm2
- Eqn.(J2-4)
Rn = Fw · Aw 1355 kN - Eqn.(J2-5)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 4704 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 678 kN > Vu = 290 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 106.1 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 70.00 mm c2 = 110 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h2 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (Pfb1/2+c2/2)+h2 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 3524 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 33 mm > tfc = 15 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 118.7 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 281 kN < Ffu = 532 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 472 kN < Ffu = 532 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 33.00 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N = 25.07 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 264 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 · √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 385 kN < Ffu = 532 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 394 kN < Ffu = 532 kN Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 251 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 1676 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 95 mm < bs=b' = 145 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 9.00 mm < ts = 20.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.36 in
tsmin2 = 9.14 mm < ts = 20.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 5000 mm2 > Astmin = 1676 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 6.27 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 2.86 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 1497 kN > Rust = 251 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 826 kN > Rust = 251 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 269 kN > Rust = 251 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.80

Load factor ( M ) 0.85
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM488
Girder size H-488x300x11x18
Girder data d 488 mm
bf 300 mm
tw 11.0 mm
tf 18.0 mm
r 26 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 3099836 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 394.40 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 429.44 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW350
Column size H-350x350x12x19
Column data dc 350 mm
bfc 350 mm
twc 12 mm
tfc 19 mm
r 20 mm
Ac 173.9 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 24 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 928 mm

no. 14 ea bp 300 mm
type 9 tp 30 mm
tension bolt no. 8 ea g 150 mm
Pf 52 mm
Pfb 110 mm
Pfb1 110 mm
Pfb2 110 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 10 Hori Stiff data b' 169 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 10 d' 312 mm
ts 20 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 20 mm

h 350 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange
<Design Result Summary>
Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 394 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 839 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 758 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - th / 2 + h
h1 = 648 mm
h2 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pbf1 - th / 2 + h
h2 = 538 mm
h3 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - Pfb2 - th / 2 + h
h3 = 428 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1+h2+h3)]
dbr = 18.48 mm < db = 24.00 mm OK SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

Pt = 280 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1+h2+h3)
Mnp = 1331 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 665 kN-m > Muc = 394 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s = 106.1 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 106.1 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h3 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+2.5 · Pfb)+h3 · (s+0.5 · Pfb2)]+g/2
Yp = 7091 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 18.65 mm < tp = 30 mm OK SPEC.J4.2
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 - AISC(13) PART 16

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 900 kN > Ffu/2 = 420 kN OK SPEC.J4.2

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 7440 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 893 kN > Ffu/2 = 420 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Vu = 429 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 6
Ra = 448 kN > Vu = 429 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 691 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 30 mm
Rn/W = 346 kN > Vu/nb = 72 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 438 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 19 mm
Rn/W = 219 kN > Vu/nb = 72 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode) - Table J2.5

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 400 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 10 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 7 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 380 mm - Eqn.(J2-4)
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 5320 mm2 - Eqn.(J2-5)

Rn = Fw · Aw 1532 kN Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 5320 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 766 kN > Vu = 429 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s= 115 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 70.00 mm c2 = 110 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h3 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 v (c1/2+c2/2)+h1 · (Pfb1/2+c2/2)+h2 · (Pfb1/2+Pfb2/2)+h3 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 4032 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 34.98 mm > tfc = 19 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 218 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 464 kN < Ffu = 839 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 638 kN < Ffu = 839 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 39.00 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N = 25.07 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 310 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 566 kN < Ffu = 839 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 v (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5
] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 568 kN < Ffu = 839 ton-m Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 376 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 2509 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 94 mm < bs=b' = 169 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 9.00 mm < ts = 20.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.41 in
tsmin2 = 10.41 mm < ts = 20.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts x (bs-clip)
Ast = 5960 mm2 > Astmin = 2509 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 6.27 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 3.62 mm < m = 10.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 1784 kN > Rust = 376 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 977 kN > Rust = 376 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 377 kN > Rust = 376 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.60

Load factor ( M ) 0.75
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM588
Girder size H-588x300x12x20
Girder data d 588 mm
bf 300 mm
tw 12.0 mm
tf 20.0 mm
r 28 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 4308912 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 483.75 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 423.36 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW350
Column size H-350x350x12x19
Column data dc 350 mm
bfc 350 mm
twc 12 mm
tfc 19 mm
r 20 mm
Ac 173.9 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 24 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 1078 mm

no. 14 ea bp 300 mm
type 9 tp 30 mm
tension bolt no. 8 ea g 150 mm
Pf 50 mm
Pfb 110 mm
Pfb1 110 mm
Pfb2 110 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 10 Hori Stiff data b' 169 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 12 d' 312 mm
ts 20 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 20 mm

h 400 mm

Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange

Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange
<Design Result Summary>
Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 484 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 852 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 908 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - th / 2 + h
h1 = 798 mm
h2 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pbf1 - th / 2 + h
h2 = 688 mm
h3 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - Pfb2 - th / 2 + h
h3 = 578 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1+h2+h3)]
dbr = 18.28 mm < db = 24.00 mm OK SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

