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Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

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Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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Proposal of an innovative ergonomic SMED model in an automotive steel

springs industrial unit
Maria Afonso a, Ana Teresa Gabriel b, Radu Godina b, *
Deloitte Hub Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco, 71070-100, Portugal
UNIDEMI – Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA, NOVA University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal


Keywords: Faced with globalization, high competition, and the demands of a market in constant dynamism, companies
Lean manufacturing strive to adopt measures for increasing their productivity, among which Lean Manufacturing stands out.
Ergonomics Although this set of strategies allows optimizing the production by reducing waste, the literature review showed
Risk management
that, in several organizations, the implementation of Lean does not reflect positive impacts on productivity. It is
frequently related to the superficial nature of the approach: the tools and methods are applied, but the re­
Setup percussions on the workers are commonly neglected. In response, companies seek to implement Risk Manage­
Quick changeover ment policies to assess injury risk factors for operators during task execution. This study highlights the
WMSDs importance of integrating Lean Manufacturing and Ergonomics principles into organizations to increase pro­
MMH ductivity and improve working conditions simultaneously. Therefore, by identifying improvement opportunities
using the VSM tool, this work aims to implement an innovative and systematic intervention model, which en­
ables the integrated application of Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) and ergonomic analysis in a
metallurgical factory. To this end, the innovative Ergonomic SMED (ESMED) Model is proposed, comprising six
steps, which, in this study, focus on the setup operations of a molding machine and by including Rapid Upper
Limb Assessment (RULA), Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), Job Strain Index (JSI), Key Indicator Methods
(KIM), and Shoaf’s Model methods. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to evidence the usefulness and
effectiveness of the proposed model in this scenario, emphasizing the 55% reduction in setup time and the
extreme attenuation of the level of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) risk in workers.

1. Introduction terms of return on investments. Thus, industries and companies strive to

achieve the possible excellence and are committed to manufacturing and
Today, the bid for increased globalization and trade efficiency allows supplying high-quality products. Hence, there is a pressing need for
companies to trade efficiently on a global scale and, on the other hand, investment in skilled labor and training of workers to ensure zero-defect
to compete with the variety of products on the market, leading com­ production and integrated environmental protection (Brito et al., 2020).
panies to reinvent their organizational structure more frequently To face these challenges, many companies are abandoning tradi­
(Mathew Alexander and Saleeshya, 2022). Consequently, this rapid tional management and adopting continuous improvement methods,
production growth creates numerous economic, social, and environ­ such as Lean Manufacturing, whose impact on production translates into
mental problems, from local waste disposal to global warming. Thus, improved quality, lower costs, increased productivity, and operational
there is an urgent demand for improving manufacturing performance, performance (Brito et al., 2020; Dombrowski et al., 2017).
ensuring less industrial pollution, less resource consumption, less waste, The concept of Lean Manufacturing originated in the Japanese
and, consequently, less impact on human beings (Mathiyazhagan et al., company Toyota, stood out from the global competition for decades.
2021). This methodology represents a multifaceted concept with application in
Automotive industry has an immense presence around the world, several areas (Cirjaliu and Draghici, 2016). Thus, Lean principles and
and it has a strong impact on social, economic, and environmental ac­ practices implementation has become widespread, even in the current
tivities. The competitiveness of automotive industry is very high in context of the growing demand for labor, achieving higher quality levels

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Godina).

Received 6 February 2022; Received in revised form 28 February 2022; Accepted 9 March 2022
Available online 12 March 2022
2666-9129/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

