ICARE-Preweek-FAR - TOA (SME and SE)
ICARE-Preweek-FAR - TOA (SME and SE)
ICARE-Preweek-FAR - TOA (SME and SE)
San Sebastian
Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines
Mobile : 0927 283 8234
Telephone : (043) 723 8412
Gmail : [email protected]
Minimum line items on the face of the Same as in full PFRS except that impairment loss is not required to be presented separately. There are no prescribed minimum line items.
statement of comprehensive income or
statement of income
Statement of changes in equity Same as in full PFRS, but does not provide option for presentation of dividends. There are no specific guidelines.
Investment property held under operating lease is initially measured at the lower between fair value
and present value of minimum lease payments.
Investment property whose fair value can be determined reliably without undue cost or effort shall
be subsequently measured using the fair value model. All other investments shall be measured using Same as in PFRS for SMEs, except that no further requirement to disclose
the cost model. fair value under the cost model.
Research and development Recognized as expense when incurred. Same as in PFRS for SMEs.
Intangible assets whose Amortized based on management’s best estimate, but not to exceed 10 years. Same as in PFRS for SMEs.
estimated useful life cannot
be determined reliably.
Income tax Same as in full PFRS Choice between accrual of
(a) Current tax only (payable or receivable) and
(b) Current and deferred income tax.
When (b) is opted, both the current and deferred taxes are recognized in
profit or loss.
Leases Account as finance lease when the lease transfers substantially the risks and rewards of ownership Account for all leases as operating lease.
to the lessee. Otherwise, record the lease (based on old PAS 16 under full PFRS). However, under
operating leases, there is no requirement to account for lease payments under the straight-line
Borrowing costs Recorded as expenses Same as in PFRS for SMEs.
Employee benefits Same as in PFRS except that the use of projected unit credit method (PUCM) may be waived if entity All employee benefit costs are taken to profit or loss, unless it forms part
is not able to use it without undue cost or effort. A simplified approach that ignores future salary of an asset account.
increases, future services and mortality of current employees is used in lieu of PUCM.
Option may be exercised to treat actuarial gains and losses in
(a) Profit or loss or
(b) Partly in profit or loss and partly in OCI.
Disclosure requirements Substantially reduced Substantially reduced
Source: Empleo, P.M. (2020). Intermediate Financial Reporting. La Limariza Printing Press.