Pt = 280 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1+h2+h3)
Mnp = 1667 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 834 kN-m > Muc = 484 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s = 106.1 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 106.1 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h3 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+2.5 · Pfb)+h3 · (s+0.5 · Pfb2)]+g/2
Yp = 8792 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp)
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 18.75 mm < tp = 30 mm OK SPEC.J4.2
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 - AISC(13) PART 16

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 900 kN > Ffu/2 = 426 kN OK SPEC.J4.2

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 7440 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 893 kN > Ffu/2 = 426 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

Vu = 423 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 6
Ra = 448 kN > Vu = 423 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 691 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 30 mm
Rn/W = 346 kN > Vu/nb = 71 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 438 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 19 mm
Rn/W = 219 kN > Vu/nb = 71 kN OK

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode) - Table J2.5

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 492 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 10 mm (minimum)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 7 mm
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 472 mm - Eqn.(J2-4)
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 6608 mm2 - Eqn.(J2-5)

Rn = Fw · Aw 1903 kN Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 6608 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 951.5 kN > Vu = 423 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s= 115 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 70.00 mm c2 = 110 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h3 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 v (c1/2+c2/2)+h1 · (Pfb1/2+c2/2)+h2 · (Pfb1/2+Pfb2/2)+h3 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 5110 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 34.78 mm > tfc = 19 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 276 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 486 kN < Ffu = 852 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 642 kN < Ffu = 852 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 39.00 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N = 27.07 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 310 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 566 kN < Ffu = 852 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 · [1+3 v (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5
] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 572 kN < Ffu = 852 ton-m Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 365 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 2441 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 94 mm < bs=b' = 169 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 10.00 mm < ts = 20.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.41 in
tsmin2 = 10.41 mm < ts = 20.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts x (bs-clip)
Ast = 5960 mm2 > Astmin = 2441 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 6.27 mm < m = 12.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 3.53 mm < m = 12.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 1784 kN > Rust = 365 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 977 kN > Rust = 365 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 377 kN > Rust = 365 kN OK

1  M Vs 0.4Fy tw  dc 
As     
cosθ  0.95 d  0.6Fy 0.6Fy 0.6 Fy 
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.45

Load factor ( M ) 0.75
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HN700
Girder size H-700x300x13x24
Girder data d 700 mm
bf 300 mm
tw 13.0 mm
tf 24.0 mm
r 28 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 6248788 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 701.55 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 409.50 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW400
Column size H-400x400x13x21
Column data dc 400 mm
bfc 400 mm
twc 13 mm
tfc 21 mm
r 22 mm
Ac 218.7 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 24 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 1240 mm

no. 16 ea bp 300 mm
type 9 tp 36 mm
tension bolt no. 10 ea g 150 mm
Pf 56 mm
Pfb 110 mm
Pfb1 110 mm
Pfb2 110 mm
Pfb3 110 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 12 Hori Stiff data b' 194 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 16 d' 358 mm
ts 24 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 24 mm

h 450 mm
Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange
Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange
<Design Result Summary>
Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 702 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 1038 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 1058 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - th / 2 + h
h1 = 948 mm
h2 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pbf1 - th / 2 + h
h2 = 838 mm
h3 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - Pfb2 - th / 2 + h
h3 = 728 mm
h4 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - Pfb2 - th / 2 + h
h4 = 618 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00 SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1+h2+h3+h4)]
dbr = 18.54 mm < db = 24.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt x Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

Pt = 280 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1+h2+h3+h4)
Mnp = 2350 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 1175 kN-m > Muc = 702 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s= 106 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 106 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h4 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+3.5 · Pfb)+h4 · (s+0.5 · Pfb3)]+g/2
Yp = 11331 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp) SPEC.J4.2
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 19.61 mm < tp = 36 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 1080 kN > Ffu/2 = 519 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 8928 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 1071 kN > Ffu/2 = 519 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 410 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 6
Ra = 448 kN > Vu = 410 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 829 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 36 mm
Rn/W = 415 kN > Vu/nb = 68 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 484 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 21 mm
Rn/W = 242 kN > Vu/nb = 68 kN OK
- Table J2.5

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 596 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 12 mm (minimum) - Eqn.(J2-4)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 8.4 mm - Eqn.(J2-5)
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 572 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 9610 mm2

Rn = Fw · Aw 2768 kN Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 9610 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 1384 kN > Vu = 410 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 122.5 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 80.00 mm c2 = 110 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h3 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (Pfb1/2+c2/2)+
h2 · (Pfb1/2+Pfb2/2)+h2 · (Pfb2/2+Pfb3/2)+h4 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 7865 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 33.29 mm > tfc = 21 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 519 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 768.1 kN < Ffu = 1038 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 785 kN < Ffu = 1038 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 43.00 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N = 32.48 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 356 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 627.1 kN < Ffu = 1038 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 x [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5
] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 680 kN < Ffu = 1038 ton-m Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 411 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 2743 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 93.5 mm < bs=b' = 194 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 12.00 mm < ts = 24.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.48 in
tsmin2 = 12.19 mm < ts = 24.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 8352 mm2 > Astmin = 2743 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 7.53 mm < m = 16.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 3.39 mm < m = 16.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 2501 kN > Rust = 411 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 1371 kN > Rust = 411 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 467 kN > Rust = 411 kN OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.45