and flexibility at lower costs (Tortorella et al., 2020). Implementing this literature is that this intervention model integrates, for the first time, the
system is a complex process, but at the same time, it provides several Lean Manufacturing SMED tool and the ergonomic analysis of critical
benefits for companies. tasks, which includes the application of Rapid Upper Limb Assessment
It is, however, noted that the exclusive application of Lean tools may (RULA), Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), Job Strain Index (JSI),
have implications for workers’ well-being (Cirjaliu and Draghici, 2016; Key Indicator Methods (KIM), and Shoaf’s Model methods. The ESMED
Vinoth Kumar et al., 2020). The nature of these problems is very model is also the first model that integrates SMED and Ergonomics in a
perceived within the functional human resources element of the orga­ systematic, structured, and detailed manner.
nization (Tortorella et al., 2020). Some of the risk factors inherent to The structure of this paper is as follows. In chapter 2 the literature
Lean Manufacturing can lead to stress and work-related musculoskeletal review is performed, in which ergonomics, lean manufacturing and lean
disorders (WRMSDs). The ergonomic risk essentially occurs when work ergonomics models are discussed. The methodology is discussed in
demands exceed the individual’s physical and psychological capacities chapter 3. In chapter 4 details of the case study applied in a metallur­
(Dombrowski et al., 2017). gical industry are given, as well as the initial state of the VSM and the
The International Labour Organization states that Occupational application of the Ergonomic SMED (ESMED) Model. Discussion and
Safety and Health is indispensable to establishing priorities, detecting result analysis can be found in chapter 5. Finally, conclusions are drawn
risk factors, implementing prevention programs, identifying potentially in chapter 6.
critical areas, and applying risk management policies (Tortorella et al.,
2020). On the other hand, during the application of Lean Manufacturing, 2. Literature review
the incorporation of Ergonomics makes it possible to achieve significant
gains in productivity while improving working contexts (Vinoth Kumar There is a more significant concern of companies regarding the well-
et al., 2020). The implementation of ergonomic solutions in the work­ being and satisfaction of their workers, as the importance of establishing
place is an initiative that can significantly increase levels of worker long-term goals is recognized (Lee and Park, 2021). On the one hand, to
satisfaction, safety, and efficiency (Santos dos et al., 2015). This area of guarantee the achievement of a vision of development and sustainabil­
study, in turn, intertwines with themes related to the modern context of ity, each organization must continuously develop and adapt to new
work, especially in the industrial economy (Mengoni et al., 2017; San­ market demands and offers, using strategies such as Lean Manufacturing
tosdos et al., 2015). Ergonomics aims to create a working environment (Vinoth Kumar et al., 2020). On the other hand, guaranteeing
that allows safety and productivity to be reconciled, through engineer­ high-performance levels implies changes and unforeseen events, which
ing resources, to avoid health risks and physical and psychological can be solved through Ergonomics (Abinaya Ishwarya and Rajkumar,
damage (Dalle Mura and Dini, 2019). 2020; Cirjaliu and Draghici, 2016).
The existence of an intervention methodology that focuses on the
correct application of Lean concepts under the premise of achieving 2.1. Lean manufacturing
results without forgetting the human factor becomes fundamental. Thus,
it is of utmost importance for companies to consider the potential of the In recent years, companies have been under increasing pressure to
simultaneous integration of ergonomic principles and Lean systems for make their production systems more sustainable. This productive sus­
production output (Brito et al., 2020). tainability is reflected in processes management, focusing on waste
In the literature, it was possible to find numerous results of an in­ reduction, reorganization of production lines, inventories, and setup
tegrated implementation of Lean and Ergonomics in various sectors, yet times reduction (Kafuku, 2019). The constantly changing market and
only two with Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED). More precisely, the high level of competition brought the need to guarantee product
in (Brito et al., 2017) was proposed a joint implementation of the SMED quality, customer deliveries, process reliability, and cost reduction. In
tool and ergonomic analysis in a metallurgical factory. However, this turn, productivity and flexibility are competitive differential factors that
study presents some limitations in terms of methodology and used re­ help satisfy the demands of an increasingly dynamic market (Lazai et al.,
sources. In fact, the applied ergonomic improvements focused only on 2020; Liu et al., 2021).
the temporal reduction of internal activities, i.e., operations performed, In the current business scenario, the competitiveness of organiza­
necessarily, while production is stopped. In addition to this factor, the tions is determined by their ability to satisfy and respond as quickly as
exclusive use of an ergonomic tool for assessing critical postures stands possible to environmental changes (Reklitis et al., 2021). Also, organi­
out. In turn, in an aluminum profile factory, the authors in (Boran and zations try to manufacture and supply high-quality products at lower
Ekincioğlu, 2017) developed a study in which the Muscle Fatigue costs under customer demand (Yang and Chen, 2021).
Assessment (MFA) method is integrated into the SMED tool, to assess In response to a market characterized by its constant dynamism, the
ergonomic risks and reduce the time of setup operations. Although the last two decades have seen an explosion of research in manufacturing
study presents remarkable results, it is crucial to note that it is only improvement, such as Lean Manufacturing and its application in various
focused on muscle fatigue. manufacturing companies (Garre et al., 2017; Lazai et al., 2020). In
Through the value stream mapping of the metallurgical plant and response, companies often turn to Lean Manufacturing. This method­
identifying improvement opportunities, this research focused on ology is used to reduce waste in the production process, to provide the
developing and applying an intervention model coherently and thor­ customer with a final product with excellent value and zero waste. In
oughly. To this end, the study covered the analysis and subsequent this case, “value” is considered any action the customer is willing to pay
improvement of a work cell in the steel heat treatment sector, using an (Garre et al., 2017). Thus, Lean thinking is characterized as a philosophy
innovative, systematic, and integrated implementation of the SMED tool in which optimized production is based on the logic of eliminating ac­
and ergonomic work evaluation methods. In order to define the inter­ tivities that do not add value to the production systems, i.e., any waste to
vention model, the following objectives are outlined: the process (Baysan et al., 2019).
One of many Lean Manufacturing tools is SMED, a tool developed in
• Increase production efficiency by reducing setup times. the 1950s by Shigeo Shingo, which focuses on eliminating waste by
• Eliminate or, at least, reduce the risk level of Work-Related Muscu­ minimizing setup times. It comprises a set of techniques that turn
loskeletal Disorders (WMSDs). possible to reduce equipment downtime and, consequently, increase
• Fill the gap in the literature regarding the integrated implementation production efficiency (Junior et al., 2022; Niemann et al., 2021).
of SMED and Ergonomics. However, it can be observed that, in several organizations, the
implementation of Lean programs has not reflected positive impacts,
The contribution of this proposed ESMED model to the existing given the superficial nature regarding the application and use of these

