Math7 Q1 Module-2021

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First Quarter – Module 1
Introduction to Sets

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Mathematics – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Quarter – Module 1: Introduction to Sets
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education: Region 10

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Development Team of the Module

Author: Imme Ju – ann D. Abal, T II
Reviewers: Darelyn L. Cajeles, T I Ronato L. Taban-ud, T III
Pelmar M. Acosta, T II Richard S. Toledo, MT I
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What I Need to Know

This module is designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master Sets. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
ways. The language recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The
lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the
order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook
you are now using.

This module is divided into two lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1 – Introduction to Sets and Ways on How to Describe

a Set
 Lesson 2 – Kinds of Sets, Notations, and Symbols and How to
Solve for Subsets and Venn Diagram.

Based on the competency, this module is crafted to help the students

illustrate well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, null set, the cardinality of
sets, union, and the intersection of two sets and difference of two sets (M7NS-

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. define and illustrate different sets;
2. enumerate the three ways of describing a set ;
3. identify subsets of a given set;
4. define and describe
a. equivalent sets
b. equal sets
c. empty sets
d. universal sets
e. cardinal of sets.
Lesson Introduction to Sets and Ways to Describe a
1 Set

Set is one of the most fundamental concepts in Mathematics. The set

theory which was developed in the 19 th century is now a common part of
Mathematics and can be used as a foundation from which nearly all
Mathematical concepts can be derived.

What’s New

Activity 2: Find Me!

Let’s Find Out: Find the objects in the given picture.

Let’s Use These Materials: Mathematics notebook and ballpen

Let’s Do It This Way:

a. Observe closely the pictures below.

b. Copy and fill in the table below by writing the name of the objects in
the appropriate column.

c. Answer the given questions.

d. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.

The first one is done for you!

Transportation Animals Fruits

a. How many belong to the transportation group?

b. How many belong to the animal group?
c. How many belong to the fruits group?

Congratulations you have grouped them correctly! In

Mathematics, a group can also be called “SET”. "If you
understand the concept of the group then you will also
understand the concept of sets.

What is It

What is a Set?

Math concept Description Examples

Characteristic of a  collection or group of Well- defined:

set objects  A set of
 it is well-defined Philippine
 well–defined means  A set of dishes
that it is possible to
 A set of
determine whether counting
an object belongs to
 A set of odd
a given set or not. numbers

Not well-defined:
 The set of all
large numbers.
 The set of
good writers.
 The set of nice
people in your

You did great! Now, we will write and name a set.

How to Write and Name a Set

A set is represented by a Examples:

capital letter.

Elements are usually

represented by small
A = {a, e, i, o, u } Braces

letters, numbers, words, or

representations of the Braces Commas
members of a given set.

Braces are used to

enclose the elements.

Commas are used to

separate the elements.
K = { red, blue, yellow }

R = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … }

P = { +, - , ×, ÷ }

Three Ways to Describe a Set

Ways Description Examples

 Listing each element of the
1.The Roster A = {1, 2, 3, 4}
set inside the symbol { }.
Notation or B = {p, h, i, l, n, e, s}
 Each distinct element is
Listing C = {5, 10, 15, …}
listed once and the order of
Method D = {Oppo, Vivo,
listing the elements does Samsung}
not matter.
Distinct element
means unique elements
or has no duplicate
Three Ways to Describe a Set

Ways Description Examples

2. The Verbal A method of 1. Set A is the set of counting

Description describing a set in numbers less than 5.
Method words. 2. Set B is the set of letters in
the word “Philippines”
3. Set C is the set of positive
multiples of 5.
4. Set D is the set of mobile

3. The Set  A method that lists 1. A = { x l x is a counting

Builder the rules that number less than 5 }.
Notation or determine whether “read as “the set of all
Rule Method an object is an x’s such that x is a
element of the set counting number less
rather than the than 5”.
actual elements. The vertical bar ( ) after
the first x is translated
“such that”.
2. B= {x l x is a letter in the
word “Philippines”}
3. C= {x I x is a positive
multiple of 5}
4. D= {x I x is a mobile phone}

What’s More
Activity 3: Describe Me!

Let’s Find Out: Ways to Describe a Set

Let’s Use These Materials: Mathematics notebook and ballpen

Let’s Do It This Way:

a. Copy and fill in the table below with the correct translation of the
given description of sets.

b. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.

The first one is done for you!

Verbal Statement Set Builder Notation Roster Method

Set R is a set whose R= {x I x, x is an even R= {2, 4, 6, 8}

elements are even positive integer less
positive integers less than ten}
than ten

1. W= {x I x, x is a 2.
counting number
between 2 and 15}

3. 4. P= {Cory Aquino,
Gloria Arroyo}

Set V is a set whose 5. 6.

elements are colors
of the rainbow.

Great job! You did well in writing sets in different ways. Now you are ready for
the next lesson.

Lesson  Kinds of Sets

2  Notations & Symbols
 How to Solve for Subsets and Venn

What’s New

Observe closely the following sets:

1. T = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
2. R = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...}
Do you know that set T is different from set R? Have you noticed that
there are three (3) dots (...) in set R? The three (3) dots (...) also known as
ellipsis, which means that there are still numbers that follow after 5 such as
6, 7, 8, and so on. To understand more about these kinds of sets, let us
proceed to the next lesson.

