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BASKETBALL next goal is made, or if there was evident intent to

injure the person, for the whole of the game, no

- Basketball is a team sport played by two teams
of five players on a rectangular court. The
objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 6. A foul is striking the ball with the fist, violation of
inches (46 cm) in diameter and mounted at a rules 3 and 4, and such as described in rule 5.
height of 10 feet (3.048 m) to backboards at
7. If either side makes three consecutive fouls it shall
each end of the court.
count a goal for opponents.
8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or
- The game was invented in 1891 by Dr. James batted from grounds into the basket and stays there. If
Naismith, who would be the first basketball the ball rests on the edge and the opponent moves the
coach of the Kansas Jayhawks, one of the most basket it shall count as a goal.
successful programs in the game's history.
9. When the ball goes out of bounds it shall be thrown
James Naismith (November 6, 1861 –
into the field and played by the person first touching it.
November 28, 1939) was a Canadian- American
In case of a dispute, the umpire shall throw it straight
physical educator, physician, chaplain, sports
into the field. The "thrower-in" is allowed five seconds.
coach and innovator.
If he holds it longer it shall go to the opponent. If any
INVENTION OF THE GAME side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall call
a foul on them.
- The game of basketball as it is known today was
created by Dr. James Naismith in December 10.The umpire shall be the judge of the men and shall
1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts, to condition note the fouls, and notify the referee when three
young athletes during cold months. Naismith consecutive fouls have been made.
was a physical education instructor at YMCA
11.The referee shall be the judge of the ball and shall
International Training School (now known as
decide when the ball is in play, in-bounds, and to which
Springfield College) in Springfield,
side it belongs, and shall keep the time. He shall decide
when a goal has been made and keep account of the
- It consisted of peach baskets and a soccer style
goals with any other duties that are usually performed
ball. He published 13 rules for the new game.
by a referee.
He divided his class of eighteen into two teams
of nine players each and set about to teach 12.The time shall be fifteen-minute halves, with five-
them the basics of his new game. The objective minute rests between.
of the game was to throw the basketball into
the fruit baskets nailed to the lower railing of 13.The side making the most goals in that time shall be
the gym balcony. Every time a point was scored, declared the winner. In the case of a draw, the game
the game was halted so the janitor could bring may, by agreement of the captains, be continued until
out a ladder and retrieve the ball. After a while, another goal is made.
the bottoms of the fruit baskets were removed. THE FIRST BASKETBALL GAME
The first public basketball game was played in
Springfield, Massachusetts, on March 11, 1892 On December 21, 1891, James Naismith published rules
for a new game using five basic ideas and thirteen rules.
NAISMITH'S ORIGINAL RULES That day, he asked his class to play a match in the
1.The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or Armory Street court: 9 versus 9, using a soccer ball and
both hands. two peach baskets. Frank Mahan, one of his students,
wasn’t so happy. He just said: "Harrumph. Another new
2.The ball may be batted in any direction with one or game". However, Naismith was the inventor of the new
both hands. game. Someone proposed to call it "Naismith Game",
but he suggested "We have a ball and a basket: why
3.A player cannot run with the ball, the player must
don’t we call it basketball?“ The eighteen players were
throw it from the spot on which he catches it, allowance
John G. Thompson, Eugene S. Libby, Edwin P. Ruggles,
to be made for a man who catches the ball when
William R. Chase, T. Duncan Patton, Frank Mahan, Finlay
running at good speed.
G. MacDonald, William H. Davis and Lyman Archibald,
4.The ball must be held in or between the hands, the who defeated George Weller, Wilbert Carey, Ernest
arms or body must not be used for holding it. Hildner, Raymond Kaighn, Genzabaro Ishikawa,
Benjamin S. French, Franklin Barnes, George Day and
5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping or striking
in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed.
The first infringement of this rule by any person shall