M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

tools. Organizations tend to circumscribe the implementation of Lean In response to this problem, ergonomics has been recognized as a key
techniques, taking into account the results they intend to achieve, factor in Risk Management (Castellucci et al., 2021). The control and
neglecting the repercussions of these methods on the human being (Brito management of risk factors, such as incorrect postures, repetition of
et al., 2020). Some studies argue that only 30% of all change programs activities, and a stressful environment for the worker, allow companies
applied are successful. More specifically, statistics indicate that 58% of to prevent disorders, improve production efficiency and the well-being
Lean initiatives do not achieve the expected return in organizations of workers, resulting in a reduction of annual costs for organizations
(AlManei et al., 2017). This inaccuracy is related to the view of Lean as a (Dalle Mura and Dini, 2019).
strategy or manufacturing process rather than a philosophy applied over Research within the scope of Environment, Safety, and Health fo­
the long term (Dombrowski et al., 2017). Other aspects that lead to the cuses on various industries to improve working conditions in these
wrong application of Lean Manufacturing are the underestimation of areas. Thus, such type of research has as priority preventing illnesses and
this method by the top management of companies, resistance to change injuries, fostering environmental sustainability practices, mitigating
and organizational culture, insufficient management support, lack of psychological risks, including corporate social responsibility, and
training of workers, and use of incorrect tools (Brito et al., 2017; compliance with regulatory and insurance requirements (Cirjaliu and
Dombrowski et al., 2017). Draghici, 2016). This research argues that an eventual integration of
Conversely, it can be seen that, in some cases, Lean practices have a compelling production needs and a healthy workforce in the design and
direct impact on individuals’ stress levels and musculoskeletal injuries, development of production systems can solve the adversities existing in
which becomes detrimental from an organizational behavioral point of organizations (Brito et al., 2020).
view (Dombrowski et al., 2017; Santosdos et al., 2015). Stress affects Thus, the value of ergonomics extends beyond health and safety.
individual job performance and organizational commitment, both of While improving production efficiency and workers’ well-being, ergo­
which affect the level of company performance (Parent-Lamarche et al., nomics also integrates an organization’s business strategy to remain
2021). On the other hand, musculoskeletal injuries are reflected in the competitive in the marketplace (Karanikas et al., 2021).
absence of workers. These consequences reflect a high value of costs
related to workers’ health, resulting in a highly negative impact on or­ 2.3. Lean and Ergonomics
ganizations (Shawcross et al., 2021).
Given the circumstances, it is crucial to consider a company’s ability
2.2. Ergonomics to increase productivity through the simultaneous integration and
implementation of ergonomic principles and Lean tools (Vinoth Kumar
The term ergonomics, derived from the Greek words ergon (work) et al., 2020). In this sense, the proper implementation of a risk man­
and nomos (law), was introduced by the psychologist Hywel Murrell, agement system in companies minimizes the appearance of work-related
who founded the first ergonomic society (Human Research Society) in injuries and illnesses (Tortorella et al., 2020). The simultaneous imple­
London to protect health, safety and promote the well-being of workers mentation of multiple Lean Manufacturing tools, through an integrated
(Dalle Mura and Dini, 2019). Ergonomics can be defined as the science approach to ergonomics, results in an added benefit for the company. In
of the interactions between man and technology, aiming to make tasks, this way, companies can increase productivity due to benefits in their
equipment, environments, and systems compatible with people’s needs, ergonomics since workers’ safety and job satisfaction is guaranteed
abilities, and limitations. This interaction is optimized to create the best (Cirjaliu and Draghici, 2016) and even being able to reduce the human
working conditions (Mengoni et al., 2017). interaction in a post-pandemic scenario (Afonso et al., 2021).
One of the main focuses of ergonomic study in the working envi­ There are numerous studies in the literature on Lean and Ergonomics
ronment is the analysis of risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal implementation in various industrial activities (Vinoth Kumar et al.,
disorders, which are currently common, and are the most common 2020). In a specific case in the automotive sector, when implementing
work-related health problems in the European Union (European Agency Lean Manufacturing, the working conditions were analyzed, both in the
for Safety and Health at Work. et al., 2019). Predominant in many production line stations and in the offices. Thus, the integrated imple­
sectors and occupations, WMSDs originate from the overuse of some mentation of Lean and Ergonomics allowed for positive effects for the
muscles, tendons, nerves, ligaments, and joints because of intense ac­ organization. The results reflected an increase in employees’ attendance
tivity performed during working hours. This type of injury can cause since they are interested in working with better conditions, increasing
back pain, shoulder pain, repetitive strain injury, or joint pain (knees, their productivity (Santosdos et al., 2015).
wrists, and other joints), making it difficult to move the body (Gideon In the textile industry scenario, the adaptation of this strategy
Asuquo et al., 2021). decreased the adverse impacts of Lean on the workers’ quality of life and
On the other hand, it is essential to highlight that manual materials improved operational efficiencies, such as workers’ performance, yield,
handling (MMH), inadequate and/or awkward postures, and repetitive and production lead time, waste, and error reduction. For this purpose,
movements are the main physical risk factors for the onset of muscu­ the production value stream was mapped using the VSM. Then, it was
loskeletal injuries (EU-OSHA, 2007). MMH is understood as any oper­ modified by incorporating a human factors module. The main objectives
ation of transporting and supporting a load by one or more workers, of this Ergonomic VSM, called Ergo-VSM, were to locate critical activ­
which may entail risks for them, especially in the lumbar back region ities and assess human factors using Lean parameters (Nagaraj et al.,
due to its characteristics or unfavorable ergonomic conditions. 2019).
Currently, the costs associated with worker injuries represent a sig­ In the meat industry, it was analyzed the impact of the integrated
nificant value for companies concerning cost savings and the impact on Lean-Ergonomics implementation in a ham factory in Italy. In this sce­
the efficiency of the work performed due to worker absenteeism and nario, faced with the semi-automation of a meat deboning process, an
interruptions in production (Mengoni et al., 2017). Even though a slight ergonomic study of the workstation was carried out using the NIOSH LI
decrease of WMSDs was witnessed over the last few years based on (Lifting Index) and Occupational Repetitive Actions (OCRA) Checklist
workers complaining, recent reports by the European Agency for Safety methods. After training workers in the correct use of new equipment, it
and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) have demonstrated that more than half was possible to observe their positive impact on task execution, reducing
of European workers still face such types of problems (Govaerts et al., the level of risk associated with MMH tasks. The work activities in this
2021; Russo et al., 2020). International recognition of the high costs and industry are very technical and physically demanding, constituting high-
suffering associated with WMSDs has implemented European and in­ risk tasks for the operators. Thus, the combination of Lean and Ergo­
ternational standards to combat these injuries incidence (Govaerts et al., nomics allowed for an increase in the quality of production, hygiene,
2021). and safety, resulting in financial benefits for the company (Botti et al.,

