1 Rizal Law
1 Rizal Law
1 Rizal Law
ike Sen. Recto, he firmly Revolución (Spirit of 1896), Alagad ni Rizal, the
educational institutions in the Philippines to teach believed that the passing of the bill into law will Freemasons, and the Knights of Rizal.
the life, works, and writing of Jose Rizal. Its be integral in achieving the noble intent of
primary aim is to inculcate in students an bringing to the Filipinos a sense of nationalism One notable action taken by the Catholic Church
increased sense of nationalism at a time when that would help them understand the importance to oppose the passing of the bill into law was
the Filipino identity is threatened by various of sovereignty. The church accused Recto of publishing a pastoral letter written by then
factors. being a communist and anti-Catholic. They Archbishop of Manila, Rufino Santos. It stated
believed that mandating students to read Rizal’s that Catholic students would be affected if
CONTEXT OF RIZAL BILL novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, compulsory reading of the unexpurgated version
would violate the freedom of conscience and would push through. It was read in all the
The aftermath of the Second World War left the religion. In an attempt to block the passing of the masses that were celebrated in the Diocese of
Philippines struggling on its feet. The countless bill into law, the Church urged their supporters to Manila.
problems, challenges, and damages brought by write to their congressmen and senators to show
the war called for recovery on a national scale. their opposition to the bill. Fortifying their One oppositionist to the bill said that Rizal
Prominent individuals who championed opposition, the Church organized symposiums attacked dogmas, beliefs, and practices of the
nationalism and patriotism were at the forefront of and fora to denounce the approval of the said bill. Church. Cuenco, another staunch oppositionist,
forwarding measures to instill such values in Fr. Jesus Cavanna, a staunch oppositionist of the highlighted Rizal’s denial of the existence of
Philippine society. These people worked hard to bill, argued that the novels belonged in the past purgatory, as it was not found in the Bible, and
find ways to aid the Filipino youth in the formation and that teaching them would misrepresent the that Moses and Jesus Christ did not mention its
of their national consciousness. Among these current conditions of the Philippines. Radio existence. These, among other reasons, were
individuals was Sen. Claro M. Recto, the main Veritas commentator, Jesus Paredes, also said emphasized in debates inside the Senate.
proponent of the Rizal Bill. He believed that that Catholics had the right to refuse to read the
studying the life and works of Jose RIzal would novels as it would endanger their salvation. Outside the Senate, a rumor had spread that
be instrumental in teaching the youth to stand up Catholic schools threatened to close down if the
for their country, therefore embodying the values Aside from the opposition of the personalities bill was passed. Recto refused to believe the
and ideals of Rizal. There were only three people mentioned, there was also strong resistance from possibility of such a threat because schools
who opposed the bill when it was brought to the various groups like the Catholic Action of the would lose profit if they closed.
Senate. However, it was met with stiff opposition Philippines, the Congregation of the Mission, the
Knights of Columbus, and the Catholic Teachers Given these debates, whether to pass the bill or
from the Catholic Church when it was sponsored
by Sen. Jose P. Laurel, the head of the senate Guild. However, the Rizal bill also had not, it as suggested that a compromise be made
committee on education. He helped Sen. Recto supporters, namely, the Veteranos de la to appease those who opposed the bill. It was
defend the viability and practicality of having the
then agreed that the expurgated versions of Filibusterismo, authorizing the printing and and universities, public or private: Provided, that
Rizal’s novel would be used. distribution thereof, and for other purposes. in the collegiate courses, the original or
unexpurgated editions of the Noli Me Tangere
Recto, who had supported the required reading WHEREAS, today, more than any other period of and El Filibusterismo or their English translations
of the unexpurgated versions, declared: “The our history, there is a need for a rededication to shall be used as basic texts.