What is It

Kinds of Sets

Kinds of Sets Description Examples

1. Finite Sets  Sets with a defined number of 1. A = {a, b, c, d, e }

 A defined number of elements Elements are
means that it is countable, or
we can count the number of
elements. 2. L = {0, 1, 2, 3}
Kinds of Sets

Kinds of Sets Description Examples

2. Infinite sets  Sets with an infinite number of 1. V = {2, 4, 6, 8, …}

 An infinite number of elements There are more even
numbers that follows
means that the number of after 8 like 10, 12, 14
and so on.
elements cannot be counted.
 The ellipsis (…) is being added
to indicate that there are more
elements of the same kind that
2. H = {x I x > 0}
follows after the last identified
element in the set.

3. Joint Sets  Sets having at least one 1. D = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

common element. and

E = {2, 4, 6, 8, 9}

The common element

of Set D and E is 9.

2. A = {a, b, c, d, e}
and B = {a, e, i, o, u}

4.Disjoint Sets  Sets having no common 1. W = {a, b, c, d}

element. and Y = {1, 2, 3, 4}

No Common Element

2. C = {2, 4, 6, 8} and
D = {1, 3, 5, 7 }

Great Job! Brace yourself because another topic is coming.

The following are notations and symbols used in sets.

Notations and Symbols

Symbols Meaning Example How to Read

∈ Element If A = {5, 10, 15, 20} 5∈A

then “5 is an element
 Element means
of A”
that it belongs to 5 ∈ A, 10 ∈ A, 15 ∈ A,
a given set or 20 ∈ A.
member of a

∉ Not an element If A = {5, 10, 15, 20} a∉A

then “a is not
an element of A”
∉ A, and 7 ∉ A.

n(A) Cardinality of A A = {a, e, i, o, u}, n(A) = 5

“The cardinality
Set A contains 5
 The number of elements. of set A is 5.”
elements in the
set n(A) = 5.

≈ Equivalent Sets A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, and A≈B

B = {m, a, t, h}
 Two sets that  Both sets contain  Set A is
contain the four elements. equivalent to
same number set B.
of elements.

= Equal Sets C = {a, e, i, o, u} and C=D

D = {e, o, i, u, a}
 Two sets that  Sets C and D  Set C is equal
contain the contain the same to set D.
same elements.
Notations and Symbols

Symbols Meaning Example How To Read

⊆ Subset 1.{ 9,14,28 } ⊆ { 9,14,28 }
 Every element
2. If A = { 2, 4, 6, 8, …}
in A is also an  A is a
A⊆B and B = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … },
element in B. subset
then A ⊆ B.
of B.

⊈ Not a Subset If A = { 2, 4, 6, 8 } and A⊈B

 Set A does B = { 1, 3, 5, 7 }, then  A is not

A⊈ B not belong to A ⊈ B. a subset
Set B.
of B.

⊂ Proper Subset A = {a, b, c} and A ⊂B

B = {a, b, c, d},
A ⊂B  There is at  Set A is a
least one  Each element in A is subset
element in B to set B.
also an element in B.
not included  There is at least one
in A. element in B not
contained in A and
that element is “d”.

⊄ Not a Proper C = {1, 2, 3 } and D C ⊄D

Subset = { 1, 2, 3}
C ⊄D  All elements in D are  Set C is
 The elements also elements in C. not
a proper
in C are equal
to the to set B.
in D.
Notations and Symbols

Symbols Meaning Example How to Read

∅ or { } Empty set or Null M={ } Set M is an empty

set set or null set.
 A set with no

U Universal Set U Universal Set

 The set of all

elements of
any set.

Did you understand the topic “Notations and Symbols in Sets”? If not, go
back to this topic and read it again because you will need it in the next topic.
If yes, then it’s time to move to our next topic which is “How to Solve for
Subsets and Venn Diagram”.

How to Solve for Subsets?

Given M = {x, y }, write the complete list of subsets.

Note that Set M has two (2) elements. In symbol, n (M) = 2.

Zero at a time One at a time Two at a time

{ } {x} {x, y}

Every set is
An empty set a subset of
is a subset of itself.
all sets.
The complete list of subsets are { }, { x } , { y } and { x, y }. There are
four subsets of the given set M = (x, y }

How to Solve for Subsets?

Given F = {1, 2, 3}, write the complete list of subsets.

Note that Set F has three (3) elements. In symbol, n(F) = 3.

Zero at a time One at a time Two at a time Three at a time

{ } {1} {1, 2} {1, 2, 3}

{2} {1, 3}
Every set is
An empty set
{3} {2, 3} a subset of
is a subset of
all sets.

The complete list of subsets are { }, { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 }, { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 } ,

{ 2, 3 } and { 1, 2, 3 }. There are eight subsets for the given set F = { 1, 2, 3 }.

How to Solve for Subsets?

The subset of a given set can be solved using the formula 2n, where n is
the number of elements in a given set.

Number of Elements Formula Number of Subsets

3 2n = 23 = 2 ¿ 2 ¿ 2 8

4 2n = 24= 2 ¿ 2 ¿ 2 ¿ 2 16

5 2n = 25= 2 ¿ 2 ¿ 2¿ 2¿ 2 32

Venn Diagram

Meaning Representation Explanation

 These are diagrams  All elements
that make use of in A and B
geometric shapes to are contained
show relationships in the
between sets. universal set.
 It is very useful in
showing the
 Sets A and B
relationship between
are disjoint

Excellent! Now, you are ready for more exercise.

What’s More

Activity 4: Solve Me!

Let’s Find Out: Finite or Infinite, Set Notations and Symbols, Cardinality of

Sets and Subsets

Let’s Use These Materials: Mathematics notebook and ballpen

Let’s Do It This Way:

a. This exercise is divided into three parts. Answer what is asked.

b. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.