count as a foul, the second shall disqualify him until the
The goal was scored by Chase. There were other than the soccer ball, in circumference, and weighted
differences between Naismith’s first idea and the game less than 20 ounces (567 grams).
played today. The peach baskets were closed, and balls
JANUARY 18, 1896
had to be retrieved manually, until a small hole was put
in the bottom of the peach basket to poke the ball out First College Basketball Game the first ever basketball
using a stick. Only in 1906 were metal hoops, nets and game was played when the University of Iowa invited
backboards introduced. Moreover, earlier the soccer student athletes from the new University of Chicago for
ball was replaced by a Spalding ball, similar to the one an experimental game. Final Score: Chicago 15, Iowa 12,
used today. a bit different from the hundred-point scores today.
TIMELINE Introduced as an exhibition sport in Olympic games.
it was created in 1891. The location where all of this All-black Olympian Athletic League
started was a YMCA Training School in Springfield,
Massachusetts where Dr. James Naismith accepted the in 1907, the amateur, all-black Olympian Athletic
job of an instructor. The main idea of the sport was it to League was formed in New York City consisting of the
be indoors and a small space. Smart Set Athletic Club, St. Christopher Club, Marathon
Athletic Club, Alpha Physical Culture Club, and the
MAY 19 1892 Jersey City Colored YMCA. The first inter-city basketball
game between two black teams was played in 1907
Senda Berenson Abbot introduces game to women at
when the Smart Set Athletic Club of Brooklyn traveled
Smith College Massachusetts. gymnastics instructor
to Washington DC to play the Crescent Athletic Club.
Senda Berenson Abbot adapts James Naismith’s
This team were known as the grave digger.
basketball rules for women and introduces the game at
Smith College. First interinstitutional contest between JANUARY 1, 1916
the University of California and Miss Head’s School.,
No Dribbling and Shooting to Dribbling and Shooting
JANUARY 15, 1892
In Naismith original 13 rules, the ball could be batted in
Original 13 Basketball Rules Released. Dr. James any direction with one or both hands, but it could not
Naismith created 13 different rules so that each team be dribbled because player could not move with the
could have an equal opportunity to win. The first time ball. Beginning in 1910 a player could dribble the ball,
people knew about these rules was in Springfield but could not shoot after dribbling. It was until 1916,
College school newspaper “The Triangle”. following heated debate, that players were allowed to
shoot after dribbling.
JANUARY 13, 1893
The first basketball shoes Marquis Converse is the
In 1893, due to the overzealous spectators interfering
inventor of the first ever basketball made to help
with the basketball, the backboard was invented. The
basketball player with their jumping ability and provide
first backboard was constructed out of wire mesh, and
traction on the court. He had named the shoe the
then wood and now it is made out of glass so the
converse Allstar
backboard does not interfere with the viewing of the
game JUNE 18, 1932
1894 Formation of FIBA
Sometime in 1894, the court was played indoors, the World basketball was growing, but it was on June 18,
free throw line was moved from 20 feet to 15 feet from 1932 that a real international organization was formed,
the basket and was widened from 6 to 12 feet. to coordinate tournaments and teams: that day,
Bouncing the ball was introduced to create a less Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Italy, Latvia,
contact game style so people won’t tackle people to Portugal, Romania and Switzerland founded the
retrieve the ball, instead they poke it lose whilst the International Basketball Federation. Its work was
opponent is dribbling. fundamental for the first inclusion of basketball in the
Berlin Olympic Games in 1936.
JANUARY 1, 1894
AUGUST 7, 1936
First Basketball was marketed A soccer ball (football)
was used for the first two years. In 1894, the first Basketball introduced to Olympics
basketball was marketed. It was laced, measured close
to 32 inches (81 cm) or about 4 inches (10 cm) larger
In 1936, basketball became an official sport and the participants of common ability levels should play
United States team easily dominated the competition.
against each other.
The games were played outdoors on a converted tennis
court, and the 1936 championship game was played 9. Good sportsmanship should be displayed by all.
during a rainstorm with 1,000 standing fans. US won a
gold medal over Canada with a score of 19-8. 10. Take periodic rest and water breaks

