FEBRUARY 7, 1945
Herman Sayger, a high-school basketball phenom cum - Balls are stored in portable bins and should be
coach in the Midwest came up with the idea of a three- carefully returned to the bins at the end of each
point in a scoring system that rewarded distance of the period of use.
shot being made; the three point line as well as other - Do not kick the basketballs or throw them from
rule changes, were tested in a game between Columbia a distance into the storage bins.
and Fordham on February 7, 1945. - Balls should be checked often for proper
inflation levels.
JANUARY 1, 1948 - Do not sit on or throw the basketballs against
the gym walls.
Basketball size changed
- Do not hang on the rims or nets.
by 1948-1949, when the laceless molded ball was made - The playing floor should be swept and cleaned
official, the size had been set at 30 inches (76 cm) regularly.
Shot Clock The playing court shall have a flat, hard surface
(Diagram 1) free from obstructions with dimensions of
was brought to basketball to stop teams from wasting
28 m in length by 15 m in width measured from the
time in games. This introduced faster games a whole lot
inner edge of the boundary line
more as the games were fast paced and more
wrist watches.
on the sidelines.
TEAM BENCH AREAS Displays a countdown of the time within which shooting
of the ball is required
The team bench areas shall be marked outside the
playing court by 2 lines as in (Diagram 1) STOP WATCH
There must be 16 seats available in each team bench The clock is stopped whenever the ball goes out of
area for the head coach, the assistant coaches, the bounds, a foul is called, free throws are being shot, and
substitutes, the excluded players and the accompanying during time outs.
delegation members. Any other persons shall be at least
2m behind the team bench.
Offensive -- Forwards are responsible to get free for a • Dribble in right hand.
pass, take outside shots, drive for goals, and rebound. • Dribble in left hand.
Defensive -- Responsibilities include preventing drives • Then combination right and left hands.
to the goal and rebounding.
Drill 2: Dribbling Forward and backward run
• Repeat 4 steps sideward left. • Stand stride about two feet apart.
Drill 4: Lateral movements diagonally forward and • Hold ball in both hands overhead.
diagonally backward.
• Step right foot forward and perform the
• Starting with defensive stance. overhead pass on the wall. (left handed student do the
reverse foot)
• Perform 4 steps sideward right diagonally
forward. Drill 3: Wall bounce pass chest and overhead
Right handed student: • From stationary standing position at the three
point line area.
• Stand stride about two feet apart.
• Dribble the ball to the basket.
• Hold ball in both hands alternately in chest level
and overhead. • When near in the basket, hold the ball with
both hands.
• Step right foot forward and perform alternately
the chest and overhead pass bounce pass. (left handed • Step right foot forward and step left foot
student do the reverse foot) forward to jump and shoot the ball to the basket.
Drill 4: Wall baseball pass Left handed student do the reverse position.
• Stand stride about two feet apart. • Dribble the ball to the basket.
• Hold ball with the right hand overhead. • Then perform the jump shot.
• From stationary standing position. • Step right foot forward and step left foot
forward to jump and roll the ball with the fingers to the
• Step right foot forward about ½ foot.
• Hold ball in front of the body in shoulder level. (
Left handed student do the reverse position.
Right hand at the back of the ball and the left hand at
the side of the ball)