I. State whether the given set is FINITE or INFINITE. The first one is done for
{2, 4, 6, 8, … 20} - FINITE
1. {0}
2. {3, 5, 7, … }
3. {x I x is a prime number}
4. Set of fractions between 1 and 2.
5. {x I x is a whole number greater than 100}
II. Supply the appropriate set notation and symbol to make the statement
correct. Choose from the given choices besides the given. The first one is
done for you.
5 __ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} Answer 5 __
∈ { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
1. {o, n, e} __ {n, e, o} ∈ ¿ ≈
2. {2, 4} __ {2, 4, 6} ∈ ⊆ ¿
3. red __ {pink, green, purple} ⊆ ¿ ∉
4. {a, b, c, d} __ {a, b, c, d} ∉ ⊆ ⊂
5. {1, 2, 3} __ {a, e, i } ∈ ¿ ≈

III. Identify the cardinality of the given set below and list its subsets. The first
one is done for you.
M = {1, 2}
Cardinality: n(M ) = 2
Subsets: 2n = 22 = 4
The complete list of subsets: { }, { 1 }, { 2 }, { 1, 2 }
1. Y = {a, e, i}
2. G = {x I x is a whole number between 7 and 12 }

What I Have Learned

Activity 5: Complete Me!

Let’s Find Out: Terms Involved in Introduction to Sets

Let’s Use These Materials: Mathematics notebook and ballpen

Let’s Do It This Way:

a. Complete the following sentences.

b. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.

1. A/An ______ is a well- defined collection of objects.

2. There are three ways in which we can describe a set. These are
______, ______, and______.
3. Two sets that contain the same number of elements are ______.
4. Two sets that contain the same elements are said to be ______.
5. A subset of a given set that is not the set itself is called ______.
6. The set of all possible elements of any set is called ______.
7. Sets with a defined number of elements are called ______.
8. A method that lists the rules that determine whether an object is an
element of the set rather than the actual elements are called ______.
9. A set with no element is ______.
10. A method of describing a set in words is called ______.

Module 2
Operations on Sets
Union and Intersection of Sets

What’s In
Before we proceed to our lesson, let us see if we still remember our
previous lesson by answering the given activity below.

Activity 1: Arrange Me!

Let’s Find Out: Terms Involved in Sets

Let’s Use These Materials: Mathematics notebook and ballpen

Let’s Do It This Way:

a. Arrange the jumbled letters to get the correct answer.

b. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.

The first one is done for you!

1. It is a well – defined collection of distinct objects.


2. It is the set of all possible elements of any set.


3. A set with no element.


4. Two sets that contain the same number of elements.


5. It is a diagram that makes use of geometric shapes to show relationships

between sets.


6. These are sets with a defined number of elements.


7. This is a method describing a set by listing each element of the set inside
the symbol { }.

8. Two sets that contain the same elements.


9. These are sets having no element in common.


10. It is a method of describing a set in words.


What’s New

Observe the given figures below.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Notice that in Figure 1, the objects in Box C are the objects from Box A
and B. If you combine the objects from Box A and B, the result is Box C. But
take note, in Box C, there is no repetition of objects. On the other hand,
Figure 2 illustrates that Box F is just a result if you get the common object
from Box D and E.

In Sets, combining the elements without repetition is called the Union

of Sets while getting the common element is called Intersection of Sets.
These are called Basic Set Operations.

What is It

In arithmetic, we have Four Basic Operations such as addition,

subtraction, multiplication, and division of numbers. In sets, we have also the
Four Basic Set Operation. In this lesson, we will only discuss the first two
operations namely: Union and Intersection of Sets. The last two operations
will be discussed in the next lesson.

Basic Set Operations

Symbol Meaning Venn Diagram Examples

∪ Union of Sets 1. Find the union of
A = { 2, 3, 4} and
 The set of
elements B = { 3, 4, 5}.
that belongs Solution:
to set A or
A ∪ B = { 2, 3, 4,
set B or
read as both.
A union B A ∪ B is shaded

To make it
uniform if the
elements of the
given set are
numbers then
arrange your final
answer in
increasing order.

Basic Set Operations

Symbol Meaning Venn Diagram Examples

∩ Intersection of 1. Find the

Sets intersection of
 The set A = { 2, 3, 4} and
of elements B = { 3, 4, 5}.
belongs to
read as both A and
An B. A ∩ B = { 3, 4 }
 Set of A ∩ B is shaded The common
elements of Sets
the common A and B are 3
and 4.
elements in A
and B. 2. Given:

A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
B = {2, 4, 6}, and

C = {1, 3, 5, …}

Find: a. A ∩ C

A ∩ B ∩C is shaded b. B ∩ C


a. A ∩ C = {1, 3, 5}

b. B ∩ C = { } or ∅

You did great! Now, we .have more examples.

More Examples

Given: X = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}, Y = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15}

and Z = {1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16}.


1. X ∪ Y 3. X ∪ Z ∩ Y

2. Y ∩ Z 4. (Y ∩ X) ∪ Z


1. X∪Y = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 } ∪ { 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 }

X ∪ Y

First, list the given elements

of Sets X and Y.
X ∪ Y = {2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15}
Finally, get the union of X
and Y. This means that
combine the elements. If an
element is in both sets, we
list it only once.

2. Y ∩ Z = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15} ∩ {1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16}

Y ∩ Z

First, list the given elements

of Sets Y and Z.

Y∩Z={} Finally, get the intersection of Y

and Z. Note that the intersection is
the "common element". Since
there is no common element, so
the answer is a null or empty set.

3. X ∪ Z ∩ Y = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12} ∪ {1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16} ∩ {3, 6, 9, 12, 15}

X ∪ Z ∩ Y

First, list the given elements of

sets X, Z, and Y.