Load factor ( M ) 0.70
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM800
Girder size H-800x300x14x26
Girder data d 800 mm
bf 300 mm
tw 14.0 mm
tf 26.0 mm
r 28 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) 7995464 mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 837.83 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 504.00 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW400
Column size H-400x400x13x21
Column data dc 400 mm
bfc 400 mm
twc 13 mm
tfc 21 mm
r 22 mm
Ac 218.7 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 30 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 1340 mm

no. 16 ea bp 300 mm
type 9 tp 36 mm
tension bolt no. 10 ea g 150 mm
Pf 54 mm
Pfb 110 mm
Pfb1 110 mm
Pfb2 110 mm
Pfb3 110 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 12 Hori Stiff data b' 194 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 16 d' 358 mm
ts 24 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 24 mm

h 450 mm
Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange
Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange
<Design Result Summary>
Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 838 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 1082 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 1158 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - th / 2 + h
h1 = 1048 mm
h2 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pbf1 - th / 2 + h
h2 = 938 mm
h3 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - Pfb2 - th / 2 + h
h3 = 828 mm
h4 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - Pfb2 - th / 2 + h
h4 = 718 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00 SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1+h2+h3+h4)]
dbr = 19.15 mm < db = 30.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt x Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 707 mm2

Pt = 438 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1+h2+h3+h4)
Mnp = 4111 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 2055 kN-m > Muc = 838 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s= 106 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 106 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h4 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+3.5 · Pfb)+h4 · (s+0.5 · Pfb3)]+g/2
Yp = 12627 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp) SPEC.J4.2
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 24.57 mm < tp = 36 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 1080 kN > Ffu/2 = 541 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 8496 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 1020 kN > Ffu/2 = 541 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 504 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 707 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 6
Ra = 700 kN > Vu = 504 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 1037 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 30 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 36 mm
Rn/W = 518 kN > Vu/nb = 84 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 605 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 30 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 21 mm
Rn/W = 302 kN > Vu/nb = 84 kN OK
- Table J2.5

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 692 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 12 mm (minimum) - Eqn.(J2-4)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 8.4 mm - Eqn.(J2-5)
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 668 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 11222 mm2

Rn = Fw · Aw 3232 kN Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 11222 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 1616 kN > Vu = 504 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 122.5 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 80.00 mm c2 = 110 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h3 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (Pfb1/2+c2/2)+
h2 · (Pfb1/2+Pfb2/2)+h2 · (Pfb2/2+Pfb3/2)+h4 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 8811 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 41.59 mm > tfc = 21 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 582 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 751.6 kN < Ffu = 1082 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 790 kN < Ffu = 1082 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 43.00 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N = 34.48 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 356 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 627.1 kN < Ffu = 1082 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 x [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5
] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 684 kN < Ffu = 1082 ton-m Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 455 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 3042 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 93.5 mm < bs=b' = 194 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 13.00 mm < ts = 24.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.48 in
tsmin2 = 12.19 mm < ts = 24.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 8352 mm2 > Astmin = 3042 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 7.53 mm < m = 16.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 3.76 mm < m = 16.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 2501 kN > Rust = 455 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 1371 kN > Rust = 455 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 467 kN > Rust = 455 kN OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

1) Sketch and Input Data for End-plate type Connection

Load factor ( V ) 0.30

Load factor ( M ) 0.60
Wide Flange Shape Material Properties
Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Girder HM900
Girder size H-900x300x16x28
Girder data d 900 mm
bf 300 mm
tw 16.0 mm
tf 28.0 mm
r 28 mm
Plastic Modulus (Zx) ### mm3 - AISC(13) PART 16 Spec.F2

Allowable Moment (M) 913.86 kN-m - AISC(13) PART 16

Allowable Shear (V) 432.00 kN Spec.G1~2

Column HW400
Column size H-400x400x13x21
Column data dc 400 mm
bfc 400 mm
twc 13 mm
tfc 21 mm
r 22 mm
Ac 218.7 cm2

Other Steel Member Material Properties

Fu = 400 Mpa - ASTM A36

Fy = 250 Mpa - ASTM A36

Bolt data M 24 (A325 N type) End plate data dp 1440 mm

no. 16 ea bp 300 mm
type 9 tp 36 mm
tension bolt no. 10 ea g 150 mm
Pf 52 mm
Pfb 110 mm
Pfb1 110 mm
Pfb2 110 mm
Pfb3 110 mm
c 50 mm
Welding data girder weld thk (n) 12 Hori Stiff data b' 194 mm
stiffner weld thk (m) 16 d' 358 mm
ts 24 mm

Hunch Stiff data th 24 mm

h 450 mm
Pf = distance from centerline of up bolt to surface of the tension flange
Pfb = distance from centerline of bellow bolt to surface of the tension flange
<Design Result Summary>
Beam Side
1. End Plate OK
2. Bolts OK
3. Welding girder web OK
Column Side
4. Stiffner plate OK
welding OK
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