people who would eliminate the books of RIzal the ideals freedom and nationalism for which our
from the schools would blot out from our minds heroes lived and died; The Board of National Education is hereby
the memory of the national hero. This is not a authorized and directed to adopt forthwith
fight against Recto but a fight against Rizal,” WHEREAS, it is meet that in honoring them, measures to implement and carry out the
adding that since Rizal is dead, they are particularly the national hero and patriot, Jose provisions of this Section, including the writing
attempting to suppress his memory. Rizal, we remember with special fondness and and printing of appropriate primers, readers, and
devotion their lives and works that have shaped textbooks. The Board shall, within sixty (60) days
On May 12,1956, the bill, with the compromise the national character; from the effectivity of this Act, promulgate rules
inserted by Laurel, was approved unanimously. and regulations, including those of a disciplinary
The bill specified that only college students would WHEREAS, the life, works, and writings of Jose nature, to carry out and enforce the provisions of
have the option to read the unexpurgated Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and this Act. The Board shall promulgate rules and
versions of the clerically-contested reading El Filibusterismo, are a constant and inspiring regulations providing for the exemption of
materials. There was also an amendment made source of patriotism with which the minds of the students for reasons of religious beliefs stated in
to the original bill that included the teaching of youth,especially during their formative and a sworn written statement, from the requirement
Rizal’s other works, aside from the two novels. decisive ears in school, should be suffused; of the provision contained in the second part of
Despite all the controversies, arguments, and the first paragraph of this section; but not from
opposition against the Rizal Bill, it was finally WHEREAS, all educational institutions are under taking the course provided for in the first part of
enacted on June 12, 1956. the supervision of, and subject to regulation by said paragraph. Said rules and regulations shall
the State, and all schools are enjoined to develop take effect thirty (30) days after their publication
REPUBLIC ACT 1425 (The Rizal Law) moral character, person a discipline, civic in the Official Gazette.
conscience, and to teach the duties of
Republic Act No. 1425 citizenship; Now, therefore, SECTION 2. It shall be obligatory on all schools,
colleges, and universities to keep in their libraries
An act to include in the curricula of all public and SECTION 1. Courses on the life, works, and an adequate number of copies of the original and
private schools, colleges and universities courses writings of Jose Rizal particularly his novels Noli unexpurgated editions of Noli Me Tangere and El
on the life,works, and writings of Jose Rizal, Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, shall be Filibusterismo, as well as of Rizal’s other works
particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El included in the curricula of all schools, colleges and biography. The said unexpurgated editions of
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo or their National Treasury to carry out the purposes of The practicality of studying Rizal in this day and
translations in English as well as other writings of this Act. age is seen in how Rizal’s experiences and
Rizal shall be included in the list of approved ideologies are instrumental in grasping the
books for required reading in all public or private SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon its current context of Phillipine society. The
schools, colleges, and universities. approval. mandated course on Rizal aids in developing the
critical thinking skill of students. The different
The Board of National Education shall determine WHY STUDY RIZAL? challenges and dilemmas that Rizal faced in his
the adequacy of the number of books, depending life teaches them to be aware of and not
upon the enrollment of the school, college or In the 21st century, the challenge for students is apathetic to the issues happening around them.
university. to understand the purpose of studying Rizal.
Scholars and academicians are one in saying And finally, Rizal, then and now, is a worthy role
SECTION 3. The Board of National Education that a mandated course on Rizal is as helpful as model and a constant inspiration to all Filipinos.
shall cause the translation of Noli Me Tangere any other course that teaches values that a In every aspect of his being, Rizal is worthy to
and El Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of student may carry for the reset of his/her life. emulate especially in the ideals he held as a
Jose Rizal into English, Tagalog, and the nationalist. He was not only intelligent, he was
principal Philippine dialects; cause them to be Studying Rizal in the 21st century helps students also humane, creative, and innovative. As an
printed in cheap, popular editions; and cause make sense of the present by looking back at the inspiration to the Philippine nation, Rizal will
them to be distributed, free of charge, to persons past. For instance, Rizal’s illustration of always be a valuable subject inside and outside
desiring to read them, through the Purok 19th-century Philippines in his works may aid the classroom in understanding how the
organizations and Barrio councils throughout the today’s generation in recognizing the ills of Philippine nation came to be.
country. present day Philippines.