X∪Z∩Y = {1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 16}∩ {3, 6, 9, 12, 15}

Second, solve the union of sets

X and Z. Here is the answer to
X ∪ Z.

X∪Z∩Y = { 6, 12 }
Finally, solve the intersection of
X ∪ Z and Y. Then, here is the
final answer.
List the given elements of
Sets Y, X, and Z.

4. ( Y ∩ X ) ∪ Z = ({ 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 } ∩ { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 } ) ∪ { 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 }

( Y ∩ X ) ∪ Z

First, list the given elements of

sets Y, X, and Z.

( Y ∩ X ) ∪ Z = { 6, 12 } ∪ { 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 }

Second, solve the operation

inside the parenthesis which is
the intersection of Y and X.
Here is the answer.

( Y ∩ X ) ∪ Z = { 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 16 }

Finally, get the union of the

sets ( Y ∩ X ) and Z. Then,
here is the final answer.

What’s More

Activity 2: Solve Me!

Let’s Find Out: Union and Intersection of Sets

Let’s Use These Materials: Mathematics notebook and ballpen

Let’s Do It This Way:

a. Solve the following based on the given below.

b. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.

The first one is done for you!

Given: A = {2, 5}, B = {5, 7, 9}, C = {x I x is an odd number less than 9},
and D= {x I x is an even number less than 9}.
1. A ∩ C
A ∩ C = {2, 5} ∩ {1, 3, 5, 7}
A ∩ C = {5}

2. (B ∪ D) ∩ C
3. A∩ B ∩ C
4. C ∪ (D ∩ A)
5. ( A ∪ C ) ∩ B

Excellent! Now you are ready for more Set Operations.

Complement and Difference of Sets

What is It

In the previous lesson, we have learned the union and intersection of

sets. Now, we will discuss two more Set Operations which are the
Complement of a set and Difference of two sets.

Basic Set Operations

Symbol Meaning Venn Diagram Examples

A’ or Ac A Given:
complement U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
of a Set and A = {1, 3, 5}.
 Set of Find A’.
read as
all elements
A complement Solution:
in the
A’ = {2, 4}
universal set
A’ is shaded
U that are not
in set A.

Basic Set Operations

Symbol Meaning Venn Diagram Examples

A–B Difference of Given:
Sets A = {3, 4, 5, 6} and
 The set B = {2, 4, 6, 8}
read as containing
A minus B elements
of set A but a. A – B
not in B. b. B – A
 All elements A – B is shaded
of A except
the elements a. A – B = {3, 5 }

of B.

b. B – A= {2, 8}

More Examples

Given: U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

A = {1, 3, 5}

B = {3, 4, 5} and
C = {2, 4}

Find: a.) A’ ∪ B’

b.) (A∩ C)’

c.) B – C’


a.) A’ ∪ B’ = {1, 3, 5}’ ∪ {3, 4, 5}’

A ’ ∪ B ’

First, list the

elements of
sets A and B.

A’ ∪ B’ = {2, 4} ∪ { 1, 2}

Second, solve
A’ and B’. Here
is the result.
A’ ∪ B’ = {1, 2, 4}

Finally, get the

union of A’ and
B’. Here is the
final answer.

b.) (A ∩ C )’ = ( {1, 3, 5} ∩ { 2, 4} )’

( A ∩ C )’

First, list the

elements of
sets A and C.
Second, solve the
operation inside
the parenthesis
(A ∩ C)’ = ({ } )’
which is the
intersection of A
and C. Here is the
(A ∩ C)’ = {1 ,2, 3, 4, 5}
Finally, get the
Note that the
complement of
an empty set is
the universal set.

c.) B – C’ = {3, 4, 5} – { 2 , 4 }’

B – C ‘

First, list the

elements of Sets
B and C.

B – C’ = {3, 4, 5} – { 1, 3, 5 }

Second, solve the

complement of C.
Here is the result.
B – C’ = {4}

Finally, solve the

between B
and C. Here is the

What’s More

Activity 5: Solve Me!

Let’s Find Out: Complement and Difference of Sets

Let’s Use These Materials: Mathematics notebook and ballpen

Let’s Do It This Way:

a. Solve the following based on the given below.

b. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.

The first one is done for you!

Given: U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9},

A = {2, 5},
B = {5, 7, 9},
C = {x I x is an odd number less than 9}, and
D= {x I x is an even number less than 9}.

1. A – C
A −¿ C = {2, 5} −¿ {1, 3, 5, 7}
A −¿ C = {2}

2. B – D’

3. (A ∪ B)’ – C

4. D – (B ∩ A)

What I Have Learned

Activity 6: Complete Me!

Let’s Find Out: Terms Involved in Operations on Sets

Let’s Use These Materials: Mathematics notebook and ballpen

Let’s Do It This Way:

a. Complete the following sentences.

b. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.

1. The set of all elements in the universal set that is not in set A is called the
_______________ of set A.

2. The set containing all the elements of set A or set B or both sets is called
the _______________ of set A and set B.

3. The set containing all the elements that are common to both set A and set
B is called the _______________ of set A and set B.

4. The set of elements that belongs to set A but not in set B is called the
_______________ of sets A and B.

5. A diagram that is used to represent sets is called _______________.

Module 3
Problems Involving Sets
The Venn Diagram

What’s In

Activity 1: Shade Me
Let’s Find Out: The shaded region of the Venn diagram
Let’s Use These Materials: pen/pencil and Mathematics notebook
Let’s Do It This Way:
1. Shade the Venn diagram to show the relationships of the sets.
2. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.
Did you find it difficult? Don’t worry, there are more exciting activities ahead.

