dm2022 0394

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health

8 September 2022


No. 2022 -



SUBJECT : Technical Assistance Packages for Universal Health Care

This memorandum is issued to provide the list of technical assistance (TA) packages that the
Department of Health (DOH) can provide to
its Centers for Health Development (CHDs) and
local governments units (LGUs) (Refer to Annex A). This will enable them to improve their

capacities, perform their responsibilities, and execute their plans towards the progressive

realization of Universal Health Care (UHC). For the full list of TA packages, you may access

Department Memorandum 2021-0212 dated 11 May 2022, entitled “CY 2021-2022 Menu of
Technical Assistance (TA) and Support for Universal Health Care Integration Sites
(UHC-IS)” is
hereby repealed, accordingly.

For queries or clarifications, please have your staff contact Ms. Eileen Diane
Cheng-Fernandez and Ms. Ghelvin Aguirre of the Health Policy Development and Planning
Bureau - Health Planning Division at local 1327 or through email at
[email protected].

By Authority of the Secretary of Health:


Undersecretary of Health
Health Policy and Infrastructure Development Team

Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila e Trunk Line 8651-7800 local 1108, 1111, 1112, 1113
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 e URL:; e-mail: [email protected]
Technical Assistance Packages for Centers for Health Development (CHDs)

Technical Assistance - Any form of support needed or requested by the recipient DOH
office, agency, LGUs, and other health stakeholders to facilitate
improvement of their capacities, performance of their functions,
and execution of their plans.
Types of TA
1. Technical Outputs - Reports, papers, documentation, substantive participation in
meetings or conferences, technical guidelines, toolkits/templates/guide, information,
education, and communication (IEC) materials, development of health information
2. Teaching/Coaching - Teaching or facilitation in training activities, advice or replies
to inquiries or decision makers, proposals or recommendations to decision making
activities, orientations, capacity building, learning and development interventions
3. Facilitation of Funding Assistance - Government of the Philippines (GOP), loans,
grants sources, cash
4. Logistics Support - Covering the cost of participants, equipment, venues, supplies,
materials and others, infrastructure, IT software/hardware, commodities, human

A} Building Bloc}

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching |eLearning modules on UHC Implementers' |Health Human Resource
Course? Development Bureau
eLearning modules on UHC Managerial HHRDB
Orientation Course on Devolution HHRDB and Health
Transition Plan (DTP)? Policy Development and
Planning Bureau
(HPDPB) (in
coordination with Health
Facility Enhancement
Program- Management
Office (HFEP-MO),
Disease Prevention and
Control Bureau (DPCB),
Epidemiology Bureau

' As
approved during the 8th Health Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Governance Technical Working
Group (TWG) Meeting conducted on 14 July 2022.
Available at the DOH Academy
Ongoing development for posting at the DOH Academy
(EB), and National
Nutrition Council
Teaching/Coaching; DOH Representatives Local Health Bureau of Local Health
Technical Outputs Systems (LHS) Toolkit Systems Development
Technical Outputs DOH Representatives Assistant BLHSD

Leadership and Governance

1. Unified Governance
the Local Health System
2. Strategic and Investment Planning

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Technical Outputs Template on the Creation of the Technical |BLHSD
Working Group (TWG) for Integration of
Template on the Expansion of Membership |BLHSD
and Functions of the Provincial/City Health
Board (P/CHB)
Template on the Strengthening of the BLHSD
Provincial/City Health Office (P/CHO)
Template on the Establishment of
Management Support Unit (MSU)
Template on Ordinance on the BLHSD
Operationalization and Establishment of the
Province-wide/City-wide Health System
Outline/templates on P/CWHS Annual BLHSD
Accomplishment Report
Teaching/Coaching; |Template and Orientation on issuance of BLHSD
Technical Outputs Terms of Partnership (TOP) (as part of the
Orientation on Development of Annual
Operational Plans (AOPs), and part of UHC
Implementers' Course Module 4 on LHS
Management Tools)*
Orientation on the Policy Framework on BLHSD

