Tms 580
Tms 580
Tms 580
Load loss measurement to reveal indications about stray
losses and winding resistance.
No-load loss measurement to determine transformer
Heat run to verify temperature rises of oil and windings.
Induced voltage test to check the voltage withstand
capability of the insulations.
Zero sequence measurement to identify phase sequence
Wattmeter function to perform quick and easy
The measurement of the losses in power transformers is an measurements without any calculations.
indispensable quality-verification process. Due to the fact
Self-check to calibrate all ranges of voltage and current
that normally the transformer user puts a penalty on the
losses that occur in the load and no-load modes, the
greatest possible accuracy in measuring the power losses
is of primary economic importance. The TMS 580 system
was specially developed for highly accurate measurements
of power losses in transformers. High measuring accuracy of maximum ±0.35% of the
indicated power at a typical frequency of 50 Hz and a
The TMS 580 system combines well-established and power factor of 0.05. The stability of the error is
reliable hardware with up-to-date and powerful software. guaranteed for 12 month.
The system can be integrated into a computerized test field.
The control computer can be connected to the factory LAN Short throughput times due to the elimination of
and therefore the measuring data can be externally instrument transformer rewiring, remote range
accessed for backup and further processing. selection and computer aided processing.
The TMS 580 software supports two measurement modes. Assured documentation quality with a precise test
One mode is intended for conventional single or three report, which is generated automatically at the end of
phase transformers with up to six windings. In this mode a measurement.
the transformer can be completely defined with its power
and voltage rating, frequency, tap changer, vector group, Excellent technical services are guaranteed by our
phase displacement, flux density, conductor material, core skilled and experienced engineers. They ensure perfect
code and reference temperature. operating condition over the systems entire service
For autotransformers or special purpose transformers, life.
which cannot be specified with the standard attributes, the
TMS 580 provides a flexible and free-definable measuring High operating convenience reduces the learning
mode. Herein transformer losses are measured according process and minimizes faulty operations. Intuitive
to the DUT-specific configured setups. windows operating software helps getting familiar
with the instrument very fast.
The TMS 580 offers an exceptional operating convenience.
The measuring procedures are software supported. Time
can be saved because the precision high voltage APPLICATIONS
transformer requires no manual range selection. The risk of
using wrong voltage or current range is thus eliminated. Transformer Manufacturers
Transmission Network Service Providers
The TMS 580 has distinguished itself in the rugged
environment of the transformer test facility. The design of Distribution Network Service Providers
the system ensures that its control and instrumentation Research Institutes
function circuits remain unaffected by existing interfering
a brand of
Haefely is a subsidiary
of Hubbell Incorporated.
Haefely has a policy of continuous product improvement. Therefore we reserve the right to change design and specification without notice. LL_TMS580_0707_RF.doc – 1/ 6
The total losses of a transformer are the sum of the no-load The power factor (cos ϕ) of large transformers is small. This is
and load losses. In general the actual loss figure has to be why even minute phase angle errors of the instrument
guaranteed by the manufacturer and are verified for the transformers can lead to substantial power measurement
customer during the acceptance test. The appropriate errors. The instrument transformers of the TMS 580 are
standard is IEC 60076-8 clause 10 “Guide to the specially designed to ensure very small phase angle errors,
measurement of losses in power transformers”. thus making additional error correction redundant.
The no load losses of a transformer consists of core losses, Together with the TMS 580 system the complete calibration
winding losses and insulation losses. In general the certificate is issued, which attest the accuracy of the system
dielectric and joule losses can be neglected, as they are prior to shipping. The calibration is performed according to
several magnitude smaller than the iron losses. The NIST 1204 (National Institute of Standards and Technology,
measurement of the no load losses allows to detect defects USA). The certificate contains the full results of all
in the core as for example core short circuits or saturation. measurement performed.
The current during a no-load measurement is inevitably A complete system calibration includes a reference calibration
distorted as a result of the non-linearity of the magnetizing of the voltage and current transformers with certified,
curve. The voltage across the DUT is usually distorted traceable precision instrument
because of the limited output of the test facility generators. This can be easily done on-site by our qualified service
While the current distortion is also present during in-service personnel.
operation of the transformer, the voltage distortion must be
recalculated to a sinusoidal waveform.
a brand of
Haefely is a subsidiary
of Hubbell Incorporated.