2) Design of Moment - AISC Design Guide No.4

(1) Connection Design Forces 2nd Edition

a) Allowable Flexural Strength

Ma = 914 kN-m
d) Flange Force
Ffu = Ma / ( d - tf ) = 1048 kN
(2) Plate Thickness (tp)
a) Required bolt Diameter
h0 = d - tf - Pf - th / 2 + h
h0 = 1258 mm
h1 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - th / 2 + h
h1 = 1148 mm
h2 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pbf1 - th / 2 + h
h2 = 1038 mm
h3 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - Pfb2 - th / 2 + h
h3 = 928 mm
h4 = d - tf - Pf - Pfb - Pfb1 - Pfb2 - th / 2 + h
h4 = 818 mm
- bolt diameter Wt = Wv = 2.00 SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2
dbr = √[2 · Muc · W / pFnt · (h0+h1+h2+h3+h4)]
dbr = 19.02 mm < db = 24.00 mm OK
b) No Prying Bolt Moment
- bolt tensile strength - AISC(13) PART 16

Pt = Fnt x Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnt : Nominal Tension Stress = 0.620 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-2

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

Pt = 280 kN
- no prying bolt moment strength
Mnp = 2 · Pt · (h0+h1+h2+h3+h4)
Mnp = 2911 kN-m
Mnp/Wt = 1456 kN-m > Muc = 914 kN-m OK
c) End Plate Yield Line Mechanism Parameter
s = 1/2 · √(bp · g)
s= 106 mm < Pfb use Pfb = 106 mm
Yp = bp/2 · [h0 · (1/Pf)+h4 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (Pf+3.5 · Pfb)+h4 · (s+0.5 · Pfb3)]+g/2
Yp = 13947 mm
d) Plate thickness (tp) SPEC.J4.2
tpr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fy/Wb · Yp)]
tpr = 19.67 mm < tp = 36 mm OK
(3) End Plate Shear Check
a) Shear Yielding of Extended Portion of End Plate W= 1.50 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 0.60 · Fy/W · Ag = 0.60 · Fy/W · bp · tp SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 1080 kN > Ffu/2 = 524 kN OK

b) Shear Rupture of Extended Portion of End Plate
Rn/W = 0.60 · Fu/W · An W= 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

An = [bp - 2 · (db+hole all)] · tp= 8928 mm2 SPEC.J4.2

Rn/W = 1071 kN > Ffu/2 = 524 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

3) Design of Shear
Vu = 432 kN
(1) Check Compression Bolts Shear Rupture Strength Wt = Wv = 2.00 - AISC(13) PART 16

Ra = Rnv/Wv = nb · Fnv/Wv · Ab SPEC.J3.6 TABLE J3.2

where, - AISC(13) PART 7

Fnv : Nominal Shear Stress = 0.330 kN/mm2 TABLE 7-1

Ab : Section Area per bolt = 452 mm2

nb : number of bolts at the compression flange = 6
Ra = 448 kN > Vu = 432 kN OK
(2) Check Bearing strength at bolt holes W= 2.00
a) End Plate
Rn = 2.4 · db · tp · Fu = 829 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tp : End plate thickness = 36 mm
Rn/W = 415 kN > Vu/nb = 72 kN OK

b) Column Flange
Rn = 2.4 · db · tfc · Fu = 484 kN
where, db : Norminal bolt diameter = 24 mm
tfc : Column flange thickness = 21 mm
Rn/W = 242 kN > Vu/nb = 72 kN OK
- Table J2.5

4) Welding Design (E70XX electrode)

(1) Beam Flange to End Plate Weld
Complete-Joint-Pentration Groove Welds is applied to this connection.
Tension and Compression Normal to weld asxis. Table J2.5

Strength of the jonit is controlled by the base metal.

(2) Beam Web to End Plate Weld W= 2.00

a) Welding Length (L) = 788 mm
b) Wedling thickness (S) = 12 mm (minimum) - Eqn.(J2-4)
c) Effective Throat (a) = 0.7 · S = 8.4 mm - Eqn.(J2-5)
d) Effective Length = L - 2S = 764 mm
e) Effective Area (both sides of web) = 12835 mm2

Rn = Fw · Aw 3697 kN Eqn.(J2-4)

where, Fw = 0.60 · FEXX · (1.0 + 0.50 sin 1.5 θ) = 288 Mpa Eqn.(J2-5)

Aw = Effective area of the weld = 12835 mm2

FEXX : Electrode classification number = 70 ksi = 480 Mpa (Approx.)