Available at the DOH Academy
Teaching/Coaching |LeadGov4Health Towards a Functional
Local Health Board
Assistance in Crafting the Inter-LGU BLHSD
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or
provision of sample template
eModule on Local Investment Plan for BLHSD
Health (LIPH) Development*
Orientation on issued policies and manuals |BLHSD
(Directions on 2024 AOP Development,
LIPH Handbook, etc.) (Also part of UHC
Implementers' Course Module 4 on LHS
Management Tools)*
Localization of policies on leadership and Implementation

governance and Coordination Team

Health Policy and Systems Research® HPDPB
Research Management HPDPB
Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation |HPDPB

UHC Monitoring and Evaluation® HPDPB

1. Financial Management

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching |Orientation on Joint Memorandum Circular |BLHSD (in
for Special Health Fund (included in the coordination with
UHC Implementers’ Course)*® Financial and
Management Service
(FMS) and HPDPB)
Training on Financial Management BLHSD
(managing Health Care Providers within the |coordination with
locality) PhilHealth)
Provider Payment Mechanism reform PhilHealth
Benefit Development PhilHealth

Ongoing development for posting at the DOH Academy
Available at the DOH Academy
Health Workforce
1. Human Resources for Health Management and Development

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching |Orientation and engagement of LGUs in HHRDB
registering their Human Resources for Health
(HRH) to the National Health Workforce
Registry (NHWR)
Orientation/TA on competency-based learning |HHRDB
and development management system
Development of an Interactive Handbook on |HHRDB
Local HRH Management and Development
Orientation/TA on Human Resource HHRDB
Management and Development Systems
DOH Primary Care Workers' Online HHRDB
Orientation (UHC Implementers’ Course)’
Integrated Course on Primary Care’ HHRDB
Online courses on Organizational HHRDB
Training for Public Health Midwives HHRDB
Other courses to
be delivered as part of the HHRDB
Partnership Agreement with Local
Government Academy (LGA)
Orientation/TA on the development of HHRDB
facility-based Staffing Requirement (using
Workload Indicators of Staffing Need or

Available at the DOH Academy
Teaching/Coaching; |Templates and orientation on HRH-related HHRDB
Technical Outputs reports - particular for the KRA 2.3
(Establishment of competency-based HRH
management and development system and
HRH performance assessment system (EO or
P/CHB)), KRA 3.1 (Creation of Permanent
Plantilla Positions for HRH) , and KRA 3.2
(Monitoring of P/;CWHS Performance on
HRH Management and Development)

1. Information Management System
2. Epidemiologic Surveillance System

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/ Coaching Technical Orientation and Process Knowledge
Walkthrough on LHS ML Indicators for Management and
PCWHS Characteristics on Information Information
Management System (Infol) Technology Service
Issuance and orientation on the DC on KMITS
Recommended Organizational Structure and
Minimum Human Resources for Health
Information and Communications Technology
(HICT) for the Implementation of the subject
P/CWHS Characteristic
Technical Implementation of Standards KMITS
Conformance and Interoperability Validation
1. Issuance and promulgation of

operational policies and guidelines on

NHDS catalogue, and SCIV
2. Conduct of training of trainers for the
Centralized Online SCIV System
3. Handholding activities to implementers
4. Live implementation of SCIV

ICD-SmartVA (Smart Verbal Autopsy) EB

Training of Trainers*

Ongoing development for posting at the DOH Academy

Field Management Training Program EB

Training of Trainers on: EB

- FHSIS (Field Health Service
Information System)
Information System)
- ONEISS (Online National Electronic
Injury Surveillance System)
Basic Statistical Data Management and EB
Analysis for FHSIS Coordinator?
Online Training on Basic Epidemiology EB