What’s New

A simple way of illustrating set, subset and set operation is through a

Venn diagram. In the previous lessons, you were taught about these
concepts. Today, you will be learning more of its uses. Study the illustrations

Set Notation Venn diagram Examples

A B A={ p ,n , o , y }

Set A y n o p
Elements which belong
to set A

A B B= { p , o , t }

Set B pot
Elements which belong
to set B

A B A={ p ,n , o , y } B={ p , o , t }

A∩B n
A∧B p
y t
A intersection B o
Elements are common
to set A and set B
A B A={ p ,n , o , y } B={ p , o , t }
A ∪B A B
A union B y n op t

Elements which belong

to set A, or set B or to
both sets

A B U ={ p , o ,i , n ,t , y }

A={ p ,n , o , y } B={ p , o , t }

Complement of A

Elements of U that do
not belong to A

A B U ={ p , o ,i , n ,t , y }
A={ p ,n , o , y } B={ p , o , t }
Complement of B

Elements of U that do A
not belong to B

A B A={ p ,n , o , y } ∧B={ p , o ,t } i

Difference of A and B
n y
Elements which belong
to set A but which do
not belong to set B

Do you find this topic easy? There are more interesting lessons ahead. Stay
focus and enjoys learning about Venn diagram.

What is It
There are many simple real life problems that could be solved applying
the concepts of Venn diagram but this is impossible if you don’t have the idea
about the set-up of this diagram. Let us explore further how this diagram could
solve the many real life problems. Consider the situation below.
A class of 25 students were surveyed and asked if they have a brother or a
sister. Eight students said they have only a brother, 6 students said they have only
a sister, another six said they have both a brother and a sister and 5 said they
don’t have a brother or a sister.

Below is a set-up of the Venn diagram based on the given problem.

There are problems which involve 3 sets. The shaded parts of the sets
are named and identified. Study the illustrations below.
Remember these illustrations because there are more interesting activities in the
next lessons which are related to this concept. Keep going.

What’s More

Now that you are done learning this lesson, I’m very sure that you are
ready to answer the activity ahead.

Activity 2: Identify My Elements

Let’s Find Out: The elements of the subsets
Let’s Use These Materials: pen/pencil, Mathematics notebook
Let’s Do It This Way:
1. With the given Venn diagram, identify the elements asked by the
following numbers.
2. Write your answer in your Mathematics notebook. The first one is done
for you.

A group of students were interviewed on what colors they like. Below are their


7 5 3
9 17
blue red 2
a. How many students like blue color? _____
b. How many students like yellow and red? _____
c. How many students like yellow or blue? _____
d. How many students like yellow only? _____
e. How many students like yellow, blue and red? _____
f. How many students like blue or red but not yellow? _____
g. How many students like neither yellow, blue nor red? _____

You’re doing great. Now, you are ready to solve set problems. Good luck.

Lesson Problems Involving Sets

2 (The Start Inside Out Technique)

What’s New

A simple way of illustrating set, subset, and set operation is through

Venn diagram. Here, universal set (U) is represented by a simple plane area
bounded by a rectangle and its subsets are represented by circles.
Since Venn diagrams are visual representations of relationships, they
are very useful in showing similarities and differences between sets. In fact,
set problems can be better solved using Venn diagrams. Try to look at this

Out of fifty students, 23 joined Mathematics club and 32 joined English

club. If 8 joined in both Mathematics and English club, how many have joined
the English club only? How about in Mathematics club only? How many are
neither in Mathematics nor in English club?

Can you figure out the answers to these questions? Don’t worry because
this lesson will help you solve many problems involving sets. To understand
more about it, turn to the next page.
What is It

In solving set problems, it is easier to follow the technique “start inside

out”. This is done by putting the common elements first in the center of two or
three overlapping sets. Most of the time, when putting the elements, working
backward starting from the last given data helps solve set problems easily.
Let’s apply this technique in answering the problem mentioned earlier.

Problem 1: Out of fifty students, 23 joined Mathematics club and 32 joined English
club. If 8 joined in both Mathematics and English club, how many have
joined the English club only? How about in Mathematics club only? How
many are neither in Mathematics nor in English club?

How to do it
Start from  Arrange the given data this way
inside out Out of fifty students
23 joined Mathematics club
32 joined English club
8 joined in both Mathematics and English club

a. How many have joined the English club only?

b. How about in Mathematics club only?
c. How many are neither in Mathematics nor in English

 You can start filling the diagram starting from the center of
two overlapping sets as marked by the arrow (see
illustration below). Then work Ubackward starting from the
last given data. The last given data here is: 8 joined in
both Mathematics and English club
Let us solve the given problem by applying this technique. Here we go…
Think of This How to do it Illustrate
 Make a  Draw two overlapping circles
Math club English club
Venn representing two sets (Math
diagram Club and English club) inside
the U.

Take Note: Use the Technique

“Start inside out” (start filling the sets from the inside out)
 8 joined in  Put 8 at the center where the
both Math club English club
two sets overlap.
Mathematics 8
and English U

 32 joined  Subtract 8 from 32 Math club English club

English club. from means you need to write
8 24
32 first before 8 that is, U
(32 – 8 = 24)
 Put 24 in English club only, this
completes the 32 students.