M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

2015). demanding tasks. It was also essential to appeal to the direct observation
Newer studies address the link between ergonomics and lean by of the activities and informal interviews with workers and factory su­
taking into account the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance pervisors. Finally, the proposed intervention model integrated the SMED
(Afonso et al., 2021), demonstrate how ergonomics lean logistics, and tool and the ergonomic analysis of critical tasks, which, included the
lean philosophy are being integrated in an automotive company using application of RULA, REBA, JSI, KIM, and Shoaf’s Model methods. After
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) among other technologies. In a a proper application of the model, one must verify and measure if a
study led by (Griffin, 2021), the focus is on implementing Lean Princi­ reduction in setup time and an attenuation of the risk occurred. If the
ples in Scrum in an environment impacted by Covid-19 to adapt to result is positive, then the results should be analyzed, improved, and
remote work. In a case study in the glass artware industry in India, the standardized. Finally, conclusions and future suggestions for a future
authors developed a fuzzy based ergonomic-value stream mapping state VSM should be proposed.
(E-VSM) tool which allowed management to enhance operational per­ Fig. 1 represents the flowchart corresponding to the methodology
formance and improve worker health via a synergistic approach used in this work.
(Rathore et al., 2022).
As far as the metallurgical sector is concerned (Brito et al., 2017), 4. Case study in a metallurgical industry
and (Boran and Ekincioğlu, 2017) proved that it is possible to reduce
setup time and improve the ergonomic conditions of the workers The work was developed in an Industrial Unit of Steel Springs. This
simultaneously. The first study implemented the SMED tool and the Portuguese industrial unit aims to ensure the continuous improvement
REBA methodology, which represented a 46% reduction in setup time of its products and services, becoming more competitive, effective, and
and improved the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (Brito et al., 2017). efficient. The production process of Pneumatic Springs and Pneumatic
In the second study, the Muscle Fatigue Assessment (MFA) method, also Loose Sheets is generally very similar between models. In this case, as
known as the Sue Rodgers method, was integrated into the SMED tool to seen in Fig. 2, the productive flow of a pneumatic spring model is rep­
assess the risk of muscle fatigue during the setup operations in a factory resented, consisting of two sheets, that is, a master sheet, with a more
producing aluminum profiles. Thus, the total setup time was reduced by accentuated winding, and a second sheet, which involves the master
62.5%, and the risk of muscle fatigue in the workers decreased signifi­ sheet.
cantly (Boran and Ekincioğlu, 2017).
In turn, the reduction of resources and the need to ensure high levels 4.1. Initial state mapping
of quality in healthcare have encouraged the hospital sector to develop
projects that report multiple performances. To simultaneously ensure The initial state map, illustrated in the appendix, was prepared by
improvements in safety and the efficiency of patient care, some hospitals collecting the data, i.e., cycle time, changeover time, work-in-process
have implemented “Lean & Safety” projects, combining Lean Healthcare inventory from the shop floor by consulting the operators and supervi­
and Clinical Risk Management (Crema and Verbano, 2015). This inte­ sors. This Lean tool helped to contextualize the problem and identify
gration prevents clinical errors and patient harm since it identifies and opportunities for improvement.
analyzes processes, investing in the factors that positively influence Considering the initial VSM, it is necessary to reinforce that the steel
clinical practice (Crema and Verbano, 2016). cooling processes consume about 50% of the production lead time.
Regarding industry, adapting the Ergonomics-Lean strategy in However, to reduce the steel cooling time, it would be necessary to
companies decreases the adverse impacts of Lean on workers’ quality of purchase new industrial equipment capable of speeding up the process.
life. It improves operational efficiency, such as operator performance, However, considering the financial resources available by the company,
lead time, production throughput, waste, and error reduction (Tortorella this aspect was not considered for the present study.
et al., 2020). On the other hand, it is observed that the heat treatment sector
From this perspective, studies argue that the solution for the correct presents a highly high setup time in comparison with the other opera­
implementation of Lean Manufacturing lies in adopting a good leader­ tions. Thus, mapping the initial state of springs manufacturing empha­
ship style, called Lean Leadership, and in the formation of a Lean Cul­ sizes the need to reduce the changeover time in this process. The VSM of
ture. In particular, Lean leaders must consider the impacts of this this process can be observed in Fig. 3. More specifically, the problem
production strategy, monitoring workers’ health during its adaptation. focuses on the steel molding process, which occurs in a molding
However, it is possible to verify that some companies still do not apply machine.
ergonomic studies since, for these organizations, ergonomics is not seen Given the inevitability of applying a Lean tool to the heat treatment
as an investment but rather as a cost (Vinoth Kumar et al., 2020). Given of springs, it is essential to emphasize that, from the literature review,
this vision, we intend to promote the training of leaders in the industry the results of a Lean implementation often do not meet initial expecta­
with knowledge in the technical and social aspects of Lean tions or do not last long. Since it verifies an increase in stress levels and
Manufacturing (Dombrowski et al., 2017). the incidence of WMSDs in workers, the performance of organizations is
compromised. Thus, it was necessary to implement the SMED tool in this
3. Methodology manufacturing sector to reduce the setup times of the molding machine
without forgetting the human factor.
Primarily, the VSM tool was applied to map the springs’ initial state
production process. Such allowed the contextualization of the problem 4.2. Application of the ergonomic SMED (ESMED) model
and the identification of opportunities for improvement at the factory.
The study was carried out on a specific factory sector, namely the heat The integrated application of SMED and ergonomic analysis aims to
treatment sector, focusing on the setup operations of a molding ma­ eliminate the risk associated with injuries and streamline the setup
chine. This was followed by a literature review underlying the themes of processes in the Heat Treatment sector.
Lean Manufacturing and Ergonomics and the simultaneous application To this end, it is proposed to implement the Ergonomic Single Minute
of both areas in various activity sectors. Exchange of Dies (ESMED) Model, which consists of six steps. The first
Subsequently, it was developed and implemented the ESMED Model step is the mapping and analysis of setup operations. Next, in step 2, a
focusing on reducing the duration of setup operations and mitigating the pre-improvement ergonomic analysis is performed, which includes
WMSDs risk level in workers. Thus, it was necessary to define the sample identificatifying critical tasks and selecting and applying methods for
understudy for the application of a self-report questionnaire, structured risk assessment. In the present study, the following evaluation methods
to characterize workers and understand their perspective on the most were used: RULA and REBA, for posture; JSI, to the repetitive