Field Epidemiology Training Program EB


Teaching/ Coaching; |Technical Implementation of UHC Integrated |KMITS

Technical Output Health Information System (iHIS)
1. Issuance and promulgation of

operational policies and guidelines on

iHIS (including iClinicSys and
iHOMIS), national health data standards
(NHDS) catalogue, standards
conformance and interoperability
validation (SCIV), data privacy, and
2. Conduct of training of trainers on
iHOMIS+ and iClinicSys v4.1
3. Handholding activities on technical
4. Live implementation of IHOMIS+ and
iClinicSys v4.1
Capacity Building in Epidemiology and EB
Surveillance Unit (ESU) Functionality
Teaching/ Coaching; |Implementation of the EMR-NHDR"® PhilHealth
Technical Output; 1. Issuance and promulgation of

Funding Assistance operational policies and guidelines on

2. Conduct of training of trainers on the
3. Handholding activities on technical

Available at the DOH Academy
" Target beneficiaries also include PhilHealth Regional Offices and Health Care Institutions (HCIs) and Health
Care Providers (HCPs)
4. Live implementation of the
5. Functional Orientation and Process
Walkthrough on the EMR-NHDR
Logistics Support ICT resources to implementing sites of DOH |KMITS
information systems based on approved ISSP
and TOP, if applicable

Medical Products, Vaccines and Technology

1. Procurement and Supply Chain Management

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/ Coaching for the use of the
|Online Training Modules Pharmaceutical
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and Division (PD)
the Primary Health Care Facility staff"!

Antimicrobial Stewardship Blended Learning |PD

Program Framework for Primary Healthcare
Orientation on the guidelines on Procurement |Management
on Public Health Commodities (2022-2023) |Services Team
Service (PS)/Supply
Chain Management
Service (SCMS) in
coordination with
Orientation on the AO for Governing Policy |MST/PS/SCMS
on PSCM Strategy (2022-2023)
Orientation on the guidelines on Compendium |DPCB
of Standards and Protocols for Drugs,
Medicines, Vaccines, and Supplies
Dissemination of the following policies: SCMS
1. DO No. 2020-0259: Guidelines for the

Implementation of Medical Devices and

Supplies Consignment
2. DM 2022-0219: Guidelines in the

" Available at the DOH Academy

Implementation of Framework Arrangement
within the DOH Central OF fice, Centers for
Health Development (CHDs), DOH-retained
hospitals, Treatment Rehabilitation Centers
(TRCs) and Other Attached Agencies
3. DM 2021-0528: Directions on Transition of
Financing Public Health Commodities from
the National Government to
Government Units
Training on RA 9184 and its 2016 Revised PS
IRR for LGUs
Warehouse Operations Manual (WOM) and PS
Electronic Logistics Management Information
System (eLMIS) Training
TA on the preparation of the following PS
procurement reports mandated by RA 9184:
1. Agency Procurement Compliance and

Performance Indicator System (APCPI) and

2. Procurement Monitoring Report

Teaching/ Coaching; Dissemination of DOH Customized SCMS

Technical Output Procurement Manual and WOM

Service Delivery
1. Referral System
2. Disaster Risk Reduction Management for Health (DRRM-H) System
3. Health Promotion Programs or Campaign

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching Development and dissemination of the DPCB
manualof National Practice Guidelines
Development and cascading of Omnibus DPCB
Guidelines for Individual Services per
Development, Orientation and Cascading of |DPCB
Integrated DPCB Strategic Plan (2022 to
Localization of policies on health service FICT/BLHSD
Technical Assistance on Konsulta PhilHealth

eLearning Introductory Course on Health Emergency

DRRM-H” Management Bureau
1.Roll-out of Health Emergency Response HEMB
Operations (HERO) Training
2. Attendance to Technical Assistance
Requests on Emergency Operations Center
(EOC) and other DRRM-H Activities
3. Conduct of assessment on Emergency
Operation Center (EOC)
Training Workshop on the Conduct of Health Health Promotion
Impact Assessment (HIA) and Evaluation of |Bureau (HPB)
HIA Reports
Capacity development for local conduct of |HPB
health literacy assessments for CHDs and
Capacity development on Participatory HPB
Action Research

Technical Output Sample Memorandum of Agreement between Health Facility

Apex Hospital and Health Care Provider Development Bureau
Networks (HFDB)
Template Executive Order for the creation of HPB
the P/CWHS Health Promotion Committee

