(WWW - Jkssb.nic - In) Advertisement Notice No. 05 of 2013 Dated: 02-03 - 2013
(WWW - Jkssb.nic - In) Advertisement Notice No. 05 of 2013 Dated: 02-03 - 2013
(WWW - Jkssb.nic - In) Advertisement Notice No. 05 of 2013 Dated: 02-03 - 2013
(a) Date of sale of OMR/ICR application forms: 04. 03. 2013 to 15 .03.2013
(b) Date of receipt of OMR/ICR application forms: 05. 03. 2013 to 31.03.2013
Filled-in OMR/ICR application forms are invited form the eligible candidates for participating in the selection
process to be followed for the posts shown against Item code No’s mentioned in the Annexure “A-1” and “A-2” in
respect of Kashmir/ Jammu Divisional Cadre posts & Annexure “B-1 to B-20” in respect of District Cadre posts, to
this notification who are:-
(1) Permanent residents of J&K State.
(2) Having age as on 01.01.2013 not:-
(i) below 18 years; and
(ii) above :-
(a) 37 years in case of Open Merit.
(b) 40 years in case of SC / ST/ RBA/ ALC/ OSC candidates.
(c ) 39 years in case of Physically challenged candidates.
(d) 48 years in case of Ex-Servicemen.
(e) 40 years in case of candidates already in Government Service/
Contractual employees;
(3) In possession of the prescribed academic / professional / technical qualifications and fulfill all other eligibility
conditions wherever required as shown against each post in the Annexures by or before last date of
receipt/submission of application forms i.e 31.3.2013 .
(4) That the salary of the selectees on appointment under this notification shall be governed in terms of Govt.
Order No.257-F of 2011 dated.27.10.2011, for the initial period of five years of service. The pay of direct
recruits to the services to which these Rules apply, shall be regulated as per the fixed monthly salary shown in
the Table below:
S. Pay Band Grade Fixed Medical Total Salary Fixed Medical Total Salary
No Pay Salary (Rs. Allowance (Rs. Per Salary (Rs. Allowance during next 3
Per month month for Per month years (Rs.
for 1st two 1st two during next Per month)
years) years) 3 years)
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
01 5200- 1800 3500 300 3800 5250 300 5550
20200 1900 3550 300 3850 5330 300 5630
PB-I 2400 3800 300 4100 5700 300 6000
2800 4000 300 4300 6000 300 6300
02 9300- 4200 6750 300 7050 10130 300 10430
34800 4240 6770 300 7070 10160 300 10460
PB-II 4260 6780 300 7080 10170 300 10470
4280 6790 300 7090 10190 300 10490
(5) The application form in OMR/OBR/ICR format along with the Envelops, Sample Dummy Form,
Acknowledgement Card and the Instruction Sheet shall be available at the following branches of J&K Bank Ltd.
for sale w.e.f 04.03.2013 at Rs.200/- (rupees two hundreds only) per OMR form.
Note: -No charges for distribution of forms shall be realized by the Banks from the aspirants/ candidates.
(6) The candidates are required to present the original documents to the concerned receipt official of the Board
for comparing at the time of depositing of filled in OMR application form and no photocopy of OMR form as
well as certificates/documents are required to be deposited in the concerned offices of the Board. However,
the candidates applying through Registered post shall enclose attested photo state set of all the relevant
documents/certificates alongwith the photocopy of duly filled in OMR form. The duly filled in application
form shall be deposited either in person or by registered post at the following designated offices.
(A) The District Employment and counseling centre’s of the concerned districts.
(B) In respect of Districts Srinagar and Jammu the OMR application forms can also be
deposited in the Divisional Offices of the Board, besides the District Employment and
counseling centre’s.
(C) Offices of SDM Karnah/Gurez, Tehsildar Marwah, Naib Tehsildar Office, Inshan (Wardwan),
BDO Dachhan for these areas.
(D) Candidates presently residing/working outside the State can also deposited their
application forms in the office of the Incharge Migrant Cell, Residential Commissioner
Office, 5 Prithvi Raj Road, New Delhi.