M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the methodology.

Fig. 2. An abridged representation of the steel springs production process.

movements; KIM and Shoaf’s Model, directed to the MMH tasks. The recorded to identify the tasks, establish their sequence and respective
third step of the ESMED Model is the separation of activities into internal durations. There is no difference between external and internal work in
and external operations. In turn, in step 4, internal tasks are converted the initial step of implementation of the ESMED Model. Therefore, the
into external ones to reduce operation time. Then, in step 5, all aspects of tasks are classified as external or internal, depending on whether they
the setup operations are optimized. This is done by standardizing and can be performed when the machine is running or not. In the end, a list
reorganizing activities and suggesting improvements to ensure the of all tasks was created. This process involved the team leader and an
smooth running of the work cell and achieve the outlined objectives. The operator, discriminating the tasks performed by each worker synchro­
final step consists of a new evaluation of the risk level, considering the nously and their respective durations. Thus, it was possible to point out
proposed changes. This step is intended to analyze the repercussions of several constraints and inefficiencies in the process under study:
the changes made on the workers’ well-being and is called post-
improvement ergonomic analysis. • Execution of external tasks during setup, movements from the
molding machine to the parts cabinet, and stand out in the opposite
4.2.1. Step 1 - observation of the procedure in force direction. Transport activities and displacements consume 20%–30%
The main objective of this step consists of mapping all the activities of the available time, as they represent time-consuming tasks, per­
performed during the setup time. Thus, the operation was video formed quite frequently throughout the process.

M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

Fig. 3. Representation of the heat treatment area of steel springs production process.