 23 joined  Subtract 8 from 23

Math club English club
Mathematics (23 – 8 = 15)
15 8 24
club  Put 15 in Mathematics club only, U
this completes the 23 students.
 Out of fifty  Add all the elements of the two
students sets (15 + 8 + 24 = 47).
 Since the total is 47 and not equal
Math club English club
to 50, subtract 47 from 50
(50 – 47 = 3) 3 15 8 24
 Put 3 outside the two sets but
inside the U, this completes the
50 students.

a. How many have joined the

 Fill in the Venn
Mathematics club only? Math club English club
diagram with all
15 3 15 8 24
the elements
b. How many have joined the U
and answer the
English club only? 24
c. How many are neither in
Mathematics nor in
English club? 3

What if there are problems which involve 3 sets? Can you still use the
technique? Please try this out.

Problem 2:
A group of 50 students went to a tour in Palawan province. Out of the 50
students, 24 joined the trip to Coron, 18 went to Tubbataha Reef, 20 visited El
Nido, 12 made a trip to Coron and Tubbataha Reef, 15 saw Tubbataha Reef
and El Nido, 11 made a trip to Coron and El Nido and 10 saw the three tourist
a. How many students went to Coron only?
b. How many students went to Tubbataha Reef only?
c. How many joined the El Nido trip only?
d. How many did not go to any of the tourist spots?
In solving set problems with 3 sets, you can also apply the technique “
“start inside out”. Let’s answer the given problem by first arranging given

50 students went in a tour in Palawan province.

24 joined the trip to Coron,(C)
18 went to Tubbataha Reef, (T)
20 visited El Nido, €
12 made a trip to Coron and Tubbataha Reef,
15 saw Tubbataha Reef and El Nido,
11 made a trip to Coron and El Nido
10 saw the three tourist spots.

Think of This How to do it Illustrate

 Make a  Draw three overlapping sets
Venn inside the U. You can represent
diagram the given sets with any letter of
the alphabet.
Let: T

C represents Coron
E represents El Nido
T represents Tubbataha Reef

Take Note: Use the Technique

“Start inside out” (start filling the sets from the inside out)
 10 saw  Put 10 at the center where set C, C U
the three E, and T overlaps.
tourist 10
spots. E
 11 made a  Subtract 10 from 11 C U
trip to (11–10 = 1)
Coron and  Put 1 in set C and E only, this 10
El Nido completes the 11 students. E

 15 saw  Subtract 10 from 15 C U

Tubbataha (15 – 10 = 5)
Reef and 1
 Put 5 in set T and E only, this 10
El Nido. completes the 15 students. 5

 12 made a  Subtract 10 from 12 C U

trip to (12 – 10 = 2)
Coron and  Put 2 in set C and T only, this 10 2
Tubbataha completes the 12 students. 5
 20 visited  Add all the given elements of set E C U
El Nido. (10 + 5 + 1 = 16)
 Subtract the total from 20 10 2
(20–16=4) 5
 Put 4 in set E only, this competes
the 20 students.
 18 went to  Add all the given elements of set T
Tubbataha (10 + 5 + 2 = 17)
Reef  Subtract the total from 18 1
10 2
(18 – 17 = 1) 5 1
 Put 1 in set T only, this completes
the 18 students.
 24 joined  Add all the given elements of set C
the trip to (10+2+1=13). 11
Coron, 1
 Subtract the total from 24 10 2
(24 – 13 = 11). 5
 Put 11 in set C only, this completes
the 24 students.
 50  Add all the elements
students (11+1+10+2+4+5+1=34)
went to a  Since the total is 34 and 34 is not 1
10 2
tour in equal to 50, subtract 34 from 50 4
5 1
Palawan (50 – 34 = 16) 16
province  Put 16 inside U (outside the circles)
 Fill in the a. How many of the students went to C U
Venn Coron only? 11
b. How many students went to 11
diagram Tubbataha Reef only? 1 1
10 2
with the c. How many students joined the El 4
Nido trip only? 4 5 1
elements d. How many students did not go to 16
and answer any of the tourist spots? 16 E T


Awesome this technique works! The next activity will surely excite you.

What’s More

Now it is your turn to solve each problem involving sets.

Activity 3: Fill me up!
Let’s Find Out: The elements of the subsets
Let’s Use These Materials: pen/pencil, Mathematics notebook
Let’s Do It This Way:
1. With the given data and illustrations, identify the elements asked for.
2. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.
Problem 1: A teacher was collecting data on her 65 students and found out
that 43 have cable TV at home, 31 have internet connectivity and 18 have
both. Illustrate in a Venn diagram and answer the questions that follow.

a. How many students do not have cable TV at home?

b. How many have neither cable TV nor internet connectivity at
c. How many have cable TV but no internet connectivity?

Think of This

Arrange the given data 65 students

43 have cable TV at home
31 have internet connectivity
18 have both

Use the Technique “Start inside out” Illustrate

18 have both. TV Internet U

 Put 18 at the center where the two sets of


31 have internet connectivity

TV Internet U
 Subtract 18 from 31
(31 – 18 = ________)
 Put the answer in internet connectivity

43 have cable TV at home

TV Internet U
 Subtract 18 from 43
(43 – 18 = ____)
 Put the answer in TV only
A teacher is collecting data on her 65 students
TV Internet U
 Add all the elements of two sets
(total: ____)
 Subtract the total from 65
(65 – ____ = ____)
 Put the answer outside the circles but
inside U.
(Fill in the Venn diagram with all the elements
and answer the questions below.)
TV Internet U
a. How many students do not have cable
TV at home? ___
b. How many have neither cable TV nor
internet connectivity at home? ___
c. How many have cable TV but no internet
connectivity? ___

Lesson Problems Involving Sets

3 (The Side to Side Technique)

What’s New

In the previous lesson, you have learned solving set problems using
the technique “start inside out”. In this lesson you will learn one more
technique. Let’s call this “side to side”. This technique is so simple like the
previous one. You simply work from left to right or right to left of the given
sets. Let’s try this out.