(7) Application form(s) incomplete in any manner shall be liable to rejection without notice. The OMR
application forms with overwriting/ mutilated entries or accompanying fake/ forged documents shall
also be liable to be rejected with or without penalty besides shall attract criminal proceedings.
In case any variation between the entries made by the candidates in the boxes and the
accompanying circles, the entries in the boxes will be treated as authentic and final.
(8) Candidates who are eligible for applying for more than one post are required to apply on the prescribed
application form separately for different posts. However, the candidates need not to apply for same post
advertised through advertisement notice No 03 of 2012, 01 of 2013, 02 of 2013, 03 of 2013, 04 of 2013 and
for current notification more than once. The eligibility with regard to the age shall be 01.01.2012 for
advertisement No 3 of 2012 dated 28.12.20122 and 01.01.2013 for other notifications. The age and
qualification within the relevant cut-off dates shall strictly be followed. Any aspirant/ candidate accruing any
higher qualification shall have to apply afresh to seek consideration of such qualification in the relevant
(9) The necessary instructions regarding filling up of OMR application form are given in the instruction
sheet of the said form. The candidates submitting their application form through registered post
shall ensure that these application forms are received at the designated places within the
prescribed period i.e 31.03.2013.
(10) The applications of the in-service candidates who file applications through proper channel shall reach the
respective Board Offices within 15 days of the last date notified in this behalf. However, the in-service
candidate shall submit one advance copy of the application well within the prescribed time specifically
mentioning to be advance copy of the application filed through proper channel. Such applications shall be
submitted under the seal and signature of the designate authority, for forwarding through proper channel
application forms.
(11) The last date for the receipt of application forms as prescribed above shall be the cut off date for
determining the eligibility to apply for the post. The age limit, however, is determinable with reference to the
1st of January, 2013. Any qualification/ experience acquired thereafter shall not be taken into account for
any purpose.
(12) The prescribed qualifications reflect the bare minimum requirement of the job and mere possession thereof
shall not entitle a candidate to be called for written test/ interview and also grant weightage to the higher
qualification in relevant line/ discipline as may be decided by the Board.
(13) The degrees/ diplomas obtained through distance mode which are in consonance with the Govt. Order No.
252-HE of 2012 dated.30.05.2012 shall be entertained subject to such terms and conditions mentioned
(14) Call letters shall not be issued individually, however, Board shall give wide publicity through print and
electronic media, official Website (www.jkssb.nic.in) of the Board about the venues, dates of the written
test/ interview for the information of eligible candidates. No claim of being unaware of the dates/ schedule
for written test/ interview shall be entertained.
(15) The candidate must produce the original qualification/ category certificates before the Committee
constituted for oral test or as and when the Board may call such documents so that their eligibility for
participation in the Physical/Type/Written Test/interview is verified. Any candidate who fails to produce the
relevant original documents/ testimonials on the scheduled date shall not be allowed to appear in the
written/ oral test.
(16) Canvassing/ lobbying in any form will entail disqualification of the candidate concerned. It should be noted
that there will be a single test in respect of Drivers, Jr. Stenographers and Junior Assistants of various
Departments and candidates will be selected on the basis of final merit (written test/ test+Viva)-cum- choice
on the basis of the Form filled in.
(17) No TA/DA will be paid for participation in the interview/ test.
(i) The horizontal reservation for Ex-Serviceman and Physically Handicapped persons to the extent of 6% and
3% respectively would mean the reservation which would cut across the vertical reservation and the
persons selected shall have to be placed in the appropriate category by making necessary adjustments. In
respect of Physically Handicapped persons the reservation shall be available only for services, posts and
type identified for the purpose by the competent authority under the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir
Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1998 and ‘to
the extent specified therein. Besides the nature of disability for a post indicated in Govt. Order No: 62-SW of
2001 dated.13.03.2001 read with Govt. Order 231-SW of 2011 dated.22.12.2011 shall be adhered to in
letter & spirit The horizontal reservation to the extent of 6% of the available vacancies shall be provided to
the Ex-Serviceman against such posts only where the maximum of the pay scale does not exceed Rs.
10500/- (pre revised).
