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Day & Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode
Time Area Competency of
(Subject, Delive
Grade ry
Read and understand the words below.
English Words Mother Tongue
1. head ulo
2. nose Ilong
3. father Ama
4. mother Ina
5. red pula
How do you feel after reading the given words?
Have you used those word in your mother Tongue?
Cite other examples of English words and their Filipino word
Practicing New Skills
Let us proceed with the activities in What is It
Do Guided Acivity 1 on your notebook.
Next do the Guided Assessment 2 on page 12.
Proceed to Independent Activity 1, Independent Assessment
1, Independent Activity 2, and Independent Assessment 2
Making Generalizations
Now, let us take note of the part What I Have Learned
Words that are related to self, family, school,
community, and concepts such as the names for
shapes and numbers in Mother Tongue, Filipino and
English are used to write and say your ideas.
Having a wide vocabulary in English, Filipino and
Mother Tongue will make you a good writer and a
good speaker.
It is important to learn about words that are related to
self, family, school, community, and concepts in your
Mother Tongue, Fiipino and English in order to be a
good writer and a good speaker.
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Day & Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode
Time Area Competency of
(Subject, Delive
Grade ry
Evaluating Learning.
Make some drawings about your experiences as a grade two
pupil and write words that are related to yourself, family,
school and community in both English and Mother Tongue. Do
this on a sheet of paper.
Additional Activities
Use words that are related to self, family, school, community, and
concepts to name the pictures below. Write your answers on a
sheet of paper or in your notebook.
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