Rn/W = 1849 kN > Vu = 432 kN OK

JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

5) Column Stiffener Check

(1) Column Flange Flexural Yielding - AISC Design Guide No.4

a) Column Flange Yield Line Mechanism Parameter 2nd Edition

s = 1/2 · √(bfc · g)
s = 122.5 mm
c1 = Pf+tf c2 = Pfb
c1 = 80.00 mm c2 = 110 mm
Yc = bfc/2 · [h3 · (1/s)] + 2/g · [h0 · (c1+c2/2)+h1 · (Pfb1/2+c2/2)+
h2 · (Pfb1/2+Pfb2/2)+h2 · (Pfb2/2+Pfb3/2)+h4 · (s)]+g/2
Yc = 9758 mm
b) Required Unstiffened Column Flange Thickness (tfcr)
tfcr = √[(1.11 · Mnp/Wt) / (Fyc/Wb · Yc)]
tfcr = 33.26 mm > tfc = 21 mm Need Stiffener
(2) Calculate Strength of Unstiffened Column Flange to Determine Stiffener Design Force
a) Calculate Local Flange Bending Wb = 1.67
Mcf/Wb= Fy/Wb · Yc · tfc2
Mcf/Wb= 644 kN-m
Rn/W1 = Mcf/Wb / (d-tf)
Rn/W1 = 738.8 kN < Ffu = 1048 kN Need Stiffener
b) Calculate Local Web Yielding Strength W= 1.50
Rn/W2 = Ct · (6 · kc+N+2 · tp) Fy/W · twc
Rn/W2 = 794 kN < Ffu = 1048 kN Need Stiffener
Ct : 0.50 if the distance from the column top to the top face of beam flange is less than the
depth of column, otherwise 1.00
Ct = 1.00
kc : the distance from outer face of column flange to web toe of the flange-to-web toe fillet
kc = 43.00 mm
N = tf+0.707n
N = 36.48 mm
c) Calculate Web Buckling Strength W= 1.67
h = (dc-2r)/twc · twc
h= 356 mm
Rn/W3 = 24 · twc3 √(E/Fy) / Wh
Rn/W3 = 627.1 kN < Ffu = 1048 kN Need Stiffener
d) Calculate Web Crippling Strength W= 2.00
Rn/W4 = 0.80 · twc2 x [1+3 · (N/dc) · (twc/tfc) · 1.5
] · √(E · Fy · tfc / twc) / W
Rn/W4 = 688 kN < Ffu = 1048 ton-m Need Stiffener
JOB CODE: 5578/7T61 Page

6) Column Stiffener Reinforcement Design

(1) Calculate the Stiffener Design Force - AISC Design Guide No.13

Required Strength for the transverse stiffeners

Rust = Ffu - min Rn/W
Rust = 421 kN
(2) Design the transverse stiffeners
a) Required minimum cross sectional area
Astmin = WRust / Fyst W= 1.67
Astmin = 2811 mm2
b) Minimum width
bsmin = b/3 - tpz/2
bsmin = 93.5 mm < bs=b' = 194 mm OK
c) Minimum thickness
tsmin1 = t/2
tsmin1 = 14.00 mm < ts = 24.00 mm OK
tsmin2 = bs · √(Fyst) / 95 use bs in inch and Fyst in ksi
tsmin2 = 0.48 in
tsmin2 = 12.19 mm < ts = 24.00 mm OK
d) Actual Cross sectional area
Ast = 2 · ts · (bs-clip)
Ast = 8352 mm2 > Astmin = 2811 mm2 OK
e) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Flange
wmin = Fyst/W · ts / [0.75 · (1.5 · 0.6 · FEXX) · √2] W= 1.67
wmin = 7.53 mm < m = 16.00 mm OK
f) Weld Size Stiffener Connection to Web
wmin = Rust · W / (0.75 · 0.6 · FEXX · (l-2 · clip) · 2 · √2) W= 1.67
wmin = 3.47 mm < m = 16.00 mm OK
g) Shear Strength check at stiffener
Rn/Wmax1 = Fyst/W · 4 · (bs-clip) · ts
Rn/Wmax1 = 2501 kN > Rust = 421 kN OK
Rn/Wmax2 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · (l-2 · clip) · 2ts
Rn/Wmax2 = 1371 kN > Rust = 421 kN OK
Rn/Wmax3 = 0.6 · Fyst/W · dc · tpz
Rn/Wmax3 = 467 kN > Rust = 421 kN OK