• Time mismatch between the operator and the team leader, for the
Table 2
execution of joint tasks, originating waits.
Summary of the results obtained in the pre-improvement ergonomic analysis.
• No sequence of tasks is considered.
Critical Task Methodology Parameter to be Risk
The total setup time of the molding machine comprises, on average,
60 min, and it was registered approximately 52 min. Since the activities Place the molding part on the RULA Posture Very high
are performed while the molding machine is not working, a significant stacker KIM MMH - Pulling task Very high
Shoaf’s MMH - Initial Very high
part of the production time is consumed by tool changes, which do not Model pulling task
add value to the process. MMH - Acceptable
Maintenance pull
4.2.2. Step 2 - pre-improvement ergonomic analysis task
Place the mold part in the RULA Posture Very high
Table 1 presents the systematic observation plan with the critical
cupboard or on the
tasks and the selected assessment methods. molding machine
Although different inputs and outputs are associated with the Tightening/loosening RULA Posture Very high
assessment methods, the comparison of the results for each activity al­ REBA Posture High
lows the associated risk level validation. On the other hand, applying JSI Repetitiveness Average

distinct methods for each task allows for a consensual risk level.
To simplify the comparison between methods, the results were Most of the assessed tasks present a very high level of risk, which
organized into a scale of risk levels, divided into five categories: low, suggests an agreement concerning the different methods. More specif­
acceptable, medium, high, and very high. ically, when placing the mold piece in the stacker, there is a very high
Table 2 summarizes the results of each critical tasks. level of associated risk, for posture and MMH tasks. In turn, the task of
placing the mold piece in the machine or the cabinet presents a very
Table 1 high-risk level regarding the posture. Finally, the tightening and loos­
Systematic observation plan. ening task is classified with a high or very high-risk level for posture and
a medium risk level for repetitiveness. Therefore, the need to make
Task Task description Risk Factor Evaluation
performer Methodology changes in the work cell and investigate the tasks understudy is high­
lighted to reduce the risk level and to prevent the onset of musculo­
Team Place the molding part on • awkward posture RULA
Leader the stacker - Pull the part of upper limbs KIM-PP
skeletal disorders.
from the molding • MMH Shoaf’s Model Fig. 4 exemplifies one of the existing critical operations (tightening/
machine to the stacker loosening), reinforcing that this posture is far from adequate.
(load:50–70 kg)
Team Place the mold part in the • Forced posture of RULA
4.2.3. Step 3 - distinguishing internal and external operations
Leader cupboard or on the upper limbs KIM-PP
molding machine - Push • MMH Shoaf’s Model Step 3 focused on the separation of internal and external operations.
the piece from the stacker Internal operations must be performed with the machine stopped, while
to the tooling cupboard/ external operations can be executed when the equipment is running.
molding machine (load: Therefore, the total setup work was broken down into three periods:
50–70 kg)
Operator Tightening/loosening - • Forced posture of REBA
Assembling and upper limbs RULA • Pre-Setup - Setup preparation, i.e., the whole set of tasks encom­
disassembling parts on • Repetitive JSI passing the reach and transport of tools/equipment to the new pro­
the molding machine movements and duction order.
grip strength of the
upper limbs

M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

assembly jigs introduction.

Fig. 7 highlights the changes in tasks from step 3 to step 4. At this
stage, the targeted operations are aggregated during the pre-setup and
post-setup periods, facilitating the synchronization of tasks between the
two workers.

4.2.5. Step 5 - optimizing the setup operations

This stage was divided into two points:

• Standardization and reorganization of the sequencing of activities;

• Technical solutions.

The first point does not require reengineering processes or the

acquisition of new equipment since it is only the application of the
methodology on an organization and systematization basis of work. On
the other hand, the application of technical solutions aims to propose the
Fig. 4. Tightening/loosening task. acquisition of new equipment to improve the work cell.
In this stage, the setup operations were standardized to reduce the
• Setup - Work of tool change, which includes the disassembly and time of all setup operations, as represented in Fig. 8. Therefore, the
assembly of the molding machine and the calibration of the robot. definition of a standardized procedure is fundamental to monitoring the
This set of operations encompasses only internal operations. implemented changes. Besides this, the standardization of tasks works as
• Post-Setup - Tool/equipment stowage. an aid to the operators who perform the setup operations, also beneficial
for new workers’ training.
The internal operations represent the actual setup tasks, and the Since the time spent looking for tools around the premises was high,
external operations are divided into the pre-setup and post-setup pe­ the replacement of the initial table by a tool trolley was suggested as a
riods. At this step, the pre-setup and setup activities are performed by solution. This change prevents deterioration of the tools, ensures the
the team leader and operator. In turn, the operator mainly performs the organization of utensils during the assembly and disassembly of parts,
post-setup activities, allowing the team leader to concentrate his efforts and enables the movement of tools to the assembly supports, imple­
on calibrating the robot and starting production. mented in step 4 of the ESMED Model.
In the initial scenario, operators use a stacker for parts handling.
4.2.4. Step 4 - conversion of internal operations into external operations Considering the uneven floor of the factory, the high mass of the fitting
The internal operations identified are directly related to the reach/ parts, and the frequency with which transport activities are performed,
storage of tools and equipment and the assembly/disassembly of mold it is necessary to implement measures for risk reduction. As such, the
parts in the molding machine. Thus, the processes of assembling and installation of a crane in the spring heat treatment was recommended.
disassembling the lower block were redefined, introducing two inter­ Even though this technical solution requires a significant investment by
mediate supports near the molding machine. the company, it is often used in other plant sections for handling springs.
On the other hand, the introduction of intermediate assembly jigs Regarding the operator, the tightening/loosening operations make
makes it possible to pre-prepare the infeed bottom block in the pre-setup up approximately 66% of his total setup time, so it was necessary to
period and disintegrate the outfeed bottom block for storage in the post- restrict the duration of the corresponding tasks. Therefore, instead of
setup period. Thus, it is only necessary to remove and transport the using only hexagonal wrenches, it was proposed the acquisition of a
outgoing bottom block from the machine to the assembly table during pneumatic impact wrench with its respective accessories. Besides
the dismantling process in the setup period. Also, during the assembly reducing operation time, the use of a pneumatic impact wrench also
process, the worker must transport and place the incoming bottom block decreased the physical effort of the workers. Fig. 9 demonstrates the
from the assembly table to the forming machine. execution of the setup operations, in the initial scenario, with the aid of
Fig. 5 schematizes the assembly and disassembly process in the initial hexagonal wrenches, and after the present implementation stage, using
situation, and Fig. 6 illustrates the same process after the intermediate a pneumatic impact wrench.