Template SP Resolution for the Designation HPB

of BHWs as barangay level health promotion
Template of Accomplishment Report for HPB
Annual Health Promotion Programs, Projects
and Activities
Development and implementation of a HPB
localized Health Promotion Framework
Strategy in the P/;-CWHS
Dissemination of Recorded Orientation HEMB
materials for DRRM-H including the
templates/sampie documents discussed

” Available at the DOH Academy

through issuance of Department
Memorandum to all CHDs and
Teaching/Coaching/ Health Facility Development
_{Provincial/City |HFDB
Technical Output Planning Template
Use of the Standardized Client Experience |HFDB
Survey Tool to Measure Responsiveness?
Health Care Provider Network Module in HFDB
UHC Implementers' Course
Re-iteration of the DRRM-H Planning Guide }HEMB

Teaching/Coaching; [Capacity building on implementation of HPB

Technical Output, health promotion programs
Funding Assistance;
Logistics Support
Funding Assistance Health Emergency Preparedness and HEMB

3 Available at the DOH Academy

Annex B. Technical Assistance Packages for All Local Government Units

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching eLearning modules on UHC Implementers' |HHRDB

eLearning modules on UHC Managerial HHRDB

Orientation Course on Devolution Transition |HHRDB and
Plan (DTP)’* HPDPB (in —

coordination with

EB, and NNC)
Inclusion of UHC modules on the Newly HHRDB
Elected Officials Program of the Local
Government Academy
Generation of the LGU HSC Report Cards BLHSD
and Publication of Annual Reports
Teaching/Coaching; |Updated Policy and Manual of Procedures for |BLHSD
Technical Outputs the LGU HSC Implementation
Teaching/Coaching; [Guide and tools on the Identification, BLHSD
Technical Outputs; Documentation, and Replication of Good
Funding Assistance Practices

Leadership and Governance

1. Unified Governance of the Local Health System
2. Strategic and Investment Planning

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Technical Outputs Template on the Creation of the TWG
Integration of LHS
Template on the Expansion of Membership |BLHSD
and Functions of the P/CHB

Template on the Strengthening of P/CHO BLHSD

4 Available at the DOH Academy

Ongoing development for posting at the DOH Academy
Teaching/Coaching Orientation on the Policy Framework on BLHSD
LeadGov4Health Towards a Functional Local
Health Board
eModule on LIPH Development BLHSD
Orientation on issued policies and manuals |BLHSD
(Directions on 2024 AOP Development,
LIPH Handbook, etc.) (Also part of UHC
Implementers' Course Module 4 on LHS
Management Tools)'®
Localization of policies on leadership and FICT/ BLHSD
Health Policy and Systems Research’® HPDPB
UHC Monitoring and Evaluation (Integrated |HPDPB
in the UHC Implementers’ Course)'*

Teaching/Coaching; |Template and Orientation on issuanceof TOP|BLHSD

Technical Outputs (as part of the Orientation on Development of
AOPs, and part of UHC Implementers'’
Course Module 4 on LHS Management

1. Financial Management

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching Orientation on JMC for SHF (partof UHC —_|BLHSD
Implementers' Course)'* coordination with

Training on Financial Management BLHSD

(managing HCPs within the locality) coordination with
Provider Payment Mechanism reform PhilHealth
Benefit Development PhilHealth

'6 Available at the DOH Academy

Health Workforce
1. Human Resources for Health Management and Development

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching Orientation and engagement of LGUs in HHRDB
registering their HRH to the NHWR
Orientation/TA on competency-based HHRDB
learning and development management
Development of an Interactive Handbook on |HHRDB
Local HRMD
Orientation/TA on HRMDS HHRDB
(in coordination with
DOH Primary Care Workers' Online HHRDB
Orientation (UHC Implementers’ Course)”
Integrated Course on Primary Care '’ HHRDB
Online courses on Organizational HHRDB
Training for Public Health Midwives HHRDB
Other courses to be delivered as part of the |HHRDB
Partnership Agreement with LGA
Development of additional LGU
staffing for |HHRDB,
endorsement to DBM Administrative
Service (AS)
Orientation/TA on the development of HHRDB
facility-based Staffing Requirement (using
Teaching/Coaching; Templates and orientation on HRH-related |HHRDB
Technical Outputs reports - particular for the KRA 2.3
(Establishment of competency-based HRH