bending 0.7 fb 1584 kg/cm2 AISC Spec. F1-1

shear 0.4 fv 960 kg/cm2 AISC Spec. F4-1
Axial 0.6 fa 1440 kg/cm2 AISC Spec. D1
unit mm mm mm mm mm cm2 kg/m cm4 cm4
C100 C-100x50x5x7.5 100 50 5 7.5 8 11.9 9.36 189.0 26.9
C125 C-125x65x6x8 125 65 6 8.0 8 17.1 13.40 425.0 65.5
C150 C-150x75x6.5x10 150 75 6.5 10.0 10 23.7 18.60 864.0 122.0
C200 C-200x80x7.5x11 200 80 7.5 11.0 12 31.3 24.60 1950.0 177.0
C200 C-200x90x8x13.5 200 90 8 13.5 14 38.7 30.30 2490.0 286.0
C250 C-250x90x9x13 250 90 9 13.0 14 44.1 34.60 4180.0 294.0
C300 C-300x90x9x13 300 90 9 13.0 14 48.6 38.10 6440.0 309.0
C380-1 C-380x100x10.5x16 380 100 10.5 16.0 18 69.7 54.50 14500.0 535.0
C380-2 C-380x100x13x20 380 100 13 20.0 24 85.7 67.30 17600.0 655.0
2-C100 2-C-100x50x5x7.5 100 50 5 7.5 8 23.8 18.72 378.0 173.4
2-C125 2-C-125x65x6x8 125 65 6 8.0 8 34.2 26.80 850.0 362.3
2-C150 2-C-150x75x6.5x10 150 75 6.5 10.0 10 47.4 37.20 1728.0 665.1
2-C200x80 2-C-200x80x7.5x11 200 80 7.5 11.0 12 62.7 49.20 3900.0 921.7
2-C200x90 2-C-200x90x8x13.5 200 90 8 13.5 14 77.3 60.60 4980.0 1540.7
2-C250 2-C-250x90x9x13 250 90 9 13.0 14 88.1 69.20 8360.0 1490.6
2-C300 2-C-300x90x9x13 300 90 9 13.0 14 97.1 76.20 12880.0 1504.0
2-C380-1 C-380x100x10.5x16 380 100 10.5 16.0 18 139.4 109.00 29000.0 2506.2
2-C380-2 C-380x100x13x20 380 100 13 20.0 24 171.4 134.60 35200.0 3222.3
T125 T-125x125x6x9 125 125 6 9.0 12 18.8 14.80 248.0 147.0
T150 T-150x150x6.5x9 150 150 6.5 9.0 13 23.4 18.40 464.0 254.0
T200 T-200x200x8x13 200 200 8 13.0 16 42.1 33.00 1400.0 868.0
T300 T-300x200x11x17 300 200 11 17.0 22 67.2 52.80 5810.0 1140.0
2-T125 2-T-125x125x6x9 125 125 6 9.0 12 37.7 29.60 1408.2 294.0
2-T150 2-T-150x150x6.5x9 150 150 6.5 9.0 13 46.8 36.80 2508.4 508.0
2-T200 2-T-200x200x8x13 200 200 8 13.0 16 84.1 66.00 6889.1 1736.0
2-T300 2-T-300x200x11x17 300 200 11 17.0 22 134.4 105.60 31688.8 2280.0
HN200 H-200x100x5.5x8 200 100 5.5 8.0 11 27.2 21.30 1840.0 134.0
HN250 H-250x125x6x9 250 125 6 9.0 12 37.7 29.60 4050.0 294.0
HN300 H-300x150x6.5x9 300 150 6.5 9.0 13 46.8 36.70 7210.0 508.0
HN350 H-350x175x7x11 350 175 7 11.0 14 63.1 49.60 13600.0 984.0
HN400 H-400x200x8x13 400 200 8 13.0 16 84.1 66.00 23700.0 1740.0
HN450 H-450x200x9x14 450 200 9 14.0 18 96.8 76.00 33500.0 1870.0
HN500 H-500x200x10x16 500 200 10 16.0 20 114.2 89.70 47800.0 2140.0
HN600 H-600x200x11x17 600 200 11 17.0 22 134.4 106.00 77600.0 2280.0
HM148 H-148x100x6x9 148 100 6 9.0 11 26.8 21.10 1020.0 151.0
HM194 H-194x150x6x9 194 150 6 9.0 13 39.0 30.60 2690.0 507.0
HM244 H-244x175x7x11 244 175 7 11.0 16 56.2 44.10 6120.0 984.0
HM294 H-294x200x8x12 294 200 8 12.0 18 72.4 56.80 11300.0 1600.0