4.2.6. Step 6 - post-improvement ergonomic analysis

The final step in the ESMED Model application is an ergonomic
assessment after reducing setup time and implementing improvements
in the work cell. This way, it is possible to consider the impacts on
production, the level of adaptation, and control of workers’ health in the
face of these changes.
Table 3 summarizes the results obtained by applying the evaluation
methods for the different critical tasks.
Most of the tasks assessed present an acceptable level of risk,
reflecting the positive impacts under the implemented changes.
Regarding placing the mold piece in the stacker, the risk associated with
the MMH was eliminated, while the risk level associated with the
posture was reduced to acceptable. Likewise, in the task of placing the
mold piece in the machine or the cupboard, the posture risk level was
assessed as acceptable. Finally, the risk inherent to the tightening and
loosening task was significantly reduced. More specifically, the posture
performed by the operator now has an acceptable level of risk, and the
repetitiveness of the task presents a low level of risk.
Fig. 5. Flow of input and output tools in step 3.

M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

Fig. 6. Flow of input and output tools in step 4, with the proposed improvements.

Fig. 7. Reorganization of tasks between step 3 and step 4 of implementing the model.

5. Discussion Fig. 10 illustrates the working time of each worker, in parallel bars
along the total time, in the initial situation, and after implementation of
5.1. Production efficiency the methodology.
Considering the results obtained, it is vital to highlight the following
By applying the proposed model, it was possible to significantly particularities concerning the heat treatment of springs:
reduce the total working time of the two operators. At the beginning of
this study, the team leader took 47 min and the operator 52 min to • On average, two setup operations occur in a working day.
perform the setup operations. In the end, the time was reduced to 24 min • Generally, the springs under study present two leaves (steel sheets).
and 45 min, respectively. • The time interval between the exit of a sheet from the heating
Concerning the time when the machine is not working, there was a furnace, the molding process, and its placement in the treatment tank
substantial reduction in this period, from 52 min to 23 min. Thus, the is approximately 1 min.
setup time of the molding machine shows a reduction in the order of
55%. Table 4 presents a summary of the improvements provided by each On the other hand, the running time of the forming machine de­
step of the ESMED Model. creases by approximately 29 min for each setup This way, it is possible to

M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

Fig. 8. Standardization of setup operations.

Fig. 9. Performing the setup operations without using the pneumatic impact wrench (left) and using the tool (right).

Table 3 Table 4
Summary of the application of the methodologies in the respective critical tasks. Summary of the improvements obtained along the implementation stages of the
Tasks (Proposals for Methodology Parameter to be Risk
ESMED Model regarding setup times.
improvement) evaluated Pre-Setup Setup Post-Setup Total Time
Place the molding part on the RULA Posture Acceptable Step 1 Operator 0 52 min 0 52 min
stacker (Installation of a Team Leader 0 47 min 0 47 min
Crane) Step 3 Operator 4 min 44 min 4 min 52 min
Place the mold part in the RULA Posture Acceptable Team Leader 9 min 36 min 2 min 47 min
cupboard or on the molding Step 4 Operator 6 min 35 min 11 min 52 min
machine (Installation of a Team Leader 10 min 30 min 8 min 48 min
Crane) Step 5 Operator 9 min 23 min 13 min 45 min
Tightening/Loosening (Use of a RULA Posture Acceptable Team Leader 2 min 22 min 0 24 min
Pneumatic Impact Wrench) REBA Posture Acceptable
JSI Repetitiveness Low

M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

Fig. 10. Temporal distribution of the total setup work by the two operators, before and after the implementation of the methodology.