Haefely has a policy of continuous product improvement. Therefore we reserve the right to change design and specification without notice. LL_TMS580_0707_RF.doc – 2/ 6
The transformer loss measuring system TMS 580 is The Control cabinet contains the voltage and current
designed for indoor use. As illustrated below the TMS 580 channels, the wattmeter and the calibrator TMS 583. The
consists of four designated elements: voltage channel incorporates the low voltage capacitors of the
HV divider. The current channel essentially contains the
The Voltage divider is used to measure the phase to secondary current transformer and the flux compensation
ground voltage with great accuracy. A metallic pressure circuitry. Both, current and voltage channels can be controlled
tank with its corresponding internal concentric electrode manually or by the TMS computer. The digital wattmeter
forms the high voltage capacitance. The electrodes are simultaneously measures the voltages and currents. From
insulated with SF6. The capacitor is practically corona free these values the wattmeter computes the real power, the
and is extremely stable. A guard electrode ensures that the apparent power and the power factors. The calibrator makes it
proximity of other objects does not affect the capacitance. possible to easily check the accuracy of the voltage and
The low voltage section, which determines the ratio, is current channels.
located in the TMS 581 voltage channel in the control
cabinet. The built-in industrial Computer monitors and controls the
full system. It runs an intuitive understandable Windows user
The Current transformer consists of a to radial coil in interface software and is equipped with a colour TFT monitor,
high pressure SF6 insulation. A fibre reinforced plastic hard disk, floppy disk, a CD RW and laser printer.
insulator, which is located between the aluminium head,
and the base frame provides a flashover distance of more All TMS 580 components are carefully tested prior and after
than half a meter. The accuracy over the entire range is final assembly to ensure accurate and reliable operation.
attained with an electronic compensation circuit involving
a zero flux transformer, located in the TMS 582 current Haefely Test AG is fully ISO 9001 certified since 1992 and DIN
channel in the control cabinet. EN ISO 9001:2000 (December 2000 edition) certified since
June 2002.
The measurement error is independent of the load. When
the system is shut down or when the current transformer
is disconnected or overloaded the secondary circuit is
automatically shorted.
a brand of
Haefely is a subsidiary
of Hubbell Incorporated.
Haefely has a policy of continuous product improvement. Therefore we reserve the right to change design and specification without notice. LL_TMS580_0707_RF.doc – 3/ 6
The powerful TMS 580 Windows operation software is a
result of our close collaboration with transformer test system
users worldwide. It has been improved over years with lots of
customer feedback and inputs.
The main window of the TMS 580 software is divided into Beside the display of normal measuring values the TMS
three sections: 580 software allows also harmonics to be measured and
displayed. This is especially helpful when measuring no
Test preparation: All file handling, setup and order data can load losses to verify voltage and current distortions.
be entered in this area. Additionally a continuous text field
allows the input of general remarks like global documentation
or application notes.
a brand of
Haefely is a subsidiary
of Hubbell Incorporated.
Haefely has a policy of continuous product improvement. Therefore we reserve the right to change design and specification without notice. LL_TMS580_0707_RF.doc – 4/ 6
Voltage Measurement
Current Measurement
Power Measurement
Safety Clearances
Environmental Conditions
Power Supply
a brand of
Haefely is a subsidiary
of Hubbell Incorporated.
Haefely has a policy of continuous product improvement. Therefore we reserve the right to change design and specification without notice. LL_TMS580_0707_RF.doc – 5/ 6
Name Description Ordering No.
TMS 580-100-2000 Transformer Loss Measuring System 100 kV / 2000 A 0265271
TMS 580-100-4000 Transformer Loss Measuring System 100 kV / 4000 A 0265281
TMS 580-200-2000 Transformer Loss Measuring System 200 kV / 2000 A 0265291
TMS 580-200-4000 Transformer Loss Measuring System 200 kV / 4000 A 0265301
Scope of supply:
The 2285 transformer measuring system, The TTR 2795 verifies
performs automated measurements of Turns transformer turns ratio,
ratio and Winding resistance. Heat run tests excitation current and the
are supported by Cold resistance, phase angle between primary
Temperature measurement, Supervision and secondary windings.
during temperature rise, Cooling curve and
The MIDAS 2880 mobile insulation analyzer, The FRA 5310 sweep
measures capacitance, Dissipation Factor (tan frequency response analyzer,
δ) and Power Factor (cos φ) of HV insulations. records the transformer
A powerful 15kV high-voltage supply is built- winding frequency response
in. “fingerprints”.
The 2291 and 2292 high current The RVM 5462 recovery
resistance meters are special voltage meter, records the
designed for high performance recovery voltages and
measurement of high inductance, analysis the insulation
low value resistances such as condition by tracing their
transformer windings, etc. polarization spectrum.
a brand of
Haefely is a subsidiary
of Hubbell Incorporated.
Haefely has a policy of continuous product improvement. Therefore we reserve the right to change design and specification without notice. LL_TMS580_0707_RF.doc – 6/ 6