77 쪽

HM340 H-340x250x9x14 340 250 9 14.0 20 101.5 79.90 21700.0 3650.0

HM390 H-390x300x10x16 390 300 10 16.0 22 136.0 107.00 38700.0 7210.0
HM440 H-440x300x11x18 440 300 11 18.0 24 157.4 124.00 56100.0 8110.0
HM488 H-488x300x11x18 488 300 11 18.0 26 163.5 128.00 71000.0 8110.0
HM588 H-588x300x12x20 588 300 12 20.0 28 192.5 151.00 118000.0 9020.0
HN700 H-700x300x13x24 700 300 13 24.0 28 235.5 185.00 201000.0 10800.0
HW100 H-100x100X6x8 100 100 6 8.0 10 21.9 17.20 383.0 134.0
HW125 H-125x125x6.5x9 125 125 6.5 9.0 10 30.3 23.80 847.0 293.0
HW150 H-150x150x7x10 150 150 7 10.0 11 40.1 31.50 1640.0 563.0
HW175 H-175x175x7.5x11 175 175 7.5 11.0 12 51.2 40.20 2880.0 984.0
HW200 H-200x200x8x12 200 200 8 12.0 13 63.5 49.90 4720.0 1600.0
HW250 H-250x250x9x14 250 250 9 14.0 16 92.2 72.40 10800.0 3650.0
HW255 H-250x255x14x14 250 255 14 14.0 16 104.7 82.20 11500.0 3880.0
HW302 H-294x302x12x12 294 302 12 12.0 18 107.7 84.50 16900.0 5520.0
HW300 H-300x300x10x15 300 300 10 15.0 18 119.8 94.00 20400.0 6750.0
HW348 H-344x348x10x16 344 348 10 16.0 20 146.0 115.00 33300.0 11200.0
HW350 H-350x350x12x19 350 350 12 19.0 20 173.9 136.00 40300.0 13600.0
HW400 H-400x400x13x21 400 400 13 21.0 22 218.7 172.00 66600.0 22400.0
HW402 H-388x402x15x15 388 402 15 15.0 22 178.5 140.00 49000.0 16300.0
HW398 H-394x398x11x18 394 398 11 18.0 22 186.8 147.00 56100.0 18900.0
HW408 H-400x408x21x21 400 408 21 21.0 22 250.7 197.00 70900.0 23800.0
HW405 H-414x405x18x28 414 405 18 28.0 22 295.4 232.00 92800.0 31000.0
HW407 H-428x407x20x35 428 407 20 35.0 22 360.7 283.00 119000.0 39400.0
HW417 H-458x417x30x50 458 417 30 50.0 22 528.6 415.00 187000.0 60500.0
HM482 H-482X300X11X15 482 300 11 15.0 26 145.5 114.00 60400.0 6760.0
HM582 H-582x300x12x17 582 300 12 17.0 28 174.5 137.00 103000.0 7670.0
HM700 H-700x300x13x24 700 300 13 24.0 28 235.5 185.00 201000.0 10800.0
HM800 H-800x300x14x26 800 300 14 26.0 28 267.4 210.00 292000.0 11700.0
HM900 H-900x300x16x28 900 300 16 28.0 28 309.8 243.00 411000.0 12600.0
HM912 H-912x302x18x34 912 302 18 34.0 18 360.1 283.00 491000.0 15700.0
L50 L-50x50x6 50 50 6 6.5 5.6 4.43 12.6 12.6
L65 L-65x65x6 65 65 6 8.5 7.5 5.91 29.4 29.4
L75 L-75x75x6 75 75 6 8.5 8.7 6.85 46.1 46.1
L90 L-90x90x10 90 90 10 10 17.0 13.30 125.0 125.0
L100 L-100x100x7 100 100 7 10 13.6 10.70 129.0 129.0
L100 L-100x100x10 100 100 10 10 19.0 14.90 175.00 175.00
L130 L-130x130x12 130 130 12 12 29.8 23.40 467.00 467.00
L150 L-150x150x15 150 150 15 14 42.7 33.60 888.00 888.00
L175 L-175x175x15 175 175 15 15 50.2 39.40 1440.00 1440.00
L200 L-200x200x20 200 200 20 17 76.0 59.70 2820.00 2820.00
60 ☞ Please Retry ! ! !
61 C-100x50x20x3.2 100 50 3.2 3.2 7.0 5.50 107.0 24.5
62 C-125x50x20x3.2 125 50 3.2 3.2 7.8 6.13 181.0 26.6

78 쪽

63 C-150x50x20x3.2 150 50 3.2 3.2 8.6 6.76 280.0 28.3

64 C-150x75x25x3.2 150 75 3.2 3.2 10.5 8.26 375.0 83.6
65 C-100x50x20X2.3 100 50 2.3 2.3 5.2 4.06 80.7 19.0
66 L-75x75x9 75 75 9 8.5 12.7 9.96 64.4 64.4
67 L-120x120x8 120 120 8 12 18.8 14.70 258.00 258.00
68 L-130x130x9 130 130 9 12 22.7 17.90 366.00 366.00

79 쪽

Fy = 2400 kg/cm2

ix iy Zx Zy Cy or ib Iu Iv iu iv
cm cm cm3 cm3 cm cm4 cm4 cm cm
3.98 1.50 37.8 7.82 1.55
4.99 1.96 68.0 14.40 1.94
6.04 2.27 115.0 23.60 2.31
7.89 2.38 195.0 30.80 2.24
8.03 2.72 249.0 45.90 2.77
9.74 2.58 334.0 44.50
11.50 2.52 429.0 45.70
14.50 2.78 763.0 70.50
14.30 2.76 926.0 87.80
3.98 2.70
4.98 3.25
6.04 3.75
7.89 3.84
8.03 4.46
9.74 4.11
11.51 3.93
14.42 4.24
14.33 4.34
3.63 2.79 25.6 23.50
4.45 3.29 40.0 33.80
5.76 4.54 88.6 86.80
9.30 4.12 262.0 114.00
6.11 2.79
7.32 3.30
9.05 4.54
15.35 4.12
8.24 2.22 184.0 26.80 2.60
10.40 2.79 324.0 47.00 3.26
12.40 3.29 481.0 67.70 3.87
14.70 3.95 775.0 112.00 4.58
16.80 4.54 1190.0 174.00 5.26
18.60 4.40 1490.0 187.00 5.18
20.50 4.33 1910.0 214.00 5.14
24.00 4.12 2590.0 228.00 5.01
6.17 2.37 138.0 30.10 2.68
8.30 3.61 277.0 67.60 4.03
10.40 4.18 502.0 113.00 4.68
12.50 4.71 771.0 160.00 5.32