” Available at the DOH Academy

management and development system and
HRH performance assessment system (EO or
P/CHB)), KRA 3.1 (Creation of Permanent
Plantilla Positions for HRH) , and KRA 3.2
(Monitoring of P/-CWHS Performance on
HRH Management and Development)

1. Information Management System
2. Epidemiologic Surveillance System

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching Orientation on the DC on Recommended KMITS
Organizational Structure and Minimum
Human Resources for Health Information
and Communications Technology (HICT) for
the Implementation of the subject P/-CWHS
Technical Implementation of Standards KMITS
Conformance and Interoperability Validation
1. Issuance and promulgation of

operational policies and guidelines on

NHDS catalogue, and SCIV
2. Conduct of training of trainers for the
Centralized Online SCIV System
3. Handholding activities to implementers
4. Live implementation of SCIV

Basic Statistical Data Management and EB

Analysis for FHSIS Coordinator'®
Online Training on Basic Epidemiology '° EB

Field Epidemiology Training Program EB


Teaching/Coaching; Technical Implementation of UHC KMITS

Technical Outputs Integrated Health Information System (iHIS)
1. Issuance and promulgation of

operational policies and guidelines on

iHIS (including iClinicSys and

Available at the DOH Academy
iHOMIS), national health data standards
(NHDS) catalogue, standards
conformance and interoperability
validation (SCIV), data privacy, and
2. Conduct of training of trainers on
iHOMIS+ and iClinicSys v4.1
3. Handholding activities on technical
4. Live implementation of i1HOMIS+ and
iClinicSys v4.1
Technical Implementation of Telemedicine {KMITS
1. Issuance and promulgation of the
Manual of Operations on Telemedicine
Services (while awaiting the release of
the PRC & PMA Code of Ethics and
for Telemedicine)
Teaching/ Coaching; [Implementation of the EMR-NHDR PhilHealth
Technical Output; 1. Issuance and promulgation of
Funding Assistance operational policies and guidelines on
2. Conduct of training of trainers on the
3. Handholding activities on technical
4. Live implementation of the
5. Functional Orientation and Process
Walkthrough on the EMR-NHDR

Medical Products, Vaccines and Technology

1. Procurement and Supply Chain Management

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching Online Training Modules for the use of the {PD

Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and

the Primary Health Care Facility staff!
Antimicrobial Stewardship Blended Learning PD

Available at the DOH Academy
Program Framework for Primary Healthcare
Orientation on the guidelines on Procurement MST/PS/SCMS in
on Public Health Commodities (2022-2023) coordination with
Orientation on the AO for Governing Policy MST/PS/SCMS
on PSCM Strategy (2022-2023)
Orientation on the guidelines on DPCB
Compendium of Standards and Protocols for
Drugs, Medicines, Vaccines, and Supplies
Dissemination of the following policies: SCMS
1. DO No. 2020-0259: Guidelines for the

Implementation of Medical Devices and

Supplies Consignment
2. DM 2022-0219: Guidelines in the
Implementation of Framework Arrangement
within the DOH Central Office, CHDs,
DOH-retained hospitals, Treatment
Rehabilitation Centers (TRCs) and Other
Attached Agencies
3. DM 2021-0528: Directions on Transition
of Financing Public Health Commodities
from the National Government to
Government Units
Training on RA 9184 and its 2016 Revised PS
IRR for LGUs
and eLMIS Training PS
TA on the preparation of the following PS
procurement reports mandated by RA 9184:
1. Agency Procurement Compliance and

