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NegOr Q3 ETECH11 Module5 V2

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Quarter 3 – Module 5
Advanced Presentation Skills

Empowerment Technologies
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 5: Advanced Presentation Skills
Second Edition, 2021

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these
materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis - Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jessie V. Alcala
Reviewer: Ruth Marie B. Eltanal
Layout Artist:
Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
Marcelo K. Palispis, Ed. D. Maricel S. Rasid
Joelyza M. Arcilla, Ed. D. Elmar L. Cabrera
Nilita L. Ragay, Ed.D.
Antonio B. Baguio, Jr., Ed.D.

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education –Region VII Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Office Address: Kagawasan, Ave., Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tele #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117
E-mail Address: negros.oriental@deped.gov.ph
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home.
Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are
carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared
for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons
in each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing
this module or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s
assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end of
each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your
learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We
trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher
are also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and
reminders on how they can best help you on your home-based
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the
exercises and tests. And read the instructions carefully before
performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in
answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your
teacher or facilitator.
Thank you

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the context of Empowerment Technologies. It contains varied
activities that can help you as a Senior High School student to succeed in
environments that require the use of computer and the Internet.
The module contains lessons in Advanced Presentation Skills which allows
students to maximize the use of presentation as a visual aid tool.
Happy learning!

Content Standard:
 The learners demonstrate an understanding of: the use of advanced
tools and techniques found in common productivity and software
applications in developing ICT content for specific professional tracks

Performance Standard:
 The learners shall be able to: at the end of the 2-week period
independently apply advanced productivity tools to create or develop
ICT content for use in specific professional tracks These may be in
the form of, but not limited to:
1. Calculating spread sheet of athletic statistics (Sports)
2. Layout of catalogue of creative works (Arts)
3. Materials/ ingredients projections for batches of baked goods
(Tech- Voc)
4. Letterhead/ business card design (Business/ Academic)


 apply uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing
advanced application techniques
(CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic-d- 4)
After going through this module, you are expected to:

K: determine the tool that will be used in the presentation

S: use hyperlinks and embed files and data to the slideshow
A: appreciate the use of presentation as an effective visual aid tool

1 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2
What I Know

Direction: Write True if you agree or False if you do not agree with the
statements below.

______ 1. Make the texts in your presentation readable from afar.

______ 2. Each slide should have different design background.
______ 3. Type the whole paragraph in one slide.
______ 4. Use bullets to simplify your message.
______ 5. Use dark text to dark background.
______ 6. A presentation is a form of visual aid.
______ 7. To insert a hyperlink, go to Insert then click Link or Hyperlink.
______ 8. Use different font styles to get the attention of the audience.
______ 9. Keep slide counts to a minimum.
______ 10. Summarize the information on the presentation so that the
audience will focus on what the speaker is saying.

What’s New

Presentation skills refer to the skills needed to be able to deliver effective

and engaging presentations to the audiences. It cover a variety of areas such
presentation structure, slide design, voice tone and body language. Designing
a presentation is an enjoyable part in creating a report by being creative in
adding transitions, animations, and arts. Variety of tools can be used to
present data.

2 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2
What is It

List of Presentation Tools

1. Microsoft Powerpoint
By using standard templates and themes, it is easy to create visually
appealing presentation even if you do not have knowledge of basic graphic
design principles. MS Powerpoint is easy to modify when compared to other
visual aids such as charts, posters, or objects.
PowerPoint slides are generally easier to see by a large audience than
other visual aids. It is also easy to present, no need for handouts. It can easily
advance slides in the presentation one after another with a simple key stroke
while still maintaining eye contact with the audience. They look good visually
and can be easily read if you a projector and screen that is large enough to
the entire room.
2. Prezi
It is a great presentation tool to level up the PowerPoint that you’ve been
using for the past 10 years. It offers new kinds of visualizations and
opportunities to link imagery to motion, which in turn creates a deeper
understanding and retention duration.
3. Apple Keynote
It is a presentation tool that has the following features and capabilities:
- Quality presentation - Useable offline
- Touch optimized - Online and desktop application
- Graphing functions - Quality themes
- Mobile - Remote controlled (iOS)

4. Google Slides
Compatibility in Google Presentations: graphics, text formats, PDFs
and even PowerPoint presentations can be imported and exported in it.
Created presentations can be published online.
Cloud Based Presentation Creation: Google Presentation is supported
by the cloud. This means that as long as a device is connected to the internet,
Google presentation can be accessed. This means that even your colleagues
can access and modify a presentation as it is being formulated. Cloud support
also allows employees and students to make last minute adjustments while
they are on their way to a meeting or other event. Another significant
advantage is that you'll never have to worry about purchasing software again.

3 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2
Structuring Your Presentation
What is a Structure?
Structure provides a logical flow so that it can provide the information
that the audience needs to follow a presentation. It is necessary because a
well-organized presentation creates an impression mastery thus, gaining
audience's trust and attention. The following are guide on how to structure
your presentation:

 Purpose
To determine your purpose, ask "What are the main points I want my
audience to gain from listening to my presentation?”

 Audience pre-assessment
Identify the characteristics, knowledge and needs of your audience. Know
who your audience are, what they want/need to know and what are their
background. This step is done before the presentation or throughout.

 Opening your Presentation/Bridge

This is also called as the hook which is designed to grab the audience's
attention and provide them with a reason to be engaged in the presentation.