80 쪽

14.60 6.00 1280.0 292.00

16.90 7.28 1980.0 481.00 8.10
18.90 7.18 2550.0 541.00 8.05
20.80 7.04 2910.0 541.00 7.97
24.80 6.85 4020.0 601.00 7.87
29.30 6.78 5760.0 722.00
4.18 2.47 76.5 26.70 2.73 4.18 2.47 4.18 2.47
5.29 3.11 136.0 47.00 3.43 5.29 3.11 5.29 3.11
6.39 3.75 219.0 75.10 4.12 6.39 3.75 6.39 3.75
7.50 4.38 330.0 112.00 4.81 7.50 4.38 7.50 4.38
8.62 5.02 472.0 160.00 5.50 8.62 5.02 8.62 5.02
10.80 6.29 867.0 292.00 6.87 10.80 6.29 10.80 6.29
10.50 6.09 919.0 304.00
12.50 7.16 1150.0 365.00
13.10 7.51 1360.0 450.00 8.23 13.10 7.51 13.10 7.51
15.10 8.78 1940.0 646.00
15.20 8.84 2300.0 776.00 9.65 15.20 8.84 15.20 8.84
17.50 10.10 3330.0 1120.00 11.03 17.50 10.10 17.50 10.10
16.60 9.54 2520.0 809.00
17.30 10.10 2850.0 951.00
16.80 9.75 3540.0 1170.00
17.70 10.20 4480.0 1530.00 11.23 17.70 10.20 17.70 10.20
18.20 10.40 5570.0 1930.00
18.80 10.70 8170.0 2900.00
20.40 6.82 2500.0 451.00 7.83
24.30 6.63 3530.0 511.00 7.74
29.30 6.78 5760.0 722.00 7.86
33.00 6.62 7290.0 782.00 7.80
36.40 6.39 9140.0 843.00 7.68
36.90 6.56 10800.0 1040.00
1.50 1.50 3.55 3.55 20.00 5.24 1.88 0.96
1.98 1.98 6.27 6.27 46.60 12.10 2.49 1.27
2.30 2.30 8.47 8.47 73.20 19.00 2.90 1.47
2.71 2.71 19.50 19.50 199.00 51.70 3.42 1.74
3.08 3.08 17.70 17.70 205.00 53.10 3.88 1.97
3.03 3.03 24.40 24.40 278.00 71.90 3.83 1.95
3.96 3.96 49.90 49.90 743.00 192.00 5.00 2.54
4.56 4.56 82.60 82.60 1410.00 365.00 5.75 2.92
5.35 5.35 114.00 114.00 2290.00 588.00 6.75 3.42
6.09 6.09 197.00 197.00 4490.00 4490.00 7.68 3.90

3.90 1.87 21.3 7.81 1.86 3.90 1.87 3.90 1.87

4.82 1.85 29.0 8.02 1.68 4.82 1.85 4.82 1.85

81 쪽

5.71 1.81 37.4 8.19 1.54 5.71 1.81 5.71 1.81

5.97 2.82 50.0 17.30 2.66 5.97 2.82 5.97 2.82
3.95 1.92 16.1 6.06 1.86 3.95 1.92 3.95 1.92
2.25 2.25 12.10 12.10 102.00 26.70 2.84 1.45
3.71 3.71 29.50 29.50 410.00 106.00 4.68 2.38
4.01 4.01 38.70 38.70 583.00 150.00 5.06 2.57

82 쪽

Cx=Cy M full S full N full

cm ton.m ton ton
0.60 4.80 17.16
1.08 7.20 24.64
1.82 9.36 34.14
3.09 14.40 45.12
3.94 15.36 55.66

34.33 2 1.4 1.54

49.28 2 1.4 1.90
68.28 2 1.4 2.28
90.23 2 1.6 2.21
111.31 2 1.6 2.74
126.92 2 1.6 2.40
139.88 2 1.6 2.22
2 1.60 2.41
2 1.60 2.54
1.4 2.78
1.4 3.41
1.4 4.23
1.6 7.84
2.91 10.56 39.11
5.13 14.40 54.23
7.62 18.72 67.36
12.28 23.52 90.92
18.85 30.72 121.13
23.60 38.88 139.33
30.25 48.00 164.45
41.03 63.36 193.54
2.19 8.52 38.65
4.39 11.17 56.17
7.95 16.40 80.99
12.21 22.58 104.23

83 쪽

20.28 29.38 146.16

31.36 37.44 195.84
40.39 46.46 226.66
46.09 51.53 235.44
63.68 67.74 277.20
91.24 87.36 339.12
2.47 1.21 5.76 31.54
3.11 2.15 7.80 43.65
3.75 3.47 10.08 57.80
4.38 5.23 12.60 73.74
5.02 7.48 15.36 91.48
6.29 13.73 21.60 132.74
14.56 33.60 150.77
18.22 33.87 155.09
7.51 21.54 28.80 172.51
30.73 33.02 210.24
8.84 36.43 40.32 250.42
10.10 52.75 49.92 314.93
39.92 55.87 257.04
45.14 41.61 268.99
56.07 80.64 361.01
10.20 70.96 71.54 425.38
88.23 82.18 519.41
129.41 131.90 761.18
39.60 50.90 209.52
55.92 67.05 251.28
91.24 87.36 339.12
115.47 107.52 385.06
144.78 138.24 446.11
171.07 157.59 518.54


84 쪽


85 쪽

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