Performance Indicator System (APCPI) and

2. Procurement Monitoring Report

Teaching/Coaching; Dissemination of DOH Customized SCMS

Technical Outputs Procurement Manual and WOM
Logistics Support Provision of health commodities that are DPCB
retained for procurement through funds
managed by DOH-DPCB, based on the
Devolution Transition Plan and other related
mechanisms of allocation of support (e.g.
DPCB Supportive Supervision Strategy) and
subject to availability of funds and market

Service Deli
1. Referral System
2. Disaster Risk Reduction Management for Health (DRRM-H) System
3. Health Promotion Programs or Campaign

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching Development and dissemination of the DPCB
manual of National Practice Guidelines
Development and cascading of Omnibus DPCB
Guidelines for Individual Services per
Localization of policies on health service FICT/BLHSD
Technical Assistance on Konsulta PhilHealth
eLearning Introductory Course on HEMB
Template SP Resolution for the Designation |HPB
of BHWs as barangay level health promotion
Training Workshop on the Conduct of Health |HPB
Impact Assessment (HIA) and Evaluation of
HIA Reports
Orientation on the Health Facilities HFEP-MO
Enhancement Program
Provincial/City Health Facility Development |]HFDB
Planning Template
Teaching/Coaching; Health Care Provider Network Module in HFDB
Technical Outputs UHC Implementers' Course

Use of the Standardized Client Experience |HFDB

Survey Tool to Measure Responsiveness
Re-iteration of the DRRM-H Planning Guide |HEMB
Revision of the BHW Reference Manual; BLHSD

2 Available at the DOH Academy

Development of Facilitator's Manual
Technical Outputs DM 2021-0567 Updated List of Eligible HFDB
Apex or End-Referral Hospital as of
November 30, 2021
Sample Memorandum of Agreement HFDB
between Apex Hospital and Health Care
Provider Networks
Template Executive Order for the creation of HPB
the P/CWHS Health Promotion Committee
Template Ordinance on the Creation of the HPB
P/CHO Health Promotion Unit with standard

staffing recommendation
Annex C. Technical Assistance Packages for UHC Integration Sites Only

1. Unified Governance of the Local Health System
2. Strategic and Investment Planning

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Technical Output; Assistance in Crafting the Inter-LGU BLHSD
Teaching/Coaching Memorandum of Agreement or provision of
sample template
Technical Output Template on Ordinance on the BLHSD
Operationalization and Establishment of the


1. Financial Management

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching; SHF Sandbox PhilHealth
Technical Outputs

1. Information Management System
2. Epidemiologic Surveillance System

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching Technical Orientation and Process KMITS
Walkthrough on LHS ML Indicators for
PCWHS Characteristics on Information
Management System (Infol)
Logistics Support Prioritization and allocation of ICT resources |KMITS
to implementing sites of DOH information
systems based on approved ISSP and TOP, if
Funding Assistance Epidemiology and Surveillance (Deployment |EB
of Disease Surveillance Officers)
Service Delivery
1. Referral System
2. Disaster Risk Reduction Management for Health (DRRM-H) System
3. Health Promotion Programs or Campaign

TA Classification TA Package Responsible Office

Teaching/Coaching 1. Roll-out of HERO Training HEMB
2. Attendance to Technical Assistance
Requests on EOC and other DRRM-H
3. Conduct of assessment on EOC

Capacity development for local conduct of HPB

health literacy assessments for CHDs and
Technical Outputs Development and implementation of a HPB
localized Health Promotion Framework
Strategy in the P/CWHS
Template for Accomplishment Report for HPB
Annual Health Promotion Programs, Projects
and Activities
Dissemination of Recorded Orientation HEMB
materials for DRRM-H including the
templates/sample documents discussed
through issuance of Department
Memorandum to all CHDs and
Teaching/Coaching; Capacity building on implementation of HPB
Technical Output; health promotion programs
Funding Assistance;
Logistics Support
Funding Assistance Health Emergency Preparedness and HEMB
Budget augmentation for the conduct of HPB
Participatory Action Research
Budget augmentation for implementation of HPB
Health Promotion Playbook for communities”’

Also provided to 4th-6th class non-UHC-IS provinces

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