How a Bill becomes a Law: Legislative
SECTION 4. Nothing in this Act shall be With students exposed to many foreign Process
construed as amendment or repealing section influences, studying Rizal may remind and urge
nine hundred twenty-seven of the Administrative them to understand the real essence of being a The Senate and the House of Representatives
Code, prohibiting the discussion of religious Filipino. Significant historical figures like Rizal follow the same legislative procedure. Legislative
doctrines by public school teachers and other help the younger generations navigate Philippine proposals emanate from a number of sources.
persons engaged in any public school. history and understand why being aware of social THey may be authored by the members of the
issues are important in the formation of one’s Senate or House as part of their advocacies and
SECTION 5. The sum of three hundred thousand national identity. agenda; produced through lobbying from various
pesos is hereby authorized to be appropriated
sectors; or initiated by the executive branch of
out of any fund not otherwise appropriated in the
the government with the President’s legislative
agenda. Once a legislative proposal, like a bill, is the members of the Senate who will vote was primarily set to address “a need for a
ready, it will go through the following steps; for its approval or rejection. rededication to the ideals of freedom and
7. Consolidation of Version from the nationalism for which our heroes lived and died.”
1. Bill is filed in the Senate Office of the House. The similar steps above are The passage of the law was met with fierce
Secretary. It is given a number and followed by the House of Representatives opposition in both the Senate and the House of
calendared for first reading. in coming up with the approved bill. If Representatives.
2. First Reading. The bill’s title, number, and there are differences between the Senate
author(s) are read on the floor. Afterwards, and House versions, a bicameral Rizal Bill to the Rizal Law
it is referred to the appropriate committee. conference committee is called to
3. Committee Hearings. The bill is reconcile the two. After this, both On April 3, 1956, Senate Bill No. 438 was filed by
discussed within the committee and a chambers approve the consolidated the Senate Committee on Education. On April 17,
period of consultations is held. The version. 1956, then Senate Committee on Education
committee can approve (approve without 8. Transmittal of the Final Version to Chair Jose P. Laurel sponsored the bill and
revisions, approve with amendments, or Malacanang. The bill is then submitted to began delivering speeches for the proposed
recommend substitution or consolidation the President for signing. The President legislation. Soon after, the bill became
with similar bills) or reject. After the can either sign the bill into law or veto and controversial as the powerful Catholic Church
committee submits the committee report, return it to Congress. began to express opposition to the bill, its main
the bill is calendared for second reading. author, Claro M. Recto, and his allies in the
4. Second Reading. The bill is read and As the Philippines grappled with various Senate entered into a fierce battle arguing for the
discussed on the floor. The author delivers challenges, particularly the call for passage of SB 438. Debates started on April 23,
a sponsorship speech. The other nation-building, prominent individuals who 1956.
members of the Senate may engage in championed nationalism came to action. They
discussions regarding the bill and a period pursued government measures to instill The debates on the Rizal Bill also ensued in the
of debates will pursue. Amendments may patriotism and love for the country in the hearts House of Representatives. House Bill No. 5561,
be suggested to the bill. and minds of the Filipinos. These people drew an identical version of SB 438, was filed by
5. Voting on Second Reading. The inspiration from the Philippine experience of the Representative Jacobo Z. Gonzales on April 19,
senators vote on whether to approve or revolution for independence against Spain and 1956. The House Committee on Education
reject the bill. If approved, the bill is from the heroes of that important period in the approved the bill without amendments on May 2,
calendared for third reading. country’s history. 1956 and the debates commenced on May
6. Voting on Third Reading. Copies of the 9,1956. A major point of the debates was
final versions of the bill are distributed to One measure sought was the passage of the whether the compulsory reading of the texts
Republic Act No. 1425, or the Rizal Law, which