 Body of Presentation
This is the major portion of the presentation that needs to be connected
directly to your purpose or bridge. Ensure to cover all the necessary points to
achieve your purpose and be sure to support your points clearly and

 Closing your Presentation

This is the final impression that you will leave with your audience-make
sure it is impactful. Connect back to your purpose and let them know where
you have been then leave your audience with a clear understanding of your
Creating an Effective Presentation

1. Minimize – Minimize the number of slides and ensure that most

information come from the speaker.
2. Clarity – Use a font style that is easy to read or are big enough to be read
by the audience in a distance.
3. Simplicity – Summarize the information and apply the 6 x 7 rule. This
means limiting the content to six lines and seven words per line. Use
bullets or short sentences to have your audience focus on what the
speaker is saying.
4. Visuals – Use suitable graphics and images to capture your audience

4 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2
5. Consistency – Make your slides uniform and avoid using different font
styles and backgrounds.
6. Contrast – use light font on dark background and vice versa

How to Add Hyperlinks in Microsoft PowerPoint

It is an easy way to navigate slides during presentation when using
hyperlinks. Here are the steps:
1. Select an object or highlight a text.
2. Click the Insert tab in the menu bar or use the shortcut key Ctrl+K. Click
Hyperlink or Links. A dialog box will appear.

Link to Options:
a. Existing File or Web Page – creates a hyperlink to a website or a local file
saved in your hard drive. Browse your file in the dialog box or input the
URL in the Address textbox.
b. Place in this Document – creates a hyperlink that enables you to jump
to a specific slide in your presentation
c. Create a New Document – creates a hyperlink that once clicked, creates
a new document on your specified location
d. E-mail Address – creates a hyperlink that opens Microsoft Outlook that
automatically adds your specified recipient on a new email
3. When done, click OK to apply your hyperlink.

Embedding Objects in Microsoft Powerpoint

Embedding an excel file in Microsoft Powerpoint is just very easy. When
embedding an excel file, it would look like a table in a slide.

5 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2
Embedding an Excel File to your Slide Presentation
1. Go to the Insert tab.
2. On the Text group, click on Object.
3. The Insert Object dialog box would appear:

a. Create New – creates a new file from scratch.
b. Create from File – browse an existing file saved on your hard drive.
Checking the box beside the link option will allow the user to modify the
Excel file inside your presentation.
4. Once done, click OK.

What’s More
Answer the following briefly.
1. Which of the presentation tools do you want to use? Why?
2. What is the significance of using hyperlinks instead of just using
your mouse to navigate your slide?
3. How can embedding objects improve your presentation?

What I Have Learned

6 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2
What I Can Do
Perform the following and submit a soft or hardcopy to your teacher:
1. Create a presentation of at least 8 slides about ICT using any
presentation tool.
2. Embed any excel file in the last slide.
3. Insert action buttons anywhere in your presentation. It can be
found at Insert>Shape.
4. Add hyperlinks to your action buttons. It will serve as your
navigator for you to go to the next slide, previous, or last slide.

4 3 2 1

Content Content is Most Content Some Content Content lacks

clear, is clear, is clear, purpose and
accurate accurate accurate does not show
presented in presented in a presented in a understandin
a logical logical logical g of the topic.
manner and manner and manner and
shows shows shows
thorough thorough thorough
understandi understandin understandin
ng of the g of the topic g of the topic
Technology Comprehens General Acceptable No
Connection ive use of understandin understandin understandin
technology g of g of g of
is apparent technology technology technology
Visual Presentation Presentation Presentation Little attempt
Impact is appealing is somewhat is quite was made to
to the viewer appealing to appealing to make the
the viewer the viewer presentation

7 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2

I. Match Column A with Column B. Read each item carefully and use
your notebook or answer sheet to write your answers.
1. Identify the characteristics, knowledge and a. Existing file or
needs of your audience. webpage
2. Creates a hyperlink to a website or a local b. Structured
file. c. Visuals
3. Well-organized presentation. d. Closing
4. Creates a hyperlink that once clicked, e. Contrast
creates a new document on your specified f. Audience pre-
location. assessment
5. Graphics and images in your presentation. g. Create from file
6. Browse an existing file saved on your hard h. Creates a new
drive. document
7. The final impression that you will leave to i. Powerpoint
your audience. j. Clarity
8. Light font in dark background and vice k. Consistency
versa. E l. Apple keynote
9. Presentation tool for Apple devices. m. Consistency
10. Presentation tool made by Microsoft. n. Google slide
11. Presentation tool made by Google. o. Simplicity
12. Fonts are big enough to be read by the
audience in a distance.
13. Making slides uniform.
14. Avoid having different font styles and
15. Limit the content to six lines and seven
words per line

Additional Activities

Make another presentation using other presentation tool other than

Powerpoint. Use the content of your previous presentation that you made.
Send the link of your presentation to your teacher.

8 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2
NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2 9
1. F
2. A
3. B
4. H What I Know
5. C
6. G 1. True
7. D 2. False
8. E 3. False
9. L 4. True
10.I 5. False
11.N 6. True
12.J 7. True
13.M 8. False
14.K 9. True
15.O 10.True
Answer Key

Rex Book Store.(2016).Empowerment Technologies.1.17-25

“Presentation Skills,” May 8, 2020. https://wiki.ubc.ca/Presentation_Skills.
2019. SlideShare. August 3. Accessed March 11, 2021.

10 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Kagawasan, Avenue, Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tel #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117

Email Address: negros.oriental@deped.gov.ph
Website: lrmds.depednodis.net

11 NegOr_Q3_ETECH11_Module5_V2

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