produce 58 single steel sheets at the end of a working day. In a month, 5.3. Implications of the ESMED model
this means an additional production of 1276 sheets, i.e., 638 springs,
contributing to a 26.4% increase in the monthly production of springs. The hybrid model of SMED and ergonomic analysis proposed in this
study was based not only on achieving the objectives outlined by the
5.2. Risk level of WMSDs company but also on the concern to fill the gap in the literature on this
topic. The ESMED model is the first model that integrates the SMED tool
The ergonomic study focused, initially, on three critical tasks and Ergonomics in a systematic, structured, and detailed manner. In this
inherent to the setup period. Regarding the MMH tasks (placing the part study, the application of ergonomic methods is integrated into the SMED
in the stacker and placing the part in the cupboard/molding machine), implementation phases, allowing a phased and joint application of the
the pre-improvement ergonomic analysis detected a very high-risk level Lean Tool and Ergonomic methodologies in the setup operations. The
associated. By using a crane to handle pieces, the risk associated with ergonomic evaluation aimed to analyze critical postures, repetitive
MMH was eliminated. Thus, an assessment of posture was exclusively tasks, and manual handling of loads, ensuring a precise and reliable
carried out, for both activities, with the RULA method. Also, when using evaluation. To this end, a set of methods was used, namely REBA, RULA,
this equipment, there is no flexion or lateral bending of the wrist, and it JSI, KIM, and Shoaf’s Model, which was never proposed before. Many
is not associated with any load/force score when moving pieces. industrial applications can be made with this model, and it can be
Therefore, the risk level for each posture decreased from “very high” to adapted and applied in different contexts in different industries.
“acceptable”, contributing to the exposure reduction to risk factors in
this work environment. 6. Conclusion
Concerning the tightening/loosening task, it was initially necessary
to use ergonomic methods to assess posture and repetitive movements Ergonomics research in the workplace focuses on risk factors
present during the activity. This way, a high or very high-risk level was involved in work-related musculoskeletal disorders, which are known in
associated, with posture, and a medium risk of injury probability, for the EU for being the most common work-related health problem. The
repetitiveness. To mitigate the risk level associated with this activity, a most developed industries have shown that by efficiently incorporating
pneumatic impact wrench was proposed to complement the existing Ergonomics into Lean Manufacturing procedures, leads to a reduction of
manual tools. In contrast with the initial scenario, the application of this costs associated with workers’ health problems. Therefore, ergonomics
equipment allowed a correction in the operator’s posture during the can be seen as a strong incentive to jumpstart an overall Lean trans­
tasks of disassembly. Besides this, using a pneumatic impact wrench formation, which, in turn, may also result in the reduction of ergonomic
during the tightening/loosening task allowed a reduction in the fre­ risk. When applied to industry, Ergonomics-Lean strategies reduces
quency and duration of the effort, reducing the level of risk related to the certain adverse effects of Lean to the quality of life of workers. According
repetitiveness parameter. to evidence from the metallurgical industry, setup time can be reduced
while ergonomic conditions are improved at the same time.
This study focused on the combined implementation of Lean, namely
SMED, and Ergonomics, in a metallurgical factory considering the

M. Afonso et al. Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 4 (2022) 100075

impacts on production, the level of adaptation, and control of workers’ support via the project No. UIDB/00667/2020 (UNIDEMI).
health in tool changing operations. In its systematic and structured form,
the proposed ESMED model successfully integrated SMED and ergo­ Code availability
nomics in a detailed and well-defined approach. The results have shown
that before ESMED model implementation, the team leader and the Not applicable.
operator took a long time to properly finish all the setup operations. In
the end, it was possible to reduce the setup time by 55%. Therefore, it Data availability
was estimated that it would be possible to produce up to 58 more steel
sheets per day, translating into a 26.4% increase in the monthly spring The data required to reproduce these findings cannot be shared at
production. Besides the positive results reached for setup time reduction this time as the data also forms part of an ongoing study.
also positive results regarding the ergonomics test were achieved, in
which critical postures, repetitive tasks, and manual handling of objects Ethics approval
were evaluated to ensure an accurate and reliable evaluation. As such, a
decrease in risk levels for each posture in the work environment was Not applicable.
accomplished, contributing to less exposure to risk factors.
Regarding the risk level of WMSDs, the proposed model reduced the Consent to participate
demand in the critical tasks under study. More precisely, with the crane
for handling parts, the risk associated with MMH tasks was eliminated, All authors agree to participate to this study.
and the posture now has an acceptable risk level. In the case of the
operator, the introduction of the pneumatic impact wrench corrected Consent to publish
posture, reducing the frequency and duration of the effort. In addition, it
attenuated the risk to an acceptable level when performing more All authors agree to publish to this paper.
demanding tasks. Finally, the methodology applied in industrial context
proved to be very effective, allowing the reduction of setup time and Declaration of competing interest
attenuating the risk of injuries associated with demanding operations.
These results are supported by the increased production, performance, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
and workers’ well-being in this sector. Using ergonomics methods as interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
part of the implementation phases of SMED – ESMED model – can have the work reported in this paper.
widespread applications and can be easily adapted to other types of
industries much more beyond the scope of this study. Acknowledgements
After the model implementation, it is crucial to ensure the contin­
uous monitoring of the setup operations on the molding machine. Thus, Authors acknowledge gratefully acknowledge financial support by
it is assumed to be pertinent the need for implementation and moni­ Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT-MCTES) for its financial
toring of other Lean tools in this sector, such as 5S or DMAIC. It is also support via the project No. UIDB/00667/2020 (UNIDEMI).
recommended the application of questionnaires to get to know, in a
more comprehensive way, the perception of workers in the work cell. In
Appendix A. Supplementary data
this way, the ergonomic analysis of other tasks not considered in this
study would be possible and strongly recommended.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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