FEBRUARY 7, 1945

Inventor of 3 point line (Howard Hobson) CARE OF EQUIPMENT/FACILITIES

Herman Sayger, a high-school basketball phenom cum - Balls are stored in portable bins and should be
coach in the Midwest came up with the idea of a three- carefully returned to the bins at the end of each
point in a scoring system that rewarded distance of the period of use.
shot being made; the three point line as well as other - Do not kick the basketballs or throw them from
rule changes, were tested in a game between Columbia a distance into the storage bins.
and Fordham on February 7, 1945. - Balls should be checked often for proper
inflation levels.
JANUARY 1, 1948 - Do not sit on or throw the basketballs against
the gym walls.
Basketball size changed
- Do not hang on the rims or nets.
by 1948-1949, when the laceless molded ball was made - The playing floor should be swept and cleaned
official, the size had been set at 30 inches (76 cm) regularly.


Shot Clock The playing court shall have a flat, hard surface
(Diagram 1) free from obstructions with dimensions of
was brought to basketball to stop teams from wasting
28 m in length by 15 m in width measured from the
time in games. This introduced faster games a whole lot
inner edge of the boundary line
more as the games were fast paced and more


1. Clear the gymnasium and immediate playing

area of movable obstructions and cover or pad

those obstructions that cannot be moved.

2. No rough play or horseplay will be tolerated.
A team’s backcourt consists of its team’s own basket,
3. Be careful/aware of the walls during practice or the inbounds part of the backboard and that part of the
playing court limited by the endline behind its own
basket, the sidelines and the center line.
4. When possible, make use of breakaway rims
and pad the underside of the backboards.
All lines shall be of the same color and drawn in white
5. No loose or hanging jewelry should be worn by or other contrasting color, 5 cm in width and clearly
competitors. Remove rings, bracelets, and

wrist watches.

6. Only gym shoes with sufficient traction should be


7. Always be alert of play, even if you are standing

on the sidelines.

8. Whenever possible during the drills or game play,

and no more than737mm (size 6) and the ball shall
weigh no less than 510g and no more than 567g.


The game clock shows how much time remains in each

quarter of the game


A large board on which the score in a game or match is



TEAM BENCH AREAS Displays a countdown of the time within which shooting
of the ball is required
The team bench areas shall be marked outside the
playing court by 2 lines as in (Diagram 1) STOP WATCH

There must be 16 seats available in each team bench The clock is stopped whenever the ball goes out of
area for the head coach, the assistant coaches, the bounds, a foul is called, free throws are being shot, and
substitutes, the excluded players and the accompanying during time outs.
delegation members. Any other persons shall be at least
2m behind the team bench.


- Basketball is a team sport.

- Two teams of five players each try to score by
shooting a ball through a hoop elevated 10 feet
above the ground.
- Basketball is a team sport.
- Two teams of five players each try to score by
shooting a ball through a hoop elevated 10 feet
above the ground.
- The ball is moved down the court toward the
basket by passing or dribbling. The team with
the ball is called the offense. The team without
the ball is called the defense.
EQUIPMENT - The defense tries to steal the ball, contest
shots, deflect passes, and garner rebounds.
There shall be 2 backstop units placed at each end of
the playing court and each consisting of the following - When a team makes a basket, they score two
parts. points and the ball goes to the other team.
- If a basket, or field goal, is made outside of the
• backboard
three-point arc, then that basket is worth three
•basket ring with a ring mounting plate points.
- Free throws are awarded to a team according to
•basket net
some formats involving the number of fouls
•basket support structure committed in a half and/or the type of foul
- Fouling a shooter always results in two or three
For all men’s competition in all categories, the free throws being awarded the shooter,
circumference of the ball shall be no less than 749mm depending upon where he was when he shot. If
and no more than780mm (size 7) and the ball shall he was beyond the three-point line, then he
weigh no less than 567g and no more than 650g. gets three shots.