Annexure"A-1" of Advertisement No .05 of 2013 dated 02-03-2013
Divisional Cadre Kashmir
Total 6 2 1 1 1 0 11
Total 10 4 2 2 1 0 19
(i) Graduation from a
recognized University with
the knowledge of type
writing having not less than
School Junior
443 Anantnag 6 2 0 1 1 0 10 35 words speed per minute.
Education Assistant
(ii) Six months certificate
course in Computer
Applications from a
recognized Institute.
10+2 with Science or
School Laboratory equivalent from any
44 Anantnag 3 2 1 1 0 0 7
Education Assistant recognized University/
Total 110 38 15 19 6 3 191
10+2 preference will be
given to the candidates
School having higher qualification
447 Teacher Baramulla 173 61 23 30 9 6 302
Education and those having passed
M.Ed, B.Ed and Diploma
Graduate degree from any
School Library recognized University with
455 Budgam 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Education Assistant Degree/ Diploma in Library
Total 74 27 11 13 4 2 131
(i) Graduation from a
recognized University with
the knowledge of type
writing having not less than
School Junior
461 Kulgam 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 35 words speed per minute.
Education Assistant
(ii) Six months certificate
course in Computer
Applications from a
recognized Institute.
Total 16 6 3 3 1 1 30
(i) Graduation from a
recognized University with
the knowledge of type
writing having not less than
School Junior
467 Pulwama 5 2 0 1 1 0 9 35 words speed per minute.
Education Assistant
(ii) Six months certificate
course in Computer
Applications from a
recognized Institute.
10+2 with Science or
School Laboratory equivalent from any
468 Pulwama 3 2 1 1 0 0 7
Education Assistant recognized University/
Graduate degree from any
School Library recognized University with
469 Pulwama 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Education Assistant Degree/ Diploma in Library
Total 89 28 11 14 4 3 149
Total 38 12 5 8 1 1 65
10+2 preference will be
given to the candidates
School having higher qualification
473 Teacher Srinagar 72 27 11 13 4 3 130
Education and those having passed
M.Ed, B.Ed and Diploma
(i) Graduation from a
recognized University with
the knowledge of type
writing having not less than
School Junior
474 Srinagar 12 5 2 2 1 0 22 35 words speed per minute.
Education Assistant
(ii) Six months certificate
course in Computer
Applications from a
recognized Institute.
Total 94 37 17 16 6 3 173
10+2 with Science or
School Laboratory equivalent from any
481 Jammu 12 4 1 3 1 0 21
Education Assistant recognized University/
Graduate degree from any
School Library recognized University with
482 Jammu 6 2 0 1 0 0 9
Education Assistant Degree/ Diploma in Library
(i) Graduation from a
recognized University with
the knowledge of type
writing having not less than
School Junior
489 Kishtwar 7 1 0 1 0 0 9 35 words speed per minute.
Education Assistant
(ii) Six months certificate
course in Computer
Applications from a
recognized Institute.
10+2 with Science or
School Laboratory equivalent from any
490 Kishtwar 2 1 0 1 0 0 4
Education Assistant recognized University/
Total 63 21 7 11 3 2 107
(i) Graduation from a
recognized University with
the knowledge of type
writing having not less than
School Junior
495 Rajouri 14 4 2 2 0 0 22 35 words speed per minute.
Education Assistant
(ii) Six months certificate
course in Computer
Applications from a
recognized Institute.
10+2 with Science or
School Laboratory equivalent from any
496 Rajouri 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Education Assistant recognized University/
Total 247 86 35 44 12 8 432
Total 68 24 9 12 5 2 120
(i) Graduation from a
recognized University with
the knowledge of type
writing having not less than
School Junior
500 Reasi 3 1 0 0 0 0 4 35 words speed per minute.
Education Assistant
(ii) Six months certificate
course in Computer
Applications from a
recognized Institute.
Total posts advertised. 268
Bachelors Degree in Library
School Junior
514 Doda 6 3 1 1 1 0 12 Science from a recognized
Education Librarian
10+2 with Science or
School Laboratory equivalent from any
515 Doda 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Education Assistant recognized University/
Graduate degree from any
School Library recognized University with
516 Doda 20 7 3 4 1 0 35
Education Assistant Degree/ Diploma in Library
Service Selection Board