Among the 40 students of section Rizal, 23 loves singing and 25 loves
a. How many students love singing and dancing?
b. How many students love singing only?

What is It
The technique “side to side” is best if we have problems on sets with
unknown elements in the center of two overlapping sets (see illustration
below). Sometimes it is confusing to solve this kind of problem. Hence, this
technique will help you answer some set problems with this kind of unknown
Unknown element
Singing dancing U

Let’s apply this technique in answering the problem mentioned earlier.

How to do it
“Side to  Arrange the given data this way
side” Among the 40 students

23 loves singing

25 loves dancing.

a. How many students love singing and dancing?
b. How many students love singing only?

 Draw the diagram and illustrate the elements

singing dancing U singing dancing U

Take Note: There are students who love singing and dancing,
but as to how many, we do not know. So the unknowns are the
number of students who love singing only, the number of
students who love singing and dancing and the number of
students who love dancing only.
Let us start solving the problem by applying this technique. Here we go…

Think of This How to do it Illustrate

 Make a Venn  Draw two overlapping
singing dancing U
diagram circles representing the two 25
sets (dancing and singing)
inside the U. Label the
second set (dancing) with its
given elements.

Take Note: Use the Technique “ Side to side”

(work from left to right, still start with the last given data)
 Among the  There are 40 students in
singing dancing U
40 students, all where 25 students love
25 loves dancing. To find students 15 25
dancing who love singing only,
(inside the subtract 25 from 40.
text box) (40 – 25 = 15)
 Put 15 in singing only
 Erase 25 to avoid singing dancing U


 23 students  Subtract 15 from 23 singing dancing U

love singing (23 – 15 = 8)

15 8
 Put 15 in singing and

 25 students  Subtract 15 from 25 singing dancing U

love dancing (25 – 8 = 17)

15 8 17
 Put 17 in dancing only.
 Total number  Add all the elements to
of students check if there are 40 singing dancing U

students .
15 8 17
(15 + 8 + 17 = 40).
 Answer the questions
a. How many students love
singing and dancing? 8
b. How many students love
singing only? 15

Was it easy? Don’t worry, the next activity will help you master this technique.

What’s More

Now that you are done learning these lessons, I’m very sure that you
are ready to solve any problem involving sets.
Activity 4: Show Me Venn
Let’s Find Out: The elements of the subsets
Let’s Use These Materials: pen/pencil and Mathematics notebook
Let’s Do It This Way:
1. With the given data and illustrations, identify the elements asked for.
2. Write the answer in your Mathematics notebook.

Problem: A group of 25 high school students were asked whether they use
either Facebook or Twitter or both. Fifteen of these students use Facebook
and twelve use Twitter.

a. How many use Facebook only?

b. How many use Twitter only?

c. How many use both social networking sites?

Think of This

Arrange the given data

A group of 25 high school students
Fifteen of these students use Facebook
Twelve use Twitter.

Think of This How to do it Illustrate

 Make a Venn  Draw two overlapping
Facebook Twitter U
diagram circles representing the two
sets (Facebook and
Twitter) inside the U. Label
the second set (Twitter)

Take Note: Use the Technique “ Side to side”

(work from left to right, still start with the last given data)
 A group of 25 high school students, twelve
Facebook Twitter U
use Twitter
There are all 25 students, twelve use Twitter

 to find students who use Facebook only

subtract 12 from 25. (25 – 12 = ____ )
Facebook Twitter U
 Put the answer in Facebook only
 Omit 12 to avoid confusion

 Fifteen of these students use Facebook

Facebook Twitter U
 Subtract the element in Facebook only
from 15 (15 – ____ = ____ )
 Put the answer in Facebook and Twitter.

 Twelve use Twitter.
Facebook Twitter U
 Subtract the element of Facebook and Twitter
from 12 (12 – ____ = ____ )
 Put the answer in Twitter only.
 Complete the diagram with the elements. Facebook Twitter U
 A group of 25 high school students
 Add all the elements of the two sets to check
if it is equal to 25
( ____+ ____ + ____ = ____ )
 Answer the questions
a. How many use Facebook only? ____
b. How many use Twitter only? _____
c. How many use both social networking

Congratulations! You have successfully solved different problems involving

sets. Please don’t forget what you have learned because you can apply them
in real life and as you keep on learning Mathematics.
Objective: To represents the absolute value of a number on a number line as the distance
of a number from 0. Illustrates the different properties of operations on the set of
An integer is any number from the set { … –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4…} (The 3 dots
means continues without end)
The (+) and (–) are symbols used to indicate addition and subtraction, but in
number line, they indicate the direction of a point from the 0-point, not as operations to
be performed. In the number line, (+) and (–) are used as signs of directions. Thus
read +2 “as positive 2” not “plus 2”
read –2 as “negative 2” not “minus 2”
A number line is a line drawn starting from zero and which extends to both sides
without ends. This means that there are infinitely many numbers on both sides
from the origin of the number line.

A. Represent me. Write the correct integer on the space provided.

1. 12 steps forward _______
2. weight loss of 8 kg _______
3. a gain of 500 pesos _______
4. 155 ft below sea level _______
5. going up the stairs by 8 steps _______
B. Solve as indicated and write the corresponding letter on the box.

Riddle: What goes up but never comes back down?