For all women’s competition in all categories, the GAME CLOCK

circumference of the ball shall be no less than 724mm
- NBA: National Basketball Association (NBA) Technical foul. Technical foul. A player or a coach can
games consist of four twelve-minute quarters, commit this type of foul. It does not involve player
for a total game length of forty-eight minutes. contact or the ball but is instead about the 'manners' of
However, the game clock stops throughout that the game. Foul language, obscenity, obscene gestures,
forty-eight-minute period for various reasons, and even arguing can be considered a technical foul, as
including fouls, halftime, and time-outs. can technical details regarding filling in the scorebook
improperly or dunking during warm-ups.
- Each team is assigned a basket or goal to
defend. Walking/Traveling. Taking more than 'a step and a half'
- This means that the other basket is their scoring without dribbling the ball is traveling. Moving your pivot
basket. foot once you've stopped dribbling is traveling.
- At halftime, the teams switch goals.
Carrying/palming. When a player dribbles the ball with
- The game begins with one player from either
his hand too far to the side of or, sometimes, even
team at center court.
under the ball.
- A referee will toss the ball up between the two.
The player that gets his hands on the ball will tip Double Dribble. Dribbling the ball with both hands on
it to a teammate. This is called a tip-off. TIP-OFF the ball at the same time or picking up the dribble and
then dribbling again is a double dribble.
Held ball. Occasionally, two or more opposing players
will gain possession of the ball at the same time. In
- Personal fouls: Personal fouls include any type order to avoid a prolonged and/or violent tussle, the
of illegal physical contact. referee stops the action and awards the ball to one
- Hitting team or the other on a rotating basis.
- Pushing
Goaltending. If a defensive player interferes with a shot
- Slapping
while it's on the way down toward the basket, while it's
- Holding
on the way up toward the basket after having touched
- Illegal pick/screen -- when an offensive player is
the backboard, or while it's in the cylinder above the
rim, it's goaltending and the shot counts. If committed
- When an offensive player sticks out a limb and
by an offensive player, it's a violation and the ball is
makes physical contact with a defender in an
awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in.
attempt to block the path of the defender.
Backcourt violation. Once the offense has brought the
Personal foul penalties: If a player is shooting while a
ball across the mid-court line, they cannot go back
being fouled, then he gets two free throws if his shot
across the line during possession. If they do, the ball is
doesn't go in, but only one free throw if his shot does go
awarded to the other team to pass inbounds.
Time restrictions. A player passing the ball inbounds
- Three free throws are awarded if the player is
has five seconds to pass the ball. If he does not, then
fouled while shooting for a three-point goal and
the ball is awarded to the other team. Other time
they miss their shot.
restrictions include the rule that a player cannot have
- Inbounds
the ball for more than five seconds when being closely
- One & one
guarded and, in some states and levels, shot-clock
- Ten or more fouls.
restrictions requiring a team to attempt a shot within a
Charging. An offensive foul that is committed when a given time frame.
player pushes or runs over a defensive player. The ball
is given to the team that the foul was committed upon.
Blocking. Blocking is illegal personal contact resulting
from a defender not establishing position in time to Center. Centers are generally your tallest players. They
prevent an opponent's drive to the basket. generally are positioned near the basket.
Flagrant foul. Violent contact with an opponent. This Offensive -- The center's goal is to get open for a pass
includes hitting, kicking, and punching. This type of foul and to shoot. They are also responsible for blocking
results in free throws plus the offense retaining defenders, known as picking or screening, to open other
possession of the ball after the free throws. players up for driving to the basket for a goal. Centers
are expected to get some offensive rebounds and
Intentional foul. When a player makes physical contact
with another player with no reasonable effort to steal
the ball. It is a judgment call for the officials.
Defensive -- On defense, the center's main • Repeat 4 steps sideward left diagonally
responsibility is to keep opponents from shooting by backward.
blocking shots and passes in the key area. They also are
expected to get a lot of rebounds because they're taller.

Drill 1: Basketball basic dribbling in stationary position

Forward. Your next tallest players will most likely be
your forwards. While a forward may be called upon to • From Basketball stance position.
play under the hoop, they may also be required to
operate in the wings and corner areas. • Body in crouch position.

Offensive -- Forwards are responsible to get free for a • Dribble in right hand.
pass, take outside shots, drive for goals, and rebound. • Dribble in left hand.
Defensive -- Responsibilities include preventing drives • Then combination right and left hands.
to the goal and rebounding.
Drill 2: Dribbling Forward and backward run

• Dribble forward direction 4 counts.

Guard. These are potentially your shortest players and
they should be really good at dribbling fast, seeing the • Dribble backward direction 4 counts
court, and passing. It is their job to bring the ball down Drill 3: Dribbling in Lateral movements
the court and set up offensive plays.
• From Basketball stance position.
Offensive -- Dribbling, passing, and setting up offensive
plays are a guard's main responsibilities. They also need • Dribble 4 steps sideward right.
to be able to drive to the basket and to shoot from the
• Repeat 4 steps sideward left.
Drill 4: Dribbling in Lateral movements diagonally
Defensive -- On defense, a guard is responsible for
forward and diagonally backward.
stealing passes, contesting shots, preventing drives to
the hoop, and for boxing out. • From Basketball stance position.

• Dribble 4 steps sideward right diagonally

Basic Stance and Footwork
• Repeat 4 steps sideward left diagonally
Drill 1: Basketball stance
• From standing position step sideward at least
two feet in distance.
• Body in crouch position.
Drill 1: Wall chest pass
• Arms sideward forward position.
Right handed student:
• Then back to standing position.
• Stand stride about two feet apart.
Drill 2: Forward and backward run
• Hold ball in both hands in chest level.
• Run forward direction 4 counts.
• Step right foot forward and perform the chest
• Run backward direction 4 counts.
pass on the wall. (left handed student do the reverse
Drill 3: Lateral movements foot)

• Starting with defensive stance. Drill 2: Wall overhead pass

• Perform 4 steps sideward right. Right handed student:

• Repeat 4 steps sideward left. • Stand stride about two feet apart.

Drill 4: Lateral movements diagonally forward and • Hold ball in both hands overhead.
diagonally backward.
• Step right foot forward and perform the
• Starting with defensive stance. overhead pass on the wall. (left handed student do the
reverse foot)
• Perform 4 steps sideward right diagonally
forward. Drill 3: Wall bounce pass chest and overhead
Right handed student: • From stationary standing position at the three
point line area.
• Stand stride about two feet apart.
• Dribble the ball to the basket.
• Hold ball in both hands alternately in chest level
and overhead. • When near in the basket, hold the ball with
both hands.
• Step right foot forward and perform alternately
the chest and overhead pass bounce pass. (left handed • Step right foot forward and step left foot
student do the reverse foot) forward to jump and shoot the ball to the basket.

Drill 4: Wall baseball pass Left handed student do the reverse position.

Right handed student: Variation:

• Stand stride about two feet apart. • Dribble the ball to the basket.

• Hold ball with the right hand overhead. • Then perform the jump shot.

• Step left foot backward and perform the Drill 4: layup

baseball pass on the wall. (left handed student do the
Right handed student:
reverse foot)
• From stationary standing position at the three
point line area.
• Dribble the ball to the basket.
Drill 1: Set Shot
• When near in the basket, hold the ball with
Right handed student: both hands.

• From stationary standing position. • Step right foot forward and step left foot
forward to jump and roll the ball with the fingers to the
• Step right foot forward about ½ foot.
• Hold ball in front of the body in shoulder level. (
Left handed student do the reverse position.
Right hand at the back of the ball and the left hand at
the side of the ball)

• From the position above, throw the ball at the


Left handed student do the reverse position.

• Variation: Dribble the ball in stationary position

then perform the set shot.

Drill 2: Jump shot

Right handed student:

• From stationary standing position.

• Step right foot forward about ½ foot.

• Hold ball in front of the body in shoulder level. (

Right hand at the back of the ball and the left hand at
the side of the ball)

• Bend the knees and body in crouch position,

jump and throw the ball at the basket.

Left handed student do the reverse position.

• Variation: Dribble the ball in stationary or

moving forward/backward direction then perform the
jump shot.

Drill 3: Drive shot

Right handed student:

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