1. 78 + ( - 15) (O)
78 + (-15) = 63
2. (- 65) + (- 20) (G)
3. 47 + 98 (Y)
4. (- 75) + 20 (U)
5. 38 + ( - 15) (E)
6. (- 10) + (- 18) (A) ... only goes up but never comes down.
7. 25 + 95 (R)

B. Solve as indicated and write the corresponding letter on the box.

V Subtract (- 50 ) from 24.
E 37 less than ( - 18 ).
S ( - 93 ) subtracted by 12.
N Subtract ( - 31 ) from 65.
E How much is 0 decreased by ( - 82 ) ?

-105 82 74 -55 96
Objective: Illustrates the different properties of operations on the set of integers.
Closure Property - If a and b are integers then, a + b is an integer and a – b is an
Associative Property - If a, b, or c are integers then, (a+b) + c = a + (b+c).
Commutative Property - If a and b are integers then, a + b = b + a.
If a and b are integers then,a – b ≠ b – a.
Identity Property - If a is an integer then, a + 0 = a or 0 + a = a.
Inverse Property - If a is an integer then, a + (-a) = 0 or (-a) + a = 0.
Distributive Property - If a, b and c are integers then, a·(b+c) =(a·b) + (a·c) or a·(b−¿c)
= (a·b) - (a·c)
A. Match the given statement in column A to its corresponding property in column B.
1. - 384 + 0 = - 384 T Inverse Property
2. 73 + ( - 94 ) = - 21 N Identity Property
3. (-56) + (37) = (37) + (-56) E Closure Property
4. (-126) + (126) = 0 O Distributive Property
5. 8(34 - 15)=8(34) - 8(15) N Associative Property
6. [16+(-9)]+(-11) = 16+[(-9)+(-11)] W Commutative

7. Who was the English Mathematician widely recognized as the greatest
scientist of all time?

1 2 3 4 5 6
C. Match the fractional form in Column A by drawing a line to its
corresponding decimal form in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. 8 a. 0.25 f. 1.8

3 .
2. 2 b. 1.5

3. 3 c. 1.3

4. 5 d. 0.11…

5. 9 e. 0.75
Objective: Performs operations on rational numbers
A. Find the sum and difference of the numbers below. Match each answer to
a letter in the key. Then write the letter on the line above its problem
number. The first one is done for you.

What did one keyboard say to another keyboard?

7 2 5
10 17 8
7 11 7
M Answer: Y A 1 T
15 13 20

A. Solve and determine the word.

C 1 A 12
20 ÷
3 x 9

L 8 2 E 49 3
x 8 7
÷ 3

D 1 N 16 8
x 18
÷ 4

Objective: Describes principal roots and tells whether they are rational or irrational.
Determines between what two integers the square root of a number is.
A. Give the root/s of each item and write its positive root if there is any.
Otherwise, write none.

Root/s Positive Root

a. √ 121 - 11 and +11

b. √ 256 ____________

c. √3 −8 ____________

d. √4 16 ____________

e. √3 −125 ____________

B. Choose the corresponding principal root of each item in column A from

column B.

Column A Column B
1. √ 484 A. +4

2. √ 64 B. +22

3. √3 −216 C. Undefined
4. √4 256 D. -3

5. √−16 E. –6

6. √
−27 F. +8
G. -8

Objective: Estimates the square root of a whole number to the nearest hundredth.
Plots irrational numbers (up to square roots) on a number line.***
A. Group the given radical expressions whether it is a perfect square
or not a perfect square by writing each expression below its
specific classification.
Perfect Squares Not a Perfect
Choose Here! Squares
√ 81 √4 ___√ 81_____ ___________
√ 23 √ 99 ___________ ___________
√ 57 √ 305 ___________ ___________
√ 64 √ 121 ___________ ___________
√ 290 √ 256 ___________ ___________

B. Pick the correct radical expression to make the mathematical

statement CORRECT

1. 30 < < 31 6. 18 < _____ < 19

2. 1 < _____ < 2 7. 20 < _____ < 21
3. 8 < _____ < 9 8. 11 < _____ < 12
4. 3 < _____ < 4 9. 16 < _____ < 17
5. 27 < _____ < 28 10. 5 < _____ < 6
Objective: Illustrates the different subsets of real numbers.
Rational Numbers- The set of rational numbers is the set of all numbers which
can be expressed in the form ,where, a and b are integers and b is not zero.
Irrational Numbers - The set of irrational numbers is the set of numbers whose
decimal representations are neither terminating nor repeating. These numbers
cannot be expressed as a quotient of integers.
Integers - Integers are formed by combining the negative integers (opposites of
counting numbers) and the set of whole numbers
Fractions - A fraction is a number that represents part of the whole. This is
written in the form where q≠ 0.
Whole Numbers - Whole numbers are formed by adding 0 to the set of natural
Counting or Natural Numbers - Counting or Natural numbers are numbers used
for counting.

A. Which subsets does it belong?

Set of Real −3
-12 √ 21 7
5 3.45



Objective: represents real-life situations and solves problems involving real numbers.

Solve the following problems.

1. Gina travelled 41.3km on Saturday and 53.375 km on Sunday.

How many kilometers did she travel in two days?

2. The gasoline of a car tank was 6/7 liters full. If 2.3 liters of the
fuel were consumed, what fraction of the tank capacity was the
amount of gasoline used?

3. If there are 62 boys out of 100 Grade 7 students, how do you

express this in fractional form? What is its decimal form?

4. Jomari paid Php 360 to admit himself and two of his friends into
a cinema to watch Avengers End Game. What was the cost of
each admission?

5. In a fruit basket, there are 17 pieces of fruits, 5 of which are

apples. How can you express the number of apples in fraction?

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